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Human odorant‐binding protein, OBPIIa, is expressed by nasal epithelia to facilitate transport of hydrophobic odorant molecules across the aqueous mucus. Here, we report its crystallographic analysis at 2.6 Å resolution. OBPIIa is a monomeric protein that exhibits the classical lipocalin fold with a conserved eight‐stranded β‐barrel harboring a remarkably large hydrophobic pocket. Basic residues within the four loops that shape the entrance to this ligand‐binding site evoke a positive electrostatic potential. Human OBPIIa shows distinct features compared with other mammalian OBPs, including a potentially reactive Cys side chain within its pocket similar to human tear lipocalin. Proteins 2015; 83:1180–1184. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted via a tick vector, is dependent on its tick and mammalian hosts for a number of essential nutrients. Like other bacterial diderms, it must transport these biochemicals from the extracellular milieu across two membranes, ultimately to the B. burgdorferi cytoplasm. In the current study, we established that a gene cluster comprising genes bb0215 through bb0218 is cotranscribed and is therefore an operon. Sequence analysis of these proteins suggested that they are the components of an ABC‐type transporter responsible for translocating phosphate anions from the B. burgdorferi periplasm to the cytoplasm. Biophysical experiments established that the putative ligand‐binding protein of this system, BbPstS (BB0215), binds to phosphate in solution. We determined the high‐resolution (1.3 Å) crystal structure of the protein in the absence of phosphate, revealing that the protein's fold is similar to other phosphate‐binding proteins, and residues that are implicated in phosphate binding in other such proteins are conserved in BbPstS. Taken together, the gene products of bb0215‐0218 function as a phosphate transporter for B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

PonA2 is one of the two class A penicillin binding proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of tuberculosis. It plays a complex role in mycobacterial physiology and is spotted as a promising target for inhibitors. PonA2 is involved in adaptation of M. tuberculosis to dormancy, an ability which has been attributed to the presence in its sequence of a C‐terminal PASTA domain. Since PASTA modules are typically considered as β‐lactam antibiotic binding domains, we determined the solution structure of the PASTA domain from PonA2 and analyzed its binding properties versus a plethora of potential binders, including the β‐lactam antibiotics, two typical muropeptide mimics, and polymeric peptidoglycan. We show that, despite a high structural similarity with other PASTA domains, the PASTA domain of PonA2 displays different binding properties, as it is not able to bind muropeptides, or β‐lactams, or polymeric peptidoglycan. These results indicate that the role of PASTA domains cannot be generalized, as their specific binding properties strongly depend on surface residues, which are widely variable. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 712–719, 2014.  相似文献   

Although genome‐editing enzymes such as TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 are being widely used, they have an essential limitation in that their relatively high‐molecular weight makes them difficult to be delivered to cells. To develop a novel genome‐editing enzyme with a smaller molecular weight, we focused on the engrailed homeodomain (EHD). We designed and constructed proteins composed of two EHDs connected by a linker to increase sequence specificity. In bacterial one‐hybrid assays and electrophoresis mobility shift assay analyses, the created proteins exhibited good affinity for DNA sequences consisting of two tandemly aligned EHD target sequences. However, they also bound to individual EHD targets. To avoid binding to single target sites, we introduced amino acid mutations to reduce the protein–DNA affinity of each EHD monomer and successfully created a small protein with high specificity for tandem EHD target sequences.  相似文献   

The three‐dimensional structure of Rv2607, a putative pyridoxine 5′‐phosphate oxidase (PNPOx) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has been determined by X‐ray crystallography to 2.5 Å resolution. Rv2607 has a core domain similar to known PNPOx structures with a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor. Electron density for two FMN at the dimer interface is weak despite the bright yellow color of the protein solution and crystal. The shape and size of the putative binding pocket is markedly different from that of members of the PNPOx family, which may indicate some significant changes in the FMN binding mode of this protein relative to members of the family. Proteins 2006. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, calcium-binding proteins play a pivotal role in diverse cellular processes, and recent findings suggest similar roles for bacterial proteins at different stages in their life cycle. Here, we report the crystal structure of calcium dodecin, Rv0379, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a dodecameric oligomeric assembly and a unique calcium-binding motif. Structure and sequence analysis were used to identify orthologs of Rv0379 with different ligand-binding specificity.  相似文献   

