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二元系统是细菌中主要的信号传导途径 ,磷酸根转移介导的信号途径使细胞得以感受各种环境刺激并产生应答。组氨酸蛋白质激酶的自动磷酸化将磷酸基团传给反应调节蛋白 ,反过来作为分子开关控制不同的效应物活性。蓝藻是地球上最早出现的光合自养原核生物 ,在长期的生物进化过程中 ,它们发展了一系列独特的形态和生理代谢机制 ,使其能在各种不同生境中生长、繁殖和扩增。研究蓝藻信号传导途径为阐明其高度的环境适应性提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

乳酸菌中存在着一种重要的调控机制--双组分信号转导系统,它可以通过调控乳酸菌的多种生理生化过程来适应外界环境的变化.就双组分信号转导系统的组成、作用机制以及乳酸菌中调控耐酸机制、细菌素的合成和黏性吸附等生理过程的双组分信号转导系统作一综述.  相似文献   

双组分系统——细胞识别渗透胁迫信号的感应器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双组分系统是广泛存在于原核和真核细胞中的信号转导系统.主要由组氨酸蛋白激酶(HPK)和响应调节蛋白(RR)两个组分组成. 双组分系统信号通路一般包括信号的输入、HPK自身磷酸化、RR磷酸化、信号输出等环节.对双组分系统信号转导机制及其在渗透胁迫信号识别和传导中的作用进行了综述.  相似文献   

ipt—GUS转录融合基因在拟南芥植物中表达,其体内细胞分裂素的含量可达到野生型的20-30倍。从拟南芥种子萌发后的6、12、20和30d四个时间分析了植物体内细胞分裂素含量的提高对其双组分信号传导系统中基因的影响。研究发现:细胞分裂素受体基因CRE1比CKI1基因更容易被增加的植物细胞分裂素诱导表达。拟南芥植物细胞分裂素反应调节基因ARR4和ARR5在植物发育的不同时期应答植物体内增加的植物细胞分裂素,ARR4的应答反应比ARR5早,种子萌发后的第6天幼苗真叶形成初期,ARR4基因被明显涛导;而ARR5的应答反应在幼苗真叶形成后的几个时间段均能检测到,并且在种子萌发后的第20天,花枝形成开始时特别明显。在双组分信号传导途径中,从受体到反应调节基因传导磷酸基团的传导基因AHP4在幼苗发育的后期种子萌发后的第20和30天,应答植物体内增加的植物细胞分裂素,并且在花枝形成初期比较明显。  相似文献   

The rpoS-encoded σS subunit of RNA polymerase regulates the expression of stationary phase and stress response genes in Escherichia coli. Recent study of our DNA microarray analysis suggested that the rpoS expression is affected by multiple two-component systems. In this study, we identified two-component-system mutants in which the rpoS expression increased. The regulatory manner of the systems on rpoS expression is suggested.  相似文献   

细胞分裂素:代谢、信号转导、交叉反应与农艺性状改良   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高等植物中,细胞分裂素通过对细胞分裂与分化的调节而广泛参与了对植物生长发育的调控。在过去的10余年,利用模式植物拟南芥的研究,在阐明细胞分裂素的代谢、转运与信号转导等方面取得了重要的进展。同时,关于细胞分裂素与其它信号途径之间存在的广泛交叉反应也受到了人们的注意。根据我们现有的知识,细胞分裂素信号转导是通过磷酸基团在一个双元组分系统之间的系列传递而完成的,该过程被称之为“磷酸接力传递”(phosphorelay)。细胞分裂素与其它信号途径的互作可能也主要是通过双元组分系统链接的。双元组分系统中目前已知的主要信号元件不仅表现出功能冗余性,同时在调控特定的植物生长发育过程时也具有特异性。本文在对细胞分裂素的代谢与转运过程简要评述的基础上,对其信号转导以及与其它信号途径间交叉反应的研究进展进行重点讨论,并展望细胞分裂素研究对重要农业性状改良的意义。  相似文献   

Mizuno  Takeshi 《DNA research》1997,4(2):161-168
Bacteria have devised sophisticated His-Asp phosphorelay signalingsystems for eliciting a variety of adaptive responses to theirenvironment, which are generally referred to as the "two-componentregulatory system." The widespread occurrence of the His-Aspphosphorelay signaling in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes impliesthat it is a powerful device for a wide variety of adaptiveresponses of cells to their environment. The two-component signaltransducers contain one or more of three common and characteristicphosphotransfer signaling domains, named the "transmitter, receiver,and histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains." Therecently determined entire genomic sequence of Escherichia coliallowed us to compile systematically a complete list of genesencoding such two-component signal transduction proteins. Theresults of such an effort, made in this study, revealed thatat least 62 open reading frames(ORFs) were identified as putativemembers of the two-component signaltransducers in this singlespecies. Among them, 32 were identified as response regulatorand 23 were identified as orthodox sensory kinases. In addition,E. coli has five hybrid sensory kinases. The precise locationof each ORF was mapped on a physical map of the entire E. coligenome. All of these ORFs were then compiled and annotated extensively.  相似文献   

