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1 Various kinds of traps have been employed to monitor and forecast population trends of the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann; Coleoptera: Scolytidae), but their accuracy in assessing pine‐beetle abundance and sex ratio in the field has not been evaluated directly. 2 In this study, we used fluorescent powder to mark pine beetles emerging from six isolated infestations. We then compared estimates of total abundances and proportions of males emerging from within each infestation to the estimates from three types of traps: passive sticky traps (2, 5, 10 and 20 m away from the source of beetles), multi‐funnel traps baited with pine beetle attractants (100 m away) and pine trees baited with attractants (also 100 m away). 3 We found that the proportion of males captured in traps was significantly affected by the type of trap used. 4 Within an infestation, equal proportions of males and females were marked (0.53 ± 0.02 males; mean ± SE), but the proportions captured in trap trees and passive traps were more female biased (0.42 ± 0.03 and 0.46 ± 0.01 males, respectively). On the other hand, funnel traps provided an estimate of the proportion of males that was nearly identical to the proportion from within infestations (0.51 ± 0.03). 5 Numbers of marked beetles captured in traps were uncorrelated with the numbers of marked beetles emerging from the focal infestations. This suggests that traps positioned around an infestation may not be effective at estimating relative abundances of beetles within the infestation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dispersal of the Old World screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve, was studied in Papua New Guinea by releasing radio-isotope labelled, laboratory-reared flies and collecting their labelled egg masses from sentinel cattle. A log-linear model was developed to describe recapture rate. Distance was found to dominate the model and was represented by a bilinear ('broken-stick') term as log-distance. Further terms in the model such as attractiveness of the site (estimated from the number of non-labelled egg masses), the season of the year and a time trend were statistically significant but of minor importance. From the model, the median distance females dispersed before depositing an egg mass was 10.8 km. The maximum distance from the release site that egg masses were recovered was 100 km.
The dispersal ability of C. bezziana is discussed in terms of its impact on the prospects of eradicating this species using SIRM if an outbreak occurred in Australia.  相似文献   

Monochamus alternatus (Hope) is a severe wood‐boring pest in coniferous forests and a major vector of pine wilt disease in East Asia. Harmonic radar is a powerful tool for studying the dispersal behavior of insects and it could be applied to control pine wilt disease. In this study, we validated the application of harmonic radar for analyzing the dispersal behavior of M. alternatus beetles in a field environment. We determined the wing capacities of the beetles and the effects of electronic tagging and marking on their movement, flight ability, survivorship, and food consumption in the laboratory to confirm the suitability of this technique. The detection rate and recovery rate for beetles were analyzed separately using radar on caged pine stands and in the field environment. The results showed that the minimum wing capacity of the Japanese pine sawyer was 24.9 mg, which was seven times the weight of the electronic tag (3.5 mg). Marking and tagging the beetles had no significant adverse effects on their movement, flight capacity, food consumption, and survivorship. The detection rate using the radar system and recovery rate based on visual observations of the beetles in caged pines were both 95.6%. However, in the field environment, the detection and recovery rates were only 55.6% and 37.8% after one week, respectively, and 33.3% and 7.8% after two weeks. Harmonic radar is a promising technique for studying the dispersal behavior of the Japanese pine sawyer, but its performance is not satisfactory and major improvements are required for both the radar system and electronic tags.  相似文献   

