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Plasma levels of corticosterone (C) and testosterone (T) increase after sexual activity in males of several species. However, the physiological significance of these increases has not been elucidated. In the present study, hormonal response to different conditions linked to sexual activity was assessed. In the first experiment, plasma levels of C and T were assessed both in sexually experienced and naive male rats after the following conditions: (A) control group, without sexual stimulation; (B) males exposed to ovariectomized females; (C) males exposed to intact, non-receptive females; (D) males exposed to receptive females with the vagina obstructed, to avoid intromission; (E) males exposed to receptive females: but separated by a grid that prevents physical contact; (F) males exposed to receptive females during 30 min. In a second experiment, experienced male rats were allowed to repeatedly copulate until reaching the criteria for sexual exhaustion, and 24 h later, they were allowed to copulate. Once sexually related conditions ended, males were killed and their blood was obtained. C and T plasma levels were assessed by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Results indicate that T did not increase significantly in naive male in any sexual condition, while in the experienced males, significant increases were observed with the mere presence of a receptive female and also after ejaculation. These increases were significantly larger in experienced males. On the other hand, C also increased in all sexual conditions, both in experienced and naive rats; however, the increase observed was larger in experienced males. Regarding sexual satiety, both C and T increased after copulating ad libitum to satiety. T increased almost three-fold compared to control, while C increased two-fold. No significant changes were observed in either one of the steroids 24 h after sexual exhaustion, even though males remained with a receptive female during an hour. These results show that sexual experience has an important influence on the hormonal response to sexual activity. C rises could be directly related to sexual arousal involved in the different sexual conditions, while T rises seem to have a direct relationship with both the motivation and execution aspects of masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Two major characteristics of males that affect the likelihood of achieving copulation are the sexual motivation and mating competency of the male. The behavior of domestic animals, including their sexual behavior, is dependent upon a complex interaction between the organism's internal and external environment. In male pigs, as in other mammalian species, it is clear that testicular steroids are required to maintain sexual behavior and testosterone plays a critical role. Consistent with studies in other species, it is apparent in male pigs that there is a threshold circulating concentration of androgens and/or estrogens required to maintain sexual behavior and that the level of sexual motivation is unrelated to levels of sex steroids providing these are adequate for normal sexual behavior. Key aspects of the external environment that affect the sexual behavior of the male pig include genetic, seasonal, social, sexual and psychological factors.  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sexual behavior of male rats kept under constant laboratory conditions for one entire year. A total of 213 sexually-inexperienced, male Wistar rats were maintained in controlled environmental conditions from birth. Depending the month in which they reached the age 3-month-old, the male rats were divided into 12 groups, one for each month of the year, and their sexual behavior was evaluated. Records of their sexual behavior were made from 09:00 to 11:00 hrs am. The following parameters were recorded: mount (latency and number), intromission (latency and number), ejaculation latency, and intromission rate. During the months of March, June, July and September, the rats showed lower mount and intromission latencies than in January, February, April, May and October-to-December. Similarly, in March, June, July and August they had higher copulatory efficiency than in January, February, April and December. Results suggest that male rats exposed to controlled environmental conditions could have endogenous mechanisms that regulate sexual behavior but are independent of seasonal environmental signals. The annual variability in the sexual behavior of male rats maintained under constant laboratory conditions should be considered when planning research and experiments.  相似文献   

