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Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is activated in skeletal muscle atrophying in response to various catabolic stimuli. Previous studies have demonstrated activation of ubiquitin conjugation. Because ubiquitination can also be regulated by deubiquitinating enzymes, we used degenerate oligonucleotides derived from conserved sequences in the ubiquitin-specific protease (UBP) family of deubiquitinating enzymes in RT-PCR with skeletal muscle RNA to amplify putative deubiquitinating enzymes. We identified USP19, a 150-kDa deubiquitinating enzyme that is widely expressed in various tissues including skeletal muscle. Expression of USP19 mRNA increased by approximately 30-200% in rat skeletal muscle atrophying in response to fasting, streptozotocin-induced diabetes, dexamethasone treatment, and cancer. Increased mRNA levels during fasting returned to normal with refeeding, but 1 day later than the normalization of rates of proteolysis and coincided instead with recovery of muscle mass. Indeed, in all catabolic treatments, USP19 mRNA was inversely correlated with muscle mass and provided an index of muscle mass that may be useful in many pathological conditions, using small human muscle biopsies. The increased expression of this deubiquitinating enzyme under conditions of increased proteolysis suggests that it may play a role in regeneration of free ubiquitin either coincident with or after proteasome-mediated degradation of substrates. USP19 may also be involved in posttranslational processing of polyubiquitin produced de novo in response to induction of the polyubiquitin genes seen under these conditions. Deubiquitinating enzymes thus appear involved in muscle wasting and implicate a widening web of regulation of genes in the ubiquitin system in this process.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance in acromegaly causes glucose intolerance and diabetes, but it is unknown whether it involves protein metabolism, since both insulin and growth hormone promote protein accretion. The effects of acromegaly and of its surgical cure on the insulin sensitivity of glucose and amino acid/protein metabolism were evaluated by infusing [6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose, [1-(13)C]leucine, and [2-(15)N]glutamine during a euglycemic insulin (1 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)) clamp in 12 acromegalic patients, six studied again 6 mo after successful adenomectomy, and eight healthy controls. Acromegalic patients, compared with postsurgical and control subjects, had higher postabsorptive glucose concentration (5.5 +/- 0.3 vs. 4.9 +/- 0.2 micromol/l, P < 0.05, and 5.1 +/- 0.1 micromol/l) and flux (2.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.0 +/- 0.2 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.01, and 2.2 +/- 0.1 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05) and reduced insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (+15 +/- 9 vs. +151 +/- 18%, P < 0.01, and 219 +/- 58%, P < 0.001 from basal). Postabsorptive leucine metabolism was similar among groups. In acromegalic and postsurgical subjects, insulin suppressed less than in controls the endogenous leucine flux (-9 +/- 1 and -12 +/- 2 vs. -18 +/- 2%, P < 0.001 and P < 0.05), the nonoxidative leucine disposal (-4 +/- 3 and -1 +/- 3 vs. -18 +/- 2%, P < 0.01 and P < 0.05), respectively, indexes of proteolysis and protein synthesis, and leucine oxidation (-17 +/- 6% in postsurgical patients vs. -26 +/- 6% in controls, P < 0.05). Within 6 mo, surgery reverses insulin resistance for glucose but not for protein metabolism. After adenomectomy, more leucine is oxidized during hyperinsulinemia.  相似文献   

One of the most important effects of aging is sarcopenia, which is associated with impaired locomotion and general weakness. In addition, there is increased susceptibility to illness in aging, which often results in muscle wasting episodes. In such instances, the mobilization of muscle proteins provides free amino acids that are used for energetic purpose, the synthesis of acute phase proteins, and the immune response. However, since muscle protein mass is already depleted, the ability of the aged organism to recover from stress is impaired. Therefore, elucidating the mechanisms that result in sarcopenia is of obvious importance. Age-related changes in protein synthesis and proteolysis are rather small and our current methodology does not enable one to establish unequivocally whether sarcopenia results from depressed protein synthesis, increased proteolysis or both. By contrast, in anabolic and catabolic periods, a number of dysregulations in muscle protein turnover became clearly apparent. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of such altered responses to nutrients and catabolic treatments, which may ultimately contribute to explain sarcopenia. This includes impaired recovery in catabolic states, impaired anabolic effects of nutrients, in particular leucine, and a lack of regulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic system. These alterations are discussed with respect to modifications in the insulin/IGF-1 axis and glucocorticoid related effects.  相似文献   

