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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure the concentration of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) antigen in different parts of field-grown secondarily infected plants of three potato genotypes known to differ in resistance to infection. The antigen concentration in leaves of cv. Maris Piper (susceptible) was 10–30 times greater than that in cv. Pentland Crown or G 7445(1), a breeder's line (both resistant). Differences between genotypes in antigen concentration were smaller in petioles and tubers (5–10-fold) and in above-ground stems (about 4-fold), and were least in below-ground stems, stolons and roots (about 2-fold). PLRV antigen, detected by fluorescent antibody staining of tissue sections, was confined to phloem companion cells. In Pentland Crown, the decrease in PLRV antigen concentration in leaf mid-veins and petioles, relative to that in Maris Piper, was proportional to the decrease in number of PLRV-containing companion cells; this decrease was greater in the external phloem than in the internal phloem. The spread of PLRV infection within the phloem system seems to be impaired in the resistant genotypes. Green peach aphids (Myzuspersicae) acquired < 2800 pg PLRV/aphid when fed for 4 days on infected field-grown Maris Piper plants and < 58% of such aphids transmitted the virus to Physalis floridana test plants. In contrast, aphids fed on infected Pentland Crown plants acquired <120 pg PLRV/aphid and <3% transmitted the virus to P. floridana. The ease with which M. persicae acquired and transmitted PLRV from field-grown Maris Piper plants decreased greatly after the end of June without a proportionate drop in PLRV concentration. Spread of PLRV in potato crops should be substantially decreased by growing cultivars in which the virus multiplies to only a limited extent.  相似文献   

Potato leafroll virus induces considerable disturbances of phosphorus metabolism in leafroll-infected potato plants. Each variety reacts differently in this respect on the infection, to some extent being dependent on the susceptibility of the respective variety to leafroll and to the season as well. In varieties particularly susceptible to leafroll as in Apta and Sieglinde there is a decrease of total P after infection. On the contrary, varieties showing medium susceptibility such as varieties Tatranka, Rita and Ambra react to leafroll infection with a considerable increase of total P. In the comparatively less susceptible variety Krasava, there is no change in the level of total P after infection. In autumn, however, a slight decrease of total P even in the medium susceptible variety Tatranka, and the less susceptible variety, Krasava, can be found. Our results shed a new light on existing controversies in literature regarding phosphorus content in leafroll-infected potato plants. When the changes in the contents of various phosphorus fractions in the infected plants are compared we can observe a tendency of lowmolecular fractions to rise. Among the different phosphorus fractions one common feature could be seen, except for the hypersensitive resistant variety Apta, namely, that the acid-soluble organic phosphates in the stems of all varieties examined, were considerably higher than in healthy stems.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Availability of and easy access to diverse plant viruses and viroids is a prerequisite in applied and basic studies related to viruses and viroids....  相似文献   

Factors affecting the detection of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in tubers of field-grown potato plants with primary or secondary infection were studied. The reactions of extracts of virus-free potato tubers were minimised by pre-incubating the extracts at room temperature and by careful choice of the dilution of enzyme-conjugated globulin. PLRV was reliably detected in tubers produced by secondarily infected plants of all six cultivars tested. PLRV concentration was greater in heel-end than in rose-end vascular tissue of recently harvested tubers but increased in rose-end tissue when tubers stored at 4°C for at least 5 months were placed at 15–24°C for 2 wk. PLRV occurred at greater concentration in tubers from plants of cv. Maris Piper with natural or experimentally induced primary infection than in tubers from secondarily infected plants; again PLRV concentration was greater in heel-end than in rose-end vascular tissue. Plants whose shoots were infected earliest in the growing season were invaded systemically and produced the greatest proportion of infected tubers; plants infected late in the season also produced infected tubers but PLRV was not detected in their shoot tops. PLRV concentration in tubers from the earliest-infected plants was less than in tubers from later-infected plants. PLRV was detected reliably by ELISA in tubers from progenies that were totally infected but was not detected in all infected tubers from partially infected progenies. ELISA is suitable as a routine method of indexing tubers for PLRV, although the virus will not be detected in all infected tubers produced by plants to which it is transmitted late in the growing season.  相似文献   

