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Ca2 +-triggered neurotransmitter release depends on the formation of SNARE complexes that bring the synaptic vesicle and plasma membranes together, on the Ca2 + sensor synaptotagmin-1 and on complexins, which play active and inhibitory roles. Release of the complexin inhibitory activity by binding of synaptotagmin-1 to the SNARE complex, causing complexin displacement, was proposed to trigger exocytosis. However, the validity of this model was questioned based on the observation of simultaneous binding of complexin-I and a fragment containing the synaptotagmin-1 C2 domains (C2AB) to membrane-anchored SNARE complex. Using diverse biophysical techniques, here we show that C2AB and complexin-I do not bind to each other but can indeed bind simultaneously to the SNARE complex in solution. Hence, the SNARE complex contains separate binding sites for both proteins. However, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy experiments show that C2AB can displace a complexin-I fragment containing its central SNARE-binding helix and an inhibitory helix (Cpx26-83) from membrane-anchored SNARE complex under equilibrium conditions. Interestingly, full-length complexin-I binds more tightly to membrane-anchored SNARE complex than Cpx26-83, and it is not displaced by C2AB. These results show that interactions of N- and/or C-terminal sequences of complexin-I with the SNARE complex and/or phospholipids increase the affinity of complexin-I for the SNARE complex, hindering dissociation induced by C2AB. We propose a model whereby binding of synaptotagmin-1 to the SNARE complex directly or indirectly causes a rearrangement of the complexin-I inhibitory helix without inducing complexin-I dissociation, thus relieving the inhibitory activity and enabling cooperation between synaptotagmin-1 and complexin-I in triggering release.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, requires surface (S)-layer proteins for the pathogenesis of infection. Previous work characterized S-layer protein binding via the surface layer homology domain to a pyruvylated carbohydrate in the envelope of vegetative forms. The molecular identity of this carbohydrate and the mechanism of its display in the bacterial envelope are still unknown. Analyzing acid-solubilized, purified carbohydrates by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, we identify secondary cell wall polysaccharide (SCWP) as the ligand of S-layer proteins. In agreement with the model that surface layer homology domains bind to pyruvylated carbohydrate, SCWP was observed to be linked to pyruvate in a manner requiring csaB, the only structural gene known to be required for S-layer assembly. B. anthracis does not elaborate wall teichoic acids; however, its genome harbors tagO and tagA, genes responsible for the synthesis of the linkage unit that tethers teichoic acids to the peptidoglycan layer. The tagO gene appears essential for B. anthracis growth and complements the tagO mutant phenotypes of staphylococci. Tunicamycin-mediated inhibition of TagO resulted in deformed, S-layer-deficient bacilli. Together, these results suggest that tagO-mediated assembly of linkage units tethers pyruvylated SCWP to the B. anthracis envelope, thereby enabling S-layer assembly and providing for the pathogenesis of anthrax infections.  相似文献   

2H phosphoesterases catalyze reactions on nucleotide substrates and contain two conserved histidine residues in the active site. Very limited information is currently available on the details of the active site and substrate/product binding during the catalytic cycle of these enzymes. We performed a comprehensive X-ray crystallographic study of mouse 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase), a membrane-associated enzyme present at high levels in the tetrapod myelin sheath. We determined crystal structures of the CNPase phosphodiesterase domain complexed with substrate, product, and phosphorothioate analogues. The data provide detailed information on the CNPase reaction mechanism, including substrate binding mode and coordination of the nucleophilic water molecule. Linked to the reaction, an open/close motion of the β5–α7 loop is observed. The role of the N terminus of helix α7—unique for CNPase in the 2H family—during the reaction indicates that 2H phosphoesterases differ in their respective reaction mechanisms despite the conserved catalytic residues. Furthermore, based on small-angle X-ray scattering, we present a model for the full-length enzyme, indicating that the two domains of CNPase form an elongated molecule. Finally, based on our structural data and a comprehensive bioinformatics study, we discuss the conservation of CNPase in various organisms.  相似文献   

