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Trm1 catalyzes a two-step reaction, leading to mono- and dimethylation of guanosine at position 26 in most eukaryotic and archaeal tRNAs. We report the crystal structures of Trm1 from Pyrococcus horikoshii liganded with S-adenosyl-l-methionine or S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine. The protein comprises N-terminal and C-terminal domains with class I methyltransferase and novel folds, respectively. The methyl moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine points toward the invariant Phe27 and Phe140 within a narrow pocket, where the target G26 might flip in. Mutagenesis of Phe27 or Phe140 to alanine abolished the enzyme activity, indicating their role in methylating G26. Structural analyses revealed that the movements of Phe140 and the loop preceding Phe27 may be involved in dissociation of the monomethylated tRNA•Trm1 complex prior to the second methylation. Moreover, the catalytic residues Asp138, Pro139, and Phe140 are in a different motif from that in DNA 6-methyladenosine methyltransferases, suggesting a different methyl transfer mechanism in the Trm1 family.  相似文献   

NovP is an S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent O-methyltransferase that catalyzes the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of the aminocoumarin antibiotic novobiocin. Specifically, it methylates at 4-OH of the noviose moiety, and the resultant methoxy group is important for the potency of the mature antibiotic: previous crystallographic studies have shown that this group interacts directly with the target enzyme DNA gyrase, which is a validated drug target. We have determined the high-resolution crystal structure of NovP from Streptomyces spheroides as a binary complex with its desmethylated cosubstrate S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine. The structure displays a typical class I methyltransferase fold, in addition to motifs that are consistent with a divalent-metal-dependent mechanism. This is the first representative structure of a methyltransferase from the TylF superfamily, which includes a number of enzymes implicated in the biosynthesis of antibiotics and other therapeutics. The NovP structure reveals a number of distinctive structural features that, based on sequence conservation, are likely to be characteristic of the superfamily. These include a helical ‘lid’ region that gates access to the cosubstrate binding pocket and an active center that contains a 3-Asp putative metal binding site. A further conserved Asp likely acts as the general base that initiates the reaction by deprotonating the 4-OH group of the noviose unit. Using in silico docking, we have generated models of the enzyme-substrate complex that are consistent with the proposed mechanism. Furthermore, these models suggest that NovP is unlikely to tolerate significant modifications at the noviose moiety, but could show increasing substrate promiscuity as a function of the distance of the modification from the methylation site. These observations could inform future attempts to utilize NovP for methylating a range of glycosylated compounds.  相似文献   

Allantoinase acts as a key enzyme for the biogenesis and degradation of ureides by catalyzing the conversion of (S)-allantoin into allantoate, the final step in the ureide pathway. Despite limited sequence similarity, biochemical studies of the enzyme suggested that allantoinase belongs to the amidohydrolase family. In this study, the crystal structure of allantoinase from Escherichia coli was determined at 2.1 Å resolution. The enzyme consists of a homotetramer in which each monomer contains two domains: a pseudo-triosephosphate-isomerase barrel and a β-sheet. Analogous to other enzymes in the amidohydrolase family, allantoinase retains a binuclear metal center in the active site, embedded within the barrel fold. Structural analyses demonstrated that the metal ions in the active site ligate one hydroxide and six residues that are conserved among allantoinases from other organisms. Functional analyses showed that the presence of zinc in the metal center is essential for catalysis and enantioselectivity of substrate. Both the metal center and active site residues Asn94 and Ser317 play crucial roles in dictating enzyme activity. These structural and functional features are distinctively different from those of the metal-independent allantoinase, which was very recently identified.  相似文献   

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains is a widespread problem in contemporary medical practice and drug design. It is therefore important to elucidate the underlying mechanism in each case. The methyltransferase AviRa from Streptomyces viridochromogenes mediates resistance to the antibiotic avilamycin, which is closely related to evernimicin, an oligosaccharide antibiotic that has been used in medical studies. The structure of AviRa was determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.5A resolution. Phases were obtained from one selenomethionine residue introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. The chain-fold is similar to that of most methyltransferases, although AviRa contains two additional helices as a specific feature. A putative-binding site for the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine was derived from homologous structures. It agrees with the conserved pattern of interacting amino acid residues. AviRa methylates a specific guanine base within the peptidyltransferase loop of the 23S ribosomal RNA. Guided by the target, the enzyme was docked to the cognate ribosomal surface, where it fit well into a deep cleft without contacting any ribosomal protein. The two additional alpha-helices of AviRa filled a depression in the surface. Since the transferred methyl group of the cofactor is in a pocket beneath the enzyme surface, the targeted guanine base has to flip out for methylation.  相似文献   

