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Approximately 88% of Norwegian dairy cattle are housed in tie stalls. Free stall housing for all dairy cattle will be implemented within 20 years. This means that the majority of existing stalls will be rebuilt in the near future. Fifty-seven free stall herds of the Norwegian Red breed were randomly selected and 1547 cows and 403 heifers were trimmed by 13 claw trimmers during the late winter and spring of 2002. The claw trimmers had been taught diagnosing and recording of claw lesions. Environment, management- and feeding routines were also recorded. Fifty-three herds had concrete slatted alleys while 4 had solid concrete. Thirty-five herds had concrete as a stall base, while 17 had rubber mats, 2 had wood and 3 had deep litter straw beds. The prevalence of lameness was 1.6% in hind claws. Models for lameness and claw lesions were designed to estimate the influence of different risk factors and to account for the cluster effects within herd and claw trimmer. Detected risk factors for lameness were: parity three and above and narrow cubicles; for heel horn erosions: lactation stage around 5–7 months after calving and solid concrete alleys; for haemorrhages of the white line: lactation stage around 3–5 months after calving and solid concrete alleys; for haemorrhages of the sole: parity one, lactation stage around 5–7 months after calving and short cubicles, for white line fissures: slatted concrete alleys; for asymmetrical claws: parities two and above and for corkscrewed claws: solid concrete alleys. The prevalence of lameness in heifers was low, however 29% had one or more claw lesions. Heifers that were housed in pens or free stalls had more heel-horn erosions, haemorrhages of the sole and white-line fissures than heifers in tie stalls. As new free stalls are being built, it is important to optimise the conditions for claw health.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of season, temperature, and humidity on the reproductive performance of sows under tropical conditions. Data were collected from 11 sow herds from January 2001 to June 2002. Temperature and humidity were recorded daily for each herd from January 2001 to February 2002. Semen used was collected from boars housed in conventional open-air stables (six herds) or in evaporative cooling stables (five herds). A total of 43,875 farrowing records were included in the statistical analysis. Fourteen-day moving averages of daily maximum temperature and minimum humidity were calculated and merged with each reproductive record. ANOVA was applied to the reproductive records. In addition to the fixed effects included in the statistical models (e.g. system, season, parity, temperature, and humidity), the random effect of herd within system was included. The total number of piglets born was analyzed in relation to the climate at previous weaning (NTB-w), at mating (NTB-m), and at farrowing (NTB-f). The housing system of the boars had no significant effect on any of the reproductive variables analyzed. Season (2-month periods) as well as parity number had a significant effect on all reproductive variables analyzed. Increased length of previous lactation had a significant and favorable effect (P < 0.001) on NTB-w, NTB-m, and weaning-to-first-service interval. There were indications that high temperature and humidity (recorded at the herd level) at previous weaning/mating or at farrowing had negative effects on litter size, but these negative influences were not consistent.  相似文献   

