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Two new species of Acalypha, A. neeana and A. machiensis, are described and illustrated based on Bolivian specimens. Comments on the systematics of related species are included.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Acalypha are described and illustrated, A. delicata , based on Peruvian material, and A. beckii , based on Bolivian material. Comments on the systematics of related species are included.  相似文献   

Two new species ofPhysalis, both endemic to Jalisco, Mexico, are described and illustrated:P. longiloba andP. tamayoi.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies dePhysalis endémicas de Jalisco, México:P. longiloba y.P. tamayoi.

Two new wild potato species from Bolivia, belonging to Solanum section Petota are described.  相似文献   

Two new species of Esenbeckia (Rutaceae, Pilocarpinae) are described and illustrated. Esenbeckia decidua Pirani sp. nov. is probably endemic to deciduous forests of northern Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, and is distinct from other unifoliolate species in the genus because of its narrowly winged petiole, glabrous, not connate carpels that protrude beyond the annular disc, and its relatively elongated style. Esenbeckia kallunkiae Pirani sp. nov. is known from a few collections from Rondonia, the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent Bolivia. It is a species with trifoliolate, glabrous leaves, an elongate, narrowly paniculate inflorescence, relatively small flowers with cup-shaped discs, short styles, and capsules densely muricate with hooked spines. New couplets to Kaastra's available key to species are provided.  相似文献   

The tribe Spathicarpeae is one of the most poorly known-tribes in the Araceae. Recently, field collections in some areas of Bolivia have revealed many interesting members of this tribe. Two new species,Gorgonidium striatum Hett., P. L. Ibisch &; E. G. Gonç. andSpathantheum fallax Hett., P. L. Ibisch &; E. G. Gonç. are here described, illustrated, and compared to their closest relatives.  相似文献   

A new species of Mimosa section Mimosa, Mimosa eurystegia, which is apparently endemic to Paraná in southern Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is distinguished by plurinerved leaflets and papyraceous, plurinerved, orbicular, amplexicaul stipules. Morphological distinctiveness of this new Mimosa and its relationships with allied species are discussed. Phenological, geographical and ecological data are presented, in addition to a key to the species of Mimosa subser. Sparsae.  相似文献   

Bauhinia flagelliflora Wunderlin,B. haughtii Wunderlin, andB. pichinchensis Wunderlin, all endemic to Ecuador, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

报道并描述了采自云南南部西双版纳具有1小叶的新分布种美脉木蓝Indigofera caloneura Kurz和采自广东具有单叶的新分布种心叶木蓝I. cordifolia Heyne ex Roth.。在中国还有另外3个具有单叶的种类, 即单叶木蓝I. linifolia、刺荚木蓝I. nummularifolia和远志木蓝I. squalida。通过从植物习性、茎、叶的形态与大小及毛被、托叶、花序、花冠形状与毛被、花药、子房毛被、果实的形态与大小、所含种子数目等特征的显微观察, 比较了国产单叶类木蓝属Indigofera植物的形态学特征差异, 并针对茎、叶、毛被、花冠旗瓣和果实形状等5个最重要的特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We describe 16 new species of Thelypteris (Thelypteridaceae) from Bolivia: T. aymarae, T. chaparensis, T. fasciola, T. fayorum, T. inaequilateralis, T. lumbricoides, T. madidiensis, T. minima, T. nephelium, T. parva, T. pelludia, T. pilonensis, T. rosulata, T. sapechoana, T. stephanii, and T. yungensis.  相似文献   

Michael Nee 《Brittonia》2001,53(3):472-475
A new species,Banara boliviana, known only from Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Florida, in the easternmost Andes of Bolivia, is described and illustrated. It is compared toB. glauca from the northern Andes.  相似文献   

Michael Nee 《Brittonia》1994,46(4):265-269
Talauma boliviana is described as new and illustrated. This species, first collected in 1989, is the only Magnoliaceae known from Bolivia. It seems to be most closely related toT. sambuensis of northwestern Colombia and eastern Panama.  相似文献   

