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Individual variations in structure and morphology of amyloid fibrils produced from a single polypeptide are likely to underlie the molecular origin of prion strains and control the efficiency of the species barrier in the transmission of prions. Previously, we observed that the shape of amyloid fibrils produced from full-length prion protein (PrP 23-231) varied substantially for different batches of purified recombinant PrP. Variations in fibril morphology were also observed for different fractions that corresponded to the highly pure PrP peak collected at the last step of purification. A series of biochemical experiments revealed that the variation in fibril morphology was attributable to the presence of miniscule amounts of N-terminally truncated PrPs, where a PrP encompassing residue 31-231 was the most abundant of the truncated polypeptides. Subsequent experiments showed that the presence of small amounts of recombinant PrP 31-231 (0.1-1%) in mixtures with full-length PrP 23-231 had a dramatic impact on fibril morphology and conformation. Furthermore, the deletion of the short polybasic N-terminal region 23-30 was found to reduce the folding efficiency to the native α-helical forms and the conformational stability of α-PrP. These findings are very surprising considering that residues 23-30 are very distant from the C-terminal globular folded domain in α-PrP and from the prion folding domain in the fibrillar form. However, our studies suggest that the N-terminal polybasic region 23-30 is essential for effective folding of PrP to its native cellular conformation. This work also suggests that this region could regulate diversity of prion strains or subtypes despite its remote location from the prion folding domain.  相似文献   

The conversion of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) to an abnormal, alternatively folded isoform (PrPSc) is the central event in prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Recent studies have demonstrated de novo generation of murine prions from recombinant prion protein (recPrP) after inoculation into transgenic and wild-type mice. These so-called synthetic prions lead to novel prion diseases with unique neuropathological and biochemical features. Moreover, the use of recPrP in an amyloid seeding assay can specifically detect and amplify various strains of prions. We employed this assay in our experiments and analyzed in detail the morphology of aggregate structures produced under defined chemical constraints. Our results suggest that changes in the concentration of guanidine hydrochloride can lead to different kinetic traces in a typical thioflavin T(ThT) assay. Morphological and structural analysis of these aggregates by atomic force microscopy indicates a variation in the structure of the PrP molecular assemblies.In particular, ThT positive PrP aggregates produced from rec mouse PrP residues 89 to 230 lead to mostly oligomeric structures at low concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride, while more amyloidal structures were observed at higher concentrations of the denaturant. These findings highlight the presence of numerous and complex pathways in deciphering prion constraints for infectivity and toxicity.  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the horse (Equus caballus) cellular prion protein at 25 °C exhibits the typical PrPC [cellular form of prion protein (PrP)] global architecture, but in contrast to most other mammalian PrPCs, it contains a well-structured loop connecting the β2 strand with the α2 helix. Comparison with designed variants of the mouse prion protein resulted in the identification of a single amino acid exchange within the loop, D167S, which correlates with the high structural order of this loop in the solution structure at 25 °C and is unique to the PrP sequences of equine species. The β2-α2 loop and the α3 helix form a protein surface epitope that has been proposed to be the recognition area for a hypothetical chaperone, “protein X,” which would promote conversion of PrPC into the disease-related scrapie form and thus mediate intermolecular interactions related to the transmission barrier for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) between different species. The present results are evaluated in light of recent indications from in vivo experiments that the local β2-α2 loop structure affects the susceptibility of transgenic mice to TSEs and the fact that there are no reports on TSE in horses.  相似文献   

The prion protein can exist both in a normal cellular isoform and in a pathogenic conformational isoform. The latter is responsible for the development of different neurodegenerative diseases, for example Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or fatal familial insomnia. To convert the native benign state of the protein into a highly ordered fibrillar aggregate, large-scale rearrangements of the tertiary structure are necessary during the conversion process and intermediates that are at least partially unfolded are present during fibril formation. In addition to the sporadic conversion into the pathogenic isoform, more than 20 familial diseases are known that are caused by single point mutations increasing the probability of aggregation and neurodegeneration. Here, we demonstrate that the chemically denatured states of the mouse and human prion proteins have very similar structural and dynamic characteristics. Initial studies on the single point mutants E196K, F198S, V203I and R208H of the oxidized mouse construct, which are related to human prion diseases, reveal significant differences in the rate of aggregation. Aggregation for mutants V203I and R208H is slower than it is for the wild type, and the constructs E196K and F198S show accelerated aggregation. These differences in aggregation behaviour are not correlated with the thermal stability of the mutants, indicating different mechanisms promoting the conformational conversion process.  相似文献   

