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Vertebrate muscle Z-bands show zig-zag densities due to different sets of alpha-actinin cross-links between anti-parallel actin molecules. Their axial extent varies with muscle and fibre type: approximately 50 nm in fast and approximately 100 nm in cardiac and slow muscles, corresponding to the number of alpha-actinin cross-links present. Fish white (fast) muscle Z-bands have two sets of alpha-actinin links, mammalian slow muscle Z-bands have six. The modular structure of the approximately 3 MDa protein titin that spans from M-band to Z-band correlates with the axial structure of the sarcomere; it may form the template for myofibril assembly. The Z-band-located amino-terminal 80 kDa of titin includes 45 residue repeating modules (Z-repeats) that are expressed differentially; heart, slow and fast muscles have seven, four to six and two to four Z-repeats, respectively. Gautel et al. proposed a Z-band model in which each Z-repeat links to one level of alpha-actinin cross-links, requiring that the axial extent of a Z-repeat is the same as the axial separation of alpha-actinin layers, of which there are two in every actin crossover repeat. The span of a Z-repeat in vitro is estimated by Atkinson et al. to be 12 nm or less; much less than half the normal vertebrate muscle actin crossover length of 36 nm. Different actin-binding proteins can change this length; it is reduced markedly by cofilin binding, or can increase to 38.5 nm in the abnormally large nemaline myopathy Z-band. Here, we tested whether in normal vertebrate Z-bands there is a marked reduction in crossover repeat so that it matches twice the apparent Z-repeat length of 12 nm. We found that the measured periodicities in wide Z-bands in slow and cardiac muscles are all very similar, about 39 nm, just like the nemaline myopathy Z-bands. Hence, the 39 nm periodicity is an important conserved feature of Z-bands and either cannot be explained by titin Z-repeats as previously suggested or may correlate with two Z-repeats.  相似文献   


Striated muscle contraction requires intricate interactions of microstructures. The classic textbook assumption that myosin filaments are compressed at the meshed Z-disc during striated muscle fibre contraction conflicts with experimental evidence. For example, myosin filaments are too stiff to be compressed sufficiently by the muscular force, and, unlike compressed springs, the muscle fibres do not restore their resting length after contractions to short lengths. Further, the dependence of a fibre''s maximum contraction velocity on sarcomere length is unexplained to date. In this paper, we present a structurally consistent model of sarcomere contraction that reconciles these findings with the well-accepted sliding filament and crossbridge theories. The few required model parameters are taken from the literature or obtained from reasoning based on structural arguments. In our model, the transition from hexagonal to tetragonal actin filament arrangement near the Z-disc together with a thoughtful titin arrangement enables myosin filament sliding through the Z-disc. This sliding leads to swivelled crossbridges in the adjacent half-sarcomere that dampen contraction. With no fitting of parameters required, the model predicts straightforwardly the fibre''s entire force–length behaviour and the dependence of the maximum contraction velocity on sarcomere length. Our model enables a structurally and functionally consistent view of the contractile machinery of the striated fibre with possible implications for muscle diseases and evolution.  相似文献   