1. Plasma urea, creatinine, bilirubin, glucose, cholesterol and total serum proteins were determined in Danish landrace goats from five herds in early and late gestation, during lactation and in dry goats. The purpose was to determine if there are sustained alterations in the levels of these parameters due to pregnancy and lactation and whether the changes are dependent on age, parity and environment. 2. Urea, creatinine and bilirubin were higher in young non-pregnant goats than in others. Urea decreased in goats at early and mid-lactation directly proportional to parity so that the higher the parity the more the decrease. 3. Creatinine was higher in young and adult non-pregnant goats than in others. There was an increase in late lactation that was greater in goats of higher parity than in others. 4. Bilirubin was higher in the mid-lactation stage, much more in goats of higher parity than in others. 5. Glucose concentration was lower in pregnant than in lactating goats and increased during lactation. The decrease during pregnancy was greater in higher parity goats than in others. 6. Plasma cholesterol and total serum proteins increased during lactation directly proportional to parity. 7. There were significant differences in biochemical parameters between goats from different herds (within similar physiological states). 8. Sustained alterations of these biochemical parameters occur during pregnancy and lactation in goats; the magnitude of changes depends on age and parity, and varies between herds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify detailed fertility traits in dairy and beef cattle from transrectal ultrasonography records and quantify the associated risk factors. Data were available on 148 947 ultrasound observations of the reproductive tract from 75 949 cows in 843 Irish dairy and beef herds between March 2008 and October 2012. Traits generated included (1) cycling at time of examination, (2) cystic structures, (3) early ovulation, (4) embryo death and (5) uterine score; the latter was measured on a scale of 1 (good) to 4 (poor) characterising the tone of the uterine wall and fluid present in the uterus. After editing, 72 773 records from 44 415 dairy and beef cows in 643 herds remained. Factors associated with the logit of the probability of a positive outcome for each of the binary fertility traits were determined using generalised estimating equations; linear mixed model analysis was used for the analysis of uterine score. The prevalence of cycling, cystic structures, early ovulation and embryo death was 84.75%, 3.87%, 7.47% and 3.84%, respectively. The occurrence of the uterine heath score of 1, 2, 3 and 4 was 70.63%, 19.75%, 8.36% and 1.26%, respectively. Cows in beef herds had a 0.51 odds (95% CI=0.41 to 0.63, P<0.001) of cycling at the time of examination compared with cows in dairy herds; stage of lactation at the time of examination was the same in both herd types. Furthermore, cows in dairy herds had an inferior uterine score (indicating poorer tone and a greater quantity of uterine fluid present) compared with cows in beef herds. The likelihood of cycling at the time of examination increased with parity and stage of lactation, but was reduced in cows that had experienced dystocia in the previous calving. The presence of cystic structures on the ovaries increased with parity and stage of lactation. The likelihood of embryo/foetal death increased with parity and stage of lactation. Dystocia was not associated with the presence of cystic structures or embryo death. Uterine score improved with parity and stage of lactation, while cows that experienced dystocia in the previous calving had an inferior uterine score. Heterosis was the only factor associated with increased likelihood of early ovulation. The fertility traits identified, and the associated risk factors, provide useful information on the reproductive status of dairy and beef cows.  相似文献   

A multi-trait animal model was used to estimate genetic parameters among lactation somatic cell score (SCS) and udder-type traits in South African Jersey cattle, through restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedures. Data comprised records on 18 321 Jersey cows in 470 herds, collected through the National Milk Recording Scheme from 1996 to 2002. Average SCS in the first three lactations (SCS1, SCS2 and SCS3) were considered as different traits and the udder-type traits were fore udder attachment (FUA), rear udder height (RUH), rear udder width (RUW), udder cleft (UC), udder depth (UD), fore teat placement (FTP), rear teat placement (RTP) and fore teat length (FTL). Heritability estimates for the respective lactation SCS were 0.07 ± 0.01, 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.11 ± 0.02. Udder-type traits had heritability estimates ranging from 0.14 ± 0.01 for UD to 0.30 ± 0.02 for FTL. Genetic correlations between SCS and udder-type traits ranged from -0.003 ± 0.07 between FUA and SCS3 to -0.50 ± 0.07 between UD and SCS3. Slow genetic progress is expected when selection is applied independently on SCS and udder-type traits, due to the generally low heritabilities. Tightly attached shallow udders with narrowly placed rear teats are associated with low SCS in the Jersey population.  相似文献   