Tubers of eight potato clones infected with potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) were planted as ‘infectors’ in a field crop grown, at Invergowrie, of virus-free potato cv. Maris Piper in 1989. The mean PLRV contents of the infector clones, determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of leaf tissue, ranged from c. 65 to 2400 ng/g leaf. Myzus persicae colonised the crop shortly after shoot emergence in late May and established large populations on all plants, exceeding 2000/plant by 27 June. Aphid infestations were controlled on 30 June by insecticide sprays. Aphid-borne spread of PLRV from plants of the infector clones was assessed in August by ELISA of foliage samples from the neighbouring Maris Piper ‘receptors’. Up to 89% infection occurred in receptor plots containing infector clones with high concentrations of PLRV. Spread was least (as little as 6%) in plots containing infectors in which PLRV concentrations were low. Primary PLRV infection in guard areas of the crop away from infectors was 4%. Some receptor plants became infected where no leaf contact was established with the infectors, suggesting that some virus spread may have been initiated by aphids walking across the soil.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence and organization of potato leafroll virus genomic RNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA of potato leafroll virus was determined and its genetic organization deduced. The RNA is 5882 nucleotides long and contains 6 open reading frames (ORFs) encoding proteins of 70, 70, 56, 28, 23 and 17 kDa. The putative genes for the coat protein (23 kDa) and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (70 kDa) were identified by interviral amino acid sequence homologies. For expression of the different ORFs, translational frameshift and readthrough events are proposed.  相似文献   

Using antiserum globulins that reacted only weakly with plant materials, potato leafroll virus (PLRV) at 10 ng/ml was detected consistently by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The reaction with PLRV particles was slightly impaired in potato leaf extracts that were diluted less than 10-1 but not at greater dilutions. Antiserum globulins that reacted more strongly with plant materials could be used satisfactorily for coating microtitre plates but were unsuitable for conjugating with enzyme. The detection end-point of PLRV, in leaf sap of potato cv. Cara plants grown from infected tubers in the glasshouse, was about 10-2 and the virus was reliably detected in extracts of composite samples of one infected and 15 virus-free leaves. PLRV concentration was much less in extracts of roots or stolons than in leaf extracts. The virus was detected in infected leaves of all 27 cultivars tested. PLRV was readily detectable 2 wk before symptoms of secondary infection developed in field-grown plants of cv. Cara and Maris Piper and remained so for at least 5 wk. Its concentration was slightly greater in old than in young leaves and was similar to that in glasshouse-grown plants. In field-grown plants of cv. Maris Piper with primary infection, PLRV was detected in tip leaves 21–42 days after lower leaves were inoculated by aphids; in some shoots it later reached a concentration, in tip leaves, similar to that in leaves with secondary infection. Symptoms of primary infection developed in the young leaves of some infected shoots but were inconspicuous and were not observed until at least a week after PLRV was detected by ELISA.  相似文献   