Lukacin R  Matern U  Specker S  Vogt T 《FEBS letters》2004,577(3):367-370
Caffeoyl-coenzyme A O-methyltransferase cDNA was cloned from dark-grown Ammi majus L. (Apiaceae) cells treated with a crude fungal elicitor and the open reading frame was expressed in Escherichia coli. The translated polypeptide of 27.1-kDa shared significant identity to other members of this highly conserved class of proteins and was 98.8% identical to the corresponding O-methyltransferase from parsley. For biochemical characterization, the recombinant enzyme could be purified to apparent homogeneity by metal-affinity chromatography, although the recombinant enzyme did not contain any affinity tag. Based on sequence analysis and substrate specificity, the enzyme classifies as a cation-dependent O-methyltransferase with pronounced preference for caffeoyl coenzyme A, when assayed in the presence of Mg2+-ions. Surprisingly, however, the substrate specificity changed dramatically, when Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ or Co2+ in the assays. This effect could point to yet unknown functions and substrate specificities in situ and suggests promiscuous roles for the lignin specific cluster of plant O-methyltransferases.  相似文献   

Methyltransferases from the m1A58 tRNA methyltransferase (TrmI) family catalyze the S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent N1-methylation of tRNA adenosine 58. The crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmI, in complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, was determined at 1.7 Å resolution. This structure is closely related to that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TrmI, and their comparison enabled us to enlighten two grooves in the TrmI structure that are large enough and electrostatically compatible to accommodate one tRNA per face of TrmI tetramer. We have then conducted a biophysical study based on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis, and molecular docking. First, we confirmed the tetrameric oligomerization state of TrmI, and we showed that this protein remains tetrameric upon tRNA binding, with formation of complexes involving one to two molecules of tRNA per TrmI tetramer. Second, three key residues for the methylation reaction were identified: the universally conserved D170 and two conserved aromatic residues Y78 and Y194. We then used molecular docking to position a N9-methyladenine in the active site of TrmI. The N9-methyladenine snugly fits into the catalytic cleft, where the side chain of D170 acts as a bidentate ligand binding the amino moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine and the exocyclic amino group of the adenosine. Y194 interacts with the N9-methyladenine ring, whereas Y78 can stabilize the sugar ring. From our results, we propose that the conserved residues that form the catalytic cavity (D170, Y78, and Y194) are essential for fashioning an optimized shape of the catalytic pocket.  相似文献   

The conserved cytidine residue at position 56 of tRNA contributes to the maintenance of the L-shaped tertiary structure. aTrm56 catalyzes the 2′-O-methylation of the cytidine residue in archaeal tRNA, using S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Based on the amino acid sequence, aTrm56 is the most distant member of the SpoU family. Here, we determined the crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii aTrm56 complexed with S-adenosyl-L-methionine at 2.48 Å resolution. aTrm56 consists of the SPOUT domain, which contains the characteristic deep trefoil knot, and a unique C-terminal β-hairpin. aTrm56 forms a dimer. The S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding and dimerization of aTrm56 were similar to those of the other SpoU members. A structure-based sequence alignment revealed that aTrm56 conserves only motif II, among the four signature motifs. However, an essential Arg16 residue is located at a novel position within motif I. Biochemical assays showed that aTrm56 prefers the L-shaped tRNA to the λ form as its substrate.  相似文献   

The role of Glu119 in S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent DNA methyltransferase M.HhaI-catalyzed DNA methylation was studied. Glu119 belongs to the highly conserved Glu/Asn/Val motif found in all DNA C5-cytosine methyltransferases, and its importance for M.HhaI function remains untested. We show that formation of the covalent intermediate between Cys81 and the target cytosine requires Glu119, since conversion to Ala, Asp or Gln lowers the rate of methyl transfer 10(2)-10(6) fold. Further, unlike the wild-type M.HhaI, these mutants are not trapped by the substrate in which the target cytosine is replaced with the mechanism-based inhibitor 5-fluorocytosine. The DNA binding affinity for the Glu119Asp mutant is decreased 10(3)-fold. Thus, the ability of the enzyme to stabilize the extrahelical cytosine is coupled directly to tight DNA binding. The structures of the ternary protein/DNA/AdoHcy complexes for both the Glu119Ala and Glu119Gln mutants (2.70 A and 2.75 A, respectively) show that the flipped base is positioned nearly identically with that observed in the wild-type M.HhaI complex. A single water molecule in the Glu119Ala structure between Ala119 and the extrahelical cytosine N3 is lacking in the Glu119Gln and wild-type M.HhaI structures, and most likely accounts for this mutant's partial activity. Glu119 has essential roles in activating the target cytosine for nucleophilic attack and contributes to tight DNA binding.  相似文献   

