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The histidine-containing protein (HPr) plays an important role in the phosphotransferase system (PTS). The deformations induced on the protein structure at high hydrostatic pressure values (4, 50, 100, 150, and 200 MPa) were previously (H. Kalbitzer, A. G?rler, H. Li, P. Dubovskii, A. Hengstenberg, C. Kowolik, H. Yamada, and K. Akasaka, Protein Science 2000, Vol. 9, pp. 693-703) analyzed by NMR experiments: the nonlinear variations of the amide chemical shifts at high pressure values were supposed to arise from induced shifts in the protein conformational equilibrium. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are here performed, to analyze the protein internal mobility at 0.1 MPa, and to relate the nonlinear variations of chemical shifts observed at high pressure, to variations in conformational equilibrium. The global features of the protein structure are only slightly modified along the pressure. Nevertheless, the values of the Voronoi residues volumes show that the residues of alpha-helices are more compressed that those belonging to the beta-sheet. The alpha-helices are also displaying the largest internal mobility and deformation in the simulations. The nonlinearity of the 1H chemical shifts, computed from the MD simulation snapshots, is in qualitative agreement with the nonlinearity of the experimentally observed chemical shifts.  相似文献   

H(2)O is one of the most essential molecules for cellular life. Cell volume, osmolality and hydrostatic pressure are tightly controlled by multiple signaling cascades and they drive crucial cellular functions ranging from exocytosis and growth to apoptosis. Ion fluxes and cell shape restructuring induce asymmetries in osmotic potential across the plasma membrane and lead to localized hydrodynamic flow. Cells have evolved fascinating strategies to harness the potential of hydrodynamic flow to perform crucial functions. Plants exploit hydrodynamics to drive processes including gas exchange, leaf positioning, nutrient acquisition and growth. This paradigm is extended by recent work that reveals an important role for hydrodynamics in pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

The stabilities of subtilisin and lysozyme under hydrostatic pressures up to 200 MPa were investigated for up to 7 days at 25 degrees C. Methods were chosen to assess changes in tertiary and secondary protein structure as well as aggregation state. Tertiary structure was monitored in situ with second derivative UV spectroscopy and after pressure treatment by dynamic light scattering and second derivative UV spectroscopy. Secondary structure and potential secondary structural changes were characterized by second derivative FTIR spectroscopy. Changes in aggregation state were assessed using dynamic light scattering. Additionally, protein concentration balances were carried out to detect any loss of protein as a function of pressure. For the conditions tested, neither protein shows measurable changes in tertiary or secondary structure or signs of aggregation. Lysozyme concentration balances show no dependence on pressure. Subtilisin concentration balances at high protein concentration (4 mg/mL and higher) do not show pressure dependence. However, the concentration balances carried out at 0.4 mg/mL show a clear sign of pressure dependence. These results may be explained by protein interaction with the vial surface and appear to be rate limited by the equilibrium between active and inactive protein on the surface. Pressure increases protein loss, and the estimated partial molar volume change between the two states is estimated to be -20 +/- 10 mL/mol.  相似文献   

Human butyrylcholinesterase is a nonspecific enzyme of clinical, pharmacological and toxicological significance. Although the enzyme is relatively stable, its activity is affected by numerous factors, including pressure. In this work, hydrostatic pressure dependence of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence in native and salted human butyrylcholinesterase was studied up to the maximum pressure at ambient temperature of about 1200 MPa. A correlated large shift toward long wavelengths and broadening observed at pressures between 200 and 700 MPa was interpreted as due to high pressure-induced denaturation of the protein, leading to an enhanced exposure of tryptophan residues into polar solvent environment. This transient process in native butyrylcholinesterase presumably involves conformational changes of the enzyme at both tertiary and secondary structure levels. Pressure-induced mixing of emitting local indole electronic transitions with quenching charge transfer states likely describes the accompanying fluorescence quenching that reveals different course from spectral changes. All the pressure-induced changes turned irreversible after passing a mid-point pressure of about 400 ± 50 MPa. Addition of either 0.1 M ammonium sulphate (a kosmotropic salt) or 0.1 M lithium thiocyanate (a chaotropic salt) to native enzyme similarly destabilized its structure.  相似文献   

The internal mechanics of the intervertebral disc under cyclic loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanics of the intervertebral disc (IVD) under cyclic loading are investigated via a one-dimensional poroelastic model and experiment. The poroelastic model, based on that of Biot (J. Appl. Phys. 12 (1941) 155; J. Appl. Mech. 23 (1956) 91), includes a power-law relation between porosity and permeability, and a linear relation between the osmotic potential and solidity. The model was fitted to experimental data of the unconfined IVD undergoing 5 cyclic loads of 20 min compression by an applied stress of 1MPa, followed by 40 min expansion. To obtain a good agreement between experiment and theory, the initial elastic deformation of the IVD, possibly associated with the bulging of the IVD into the vertebral bodies or laterally, was removed from the experimental data. Many combinations of the permeability-porosity relationship with the initial osmotic potential (pi(i)) were investigated, and the best-fit parameters for the aggregate modulus (H(A)) and initial permeability (k(i)) were determined. The values of H(A) and k(i) were compared to literature values, and agreed well especially in the context of the adopted high-stress testing regime, and the strain related permeability in the model.  相似文献   

