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报道了中国蓼属两新种。蜀蓼(Polygonum shuense)与大理蓼(P.subscapsum)相似,但基生叶的基部渐狭,沿叶柄下延,边缘具圆齿,花白色,花柱3,离生,瘦果长卵形,无光泽可以区别。察隅蓼(P.chayuum)产西藏,这个新种的茎不分枝,自基部至中部无叶,仅有托叶鞘,叶着生于茎的上部,这些特征奇特,明显不同于其它种类。  相似文献   

描述了中国新疆蓼科Polygonaceae蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum section Polygonum 3新种。乌鲁木齐萹蓄P. urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在体态上与萹蓄P. aviculare L.很相近, 但花在枝上部叶腋簇生成穗状花序, 雄蕊5–6枚, 瘦果两型, 长果表面密具不规则排列的小点, 易于区别。塔城萹蓄P. tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在枝上部的花不形成总状花序, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面具成行的小点等方面与萹蓄近缘, 其区别在于3–6花仅簇生于枝上部叶腋, 叶片条状披针形, 背面主、侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 约达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉; 又因其茎直立, 花簇生于枝上部叶腋而与展枝萹蓄P. patulum M. Bieb.相近, 其区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 枝上部的叶不渐小, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序, 瘦果表面具成行的小点。石河子萹蓄Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu茎直立, 花3–6朵簇生于枝上部叶腋, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽, 与帚萹蓄P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze相近, 区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序; 同时在体态上又与塔城萹蓄十分相近, 但其枝上部的叶逐渐变小,瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽,易于区别。对3个新种及其近缘种的花粉形态、叶表皮特征和瘦果微形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜比较观察。  相似文献   

中国蓼属春蓼组植物果实形态及果皮微形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
应用解剖镜和扫描电镜对中国产蓼属春蓼组(Polygonum sect. Persicaria)19种3变种植物的果实形态和果皮微形态特征进行了观察和研究。结果表明,蓼属春蓼组植物的果实形态为卵形或椭圆状卵形,具三棱、双凹或双凸,顶端渐狭,有喙或无喙;果皮微形态可分为7种类型: 洼点、浅洼点,脑纹状纹饰,拟脑纹状纹饰,网状纹饰,不规则褶皱,不规则小疣状颗粒以及密浅网状纹饰。观察结果支持将绵毛酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L. var. salicifolium Sibth.)合并到酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L.),做为酸模叶蓼的异名处理;支持将长鬃蓼(P. longisetum De Br.)作为丛枝蓼(P. posumbu Buch. Ham. ex D.Don)的变种处理的意见;认为密毛酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L. var. lanatum (Roxb.) Stew.)应恢复种级,圆基长鬃蓼(P. longisetum De Br. var. rotunatum A.J.Li)应升为种级;支持平武蓼(Polygonum pingwuense F. Z. Li et Y. T. Hou et S. J. Fan, sp. nov.)新种的成立。  相似文献   

描述了产自江西庐山的蓼科(Polygonaceae)蓼属(Polygonum)一新变种--毛叶支柱蓼(Polygonum suffultum Maxim.var.tomentosum B.Li.et S.F.Chen var.nov.).这一新变种与原变种支柱蓼(Polygonum suffultum Ma-xim.)的区别在于叶片背面密被白色绒毛,下表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状,气孔器类型不等型,气孔长20.15~27.55 μm,宽17.45~22.47 μm,气孔密度128.91个/mm2.  相似文献   

报道了中国春蓼属一新归化植物:香辣蓼[Persicaria odorata(Lour.) Soják],并对其形态学特征进行了详细描述,提供了形态照片,同时分析了其用途。该种原产于中南半岛,被作为香料植物在云南、广西、广东及江西等地的傣族或客家人聚居区广泛栽培,现在云南西双版纳傣族自治州及德宏傣族景颇族自治州发现大量归化居群。香辣蓼与特产于中国江西的武功山春蓼(P.wugongshanensis B.Li)最为近似,二者叶片均具有强烈的气味,叶片及花被片具腺点,二型花柱,花序基部间断,花梗长于苞片,区别在于本种为多年生草本植物,具发达的根状茎,叶片披针形至狭披针形,果实表面光滑有光泽。  相似文献   

描述了蓼科一新变种——翅果密毛野荞麦[Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu var.pterocarpum J. L. Liuet X.J.Li],并绘制了形态图。新变种瘦果较大,长2.5~3mm,宽(2~)2.5~3mm,果棱上具翅,翅宽0.5~1mm,雄蕊长于雌蕊,从而区别于原变种密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosumJ.L.Liu);另外,新变种全株密被短毛或长毛,茎枝较粗壮,红褐色,节较密集,叶片在表面具细皱纹和小泡状突起,雄蕊长于雌蕊,而又不同于齿翅野荞麦[Fagopyrum gracilipes(Hemsl.)Damm.et Diels var. odontopterum(Gross)Sam]。  相似文献   