WildPhaseolus vulgaris is distributed between northern Mexico and northern Argentina. Analysis of phaseolin and molecular markers (isozymes, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms or RFLPs) indicate that this gene pool consists of two major groups, Mesoamerican and Andean, and a third intermediate group found in northwestern South America. Previous to this study, only four accessions of wildP. vulgaris beans from Bolivia had been collected and their genetic relationship with other wild beans from Latin America was not known. Due to the problem of intense erosion in some areas of Bolivia, it was our objective to survey and documentPhaseolus spp. in this area before their extinction. We conducted a collection expedition in May 1994 in the departments of Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Tarija. This resulted in collections of four populations ofP. augusti, two of cultivatedP. lunatus and two mixtures of cultivatedP. vulgaris. The first mixture was made of “k’opurus” or beans consumed after toasting, and represented an addition of 17 accessions to the Bolivian collection. The second mixture was made of “porotos” and resulted in the addition of 10 new accessions. Seven germplasm collections of wildP. vulgaris were found, which allowed us to increase the number of known populations of wild common bean for Bolivia. Another accession was found as a wild-weed-crop complex. Seven of these wildP. vulgaris accessions along with another accession from Bolivia collected previously, and a number of P. vulgaris accessions from Mexico (17), Guatemala (3), Colombia (10), Ecuador (6), Peru (17) and Argentina (16) were analyzed with RAPDs. The use of 14 random primers and one SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) resulted in 90 bands, of which 83 were polymorphic. This data was used to construct a dendrogram which shows clear separation into three clusters, corresponding to each of the gene pools and an intermediate group. The Bolivian wild P. vulgaris beans grouped with the accessions of southern Peru and Argentina into the Andean gene pool. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity correlated well with genetic diversity obtained with other markers. Moreover, the ease of analysis allowed us to obtain a large number of bands which was conducive to greater sensitivity and identification of geographic subgroups and accessions of hybrid origin.  相似文献   

In this work, chromosome numbers and karyotype parameters of 36 taxa of the genus Mimosa were studied, especially from the southern South America center of diversification. Results support that x = 13 is the basic chromosome number in the genus. Polyploidy is very frequent, ca. 56 % of the total of the studied species here are polyploid, confirming that polyploids are more frequent at higher latitudes. The most common ploidy levels found are 2x and 4x, but some species studied exhibit 6x and 8x. In different groups, several ploidy levels were found. Parameters of chromosome size show statistically significant differences between close species, and asymmetry index A 2 exhibited low variation between them. It is possible to infer variations of chromosome size between diploids and tetraploids and between basal and derived taxa. The present studies confirm or reveal polyploidy in several groups of South America which are highly diversified in the southernmost area of distribution of the genus, such as sect. Batocaulon ser. Stipellares and sect. Calothamnos. Our data are discussed in a taxonomic context, making inferences about the origin of some polyploid taxa. Polyploidy could be an important phenomenon that increases the morphologic diversity and specific richness in southern South America. On basis of our data, it is possible to hypothesize hybridization between same-ploidy level or different ploidy level taxa. As already shown in the literature, our results confirm the importance of the polyploidy in the speciation of the genus.  相似文献   

Mimosaunipinnata from the Sierra de San Marcos in the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin of central Coahuila, Mexico, is described. It is unique among mimosas in having oncepinnate leaves.  相似文献   

Two new species ofGalipea are described and illustrated:Galipea maxima, which is known from the wet forests of Ecuador, and Peru, andGalipea ramiflora, from Bolivia and Peru. Their main diagnostic features are pointed out, and a brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species ofGalipea is provided.  相似文献   

Cuphea luteola is described from cerrado vegetation in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, eastern Bolivia. It is assigned to sectionEuandra subsectionOidemation and is distinguished by yellow flowers, linear uninerved leaves, and the inner surface of the floral tube pilose and without vesicles. Several species of the subsection share one or more characters withC. luteola, but none are closely similar.  相似文献   

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