AgrA作为金黄色葡萄球菌双组分信号转导系统(two-component signal transduction system,TCST)的反应调节因子,能调控细菌毒力因子的表达,在金黄色葡萄球菌致病过程中起着重要的作用。采用无限制克隆法构建AgrA表达载体,在AgrA蛋白的C端融合绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标签,通过实时监测GFP的荧光强度来快速检测重组蛋白的表达水平。首先利用单因素实验,筛选出宿主菌株BL21-(DE3)-PlysS;其次,结合Box-Behnken试验设计,筛选出最优蛋白质表达条件:诱导时间为22h、转速为222r/min、诱导剂浓度为0.5mmol/L,AgrA产量达到5.56mg/L。最后,基于AgrA蛋白LytTR区域的非放射性凝胶阻滞实验(non-radioactive electrophoretic mobility shift assay,EMSA)验证了AgrA的生物活性。提出了反应调节蛋白AgrA在大肠杆菌高效可溶性表达的策略,为双组分信号转导系统的体外研究奠定基础,也为其他反应调节蛋白的可溶性表达与分离纯化提供了一个可行借鉴。  相似文献   

Gene Expression and Signal Transduction in Water-Stress Response   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57       下载免费PDF全文
We evaluated the use of infrared (IR) video thermography to observe directly ice nucleation and propagation in plants. An imaging radiometer with an HgCdTe long-wave (8-12 [mu]m) detector was utilized to image the thermal response of plants during freezing. IR images were analyzed in real time and recorded on videotape. Information on the videotape was subsequently accessed and analyzed utilizing IR image analysis software. Freezing of water droplets as small as 0.5 [mu]L was clearly detectable with the radiometer. Additionally, a comparison of temperature tracking data collected by the radiometer with data collected with thermocouples showed close correspondence. Monitoring of an array of plant species under different freezing conditions revealed that ice nucleation and propagation are readily observable by thermal imaging. In many instances, the ice nucleation-active bacterium Pseudomonas syringae placed on test plants could be seen to initiate freezing of the whole plant. Apparent ice nucleation by intrinsic nucleators, despite the presence of ice nucleation-active bacteria, was also evident in some species. Floral bud tissues of peach (Prunus persica) could be seen to supercool below the temperature of stem tissues, and ice nucleation at the site of insertion of the thermocouple was frequently observed. Rates of propagation of ice in different tissues were also easily measured by thermal imaging. This study demonstrates that IR thermography is an excellent method for studying ice nucleation and propagation in plants.  相似文献   

The Cus system of Escherichia coli aids in protection of cells from high concentrations of Ag(I) and Cu(I). The histidine kinase CusS of the CusRS two-component system functions as a Ag(I)/Cu(I)-responsive sensor kinase and is essential for induction of the genes encoding the CusCFBA efflux pump. In this study, we have examined the molecular features of the sensor domain of CusS in order to understand how a metal-responsive histidine kinase senses specific metal ions. We find that the predicted periplasmic sensor domain of CusS directly interacts with Ag(I) ions and undergoes a conformational change upon metal binding. Metal binding also enhances the tendency of the domain to dimerize. These findings suggest a model for activation of the histidine kinase through metal binding events in the periplasmic sensor domain.  相似文献   