Genetic and demographic estimates of dispersal are often thought to be inconsistent. In this study, we use the damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Zygoptera) as a model to evaluate directly the relationship between estimates of dispersal rate measured during capture-mark-recapture fieldwork with those made from the spatial pattern of genetic markers in linear and two-dimensional habitats. We estimate the 'neighbourhood size' (Nb) - the product of the mean axial dispersal rate between parent and offspring and the population density - by a previously described technique, here called the regression method. Because C. mercuriale is less philopatric than species investigated previously by the regression method we evaluate a refined estimator that may be more applicable for relatively mobile species. Results from simulations and empirical data sets reveal that the new estimator performs better under most situations, except when dispersal is very localized relative to population density. Analysis of the C. mercuriale data extends previous results which demonstrated that demographic and genetic estimates of Nb by the regression method are equivalent to within a factor of two at local scales where genetic estimates are less affected by habitat heterogeneity, stochastic processes and/or differential selective regimes. The corollary is that with a little insight into a species' ecology the pattern of spatial genetic structure provides quantitative information on dispersal rates and/or population densities that has real value for conservation management.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Col., Chrysomelidae), is an invasive alien pest of maize, Zea mays , in Europe. The suitability of 14 fluorescent powders for mass-marking the adults was studied in laboratory and in field cages. The visual discrimination between remaining spots of each colour on the beetles was investigated under ultraviolet (UV) light, as well as their retention time and the influences of those colours on the beetle survival and flight take-off response. The two best recognizable orange colours (i.e. of Radiant Colour and of Fiesta Colours Swada) were proposed for field experiments in first priority, followed by an orange and a yellow (both Magruder Colour), another yellow (Fiesta) and a pink (Radiant), as all did not affect beetle survival and flight take-off response and were recognizable under UV light for at least 10 days in the field. In contrast, the colours yellow and green (Radiant), red and blue (Magruder), yellow (Ciba Geigy) and pink (Fiesta) were unsuitable, because they either quickly disappeared from the beetles or adversely affected beetle survival or flight take-off response. For mass releases with differently marked beetles, only the use of a single orange colour together with a single yellow colour or the use of a pink colour together with a yellow colour can be used since few spots can clearly be discriminated from each other under UV light.  相似文献   

Mark–recapture and fixed-station passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry were used to compare movements, distribution and survival of stocked juvenile chub Leuciscus cephalus and roach Rutilus rutilus with those of wild conspecifics. Daily activity of wild fish activity was affected by a combination of river flow and temperature, whereas stocked fishes were not influenced by environmental factors. PIT telemetry recorded exploratory movements of stocked L. cephalus immediately after stocking, a substantial number of stocked fish moved both downstream and upstream during periods of elevated flow, and proportionally more stocked fish moved during the first 6 weeks after release than later on. Proportionally more stocked fish than wild fish moved through PIT antennae, stocked L. cephalus moved greater distances than wild L. cephalus and were more widely distributed than wild fish. Minimum estimates of survival after 5 months were 50·5% for stocked R. rutilus and 28·0% for stocked L. cephalus . Ultimately, stocked cyprinids appeared to be able to cope with elevated flows and most remained in the river section local to the stocking location.  相似文献   

The distribution of wind‐dispersed seeds around a parent tree depends on diaspore and tree traits, as well as wind conditions and surrounding vegetation. This study of a neotropical canopy tree, Platypodium elegans, explored the extent to which parental variation in diaspore and tree traits explained (1) rate of diaspore descent in still air, (2) distributions of diaspores dispersed from a 40‐m tower in the forest, and (3) natural diaspore distributions around the parent tree. The geometric mean rate of descent in still air among 20 parents was highly correlated with geometric mean wing loading1/2 (r = 0.84). However, diaspore traits and rate of descent predicted less variation in dispersal distance from the tower, although descent rate−1 consistently correlated with dispersal distance. Measured seed shadows, particularly their distribution edges, differed significantly among six parents (DBH range 62–181 cm) and were best fit by six separate anisotropic dispersal kernels and surveyed fecundities. Measured rate of descent and tree traits, combined in a mechanistic seed dispersal model, did not significantly explain variation among parents in natural seed dispersal distances, perhaps due to the limited power to detect effects with only six trees. Seedling and sapling distributions were at a greater mean distance from the parents than seed distributions; saplings were heavily concentrated at far distances. Variation among parents in the distribution tails so critical for recruitment could not be explained by measured diaspore or tree traits with this sample size, and may be determined more by wind patterns and the timing of abscission in relation to wind conditions. Studies of wind dispersal need to devote greater field efforts at recording the “rare” dispersal events that contribute to far dispersal distances, following their consequences, and in understanding the mechanisms that generate them.  相似文献   

