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人类T细胞白血病1型病毒(Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1,HTLV-1)是与人类疾病发生密切相关的逆转录病毒。该病毒的感染可引起成人T细胞白血病(Adult T-cell leukemia,ATL)等多种疾病的发生。Tax和HBZ(HTLV-1 basic zipper protein)是由HTLV-1前病毒编码的两个关键病毒蛋白,它们被认为在HTLV-1病毒的复制、生存和致癌过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。本文就Tax和HBZ的蛋白结构以及它们在调控病毒转录、细胞生长和凋亡、病毒潜伏期,最终协同促进成人T细胞白血病发生过程中发挥的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

A universal cellular defense mechanism against viral invasion is the elimination of infected cells through apoptotic cell death. To counteract host defenses many viruses have evolved complex apoptosis evasion strategies. The oncogenic human retrovirus HTLV-1 is the etiological agent of adult-T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) and the neurodegenerative disease known as HTLV-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). The poor prognosis in HTLV-1-induced ATLL is linked to the resistance of neoplastic T cells against conventional therapies and the immuno-compromised state of patients. Nevertheless, several studies have shown that the apoptotic pathway is largely intact and can be reactivated in ATLL tumor cells to induce specific killing. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms employed by HTLV-1 to counteract cellular death pathways remains an important challenge for future therapies and the treatment of HTLV-1-associated diseases.  相似文献   

We studied the fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of high grade peripheral T-cell lymphomas from eight human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1) positive patients. FNA smears from seven lymphomas showed a distinctive cytologic pattern with a dominance of rounded cells with irregular nuclei and a moderately basophilic cytoplasm. Irregular cells with a pale abundant cytoplasm were present in varying amounts. Some smears contained a few giant cells with cerebriform nuclei. In addition, plasma cells and eosinophils were found. Epithelioid cells were an inconstant finding. On histology these seven lymphomas were assigned to the pleomorphic medium-large cell subtype and all but one were of T-helper phenotype with rearrangements of the T-cell receptor. FNA smears from a lymph node in a patient with a previous histological diagnosis of lymphomatoid papulosis of the gingiva showed a monotonous pattern of large immunoblastic cells with some binucleated variants consistent with a diagnosis of high grade immunoblastic lymphoma, which was confirmed histologically. Our results show that peripheral T-cell lymphomas from HTLV-1 positive patients have cytological patterns which are distinctive enough to allow a conclusive diagnosis of high grade T-cell lymphoma. However, we do not think that the cytology of HTLV-1 positive lymphomas can be differentiated from that of virus-unrelated high grade T-cell lymphomas.  相似文献   

Many nonenveloped virus particles are stabilized by calcium ions bound in the interfaces between the protein subunits. These ions may have a role in the disassembly process. The small RNA phages of the Leviviridae family have T = 3 quasi-symmetry and are unique among simple viruses in that they have a coat protein with a translational repressor activity and a fold that has not been observed in other viruses. The crystal structure of phage PRR1 has been determined to 3.5 Å resolution. The structure shows a tentative binding site for a calcium ion close to the quasi-3-fold axis. The RNA-binding surface used for repressor activity is mostly conserved. The structure does not show any significant differences between quasi-equivalent subunits, which suggests that the assembly is not controlled by conformational switches as in many other simple viruses.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection was investigated in Brazilians (570): native inhabitants (298) and descendants from Japanese (272) living in Recife and its neighborhoods—North-east of Brazil. Furthermore, polytransfused renal transplanted patients (54) were also examined for the serological status to this virus. The seropositivity to HTLV-1, screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was low: 1.34% for the local population and 0.73% for the descendants from Japanese. However, the seropositivity for the renal transplanted patients was found to be 11.1%. This higher value suggests that this retrovirus infection seems to be of importance in this clinical condition.  相似文献   