Oligodendroglial Signal Transduction Systems Are Developmentally Regulated   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Studies from several laboratories indicate that oligodendroglia exhibit signal transduction systems that can be activated by classical neurotransmitters. Previous studies from this laboratory indicate that oligodendroglia express neuroligand receptors linked to the regulation of Ca2+i. Experiments presented in this article were designed to determine if developmental processes that influence the ability of oligodendroglia to respond to neuroligands with an increase in Ca2+i proceed either in vitro or in vivo. Findings support the view that developmental processes markedly affected the sensitivity of these cells to both purinergic and cholinergic receptor agonists, whereas their responsiveness to either histamine or bradykinin appeared relatively stable over time. Approximately 90 and 75% of oligodendroglia responded to ATP or carbachol, respectively, after 4 days in vitro, whereas <10% of these cells responded to either of these neuroligands after 8 days in vitro. The decrease in the percentage of oligodendroglia responding to ATP, but not carbachol, could be prevented by including dibutyryl cyclic AMP in the culture medium during the final 4 days in vitro. However, once the loss in responsiveness to ATP had occurred, it could not be reversed by exposure to dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Developmental changes in the ATP sensitivity of oligodendroglia occurred in cells expressing galactocerebroside and myelin basic protein. The neuroligand sensitivity of oligodendroglia isolated from either neonatal, 2-, 3-, or 5-week-old spinal cord was examined to determine if developmental changes in oligodendroglial Ca2+ regulation occurred in vivo. The results of these experiments indicate that the percentage of oligodendroglia responding to either ATP or carbachol markedly decreased as a function of the age of the animal used to prepare the cultures; this was not the case for the stimulation of Ca2+i by histamine. The decreased sensitivity of oligodendroglia isolated from older animals could not be reversed through the addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that developmental processes selectively influence the sensitivity of oligodendroglia to specific neuroligands and suggest that oligodendroglial processes unrelated to myelin formation may be regulated by neuroligands in vivo.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei has traditionally been recognized as a probiotic, thus needing to survive the industrial production processes and transit through the gastrointestinal tract before providing benefit to human health. The two-component signal transduction system (TCS) plays important roles in sensing and reacting to environmental changes, which consists of a histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). In this study we identified HKs and RRs of six sequenced L. casei strains. Ortholog analysis revealed 15 TCS clusters (HK–RR pairs), one orphan HKs and three orphan RRs, of which 12 TCS clusters were common to all six strains, three were absent in one strain. Further classification of the predicted HKs and RRs revealed interesting aspects of their putative functions. Some TCS clusters are involved with the response under the stress of the bile salts, acid, or oxidative, which contribute to survive the difficult journey through the human gastrointestinal tract. Computational predictions of 15 TCSs were verified by PCR experiments. This genomic level study of TCSs should provide valuable insights into the conservation and divergence of TCS proteins in the L. casei strains.  相似文献   

植物水分胁迫信号识别与转导   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
植物对水分胁迫信号作出反应,需要经过信号的识别,转导和胞间信使传递等过程,该文从胁迫感觉,第二信使系统及蛋白质可逆磷酸化等方面,介绍了植物细胞对水分胁迫(原初 )信号和胁迫信号分子(脱落酸)识别转导的研究进展。  相似文献   

宋恒  王长泉 《植物学报》2013,48(4):461-469
茉莉酸是植物伤反应的特异激素, 在植物伤反应中具有核心作用, 其下游调控机制已经比较清晰。在番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)伤反应中, 系统素和茉莉酸协同启动相关基因的表达, 行使系统性防御功能。拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)信号肽是新发现的一类信号物质, 可以激活植物的初始免疫反应, 但其在伤反应中的作用机制有待进一步研究。脱落酸位于茉莉酸上游, 单独或者协同茉莉酸参与植物的防御反应。另外, 植物中还存在以核糖核酸酶为代表的且不依赖于茉莉酸的伤反应信号转导途径。该文对植物伤反应的防御机制和信号转导做了详细概述。  相似文献   

自交不亲和性是植物特异性地识别并拒绝自花或亲缘关系很近的花粉的一种遗传机制,该特异性受S基因座控制.在前人的研究基础上总结了罂粟科植物自交不亲和反应过程中信号转导的研究进展,将参与其信号级联反应的信号分子分为与S-位点连锁(包括花柱S-蛋白和花粉S-受体)和不连锁的信号分子(Ca2+、p26、p68、MAPK、细胞骨架以及PCD),并综述了各个信号分子之间的相互作用.  相似文献   

植物热激反应的信号转导机理   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

植物对盐胁迫响应的信号转导途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物通过调控复杂的信号网络来应对盐胁迫。近年来,随着植物基因工程技术的发展,对植物在盐胁迫下信号转导系统的研究取得了一定进展。本文以拟南芥为代表,对盐胁迫下参与调控植物耐盐生理响应的两大类主要信号转导途径——Ca2+依赖型信号转导通路和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联反应途径的研究进展进行综述,主要介绍参与各信号转导通路的组件及诱发的耐盐生理响应等方面,并对该研究领域存在的问题及今后可能的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

植物抗逆性的获得与信息传导   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
概述了逆境下植物细胞水平的信号传导和生理反应及其相关基因表达的研究进展,并着重讨论了植物抗逆性获得与基因组DNA水平分子信号传递的可能机理。提出植物抗逆性获得的细胞分子生物学机制的模型。  相似文献   

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