Conventional ubiquitylation occurs through an ATP-dependent three-enzyme cascade (E1, E2, and E3) that mediates the covalent conjugation of the C-terminus of ubiquitin to a lysine on the substrate. SdeA, which belongs to the SidE effector family of Legionella pneumophila, can transfer ubiquitin to endoplasmic reticulum-associated Rab-family GTPases in a manner independent of E1 and E2 enzymes. The novel ubiquitin-modifying enzyme SdeA utilizes NAD+ as a cofactor to attach ubiquitin to a serine residue of the substrate. Here, to elucidate the coupled enzymatic reaction of NAD + hydrolysis and ADP-ribosylation of ubiquitin in SdeA, we characterized the mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase domain of SdeA and show that it consists of two sub-domains termed mART-N and mART-C. The crystal structure of the mART-C domain of SdeA was also determined in free form and in complex with NAD+ at high resolution. Furthermore, the spatial orientations of the N-terminal deubiquitylase, phosphodiesterase, mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase, and C-terminal coiled-coil domains within the 180-kDa full-length SdeA were determined. These results provide insight into the unusual ubiquitylation mechanism of SdeA and expand our knowledge on the structure–function of mono-ADP-ribosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The site for ATP interactions in human alphaB crystallin, the archetype of small heat-shock proteins, was identified and characterized to resolve the controversial role of ATP in the function of small heat-shock proteins. Comparative sequence alignments identified the alphaB crystallin sequence, (82)KHFSPEELKVKVLGD(96) as a Walker-B ATP-binding motif that is found in several ATP-binding proteins, including five molecular chaperones. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer and mass spectrometry using a novel fluorescent ATP analog, 8-azido-ATP-[gamma]-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid-5(2-aminoethylamide) (azido-ATP-EDANS) and a cysteine mutant of human alphaB crystallin (S135C) conjugated with a fluorescent acceptor, eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) identified the beta4-beta8 groove as the ATP interactive site in alphaB crystallin. A 44% decrease in the emitted fluorescence of azido-ATP-EDANS at the absorption maximum of S135C-EMA and a corresponding 50% increase in the fluorescence emission of S135C-EMA indicated a close spatial relationship between azido-ATP-EDANS and the center of the beta8 strand ((131)LTITSSLS(138)). Liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry identified two peptide fragments of the alphaB crystallin Walker-B motif photo-affinity-labeled with azido-ATP-EDANS confirming the beta4-beta8 groove as an ATP interactive site. The results presented here clearly establish the beta4-beta8 groove as the ATP interactive region in alphaB crystallin, and are in contrast to the existing paradigm that classifies small heat-shock proteins as ATP-independent chaperones.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of proteins into stable, fibrillar aggregates is a general property of polypeptides most notably associated with degenerative diseases termed amyloidoses. These nano- to micrometer scale structures are formed predominantly of β-sheets that self-assemble by a nucleation-dependent mechanism. The rate-limiting step of assembly involves stabilization of high-energy intermediates in a kinetic step termed nucleation. Determination of the structural characteristics of these high-energy intermediates has been elusive, as its members are the least populated states on the assembly pathway. Using a peptide derived from diabetes-related amyloid, we use electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and disulfide crosslinking to show that fibers are composed of parallel, in-register β-sheets. Kinetic studies are then used to infer the structural elements of the pre-nucleation intermediates. Notably, stabilization of this ensemble is shown to depend on the number but not the position of amide side chains within the primary sequence. Additionally, fiber formation is accelerated by constructs that mimic the intra-sheet structure of the fiber. Our data suggest that pre-nucleation intermediates sample intra- β-sheet structure and place bounds on the possible nucleation mechanisms for fiber assembly. Understanding the nucleation of fibrillogenesis is critical so that this process can be prevented in disease and productively controlled by design.  相似文献   

