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本文报道了毛竹害螨-南京裂爪螨Schizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma&Yuan和竹缺爪螨Aponychus corpuzae Rimando的重要天敌竹盲走螨Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara的研究:在22~30℃室温下以南京裂爪螨为食料,卵期1.7天,幼螨期1.7天,Ⅰ若螨期0.8天,Ⅱ若螨期0.8天,产卵前期3.2天.林间雌:雄为2.78:1,总产卵量35~40粒.毛竹换叶、降雨量是影响林间竹盲走螨种群动态的主要因素.猎物的质量、数量是影响竹盲走螨存活的重要因素.最后对竹盲走螨的作用进行了评价.  相似文献   

柑橘全爪螨种群空间格局的地学统计学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用地学统计学方法分析了柑橘园主要害螨柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri(McGregor)种群的空间格局及其动态。结果表明,柑橘全爪螨种群具有空间相关性,变程介于1.10~21.0m,其半变异函数主要符合高斯模型,表现为聚集分布,其中3月、8月和9月的聚集强度较大;种群空间格局动态显示,4月、10月为该种群的两个发生高峰期,柑橘全爪螨种群数量快速上升扩散。地学统计学方法能够应用于柑橘全爪螨种群的空间格局分析,并有助于对该害螨进行发生预测与控制处理。  相似文献   

本文报道胡瓜钝绥螨Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans在25℃条件下以毛竹4种害螨南京裂爪螨chizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma&Yuan、竹裂爪螨S.bambusae Reck、竹缺爪螨Aponychus corpuzae Rimando、竹刺瘿螨Aculus bambusae Kuang为猎物的实验种群生命表,并进行比较结果表明:①胡瓜钝绥螨能取食上述4种害螨,其世代存活率依次为90.4%、77.55%、87.93%、81.63%;②每雌总产卵量依次为38.12粒、45.77粒、35.59粒、30.76;③胡瓜钝绥螨以南京裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0=16.74低于南京裂爪螨(R0=20.84),但是内禀增长率rm=0.154是猎物的1.73倍(rm=0.089),世代周期T=18.31和种群倍增时间t=4.5088均低于南京裂爪螨(T=33.35,t=7.704),因此在林间当南京裂爪螨离巢、破巢或大量迁移时能有效地控制其种群增长;④胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0=25.81,内禀增长率rm=0.152,周限增长率λ=1.164均低于竹裂爪螨(R0=39.28、rm=0.192、λ=1.212),而世代周期T=21.35种群倍增时间t=4.552均高于竹裂爪螨(T=19.08,t=3.603)因此必须在竹裂爪螨处于低密度时释放胡瓜犯绥螨才能有效地控制其种群密度的增长;⑤胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物时,其净殖率R0=20.80,内禀增长率rm=0.175,周限增长率λ=1.191均略低于竹裂爪螨(R0=21.54、rm=0.185、λ=1.202),而世代周期T=17.30种群倍增时间t=3.958均略高于竹裂爪螨(T=16.62,t=3.753)因此必须在竹裂爪螨处于低密度时释放胡瓜钝绥螨才能有效地控制其种群密度的增长;⑥胡瓜钝绥螨以竹刺瘿螨为猎物时其净增殖率R0=16.82与取食南京裂爪螨相近,但内禀增长率rm=0.144,周限增长率λ=1.155均低于取食上述三种叶螨,但产卵量高于其乡土天敌竹盲走螨(Tylodromus bambusae),林间在竹刺瘿螨低密度时仍能控制竹刺瘿螨的种群密度.模拟试验表明当毛竹长至1米高时释放胡瓜钝绥螨16小时后,能在12米高的竹冠上发现大量的胡瓜钝绥螨.研究结果表明胡瓜钝绥螨能有效地控制毛竹害的危害.  相似文献   

根据笔竹生长特性,用1年生竹、2年生竹、3年生竹和4年生竹的离体叶片作为食料,研究食用对竹爪螨(Schizoterranchus bambusae Peck)生长发育及繁殖的影响。试验结果表明,该螨各螨态的发育历期在4种食料组间存在显著差异或极显著差异,其中幼螨至成螨历期(雌螨)分别为5.00、5.10、6.31和5.03d;取食3年生竹叶片时,幼螨-成螨的存活率、单雌平均产卵量显著小于其余3组,分别为70.81%和14.71粒/雌。试验进一步研究了不同受害程度的毛竹叶片对竹裂爪生长发育及繁裂的影响,结果表明该螨各螨态的发育历期、雌成螨的寿命及敏殖力都因叶片的受害和蔼不同而存在显著差异或极显著差异,这表明了该螨种群在发展过程中,因对叶片的取食危害,通过对自身营养条件的恶化而存在着较强的负反馈作用。  相似文献   