A series of GN8 derivatives were synthesized from various diamines, carboxylic acid derivatives, and nitrogen nucleophiles, and their antiprion activity was tested in TSE-infected mouse neuronal cells. We found that two ethylenediamine units, hydrophobic substituents on the nitrogen atoms, and the diphenylmethane scaffold were essential structural features responsible for the activity. Seven derivatives bearing substituents at the benzylic position exhibited an improved antiprion activity with the IC50 values of 0.51-0.83 μM. Conformational analysis of model compounds suggested that the introduction of the substituent at the benzylic position restricted the conformational variability of the diphenylmethane unit.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding of full-length human recombinant alpha-helical prion protein (alpha-PrP) in neutral pH is reversible, whereas, in the presence of the osmolyte N-trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), the protein acquires a beta-sheet structure at higher temperatures and the thermal unfolding of the protein is irreversible. Lysozyme, an amyloidogenic protein similar to prion protein, regains alpha-helical structure on cooling from its thermally unfolded form in buffer and in TMAO solutions. The thermal stability of alpha-PrP decreases, whereas that of lysozyme increases in TMAO solution. Light-scattering and turbidity values indicate that beta-sheet prion protein exists as soluble oligomers that increase thioflavin T fluorescence and bind to 1-anilino 8-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS). The oligomers are resistant to proteinase K digestion and during incubation for long periods they form linear amyloids>5 microm long. The comparable fluorescence polarization of the tryptophan groups and their accessibility to acrylamide in alpha-PrP and oligomers indicate that the unstructured N-terminal segments of the protein, which contain the tryptophan groups, do not associate among themselves during oligomerization. Partial unfolding of alpha-helical prion protein in TMAO solution leads to its structural conversion to misfolded beta-sheet form. The formation of the misfolded prion protein oligomers and their polymerization to amyloids in TMAO are unusual, since the osmolyte generally induces denatured protein to fold to a native-like state and protects proteins from thermal denaturation and aggregation.  相似文献   

Fibril fragmentation is considered to be an essential step in prion replication. Recent studies have revealed a strong correlation between the incubation period to prion disease and conformational stability of synthetic prions. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism that accounts for this correlation, we proposed that the conformational stability of prion fibrils controls their intrinsic fragility or the size of the smallest possible fibrillar fragments. Using amyloid fibrils produced from full-length mammalian prion protein under three growth conditions, we found a correlation between conformational stability and the smallest possible fragment sizes. Specifically, the fibrils that were conformationally less stable were found to produce shorter pieces upon fragmentation. Site-specific denaturation experiments revealed that the fibril conformational stability was controlled by the region that acquires a cross-β-sheet structure. Using atomic force microscopy imaging, we found that fibril fragmentation occurred in both directions—perpendicular to and along the fibrillar axis. Two mechanisms of fibril fragmentation were identified: (i) fragmentation caused by small heat shock proteins, including αB-crystallin, and (ii) fragmentation due to mechanical stress arising from adhesion of the fibril to a surface. This study provides new mechanistic insight into the prion replication mechanism and offers a plausible explanation for the correlation between conformational stability of synthetic prions and incubation time to prion disease.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is correlated with a conversion of the normal cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) into the abnormal isoform (scrapie form of PrP). Contact of the normal PrP with its abnormal isoform, the scrapie form of PrP, induces the transformation. Knowledge of molecules that inhibit such contacts leads to an understanding of the mechanism of the aggregation, and these molecules may serve as leads for drugs against transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Therefore, we screened a synthetic octapeptide library of the globular domain of the human PrPC for binding affinity to PrPC. Two fragments with binding affinity, 149YYRENMHR156 and 153NMHRYPNQ160, were identified with Kd values of 21 and 25 μM, respectively. A 10-fold excess of peptide 153NMHRYPNQ160 inhibits aggregation of the PrP by 99%. NMR and mass spectrometry showed that the binding region of the peptide 153NMHRYPNQ160 is located at helix 3 of the PrP.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered amino-proximal domain of hamster prion protein (PrP) contains four copies of a highly conserved octapeptide sequence, PHGGGWGQ, that is flanked by two polycationic residue clusters. This N-terminal domain mediates the binding of sulfated glycans, which can profoundly influence the conversion of PrP to pathological forms and the progression of prion disease. To investigate the structural consequences of sulfated glycan binding, we performed multidimensional heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence studies on hamster PrP residues 23-106 (PrP 23-106) and fragments thereof when bound to pentosan polysulfate (PPS). While the majority of PrP 23-106 remain disordered upon PPS binding, the octarepeat region adopts a repeating loop-turn structure that we have determined by NMR. The β-like turns within the repeats are corroborated by CD data demonstrating that these turns are also present, although less pronounced, without PPS. Binding to PPS exposes a hydrophobic surface composed of aligned tryptophan side chains, the spacing and orientation of which are consistent with a self-association or ligand binding site. The unique tryptophan motif was probed by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, which displayed enhanced fluorescence of PrP 23-106 when bound to PPS, consistent with the alignment of tryptophan side chains. Chemical-shift mapping identified binding sites on PrP 23-106 for PPS, which include the octarepeat histidine and an N-terminal basic cluster previously linked to sulfated glycan binding. These data may in part explain how sulfated glycans modulate PrP conformational conversions and oligomerizations.  相似文献   