Expression of human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) in adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) cells is known to be marginal in vivo and inducible in short-term culture. In this study, we demonstrated that withdrawal of interleukin (IL)-2 from IL-2-dependent ATL cell lines resulted in induction of HTLV-1 mRNA and protein expression, and that viral induction was associated with phosphorylation of the stress kinase p38 and its downstream CREB. Pharmacological inhibitors of the p38 pathway suppressed viral expression induced by IL-2 depletion. These results indicate that the stress-induced p38 pathway might up-regulate HTLV-1 gene expression through at least CREB activation.  相似文献   

Integration of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA into the human genome requires the virusencoded integrase protein. The recombinant integrase protein of HIV-1 (isolate Bru) was prepared by constructing a plasmid based on pET-15b encoding the integrase gene. Integrase of HIV-1 was purified using a bacterial expression system (Escherichia coli). The main kinetic parameters of HIV-1 integrase (K m = (3.7 ± 0.2)·10–10 M, k cat = (1.2 ± 0.3)·10–7 sec–1) were determined using an oligonucleotide duplex constructed on the basis of the U5-terminal sequence of proviral HIV-1 DNA as the substrate. Inhibition of integrase by aurintricarbonic acid ([I]50 = 6.3 ± 0.4 M) and dependence of integrase activity on Mg2+ and Mn2+ concentration were studied.  相似文献   

Ricin is a select agent toxin and a member of the RNA N-glycosidase family of medically important plant and bacterial ribosome-inactivating proteins. In this study, we determined X-ray crystal structures of the enzymatic subunit of ricin (RTA) in complex with the antigen binding domains (VHH) of five unique single-chain monoclonal antibodies that differ in their respective toxin-neutralizing activities. None of the VHHs made direct contact with residues involved in RTA's RNA N-glycosidase activity or induced notable allosteric changes in the toxin's subunit. Rather, the five VHHs had overlapping structural epitopes on the surface of the toxin and differed in the degree to which they made contact with prominent structural elements in two folding domains of the RTA. In general, RTA interactions were influenced most by the VHH CDR3 (CDR, complementarity-determining region) elements, with the most potent neutralizing antibody having the shortest and most conformationally constrained CDR3. These structures provide unique insights into the mechanisms underlying toxin neutralization and provide critically important information required for the rational design of ricin toxin subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 capsid is modeled as a fullerene cone that is composed of ∼ 250 hexamers and 12 pentamers of the viral CA protein. Structures of CA hexamers have been difficult to obtain because the hexamer-stabilizing interactions are inherently weak, and CA tends to spontaneously assemble into capsid-like particles. Here, we describe a two-step biochemical strategy to obtain soluble CA hexamers for crystallization. First, the hexamer was stabilized by engineering disulfide cross-links (either A14C/E45C or A42C/T54C) between the N-terminal domains of adjacent subunits. Second, the cross-linked hexamers were prevented from polymerizing further into hyperstable capsid-like structures by mutations (W184A and M185A) that interfered with dimeric association between the C-terminal domains that link adjacent hexamers. The structures of two different cross-linked CA hexamers were nearly identical, and we combined the non-mutated portions of the structures to generate an atomic resolution model for the native hexamer. This hybrid approach for structure determination should be applicable to other viral capsomers and protein-protein complexes in general.  相似文献   