竹盲走螨对竹裂爪螨的捕食功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室模拟条件下,系统研究了竹盲走螨对竹裂爪螨的控制作用.结果表明,在25±0.5 ℃条件下,竹盲走螨对竹裂爪螨各螨态的功能反应均属HollingⅡ型.在同一温度条件下,雌竹盲走螨成螨对竹裂爪螨各螨态的处置时间依次为卵<幼螨<前若螨<后若螨<雌成螨.竹裂爪螨卵、幼螨、若螨、雌成螨共存时,竹盲走螨嗜食卵、幼螨和前若螨(Q>1),但其对卵与幼螨及幼螨与前若螨无偏嗜现象.当竹裂爪螨密度低于9头时,竹盲走螨的产卵量随密度增加而增加;9~15头时,其日平均产卵量保持在每雌2粒左右;超过15头以后,产卵量反而下降,说明猎物密度过高对捕食者生存、繁殖存在干扰作用.  相似文献   

玉米田截形叶螨种群动态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1999~2001年于内蒙古巴彦卓尔盟杭锦后旗研究了玉米田截形叶螨田间种群动态。结果表明.截形叶螨在玉米田的空间格局为聚集格局,随着叶螨种群密度的上升,其聚集强度下降应用最优分割法将玉米截形叶螨田间种群动态划分为5个阶段:①7月上旬前为种群初建期,叶螨在玉米田刚开始发生,种群数量很低,只分布在极少数植株上;②7月中旬为种群缓慢增长期,种群数量低,增长缓慢,聚集强度高;③从7月下旬至8月中旬为种群快速增长期,种群数量高,增长迅速,叶螨分布至全田,聚集强度下降;④8月下旬为种群高峰期,种群数量最高,聚集强度较低;⑤9月以后为玉米截形叶螨种群的衰落期,由于玉米受害严重及玉米进入生长后期,中下部叶片大部分均已枯死,上部叶片也已老化营养水平下降,加之气温下降,叶螨种群数量迅速下降。  相似文献   

竹缺爪螨生态学初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本报道严重危害毛竹生长和害螨--竹缺爪螨在不同温度下生长,发育历期以及在竹林间种群动态。结果表明:在20-35℃范围内随着温度升高其发育历期缩短,温度与发育历期呈直线回归关系:Y全代=651573-1.6250X(=-0.98);光照是影响竹缺爪螨的卵,幼螨存活及成螨产卵量的重要因素。在竹林间,毛竹换叶,降雨量,天敌数量是影响竹缺爪螨种群消长的和重要因素,最后提出综合防治的措施。  相似文献   

对危害毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)和慈竹(Neosinocalamus affinis)的竹裂爪螨(Schizotetranychus bambusae)两个种群进行相互间的食性选择和生殖隔离试验.结果表明,由于两种竹子叶片在物理结构上差异较大。尤其是慈竹叶片背面具有成排细茸毛,导致竹裂爪螨毛竹种群不能在慈竹叶上完成世代发育;竹裂爪螨慈竹种群能取食,危害毛竹叶片,但由于寄主转换后,对其生长发育不利,导致存活率低,繁殖力弱.两种群取食各自嗜食的寄主植物时,基本生物学特性存在差异,27℃条件下,当毛竹种群以毛竹为食时,种群的内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)、净增殖率(Ro)分别为0.1415、1.1520和15.6298;慈竹种群以慈竹为食时,rm、λ、Ro分别为0.0993、1.1044、10.0622;慈竹种群取食毛竹叶片时,rm、λ、Ro分别为0.0391、1.0399和2.5542.生殖隔离试验表明,两种群间能互相正常交配,且互相交配的时间与两种群自交时的交配时间(1次)差异不明显.同一种群交配产生的后代,其性比均在2:1左右,而不同种群杂交产生的后代全部为雄性(竹裂爪螨为孤雌产雄),这表明两种群在长期的寄主植物选择压力下已形成一定的生殖隔现象.  相似文献   