Misfolding of the prion protein (PrP) is associated with the development of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. The recent crystal structure of ‘steric zipper’ aggregates of the peptide SNQNNF (human PrP fragment 170-175) has highlighted its potential involvement in the misfolding process. A detailed molecular dynamics investigation on SNQNNF aggregates has been performed to analyze the behavior of the assemblies in a non-crystalline context. Stability, dynamics, and structural features suggest that SNQNNF assemblies are very good candidates to be involved in the structure of PrP fibrils. In addition, the analysis of small aggregates shows that steric zipper interfaces are able to stabilize assemblies composed of four strands per sheet. Altogether, the present findings indicate that steric zipper may play a key role in prion diseases. This suggestion is also corroborated by MD analyses of point mutations within the region 170-175.  相似文献   



Prion diseases are associated with a conformational switch for PrP from PrPC to PrPSc. Many genetic mutations are linked with prion diseases, such as mutations T188K/R/A with fCJD.

Scope of review

MD simulations for the WT PrP and its mutants were performed to explore the underlying dynamic effects of T188 mutations on human PrP. Although the globular domains are fairly conserved, the three mutations have diverse effects on the dynamics properties of PrP, including the shift of H1, the elongation of native β-sheet and the conversion of S2-H2 loop to a 310 helix.

Major conclusions

Our present study indicates that the three mutants for PrP may undergo different pathogenic mechanisms and the realistic atomistic simulations can provide insights into the effects of disease-associated mutations on PrP dynamics and stability, which can enhance our understanding of how mutations induce the conversion from PrPC to PrPSc.General significanceOur present study helps to understand the effects of T188K/R/A mutations on human PrP: despite the three pathogenic mutations almost do not alter the native structure of PrP, but perturb its stability. This instability may further modulate the oligomerization pathways and determine the features of the PrPSc assemblies.  相似文献   

The common polymorphism at codon 129 in the human prion protein (PrP) has been shown in many studies to influence not only the pathology of prion disease but also the misfolding propensity of PrP. Here we used NMR, CD and atomic force microscopy in solution to investigate differences in β-oligomer (βO) formation and inter-oligomer interaction depending on the polymorphism at codon 129. NMR investigations assigned the observable amide resonances to the βO N-terminal segments, showing that it is the core region of PrP (residues 127-228) that is involved in βO formation. Atomic force microscopy revealed distinctive 1.8 × 15 × 15-nm disk-like structures that form stacks through inter-oligomer interactions. The propensity to form stacks and the number of oligomers involved depended on the polymorphism at codon 129, with a significantly lower degree of stacking for βO with valine at position 129. This result provides evidence for conformational differences between the βO allelic forms, showing that the core region of the protein including position 129 is actively involved in inter-oligomer interactions, consistent with NMR observations.  相似文献   

