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Three burrow systems produced by Jaxea nocturna and one cluster of burrows produced by Upogebia pusilla where investigated in the Bay of Panzano, Northern Adriatic Sea, to determine preferred orientations. The distributions of dip directions differ between both producers. Steep shafts into the consolidated mud followed by large, shallowly inclined tunnels oriented in a manner similar to a spiral are characteristic for Jaxea nocturna burrows. In contrast, the Y-shaped burrows of Upogebia pusilla have entrance shafts that are less steep which are connected by a near-horizontal section, where a blind ending tunnel branches. Orientations of the dominating, shallowly inclined burrow parts are not randomly distributed in either Jaxea or in Upogebia burrows. Three preferred axial orientations with almost equal proportions in each direction are characteristic for the Jaxea burrow from the centre of the bay. This system transforms to a squared structure near the coast, where one direction parallels the shoreline and the other is oriented at right angles to the coast. The latter orientation demonstrates significant constancy in all investigated burrows. Upogebia burrow clusters coincide with the three preferred orientations of the Jaxea burrow from the bay centre, but the proportions of the directions are unequal. Burrow segments connecting the steep entrance shafts in Upogebia are oriented almost parallel to the shoreline, whereas at right angles to the coast the flat blind-ending tunnels incline towards the open sea. The study shows a strong coincidence between empirical and theoretical distributions of the dominating orientations in both species.  相似文献   

Although the temporal and spatial variability of virioplankton in the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea has been repeatedly explored suggesting that viruses constitute an extremely dynamic component of the plankton community and hypothesizing their importance in marine food webs and mucilage events, there is still no information about viral replication rates. Hence, the contribution of viruses to bacterial mortality and the cycling of organic matter in this part of the Adriatic basin are still not fully comprehended. Assessment of the role of viral lysis requires a robust means of estimating viral production. Since, up to now, none of the available methods evolved to a state of a standard yet, in this preliminary study 3 different experimental approaches were simultaneously assayed (viral production estimated by radiotracer incorporation method [TdR], dilution technique for the estimate of viral production in already infected bacteria [DIL] and serial dilution method in manipulated phage-host assemblage [SER]). The present study provided the first evidence of viral production rates in this study area, that resulted in comprising between ∼ 3.5-15 × 108 viruses L− 1 h− 1 and critically faced up the results obtained by different techniques with the consideration that they suffer from different biases. Based on TdR and DIL viral proliferation estimates, viral lysis was responsible for the loss of 54 to 95% of the bacterial standing stock, while the viral-induced mortality by SER (325% d− 1) was likely consistently overestimated. These results indicate that viral lysis is a significant factor for prokaryotic mortality suggesting its implication as an important pathway for the cycling of dissolved organic matter in the Gulf of Trieste.  相似文献   


A survey of planktonic dinoflagellates and related cysts was carried out in the Gulf of Trieste throughout one year from April 1992 to March 1993. 113 taxa were recovered by the analysis of phytoplankton net samples. The most represented genera were Protoperidinium (34 species), Ceratium (24 species), Dinophysis (15 species), Gonyaulax (11 species) and Prorocentrum (8 species). A particular attention was given to potentially toxic species belonging to the genera Dinophysis, Alexandrium and Prorocentrum. The highest number of species (67 species) was recorded in July, and the lowest one (18 species) in February.

33 cyst morphotypes were recorded by the analysis of sediment samples. The most represented genera were Protoperidinium (8 morphotypes), Scrippsiella (3 morphotypes), Gonyaulax (3 morphotypes) and Alexandrium (2 morphotypes); the cysts most frequently found were those of Conyaulax polyedra and Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton succession and sinking rates were studied from January to December 2003 at a coastal station in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), 200 m offshore, in a relatively undisturbed area. A conical sediment trap, moored at 15 m depth (water depth 17 m), was used. The hypothesis if the presence of benthic and epiphytic diatoms can lead to an overestimation of the vertical fluxes was tested. To evaluate primary and secondary sedimentation contributions, planktonic, benthic and epiphytic diatoms were distinguished. Benthic species abundance varied throughout the year and it was related to resuspension that strongly influenced sinking rates. All over the year, diatoms were the prevailing class in the trap material accounting for 75.32% of the settled cells, while flagellates represented 24.11%. Dinophyceae and resting cells constituted minor components, accounting for 0.43% and 0.14%, respectively. The gross sedimentation rates ranged from 0.006 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the second week of May to 6.30 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the third week of January with a mean annual value of 1.09 ± 1.43 × 108 cell m−2 d−1. To the primary sedimentation rate Pseudo-nitzschia seriata of the group “Nitzschia seriata complex” contributed for 49.77% followed by Chaetoceros spp. (23.88%). The major contributor to the secondary sedimentation rate was the diatom Paralia sulcata, accounting for 24.76%. Epiphytic diatoms contributed for 11.19% and 12.27% on annual average gross abundance and biomass, respectively, reaching even 72.04% of gross abundance and 56.06% of gross biomass in the second week of August. The correlation between temperature and the logarithm of the epiphytic biomass was statistically significant, with r = 0.66 and P < 0.001. Both in the cluster analysis and in the PCA four main groups were formed, where benthic and epiphytic species were separately gathered. Planktonic, benthic and epiphytic forms accounted for 50.78%, 36.95% and 12.27%, respectively, calculated on the annual average biomass. Therefore, vertical fluxes can be overestimated of 50% or more if benthic and epiphytic species are not rejected.  相似文献   

