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The muscle acetylcholine receptor channel (AChR) is a large (Mr 290K) transmembrane protein that mediates synaptic transmission. Theactivation of this ion channel can be understood in the framework of athermodynamic cycle with spontaneous gating (i.e., the closed open reaction) and ligand-binding events as the elementary steps. Becauseagonists bind more tightly to the open than to the closed state, gating ofliganded receptors is more favorable than that of unliganded receptors.Accordingly, channel opening must involve two major conformationalchanges: the ACh-binding sites switch from a low-affinity to a high-affinityform, and the pore (located 45 Å away from the binding sites)switches from an ion-impermeable to an ion-permeable conformation. Togain insight into the reaction mechanism of fully-liganded gating, wecharacterized the corresponding transition state in the context of the `linearfree-energy relationships' of physical organic chemistry (-valueanalysis). Gating of fully-liganded AChRs was studied by recordingsingle-channel currents using the patch-clamp technique. Perturbations tothe wild-type receptor were either series of different mutations at individualpositions or series of different agonists. Based on the obtained `snapshot'of the gating reaction at the transition state, and aware of the lack ofinformation about the rest of the energy profile, the most parsimoniousmechanism seems to be one where opening proceeds asynchronously, withthe low-to-high affinity change at the binding sites preceding the completeopening of the distant pore.  相似文献   

Kv channels detect changes in the membrane potential via their voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) that control the status of the S6 bundle crossing (BC) gate. The movement of the VSDs results in a transfer of the S4 gating charges across the cell membrane but only the last 10–20% of the total gating charge movement is associated with BC gate opening, which involves cooperative transition(s) in the subunits. Substituting the proline residue P475 in the S6 of the Shaker channel by a glycine or alanine causes a considerable shift in the voltage-dependence of the cooperative transition(s) of BC gate opening, effectively isolating the late gating charge component from the other gating charge that originates from earlier VSD movements. Interestingly, both mutations also abolished Shaker’s sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine, which is a pharmacological tool to isolate the late gating charge component. The alanine substitution (that would promote a α-helical configuration compared to proline) resulted in the largest separation of both gating charge components; therefore, BC gate flexibility appears to be important for enabling the late cooperative step of channel opening.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) are receptors activated by neurotransmitters to rapidly transport ions across cell membranes, down their electrochemical gradients. Recent crystal structures of two prokaryotic pLGICs were interpreted to imply that the extracellular side of the transmembrane pore constricts to close the channel (Hilf, R. J., and Dutzler, R. (2009) Nature 457, 115–118; Bocquet, N., Nury, H., Baaden, M., Le Poupon, C., Changeux, J. P., Delarue, M., and Corringer, P. J. (2009) Nature 457, 111–114). Here, we utilized a eukaryotic acetylcholine (ACh)-serotonin chimeric pLGIC that was engineered with histidines to coordinate a metal ion within the channel pore, at its cytoplasmic side. In a previous study, the access of Zn2+ ions to the engineered histidines had been explored when the channel was either at rest (closed) or active (open) (Paas, Y., Gibor, G., Grailhe, R., Savatier-Duclert, N., Dufresne, V., Sunesen, M., de Carvalho, L. P., Changeux, J. P., and Attali, B. (2005) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102, 15877–15882). In this study, the interactions of Zn2+ with the pore were probed upon agonist (ACh) dissociation that triggers the transition of the receptor from the active conformation to the resting conformation (i.e. during deactivation). Application of Zn2+ onto ACh-bound open receptors obstructed their pore and prevented ionic flow. Removing ACh from its extracellular binding sites to trigger deactivation while Zn2+ is still bound led to tight trapping of Zn2+ within the pore. Together with single-channel recordings, made to explore single pore-blocking events, we show that dissociation of ACh causes the gate to shut on a Zn2+ ion that effectively acts as a “foot in the door.” We infer that, upon deactivation, the cytoplasmic side of the pore of the ACh-serotonin receptor chimera constricts to close the channel.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K+ channels contain six membrane spanning segments and a pore-forming domain. We used site-directed mutation to examine the role of specific amino acids in the extracellular region of the pore in Kv1.2. When expressed in CHO cells, a K+ current was not observed for mutants S356A, S360A, T383A and T384A. However, coexpression of the Kvβ2 subunit and the S360A mutant resulted in a robust peak current. Immunocytochemistry for Kv1.2 showed staining throughout the cytoplasm in cells coexpressing the β2 and S360A, whereas only the perinuclear region was stained in cells expressing the S360A mutant. Western blotting revealed that the major immunoreactive protein in wild-type- and mutant-expressing cells is 60-kDa, but 87-kDa bands were also detected in cells expressing wild-type Kv1.2 and cells coexpressing β2and S360A. These results suggest that amino acids in the pore region help regulate ion permeability or cellular trafficking by affecting glycosylation of Kv1.2.  相似文献   