The Z-band in vertebrate striated muscles, mainly comprising actin filaments, alpha-actinin, and titin, serves to organise the antiparallel actin filament arrays in adjacent sarcomeres and to transmit tension between sarcomeres during activation. Different Z-band thicknesses, formed from different numbers of zigzag crosslinking layers and found in different fibre types, are thought to be associated with the number of repetitive N-terminal sequence domains of titin. In order to understand myofibril formation it is necessary to correlate the ultrastructures and sequences of the actin filaments, titin, and alpha-actinin in characteristic Z-bands. Here electron micrographs of the intermediate width, basketweave Z-band of plaice fin muscle have been subject to a novel 3D reconstruction process. The reconstruction shows that antiparallel actin filaments overlap in the Z-band by about 22-25 nm. There are three levels of Z-links (probably alpha-actinin) in which at each level two nearly diametrically opposed links join an actin filament to two of its antiparallel neighbours. One set of links is centrally located in the Z-band and there are flanking levels orthogonal to this. A 3D model of the observed structure shows how Z-bands of different widths may be formed and it provides insights into the structural arrangements of titin and alpha-actinin in the Z-band. The model shows that the two observed symmetries in different Z-bands, c2 and p12(1), may be attributed respectively to whether the number of Z-link levels is odd or even.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopic images of single skeletal myofibrils showed periodical broad filamentous bands interspaced with narrow rigid bands corresponding to the sarcomere structures of skeletal muscle (Yoshikawa, Y., Yasuike, T., Yagi, A., and Yamada, T. 1999. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 256: 13-19). In order to identify the narrow rigid bands, comparative studies were made for intact single myofibrils and those treated with calcium-activated neutral protease by use of atomic force microscopy. It was found that (a) the periodical narrow rigid bands present in intact myofibrils were completely absent in myofibrils treated with calcium-activated neutral protease, and that (b) myofibrils treated with calcium-activated neutral protease were very fragile compared with intact myofibrils. As calcium-activated neutral protease selectively removes Z-bands of myofibrils (Reddy, M. K., Etlinger, J. D., Rabinowitz, M., Fischman, D. A., and Zak, R. 1975. J. Biol. Chem., 250: 4278-4284), these results clearly indicate that (a) the narrow rigid bands are the Z-bands, and that (b) the Z-bands are the essential disc supporting the sarcomere structure of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Assembly and maintenance of myofibrils require dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. In Caenorhabditis elegans, UNC-60B, a muscle-specific actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin isoform, is required for proper actin filament assembly in body wall muscle (Ono, S., D.L. Baillie, and G.M. Benian. 1999. J. Cell Biol. 145:491--502). Here, I show that UNC-78 is a homologue of actin-interacting protein 1 (AIP1) and functions as a novel regulator of actin organization in myofibrils. In unc-78 mutants, the striated organization of actin filaments is disrupted, and large actin aggregates are formed in the body wall muscle cells, resulting in defects in their motility. Point mutations in unc-78 alleles change conserved residues within different WD repeats of the UNC-78 protein and cause less severe phenotypes than a deletion allele, suggesting that these mutations partially impair the function of UNC-78. UNC-60B is normally localized in the diffuse cytoplasm and to the myofibrils in wild type but mislocalized to the actin aggregates in unc-78 mutants. Similar Unc-78 phenotypes are observed in both embryonic and adult muscles. Thus, AIP1 is an important regulator of actin filament organization and localization of ADF/cofilin during development of myofibrils.  相似文献   

The effect of an endurance training program lasting 17 weeks was studied in two cyprinid species, Chondrostoma nasus (L.) and Leuciscus cephalus (L.). Red, intermediate and white axial muscle were investigated. Morphometrical analysis revealed that training induced, in both species, increased red and intermediate muscle mass, fibre diameter and capillarization. Differences between species in the response to training were observed for volume densities of mitochondria and lipid. In contrast to C. nasus, L. cephalus show higher values for these compartments in red and intermediate fibres. The results are considered adaptational changes which increase the aerobic capacity of red and intermediate muscle fibres to meet higher sustained swimming activities.  相似文献   

Nuclear intermediate filaments (IFs) are made from fibrous proteins termed lamins that assemble, in association with several transmembrane proteins of the inner nuclear membrane and an unknown number of chromatin proteins, into a filamentous scaffold called the nuclear lamina. In man, three types of lamins with significant sequence identity, i.e. lamin A/C, lamin B1 and B2, are expressed. The molecular characteristics of the filaments they form and the details of the assembly mechanism are still largely unknown. Here we report the crystal structure of the coiled-coil dimer from the second half of coil 2 from human lamin A at 2.2A resolution. Comparison to the recently solved structure of the homologous segment of human vimentin reveals a similar overall structure but a different distribution of charged residues and a different pattern of intra- and interhelical salt bridges. These features may explain, at least in part, the differences observed between the lamin and vimentin assembly pathways. Employing a modeled lamin A coil 1A dimer, we propose that the head-to-tail association of two lamin dimers involves strong electrostatic attractions of distinct clusters of negative charge located on the opposite ends of the rod domain with arginine clusters in the head domain and the first segment of the tail domain. Moreover, lamin A mutations, including several in coil 2B, have been associated with human laminopathies. Based on our data most of these mutations are unlikely to alter the structure of the dimer but may affect essential molecular interactions occurring in later stages of filament assembly and lamina formation.  相似文献   

Specific isoforms of myofibrillar proteins are expressed in different muscles and in various fiber types within a single muscle. We have isolated and characterized monoclonal antibodies against C-proteins from slow tonic (anterior latissimus dorsi, ALD) and fast twitch (pectoralis major) muscles of the chicken. Although the antibody against "fast" C-protein (MF-1) did not bind to the "slow" isoform and the antibody to the "slow" C-protein (ALD-66) did not bind to the "fast" isoform, we observed that both antibodies bound C-protein from the posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscle. Here we demonstrate that in the PLD muscle the binding sites of these two antibodies reside in two different C-protein isoforms which have different molecular weights and can be separated by hydroxylapatite column chromatography. Since we have shown previously that both these antibodies stain all myofibers and myofibrils derived from PLD muscle, we conclude that all myofibers in this muscle contain both isoforms with all sarcomeres.  相似文献   