Multiple components of the resistance of potatoes to potato leafroll virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In glasshouse experiments the ranking of potato genotypes for resistance to infection with potato leafroll virus (PLRV) using three concentrations of aphid-borne inoculum was the same as their field resistance ratings. In field-grown plants this resistance to infection increased in all genotypes as the plants aged but its rate of increase differed between genotypes. In tests on field-grown plants infected by aphid- or graft-inoculation, the proportion of virus-free progeny tubers increased the later the date of inoculation but was greater in resistant than in susceptible genotypes. This trend was most pronounced in the resistant clone G7445(1), in which the virus failed to move from the foliage to the tubers of some plants infected in glasshouse tests. The spread of PLRV will thus be minimised in crops of resistant compared with susceptible genotypes for three reasons: plants have greater resistance to infection, systemic spread of virus from their foliage to tubers is less likely and, as shown previously, the low concentration of virus particles in leaf tissue makes infected plants less potent sources of inoculum for aphids.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out in eastern Scotland in 1976-78 to test the ability of granular insecticides, applied to soil at planting, and of insecticide sprays applied to the foliage, to control aphids and spread of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) in potatoes. The three years provided contrasting opportunities for virus spread. In 1976, the main vector of PLRV, Myzus persicae, arrived in early June and multiplied rapidly in untreated plots, and PLRV spread extensively. In 1977, M. persicae arrived 4–6 wk later than in 1976 and most spread of PLRV, which was less than in 1976, occurred after the end of July. In 1978, few M. persicae were recorded but the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, arrived early and very large populations developed in untreated plots. However, little spread of PLRV occurred in 1978, supporting other evidence that M. euphorbiae is an inefficient vector of PLRV in field conditions. In each year, granular insecticides decreased PLRV spread to a quarter or less of that in control plots. Thiofanox gave somewhat better and longer-lasting control of aphid populations than disulfoton, especially of M. persicae, but did not give greater control of PLRV spread. Application of three (1976) or five (1977) sprays of demeton-S-methyl to plots treated with granular insecticides further improved the control of M. euphorbiae but had less or no effect on M. persicae, especially where organophosphorus resistant aphids (R1 strain) were found. These supplementary sprays of insecticide did not further improve the control of PLRV but, in 1978, four sprays of demephion or pirimicarb to plots not treated with granular insecticide decreased PLRV spread. These data, together with previous findings, indicate that the amount of virus spread depends on the date of arrival and rate of multiplication of M. persicae in relation to the timing and effectiveness of removal of PLRV sources in crops. It is concluded that in Scotland insecticide granules should be used routinely only in crops of the highest grade of seed potato. Their use for other grades need be considered only in years following mild winters, when aphids can be expected to enter crops earlier and in larger numbers.  相似文献   

RAPD polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to study the genetic diversity among a wild potato variety Solanum demissum (very resistant to late blight) and six potato cultivars (Hanna, Lady-Olympia, Lady-Rosetta, Spunta, Diamant and Cara) varied in their resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Cluster analysis of six potato genotypes showed that, all tested genotypes were separated into two clusters (1 and 2). Cluster 1, included only the wild potato variety (S. demissum), whereas cluster 2 divided into two groups (G1 and G2). Late blight high resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara were grouped in G1. Group 2 included the moderate resistant cultivar Spunta and the susceptible cultivars Diamant, Lady-Rosetta and Lady-Olympia. The potato cultivars that showed highest genetic similarity to the wild potato variety were the resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara. Lowest genetic similarity was obtained with the susceptible cultivars Lady-Rosetta, Diamant and Lady-Olympia. RAPD primer K17 yielded a band with molecular weight of 936 bp found in all susceptible potato cultivars (Lady-Rosetta, Lady-Olympia and Diamant). On the other hand, band with molecular weight of 765 bp were detected in the wild potato and the resistant cultivars Hanna and Cara. Results of this study suggested that, the RAPD marker technique could be beneficial for revealing the genetic variability of different genotypes of potato varied in their resistibility to late blight.  相似文献   

Honeydew excretion of single Myzus persicae nymphs on potato leafroll virus (PLVR)-infected Physalis floridana was studied during the acquisition access period (AAP) in relation to the efficiency of virus transmission.
With increasing length of the AAP, the percentage of nymphs that transmitted the virus increased. These nymphs produced significantly more honeydew droplets during the AAP on PLRV-infected P. floridana plants than nymphs which failed to transmit the virus. However, the number of honeydew droplets excreted during the AAP by transmitting nymphs did not affect the length of the latency period. Nymphs which infected the first test plant after a short latency period produced a similar amount of honeydew during the AAP to those with a longer latency period.
Honeydew excretion recorded on plants of varied age, showed that nymphs feeding on bottom leaves of infected plants produced more honeydew droplets than on comparable leaves of healthy plants. On infected plants, nymphs produced more honeydew droplets on bottom leaves with pronounced symptoms than on top leaves that hardly showed any symptom of PLRV infection.
The concentration of viral antigen measured by ELISA was lower in top leaves than in bottom leaves of infected plants. Nevertheless, nymphs feeding on top leaves transmitted the virus more efficiently than those which used bottom leaves as virus source. When bottom leaves were used as a virus source, the percentage of viruliferous nymphs decreased with plant age. These results indicate that the availability of virus for acquisition by aphids declines with increasing plant age and symptom severity.  相似文献   