关于圆叶蓼的归属问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包伯坚 《植物研究》1993,13(4):344-345
关于圆叶蓼的归属问题现有两种意见。本文通过对圆叶蓼与蓼属及本蓼形态特征的对比,认为圆叶蓼应归隶于蓼属内。  相似文献   

采自海南省文昌市文昌镇一个蓼科蓼属植物新变种,与火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.chinense)相比较,其主要特点是茎匍匐,叶具大斑点,命名为铺地火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.procumbensZ.E.Zhao et J.R.Zhao)。  相似文献   

中国荞麦属(蓼科)一新种——密毛野荞麦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了蓼科一新种——密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu),本种与细柄野荞麦(F. gracilipes(Hemsl.) Damm. et Diels)相近似,不同在于植株全体密被白色直立长毛,茎枝较粗壮,节较密集,节间较短, 叶较大,长(0.9~)1.7~6 cm,宽(0.7~)1.2~5.1 cm,阔卵形,心形,阔心形,阔卵状心形,卵形,长卵形,三角状卵形或卵状三角形,在上面具细皱纹,明显小泡状突起,叶柄较长,长 (0.5~) 2.6~7.5 cm,果实较小,长1.8~2.5 mm,直径1.5~2 mm,易于区别。  相似文献   

中国冰岛蓼属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对国产冰岛蓼属Koenigia L. 9种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。结果表明:花粉均为球形;直径为17.0-32.5 μm(包括刺长);萌发孔有7(-8)赤道环沟、散沟、散孔;外壁纹饰均为刺状。根据萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰,将该属花粉划分为3种类型,即细冰岛蓼型(Delicatulum-type)、大连线冰岛蓼型(Forrestii-type)及冰岛蓼型(Koenigia-type)。细冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具7(-8)赤道环沟,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有细冰岛蓼K. delicatula (Meisn.) Hara。大连线冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具12散沟,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有大连线冰岛蓼K. forrestii (Diels) Měsíek & Soják 及连线冰岛蓼K. nummularifolia (Meisn.) Měsíek & Soják。冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具15,20(-30)散孔,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有冰岛蓼K. islandica L.、蓝蕊冰岛蓼K. cyanandra (Diels) Měsíek & Soják、线茎冰岛蓼K. nepalensis D. Don、柔毛蓼K. pilosa Maxim.、陕甘蓼K. hubertii (Lingelsh.) Měsíek & Soják及青藏蓼K. fertilis Maxim.。结果表明冰岛蓼属的花粉形态具有重要的分类学意义,研究结果支持Koenigia的属的地位,大铜钱叶蓼Polygonum forrestii Diels和铜钱叶蓼P. nummularifolium Meisn.应从蓼属分叉蓼组Polygonum L. sect. Aconogonon Meisn.中移入冰岛蓼属中,细冰岛蓼、蓝蕊冰岛蓼、青藏蓼、陕甘蓼、线茎冰岛蓼和柔毛蓼应从蓼属头状蓼组Polygonum L. sect. Cephalophilon Meisn.中移入冰岛蓼属中。  相似文献   

安徽蓼属一新种——舒城蓼   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舒城蓼 新种 图1PolygonumshuchengenseZ.Z.Zhou,sp.nov.Fig.1SpeciesaffinisP.pubescentiBlume,sedfoliorumlaminispraeternervossparseadpressequepuberulossubglabris,subtusdensefusco_glanduloso_punctatis,ocreisbrevissimeciliolatis,spicisdensifloris,floribisviridi_albidis,…  相似文献   

Zanthoxylum williamsii (Rutaceae) was found to contain (+)-asaranin, (+)-sesamin, esculetin dimethyl ether, nitidine, chelerythrine, magnoflorine, laurifoline, skimmianine and edulinine. The quaternary alkaloid fraction of Z. monophyllum contained berberine, magnoflorine, chelerythrine and a 1,2,9,10-substituted dihydroxydimethoxy-N,N-dimethylaporphinium salt. Leaves of Z. fagara were found to contain synephrine. Leaves of each species were examined for the presence of bishordeninyl terpene alkaloids, but none was found. Some chemotaxonomic relationships among Zanthoxylum species are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis from cultured megagametophyte, nucellus and immature embryos of three Zamia species on modified B5 medium containing 2,4-d and kinetin was compared. Organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis occurred from the megagamethophyte and zygotic embryo explants of Zamia pumila and Z. furfuracea tissue cultures, but only from the megamametophyte of Z. fischeri. Nucellar callus of Z. pumila produced globular structures that failed to develop further. Plantlets were recovered from somatic embryos of Z. pumila.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