宁夏山楂叶螨生物学和发生规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵力群  顾才东 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):218-220
山楂叶螨在宁夏1年发生4~6代,4月中旬9~10℃时出蛰,苹果初花期为盛。5月中旬在内膛危害,5月下旬后扩散树冠外。6月上中旬和7月中旬为发生高峰期。降水对其消长影响明显。温度在20~30℃有利山楂叶螨生长发育。  相似文献   

苹果园二斑叶螨种群的空间格局   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
种群空间格局的研究是昆虫生态学的重要内容,它不仅揭示出种群的空间结构特征,而且还是确定抽样技术和资料代换的基础,二斑叶螨是苹果园的重要害螨,应用4种聚集度指标和Iwao法分别考查了该螨在苹果树内的空间格局及动态规律,结果表明,二斑叶螨在树内不同方向和高度上均以个体群的形式存在,个体群的分布为聚集分布,其中上层和南面树冠的聚集度最高,而下层和内部树冠的聚集度最低,造成这种差异与该螨的生物学特性和环境条件的异质性有关,不论螨体在上层,中层或下层树冠,都明显地表现出前期高聚块,6月中旬以后聚集强度逐渐降低的趋势。  相似文献   

混交林和纯竹林与毛竹害螨爆发成灾关系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
报道在福建省6个不同生态区域内检查10对纯竹林与混交林受南京裂爪螨(Schizotetranychus nanjingensis)、竹缺爪螨(Aponychus corpuzae)、竹刺瘿螨(Aculus bambusae)对毛竹危害情况.结果表明,纯竹林受螨害重,危害指数达22.1%~44.7%,平均35%.混交林受害轻,危害指数为2.7%~28.6%,平均17.5%,混交林与纯竹林之间受害程度经t-测验表明均达到极显著差异.6个样地中纯竹林害螨总量高于其相对的混交林。分别达67.74%、152.47%、299.5%、857.75%、331.67%、26.55%。平均为289.28%;调查混交林天敌竹盲走螨(Typhlodromus bambusae)总量分别比相对纯竹林高95.45%、-18.13%、207.69%、837.5%、190.3%,平均262.5%.纯竹林中益、害螨比例分别达1:27、1:21、1:233、1:282、1:27,平均1:118,而其相对的混交林益、害螨比例为1:12、1:12、1:30、1:3、1:3、1:20,平均1:13.由此可见,纯竹林受螨害程度、害螨总量平均是混交林的2倍,而天敌数量少于相对混交林的2~3倍,益、害螨比例显著低于混交林(t=2.975,P=0.003).本项研究揭示了由于受人为干扰(集约化管理、劈草、垦复)破坏了毛竹林原有的益螨-害螨-寄主植物之间相对稳定的平衡。导致毛竹害螨种群突发性增长,证明了纯竹林是诱发毛竹害螨爆发成灾成因的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of two tetranychid pest species, Aponychus corpuzae and Schizotetranychus nanjingensis, and one phytoseiid, Typhlodromus bambusae, was studied in several monocultural bamboo forests in Fujian Province, China. The aim of the study was to assess how the ambulatory immigration of tetranychid and phytoseiid mites from the ground to new leaves is affected by a sticky barrier around the stem, by the age of bamboo shoots or by shoot density. The results show that while the sticky barrier is particularly effective at disrupting the ambulatory immigration from the ground to new leaves of S. nanjinigensis to 1-year-old shoots and of A. corpuzae to 3-year-old shoots, it has no significant effect on the immigration of the phytoseiid mite.  相似文献   

The fitness benefits of plant structural adaptations that increase the effectiveness of fungivores against leaf pathogenic fungi are poorly understood. In a 12‐month field experiment, we investigated the effect of domatia on mite density, the role of these mites in limiting leaf fungi, and the associated effects on plant fitness in the endemic New Zealand shrub, Coprosma lucida. The presence of domatia on mite density was controlled using combinations of domatia blocking, sham blocking, mite addition and mite control using miticide. Limiting access to domatia reduced mite density and increased the proportion of leaves without mites. Mite families represented were predominantly fungivorous/detritivorous (97.2%), and predaceous (2.6%); herbivorous mites were absent. Mites significantly reduced fungal hyphae, fungal spores and pollen, but the effect was surface‐(upper/lower) and density‐dependent with the greatest reduction in fungi occurring over low mite densities. Fungal hyphae reduced leaf longevity, but were associated with increased production of new leaves. Hyphae density on old leaves was negatively correlated with the number of domatia produced on new leaves. New leaves in the mite reduction treatment had slightly reduced levels of carbon but not nitrogen. High levels of fungal infection on the lower surface increased the number of fruit fascicles per shoot, however on the upper surface where fungi were reduced by mites, hyphae density was negatively related to reproduction. The data support a limited interpretation of a fitness benefit for plants with domatia. While domatia increased mite density, control of fungi by mites occurred at lower average densities than supported by plants without functioning domatia. We suggest the primary function of leaf domatia in this mutualism is to increase the probability of a leaf‐level beneficial mite presence rather than to maximise mite density. Many mites are not necessarily better than few mites, but some mites are better than none.  相似文献   

