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Zebrafish transgenic lines are important experimental tools for lineage tracing and imaging studies. It is crucial to precisely characterize the cell lineages labeled in transgenic lines to understand their limitations and thus properly interpret the data obtained from their use; only then can we confidently select a line appropriate for our particular research objectives. Here we profiled the cell lineages labeled in the closely related neural crest transgenic lines Tg(foxd3:GFP), Tg(sox10:eGFP) and Tg(sox10:mRFP). These fish were crossed to generate embryos, in which foxd3 and sox10 transgenic neural crest labeling could be directly compared at the cellular level using live confocal imaging. We have identified key differences in the cell lineages labeled in each line during early neural crest development and demonstrated that the most anterior cranial neural crest cells initially migrating out of neural tube at the level of forebrain and anterior midbrain express sox10:eGFP and sox10:mRFP, but not foxd3:GFP. This differential profile was robustly maintained in the different-tiating progeny of the neural crest lineages until 3.5dpf. Our data will enable researchers to make an informed choice in selecting transgenic lines for future neural crest research.  相似文献   

The requirement for SOX10 and endothelin-3/EDNRB signalling pathway during enteric nervous system (ENS) and melanocyte development, as well as their alterations in Waardenburg-Hirschsprung disease (hypopigmentation, deafness and absence of enteric ganglia) are well established. Here, we analysed the genetic interactions between these genes during ENS and melanocyte development. Through phenotype analysis of Sox10;Ednrb and Sox10;Edn3 double mutants, we show that a coordinate and balanced interaction between these molecules is required for normal ENS and melanocyte development. Indeed, double mutants present with a severe increase in white spotting, absence of melanocytes within the inner ear, and in the stria vascularis in particular, and more severe ENS defects. Moreover, we show that partial loss of Ednrb in Sox10 heterozygous mice impairs colonisation of the gut by enteric crest cells at all stages observed. However, compared to single mutants, we detected no apoptosis, cell proliferation or overall neuronal or glial differentiation defects in neural crest cells within the stomach of double mutants, but apoptosis was increased in vagal neural crest cells outside of the gut. These data will contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of ENS, pigmentation and hearing defects observed in mouse mutants and patients carrying SOX10, EDN3 and EDNRB mutations.  相似文献   

Understanding how developmental systems evolve after genome amplification is important for discerning the origins of vertebrate novelties, including neural crest, placodes, cartilage and bone. Sox9 is important for the development of these features, and zebrafish has two co-orthologs of tetrapod SOX9 stemming from an ancient genome duplication event in the lineage of ray-fin fish. We have used a genotype-driven screen to isolate a mutation deleting sox9b function, and investigated its phenotype and genetic interactions with a sox9a null mutation. Analysis of mutant phenotypes strongly supports the interpretation that ancestral gene functions partitioned spatially and temporally between Sox9 co-orthologs. Distinct subsets of the craniofacial skeleton, otic placode and pectoral appendage express each gene, and are defective in each single mutant. The double mutant phenotype is additive or synergistic. Ears are somewhat reduced in each single mutant but are mostly absent in the double mutant. Loss-of-function animals from mutations and morpholino injections, and gain-of-function animals injected with sox9a and sox9b mRNAs showed that sox9 helps regulate other early crest genes, including foxd3, sox10, snai1b and crestin, as well as the cartilage gene col2a1 and the bone gene runx2a; however, tfap2a was nearly unchanged in mutants. Chondrocytes failed to stack in sox9a mutants, failed to attain proper numbers in sox9b mutants and failed in both morphogenetic processes in double mutants. Pleiotropy can cause mutations in single copy tetrapod genes, such as Sox9, to block development early and obscure later gene functions. By contrast, subfunction partitioning between zebrafish co-orthologs of tetrapod genes, such as sox9a and sox9b, can relax pleiotropy and reveal both early and late developmental gene functions.  相似文献   