Sarcomere maintenance, the continual process of replacement of contractile proteins of the myofilament lattice with newly synthesized proteins, in fully differentiated contractile cells is not well understood. Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of epitope-tagged tropomyosin (Tm) and troponin I (TnI) into adult cardiac myocytes in vitro along with confocal microscopy was used to examine the incorporation of these newly synthesized proteins into myofilaments of a fully differentiated contractile cell. The expression of epitope-tagged TnI resulted in greater replacement of the endogenous TnI than the replacement of the endogenous Tm with the expressed epitope-tagged Tm suggesting that the rates of myofilament replacement are limited by the turnover of the myofilament bound protein. Interestingly, while TnI was first detected in cardiac sarcomeres along the entire length of the thin filament, the epitope-tagged Tm preferentially replaced Tm at the pointed end of the thin filament. These results support a model for sarcomeric maintenance in fully differentiated cardiac myocytes where (a) as myofilament proteins turnover within the cell they are rapidly exchanged with newly synthesized proteins, and (b) the nature of replacement of myofilament proteins (ordered or stochastic) is protein specific, primarily affected by the structural properties of the myofilament proteins, and may have important functional consequences.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of lactate and glycogen metabolism in red and white muscle fibers was examined in fasted, cannulated lizards (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) run on a treadmill to exhaustion. The white and red portions of the iliofibularis (wIF, rIF) muscle of the hindlimb were analyzed post-exercise and at intervals over 120 min of recovery for lactate and glycogen changes. Five min of exercise resulted in lactate concentrations of from 35 mM (rIF) to 48 mM (wIF) while blood lactate concentrations were elevated to 21 mM from resting levels of 1.8 mM. Glycogen depletion was significant (p<0.05) in whole hindlimb (–30%) and in wIF (–42%) but not in rIF (–25%). Metabolite changes were consistent with a pattern of fiber type recruitment favoring fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers during high intensity locomotion. Glycogen replenishment during recovery was fiber typespecific. After 2 h recovery, whole hindlimb glycogen concentration had increased 24% above pre-exercise levels (p<0.05). Rates of glycogen resynthesis during recovery were significant only in oxidative fibers of the red iliofibularis. Animals were infused with either [U-14C]-lactate or [U-14C]-glucose at the point of exhaustion, and label incorporation into muscle glycogen was used to estimate the substrate preference for glycogenesis during recovery. Lactate uptake and incorporation occurred in both wIF and rIF. Glucose uptake and incorporation into glycogen was greatest in the rIF, where it equalled 9% of the rate of lactate incorporation. The rate of lactate incorporation could account for 67% of the rate of glycogen synthesis that occurred in oxidative fibers of the rIF. The data indicate that in contrast to mammalian muscle, reptilian muscle replenishes glycogen while it removes lactate, utilizing lactate directly as a gluconeogenic substrate. The data also suggest that lactate produced by FG fibers during exercise is utilized by oxidative fiber types post-exercise to synthesize glycogen in excess of pre-exercise levels.Abbreviations wIF, rIF white, red portions of iliofibularis muscle - FG fast-twitch, glycolytic muscle fiber - FOG fast-twitch, oxidative, glycolytic muscle fiber - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - SA specific activity - [LA] lactate concentration - GLU glucose - ANOVA analysis of variance - C.I. confidence interval  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle cells (fibers) contract by shortening their parallel subunits, the myofibrils. Here we show a novel pattern of myofibril orientation in white muscle fibers of large black sea bass, Centropristis striata. Up to 48% of the white fibers in fish >1168 g had peripheral myofibrils undergoing an ~90o shift in orientation. The resultant ring band wrapped the middle of the muscle fibers and was easily detected with polarized light microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the reoriented myofibrils shared the cytoplasm with the central longitudinal myofibrils. A microtubule network seen throughout the fibers surrounded nuclei but was mostly parallel to the long‐axis of the myofibrils. In the ring band portion of the fibers the microtubule cytoskeleton also shifted orientation. Sarcolemmal staining with anti‐synapsin was the same in fibers with or without ring bands, suggesting that fibers with ring bands have normal innervation and contractile function. The ring bands appear to be related to body‐mass or age, not fiber size, and also vary along the body, being more frequent at the midpoint of the anteroposterior axis. Similar structures have been reported in different taxa and appear to be associated with hypercontraction of fibers not attached to a rigid structure (bone) or with fibers with unusually weak links between the sarcolemma and cytoskeleton, as in muscular dystrophy. Fish muscle fibers are attached to myosepta, which are flexible and may allow for fibers to hypercontract and thus form ring bands. The consequences of such a ring band pattern might be to restrict the further expansion of the sarcolemma and protect it from further mechanical stress. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a novel anabolic factor for skeletal muscle which inhibits muscle wasting associated with cancer (cachexia) in a rat model. To develop a cell culture system in which the mechanism of the anabolic action of IL-15 on skeletal muscle could be examined, the mouse C2 skeletal myogenic cell line was transduced with a retroviral expression vector for IL-15 and compared to sister cells transduced with a control vector. Overexpression of IL-15 induced fivefold higher levels of sarcomeric myosin heavy chain and alpha-actin accumulation in differentiated myotubes. Secreted factors from IL-15-overexpressing myogenic cells, but not from control cells, induced increased myofibrillar protein accumulation in cocultured control myotubes. IL-15 overexpression induced a hypertrophic myotube morphology similar to that described for cultured myotubes which overexpressed the well-characterized anabolic factor insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). However, in contrast to IGF-I, the hypertrophic action of IL-15 on skeletal myogenic cells did not involve stimulation of skeletal myoblast proliferation or differentiation. IL-15 induced myotube hypertrophy at both low and high IGF-I concentrations. Furthermore, in contrast to IGF-I, which stimulated only protein synthesis under these culture conditions, IL-15 both stimulated protein synthesis and inhibited protein degradation in cultured skeletal myotubes. These findings indicate that IL-15 action on skeletal myogenic cells is distinct from that of IGF-I. Due to the ability of IGF-I to stimulate cell division and its association with several forms of cancer, controversy exists concerning the advisability of treating cachexia or age-associated muscle wasting with IGF-I. Administration of IL-15 or modulation of the IL-15 signaling pathway may represent an alternative strategy for maintaining skeletal muscle mass under these conditions.  相似文献   