An extended milking interval of 24 h (24-h milking interval (24h-MI)) constitutes the acute phase of cow adaptation to once-daily milking (ODM). A recent trial including 724 24h-MI challenges demonstrated that milk yield responses to this acute phase of ODM are highly variable (from+22% to −52% of milk yield when switching to the 24h-MI, mean=−25.3%) and that factors such as stage of lactation parity and milk yield level influenced cows’ responses but did not account for all individual variability. Additional traits related to physiological, immune and behavioural adaptation were measured on a subset (96 observations) of this data set. This study aimed to determine (1) the relationship of these traits with cows’ milk yield responses, (2) their ability – combined with previously identified traits – to help predict milk yield responses to 24h-MI (adaptive profiles). The 24h-MI challenge consisted of three successive periods: one control week of twice-daily milking (cTDM), one single day of 24h-MI and then 13 days of TDM (pTDM). Milk yield responses to the 24h-MI (corrected for effects of stage of lactation, parity, milk yield level and milk yield) were related to physiological traits measured during cTDM (milk flow rate, presence or absence of interleukin-8) and to their changes during the 24h-MI (absolute increase in milk flow rate and relative udder distension). Analysis of associations between milk yield responses, stage of lactation, parity, milk yield level, proteolysis, udder expansion and immune traits found three adaptive cow profile clusters. Cows in cluster 1 had a less compliant udder than cows in cluster 2, and they lost more milk during the 24h-MI than cluster-2 and cluster-3 cows. After resuming twice daily-milking (TDM), cluster-2 cows fully recovered the milk they had lost during the 24h-MI. On the opposite, cluster-3 cows did not recover the milk they lost, likely due to udder inflammation during cTDM, as suggested by elevated concentrations of interleukin-8 in their milk. These results combining new traits with stage of lactation, parity and milk yield level constitute a first step towards predicting individual cow responses to a 24h-MI.  相似文献   

There is considerable inter-farm variation in fertility rates in dairy cattle. The present study was carried out to develop a model to identify factor(s) affecting fertility taking into account intrinsic farm factors. Fifty five years' data, regarding pregnancy rates of cows conceiving in 11 dairy herds, were subjected to geometric distribution analysis. Based on the overall pregnancy rate for an individual farm, this allowed prediction of the expected pregnancy rate to each successive service on the assumption that there was an equal probability of conceiving to each service. Although the first service conception rate varied from 29 to 61% among herds, pregnancy rates for all the herds for a 50 year period (out of a total of 55 years) fitted the model, thereby suggesting that the herds were under optimum conditions of management for each herd. In five years' data from four herds not fitting the distribution, the main contributory factor for the poor fit of the model was second service pregnancy rate. To identify the associated risk factors for the non-fit years within herds, variables such as calving to first service interval, inter-service intervals and lactation yield, were compared between fit and non-fit years. Importantly, this made it possible to identify problems pertinent to fertility issues on individual farms, e.g. serving too early after calving, increased embryonic mortality after second service.  相似文献   

Test-day milk yield and somatic cell count data over extended lactation (lactation to 540-600 days) were analysed considering part lactations as different traits and fitting random regression (RR) models. Data on Australian Jersey and Holstein Friesian (HF) were used to demonstrate the shape of the lactation curve and data on HF were used for genetic study. Test-day data from about 100 000 cows that calved between 1998 and 2005 were used for this study. In all analyses, a sire model was used.When part lactations were considered as different traits, protein yield early in the lactation (e.g. first 2 months) had a genetic correlation of about 0.8 with protein yield produced after 300 days of lactation. Genetic correlations between lactation stages that are adjacent to each other were high (0.9 or more) within parity. Across parities, genetic correlations were high for both protein and milk yield if they are within the same stage of lactation. Phenotypic correlations were lower than genetic correlations. Heritability of milk-yield traits estimated from the RR model varied from 0.15 at the beginning of the lactation to as high as 0.37 by the 4th month of lactation. All genetic correlations between different days in milk were positive, with the highest correlations between adjacent days in milk and decreasing correlations with increasing time-span. The pattern of genetic correlations between milk yield in the second 300 days (301 to 600 days of lactation) do not markedly differ from the pattern in the first 300 days of lactation. The lowest estimated genetic correlation was 0.15 between milk yield on days 45 and 525 of lactation. The result from this study shows that progeny of bulls with high estimated breeding values for yield traits and those that produce at a relatively high level in the first few months are the most likely candidates for use in herds favouring extended lactations.  相似文献   