Yang MC  Guan HH  Liu MY  Lin YH  Yang JM  Chen WL  Chen CJ  Mao SJ 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1197-1210
Beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG), one of the most investigated proteins, is a major bovine milk protein with a predominantly beta structure. The structural function of the only alpha-helix with three turns at the C-terminus is unknown. Vitamin D(3) binds to the central calyx formed by the beta-strands. Whether there are two vitamin D binding-sites in each beta-LG molecule has been a subject of controversy. Here, we report a second vitamin D(3) binding site identified by synchrotron X-ray diffraction (at 2.4 A resolution). In the central calyx binding mode, the aliphatic tail of vitamin D(3) clearly inserts into the binding cavity, where the 3-OH group of vitamin D(3) binds externally. The electron density map suggests that the 3-OH group interacts with the carbonyl of Lys-60 forming a hydrogen bond (2.97 A). The second binding site, however, is near the surface at the C-terminus (residues 136-149) containing part of an alpha-helix and a beta-strand I with 17.91 A in length, while the span of vitamin D(3) is about 12.51 A. A remarkable feature of the second exosite is that it combines an amphipathic alpha-helix providing nonpolar residues (Phe-136, Ala-139, and Leu-140) and a beta-strand providing a nonpolar (Ile-147) and a buried polar residue (Arg-148). They are linked by a hydrophobic loop (Ala-142, Leu-143, Pro-144, and Met-145). Thus, the binding pocket furnishes strong hydrophobic force to stabilize vitamin D(3) binding. This finding provides a new insight into the interaction between vitamin D(3) and beta-LG, in which the exosite may provide another route for the transport of vitamin D(3) in vitamin D(3) fortified dairy products. Atomic coordinates for the crystal structure of beta-LG-vitamin D(3) complex described in this work have been deposited in the PDB (access code 2GJ5).  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis KinD signal‐transducing histidine kinase is a part of the sporulation phosphorelay known to regulate important developmental decisions such as sporulation and biofilm formation. We have determined crystal structures of the extracytoplasmic sensing domain of KinD, which was copurified and crystallized with a pyruvate ligand. The structure of a ligand‐binding site mutant was also determined; it was copurified and crystallized with an acetate ligand. The structure of the KinD extracytoplasmic segment is similar to that of several other sensing domains of signal transduction proteins and is composed of tandem Per‐Arnt‐Sim (PAS)‐like domains. The KinD ligand‐binding site is located on the membrane distal PAS‐like domain and appears to be highly selective; a single mutation, R131A, abolishes pyruvate binding and the mutant binds acetate instead. Differential scanning fluorimetry, using a variety of monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids, identified pyruvate, propionate, and butyrate but not lactate, acetate, or malate as KinD ligands. A recent report found that malate induces biofilm formation in a KinD‐dependent manner. It was suggested that malate might induce a metabolic shift and increased secretion of the KinD ligand of unknown identity. The structure and binding assays now suggests that this ligand is pyruvate and/or other small monocarboxylic acids. In summary, this study gives a first insight into the identity of a molecular ligand for one of the five phosphorelay kinases of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, continues to be a major threat to populations worldwide. Whereas the disease is treatable, the drug regimen is arduous at best with the use of four antimicrobials over a six‐month period. There is clearly a pressing need for the development of new therapeutics. One potential target for structure‐based drug design is the enzyme RmlA, a glucose‐1‐phosphate thymidylyltransferase. This enzyme catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of l ‐rhamnose, which is a deoxysugar critical for the integrity of the bacterium's cell wall. Here, we report the X‐ray structures of M. tuberculosis RmlA in complex with either dTTP or dTDP‐glucose to 1.6 Å and 1.85 Å resolution, respectively. In the RmlA/dTTP complex, two magnesium ions were observed binding to the nucleotide, both ligated in octahedral coordination spheres. In the RmlA/dTDP‐glucose complex, only a single magnesium ion was observed. Importantly, for RmlA‐type enzymes with known three‐dimensional structures, not one model shows the position of the magnesium ion bound to the nucleotide‐linked sugar. As such, this investigation represents the first direct observation of the manner in which a magnesium ion is coordinated to the RmlA product and thus has important ramifications for structure‐based drug design. In the past, molecular modeling procedures have been employed to derive a three‐dimensional model of the M. tuberculosis RmlA for drug design. The X‐ray structures presented herein provide a superior molecular scaffold for such endeavors in the treatment of one of the world's deadliest diseases.  相似文献   

With the aim of elucidating the biological function of hypothetical proteins unique amongst the Actynomyces sub-group of bacteria, we have solved the crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein Rv1155 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis at 1.8 A resolution. Rv1155 is a homodimer both in the crystal structure and in solution and folds into two separate domains consisting of a six-stranded anti-parallel beta-barrel fold flanked by two alpha-helices and a helix-turn-helix domain. Both domains contribute to the formation of two deep clefts at the dimer interface. The overall fold of Rv1155 strikingly resembles that of flavin mononucleotide-binding protein and pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxydase, but the architecture of the putative binding pocket is markedly different, consistent with the lack of color of Rv1155 and its inability to bind FMN. Rv1155 thus appears to belong to a group of proteins with stringent conservation of the binding cleft, having evolved towards a new binding function.  相似文献   