Many viruses have evolved strategies that target crucial components within the apoptotic cascade. One of the best studied is the caspase 8 inhibitor, crmA/Spi-2, encoded by members of the poxvirus family. Since many proapoptotic stimuli induce apoptosis through a mitochondrion-dependent, caspase 8-independent pathway, we hypothesized that vaccinia virus would encode a mechanism to directly modulate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. In support of this, we observed that Jurkat cells, which undergo Fas-mediated apoptosis exclusively through the mitochondrial route, were resistant to Fas-induced death following infection with a crmA/Spi-2-deficient strain of vaccinia virus. In addition, vaccinia virus-infected cells subjected to the proapoptotic stimulus staurosporine exhibited decreased levels of both cytochrome c released from the mitochondria and caspase 3 activation. In all cases we found that the loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential, which occurs as a result of opening the multimeric permeability transition pore complex, was prevented in vaccinia virus-infected cells. Moreover, vaccinia virus infection specifically inhibited opening of the permeability transition pore following treatment with the permeability transition pore ligand atractyloside and t-butylhydroperoxide. These studies indicate that vaccinia virus infection directly impacts the mitochondrial apoptotic cascade by influencing the permeability transition pore.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes the conversion of 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-diphosphate (PRPP) and uracil to uridine monophosphate (UMP) and diphosphate (PPi). The tetrameric enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus has a unique type of allosteric regulation by cytidine triphosphate (CTP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Here we report two structures of the activated state in complex with GTP. One structure (refined at 2.8-Å resolution) contains PRPP in all active sites, while the other structure (refined at 2.9-Å resolution) has PRPP in two sites and the hydrolysis products, ribose-5-phosphate and PPi, in the other sites. Combined with three existing structures of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with UMP and the allosteric inhibitor cytidine triphosphate (CTP), these structures provide valuable insight into the mechanism of allosteric transition from inhibited to active enzyme. The regulatory triphosphates bind at a site in the center of the tetramer in a different manner and change the quaternary arrangement. Both effectors contact Pro94 at the beginning of a long β-strand in the dimer interface, which extends into a flexible loop over the active site. In the GTP-bound state, two flexible loop residues, Tyr123 and Lys125, bind the PPi moiety of PRPP in the neighboring subunit and contribute to catalysis, while in the inhibited state, they contribute to the configuration of the active site for UMP rather than PRPP binding. The C-terminal Gly216 participates in a hydrogen-bond network in the dimer interface that stabilizes the inhibited, but not the activated, state. Tagging the C-terminus with additional amino acids generates an endogenously activated enzyme that binds GTP without effects on activity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is a phospholipid that has been shown to modulate several ion channels, including some voltage-gated channels like Kv11.1 (hERG). From a biophysical perspective, the mechanisms underlying this regulation are not well characterized. From a physiological perspective, it is critical to establish whether the PIP2 effect is within the physiological concentration range. Using the giant-patch configuration of the patch-clamp technique on COS-7 