The concentration of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), as measured by a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in the foliage of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) of cv Maris Piper with secondary infection was 2900 ng/g leaf, whereas in clones G7445(1) and G7032(5) it was 180 ng/g leaf and 120 ng/g leaf, respectively. To examine the genetic control of resistance to PLRV multiplication, reciprocal crosses were made between the susceptible cultivar Maris Piper and the two resistant clones, and the three parents were selfed. Seedling progenies of these families were grown to generate tubers of individual genotypes (clones). Clonally propagated plants were graft-inoculated, and their daughter tubers were collected and used to grow plants with secondary infection in which PLRV concentration was estimated. The expression of resistance to PLRV multiplication had a bimodal distribution in progenies from crosses between Maris Piper and either resistant clone, and also in progeny from selfing the resistant parents, with genotypes segregating into high and low virus titre groups. Only the progeny obtained from selfing Maris Piper did not segregate, all genotypes being susceptible to PLRV multiplication. The pattern of segregation obtained from these progenies fits more closely with the genetical hypothesis that resistance to PLRV multiplication is controlled by two unlinked dominant complementary genes, both of which are required for resistance, than with the simpler hypothesis that resistance is conferred by a single dominant gene, as published previously.  相似文献   

Potato leafroll virus (PLRV; genus Polerovirus, family Luteoviridae) is a persistently transmitted circulative virus that depends on aphids for spreading. The primary vector of PLRV is the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Solanum tuberosum L. potato cv. Kardal (Solanaceae) has a certain degree of resistance to M. persicae: young leaves seem to be resistant, whereas senescent leaves are susceptible. In this study, we investigated whether PLRV‐infection of potato plants affected aphid behaviour. We found that M. persicae's ability to differentiate headspace volatiles emitted from PLRV‐infected and non‐infected potato plants depends on the age of the leaf. In young apical leaves, no difference in aphid attraction was found between PLRV‐infected and non‐infected leaves. In fact, hardly any aphids were attracted. On the contrary, in mature leaves, headspace volatiles from virus infected leaves attracted the aphids. We also studied the effect of PLRV‐infection on probing and feeding behaviour (plant penetration) of M. persicae using the electrical penetration graph technique (DC system). Several differences were observed between plant penetration in PLRV‐infected and non‐infected plants, but only after infected plants showed visual symptoms of PLRV infection. The effects of PLRV‐infection in plants on the behaviour of M. persicae, the vector of the virus, and the implications of these effects on the transmission of the virus are thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

Potato leafroll virus is a member of the polerovirus genus. The isometric virion is formed by a coat protein encapsidating single-stranded, positive-sense, mono-partite genomic RNA with covalently attached viral protein at the 5' end. The coat protein of the virus exists in two forms: i) a 23 kDa protein, the product of the coat protein gene, and ii) a 78 kDa protein, the product of the coat protein gene and an additional open reading frame expressed by read-through of the coat protein gene stop codon. The aim of this work was the expression of potato leafroll virus coat protein-based proteins that would be able to assemble into virus-like particles in insect cells. These modified particles were tested for their ability to encapsidate nucleic acids. Two types of N-terminally His-tagged coat protein constructs were used for the expression in insect cells: one, encoding a 23 kDa protein with the C-terminal amino-acid sequence corresponding to the wild type coat protein and the second with additional clathrin binding domain at the C-terminus. The expression of these two proteins by a recombinant baculovirus was characterized by Western immunoblotting with antibodies directed against potato leafroll virus. The protection or putative encapsidation of nucleic acids by these two coat protein derivatives was shown by DNase I and RNase A protection assays.  相似文献   

Three of 10 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) produced to potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) were found to react in triple antibody sandwich ELISA (TAS-ELISA) with groundnut rosette assistor luteovirus (GRAV), though none reacted with four other luteoviruses (barley yellow dwarf, bean leaf roll, beet western yellows or carrot red leaf)- The most effective PLRV MAb, SCR 6, was used in TAS-ELISA to detect isolates of GRAV from groundnut plants with chlorotic, green and mosaic forms of rosette from Nigeria and Malawi. The test also detected GRAV in extracts of single Aphis craccivora.  相似文献   

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