The activity of the BK channel of bovine chromaffin cells was studied at high hydrostatic pressure, using inside-out patches in symmetrical KCl solution, Ca2+-free and at V(H) = -60 to -40 mV. Pressure increased the probability of channels being open (900 atm increasing the probability 30-fold), and it increased the minimum number of channels apparent in the patches. The pressure activation of the channel was reversed on decompression. Channel conductance was unaffected. It was shown that pressure did not act by raising the temperature, or by affecting [Ca] or pH, or the order of the membrane bilayer, and it was concluded that pressure most likely acted directly on the channel proteins and/or their modulating reactions.  相似文献   

Since articular cartilage is subjected to varying loads in vivo and undergoes cyclic hydrostatic pressure during periods of loading, it is hypothesized that mimicking these in vivo conditions can enhance synthesis of important matrix components during cultivation in vitro. Thus, the influence of intermittent loading during redifferentiation of chondrocytes in alginate beads, and during cartilage formation was investigated. A statistically significant increased synthesis of glycosaminoglycan and collagen type II during redifferentiation of chondrocytes embedded in alginate beads, as well as an increase in glycosaminoglycan content of tissue-engineered cartilage, was found compared to control without load. Immunohistological staining indicated qualitatively a high expression of collagen type II for both cases.  相似文献   

The following question has been addressed in the present work. How external high (up to 8 kbar) hydrostatic pressure acts on photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer and on exciton relaxation processes? Unlike phenomena, as they are, have been studied in different systems: electron transfer in an artificial Zn-porphyrin-pyromellitimide (ZnP-PM) supramolecular electron donor-acceptor complex dissolved in toluene measured at room temperature; exciton relaxation in a natural photosynthetic antenna protein called FMO protein measured at low temperatures, between 4 and 100 K. Spectrally selective picosecond time-resolved emission technique has been used to detect pressure-induced changes in the systems. The following conclusions have been drawn from the electron transfer study: (i) External pressure may serve as a potential and sensitive tool not only to study, but also to control and tune elementary chemical reactions in solvents; (ii) Depending on the system parameters, pressure can both accelerate and inhibit electron transfer reactions; (iii) If competing pathways of the reaction are available, pressure can probably change the branching ratio between the pathways; (iv) The classical nonadiabatic electron transfer theory describes well the phenomena in the ZnP-PM complex, assuming that the driving force or/and reorganisation energy depend linearly on pressure; (v) A decrease in the ZnP-PM donor-acceptor distance under pressure exerts a minor effect on the electron transfer rate. The effect of pressure on the FMO protein exciton relaxation dynamics at low temperatures has been found marginal. This may probably be explained by a unique structure of the protein [D.E. Trondrud, M.F. Schmid, B.W. Matthews, J. Mol. Biol. 188 (1986) p. 443; Y.-F. Li, W. Zhou, E. Blankenship, J.P. Allen, J. Mol. Biol., submitted]. A barrel made of low compressibility beta-sheets may, like a diving bell, effectively screen internal bacteriochlorophyll a molecules from external influence of high pressure. The origin of the observed slow pico = and subnanosecond dynamics of the excitons at the exciton band bottom remains open. The phenomenon may be due to weak coupling of phonons to the exciton states or/and to low density of the relevant low-frequency ( approximately 50 cm(-1)) phonons. Exciton solvation in the surrounding protein and water-glycerol matrix may also contribute to this effect. Drastic changes of spectral, kinetic and dynamic properties have been observed due to protein denaturation, if the protein was compressed at room temperature and then cooled down, as compared to the samples, first cooled and then pressurised.  相似文献   