Insulin action in skeletal muscle from patients with NIDDM   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues is a common feature of non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The decrease in insulin-mediated peripheral glucose uptake in NIDDM patients can be localized to defects in insulin action on glucose transport in skeletal muscle. Following short term in vitro exposure to both submaximal and maximal concentrations of insulin, 3-O-methylglucose transport rates are 40-50% lower in isolated skeletal muscle strips from NIDDM patients when compared to muscle strips from nondiabetic subjects. In addition, we have shown that physiological levels of insulin induce a 1.6-2.0 fold increase in GLUT4 content in skeletal muscle plasma membranes from control subjects, whereas no significant increase was noted in NIDDM skeletal muscle. Impaired insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation and glucose transport in NIDDM skeletal muscle is associated with reduced insulin-stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and PI3-kinase activity. The reduced IRS-1 phosphorylation cannot be attributed to decreased protein expression, since the IRS-1 protein content is similar between NIDDM subjects and controls. Altered glycemia may contribute to decreased insulin-mediated glucose transport in skeletal muscle from NIDDM patients. We have shown that insulin-stimulated glucose transport is normalized in vitro in the presence of euglycemia, but not in the presence of hyperglycemia. Thus, the circulating level of glucose may independently regulate insulin stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle from NIDDM patients via a down regulation of the insulin signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Activation of skeletal muscle proteolysis leads to wasting in many types of catabolic/chronic diseases. Protein breakdown is basically accomplished by the activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Interestingly, several publications have shown that DNA fragmentation also occurs in skeletal muscle tissue during catabolism. The present review suggests that activation of apoptosis precedes protein breakdown associated with muscle wasting. In addition, the role of the different proteolytic systems and their relation with apoptosis is emphasized. Altogether, the data presented could be used for the design of new approaches for the treatment of muscle wasting diseases.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to crude plasma membranes derived from human skeletal muscle was characterized. Incubations were performed for 22 h at 4°C. Typical insulin binding characteristics were found, i.e., (a) specificity for insulin, (b) pH sensitivity, (c) dissociation of insulin by the addition of excess insulin and (d) concave Scatchard curves. Half-maximal inhibition of 125I-labeled-insulin binding occurred at 1 · 10?8 M. Affinity constants were 0.76 · 109 and 0.02 · 109 M?1 for the high- and low-affinity receptor (2-site model), respectively, and the corresponding receptor numbers were 89 and 1450 fmol/mg protein, respectively. The procedures employed permit the determination of insulin binding to small quantities of human muscle (approx. 250 mg).  相似文献   

Although previous studies from this and other laboratories have extensively characterized insulin degrading activity in animal tissues, little information has been available on insulin responsive human tissues. The present study describes the insulin degrading activity in skeletal muscle from normal human subjects. Fractionation of a sucrose homogenate of skeletal muscle demonstrated that 97% of the total neutral insulin degrading activity was in the 100 000 × g supernatant with no detectable glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase activity. The 100 000×g pellet contained 85% of the total acid protease activity and all the glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase activity. The soluble insulin degrading activity was purified 1400-fold by ammonium sulfate fractionation, molecular exclusion, ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. Enzymatic activity was determined by measuring an increase in trichloroacetic acid-soluble products of the 125I-labeled hormone substrates. The purified enzyme showed marked proteolytic specificity for insulin with a Km of 1.63·10?7 M (±0.32) and was competitively inhibited by proinsulin and glucagon with Ki values of 2.1 · 10?6 M and 4.0 · 10?6 M, respectively. This insulin protease exhibited a pH optimum between 7 and 8, a molecular weight of 120 000 and was capable of degrading glucagon. Inhibition studies demonstrated that a sulfhydryl group is essential for activity. Molecular exclusion chromatography of [125I]insulin degraded products revealed a time-dependent increase in degradation products with molecular weights intermediate between intact insulin and iodotyrosine. These studies demonstrate that the major enzymatic system responsible for insulin degrading activity is a soluble cysteine protease capable of rapidly metabolizing insulin under physiologic conditions.  相似文献   

