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A dispersion of melting temperatures at pH 5.3 for individual residues of the BBL protein domain has been adduced as evidence for barrier-free downhill folding. Other members of the peripheral subunit domain family fold cooperatively at pH 7. To search for possible causes of anomalies in BBL's denaturation behavior, we measured the pH titration of individual residues by heteronuclear NMR. At 298 K, the pKa of His142 was close to that of free histidine at 6.47 ± 0.04, while that of the more buried His166 was highly perturbed at 5.39 ± 0.02. Protonation of His166 is thus energetically unfavorable and destabilizes the protein by ∼ 1.5 kcal/mol. Changes in Cα secondary shifts at pH 5.3 showed a decrease in helicity of the C-terminus of helix 2, where His166 is located, which was accompanied by a measured decrease of 1.1 ± 0.2 kcal/mol in stability from pH 7 to 5.3. Protonation of His166 perturbs, therefore, the structure of BBL. Only ∼ 1% of the structurally perturbed state will be present at the biologically relevant pH 7.6. Experiments at pH 5.3 report on a near-equal mixture of the two different native states. Further, at this pH, small changes of pH and pKa induced by changes in temperature will have near-maximal effects on pH-dependent conformational equilibria and on propagation of experimental error. Accordingly, conventional barrier-limited folding predicts some dispersion of measured thermal unfolding curves of individual residues at pH 5.3.  相似文献   

Proton binding equilibria (pKa values) of ionizable groups in proteins are exquisitely sensitive to their microenvironments. Apparent pKa values measured for individual ionizable residues with NMR spectroscopy are actually population‐weighted averages of the pKa in different conformational microstates. NMR spectroscopy experiments with staphylococcal nuclease were used to test the hypothesis that pKa values of surface Glu and Asp residues are affected by pH‐sensitive fluctuations of the backbone between folded and locally unfolded conformations. 15N spin relaxation studies showed that as the pH decreases from the neutral into the acidic range the amplitudes of backbone fluctuations in the ps‐ns timescale increase near carboxylic residues. Hydrogen exchange experiments suggested that backbone conformational fluctuations promoted by decreasing pH also reflect slower local or sub‐global unfolding near carboxylic groups. This study has implications for structure‐based pKa calculations: (1) The timescale of the backbone's response to ionization events in proteins can range from ps to ms, and even longer; (2) pH‐sensitive fluctuations of the backbone can be localized to both the segment the ionizable residue is attached to or the one that occludes the ionizable group; (3) Structural perturbations are not necessarily propagated through Coulomb interactions; instead, local fluctuations appear to be coupled through the co‐operativity inherent to elements of secondary structure and to networks of hydrogen bonds. These results are consistent with the idea that local conformational fluctuations and stabilities are important determinants of apparent pKa values of ionizable residues in proteins. Proteins 2014; 82:3132–3143. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ion pairs are ubiquitous in X-ray structures of coiled coils, and mutagenesis of charged residues can result in large stability losses. By contrast, pKa values determined by NMR in solution often predict only small contributions to stability from charge interactions. To help reconcile these results we used triple-resonance NMR to determine pKa values for all groups that ionize between pH 1 and 13 in the 33 residue leucine zipper fragment, GCN4p. In addition to the native state we also determined comprehensive pKa values for two models of the GCN4p denatured state: the protein in 6 M urea, and unfolded peptide fragments of the protein in water. Only residues that form ion pairs in multiple X-ray structures of GCN4p gave large pKa differences between the native and denatured states. Moreover, electrostatic contributions to stability were not equivalent for oppositely charged partners in ion pairs, suggesting that the interactions between a charge and its environment are as important as those within the ion pair. The pH dependence of protein stability calculated from NMR-derived pKa values agreed with the stability profile measured from equilibrium urea-unfolding experiments as a function of pH. The stability profile was also reproduced with structure-based continuum electrostatic calculations, although contributions to stability were overestimated at the extremes of pH. We consider potential sources of errors in the calculations, and how pKa predictions could be improved. Our results show that although hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding have dominant roles, electrostatic interactions also make significant contributions to the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