The mechanical effects of the compression of a yeast cell (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) under high hydrostatic pressure used for the processing of food and food ingredients are modelled and simulated with the finite-element method. The cell model consists of a cell wall, cytoplasm a lipid filled vacuole and the nucleus. Material parameters have been taken from literature or have been derived from thermodynamic relationships of water and lipids under high hydrostatic pressure. The model has been validated for a pressure load up to 250 MPa. Comparison of the volume reduction to in situ experimental observations reveals very good agreement. Dimensional analysis of the governing equations shows that transient pressure application in a high-pressure food process does not enhance structural inactivation (mechanical damage), unless pressure oscillation frequencies of 700 MHz are applied. The deformation of the cell under pressure deviates strongly from isotropic volume reduction. Especially, organelle membranes exhibit large effective strain values. Hydrostatic stress conditions are preserved in the interior part of the cell. A pressure load of 400 MPa, which is critical upon disruption of cell organelle membranes, generates an effective strain up to 80%. In the cell wall, the stress state is heterogeneous. Von-Mises stress reaches the critical value upon failure of the cell wall of 70+/-4 MPa at a pressure load between 415 and 460 MPa.  相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure induced cold inactivation of carboxypeptidase Y. Carboxypeptidase Y was fully active when exposed to subzero temperature at 0.1 MPa; however, the enzyme became inactive when high hydrostatic pressure and subzero temperature were both applied. When the enzyme was treated at pressures higher than 300 MPa and temperatures lower than -5 degrees C, it underwent an irreversible inactivation in which nearly 50% of the alpha-helical structure was lost as judged by circular dichroism spectral analysis. When the applied pressure was limited to below 200 MPa, the cold inactivation process appeared to be reversible. In the presence of reducing agent, this reversible phenomenon, observed at below 200 MPa, diminished to give an inactive enzyme; the agent reduces some of disulfide bridge(s) in an area of the structure that is newly exposed area because of the cold inactivation. Such an area is unavailable if carboxypeptidase Y is in its native conformation. Because all the disulfide bridges in carboxypeptidase Y locate near the active site cleft, it is suggested that the structural destruction, if any, occurs preferentially in this disulfide rich area. A possible mechanism of pressure-dependent cold inactivation of CPY is to destroy the alpha-helix rich region, which creates an hydrophobic environment. This destruction is probably a result of the reallocation of water molecules. Experiments carried out in the presence of denaturing agents (SDS, urea, GdnHCl), salts, glycerol, and sucrose led to a conclusion consistent with the idea of water reallocation.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of an isometric plant virus, Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus (TYMV), has been investigated at low and high hydrostatic pressure, using small angle neutron scattering. Contrast variation allowed us to separately observe the structural changes of the protein capsid and the RNA core. The experiments were performed in 0.05M Tris buffer at pD = 8.0 and in 0.05M bis-Tris buffer at pD = 6.0 containing different H2O/D2O mixtures (40% and 70% D2O). It was found that hydrostatic pressure enhances the stability of TYMV. The thermally induced uncoating of RNA as well as structural transitions of the protein capsid are shifted to higher temperature upon increasing the pressure from 5 × 106 Pa to 2 × 108 Pa.  相似文献   

The structural damage to and leakage of internal substances from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0–39 cells induced by hydrostatic pressure were investigated. By scanning electron microscopy, yeast cells treated at room temperature with pressuresbellw 400 MPa for 10 min showed a slight alteration in outer shape. Transmission electron microscopy, however, showed that the inner structure of the cell began to be affected, especially the nuclear membrane, when treated with hydrostatic pressure around 100 MPa at room temperature for 10 min; at more than 400–600 MPa, further alterations appeared in the mitochondria and cytoplasm. Furthermore, when high pressure treatment was carried out at — 20° C, the inner structure of the cells was severely damaged even at 200 MPa, and almost all of the nuclear membrane disappeared, although the fluorescent nucleus in the cytoplasm was visible by 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. The structural damage of pressure-treated cells was accompanied by the leakage of internal substances. The efflux of UV-absorbing substances including amino acid pools, peptides, and metal ions increased with increase in pressure up to 600 MPa. In particular, amounts of individual metal ion release varied with the magnitude of hydrostatic pressures over 300 MPa, which suggests that the ions can be removed from the yeast cells separately by hydrostatic pressure treatment. Correspondence to: S. Shimada  相似文献   

A system was developed, using early passage porcine aortic endothelial cells cultured on a microporous substratum mounted in a two-compartment chamber. It allows the application of a transendothelial pressure gradient and quantitative measurement of the resulting flow rate of fluid. Initial application of a hydrostatic pressure gradient of 20 mmHg resulted in a continuous decrease in the flow rate which reached a steady state after a period of 1-3 h. Further variations in the pressure resulted in pressure-dependent increase or decrease in the flow rate. The physiological relevance of this response is supported by the fact that decrease in permeability occurred only in the presence of Ca2+ ions. Removal of Ca2+ from a monolayer by EGTA led to an immediate increase in the flow rate, whereas readdition of Ca2+ in concentrations between 0.5 and 20 mM was observed to cause a concentration-dependent decrease in flow rate. Initial application of pressure with Ca2+-free medium failed to produce permeability changes of the cultured endothelium. These findings indicate that the permeability of a cultured endothelium to water and solutes is pressure- and Ca2+-dependent.  相似文献   

A sampling technique for bacterial cultures subjected to high hydrostatic pressure is described. A sample-receiving vessel with a motor driven interface-piston is employed. By precisely matching the pressures in the bulk culture and the sample-receiving vessel, none of the sample is subjected to the high shear forces common to other desings of high pressure sampler. The use of the technique was illustrated by the growth of an anaerobic culture at 300 bar and 75°C.  相似文献   

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