A gelsolin-like actin-modulating protein was isolated from rat skeletal muscle and characterized with respect to its interaction with actin. The protein, with a molecular mass of approx. 85 kDa, forms a stoichiometric complex with two actin molecules and is activated by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+. It effectively severs actin filaments and promotes nucleation of actin polymerization. The activity of this protein is detectable already in crude extracts by its capability to reduce the steady state viscosity of actin. Actin-modulating activities were determined in muscle extracts of rats kept under protein catabolic conditions, i.e. as generated by corticosterone treatment and starvation. In both cases we found a marked increase of modulator activity. The possibility is discussed that the increased activity of actin modulator indicates a fragmentation of actin filaments prior to the proteolytic degradation of actin.  相似文献   

We have examined the short-term effects of leptin on protein metabolism in the rat. Indeed, an intravenous leptin administration (100 microg/kg body weight), which resulted in no changes in circulating insulin in the time interval studied, induced a decrease in the incorporation of (14)C-leucine to (14)C-skeletal muscle protein. No changes were observed in relation to muscle protein degradation (either measured in vivo following isotope preloading or in vitro as tyrosine released into the incubation medium) and gene expression associated with the different proteolytic systems (cathepsin B, m-calpain and ubiquitin-proteasome system). The effects of leptin on amino acid incorporation into muscle protein do not seem to be direct because incubation of isolated EDL muscles in the presence of 10 microg/ml of leptin did not modify either the protein incorporation or the oxidation of (14)C-leucine. It may, therefore, be suggested that leptin is able to influence protein synthesis in skeletal muscle through the action of an unknown mediator.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the roles of active pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH(a)), glycogen phosphorylase (Phos), and their regulators in lactate (Lac(-)) metabolism during incremental exercise after ingestion of 0.3 g/kg of either NaHCO(3) [metabolic alkalosis (ALK)] or CaCO(3) [control (CON)]. Subjects (n = 8) were studied at rest, rest postingestion, and during constant rate cycling at three stages (15 min each): 30, 60, 75% of maximal O(2) uptake (VO(2 max)). Radial artery and femoral venous blood samples, leg blood flow, and biopsies of the vastus lateralis were obtained during each power output. ALK resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher intramuscular Lac(-) concentration ([Lac(-)]; ALK 72.8 vs. CON 65.2 mmol/kg dry wt), arterial whole blood [Lac(-)] (ALK 8.7 vs. CON 7.0 mmol/l), and leg Lac(-) efflux (ALK 10.0 vs. CON 4.2 mmol/min) at 75% VO(2 max). The increased intramuscular [Lac(-)] resulted from increased pyruvate production due to stimulation of glycogenolysis at the level of Phos a and phosphofructokinase due to allosteric regulation mediated by increased free ADP (ADP(f)), free AMP (AMP(f)), and free P(i) concentrations. PDH(a) increased with ALK at 60% VO(2 max) but was similar to CON at 75% VO(2 max). The increased PDH(a) may have resulted from alterations in the acetyl-CoA, ADP(f), pyruvate, NADH, and H(+) concentrations leading to a lower relative activity of PDH kinase, whereas the similar values at 75% VO(2 max) may have reflected maximal activation. The results demonstrate that imposed metabolic alkalosis in skeletal muscle results in acceleration of glycogenolysis at the level of Phos relative to maximal PDH activation, resulting in a mismatch between the rates of pyruvate production and oxidation resulting in an increase in Lac(-) production.  相似文献   