cells expressing hERG, we confirmed the activating effect of PIP2. PIP2 increased the hERG maximal current and concomitantly slowed deactivation. Regarding the molecular mechanism, these increased amplitude and slowed deactivation suggest that PIP2 stabilizes the channel open state, as it does in KCNE1-KCNQ1. We used kinetic models of hERG to simulate the effects of the phosphoinositide. Simulations strengthened the hypothesis that PIP2 is more likely stabilizing the channel open state than affecting the voltage sensors. From the physiological aspect, we established that the sensitivity of hERG to PIP2 comes close to that of KCNE1-KCNQ1 channels, which lies in the range of physiological PIP2 variations.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the mitochondrial KATP (mitoKATP) channel abrogates the beneficial effects of preconditioning induced by a brief episode of sublethal ischemia. We studied the effect of 5-hydroxydecanoate, a well-known inhibitor of the mitoKATP channel, on swelling of isolated liver and brain mitochondria. Volume changes were determined by measurement of light absorbance at 540 nm. Mitochondrial swelling induced by adding Ca2+ ions correlated with opening of the permeability transition pore as shown by modulation by 1 μM cyclosporin A. In brain mitochondria, 5-hydroxydecanoate did not significantly affect Ca2+-induced swelling. In contrast, 50 or 500 μM 5-hydroxydecanoate increased swelling of liver mitochondria by 9.7 ± 5.1% (n = 6, P = 0.057) and 29.4 ± 1.4% (n = 5, P < 0.0001), respectively. The effect of 5-hydroxydecanoate was blocked by cyclosporin A and was dependent on the presence of potassium in the medium. In medium containing 200 μM ATP to inhibit the mitoKATP channel, 5–hydroxydecanoate did not further increase Ca2+-induced swelling. We conclude that inhibition of the mitoKATP channel exerts its detrimental effect by facilitation of permeability transition pore opening.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent potassium channel, Kv1.3, is modulated by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) and the insulin receptor tyrosine kinases. When the EGFr and Kv1.3 are coexpressed in HEK 293 cells, acute treatment of the cells with EGF during a patch recording can suppress the Kv1.3 current within tens of minutes. This effect appears to be due to tyrosine phosphorylation of the channel, as it is blocked by treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor erbstatin, or by mutation of the tyrosine at channel amino acid position 479 to phenylalanine. Previous work has shown that there is a large increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of Kv1.3 when it is coexpressed with the EGFr. Pretreatment of EGFr and Kv1.3 cotransfected cells with EGF before patch recording also results in a decrease in peak Kv1.3 current. Furthermore, pretreatment of cotransfected cells with an antibody to the EGFr ligand binding domain (α-EGFr), which blocks receptor dimerization and tyrosine kinase activation, blocks the EGFr-mediated suppression of Kv1.3 current. Insulin treatment during patch recording also causes an inhibition of Kv1.3 current after tens of minutes, while pretreatment for 18 h produces almost total suppression of current. In addition to depressing peak Kv1.3 current, EGF treatment produces a speeding of C-type inactivation, while pretreatment with the α-EGFr slows C-type inactivation. In contrast, insulin does not influence C-type inactivation kinetics. Mutational analysis indicates that the EGF-induced modulation of the inactivation rate occurs by a mechanism different from that of the EGF-induced decrease in peak current. Thus, receptor tyrosine kinases differentially modulate the current magnitude and kinetics of a voltage-dependent potassium channel.  相似文献   