NMR structures are presented for the recombinant construct of residues 121-230 from the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) prion protein (PrP) twPrP(121-230) and for the variant mouse PrPs mPrP[Y225A,Y226A](121-231) and mPrP[V166A](121-231) at 20 °C and pH 4.5. All three proteins exhibit the same global architecture as seen in other recombinant PrPCs (cellular isoforms of PrP) and shown to prevail in natural bovine PrPC. Special interest was focused on a loop that connects the β2-strand with helix α2 in the PrPC fold, since there are indications from in vivo experiments that this local structural feature affects the susceptibility of transgenic mice to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. This β2-α2 loop and helix α3 form a solvent-accessible contiguous epitope, which has been proposed to be the recognition area for a hypothetical chaperone, the “protein X”. This hypothetical chaperone would affect the conversion of PrPC into the disease-related scrapie form (PrPSc) by moderating intermolecular interactions related to the transmission barrier of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies between different species. In contrast to mPrP(121-231) and most other mammalian PrPCs, the β2-α2 loop is well defined at 20 °C in tammar wallaby PrP and in the two aforementioned variants of mPrP, showing that long-range interactions with helix α3 can have an overriding influence on the structural definition of the β2-α2 loop. Further NMR studies with two variant mPrPs, mPrP[Y225A](121-231) and mPrP[Y226A](121-231), showed that these interactions are dominantly mediated by close contacts between residues 166 and 225. The results of the present study then lead to the intriguing indication that well-defined long-range intramolecular interactions could act as regulators of the functional specificity of PrPC.  相似文献   

The nature of the factors leading to the conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into its amyloidogenic isoform (PrP(Sc)) is still matter of debate in the field of structural biology. The NMR structures of non-mammalian PrP(C) (non-mPrP) from frog, chicken and turtle [Calzolai, L., Lysek, D.A., Perez, D.R., Guntert, P. and Wuthrich, K. (2005) Prion protein NMR structures of chickens, turtles, and frogs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 651-655] have provided some new and valuable information on the scaffolding elements that preserve the PrP(C) folding, despite their low sequence identity with the mammalian prions (mPrP). The present molecular dynamics study of non-mPrP(C) focuses on the hydration properties of these proteins in comparison with the mammalian ones. The data reveal new insights in the PrP hydration and focus on the implications for PrP(C) folding stability and its propensity for interactions. In addition, for the first time, a role in disfavoring the PrP(C) aggregation is suggested for a conserved beta-bulge which is stabilized by the local hydration.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal control of ovine prion protein (Prnp) gene expression was achieved in mice using two transgenes: a Prnp minigene with tet-operator sequences inserted 5' to exon 1 and a mouse neurofilament genomic clone carrying the chimeric-repressor TRSID cDNA. In bi-transgenic mice, ovine PrP(C) expression could be reversibly controlled in neuronal cells by doxycycline treatment whereas it remains constant in other cell types. Overall, this model opens opportunities to assess the involvement of cell types in prion diseases and PrP physiological function. It demonstrates the potentiality of the TRSID-silencer to precisely control temporal and spatial gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are infectious fatal neurodegenerative diseases including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle. The misfolding and conversion of cellular PrP in such mammals into pathogenic PrP is believed to be the key procedure. Rabbits are among the few mammalian species that exhibit resistance to prion diseases, but little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying such resistance. Here, we report that the crowding agents Ficoll 70 and dextran 70 have different effects on fibrillization of the recombinant full-length PrPs from different species: although these agents dramatically promote fibril formation of the proteins from human and cow, they significantly inhibit fibrillization of the rabbit protein by stabilizing its native state. We also find that fibrils formed by the rabbit protein contain less β-sheet structure and more α-helix structure than those formed by the proteins from human and cow. In addition, amyloid fibrils formed by the rabbit protein do not generate a proteinase K-resistant fragment of 15–16-kDa, but those formed by the proteins from human and cow generate such proteinase K-resistant fragments. Together, these results suggest that the strong inhibition of fibrillization of the rabbit PrP by the crowded physiological environment and the absence of such a protease-resistant fragment for the rabbit protein could be two of the reasons why rabbits are resistant to prion diseases.  相似文献   