Tick-derived protease inhibitor (TdPI) is a tight-binding Kunitz-related inhibitor of human tryptase β with a unique structure and disulfide-bond pattern. Here we analyzed its oxidative folding and reductive unfolding by chromatographic and disulfide analyses of acid-trapped intermediates. TdPI folds through a stepwise generation of heterogeneous populations of one-disulfide, two-disulfide, and three-disulfide intermediates, with a major accumulation of the nonnative three-disulfide species IIIa. The rate-limiting step of the process is disulfide reshuffling within the three-disulfide population towards a productive intermediate that oxidizes directly into the native four-disulfide protein. TdPI unfolds through a major accumulation of the native three-disulfide species IIIb and the subsequent formation of two-disulfide and one-disulfide intermediates. NMR characterization of the acid-trapped and further isolated IIIa intermediate revealed a highly disordered conformation that is maintained by the presence of the disulfide bonds. Conversely, the NMR structure of IIIb showed a native-like conformation, with three native disulfide bonds and increased flexibility only around the two free cysteines, thus providing a molecular basis for its role as a productive intermediate. Comparison of TdPI with a shortened variant lacking the flexible prehead and posthead segments revealed that these regions do not contribute to the protein conformational stability or the inhibition of trypsin but are important for both the initial steps of the folding reaction and the inhibition of tryptase β. Taken together, the results provide insights into the mechanism of oxidative folding of Kunitz inhibitors and pave the way for the design of TdPI variants with improved properties for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Structural plasticity of mammalian cytochromes P450 (CYP) has recently been explored in our laboratory and elsewhere to understand the ligand-binding promiscuity. CYP2B4 exhibits very different conformations and thermodynamic signatures in binding the small inhibitor 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole (4-CPI) versus the large bifonazole. Using four key active-site mutants (F296A, T302A, I363A, and V367L) that are involved in binding one or both inhibitors, we dissected the thermodynamic basis for the ability of CYP2B4 to bind substrates and inhibitors of different sizes and chemistry. In all cases, 1:1 binding stoichiometry was observed. The inhibitors 4-CPI, 1-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole, and 1-(2-(benzyloxy)ethyl)imidazole bind to the mutants with a free energy difference (ΔΔG) of ∼ 0.5 to 1 kcal/mol compared with the wild type but with a large entropy-enthalpy compensation of up to 50 kcal/mol. The substrate testosterone binds to all four mutants with a ΔΔG of ∼ 0.5 kcal/mol but with as much as 40 kcal/mol of entropy-enthalpy compensation. In contrast, benzphetamine binding to V367L and F296A is accompanied by a ΔΔG of ∼ 1.5 and 3 kcal/mol, respectively. F296A, I363A, and V367L exhibit very different benzphetamine metabolite profiles, indicating the different substrate-binding orientations in the active site of each mutant. Overall, the findings indicate that malleability of the active site allows mammalian P450s to exhibit a high degree of thermodynamic fidelity in ligand binding.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Accurate non-invasive screening for CRC would greatly enhance a population’s health. Adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene mutations commonly occur in human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas, leading to Wnt signalling pathway activation. Acute conditional transgenic deletion of Apc in murine intestinal epithelium (AhCre+Apcfl/fl) causes phenotypic changes similar to those found during colorectal tumourigenesis. This study comprised a proteomic analysis of murine small intestinal epithelial cells following acute Apc deletion to identify proteins that show altered expression during human colorectal carcinogenesis, thus identifying proteins that may prove clinically useful as blood/serum biomarkers of colorectal neoplasia. Eighty-one proteins showed significantly increased expression following iTRAQ analysis, and validation of nine of these by Ingenuity Pathaway Analysis showed they could be detected in blood or serum. Expression was assessed in AhCre+Apcfl/fl small intestinal epithelium by immunohistochemistry, western blot and quantitative real-time PCR; increased nucelolin concentrations were also detected in the serum of AhCre+Apcfl/fl and ApcMin/+ mice by ELISA. Six proteins; heat shock 60 kDa protein 1, Nucleolin, Prohibitin, Cytokeratin 18, Ribosomal protein L6 and DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 5,were selected for further investigation. Increased expression of 4 of these was confirmed in human CRC by qPCR. In conclusion, several novel candidate biomarkers have been identified from analysis of transgenic mice in which the Apc gene was deleted in the intestinal epithelium that also showed increased expression in human CRC. Some of these warrant further investigation as potential serum-based biomarkers of human CRC.  相似文献   

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