The persea mite, Oligonychus perseae Tuttle, Baker & Abbatiello (Acari: Tetranychidae), a pest of avocado, was first discovered in Israel in the autumn of 2001. It has since spread to most avocado growing areas in Israel. To establish an economic injury level (EIL), based on the percentage of leaf area damaged (PLAD), we conducted an extensive field study. For three consecutive seasons we created distinct pest infestation levels on the Hass avocado cv., by applying acaricides (spirodiclofen and abamectin) at 50, 100, and 250 mites per leaf levels, along with non‐sprayed controls in a replicated block design. At harvest time we evaluated the level of leaf damage and fruit yields across treatments. In two out of the 3 years, trees sprayed at 50 and 100 mites per leaf levels had similar PLAD values, differing from trees treated at the 250 mites per leaf level and the non‐treated control, the latter pair also being similar. Over the 3 years, mean yield attained at the two higher infestation levels was reduced by 20% in comparison to the mean yields recorded for plots sprayed at the lower thresholds. Accordingly, we suggest that scouts adopt an action threshold (AT) of 50–100 mites per leaf. Future research is needed to refine this AT. Mean annual cumulative mite days (CMDs) of the two higher levels was ca. 13500 ± 700 per leaf. Using the linear regression equation PLAD = 0.0009CMDs + 2.42, describing leaf damage as a function of CMDs, we estimated an EIL of ca. 15 PLAD.  相似文献   

Northern fowl mites were monitored on a caged-layer operation in southern California for 22 mo. Three experienced observers underestimated actual numbers of mites in the vent region approximately 80% of the time. Errors were higher for heavy infestations. Observer estimates were highly correlated with each other (r > 0.89, P < 0.01) and with mite numbers estimated by vent feather removal (r > 0.82, P < 0.01). Mites on hens varied between houses and over time. Molting consistently reduced mite numbers, but did not eliminate then in a flock. Long-term monitoring of individual sentinel hens demonstrated that some hens would support high numbers of mites for several months or more. Use of a new sequential hen sampling plan required approximately 1 min per hen, if mite numbers were estimated. At this site, treatment decisions often could be reached in < 20 min per house. Mite scores (index of estimated mites per hen) were well correlated with percentage of hens infested in both test houses. In a chronically infested house, prevalence of mites on eggs averaged 8.5%, with a range of 0-55%. Applications of tetrachlorvinphos-dichlorvos by the producer appeared to be based on mites on > about 20% of eggs. The chemical was marginal for controlling mites on hens (25% reduction in percentage of hens infested), but effectively reduced mites on eggs (95% fewer mites on eggs at 1 wk and 90% at 2 wk). When data were grouped by mite index score on hens, there was a strong relationship (r2 = 0.83, P < 0.01) between mite prevalence on eggs and the scores of the hens which laid them. Sampling 100 eggs evenly spaced in a house required < 7 min, and adult mites were easily seen. Sampling mites on eggs appears to be useful to localize at least high-level infestations, and egg-based sampling for mites merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The parasitic mite Riccardoella limacum sucks blood in the lung of its host, the land snail Arianta arbustorum . The infection of various host populations was examined in Switzerland. In a lowland snail population, prevalence of infection did not vary among seasons. However, intensity of mite infection in dissected individuals of A. arbustorum was high in autumn, but low in winter and spring when ≤100 mite eggs were found attached to the lung epithelium. A novel, non-invasive parasite screening method was used to estimate the number of mites on living host snails. An analysis of repeatability revealed that 92.9% of the snails were correctly classified as infected or non-infected with this non-invasive method. Prevalence of mite infection was examined in 997 adults of A. arbustorum from 11 natural populations distributed over an altitudinal gradient ranging 335–2360 m. No infected snails were found in 7 populations, while in the remaining 4 populations the prevalence of mite infection ranged 45.8–77.8%. Intensity of infection also differed among the 4 host populations. No geographic pattern in prevalence of infection was found. However, parasitic mites did not occur in snail populations situated at elevations of 1290 m or higher. A possible explanation for this finding could be that the host's hibernation period may be too long at high elevations for mites and their eggs to survive. At low elevations, other factors may affect the presence of R. limacum in the lung of A. arbustorum .  相似文献   