Most arthropod burrows show a marked preferred orientation: they are not random in alignment. A recent burrow made by Jaxea nocturna Nardo is compared to three fossil burrows from the Austrian Tertiary. In each system very steep and very flat burrow sections can be distinguished. In three cases, including the Recent one, flat burrow sections dominate in length. In all burrow sections the distribution of trend angles is also not uniform but indicate preferred directions. In those cases where two mean vectors exist their position is nearly orthogonal, in systems with three mean vectors they form angles of nearly 60°. A relationship between these preferred directions to coastline orientation and current direction is likely.  相似文献   

Analysis of sediments in and around the large and deep burrows made by the callianassid shrimp Callichirus laurae, Jordan Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), showed that organic carbon (OC), humic matter (HM), humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) are redistributed both quantitatively and qualitatively by sediment reworking activities:
1.  OC and humic matter (HM) concentrations are ca. 30 times higher in the stomach content than in surface sand, proving a selective food uptake.
2.  a 11 to 17 times increase in OC and HM is observed in the mucus-rich burrow wall when compared to ambient sediment.

Terzić  Senka  Ahel  Marijan  Cauwet  Gustave  Malej  Alenka 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):191-205
Distribution of carbohydrates (CHO) and photosynthetic pigments werestudied in the Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea, during the period ofsummer stratification with a special emphasis on determining the impact ofthe taxonomic composition and concentration of phytoplankton biomass on thecarbohydrate levels in the water column. Dissolved total carbohydrates(DTCHO), dissolved monosaccharides (DMCHO) as well as particulatecarbohydrates (PTCHO) were determined using the colorimetric MBTH-method,while pigment biomarkers of the phytoplankton biomass were determined byreversed-phase HPLC. Concentrations of the total CHO (dissolved+particulate) varied in a wide range from 173 μg Cl™1 to 1552 μg C l™1. The percentage ofPTCHO in the total CHO concentration was relatively low(4–25%), indicating that the main pool of CHO was in thedissolved phase. The contribution of DTCHO to the total dissolved organiccarbon (DOC) in late summeontribution r was highly variable(10–65%) with an average value of 20 ± 14%, whilein early summer this percentage was somewhat lower and less variable (range11–23%; average 17± 3%). Analyses of biomarkerpigments revealed a very high diversity and a rather heterogenous verticaland spatial distribution of the phytoplankton biomass during the period ofsummer stratification. In September 1994, the predominant taxonomic groupsof phytoplankton were prymnesiophytes, diatoms, silicoflagellates,cyanobacteria and, especially in the bottom layer, dinoflagellates. Arelatively good correlation (r2 =0.51) found betweenDTCHO and chl a suggested that DTCHO were mainly of phytoplankton origin.Furthermore, a concomitant increase of DTCHO with peridinin and fucoxanthinindicated that dinoflagellates and diatoms had a decisive impact on CHOlevels in the water column. By contrast, early summer phytoplankton (June),which was dominated by prymnesiophytes, exhibited a comparatively lowerimpact on the CHO distribution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from two locationsin the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) werecollected during periods of maximum and minimumtemperatures for two years. Both sites were rich incarbonate material and inhabited by a diverse benthicinfaunal community. However, Site F exhibited adeeper dwelling faunal community, higher content ofcarbonate minerals, and larger grained sediments thanat site MA, which was closer to shore. Depth profilesof sulfate reduction and potential rates of iron andmanganese reduction were determined together withmeasurements of pore water and solid phase chemistry. Bottom waters at all sites were nearly saturated withoxygen for all of the dates sampled except forSeptember 1993 when bottom waters at site F were lessthan 50% saturated. Sulfate reduction rates were ashigh as 400 nmol ml-1 day-1 during latesummer and fall when temperatures were >20 °C,while rates during March (8 °C) were <30 nmolml-1 day-1. Potential rates of ironreduction, as determined by the accumulation of bothdissolved and acid-soluble reduced iron, were high insurficial sediments at each site except at site F whenbottom waters were partially depleted in oxygen. In the latter instance, sulfate reduction overwhelmedmetal reduction. Although the portion of metalreduction due directly to enzymatic use by bacteriawas not determined, the potential rate data suggestedthat Fe and perhaps Mn reduction were significantcomponents of anaerobic carbon degradation in thesesediments during much of the year. Both sitesappeared to support active metal-reducing bacterialcommunities. However, occasional depletion of oxygenin bottom waters appeared to cause a decrease inirrigation/reworking activity by infauna whichdepressed redox cycling of elements enhancing theimportance of sulfate reduction. A shift from metalreduction to sulfate reduction potentially exacerbatestoxic effects of oxygen depletion on fauna byincreasing the accumulation of toxic sulfide.  相似文献   