Blood serum proteins are significant indicators of animal health. Nevertheless, several factors should be considered to appropriately interpret their concentrations in blood. Therefore, the objectives of this study were (1) to assess the effect of herd productivity, breed, age and stage of lactation on serum proteins and (2) to investigate association between serum proteins and somatic cell count (SCC) in dairy cattle. Milk and blood samples were collected from 1508 cows of six different breeds (Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, Jersey, Simmental, Rendena and Alpine Grey) that were housed in 41 multi-breed herds. Milk samples were analyzed for composition and SCC, while blood samples were analyzed for serum proteins (i.e. total protein, albumin, globulin and albumin-to-globulin ratio (A : G)). Herds were classified as low or high production, according to the cow’s average daily milk energy yield adjusted for breed, days in milk (DIM) and parity. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed model that included the fixed effects of DIM, parity, SCS, breed, herd productivity and the random effect of the Herd-test date within productivity level. Cows in high producing herds (characterized also by greater use of concentrates in the diet) had greater serum albumin concentrations. Breed differences were reported for all traits, highlighting a possible genetic mechanism. The specialized breed Jersey and the two dual-purpose local breeds (Alpine Grey and Rendena) had the lowest globulin concentration and greatest A : G. Changes in serum proteins were observed through lactation. Total protein reached the highest concentration during the 4th month of lactation. Blood albumin increased with DIM following a quadratic pattern, while globulin decreased linearly. As a consequence, A : G increased linearly during lactation. Older cows had greater total protein and globulin concentrations, while albumin concentration seemed to be not particularly affected by age. A linear relationship between serum proteins and SCS was observed. High milk SCS was associated with greater total protein and globulin concentrations in blood. The rise in globulin concentration, together with a decrease in albumin concentrations, resulted in a decline in A : G as SCS of milk increased. In conclusion, such non-genetic factors must be considered to appropriately interpret serum proteins as potential animal welfare indicator and their evaluation represents an important first-step for future analysis based on the integration of metabolomics, genetic and genomic information for improving the robustness of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis impairs productivity of infected dairy cows because of reduced milk production and fertility and enhanced risk of culling. The magnitude of the milk yield depression in individual cows is influenced by factors such as parity, the stage of the disease and the choice of test used. The objectives of this case–control study were to substantiate the influence of the different levels of the within-herd prevalence (WHP) on individual milk yield of fecal culture (FC)-positive cows (FC+) compared with FC-negative herd-mates (FC−), and to estimate the magnitude of the deviation of the milk yield, milk components and somatic cell count (SCC) in an FC-based study. Of a total of 31 420 cows from 26 Thuringian dairy herds tested for paratuberculosis by FC, a subset of 1382 FC+ and 3245 FC− with milk recording data were selected as cases and controls, respectively. The FC− cows were matched for the same number and stage of lactation (±10 days in milk) as one FC+ from the same herd. Within a mixed model analysis using the fixed effects of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) status, lactation number, days in milk, prevalence class of farm and the random effect of farm on milk yield per day (kg), the amount of fat and protein (mg/dl) and lactose (mg/dl) as well as the SCC (1000/ml) were measured. On the basis of least square means, FC+ cows had a lower test-day milk yield (27.7±0.6 kg) compared with FC− (29.0±0.6 kg), as well as a lower milk protein content and a slightly diminished lactose concentration. FC status was not associated with milk fat percentage or milk SCC. In FC+ cows, reduction in milk yield increased with increasing WHP. An interaction of FC status and farm was found for the test-day milk yield, and milk protein percentage, respectively. We conclude that the reduction in milk yield of FC+ cows compared with FC− herd-mates is significantly influenced by farm effects and depends on WHP class. Owners of MAP-positive dairy herds may benefit from the reduction in WHP not only by reducing number of infected individuals but also by diminishing the individual losses in milk production per infected cow, and therefore should establish control measures.  相似文献   