To determine if deficits in sexual activity observed in pituitary-grafted male rats are due to elevated serum prolactin (PRL) levels found in these animals, the effects of whole pituitary grafts, pars distalis grafts, and ovine (o) PRL treatment on male copulatory behavior were compared. Adult sexually experienced CDF male rats were given four whole pituitary grafts, four pars distalis grafts, or were sham operated. Both groups of grafted animals exhibited suppressed copulatory behavior patterns when tested 18 days after pituitary transplantation. Animals given whole pituitary grafts had significantly longer latencies to mount (P less than 0.05) and to intromit (P less than 0.01) than did the sham-operated controls, while the animals given anterior pituitary grafts differed from the sham-operated controls in latencies to mount (P less than 0.05) and to intromit (P less than 0.01), as well as in the number of intromissions (P less than 0.05). Prolactin-injected animals had significantly reduced intromission rates (P less than 0.01) and significantly increased latencies to mount (P less than 0.05) and to intromit (P less than 0.01) when compared to vehicle-injected controls. Furthermore, the time course of behavioral suppression was similar in oPRL-treated animals to that observed in pars distalis-grafted males, with both groups showing the onset of deficits in sexual activity within 8 to 9 days from the induction of the hyperprolactinemic state. The similarity in pattern and time to onset of behavioral suppression in pituitary-grafted and oPRL-treated animals suggests that behavioral deficits observed in animals with pituitary grafts result from chronic elevation of serum PRL levels.  相似文献   

Gonadal steroids are essential for the long-term maintenance of the full repertoire of sexual behavior in male rodents. Typically, all individuals of several species cease to display the ejaculatory reflex within a few weeks of castration. The present study documents the persistence of the ejaculatory reflex 19 weeks after orchidectomy in 40% of male Siberian hamsters maintained in long or short day lengths; testosterone was undetectable in the circulation of these animals. Intact hamsters transferred from a long to a short photoperiod underwent gonadal regression: 50% of these animals continued to display mating behavior culminating in ejaculation throughout 25 weeks of testing. The remaining animals failed to ejaculate after approximately 11 weeks of short day treatment but resumed mating coincident with spontaneous gonadal recrudescence. Activation of sex behavior in the latter cohort appears to depend on gonadal steroids and is in contrast to the copulatory behavior of the substantial proportion of the study population that sustains the full sexual repertoire in the long-term absence of gonadal steroids. Sex behavior of the latter animals may be dependent on nongonadal steroids or mediation by steroid-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin cells were identified by means of immunocytochemistry with protein-A gold as a marker on ultrathin sections of the pituitary gland of young (3–4 months), middle-aged (16–19 months), and aged (26–30 months) male Wistar rats. Point-counting volumetry revealed that the prolactin (PRL) cell-volume density in middle-aged rats was significantly increased in comparison to the volume densities in young and aged rats. Within the PRL-cell population, four types of PRL cells were distinguished on the basis of the shape and size of their secretory granules. During aging, dramatic changes occurred in the relative volumes of the four cell types. The volume percentage of cells with round granules (type I, granule diameter 150–250 nm, and type IIA, granule diameter 250–350 nm) increased from ±30% in young rats to ±90% in old rats. The volume percentage of cells with round and polymorphic granules (type IIB; granule diameter 350–400 nm and type III; granule diameter 500–600 nm) decreased from ±70% in young rats to ±7% in old rats. Age-related changes in serum PRL levels were not found. It is concluded that although during the life span of the male Wistar rat considerable changes in PRL-cell volume densities and in the ratios of PRL-cell types occur serum, PRL levels remain more or less constant.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to stressors increases HPA axis activity and concomitantly reduces HPG axis activity. This antagonistic relationship between both these axes has been proposed to underlie the inhibition of reproductive function due to stress. Sexual behavior in males may be the most vulnerable aspect of male reproduction to acute and chronic stress and it has been suggested that alterations in sexual behavior during stress are due to the antagonistic relationship between testosterone and corticosteroids. However, only in a few studies has a correlation between the levels of testosterone and corticosterone, and sexual behavior been made. In this study, we evaluated the effects of different stressors, applied both acute and chronically, on masculine sexual behavior and whether or not these effects on sexual behavior are accompanied by changes in plasma levels of corticosterone and testosterone. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of testosterone treatment on the effects of stress on sexual behavior. Sexually experienced male rats were exposed to one of the following stressors: immobilization (IMB), electric foot shocks (EFS) or immersion in cold water (ICW). Sexual behavior and plasma levels of testosterone and corticosterone were assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 of stress. In a second experiment, males were castrated, treated with 3 different doses of testosterone propionate (TP) and exposed to ICW for 20 consecutive days. Sexual behavior was assessed on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 and steroids were evaluated on day 20. Parameters of masculine sexual behavior were modified depending on the characteristics of each stressor. Mount, intromission and ejaculation latencies increased significantly, the number of mounts increased, and ejaculations decreased significantly in males exposed to EFS and to ICW but not in males exposed to IMB. Associated with these effects, testosterone decreased in the EFS and ICW groups on days 1, 15, and 20. However, corticosterone increased only in males exposed to ICW. In castrated males, TP treatment failed to block the effects of stress by ICW on sexual behavior and corticosterone. These results indicate that the effects of stress on sexual behavior depend on the characteristics of each stressor, and these effects, as well as the decrease in testosterone are not necessarily associated with the increase in corticosterone. The fact that testosterone treatment did not prevent the effects of stress on sexual behavior suggests that other mediators could be involved in the alterations of sexual behavior caused by stress.  相似文献   

In most mammalian species, reduced androgen availability is associated with marked reductions in male sexuality; conversely, androgen replacement in castrated males restores sex behavior within a few weeks. Testosterone (T) pulse duration, amplitude, frequency, and inter-pulse interval may be as important as total amount of hormone in determining target tissue responsiveness. We remain ignorant of the number and duration of daily T pulses necessary and sufficient to sustain male mating behavior. An in-dwelling infusion system was employed to vary T-pulse frequencies and durations. Daily 4 h infusions of aqueous T (100 microg/0.064 ml) and twice daily 4 h pulses of T (each 50 microg/0.064 ml) were sufficient to maintain ejaculatory behavior of sexually experienced castrated hamsters for 11 weeks post-castration; castrated hamsters infused with vehicle ceased to display the ejaculatory pattern 3 weeks after gonadectomy. Circulating T concentrations of hormone-infused hamsters declined markedly 7 h after the termination of each infusion. These results establish that male sex behavior can be sustained with infusions of relatively low T concentrations for 4 h/day and suggests that the basal concentrations of T sustained by the gonad during inter-pulse intervals may not be necessary for maintenance of sex behavior. 4 h T infusions were sufficient to maintain penile and seminal vesicles weights, but not ventral prostate weights or flank gland dimensions; the threshold for maintaining male sex behavior is lower than that for some androgen-dependent peripheral structures. Development of effective androgen replacement regimens that sustain sex behavior in castrated animals may be useful in the design of androgen replacement therapy for hypogonadal men.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that aromatization is involved in the maintenance by testosterone of the appetitive component of male sexual behavior. We measured appetitive sexual behavior by administering behavioral tests in bilevel chambers and quantifying anticipatory level changes during a 5-min period prior to introduction of a stimulus female. In addition, we recorded standard measures of consummatory male sexual behavior after the female was introduced. Following 3 weekly tests, level-changing behavior reached a plateau and remained stable for up to 10 weeks. After 10 bilevel tests, rats were given subcutaneous testosterone capsules to clamp circulating androgen at physiological levels. Rats were tested and divided into two groups that were matched for measures of sexual behavior. One group was then treated with the nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, Fadrozole (2.5 mg/kg/day), given subcutaneously in beta-cyclodextrin and the other group was treated with vehicle. Within 1 week of Fadrozole treatment, the number of anticipatory levels changes was significantly reduced, but not the latency to begin searching. Fadrozole treatment also significantly reduced all measures of copulatory behavior over the period of treatment and increased latencies to first mount, intromission, and ejaculation. After 8 weeks, both treatment groups were given an additional Silastic capsule filled with estradiol and tested for 4 additional weeks. Estrogen treatment partially restored level-changing behavior, mounts, and intromissions but had little effect on ejaculations. These results support the view that aromatization is important for maintaining both the appetitive and the consummatory aspects of sexual behavior in male rats.  相似文献   