Three fractions of phosphodiesterase activity capable of hydrolysing cyclic 3′,5′-AMP and cyclic 3′,5′-GMP were purified from Portulaca callus. Hydrolysing bis-(p-nitrophenyl)-phosphate, two fractions showed linear Lineweaver-Burk plots. One fraction showed positive cooperativity. This fraction can be activated competitively by blue dextran, indicating a possible allosteric regulation by nucleotides, demonstrated by changing from being positively cooperative, to following Michaelis-Menten kinetics by cGMP and papaverin. cGMP triggers an enzyme highly active against 3′,5′cAMP and 3′5′cGMP, and papaverin triggers high activity against 2′,3′cAMP, demonstrated by two separate enzyme fractions.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Kv2.1 Potassium Channel by MinK and MiRP1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kv2.1 is a voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel α-subunit expressed in mammalian heart and brain. MinK-related peptides (MiRPs), encoded by KCNE genes, are single–transmembrane domain ancillary subunits that form complexes with Kv channel α-subunits to modify their function. Mutations in human MinK (KCNE1) and MiRP1 (KCNE2) are associated with inherited and acquired forms of long QT syndrome (LQTS). Here, coimmunoprecipitations from rat heart tissue suggested that both MinK and MiRP1 form native cardiac complexes with Kv2.1. In whole-cell voltage-clamp studies of subunits expressed in CHO cells, rat MinK and MiRP1 reduced Kv2.1 current density three- and twofold, respectively; slowed Kv2.1 activation (at +60 mV) two- and threefold, respectively; and slowed Kv2.1 deactivation less than twofold. Human MinK slowed Kv2.1 activation 25%, while human MiRP1 slowed Kv2.1 activation and deactivation twofold. Inherited mutations in human MinK and MiRP1, previously associated with LQTS, were also evaluated. D76N–MinK and S74L–MinK reduced Kv2.1 current density (threefold and 40%, respectively) and slowed deactivation (60% and 80%, respectively). Compared to wild-type human MiRP1–Kv2.1 complexes, channels formed with M54T– or I57T–MiRP1 showed greatly slowed activation (tenfold and fivefold, respectively). The data broaden the potential roles of MinK and MiRP1 in cardiac physiology and support the possibility that inherited mutations in either subunit could contribute to cardiac arrhythmia by multiple mechanisms. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Z. A. McCrossan and T. K. Roepke have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Abstract: Molecular mechanisms of zinc potentiation were investigated in recombinant human α1 glycine receptors (GlyRs) by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and [3H]strychnine binding assays. In the wild-type (WT) GlyR, 1 µ M zinc enhanced the apparent binding affinity of the agonists glycine and taurine and reduced their concentrations required for half-maximal activation. Thus, in the WT GlyR, zinc potentiation apparently occurs by enhancing agonist binding. However, analysis of GlyRs incorporating mutations in the membrane-spanning domain M1–M2 and M2–M3 loops, which are both components of the agonist gating mechanism, indicates that most mutations uncoupled zinc potentiation from glycine-gated currents but preserved zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. One such mutation in the M2–M3 loop, L274A, abolished the ability of zinc to potentiate taurine binding but did not inhibit zinc potentiation of taurine-gated currents. In this same mutant where taurine acts as a partial agonist, zinc potentiated taurine-gated currents but did not potentiate taurine antagonism of glycine-gated currents, suggesting that zinc interacts selectively with the agonist transduction pathway. The intracellular M246A mutation, which is unlikely to bind zinc, also disrupted zinc potentiation of glycine currents. Thus, zinc potentiation of the GlyR is mediated via allosteric mechanisms that are independent of its effects on agonist binding.  相似文献   