The general thermodynamic principles behind pH driven conformational transitions of biological macromolecules are well understood. What is less obvious is how they can be used to engineer pH switches in proteins. The acid unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) was used to illustrate different factors that can affect pH-driven conformational transitions. Acid unfolding is a structural transition driven by preferential H+ binding to the acid unfolded state (U) over the native (N) state of a protein. It is the result of carboxylic groups that titrate with more normal pKa values in the U state than in the N state. Acid unfolding profiles of proteins reflect a balance between electrostatic and non-electrostatic contributions to stability. Several strategies were used in attempts to turn SNase into an acid insensitive protein: (1) enhancing global stability of the protein with mutagenesis or with osmolytes, (2) use of high salt concentrations to screen Coulomb interactions, (3) stabilizing the N state through specific anion effects, (4) removing Asp or Glu residues that titrate with depressed pKa values in the N state, and (5) removing basic residues that might have strong repulsive interactions in the N state at low pH. The only effective way to engineer acid resistance in SNase is not through modulation of pKa values of Asp/Glu but by enhancing the global stability of the protein. Modulation of pH-driven conformational transitions by selective manipulation of the electrostatic component of the switch is an extremely difficult undertaking.  相似文献   

Variable pH 13C NMR and 1H NMR spectroscopic studies of the β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in alkaline aqueous solutions revealed that β-CD does not deprotonate at pH < 12.0. Further increase in solution pH results in the deprotonation of OH-groups adjacent to C-2 and C-3 carbon atoms of β-CD glucopyranose units, whereas the deprotonation of OH-groups adjacent to C-6 carbon atoms is expressed less markedly. The pKa values for β-CD OH-groups adjacent to C-2 and C-3 carbon atoms are rather close, pKa1,2 being 13.5 ± 0.2 (22.5 °C).  相似文献   

His121 and His124 are embedded in a network of polar and ionizable groups on the surface of staphylococcal nuclease. To examine how membership in a network affects the electrostatic properties of ionizable groups, the tautomeric state and the pKa values of these histidines were measured with NMR spectroscopy in the wild-type nuclease and in 13 variants designed to disrupt the network. In the background protein, His121 and His124 titrate with pKa values of 5.2 and 5.6, respectively. In the variants, where the network was disrupted, the pKa values range from 4.03 to 6.46 for His121, and 5.04 to 5.99 for His124. The largest decrease in a pKa was observed when the favorable Coulomb interaction between His121 and Glu75 was eliminated; the largest increase was observed when Tyr91 or Tyr93 was substituted with Ala or Phe. In all variants, the dominant tautomeric state at neutral pH was the Nε2 state. At one level the network behaves as a rigid unit that does not readily reorganize when disrupted: crystal structures of the E75A or E75Q variants show that even when the pivotal Glu75 is removed, the overall configuration of the network was unaffected. On the other hand, a few key hydrogen bonds appear to govern the conformation of the network, and when these bonds are disrupted the network reorganizes. Coulomb interactions within the network report an effective dielectric constant of 20, whereas a dielectric constant of 80 is more consistent with the magnitude of medium to long-range Coulomb interactions in this protein. The data demonstrate that when structures are treated as static, rigid bodies, structure-based pKa calculations with continuum electrostatics method are not useful to treat ionizable groups in cases where pKa values are governed by short-range polar and Coulomb interactions.  相似文献   

The pKa values of internal ionizable groups are usually very different from the normal pKa values of ionizable groups in water. To examine the molecular determinants of pKa values of internal groups, we compared the properties of Lys, Asp, and Glu at internal position 38 in staphylococcal nuclease. Lys38 titrates with a normal or elevated pKa, whereas Asp38 and Glu38 titrate with elevated pKa values of 7.0 and 7.2, respectively. In the structure of the L38K variant, the buried amino group of the Lys38 side chain makes an ion pair with Glu122, whereas in the structure of the L38E variant, the buried carboxyl group of Glu38 interacts with two backbone amides and has several nearby carboxyl oxygen atoms. Previously, we showed that the pKa of Lys38 is normal owing to structural reorganization and water penetration concomitant with ionization of the Lys side chain. In contrast, the pKa values of Asp38 and Glu38 are perturbed significantly owing to an imbalance between favorable polar interactions and unfavorable contributions from dehydration and from Coulomb interactions with surface carboxylic groups. Their ionization is also coupled to subtle structural reorganization. These results illustrate the complex interplay between local polarity, Coulomb interactions, and structural reorganization as determinants of pKa values of internal groups in proteins. This study suggests that improvements to computational methods for pKa calculations will require explicit treatment of the conformational reorganization that can occur when internal groups ionize.  相似文献   