The conversion of normal cellular prion protein (PrP) into its pathological isoform, scrapie PrP, may occur at the cell surface or, more probably, in late endosomes. The early events leading to the structural conversion of PrP appear to be related to the presence of more or less stable soluble oligomers, which might mediate neurotoxicity. In the current study, we investigate the interaction of α-rich PrP monomers and β-rich size-exclusion-chromatography-purified PrP oligomers with lipid membranes. We compare their structural properties when associated with lipid bilayers and study their propensities to permeabilize the membrane at physiological pH. We also study the influence of the N-terminal flexible region (residues 24-103) by comparing full-length PrP24-234 and N-terminally truncated PrP104-234 oligomers. We showed that both 12-subunit oligomers cause an immediate and large increase in the permeability of the membrane, whereas equivalent amounts of monomeric forms cause no detectable leakage. Although the two monomeric PrP constructs undergo an α-to-β conformational change when bound to the negatively charged membrane, only the full-length form of monomeric PrP has a weak fusogenic effect. Finally, the oligomers affect the integrity of the membrane differently from the monomers, independently of the presence of the N-terminal flexible domain. As for other forms of amyloidogenesis, a reasonable mechanism for the toxicity arising from PrP fibrillization must be associated with low-molecular-weight oligomeric intermediates, rather than with mature fibrils. Knowledge of the mechanism of action of these soluble oligomers would have a high impact on the development of novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Xu L  Zhang Z  Wang L  Feng D  Zhou X  Xu B  Zhao D 《Gene》2012,491(2):256-259
Up to now, little is known about the prion protein gene (PRNP) of domestic bactrian camels, and no polymorphisms of the bactrian camel PRNP have been analyzed or reported. In this study, we cloned and analyzed the PRNP sequences of 89 domestic bactrian camels. The results showed that the amino acid sequence of bactrian camel PrP starts with the consensus sequence MVKSH, with almost identical amino acid sequence to the PrP of dromedary camels. A four octapeptide PHGGGWGQ repeat region follows a nonapeptide (PQGGGGWGQ) in the N-terminal of deduced amino acid sequence from residues 54 to 95. Polymorphisms of PRNP in both species of camels were observed in codons 16(A → V), 17(M → T), 120(N → S), 176(R → K), 215(I → V), 234(S → Y), 237(Y → S), and 239(Q → G) by comparing with other ruminants. The PrP gene nucleotide sequence alignments of bactrian camels (HQ204566.1 and HQ204567.1) showed high identity with dromedary camel (99.2%, 99.1%), sheep (91.9%, 91.8%) and cattle (91.8%, 91.6%). This study provides valuable data for future research on susceptibility or resistance of camels to prion diseases.  相似文献   

In prion diseases, the posttranslational modification of host-encoded prion protein PrPc yields a high β-sheet content modified protein PrPsc, which further polymerizes into amyloid fibrils. PrP106-126 initiates the conformational changes leading to the conversion of PrPc to PrPsc. Molecules that can defunctionalize such peptides can serve as a potential tool in combating prion diseases. In microorganisms during stressed conditions, small stress molecules (SSMs) are formed to prevent protein denaturation and maintain protein stability and function. The effect of such SSMs on PrP106-126 amyloid formation is explored in the present study using turbidity, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and cellular toxicity assay. Turbidity and AFM studies clearly depict that the SSMs—ectoine and mannosylglyceramide (MGA) inhibit the PrP106-126 aggregation. Our study also connotes that ectoine and MGA offer strong resistance to prion peptide-induced toxicity in human neuroblastoma cells, concluding that such molecules can be potential inhibitors of prion aggregation and toxicity.  相似文献   

The recent introduction of bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) as an additional laboratory animal for research on prion diseases revealed an important difference when compared to the mouse and the Syrian hamster, since bank voles show a high susceptibility to infection by brain homogenates from a wide range of diseased species such as sheep, goats, and humans. In this context, we determined the NMR structure of the C-terminal globular domain of the recombinant bank vole prion protein (bvPrP) [bvPrP(121-231)] at 20 °C. bvPrP(121-231) has the same overall architecture as other mammalian PrPs, with three α-helices and an antiparallel β-sheet, but it differs from PrP of the mouse and most other mammalian species in that the loop connecting the second β-strand and helix α2 is precisely defined at 20 °C. This is similar to the previously described structures of elk PrP and the designed mouse PrP (mPrP) variant mPrP[S170N,N174T](121-231), whereas Syrian hamster PrP displays a structure that is in-between these limiting cases. Studies with the newly designed variant mPrP[S170N](121-231), which contains the same loop sequence as bvPrP, now also showed that the single-amino-acid substitution S170N in mPrP is sufficient for obtaining a well-defined loop, thus providing the rationale for this local structural feature in bvPrP.  相似文献   

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