Increasing litter size has led to introduction of so-called nurse sows in several EU countries. A nurse sow is a sow receiving piglets after having weaned her own piglets and thereby experiencing an extended lactation. In order to analyse whether nurse sows have more welfare problems than non-nurse sows a cross-sectional study was conducted in 57 sow herds in Denmark. Clinical observations were made on nurse and non-nurse sows and their litters. The clinical observations were dichotomized and the effect of being a nurse sow was analysed based on eight parameters: thin (body condition score<2.5), swollen bursae on legs, dew claw wounds, vulva lesions, poor hygiene, poor skin condition, shoulder lesions and cuts and wounds on the udder. Explanatory variables included in the eight models were: nurse sow (yes=1/no=0), age of piglets (weeks old, 1 to 7), parity (1 to 8+) and all first order interactions between these three variables. The effect of using nurse sows on piglet welfare was analysed with five models. The outcomes were: huddling, poor hygiene, lameness, snout cuts and carpal abrasions. The explanatory variables included in the five models were: nurse sow (yes=1/no=0), age of piglets (weeks old, 1 to 7), parity (1 to 8+) and all first order interactions between these three variables. Herd identity was included as a random factor in all models. The nurse sows had a significantly higher risk of swollen bursae on legs (P=0.038) and udder wounds (P=0.001). No differences in risk of being thin or having shoulder lesions were found. Foster litters had significantly higher risk of being dirty (P=0.026) and getting carpal abrasions (P=0.024) than non-foster litters. There was a tendency for higher lameness in foster litters than in non-foster litters (P=0.052). The results show that nurse sows and their piglets to some extent experience more welfare problems than non-nurse sows with piglets at a similar age.  相似文献   

Second litter syndrome (SLS) in sows is when fertility performance is lower in the second parity than in the first parity. The causes of SLS have been associated with lactation weight loss, premature first insemination, short lactation length, short weaning to insemination interval, season, and farm of farrowing. There is little known about the genetic background of SLS or if it is a real biological problem or just a statistical issue. Thus, we aimed to evaluate risk factors, investigate genetic background of SLS, and estimate the probability of SLS existing due to the statistical properties of the trait. The records of 246 799 litters (total number born, TNB) from 46 218 Large White sows were used. A total of 15 398 sows had SLS. Two traits were defined: first a binominal trait if a sow had SLS or not (biSLS) and second a continuous trait (Range) created by subtracting the total number of piglets born in the first parity (TNB1) from the piglets born in the second parity (TNB2). Lactation length, farm, and season of the farrowing had significant effects on SLS traits when tested as fixed effects in the genetic model. These effects are farm management-related factors. The age at first insemination and weaning to insemination interval were significant only for other reproduction traits (e.g., TNB1, TNB2, litter weight in parity 1 and 2). The heritability of biSLS was 0.05 (on observed scale), whereas heritability of Range was 0.03. To verify the existence of SLS data with records of 50 000 sows and 9 parities was simulated. The simulations showed that the average expected frequency of SLS across all the parities was 0.49 (±0.05) while the observed frequency in the actual data was 0.46 (±0.04). We compared this to SLS frequencies in 67 farms and only 2 farms had more piglets born in the first parity compared to the second. Therefore, on the individual sow level SLS is likely due to statistical properties of the trait, whereas on the farm level SLS is likely due to farm management. Thus, SLS should not be considered an abnormality nor a syndrome if on average the herd litter size in parity 2 is larger than in parity 1.  相似文献   

1. Plasma calcium, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium and potassium concentrations, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase activities were determined in young and adult non-pregnant non-lactating, early and late non-lactating pregnant and early, mid- and late non-pregnant lactating Danish landrace goats in five herds. The purpose was to determine the influence of pregnancy and lactation on the levels of these parameters and the effect of age and parity on the changes. 2. Calcium, phosphorus, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase decreased in late gestation. Magnesium and creatine kinase decreased in early lactating goats but increased in subsequent lactation periods. Sodium and potassium fluctuated little during pregnancy and lactation. Calcium, magnesium and potassium profiles were inversely, while phosphorus was directly, proportional to parity. 3. There were significant differences in most ions and enzymes between goats of different herds (within the same physiological state). 4. The transferases and creatine kinase were higher in young goats than in old ones, while alkaline phosphatase was unpredictably high or low in individual goats. 5. Alterations in the level of plasma electrolytes and enzyme activities occur due to pregnancy and lactation and the degree depends on age and parity, influenced also by environment.  相似文献   