Celussi M  Cataletto B 《Gene》2007,406(1-2):113-123
Bacterioplankton community diversity was investigated monthly in coastal waters of the Gulf of Trieste (NE Adriatic Sea) throughout 2003. Superficial bacterial assemblages of two differently freshwater influenced stations were studied using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting techniques. Bacterial genetic diversity of the sampled area, as estimates of the number of DGGE bands was high (36-64) compared to that reported in other studies employing this fingerprint technique. The similarity index (Sorensen Index) between assemblages showed a defined operational taxonomic units (OTUs) succession pattern in the more typically marine station with stable winter communities and quickly changing summer ones. On the contrary in the station affected by riverine inputs no clear pattern was detected. In both sites, according to cluster analyses performed on the DGGE banding pattern, three seasonal assemblages were identified: winter-spring, summer and fall. Sequence analysis of fifty-six among the brightest gel bands led to the observation of bacteria affiliated to Gram positive, Cyanobacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides (CFB) lineages and the alpha-, gamma- and delta- subdivisions of the Proteobacteria. Gamma-Proteobacteria constituted the main fraction (60%) of sequences in the more typically marine station, whereas the river-influenced station was characterised by more heterogeneous assemblages (39% alpha-Proteobacteria, 32% Flavobacteria).  相似文献   

Observations of ctenophore species were made in the Gulf ofTrieste between 2003 and 2006. We examined native ctenophorespecies with special attention to representatives of the ordersLobata and Beroida, and we recorded among them two non-nativectenophores: Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz 1865 and Beroe ovatasensu Mayer, 1912. The validity of the Mediterranean speciesBeroe ovata is discussed. We determined that among the nativespecies, it is not Beroe ovata but rather Beroe cucumis sensuMayer, 1912 that occurs in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of four pre-determined morphotypes of Salicornia (S. patula, S. emerici, S. veneta and the “saline type”) from 10 locations on the Gulf of Trieste coast were studied by means of ploidy level estimation using flow cytometry and by molecular DNA analysis of ITS regions of nrDNA and cpDNA. Two groups, the diploids and tetraploids, with matching nrDNA sequences, were recognized. Two types of cpDNA emerged among the diploids; one the same as in tetraploids. This incongruence between nrDNA and cpDNA sequences indicates a hybridization with tetraploid maternal progenitors and demonstrates the evidence for reticulate evolution. The morphometry, based on generative morphological traits, did not clearly separate the four morphotypes. However, the most important characters—length of the middle fertile segment, length of the lateral flower, width of the scarious margin of the fertile segment in the floral region, conform to two genetically recognized types: diploid S. patula and the widely distributed tetraploid S. emerici, also comprising the “saline type” and morphotype, known as a charismatic endemic S. veneta, a flagship species for nature conservation. Other discriminative traits for diploid and tetraploid morphotypes are parameters of the flowers (comparison of length of the central vs. lateral flower) and stomatal index. The determination key is also given. The tetraploid S. emerici is by far the most common species of annual glassworts in the area, occupying more extreme habitats than a diploid S. patula, which mostly forms monodominate stands.  相似文献   

The sinusoidal decapod crustacean burrow Sinusichnus sinuosus is documented from the Upper Cretaceous Hidden Lake Formation of James Ross Island (Antarctica), the Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene Naricual Formation of the Eastern Venezuela Basin, and the Middle Miocene Socorro Formation of the Falcón Basin of Western Venezuela, significantly expanding its geographical and palaeolatitudinal range. These burrows may have served for bacterial farming in relatively stressful settings characterized by deltaic progradation. Sinusichnus sinuosus seems to display a broad latitudinal range, from low latitude tropical settings (Venezuela) to intermediate latitude temperate areas (Spain and France), and high latitude cold waters (Antarctica). The appearance of S. sinuosus in the Cretaceous reveals the acquisition of more sophisticated feeding strategies by decapod crustaceans, reflecting the dominance of the Modern Evolutionary Fauna.  相似文献   