The native serpin fold is metastable and possesses the inherent ability to convert into more stable, but inactive, conformations. In order to understand why serpins attain the native fold instead of other more thermodynamically favourable folds we have investigated the presence of residual structure within denatured antichymotrypsin (ACT). Through mutagenesis we created a single tryptophan variant of ACT in which a Trp residue (276) is situated on the H-helix, located within a region known as the B/C barrel. The presence of residual structure around Trp 276 in 5 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) was shown by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime experiments. The residual structure was disrupted in the presence of 5 M guanidine thiocyanate (GdnSCN). Protein refolding studies showed that significant refolding could be achieved from the GdnHCl denatured state but not the GdnSCN denatured form. The implications of these data on the folding and misfolding of the serpin superfamily are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure and arrangement of mitochondria in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the rat were examined under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of cytoplasmic matrices by means of the Osmium-DMSO-Osmium procedure.Beneath the sarcolemma, spherical or ovoid subsarcolemmal mitochondria show accumulations. The mitochondria are numerous and large in size in the red fibers, intermediate in the intermediate fibers, and few and small in the white fibers. Paired, slender I-band-limited mitochondria were located on both sides of the Z-line and partly embraced the myofibrils at the I-band level; they occurred in all three types of fibers. In the intermyofibrillar spaces, numerous mitochondria formed mitochondrial columns. These columns were classified into two types: 1) thick mitochondrial columns, formed by multiple mitochondria each with an intermyofibrillar space corresponding to one sarcomere in length, and 2) thin mitochondrial columns, established by single mitochondria corresponding to one sarcomere in length. In the red fibers mitochondrial columns were abundant and the ratio of the thick and thin columns was almost the same, while in the intermediate fibers most of the columns belonged to the thin type. The white fibers displayed rare, very thin columns.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli SeqA binds clusters of transiently hemimethylated GATC sequences and sequesters the origin of replication, oriC, from methylation and premature reinitiation. Besides oriC, SeqA binds and organizes newly synthesized DNA at replication forks. Binding to multiple GATC sites is crucial for the formation of stable SeqA-DNA complexes. Here we report the crystal structure of the oligomerization domain of SeqA (SeqA-N). The structural unit of SeqA-N is a dimer, which oligomerizes to form a filament. Mutations that disrupt filament formation lead to asynchronous DNA replication, but the resulting SeqA dimer can still bind two GATC sites separated from 5 to 34 base pairs. Truncation of the linker between the oligomerization and DNA-binding domains restricts SeqA to bind two GATC sites separated by one or two full turns. We propose a model of a SeqA filament interacting with multiple GATC sites that accounts for both origin sequestration and chromosome organization.  相似文献   