Congenital diseases caused by abnormal development of the cranial neural crest usually present craniofacial malformations and heart defects while the precise mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we show that the zebrafish eif3ba mutant caused by pseudo-typed retrovirus insertion exhibited a similar phenotype due to the hypogenesis of cranial neural crest cells (NCCs). The derivatives of cranial NCCs, including the NCC-derived cell population of pharyngeal arches, craniofacial cartilage, pigment cells and the myocardium derived from cardiac NCCs, were affected in this mutant. The expression of several neural crest marker genes, including crestin, dlx2a and nrp2b, was specifically reduced in the cranial regions of the eif3ba mutant. Through fluorescence-tracing of the cranial NCC migration marker nrp2b, we observed reduced intensity of NCC-derived cells in the heart. In addition, p53 was markedly up-regulated in the eif3ba mutant embryos, which correlated with pronounced apoptosis in the cranial area as shown by TUNEL staining. These findings suggest a novel function of eif3ba during embryonic development and a novel level of regulation in the process of cranial NCC development, in addition to providing a potential animal model to mimic congenital diseases due to cranial NCC defects. Furthermore, we report the identification of a novel transgenic fish line Et(gata2a:EGFP)pku418 to trace the migration of cranial NCCs (including cardiac NCCs); this may serve as an invaluable tool for investigating the development and dynamics of cranial NCCs during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Zic genes are the vertebrate homologues of the Drosophila pair rule gene odd-paired. It has been proposed that Zic genes play several roles during neural development including mediolateral segmentation of the neural plate, neural crest induction, and inhibition of neurogenesis. Initially during mouse neural development Zic2 is expressed throughout the neural plate while later on expression in the neurectoderm becomes restricted to the lateral region of the neural plate. A hypomorphic allele of Zic2 has demonstrated that in the mouse Zic2 is required for the timing of neurulation. We have isolated a new allele of Zic2 that behaves as a loss of function allele. Analysis of this mutant reveals two further functions for Zic2 during early neural development. Mutation of Zic2 results in a delay of neural crest production and a decrease in the number of neural crest cells that are produced. These defects are independent of mediolateral segmentation of the neurectoderm and of dorsal neurectoderm proliferation, both of which occur normally in the mutant embryos. Additionally Zic2 is required during hindbrain patterning for the normal development of rhombomeres 3 and 5. This work provides the first genetic evidence that the Zic genes are involved in neural crest production and the first demonstration that Zic2 functions during hindbrain patterning.  相似文献   

Waardenburg-Shah syndrome combines the reduced enteric nervous system characteristic of Hirschsprung's disease with reduced pigment cell number, although the cell biological basis of the disease is unclear. We have analysed a zebrafish Waardenburg-Shah syndrome model. We show that the colourless gene encodes a sox10 homologue, identify sox10 lesions in mutant alleles and rescue the mutant phenotype by ectopic sox10 expression. Using iontophoretic labelling of neural crest cells, we demonstrate that colourless mutant neural crest cells form ectomesenchymal fates. By contrast, neural crest cells which in wild types form non-ectomesenchymal fates generally fail to migrate and do not overtly differentiate. These cells die by apoptosis between 35 and 45 hours post fertilisation. We provide evidence that melanophore defects in colourless mutants can be largely explained by disruption of nacre/mitf expression. We propose that all defects of affected crest derivatives are consistent with a primary role for colourless/sox10 in specification of non-ectomesenchymal crest derivatives. This suggests a novel mechanism for the aetiology of Waardenburg-Shah syndrome in which affected neural crest derivatives fail to be generated from the neural crest.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes encoding endothelin receptor-B (Ednrb) and its ligand endothelin-3 (Edn3) affect the development of two neural crest-derived cell types, melanocytes and enteric neurons. EDNRB signaling is exclusively required between E10.5 and E12.5 during the migratory phase of melanoblast and enteric neuroblast development. To determine the fate of Ednrb-expressing cells during this critical period, we generated a strain of mice with the bacterial beta-galactosidase (lacZ) gene inserted downstream of the endogenous Ednrb promoter. The expression of the lacZ gene was detected in melanoblasts and precursors of the enteric neuron system (ENS), as well as other neural crest cells and nonneural crest-derived lineages. By comparing Ednrb(lacZ)/+ and Ednrb(lacZ)/Ednrb(lacZ) embryos, we determined that the Ednrb pathway is not required for the initial specification and dispersal of melanoblasts and ENS precursors from the neural crest progenitors. Rather, the EDNRB-mediated signaling is required for the terminal migration of melanoblasts and ENS precursors, and this pathway is not required for the survival of the migratory cells.  相似文献   

