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Human pro-urokinase expressed in the mammary glands of transgenic animals is quickly activated and converted to urokinase by proteases that are present in the milk. Thus, it is nearly impossible to isolate full-sized pro-urokinase from the milk of transgenic animals. To solve this problem, we constructed transgenic mice that express human pro-urokinase and modified ecotin, which is a potent serine protease inhibitor from E. coli, in their mammary glands. The gene encoding ecotin was modified so as to enhance its specificity for the human urokinase-type plasminogen activator. Co-expression of modified ecotin and human pro-urokinase in the mammary glands allows for purification of full-length human pro-urokinase from these transgenic mice. The results described here suggest a general way of preventing the activation of zymogens that are expressed in the mammary glands of transgenic animals by co-expression of a zymogen along with a protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at establishing a new platform for real-time monitoring of milk-protein gene expression in the mammary glands. A transgenic reporter composed of the beta-lactoglobulin (BLG)/luciferase hybrid gene was targeted to the mammary glands of pregnant and lactating mice and luciferase activity was imaged in vivo with a low-light imaging system. The mammary glands of a 17-day pregnant mouse occupied an area comparable to that of a 6-day lactating mouse. Nevertheless, the intensity of the luciferase signal was much weaker and confined to regions in the inguinal and thoracic glands. A few small and defined locations of higher expression were also detected, indicating diversity in the initiation of this transgenic milk protein expression. In the lactating mice, high inter- and intra-heterogeneity among regions in a particular gland and among glands was demonstrated, and confirmed by ex vivo analysis of luciferase activity in mammary biopsies. The lack of correlation between luciferase activities and levels of beta-casein accumulation in these biopsies resulted, most probably, from the longer half-life of the native milk protein, compared to the activity of the transgenic marker in the tissue. Unilateral sealing of mammary glands for 4 hr resulted in complete abrogation of luciferase activity, establishing the BLG/luciferase transgene as a reliable tool to follow short-term stimuli. Dispersed mammary epithelial cells preserved luciferase activity in culture, and thus could be used for following mammary gland development after re-implantation. The bioluminescence-based methodology presented here eliminates averaging of heterogeneity in gene expression among glands, and misinterpretations resulting from sampling biopsies taken from inactive regions. Imaging luciferase expression in the mammary glands may enable an accurate monitoring of milk-protein gene expression during cyclic periods of development and apoptosis in a limited number of animals, and could be applied for reporting the consequences of selected drugs on milk-protein gene expression.  相似文献   

Infection of the mammary gland, in addition to causing animal distress, is a major economic burden of the dairy industry. Staphylococcus aureus is the major contagious mastitis pathogen, accounting for approximately 15-30% of infections, and has proved difficult to control using standard management practices. As a first step toward enhancing mastitis resistance of dairy animals, we report the generation of transgenic mice that secrete a potent anti-staphylococcal protein into milk. The protein, lysostaphin, is a peptidoglycan hydrolase normally produced by Staphylococcus simulans. When the native form is secreted by transfected eukaryotic cells it becomes glycosylated and inactive. However, removal of two glycosylation motifs through engineering asparagine to glutamine codon substitutions enables secretion of Gln(125,232)-lysostaphin, a bioactive variant. Three lines of transgenic mice, in which the 5'-flanking region of the ovine beta-lactoglobulin gene directed the secretion of Gln(125,232)-lysostaphin into milk, exhibit substantial resistance to an intramammary challenge of 104 colony-forming units (c.f.u.) of S. aureus, with the highest expressing line being completely resistant. Milk protein content and profiles of transgenic and nontransgenic mice are similar. These results clearly demonstrate the potential of genetic engineering to combat the most prevalent disease of dairy cattle.  相似文献   


Transgenic mice expressing foreign genes specifically in their mammary glands have been obtained by several groups in the world. The mouse is generally considered as a good reference animal to evaluate the efficiency of gene constructs to be used in larger mammals for the preparation of the corresponding recombinant proteins at an industrial scale. The method described here shows that mammary glands from lactating mice separated from their pups for one day spontaneously released 1.5 ml milk when stored at O'C. The proteins of milk obtained by this method were essentially similar to those obtained after milking. Human growth hormone (hGH) gene under the control of the rabbit whey acidic (WAP) gene promoter was expressed at a high level in the milk of transgenic mice (4 mg/ml milk in the mice examined here). hGH was present in milk obtained after milking or after the incubation of the mammary glands at O'C. In both cases, the hormone was present in essentially similar concentration, undegraded and biologically active (as judged by its prolactin‐like activity). The method depicted here is very simple and can be applied easily to many mice. Its major limitation is that it implies the breeding and the sacrifice of a relatively large number of animals. One gram of crude recombinant protein can be virtually obtained in this way with about 200 lactating mice from their milk containing the proteins at the concentration of 3‐4 mg/ml. The milk of transgenic mice can therefore be considered as a practical source of recombinant proteins for biochemical and pharmaceutical studies.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is a widespread means of increasing protein diversity and regulating gene expression in eukaryotes. Much progress has been made in understanding the proteins involved in regulating alternative splicing, the sequences they bind to, and how these interactions lead to changes in splicing patterns. However, several recent studies have identified other players involved in regulating alternative splicing. A major theme emerging from these studies is that RNA secondary structures play an under appreciated role in the regulation of alternative splicing. This review provides an overview of the basic aspects of splicing regulation and highlights recent progress in understanding the role of RNA secondary structure in this process.  相似文献   