In sexually mature male rats, sialorphin is synthesized under androgenic control and its surge endocrine secretion is evoked in response to environmental acute stress. These findings led us to suggest that this signaling mediator might play a role in physiological and behavioral integration, especially reproduction. The present study investigates the effects induced by sialorphin on the male sexual behavior pattern. Intact male rats were treated in acute mode, with sialorphin at the 0.3, 1, and 3 microg/kg doses, before being paired with receptive female for 45 min. The data obtained show that sialorphin increased, in a dose-related manner, the occurrence of intromissions across the successive ejaculatory sequences. The rats treated with the highest 3 microg/kg dose significantly ejaculated less often compared to controls; however, 80% of them achieved up to three ejaculations. Further analyses of mount bouts for rats achieving three ejaculations reveal that there were significant stimulatory effects of sialorphin, at all doses, on the frequency of intromissions before ejaculation and on the propensity of males to engage in investigatory behavior directed to the female during the post-ejaculatory interval. Thus, sialorphin has the ability to modulate, at doses related to physiological circulating levels, the male rat mating pattern, that is, exerting a dual facilitative or inhibitory dose-dependent effect on the sexual performance, while stimulating the apparent sexual arousal or motivation. These findings led us to speculate that the endogenous androgen-regulated sialorphin helps modulate the adaptative balance between excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms serving appropriate male rat sexual response, depending on the context.  相似文献   

Pollination drop (PD) secretion plays a critical role in wind pollination in many gymnosperms. We conducted detailed investigations on PD secretion in Ginkgo biloba, and found that PDs could not form when the micropyle was removed, but were able to form after removal of the shoot, leaves, ovular stalk, or ovular collar. The duration and volume of the PD increased under high relative humidity, but addition of salt or sugar did not affect PD secretion, its size, or its duration. Morphological and anatomical observations showed that many secretion cells at the nucellus tip contributed to secreting the PD after the formation of pollen chamber. Under laboratory conditions, the PD persisted for approximately 10 d if not pollinated, and re-formed five times after it was removed, with the total volume of PDs reaching approximately 0.4 μL. These results suggested that PDs can be continuously secreted by the tip of the nucellus cells during the pollination stage to increase the chance of capturing pollen from the air. Importantly, PD secretion is an independent behavior of the ovule and PDs were produced apoplastically.  相似文献   

Male reproductive behavior is highly dependent upon gonadal steroids. However, between individuals and across species, the role of gonadal steroids in male reproductive behavior is highly variable. In male B6D2F1 hybrid mice, a large proportion (about 30%) of animals demonstrate the persistence of the ejaculatory reflex long after castration. This provides a model to investigate the basis of gonadal steroid-independent male sexual behavior. Here we assessed whether non-gonadal steroids promote mating behavior in castrated mice. Castrated B6D2F1 hybrids that persisted in copulating (persistent copulators) were treated with the androgen receptor blocker, flutamide, and the aromatase enzyme inhibitor, letrozole, for 8 weeks. Other animals were treated with the estrogen receptor blocker, ICI 182,780, via continual intraventricular infusion for 2 weeks. None of these treatments eliminated persistent copulation. A motivational aspect of male sexual behavior, the preference for a receptive female over another male, was also assessed. This preference persisted after long-term castration in persistent copulators, and administration of ICI 182,780 did not influence partner preference. To assess the possibility of elevated sensitivity to sex steroids in brains of persistent copulators, we measured mRNA levels for genes that code for the estrogen receptor-α, androgen receptor, and aromatase enzyme in the medial preoptic area and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. No differences in mRNA of these genes were noted in brains of persistent versus non-persistent copulators. Taken together our results suggest that non-gonadal androgens and estrogens do not maintain copulatory behavior in B6D2F1 mice which display copulatory behavior after castration.  相似文献   

The seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia Baill. are rich in 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin. In the present study we investigated the influence of the plant extract on male sexual behavior. The seed extract was orally administered to Sprague-Dawley male rats at three dose levels (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) both acutely and subchronically (daily for 9 days). Mating test with receptive female rats was performed 60 min after the acute treatment or the last dose when repetitively administered. Mount, intromission and ejaculation latencies and post-ejaculatory interval were recorded. Food intake and body weight were measured over the 9-day period of treatment. Microdialysis technique was used to detect the extracellular levels of serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in rat brain following the acute administration of the extract dosed at 100 mg/kg. The acute treatment significantly increased mount latency (at any dosage), intromission and ejaculation latencies (at 100 mg/kg) and post-ejaculatory interval (at 50 and 100 mg/kg). On the contrary the subchronic treatment failed to exert a significant influence on copulatory behavior. The daily administration of the extract dosed at 50 and 100 mg/kg for 9 days significantly reduced food intake and body weight. Finally in the microdialysis experiments we found a dramatic increase in 5-HT and its metabolite 5-HIAA.  相似文献   