Kettin is a giant muscle protein originally identified in insect flight muscle Z-discs. Here, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of Drosophila melanogaster kettin, deduced the amino acid sequence of its protein product (540 kD) along with that of the Caenorhabditis elegans counterpart, and found that the overall primary structure of Kettin has been highly conserved in evolution. The main body of Drosophila Kettin consists of 35 immunoglobulin C2 domains separated by spacers. The central two thirds of spacers are constant in length and share in common two conserved motifs, putative actin binding sites. Neither fibronectin type III nor kinase domains were found. Kettin is present at the Z-disc in several muscle types. Genetic analysis showed that kettin is essential for the formation and maintenance of normal sarcomere structure of muscles and muscle tendons. Accordingly, embryos lacking kettin activity cannot hatch nor can adult flies heterozygous for the kettin mutation fly.  相似文献   

Liver tissues and fibroblasts from patients with propionic acidemia assigned to the pcc BC genetic complementation group have previously been shown to contain normal or near-normal quantities of structurally altered propionyl CoA carboxylases (PCC). Biochemical comparisons of PCCs from extracts of three livers and one placenta belonging to the pcc BC complementation group revealed that the K m values for the enzyme's major substrates, propionyl CoA, bicarbonate, and ATP, and its monovalent activator, potassium, were similar to those of normal PCC. PCC in extracts of one of the livers, however, had an altered isoelectric point (pI = 5.4) compared to that of PCC from normal and other PCC-deficient tissues (pK = 4.6–4.7). Thermostability in the presence of sucrose or ATP differed among several of the mutant PCCs, including the PCC with an altered pI, and from that of normal PCC. To confirm these results and to determine whether valid inferences may be derived from comparisons of mutant and normal PCC in crude extracts, PCC was purified from normal liver and from one of the PCC-deficient livers. The biochemical parameters of the purified carboxylases were similar to those observed in liver extracts. These studies further-more confirmed that, whether purified or in extracts, PCC from the pcc BC group reflects structural mutations. Nevertheless, the abnormal enzyme structure appears to have no corresponding effect on the clinical features of the disorder in various affected individuals. Moreover, there is biochemical heterogeneity within the pcc BC complementation group that probably represents different interallelic gene mutations.This work was supported by NIH Research Grants Am 25675 and AM 26127. B. Wolf is the recipient of NIH Research Career Development Award AM 00677 and is aided by Basil O'Connor Starter Research Grant 5-263 from The National Foundation-March of Dimes. This article is No. 131 from the Department of Human Genetics at the Medical College of Virginia.  相似文献   

The chaperonin containing TCP-1 (CCT, also known as TRiC) is the only member of the chaperonin family found in the cytosol of eukaryotes. Like other chaperonins, it assists the folding of newly synthesised proteins. It is, however, unique in its specificity towards only a small subset of non-native proteins. We determined two crystal structures of mouse CCTgamma apical domain at 2.2 A and 2.8 A resolution. They reveal a surface patch facing the inside of the torus that is highly evolutionarily conserved and specific for the CCTgamma apical domain. This putative substrate-binding region consists of predominantly positively charged side-chains. It suggests that the specificity of this apical domain towards its substrate, partially folded tubulin, is conferred by polar and electrostatic interactions. The site and nature of substrate interaction are thus profoundly different between CCT and its eubacterial homologue GroEL, consistent with their different functions in general versus specific protein folding assistance.  相似文献   

Extracellular action potentials produced by a muscle fibre of finite length were calculated for recordings at the skin surface. The sensitivity of power spectra to variations in propagation velocity (ν) and intracellular action potential (IAP) duration (Tin) was studied theoretically. The magnitude and distribution of the spectral power of muscle fibre potentials depend on the electrode longitudinal position. The relative shifts of the spectra in dB induced by variation in ν or Tin hardly depend on the longitudinal position of the electrode. A variation in ν affects only the power spectrum positive slope and the initial part of the high-frequency roll-off and a variation in Tin affects only the remaining part of the high-frequency roll-off. The total spectral amplitude is practically non-sensitive to variations in the wavelength, b = ν.Tin. The total power is sensitive to variations in ν, Tin as well as in b, and its relative changes depend on the electrode longitudinal position. The whole power spectrum is shifted along the frequency axis and mode (Fmax), median (Fmed) and mean (Fmean) frequencies have practically equal percentage changes only when ν and Tin vary jointly in such a way that the product ν.Tin keeps unchanged.  相似文献   

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