The catalytic mechanism of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase requires the inversion of a Lys/Glu couple from its natural ionization state. The pKa of these residues in free and substrate bound enzymes has been determined measuring by ITC the proton release/uptake induced by substrate binding at different pH values. Wt 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma brucei and two active site enzyme mutants, K185H and E192Q were investigated. Substrate binding was accompanied by proton release and was dependent on the ionization of a group with pKa 7.07 which was absent in the E192Q mutant. Kinetic data highlighted two pKa, 7.17 and 9.64, in the enzyme–substrate complex, the latter being absent in the E192Q mutant, suggesting that the substrate binding shifts Glu192 pKa from 7.07 to 9.64. A comparison of wt and E192Q mutant appears to show that the substrate binding shifts Lys185 pKa from 9.9 to 7.17. By comparing differences in proton release and the binding enthalpy of wt and mutant enzymes, the enthalpic cost of the change in the protonation state of Lys185 and Glu192 was estimated at ≈ 6.1 kcal/mol. The change in protonation state of Lys185 and Glu192 has little effect on Gibbs free energy, 240–325 cal/mol. However proton balance evidences the dissociation of other group(s) that can be collectively described by a single pKa shift from 9.1 to 7.54. This further change in ionization state of the enzyme causes an increase of free energy with a total cost of 1.2–2.3 kcal/mol to set the enzyme into a catalytically competent form.  相似文献   

We have used pHLIP® [pH (low) insertion peptide] to study the roles of carboxyl groups in transmembrane (TM) peptide insertion. pHLIP binds to the surface of a lipid bilayer as a disordered peptide at neutral pH; when the pH is lowered, it inserts across the membrane to form a TM helix. Peptide insertion is reversed when the pH is raised above the characteristic pKa (6.0). A key event that facilitates membrane insertion is the protonation of aspartic acid (Asp) and/or glutamic acid (Glu) residues, since their negatively charged side chains hinder membrane insertion at neutral pH. In order to gain mechanistic understanding, we studied the membrane insertion and exit of a series of pHLIP variants where the four Asp residues were sequentially mutated to nonacidic residues, including histidine (His). Our results show that the presence of His residues does not prevent the pH-dependent peptide membrane insertion at ∼ pH 4 driven by the protonation of carboxyl groups at the inserting end of the peptide. A further pH drop leads to the protonation of His residues in the TM part of the peptide, which induces peptide exit from the bilayer. We also find that the number of ionizable residues that undergo a change in protonation during membrane insertion correlates with the pH-dependent insertion into the lipid bilayer and exit from the lipid bilayer, and that cooperativity increases with their number. We expect that our understanding will be used to improve the targeting of acidic diseased tissue by pHLIP.  相似文献   

The acid transition of β2-microglobulin (β2m) was studied by tryptophan fluorescence, peptide circular dichroism, and NMR spectroscopy. The protein exhibits a three-state transition with an equilibrium intermediate accumulated at pH 4 (25 °C). The pH 4 intermediate has typical characteristics of the molten globule (MG) state; it showed a native-like secondary structure without specific side-chain tertiary structure, and the hydrodynamic radius determined by pulse field gradient NMR was only 20% larger than that of the native state. The accumulation of the pH 4 intermediate is very analogous to the behavior of apomyoglobin, for which the pH 4 MG has been well characterized, although β2m, a β-protein, is structurally very different from α-helical apomyoglobin. NMR pH titration of histidine residues of β2m has also indicated that His84 has an abnormally low pKa value in the native state. From the pH dependence of the unfolding transition, the protonations of this histidine and 10 weakly abnormal carboxylates triggered the transition from the native to the MG state. This behavior is again analogous to that of apomyoglobin, suggesting a common mechanism of production of the pH 4 MG. In contrast to the folding of apomyoglobin, in which the MG was equivalent to the burst-phase kinetic folding intermediate, the burst-phase refolding intermediate of β2m, detected by stopped-flow circular dichroism, was significantly more structured than the pH 4 intermediate. It is proposed that the folding of β2m from its acid-denatured state takes place in the following order: denatured state  MG  burst-phase intermediate  native state.  相似文献   