By the aid of SCUBA diving in the Kvarner area (northern Adriatic) from 1993 to 2002 five gobiid species were found to be hyperbenthic. These findings provided specific data on their ecology.  相似文献   

A 20 year data set for the northern Adriatic was analyzed and the factors establishing the nutrient environment identified. Concentrations ranged widely (TIN 0.0–78, PO2 0.01–1.1, and SiO4 0.0–59 mmol m−3). In early winter remineralization increased concentrations. Characteristic winter, late spring and fall phytoplankton blooms alternately decreased and increased concentrations, as modified by river input. In summer nutrients were minimal under a semi-closed circulation pattern and high vertical stability, due to closely coupled nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation-regeneration processes and biogenic silica sedimentation. “New” primary production supported mainly by river input of “new” nutrients approximated “regenerated” primary production supported by regenerated nutrients, making the ecosystem especially sensitive to eutrophication pressure from anthropogenic increases in the Po River nutrient load.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio, the largest lagoonal ecosystem in the Po River deltaic area, were examined at four sampling sites located along a putative stress gradient and characterized by different levels of disturbance. Trends of parameters characterizing macrobenthic community structure were analyzed using data collected quarterly from 1996 to 2002. The positive slopes in trends of proportion of abundance of opportunistic species observed at all the four study sites indicated the persistence of stressful conditions. Conversely, temporal trends of species richness and diversity showed a positive slope at three out of four sites, thus indicating an increase of community structural complexity. It is suggested that the increase in abundance of detritivorous opportunistic species, as well as the increase in diversity and species richness, is probably driven by the frequency of physical disturbance that resets the ‘successional clock’ of the benthic communities of the Valli. Redundancy was assessed through multivariate analyses and a ‘forward selection backward elimination’ algorithm. At the ecosystem level (i.e., merging counts from the four sites), two response units (a response unit is the smallest subset of species for which the Spearman rank correlation with sample similarities for the full species set exceeds a predetermined value) were obtained. Each of the response units encompassed quite a large taxonomic and functional spread, since all guilds were well represented. Conversely, at the local level, only one response unit was obtained. Species number and function is essential to long-term maintenance of community and ecosystem processes over a complete cycle of common disturbance events. Since redundancy reflects the resistance to change of community functioning, we hypothesize that the macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio are quite resistant to environmental changes, despite disturbances that generate fluctuations in species abundance and complement at the local level.  相似文献   

One specimen of the obtuse barracuda Sphyraena chrysotaenia is recorded for the first time from the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of micro and mesozooplankton was studied in 1998 and 1999 at four stations in the Neretva Channel area influenced by the Neretva river and the open waters of the south Adriatic Sea. The area is orthophosphate limited, but an excessive accumulation of land derived nitrogen is prevented by phytoplankton uptake and the general circulation pattern. Microzooplankton was dominated by ciliates, with average abundances comparable to other Adriatic channel areas (122–543 ind. l−1). Non-loricate ciliates (NLC) generally peaked in the warmer periods, but a winter increase was evident towards the inner part of the channel. Tintinnid abundances generally increased in autumn. A significant relationship with temperature was not recorded for either protozoan group. An inverse relationship between NLC and salinity might be indirectly caused by their preference for the food abundant surface layer. Mesozooplankton was dominated by copepods, with distinct summer maxima throughout the area and pronounced winter maxima of >10,000 ind. m−3 at the inner stations. The community was predominantly neritic but the open sea waters were important in structuring the mesozooplankton assemblage at all stations during the autumn–winter period. Although temperature regulated the seasonal dynamics of most metazoans and the species succession in the copepod community, small omnivorous copepods (Oncaea media complex, Oithona nana and Euterpina acutifrons) dominated regardless of the season. A trophic link between copepods and ciliates was evident in winter during low phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   


The results of a floristic study of benthic marine macroalgae on rocky substrata from the Tremiti Islands (Adriatic Sea) are presented. The list of taxa at specific and infraspecific level consists of 226 Rhodophyceae, 59 Fucophyceae and 36 Chlorophyceae. Of these 321 taxa, 147 are newly reported from the Tremiti Islands. Data on the reproductive phenology of each species, and comments on some species of particular interest are also given.  相似文献   


In August 2003, dense turfs formed by the filamentous red alga Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R. E. Norris were found in the open part of the Bay of Boka Kotorska, on the shore of Montenegro (southern Adriatic Sea). The habitat and morphology of the alga are described and the impact of the massive development of this species on the structure of the algal communities is discussed.  相似文献   

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