Neural crest progenitor cells are the main contributors to craniofacial cartilage and connective tissue of the vertebrate head. These progenitor cells also give rise to the pigment, neuronal and glial cell lineages. To study the molecular basis of neural crest differentiation, we have cloned the gene disrupted in the mont blanc (mob(m610)) mutation, which affects all neural crest derivatives. Using a positional candidate cloning approach we identified an A to G transition within the 3' splice site of the sixth intron of the tfap2a gene that abolishes the last exon encoding the crucial protein dimerization and DNA-binding domains. Neural crest induction and specification are not hindered in mob(m610) mutant embryos, as revealed by normal expression of early neural crest specific genes such as snail2, foxd3 and sox10. In addition, the initial stages of cranial neural crest migration appear undisturbed, while at a later phase the craniofacial primordia in pharyngeal arches two to seven fail to express their typical set of genes (sox9a, wnt5a, dlx2, hoxa2/b2). In mob(m610) mutant embryos, the cell number of neuronal and glial derivatives of neural crest is greatly reduced, suggesting that tfap2a is required for their normal development. By tracing the fate of neural crest progenitors in live mont blanc (mob(m610)) embryos, we found that at 24 hpf neural crest cells migrate normally in the first pharyngeal arch while the preotic and postotic neural crest cells begin migration but fail to descend to the pharyngeal region of the head. TUNEL assay and Acridine Orange staining revealed that in the absence of tfap2a a subset of neural crest cells are unable to undergo terminal differentiation and die by apoptosis. Furthermore, surviving neural crest cells in tfap2a/mob(m610) mutant embryos proliferate normally and later differentiate to individual derivatives. Our results indicate that tfap2a is essential to turn on the normal developmental program in arches 2-7 and in trunk neural crest. Thus, tfap2a does not appear to be involved in early specification and cell proliferation of neural crest, but it is a key regulator of an early differentiation phase and is required for cell survival in neural crest derived cell lineages.  相似文献   

Zebrafish sox9b is an early neural crest marker   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The formation of the nervous system is initiated when ectodermal cells adopt the neural fate. Studies in Xenopus demonstrate that inhibition of BMP results in the formation of neural tissue. However, the molecular mechanism driving the expression of early neural genes in response to this inhibition is unknown. Moreover, controversy remains regarding the sufficiency of BMP inhibition for neural induction. To address these questions, we performed a detailed analysis of the regulation of the soxB1 gene, sox3, one of the earliest genes expressed in the neuroectoderm. Using ectodermal explant assays, we analyzed the role of BMP, Wnt and FGF signaling in the regulation of sox3 and the closely related soxB1 gene, sox2. Our results demonstrate that both sox3 and sox2 are induced in response to BMP antagonism, but by distinct mechanisms and that the activation of both genes is independent of FGF signaling. However, both require FGF for the maintenance of their expression. Finally, sox3 genomic elements were identified and characterized and an element required for BMP-mediated repression via Vent proteins was identified through the use of transgenesis and computational analysis. Interestingly, none of the elements required for sox3 expression were identified in the sox2 locus. Together our data indicate that two closely related genes have unique mechanisms of gene regulation at the onset of neural development.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a unique cell population induced at the lateral border of the neural plate. Neural crest is not produced at the anterior border of the neural plate, which is fated to become forebrain. Here, the roles of BMPs, FGFs, Wnts, and retinoic acid signaling in neural crest induction were analyzed by using an assay developed for investigating the posteriorization of the neural plate. Using specific markers for the anterior neural plate border and the neural crest, the posterior end of early neurula embryos was shown to be able to transform the anterior neural plate border into neural crest cells. In addition, tissue expressing anterior neural plate markers, induced by an intermediate level of BMP activity, was transformed into neural crest by posteriorizing signals. This transformation was mimicked by bFGF, Wnt-8, or retinoic acid treatment and was also inhibited by expression of the dominant negative forms of the FGF receptor, the retinoic acid receptor, and Wnt signaling molecules. The transformation of the anterior neural plate border into neural crest cells was also achieved in whole embryos, by retinoic acid treatment or by use of a constitutively active form of the retinoic acid receptor. By analyzing the expression of mesodermal markers and various graft experiments, the expression of the mutant retinoic acid receptor was shown to directly affect the ectoderm. We thereby propose a two-step model for neural crest induction. Initially, BMP levels intermediate to those required for neural plate and epidermal specification induce neural folds with an anterior character along the entire neural plate border. Subsequently, the most posterior region of this anterior neural plate border is transformed into the neural crest by the posteriorizing activity of FGFs, Wnts, and retinoic acid signals. We discuss a unifying model where lateralizing and posteriorizing signals are presented as two stages of the same inductive process required for neural crest induction.  相似文献   

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