Several recent studies suggest local adaptation in multiple taxa across Hawaii's steep environmental gradients. Restoration efforts in devastated tropical island ecosystems may be deficient if we lack an understanding of the interactions and dependencies in communities that occur along these gradients. Endangered Hawaiian tree snails are part of a snail–epiphyte–plant system where they graze fungi and other microbes on the leaf surface, a process difficult to observe using conventional techniques. Tree snails have undergone catastrophic decline due to introduced predators, removal by shell collectors, and human‐influenced habitat degradation. Prior to this study, little was known about the relationship among tree‐snails, their host plants, and the epiphytic microbes on which they feed. In this study, we identified scale‐dependent selection of substrates in Achatinella sowerbyana and Achatinella lila across the species’ ranges. We assessed: (1) within‐plant diet selection using high‐throughput DNA sequencing (micro‐scale); (2) among‐plant selection of tree host species (small‐scale); (3) and the influence of climate on this system (macro‐scale). Selection of substrates occurred at two scales: fungal communities in fecal samples differed in composition from those available on leaf surfaces; and at all sites, snail occurrence on Metrosideros polymorpha, a foundational forest plant, was significantly higher than expected based on availability. Habitat restoration efforts should focus on out‐planting of M. polymorpha, the preferred snail host tree, in degraded habitat. Fungal differences across sites suggest relocation efforts to predator‐free enclosures may be hindered by microbial shifts associated with geographic distance or differing environments.  相似文献   

Achatinella is a genus of highly endangered native Hawaiian tree snails. Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated for one species, Achatinella sowerbyana, to be used in assessing remaining genetic diversity and gene flow in the often small and isolated populations. All loci amplified consistently in every individual tested. The number of alleles per locus in a sample of 40 individuals varied from three to 13, and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.308 to 0.846. These markers will be used to assist in the development of conservation and management plans.  相似文献   

1. Populations in different locations can exchange individuals depending on the distribution and connectivity of suitable habitat, and the dispersal capabilities and behaviour of the organisms. We used an isotopic tracer, 15N, to label stoneflies (Leuctra ferruginea) to determine the extent of adult flight along stream corridors and between streams where their larvae live. 2. In four mass, mark‐capture experiments we added 15NH4Cl continuously for several weeks to label specific regions of streams within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, U.S.A. We collected adult stoneflies along the labelled streams (up to 1.5 km of stream length), on transects through the forest away from labelled sections (up to 500 m), and along an 800‐m reach of adjacent tributary that flows into a labelled stream. 3. Of 966 individual adult stoneflies collected and analysed for 15N, 20% were labelled. Most labelled stoneflies were captured along stream corridors and had flown upstream a mean distance of 211 m; the net movement of the population (upstream + downstream) estimated from the midpoint of the labelled sections was 126 m upstream. The furthest male and female travelled approximately 730 m and approximately 663 m upstream, respectively. We also captured labelled mature females along an unlabelled tributary and along a forest transect 500 m from the labelled stream, thus demonstrating cross‐watershed dispersal. 4. We conclude that the adjacent forest was not a barrier to dispersal between catchments, and adult dispersal linked stonefly populations among streams across a landscape within one generation. Our data on the extent of adult dispersal provide a basis for a conceptual model identifying the boundaries of these populations, whose larvae are restricted to stream channels, and whose females must return to streams to oviposit.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. A mark–recapture study was conducted on the American Apollo butterfly Parnassius clodius Menetries during three field seasons (1998–2000) to examine its movement patterns over the course of a season within a sagebrush meadow in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. The study examined how resources affected butterfly distribution patterns and used mark–recapture data to gain insight into movement differences between sexes and over time.
2. The average straight-line movement of P. clodius was 202 m day−1, adjusted for sampling effort at different distances. Movement estimates in all 3 years were highly correlated with the average distance between plots sampled.
3. Butterfly abundance was correlated positively with per cent cover of its host plant Dicentra uniflora , but this relationship decreased in importance during the peak of the flight period when individuals may be more interested in finding mates. There was a weak, positive correlation between butterfly abundance and the abundance of its primary nectar source, Eriogonum umbellatum in 1999, but no relationship in 2000.
4. Survival, recapture, and transition probabilities were estimated using open population, capture–recapture models. Survival and recapture probability decreased over the course of each season, while the probability of moving between plots increased. Recapture probability was significantly lower for females than for males among all 3 years, but there was no difference between the sexes in survival rate.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A linear relationship between mean movement distances recorded and the size of the study area was found in a comparison of five mark–release–recapture studies of the meadow brown butterfly.
2. The scale impact on mean butterfly movement distances was also apparent when comparing the results for different butterfly species reported in 21 mark–release–recapture studies.  相似文献   

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