Dynamic histone lysine methylation involves the activities of modifying enzymes (writers), enzymes removing modifications (erasers), and readers of the histone code. One common feature of these activities is the recognition of lysines in methylated and unmethylated states, whether they are substrates, reaction products, or binding partners. We applied the concept of adding a lysine mimic to an established inhibitor (BIX-01294) of histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferases G9a and G9a-like protein by including a 5-aminopentyloxy moiety, which is inserted into the target lysine-binding channel and becomes methylated by G9a-like protein, albeit slowly. The compound enhances its potency in vitro and reduces cell toxicity in vivo. We suggest that adding a lysine or methyl-lysine mimic should be considered in the design of small-molecule inhibitors for other methyl-lysine writers, erasers, and readers.  相似文献   

RsmE is the founding member of a new RNA methyltransferase (MTase) family responsible for methylation of U1498 in 16S ribosomal RNA in Escherichia coli. It is well conserved across bacteria and plants and may play an important role in ribosomal intersubunit communication. The crystal structure in monomer showed that it consists of two distinct but structurally related domains: the PUA (pseudouridine synthases and archaeosine‐specific transglycosylases)-like RNA recognition and binding domain and the conserved MTase domain with a deep trefoil knot. Analysis of small-angle X-ray scattering data revealed that RsmE forms a flexible dimeric conformation that may be essential for substrate binding. The S‐adenosyl‐l‐methionine (AdoMet)-binding characteristic determined by isothermal titration calorimetry suggested that there is only one AdoMet molecule bound in the subunit of the homodimer. In vitro methylation assay of the mutants based on the RsmE-AdoMet-uridylic acid complex model showed key residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis. Comprehensive comparisons of RsmE with closely related MTases, combined with the biochemical experiments, indicated that the MTase domain of one subunit in dimeric RsmE is responsible for binding of one AdoMet molecule and catalytic process while the PUA-like domain in the other subunit is mainly responsible for recognition of one substrate molecule (the ribosomal RNA fragment and ribosomal protein complex). The methylation process is required by collaboration of both subunits, and dimerization is functionally critical for catalysis. In general, our study provides new information on the structure-function relationship of RsmE and thereby suggests a novel catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Here we present the crystal structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii RelE-RelB (RelBE) toxin-antitoxin (TA) protein complex determined by the MIRAS (multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous signal) method. The genes encoding this TA system are located in the chromosome of this archaeon and involved in stress response. RelE acts as an endoribonuclease that cleaves mRNA on the ribosome, and we compare the RelBE complex to the known structures of other TA systems belonging to this group and to endoribonucleases. M. jannaschii RelBE forms a heterotetramer with the antitoxin in the centre of the complex, a configuration that differs vastly from the heterotetramer structure of the previously published RelBE from another archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii. The long N-terminal α-helix of the tightly bound M. jannaschii antitoxin RelB covers the presumed active site of the toxin RelE that is formed by a central β-sheet, a loop on one side and a C-terminal α-helix on the other side. The active site of the M. jannaschii toxin RelE harbours positive charges that are thought to neutralize the negative charges of the substrate mRNA, including Arg62 that was changed to Ser62 by the Escherichia coli expression system, thereby leading to inactive toxin RelE. Comparative studies suggest that Asp43 and His79 are also involved in the activity of the toxin.  相似文献   

Overall structural changes of enzymes in response to ligand binding were investigated by database analysis of 62 non-redundant enzymes whose ligand-unbound and ligand-bound forms were available in the Protein Data Bank. The results of analysis indicate that transferases often undergo large rigid-body domain motions upon ligand binding, while other enzymes, most typically, hydrolases, change their structures to a small extent. It was also found that the solvent accessibility of the substrate molecule was low in transferases but high in hydrolases. These differences are explained by the enzymatic reaction mechanisms. The transferase reaction requires the catalytic groups to be insulated from the water environment, and thus transferases bury the ligand molecule inside the protein by closing the cleft. On the other hand, the hydrolase reaction involves the surrounding water molecules and occurs at the protein surface, requiring only a small structural change.  相似文献   

Presently known flaviviruses belong to three major evolutionary branches: tick-borne viruses, mosquito-borne viruses and viruses with no known vector. Here we present the crystal structure of the Yokose virus methyltransferase at 1.7 Å resolution, the first structure of a methyltransferase of a Flavivirus with no known vector. Structural comparison of three methyltransferases representative of each of the Flavivirus branches shows that fold and structures are closely conserved, most differences being related to surface loops flexibility. Analysis of the conserved residues throughout all the sequenced flaviviral methyltransferases reveals that, besides the central cleft hosting the substrate and cofactor binding sites, a second, almost continuous, patch is conserved and points away from active site towards the back of the protein. The high level of structural conservation in this region could be functional for the methyltransferase/RNA interaction and stabilization of the ensuing complex.  相似文献   