Absorption, linear dichroism and circular dichroism spectra of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata (wild-type-St. Louis strain, mutant Y5 and mutant Ala+) are particularly sensitive to the nature of the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll-carotenoid-protein complexes. Evidence for exciton-type interactions is seen near 855 nm in the membranes from the wild-type and from mutant Y5, as well as in an isolated B-800 + 850 light-harvesting complex from mutant Y5. The strong circular dichroism that reflects these interactions is attenuated more than 10-fold in membranes from the Ala+ mutant, which lacks both B-800 + 850 and colored carotenoids and contains only the B-875 light-harvesting complex. These results lead to the conclusion that these two light-harvesting complexes have significantly different chromophore arrangements or local environments.  相似文献   

Many proteins function by changing conformation in response to ligand binding or changes in other factors in their environment. Any change in the sequence of a protein, for example during evolution, which alters the relative free energies of the different functional conformations changes the conditions under which the protein will function. Voltage-gated ion channels are membrane proteins that open and close an ion-selective pore in response to changes in transmembrane voltage. The charged S4 transmembrane helix transduces changes in transmembrane voltage into a change in protein internal energy by interacting with the rest of the channel protein through a combination of non-covalent interactions between adjacent helices and covalent interactions along the peptide backbone. However, the structural basis for the wide variation in the V50 value between different voltage-gated potassium channels is not well defined. To test the role of the loop linking the S3 helix and the S4 helix in voltage sensitivity, we have constructed a set of mutants of the rat Kv1.2 channel that vary solely in the length and composition of the extracellular loop that connects S4 to S3. We evaluated the effect of these different loop substitutions on the voltage sensitivity of the channel and compared these experimental results with molecular dynamics simulations of the loop structures. Here, we show that this loop has a significant role in setting the precise V50 of activation in Kv1 family channels.  相似文献   

Renal fibrosis (RF) is a common reason for renal failure, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a vital mechanism that promotes the development of RF. It is known that microRNA-10 (miR-10) plays an important role in cancer EMT; however, whether it takes part in the EMT process of RF remains unclear. Therefore, we established an in vivo model of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), and an in vitro model using TGF-β1, to investigate whether and how miR-10a and miR-10b take part in the EMT of RF. In addition, the combinatorial effects of miR-10a and miR-10b were assessed. We discovered that miR-10a and miR-10b are overexpressed in UUO mice, and miR-10a, miR-10b, and miRs-10a/10b knockout attenuated RF and EMT in UUO-treated mouse kidneys. Moreover, miR-10a and miR-10b overexpression combinatorially promoted RF and EMT in TGF-β1-treated HK-2 cells. Inhibiting miR-10a and miR-10b attenuated RF and EMT induced by TGF-β1. Mechanistically, miR-10a and miR-10b suppressed PTEN expression by binding to its mRNA3′-UTR and promoting the Akt pathway. Moreover, PTEN overexpression reduced miR-10a and miR-10b effects on Akt phosphorylation (p-Akt), RF, and EMT in HK-2 cells treated with TGF-β1. Taken together, miR-10a and miR-10b act combinatorially to negatively regulate PTEN, thereby activating the Akt pathway and promoting the EMT process, which exacerbates RF progression.  相似文献   

Inward rectification induced by mono- and diaminoalkane application to inside-out membrane patches was studied in Kir2.1 (IRK1) channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Both monoamines and diamines block Kir2.1 channels, with potency increasing as the alkyl chain length increases (from 2 to 12 methylene groups), indicating a strong hydrophobic interaction with the blocking site. For diamines, but not monoamines, increasing the alkyl chain also increases the steepness of the voltage dependence, at any concentration, from a limiting minimal value of ∼1.5 (n = 2 methylene groups) to ∼4 (n = 10 methylene groups). These observations lead us to hypothesize that monoamines and diamines block inward rectifier K+ channels by entering deeply into a long, narrow pore, displacing K+ ions to the outside of the membrane, with this displacement of K+ ions contributing to “extra” charge movement. All monoamines are proposed to lie with the “head” amine at a fixed position in the pore, determined by electrostatic interaction, so that zδ is independent of monoamine alkyl chain length. The head amine of diamines is proposed to lie progressively further into the pore as alkyl chain length increases, thus displacing more K+ ions to the outside, resulting in charge movement (zδ) increasing with the increase in alkyl chain length.  相似文献   