TMC114 (darunavir) is a promising clinical inhibitor of HIV-1 protease (PR) for treatment of drug resistant HIV/AIDS. We report the ultra-high 0.84 A resolution crystal structure of the TMC114 complex with PR containing the drug-resistant mutation V32I (PR(V32I)), and the 1.22 A resolution structure of a complex with PR(M46L). These structures show TMC114 bound at two distinct sites, one in the active-site cavity and the second on the surface of one of the flexible flaps in the PR dimer. Remarkably, TMC114 binds at these two sites simultaneously in two diastereomers related by inversion of the sulfonamide nitrogen. Moreover, the flap site is shaped to accommodate the diastereomer with the S-enantiomeric nitrogen rather than the one with the R-enantiomeric nitrogen. The existence of the second binding site and two diastereomers suggest a mechanism for the high effectiveness of TMC114 on drug-resistant HIV and the potential design of new inhibitors.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease (PR) permits viral maturation by processing the gag and gag-pro-pol polyproteins. HIV-1 PR inhibitors (PIs) are used in combination antiviral therapy but the emergence of drug resistance has limited their efficacy. The rapid evolution of HIV-1 necessitates consideration of drug resistance in novel drug design. Drug-resistant HIV-1 PR variants no longer inhibited efficiently, continue to hydrolyze the natural viral substrates. Though highly diverse in sequence, the HIV-1 PR substrates bind in a conserved three-dimensional shape we termed the substrate envelope. Earlier, we showed that resistance mutations arise where PIs protrude beyond the substrate envelope, because these regions are crucial for drug binding but not for substrate recognition. We extend this model by considering the role of protein dynamics in the interaction of HIV-1 PR with its substrates. We simulated the molecular dynamics of seven PR-substrate complexes to estimate the conformational flexibility of the bound substrates. Interdependence of substrate-protease interactions might compensate for variations in cleavage-site sequences and explain how a diverse set of sequences are recognized as substrates by the same enzyme. This diversity might be essential for regulating sequential processing of substrates. We define a dynamic substrate envelope as a more accurate representation of PR-substrate interactions. This dynamic substrate envelope, described by a probability distribution function, is a powerful tool for drug design efforts targeting ensembles of resistant HIV-1 PR variants with the aim of developing drugs that are less susceptible to resistance.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations at numerous sites distant from the active site of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease enable resistance to inhibitors while retaining enzymatic activity. As a benchmark for probing the effects of these mutations on the conformational adaptability of this dimeric β-barrel protein, the folding free-energy surface of a pseudo-wild-type variant, HIV-PR?, was determined by a combination of equilibrium and kinetic experiments on the urea-induced unfolding/refolding reactions. The equilibrium unfolding reaction was well described by a two-state model involving only the native dimeric form and the unfolded monomer. The global analysis of the kinetic folding mechanism reveals the presence of a fully folded monomeric intermediate that associates to form the native dimeric structure. Independent analysis of a stable monomeric version of the protease demonstrated that a small-amplitude fluorescence phase in refolding and unfolding, not included in the global analysis of the dimeric protein, reflects the presence of a transient intermediate in the monomer folding reaction. The partially folded and fully folded monomers are only marginally stable with respect to the unfolded state, and the dimerization reaction provides a modest driving force at micromolar concentrations of protein. The thermodynamic properties of this system are such that mutations can readily shift the equilibrium from the dimeric native state towards weakly folded states that have a lower affinity for inhibitors but that could be induced to bind to their target proteolytic sites. Presumably, subsequent secondary mutations increase the stability of the native dimeric state in these variants and, thereby, optimize the catalytic properties of the resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease.  相似文献   

Unlike other GTPases, interferon-gamma-induced human guanylate binding protein-1 has the ability to hydrolyze GTP to both GDP and GMP, with GMP being the major product of the reaction. This protein has two domains, an N-terminal globular domain and a C-terminal helical domain. These two domains are connected by a short intermediate region consisting of a two-stranded β-sheet and a helix. As human guanylate binding protein-1 has been shown to undergo stimulated GTPase activity without external GTPase-activating protein, we sought to understand the roles of each of the two individual domains, the intermediate region, a conserved motif (103DXEKGD108), and the mechanism of the stimulation of GTPase activity. The steady-state assays using radiolabeled [α-32P]GTP on the wild-type protein suggest that the stimulation of activity primarily occurs during the cleavage of the second phosphate of GTP rather than the first, through allosteric interaction. Using several truncated and mutant proteins, we demonstrate for the first time that both the α-helix of the intermediate region and the 103DXEKGD108 motif play critical roles for the hydrolysis to GMP, but they appear to act in different ways: α-helix acts through structural stabilization by allosteric interaction and, thus, acts as an internal GTPase-activating protein, whereas the motif might act by providing necessary catalytic residues. Our data also show that the N-terminal globular domain is able to perform only the first catalysis (GTP to GDP, an activity associated with basal level), but the helical domain in the full-length protein stimulates the hydrolysis of GTP to GMP with higher GMP formation by preventing the dissociation of GDP-bound enzyme dimer.  相似文献   

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