In mammals, DNA methylation is crucial for embryonic development and germ cell differentiation. The DNA methylation patterns are created by de novo-type DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) 3a and 3b. Dnmt3a is crucial for global methylation, including that of imprinted genes in germ cells. In eukaryotic nuclei, genomic DNA is packaged into multinucleosomes with linker histone H1, which binds to core nucleosomes, simultaneously making contacts in the linker DNA that separates adjacent nucleosomes. In the present study, we prepared oligonucleosomes from HeLa nuclei with or without linker histone H1 and used them as a substrate for Dnmt3a. Removal of histone H1 enhanced the DNA methylation activity. Furthermore, Dnmt3a preferentially methylated the linker between the two nucleosome core regions of reconstituted dinucleosomes, and the binding of histone H1 inhibited the DNA methylation activity of Dnmt3a towards the linker DNA. Since an identical amount of histone H1 did not inhibit the activity towards naked DNA, the inhibitory effect of histone H1 was not on the Dnmt3a catalytic activity but on its preferential location in the linker DNA of the dinucleosomes. The central globular domain and C-terminal tail of the histone H1 molecule were indispensable for inhibition of the DNA methylation activity of Dnmt3a. We propose that the binding and release of histone H1 from the linker portion of chromatin may regulate the local DNA methylation of the genome by Dnmt3a, which is expressed ubiquitously in somatic cells in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the common (betaalpha)(8)-barrel enzyme fold has evolved by the duplication and fusion of identical (betaalpha)(4)-half barrels, followed by the optimisation of their interface. In our attempts to reconstruct these events in vitro we have previously linked in tandem two copies of the C-terminal half barrel HisF-C of imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase from Thermotoga maritima and subsequently reconstituted in the fusion construct HisF-CC a salt bridge cluster present in wild-type HisF. The resulting recombinant protein HisF-C*C, which was produced in an insoluble form and unfolded with low cooperativity at moderate urea concentrations has now been stabilised and solubilised by a combination of random mutagenesis and selection in vivo. For this purpose, Escherichia coli cells were transformed with a plasmid-based gene library encoding HisF-C*C variants fused to chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Stable and soluble variants were identified by the survival of host cells on solid medium containing high concentrations of the antibiotic. The selected HisF-C*C proteins, which were characterised in vitro in the absence of CAT, contained eight different amino acid substitutions. One of the exchanges (Y143C) stabilised HisF-C*C by the formation of an intermolecular disulfide bond. Three of the substitutions (G245R, V248M, L250Q) were located in the long loop connecting the two HisF-C copies, whose subsequent truncation from 13 to 5 residues yielded the stabilised variant HisF-C*C Delta. From the remaining substitutions, Y143H and V234M were most beneficial, and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that they strengthen the interactions between the half barrels by establishing a hydrogen-bonding network and an extensive hydrophobic cluster, respectively. By combining the loop deletion of HisF-C*C Delta with the Y143H and V234M substitutions, the variant HisF-C**C was generated. Recombinant HisF-C**C is produced in soluble form, forms a pure monomer with its tryptophan residues shielded from solvent and unfolds with similar cooperativity as HisF. Our results show that, starting from two identical and fused half barrels, few amino acid exchanges are sufficient to generate a highly stable and compact (betaalpha)(8)-barrel protein with wild-type like structural properties.  相似文献   

Arg165 forms part of a previously identified base flipping motif in the bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase, M.HhaI. Replacement of Arg165 with Ala has no detectable effect on either DNA or AdoMet affinity, yet causes the base flipping and restacking transitions to be decreased approximately 16 and 190-fold respectively, thus confirming the importance of this motif. However, these kinetic changes cannot account for the mutant's observed 10(5)-fold decreased catalytic rate. The mutant enzyme/cognate DNA cocrystal structure (2.79 A resolution) shows the target cytosine to be positioned approximately 30 degrees into the major groove, which is consistent with a major groove pathway for nucleotide flipping. The pyrimidine-sugar chi angle is rotated to approximately +171 degrees, from a range of -95 degrees to -120 degrees in B DNA, and -77 degrees in the WT M.HhaI complex. Thus, Arg165 is important for maintaining the cytosine positioned for nucleophilic attack by Cys81. The cytosine sugar pucker is in the C2'-endo-C3'-exo (South conformation), in contrast to the previously reported C3'-endo (North conformation) described for the original 2.70 A resolution cocrystal structure of the WT M.HhaI/DNA complex. We determined a high resolution structure of the WT M.HhaI/DNA complex (1.96 A) to better determine the sugar pucker. This new structure is similar to the original, lower resolution WT M.HhaI complex, but shows that the sugar pucker is O4'-endo (East conformation), intermediate between the South and North conformers. In summary, Arg165 plays significant roles in base flipping, cytosine positioning, and catalysis. Furthermore, the previously proposed M.HhaI-mediated changes in sugar pucker may not be an important contributor to the base flipping mechanism. These results provide insights into the base flipping and catalytic mechanisms for bacterial and eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases.  相似文献   

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