To explore the role of pore-lining amino acids in Na+ channel ion-selectivity, pore residues were  replaced serially with cysteine in cloned rat skeletal muscle Na+ channels. Ionic selectivity was determined by measuring permeability and ionic current ratios of whole-cell currents in Xenopus oocytes. The rSkM1 channels displayed an ionic selectivity sequence Na+>Li+>NH4 +>>K+>>Cs+ and were impermeable to divalent cations.  Replacement of residues in domain IV showed significantly enhanced current and permeability ratios of NH4 + and K+, and negative shifts in the reversal potentials recorded in the presence of external Na+ solutions when compared to cysteine mutants in domains I, II, and III (except K1237C). Mutants in domain IV showed altered selectivity sequences: W1531C (NH4 +>K+>Na+≥Li+≈Cs+), D1532C, and G1533C (Na+>Li+≥NH4 +>K+>Cs+). Conservative replacement of the aromatic residue in domain IV (W1531) with phenylalanine or tyrosine retained Na+ selectivity of the channel while the alanine mutant (W1531A) reduced ion selectivity. A single mutation within the third pore forming region (K1237C) dramatically altered the selectivity sequence of the rSkM1 channel (NH4 +>K+>Na+≥Li+≈Cs+) and was permeable to divalent cations having the selectivity sequence Ca2+≥Sr2+>Mg2+>Ba2+. Sulfhydryl modification of K1237C, W1531C or D1532C with methanethiosulfonate derivatives that introduce a positively charged ammonium group, large trimethylammonium moiety, or a negatively charged sulfonate group within the pore was ineffective in restoring Na+ selectivity to these channels. Selectivity of D1532C mutants could be largely restored by increasing extracellular pH suggesting altering the ionized state at this position influences selectivity. These data suggest that K1237 in domain III and W1531, D1532, and G1533 in domain IV play a critical role in determining the ionic selectivity of the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Low levels of ADP binding at the ADP/ATP translocase caused inhibition of the Ca2+-inducedpermeability transition of the mitochondrial inner membrane, when measured using the shrinkage assay on mitochondria, which have already undergone a transition. Inhibition was preventedby carboxyatractyloside, but potentiated by bongkrekic acid, which increased the affinity forinhibition by ADP. This suggests that inhibition was related to the conformation of thetranslocase. Ca2+ addition was calculated to remove most of the free ADP. Ca2+ added after ADPinduced a slow decay of the inhibition, which probably reflected the dissociation of ADP fromthe translocator. We conclude that the probability of forming a permeability transition pore(PTP) is much greater when the translocase is in the CAT conformation than in the BKAconformation, and, in the absence of CAT and BKA, the translocator is shifted between theBKA and CAT conformations by ADP binding and removal, even in deenergized mitochondria with no nucleotide gradients.  相似文献   

TRPML3 is a H+-regulated Ca2+ channel that shuttles between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane. The A419P mutation causes the varitint-waddler phenotype as a result of gain-of-function (GOF). The mechanism by which A419P leads to GOF is not known. Here, we show that the TRPML3 pore is dynamic when conducting Ca2+ to change its conductance and permeability, which appears to be mediated by trapping Ca2+ within the pore. The pore properties can be restored by strong depolarization or by conducting Na+ through the pore. The A419P mutation results in expanded channel pore with altered permeability that limits modulation of the pore by Ca2+. This effect is specific for the A419P mutation and is not reproduced by other GOF mutations, including A419G, H283A, and proline mutations in the fifth transmembrane domain. These findings describe a novel mode of a transient receptor potential channel behavior and suggest that pore expansion by the A419P mutation may contribute to the varitint-waddler phenotype.  相似文献   

During the morphogenesis of mature human immunodeficiency virus-1 cores, viral capsid proteins assemble conical or tubular shells around viral ribonucleoprotein complexes. This assembly step is mimicked in vitro through reactions in which capsid proteins oligomerize to form long tubes, and this process can be modeled as consisting of a slow nucleation period, followed by a rapid phase of tube growth. We have developed a novel fluorescence microscopy approach to monitor in vitro assembly reactions and have employed it, along with electron microscopy analysis, to characterize the assembly process. Our results indicate that temperature, salt concentration, and pH changes have differential effects on tube nucleation and growth steps. We also demonstrate that assembly can be unidirectional or bidirectional, that growth can be capped, and that proteins can assemble onto the surfaces of tubes, yielding multiwalled or nested structures. Finally, experiments show that a peptide inhibitor of in vitro assembly also can dismantle preexisting tubes, suggesting that such reagents may possess antiviral effects against both viral assembly and uncoating. Our investigations help establish a basis for understanding the mechanism of mature human immunodeficiency virus-1 core assembly and avenues for antiviral inhibition.  相似文献   

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