Incorporation of -[U-14C] leucine into liver, brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteins was determined in vivo and in vitro during cold-acclimation. Major alterations in mitochondrail protein metabolism were observed in brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle but not in liver. Immediate cold-exposure is accompanied by an inhibition of the in vivo incorporation of -[U-14C] leucine into mitochondrial proteins of all tissues. However, during cold-acclimation the incorporation of leucine increases markedly in brown adipose tissue, continues to decrease in skeletal muscle, nut does not change appreciably in the liver. Because increased incorporation of -[U-14C] leucine into brown adipose tissue mitochondrial proteins was observed both in vivo and in vitrom it can be concluded that the mitochondrial protein-synthesizing system of this tissue is directly affected by the acclimation process. The observed changes in mitochondrial protein metabolism of brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle might be responsible for the development of several morphological and biochemical alterations that characterize the establishment in these tissues of the cold-acclimated state.  相似文献   

Since nutritional requirements are increased at the end of gestation to meet the demands of the pregnant uterus, pregnant beef cows are susceptible to mobilization of body reserves (mainly fat and amino acids (AAs)) and to alter the metabolism of nutrients in the liver and muscle to support such demands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CP supplementation on maternal nutrient metabolism in the late gestation of beef cows grazing a low-quality pasture. Forty-three pregnant Nellore cows gestating male fetuses (average age = 6 years; average weight = 544 kg) at 193 ± 30 (mean ± SD) days (d) of gestation were divided into eight groups (experimental units, with four to five cows each). Treatments were (1) control (CON, n = 4): pasture-based (PB) diet without CP supplementation and (2) supplemented (SUP, n = 4): PB diet daily supplemented with 2 g/kg of BW of a 43.5% CP supplement. Liver and skeletal muscle biopsies were performed at 265 days of gestation and samples were collected for mRNA expression. On day 280 of gestation, blood samples were collected to assess plasma levels of AA. The CON-fed cows tended to have greater (P = 0.057) total circulating AA than SUP-fed cows. The circulating glycogenic AA was greater (P = 0.035) in CON than in SUP cows. CON cows was greater for histidine (P = 0.015), methionine (P = 0.007) and alanine (P = 0.036) than SUP cows. The CON- and SUP-fed showed no differences for gluconeogenesis, fatty acid transport and signaling axis markers in the liver. The mRNA expression of markers for skeletal muscle synthesis, p7056k (P = 0.060) and GSK3B (P = 0.096), tended to be greater in cows from CON than SUP group. No differences were found for mRNA expression of markers for skeletal muscle degradation. We conclude that CP supplementation to CP-restricted late-pregnant beef cows reduces the maternal tissue mobilization and changes the profile of plasma circulating AA and the mRNA expression of markers for the synthesis of skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Infusion of physiological levels of insulin and/or amino acids reproduces the feeding-induced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis in neonates. To determine whether insulin and amino acids independently stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis in neonates, insulin secretion was blocked with somatostatin in fasted 7-day-old pigs (n = 8-12/group) while glucose and glucagon were maintained at fasting levels and insulin was infused to simulate either less than fasting, fasting, intermediate, or fed insulin levels. At each dose of insulin, amino acids were clamped at either the fasting or fed level; at the highest insulin dose, amino acids were also reduced to less than fasting levels. Skeletal muscle protein synthesis was measured using a flooding dose of l-[4-(3)H]phenylalanine. Hyperinsulinemia increased protein synthesis in skeletal muscle during hypoaminoacidemia and euaminoacidemia. Hyperaminoacidemia increased muscle protein synthesis during hypoinsulinemia and euinsulinemia. There was a dose-response effect of both insulin and amino acids on muscle protein synthesis. At each insulin dose, hyperaminoacidemia increased muscle protein synthesis. The effects of insulin and amino acids on muscle protein synthesis were largely additive until maximal rates of protein synthesis were achieved. Amino acids enhanced basal protein synthesis rates but did not enhance the sensitivity or responsiveness of muscle protein synthesis to insulin. The results suggest that insulin and amino acids independently stimulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of the neonate.  相似文献   

Methods are described whereby initial processes of muscular contraction may be investigated in a mammalian preparation, the soleus muscle of the rat. Conditions are chosen so that recovery is avoided. An isometric tetanus is investigated and an energy balance sheet is drawn up. It is found that there is more heat evolved than can be accounted for in terms of measured chemical reaction. This discrepancy is discussed with reference to the similar results that have been obtained using frog muscle.  相似文献   

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