ATP-sensitive potassium (K+ATP) channels regulate cell excitability and are expressed in steroid-responsive brain regions involved in sexual behavior, such as the preoptic area (POA) and medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). We hypothesized that K+ATP channels serve as a mechanism by which testosterone can control the electrical activity of neurons and consequently elicit male sexual responsiveness. RT-PCR analysis indicated that castration induces, while testosterone inhibits, mRNA expression of the K+ATP channel subunit Kir6.2 in both the POA and MBH of adult male rats. Intracerebral infusion of the pharmacological K+ATP channel inhibitor tolbutamide increased the proportion of long-term castrates displaying sexual behavior and restored mount frequency, intromission frequency, and copulatory efficacy to values observed in testes-intact animals. Infusions of tolbutamide, but not vehicle, also decreased latencies to mount and intromit in castrated males. Unilateral tolbutamide infusion directly into the POA significantly reduced mount latency of castrates; however, it did not affect other copulatory measures, suggesting that blockade of K+ATP channels in additional brain regions may be necessary to recover the full range of sexual behavior. These data indicate that blockade of K+ATP channels is sufficient to elicit the male sexual response in the absence of testosterone. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone modulates male sexual behavior by regulating K+ATP channels in the brain. Decreased channel expression or channel blockade may increase the excitability of androgen-target neurons, rendering them more sensitive to the hormonal, chemical, and somatosensory inputs they receive, and potentially increase secretion of neurotransmitters that facilitate sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The four-celled mature pollen of Ginkgo biloba L. just shed from the microsporangia, was round in shape and contained a very large germination area with monosulcate sulcus walled with two semicircular and nearly perpendicular parts of exine, and the pollen was coated with a compact irregular striations and spinules in parts other than the germination area. The pollen became boatshaped and was bilaterally symmetrical when it was in air or under cold storage, but rapidly rounded off in cultural solution. Studies on early morphogenesis of the male gametophyte in vitro and in vivo revealed that the tube nucleus turned a certain degree of angle, and was followed by lateral germination, while the non-active pollen maintained its round shape. The results suggest that the internal feature of the pollen tube could be a determinant factor contributing to the expression of the characteristic events of lateral germination of the male gametophyte in G. biloba. Furthermore, this biologically consistent character, together with the characteristic pollen morphology, is quite different from those of other groups in gymnosperms such as Cycas and Pinus. This might be a critical characterrelevant to the systematic position of G. biloba.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) is an herbal medicine used for treating neurodegenerative diseases, cerebrovascular insufficiency, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, and also vestibular disturbance. Some components of GBE have presented estrogenic effects and, in a previous study, high dosages of GBE caused intra‐uterine growth retardation in fetuses of Wistar rats treated during the fetogenesis period. METHODS: Pregnant Wistar rats were treated, through gavage, with different dosages of aqueous GBE (3.5, 7.0, and 14.0 mg/Kg/day), during the tubal transit and implantation period. Rats were killed on the 15th day of pregnancy and the following parameters were evaluated: clinical symptoms of maternal toxicity; maternal body weight; feed and water intake; maternal liver, kidney, and ovary weights; number of corpora lutea; implants per group ratio; pre‐ and post‐implantation loss per group ratio; live fetuses mean; dead fetuses percentage; fetus and placenta weight per offspring ratio; and fetal external malformation. RESULTS: No significant alteration was found for both the maternal and embryonic parameters evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: The GBE treatment in pregnant Wistar rats, during the tubal transit and implantation period, caused no toxic effect on the maternal organism and did not induce embryonic death, growth retardation, and/or fetal malformations. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:133–138, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of immunization against gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) on sexual behavior, total scrotal size, semen characteristics and serum concentrations of testosterone, was evaluated for 24 wks in sexually mature camels (Camelus dromedarius). Eight bull camels were randomly divided into a treatment and control group. Four male camels were immunized using 2 mg GnRH - tandem-dimer conjugated to ovalbumin, (Pepscan Systems, the Netherlands) administered subcutaneously, 4 wks apart. Control male camels received the same amount of saline solution. Significant decline in serum testosterone level was observed in three immunized camels out of four, whereas one camel showed no effect. The testosterone levels reached to <1.0 ng/mL serum by week 4 after booster injection and remained suppressed through the course of the study. The total testicular volume was not affected until the end of the experiment. In treated animals, the sexual behavior negatively affected after the booster injection. Anti-GnRH vaccine had a seriously detrimental effect on the acrosin amidase activity and normal acrosome percentages in treated male camels. It is concluded that the vaccine was effective in reducing serum testosterone levels and libido, and it had a serious harmful effect on the acrosin amidase activity and percentages of spermatozoa with normal acrosome. The immunogen did not affect the total testicular volume.  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin granules in the anterior pituitary glands of male rats contain densely stained materials at the periphery of the matrix. These occur in both small spherical and large polymorphic types of granules. The presence of densely stained materials around secretory granules may be a useful criterion for identification of prolactin cells since the dense structure was observed in 95% of these cells after conventional staining by uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The localization of glycoconjugates in the prolactin granules was examined by applying concanavalin A (Con A) on the ultrathin sections. HRP-Con A or ferritinconjugated Con A bound specifically to the densely stained materials in the peripheral region of the prolactin granule matrix, indicating that this densely stained matrix contains glycoconjugates; the significance thereof is discussed with reference to the concentration and packaging of secretory product.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study investigated the effects of renovascular hypertension (2K/1C model) on the reproductive function of male rats, represented by sexual behavior, plasma prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone, and spermatogenesis. METHODS: The present experiments were performed to investigate the reproductive function of 2K/1C male Wistar rats and compare with 2K/1C male rats successfully treated for hypertension with nifedipine and was divided in the following groups: (1) Sham+V (n=10): Sham-operated males with vehicle used; (2) Sham+N (n=13): Sham-operated males treated with nifedipine (10 mg/kg/day); (3) 2K/1C+V (n=14): 2K/1C-operated males with vehicle used; and (4) 2K/1C+N (n=16): 2K/1C-operated males treated with nifedipine. RESULTS: The data indicated an association between hypertension induced by the 2K/1C model and reduction of reproductive function, as demonstrated by an impairment of sexual behavior, higher plasma PRL and lower plasma testosterone and FSH. The treatment with nifedipine prevented the reduction of sexual behavior and the increase of plasma PRL, but did not alter the reduction of plasma testosterone and FSH and spermatogenesis of 2K/1C rats. CONCLUSIONS: Reproductive function is adversely affected in the 2K/1C animal model, and high blood pressure plays a role in the modulation of plasma PRL and sexual behavior. Moreover, other events, without high blood pressure, but with high plasma renin activity associated with the 2K/1C model, contribute directly to the reduction of plasma testosterone and FSH and impaired spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

To characterize male–male sexual behavior during lamb development, to relate it with lamb body and testicular growth, and with sexual behavior toward estrual ewes, 40 Milchschaf male lambs, weaned at 45 days of age, were kept with ewes that were nursing younger lambs. Experimental lambs were weighed and scrotal circumference was measured every 2 weeks. Male–male sexual behavior was observed during 1–2 h every 2 weeks after birth until 7 months of age. Observations were recorded more intensively (3–4 h on five different days) for 2 weeks (5–6 months of age) as male–male sexual behavior increased during that period. Both mounting and mounted lambs were identified. An individual mounting index (MI) was calculated. To study male–female sexual behavior, lambs were individually located with two estrual ewes, and during 5 min the number of ano-genital sniffing, lateral approaches, mounts, and mounts with ejaculation were recorded. From those data, a libido index was also calculated. Male–male mounts (n = 308) were observed. Courtship behavior was displayed in 25% of interactions; mounts were accepted in 72.1% of attempted mounts. Mounts without previous courtship were accepted more frequently than mounts with previous courtship (P = 0.002). Lamb weight and scrotal circumference were not different according to MI groups. Lambs that mounted more times estrual ewes (first tertile) had greater (P = 0.04) MI (0.61 ± 0.10) than lambs with medium (0.27 ± 0.09) and less (0.30 ± 0.10) MI. The regression between MI and heterosexual libido index was r = 0.33 (P < 0.05). In summary, intensive male–male sexual activity during a short period of male lamb development was observed. There was a positive relationship between sexual behavior of male lambs towards other male lambs and towards estrual ewes.  相似文献   

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