The long-chain aldehydes, (8Z,11Z,14Z)-8,11,14-heptadecatrienal, (7Z,10Z,13Z)-7,10,13-hexadecatrienal, and (8Z,11Z)-8,11-heptadecadienal, were concisely synthesized by using Grignard coupling, catalytic hydrogenation with the Lindlar catalyst, and oxidation with Dess-Martin periodinane as the key steps. Particularly, (8Z,11Z,14Z)-8,11,14-heptadecatrienal and (7Z,10Z,13Z)-7,10,13-hexadecatrienal both possessed a seaweed-like odor.  相似文献   

The long-chain aldehydes, (8Z,11Z,14Z)-8,11,14-heptadecatrienal, (7Z,10Z,13Z)-7,10,13-hexadecatrienal, and (8Z,11Z)-8,11-heptadecadienal, were concisely synthesized by using Grignard coupling, catalytic hydrogenation with the Lindlar catalyst, and oxidation with Dess–Martin periodinane as the key steps. Particularly, (8Z,11Z,14Z)-8,11,14-heptadecatrienal and (7Z,10Z,13Z)-7,10,13-hexadecatrienal both possessed a seaweed-like odor.  相似文献   

中国竹亚科镰序竹属一新种——匍匐镰序竹   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了福建厦门园林植物园发现的中国竹亚科Bambusoideae镰序竹属一新种——匍匐镰序竹Drepanostchvum stotonfrme S.H.Chen&Z.Z.Wang。该种与坝怕D.microphyllum(Hsueh&Yi)Keng f.ex Y相似,区别在于本种植株藤本状极明显,竿匍匐状,较细,竿直径3-6mm,竿壁厚约lmm;全竿25-55节.竿基部数节节间长5-9cm,中部节间长13-18cm,节内长l-2mm;箨舌高约O.5mm,具长约2mm的纤毛:叶舌高约3mm,具长约4mm纤毛;叶片较小,在成竹时长2-6cm,宽O.3-0.6cm,叶片次脉3-4对。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Drepanostachyum Keng f. of Bambusoideae from China, D. stoloniforme S. H. Chen & Z. Z. Wang, which was found to grow in Xiamen Botanical Garden, Fujian Province, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to D. microphyllum (Hsueh & Yi) Keng f. ex Yi, but differs by having distinctly thin liana, culm diameter 3–6 mm, culm wall 1 mm; 25–55 nodes in whole culm, internode of the basic culms 5–9 cm long, internode of the middle culms 13–18 cm long, joint of the node 1–2 mm long; the sheath tongue about 0.5 mm high, the cilium of the sheath tongue about 2 mm long; the ligula about 3 mm high, and the cilium of the ligula about 4 mm long; the small leaf 2–6 cm long and 0.3–0.6 cm wide in adult bamboo, and its secondary veins with 3–4 couplets. Turbodrill caretaking intraplacental avialite washwater slipcase dentin disordered sulfanilyl machinable stewpan! Netherward pressbodies horror abscissa, keratosis frieze. 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The Zingiber genus, which includes the herbs known as gingers, commonly used in cooking, is well known for its medicinal properties, as described in the Indian pharmacopoeia. Different members of this genus, although somewhat similar in morphology, differ widely in their pharmacological and therapeutic properties. The most important species of this genus, with maximal therapeutic properties, is Zingiber officinale (garden ginger), which is often adulterated with other less-potent Zingiber sp. There is an existing demand in the herbal drug industry for an authentication system for the Zingiber sp in order to facilitate their commercial use as genuine phytoceuticals. To this end, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to produce DNA fingerprints for three Zingiber species. Sixteen collections (six of Z. officinale, five of Z. montanum, and five of Z. zerumbet) were used in the study. Seven selective primer pairs were found to be useful for all the accessions. A total of 837 fragments were produced by these primer pairs. Species-specific markers were identified for all three Zingiber species (91 for Z. officinale, 82 for Z. montanum, and 55 for Z. zerumbet). The dendogram analysis generated from AFLP patterns showed that Z. montanum and Z. zerumbet are phylogenetically closer to each other than to Z. officinale. The AFLP fingerprints of the Zingiber species could be used to authenticate Zingiber sp-derived drugs and to resolve adulteration-related problems faced by the commercial users of these herbs.  相似文献   

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