The predacious mite,Euseius addoensis addoensis (McMurtry) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), significantly (P<0.05) reduced scarring on Palmer Navel oranges,Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, caused by the citrus thrips,Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). A chemical exclusion method employing dicofol was used to determine the effect of the predator and numbers ofS. aurantii were monitored on sticky yellow traps. At two sites where numbers of citrus thrips and predacious mites were high, the percentage fruit culled from export quality due to damage byS. aurantii was reduced from 25.5 to 15.5% and from 32.7 to 18.7% by predacious mite activity.Euseius a. addoensis sometimes prevented damage from exceeding 1% cull and was most effective when mean numbers exceeded one mite per inside leaf at petal fall. The best correlation between numbers of mites and the percentage fruit culled at harvest was –0.96 at the location with the highest number of citrus thrips. Tartar emetic (0.398% a.i.) plus sugar (0.4% a.i.) treatments for citrus thrips were slightly detrimental toE. a. addoensis populations but their numbers soon recovered. An alternative treatment, methiocarb 0.016% a.i. plus sugar (0.4% a.i.), almost eliminated the predacious mites and resulted in more citrus thrips damage (10.7% cull) than in the adjacent untreated control (0.2% cull) which contained predacious mites.  相似文献   

The effects of plant age and infestation level of twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), on visible plant damage, and the effect of plant age on spider mite population growth on impatiens, Impatiens wallerana Hook.f. (Ericales: Balsaminaceae), were determined by inoculating impatiens plants of three different ages with two densities of spider mites. Each plant was inoculated with either one adult female mite per three leaves or six leaves based on the average number of leaves on plants of each of the three age classes. Subsequently, leaf damage was correlated with mite-days (cumulative spider mite density) per leaf. The results showed that older aged plants exhibited greater damage than younger plants. Regression models of damage thresholds for each plant age suggest that monitoring for spider mites must be done periodically throughout the entire plant production cycle, but that more attention should be given toward the end of the cycle. Measurements of visible leaf damage were correlated with plant marketability. Specifically, the level of damage (proportion of damaged leaves per plant) at which plant marketability changes from a "premium" to a "discounted" category was 0.04-0.06. Thus, regression equations of the damage threshold could be used to estimate a cumulative spider mite density or mite-days equivalent to the economic threshold. Based on these equations, 5% leaf damage corresponds to 2.1, 1.51, and 1.25 mite-days for youngest, intermediate, and oldest plants, respectively. Because the damage threshold on impatiens was shown to be very low, the action threshold for biological control is essentially zero, and predators would need to be released as soon as damage is observed.  相似文献   

Plant morphology may be shaped, in part, by the third trophic level. Leaf domatia, minute enclosures usually in vein axils on the leaf underside, may provide the basis for protective mutualism between plants and mites. Domatia are particularly frequent among species of trees, shrubs, and vines in the temperate broadleaf deciduous forests in north Asia where they may be important in determining the distribution and abundance of mites in the forest canopy. In lowland and montane broadleaf deciduous forests at Kwangn;akung and Chumbongsan in Korea, we found that approximately half of all woody species in all forest strata, including many dominant trees, have leaf domatia. Pooling across 24 plant species at the two sites, mites occupied a mode of 60% (range 20-100%) of domatia and used them for shelter, egg-laying, and development. On average, 70% of all active mites and 85% of mite eggs on leaves were found in domatia; over three-quarters of these were potentially beneficial to their hosts. Further, mite abundance and reproduction (expressed as the proportion of mites at the egg stage) were significantly greater on leaves of species with domatia than those without domatia in both forests. Effects of domatia on mite abundance were significant only for predaceous and fungivorous mite taxa; herbivore numbers did not differ significantly between leaves of species with and without domatia. Comparable patterns in broadleaf deciduous forest in North America and other biogeographic regions suggest that the effect of leaf domatia on foliar mite abundance is general. These results are consistent with several predictions of mutualism between plants and mites, and indicate that protective mutualisms may be frequent in the temperate zone.  相似文献   

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