Hog intestinal peroxidase and bovine lactoperoxidase exhibited similar spectral shifts upon pH alteration. From spectrophotometric titrations, it was found that there are hemelinked ionizations of pKa = 4.75 in intestinal peroxidase and pKa = 3.5 in lactoperoxidase. The apparent pKa (pKa′) increased with the increase in chloride concentration. The pKa′ vs log[Cl?] plots showed that the chloride forms complex with the acid forms of these enzymes with a dissociation constant (pK = 2.7). Although the dissociation constant (Kd) of the peroxidase-cyanide complexes is nearly independent of pH, cyanide competed with chloride in the acidic pH region. The slopes of logKd vs log[Cl?] were 1.0 for intestinal peroxidase and 0.5 for lactoperoxidase. The reaction of hydrogen peroxide with these peroxidases was also affected by chloride, similarly as the reaction with cyanide was. The results were explained by assuming that protonation occurs at the distal base and destroys the hydrogen bond between the base and a water molecule at the sixth coordinate position of the heme iron.  相似文献   

Multi-conformation continuum electrostatics (MCCE) was used to analyze various structures of the NS3 RNA helicase from the hepatitis C virus in order to determine the ionization state of amino acid side chains and their pKas. In MCCE analyses of HCV helicase structures that lacked ligands, several active site residues were identified to have perturbed pKas in both the nucleic acid binding site and in the distant ATP-binding site, which regulates helicase movement. In all HCV helicase structures, Glu493 was unusually basic and His369 was abnormally acidic. Both these residues are part of the HCV helicase nucleic acid binding site, and their roles were analyzed by examining the pH profiles of site-directed mutants. Data support the accuracy of MCCE predicted pKa values, and reveal that Glu493 is critical for low pH enzyme activation. Several key residues, which were previously shown to be involved in helicase-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis, were also identified to have perturbed pKas including Lys210 in the Walker-A motif and the DExD/H-box motif residues Asp290 and His293. When DNA was present in the structure, the calculated pKas shifted for both Lys210 and Asp290, demonstrating how DNA binding might lead to electrostatic changes that stimulate ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Two glutamic acid-rich fusion peptide analogs of influenza hemagglutinin were synthesized to study the organization of the charged peptides in the membranous media. Fluorescence and gel electrophoresis experiments suggested a loose association between the monomers in the vesicles. A model was built which showed that a positional difference of 3, 7 and 4, 8 results in the exposure of Glu3 and Glu7 side chains to the apolar lipidic core. Supportive results include: first, pKa values of two pH units higher than reference value in aqueous medium for Glu3 and Glu7 CγH, whereas the deviation of pKa from the reference value for Glu4 and Glu8 CγH is substantially smaller; second, Hill coefficients of titration shift of these protons indicate anti-cooperativity for Glu3 and Glu7 side chain protons but less so for Glu4 and Glu8, implying a strong electrostatic interaction between Glu3 and Glu7 possibly resulting from their localization in an apolar environment; third, positive and larger titration shift for NH of Glu3 is observed compared to that of Glu4, suggesting stronger hydrogen bond between the NH and the carboxylic group of Glu3 than that of Glu4, consistent with higher degree of exposure to hydrophobic medium for the side chain of Glu3.  相似文献   

Rate and equilibrium constants at 25 °C, pH ∼ 1, and ionic strength 0.10 for hydrolysis of the two non-equivalent chlorides of dichloro[S-methyl-l-cysteine(N,S)]platinum(II) isomers, denoted [PtCl2(SmecysH)], and the resultant chloro-aqua species have been determined by NMR, potentiometric, and spectrophotometric methods. Though hydrolysis constants, Kh, for the two chlorides are similar (pKh = 4-5), the rate of hydrolysis of the chloride trans to coordinated S, kh = 3.4 × 10−3 s−1, is 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than the kh for the other chloride, 2.3 × 10−6 s−1, and for the cancer drug cisplatin, cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2], 5.2 × 10−5 s−1. Relative rates of hydrolysis determined under three different experimental conditions (pH ∼ 1 in 0.10 M HNO3, high pH in 0.10 M NaOH, and at low pH with Ag+ assistance) are consistent: the Cl trans to S is 100-1000 times more labile than the Cl cis to S. Potentiometric and NMR methods were also used to estimate pKa values of all aqua species, which are comparable to values reported for corresponding aqua species derived from cisplatin.  相似文献   