MPT63 is a small, major secreted protein of unknown function from Mycobacterium tuberculosis that has been shown to have immunogenic properties and has been implicated in virulence. A BLAST search identified that MPT63 has homologs only in other mycobacteria, and is therefore mycobacteria specific. As MPT63 is a secreted protein, mycobacteria specific, and implicated in virulence, MPT63 is an attractive drug target against the deadliest infectious disease, tuberculosis (TB). As part of the TB Structural Genomics Consortium, the X-ray crystal structure of MPT63 was determined to 1.5-Angstrom resolution with the hope of yielding functional information about MPT63. The structure of MPT63 is an antiparallel beta-sandwich immunoglobulin-like fold, with the unusual feature of the first beta-strand of the protein forming a parallel addition to the small antiparallel beta-sheet. MPT63 has weak structural similarity to many proteins with immunoglobulin folds, in particular, Homo sapiens beta2-adaptin, bovine arrestin, and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin. Although the structure of MPT63 gives no conclusive evidence to its function, structural similarity suggests that MPT63 could be involved in cell-host interactions to facilitate endocytosis/phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Additivity in binding affinity of protein‐protein complexes refers to the change in free energy of binding (ΔΔGbind) for double (or multiple) mutations which is approximately equal to the sum of their corresponding single mutation ΔΔGbind values. In this study, we have explored the additivity effect of double mutants, which shows a linear relationship between the binding affinity of double and sum of single mutants with a correlation of 0.90. However, the comparison of ΔΔGbind values showed a mean absolute deviation of 0.86 kcal/mol, and 25.6% of the double mutants show a deviation of more than 1 kcal/mol, which are identified as non‐additive. The additivity effects have been analyzed based on the influence of structural features such as accessible surface area, long range order, binding propensity change, surrounding hydrophobicity, flexibility, atomic contacts between the mutations and distance between the 2 mutations. We found that non‐additive mutations tend to be closer to each other and have more contacts. We have also used machine learning methods to discriminate additive and non‐additive mutations using structure‐based features, which showed the accuracies in the range of 0.77–0.92 for protein‐protein complexes belonging to different functions. Further, we have compared the additivity effects of protein stability along with binding affinity and explored the similarities and differences between them. The results obtained in this study provide insights into the effects of various structural features on binding affinity of double mutants, and will aid the development of accurate methods to predict the binding affinity of double mutants.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of CheY promotes association with the flagellar motor and ultimately controls the directional bias of the motor. However, biochemical studies of activated CheY‐phosphate have been challenging due to the rapid hydrolysis of the aspartyl‐phosphate in vitro. An inert analog of Tm CheY‐phosphate, phosphono‐CheY, was synthesized by chemical modification and purified by cation‐exchange chromatography. Changes in HPLC retention times, chemical assays for phosphate and free thiol, and mass spectrometry experiments demonstrate modification of Cys54 with a phosphonomethyl group. Additionally, a crystal structure showed electron density for the phosphonomethyl group at Cys54, consistent with a modification at that position. Subsequent biochemical experiments confirmed that protein crystals were phosphono‐CheY. Isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence polarization binding assays demonstrated that phosphono‐CheY bound a peptide derived from FliM, a native partner of CheY‐phosphate, with a dissociation constant of ~29 µM, at least sixfold more tightly than unmodified CheY. Taken together these results suggest that Tm phosphono‐CheY is a useful and unique analog of Tm CheY‐phosphate.  相似文献   

The Sac10b family consists of a group of highly conserved DNA binding proteins from both the euryarchaeotal and the crenarchaeotal branches of Archaea. The proteins have been suggested to play an architectural role in the chromosomal organization in these organisms. Previous studies have mainly focused on the Sac10b proteins from the crenarchaeota. Here, we report the 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of Mja10b from the euryarchaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. The model of Mja10b has been refined to an R-factor of 20.9%. The crystal structure of an Mja10b monomer reveals an alpha/beta structure of four beta-strands and two alpha-helices, and Mja10b assembles into a dimer via an extensive hydrophobic interface. Mja10b has a similar topology to that of its crenarchaeota counterpart Sso10b (also known as Alba). Structural comparison between the two proteins suggests that structural features such as hydrophobic inner core, acetylation sites, dimer interface, and DNA binding surface are conserved among Sac10b proteins. Structural differences between the two proteins were found in the loops. To understand the structural basis for the thermostability of Mja10b, the Mja10b structure was compared to other proteins with similar topology. Our data suggest that extensive ion-pair networks, optimized accessible surface area and the dimerization via hydrophobic interactions may contribute to the enhanced thermostability of Mja10b.  相似文献   

The sensor histidine kinases of two‐component signal‐transduction systems (TCSs) are essential for bacteria to adapt to variable environmental conditions. The two‐component regulatory system BaeS/R increases multidrug and metal resistance in Salmonella and Escherichia coli. In this study, we report the X‐ray structure of the periplasmic sensor domain of BaeS from Serratia marcescens FS14. The BaeS sensor domain (34–160) adopts a mixed α/β‐fold containing a central four‐stranded antiparallel β‐sheet flanked by a long N‐terminal α‐helix and additional loops and a short C‐terminal α‐helix on each side. Structural comparisons revealed that it belongs to the PDC family with a remarkable difference in the orientation of the helix α2. In the BaeS sensor domain, this helix is situated perpendicular to the long helix α1 and holds helix α1 in the middle with the beta sheet, whereas in other PDC domains, helix α2 is parallel to helix α1. Because the helices α1 and α2 is involved in the dimeric interface, this difference implies that BaeS uses a different dimeric interface compared with other PDC domains. Proteins 2017; 85:1784–1790. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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