Imaging technologies are influencing the way we study regulatory processes in vivo. Several recent reports use fluorescence minigenes to image alternative splicing events in living cells and animals. This type of reporter is being used to generate transgenic mice to visualize splicing regulation in diverse tissues and cell types. In this protocol, we describe how to develop animals that report on alternative splicing and how to assess reporter expression in excised organs and tissue sections. The entire procedure, from making the reporters to imaging organs and tissues in adult transgenic mice, should take approximately 1.5 years. Fluorescence reporters can be used to image many splicing decisions in normal tissues and organs and can be extended to the study of disease states.  相似文献   

We investigated the consequences of augmented c-myc gene expression in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. For this purpose we directed the expression of a mouse c-myc transgene to the differentiating mammary epithelial cells by subjecting the protein coding region to the 5' regulatory sequences of the murine whey acidic protein gene (Wap). Analogous to the expression pattern of the endogenous Wap gene, the Wap-myc transgene is abundantly expressed in the mammary gland during lactation. The tissue-specific and hormone-dependent expression of the Wap-myc transgene results in an 80% incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas. As early as two months after the onset of Wap-myc expression, tumours occur in the mammary glands of the transgenic animals. The tumours express not only the Wap-myc transgene, but also the endogenous Wap and beta casein genes. The expression of the milk protein genes becomes independent of the lactogenic hormonal stimuli and persists even in transplanted nude mouse tumours.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing occurs in the C-terminal region of the p53 tumor suppressor gene between two alternative 3′ splice sites in intron 10. This alternative splicing event has been detected in murine cells, but not in rat or human tissues. In this paper, we have characterized the pattern of p53 alternative splicing in cell lines from five different species. Our results confirm that p53 alternative splicing is species-specific, being detected only in cell lines of rodent origin. Using transient transfection assays, we have established that the rat p53 gene undergoes efficient alternative splicing in both mouse and rat cell lines, thus demonstrating that it has all the necessary cis-acting sequences to be alternatively spliced. In contrast, we were unable to detect any usage of the human alternative 3′ splice site under the same experimental conditions. Thus, the low levels or absence of alternatively spliced p53 mRNA in rat and human cell lines seems to be the result of different mechanisms. Our results support the hypothesis that there are species-specific mechanisms implicated in the regulation of p53 activity.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that overexpression of aromatase in mammary glands results in the induction of hyperplastic and dysplastic changes in female transgenic mice. In this study we show that overexpression of aromatase in male transgenic mice results in increased mammary growth and histopathological changes similar to gynecomastia. Increased estrogenic activity also results in an increase in estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in the mammary glands of transgenic males as compared to the nontransgenic males, as well as an increase in the expression of various genes involved in cell cycle and cell proliferation. We have also observed an increase in certain growth factors, such as bFGF and TGFbeta, as a result of aromatase overexpression in the male transgenic mammary glands. In order to obtain a better understanding of the biological significance of gynecomastia, a reliable model is necessary to explain the mechanisms and correlations associated with human cancers. This model, can potentially serve as a predictable and useful tool for studying gynecomastia, hormonal carcinogenesis and action of other carcinogens on hormone induced cancers.  相似文献   

The relevance of alternative RNA splicing to pharmacogenomics   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The importance of alternative RNA splicing in the generation of genetic diversity is now widely accepted. This article highlights how alternative RNA splicing can have an impact on drug efficacy and safety, and demonstrates its potential pharmacogenomic value. The analysis of the repertoire of alternative RNA splicing events could potentially identify markers of pharmacogenomic relevance with high sensitivity and specificity and also provides a route through which genes can be selected for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping. Recent methodological advances, including microarray and splice-dedicated expression profiling, have made it possible to perform high-throughput alternative splicing analyses.  相似文献   

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