ThepK a values of His-38 and His-50 of the heparin-binding protein, bovine platelet factor 4, are 5.6 and 6.5, respectively, as determined by1H NMR spectroscopy. The1H NMR resonance of His-38 of bovine platelet factor 4 which exhibits the lowerpK a value is perturbed upon heparin binding to a greater degree than the resonance of His-50. Human platelet factor 4 contains the homologous residues His-23 and His-35. ThepK a values of the two histidine residues of human platelet factor 4 are 5.3 and 6.4. The1H NMR resonance of the histidine of human platelet factor 4 exhibiting the lowerpK a value also is perturbed upon heparin binding to a greater degree than the histidine resonance exhibiting the higherpK a , thereby suggesting comparable heparin-protein interactions in bovine and human platelet factor 4.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the spectra and of the oxidation-reduction potential of three cytochromes c2, from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Rhodomicrobium vannielii, were studied. A single alkaline pK was observed for the spectral changes in all three ferricytochromes. In Rps. capsulata cytochrome c2 this spectroscopic pK corresponds to the pK observed in the dependence of oxidation-reduction potential on pH. For the other two cytochromes the oxidation-reduction potential showed a complex dependency on pH which can be fitted to theoretical curves involving three ionizations. The third ionization corresponds to the ionization observed in the spectroscopic studies but the first two occur without changes in the visible spectra.The possible structural bases for these ionizations are discussed.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) plays a central role in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum. It is implicated both in disulfide bond formation and in disulfide bond reduction and isomerization. To be an efficient catalyst of all three reactions requires complex mechanisms. These include mechanisms to modulate the pKa values of the active-site cysteines of PDI. Here, we examined the role of arginine 120 in modulating the pKa values of these cysteines. We find that arginine 120 plays a significant role in modulating the pKa of the C-terminal active-site cysteine in the a domain of PDI and plays a role in determining the reactivity of the N-terminal active-site cysteine but not via direct modulation of its pKa. Mutation of arginine 120 and the corresponding residue, arginine 461, in the a′ domain severely reduces the ability of PDI to catalyze disulfide bond formation and reduction but enhances the ability to catalyze disulfide bond isomerization due to the formation of more stable PDI-substrate mixed disulfides. These results suggest that the modulation of pKa of the C-terminal active cysteine by the movement of the side chain of these arginine residues into the active-site locales has evolved to allow PDI to efficiently catalyze both oxidation and isomerization reactions.  相似文献   

Hiroshi Ishikita 《FEBS letters》2010,584(15):3464-3468
The pKa value of Lys115, the catalytic residue in acetoacetate decarboxylate, was calculated using atomic coordinates of the X-ray crystal structure with consideration of the protonation states of all titratable sites in the protein. The calculated pKa value of Lys115 (pKa(Lys115)) was unusually low (≈6) in agreement with the experimentally measured value. Although charged residues impact pKa(Lys115) considerably in the native protein, the significant pKa(Lys115) downshift in the protein with respect to aqueous solution was mainly due to loss of the solvation energy in the catalytic active site relative to bulk water.  相似文献   

The sequential action of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in cyanobacteria allows the incorporation of ammonium into carbon skeletons. In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the activity of GS is modulated by the interaction with proteins, which include a 65‐residue‐long intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), the inactivating factor IF7. This interaction is regulated by the presence of charged residues in both IF7 and GS. To understand how charged amino acids can affect the binding of an IDP with its target and to provide clues on electrostatic interactions in disordered states of proteins, we measured the pKa values of all IF7 acidic groups (Glu32, Glu36, Glu38, Asp40, Asp58, and Ser65, the backbone C‐terminus) at 100 mM NaCl concentration, by using NMR spectroscopy. We also obtained solution structures of IF7 through molecular dynamics simulation, validated them on the basis of previous experiments, and used them to obtain theoretical estimates of the pKa values. Titration values for the two Asp and three Glu residues of IF7 were similar to those reported for random‐coil models, suggesting the lack of electrostatic interactions around these residues. Furthermore, our results suggest the presence of helical structure at the N‐terminus of the protein and of conformational changes at acidic pH values. The overall experimental and in silico findings suggest that local interactions and conformational equilibria do not play a role in determining the electrostatic features of the acidic residues of IF7.  相似文献   

The dependence of the light-induced H+ gradient in chloroplasts (ΔpH) on external pH was examined using the distribution of aniline, an amine of low pKa. ΔpH was essentially independent of pH over the range of 7–8. It was previously reported that ΔpH, determined from the distribution of relatively polar amines of high pKa, decreased as the pH was lowered below 8. It is suggested that, in the case of amines of high pKa, ΔpH values determined at low external pH values are too low because the permeability of chloroplasts to the amine cation relative to that of the unprotonated form may be significant.  相似文献   

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