Data on productive and reproductive performance of cows in dual-purpose herds were analyzed to determine the effect of some environmental and genetic factors on saleable milk yield (SMY), lactation length (LL), daily saleable milk per lactation (DMYL), calving interval (CI), and daily saleable milk per calving interval (MYCI) in dual-purpose herds in Yucatan, Mexico. Repeatabilities (re) for these traits were also estimated. Data were obtained from monthly visits to 162 herds from 1996 to 2000. The fixed factors studied were: region (central, eastern and southern), parity number (1 to 6), calving year (1996 to 2000) and calving season (dry, rainy and windy and rainy), genetic group (low- (< 0.50%), medium- (50%) and high- (> 50%) grade cows with European genes). About 2700 to 7700 cows were evaluated for each trait. All factors had significant effects (P < 0.05) on the traits except for region on CI and calving season on DMYL. The overall means for SMY, LL, DMYL, CI, and MYCI were: 1322.3 +/- 80.5 kg, 224.8 +/- 1.3 days, 5.8 +/- 0.1 kg, 555.1 +/- 16.5 days, and 3.0 +/- 0.1 kg, respectively. The re values for SMY, LL, DMYL, CI, and MYCI traits were: 0.19 +/- 0.03, 0.08 +/- 0.04, 0.16 +/- 0.04, 0.00 +/- 0.08, and 0.08 +/- 0.07, respectively. First parity cows had lower SMY, shorter LL, longer CI, and lower MYCI means than cows with more than one parity. Medium grade cows produced more SMY, DMYL and MYCI and had shorter CI than low- and high-grade cows. Therefore, under Yucatan conditions medium-grade cows should be exploited, and more attention should be given to first parity cows in order to improve the productivity in the herd. The relatively high re estimates for SMY and DMYL can be used to calculate most probable producing abilities, in order to identify which cows should be culled.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the ovulation rate and the weaning-to-service interval (WSI) of sows in relation to their body weight loss during lactation in tropical climatic conditions. Effect of lactation length (LL), number of total born piglets, number of live born piglets, litter birth weight, average piglet birth weight, number of pigs weaned, litter weaning weight and average pig weaned weight on sow weight loss during lactation were also studied. This study was conducted in two commercial purebred sow herds (A, B) in the central part of Thailand from August to December 1997. The herds had both Landrace (L) and Yorkshire (Y) sows. The 123 sows (55 L and 68 Y) in herd A and 153 sows (95 L and 58 Y) in herd B, parity 1-4, were weighed within 4 days after farrowing and at weaning. Lactation length, litter size at birth and at weaning, litter weight at birth and at weaning, and WSI were recorded for each of these sows. In herd A, 52 sows (20 L and 32 Y) were examined once by laparoscopy between days 8 and 14 after AI-service. These sows had farrowed at least seven piglets in the previous parturition. The numbers of corpora lutea (CL) in both ovaries were counted, and were assumed to equal the ovulation rate. L-sows had significantly (P < 0.05) higher relative weight loss during lactation (RWL) than Y-sows. The RWL increased by 0.7% for each extra pig weaned. When LL increased by 1 day, within the interval of 17-34 days, RWL decreased by 0.6%. Sows with a high weight loss had significantly (P < 0.05) longer WSI than sows with medium or low weight loss. Weight loss had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on WSI in parity 1 and 2 sows. Y-sows had more CL than L-sows (15.7 versus 14.0) (P < 0.05). RWL, parity and regression on lactation length had no significant effect on number of CL. In conclusion, sows with higher number of pigs weaned lose more weight. Under the restricted feeding regime applied, high weight loss during lactation prolongs WSI in parity 1 and 2 sows, but has no influence on the ovulation rate at first oestrus after weaning. The ovulation rate is higher in Yorkshire than in Landrace sows. The ovulation rate is independent of parity.  相似文献   

Finding ways of increasing animal production with low external inputs and without compromising reproductive performances is a key issue of livestock systems sustainability. One way is to take advantage of the diversity and interactions among components within livestock systems. Among studies that investigate the influence of differences in animals’ individual abilities in a herd, few focus on combinations of cow breeds with contrasting features in dairy cattle herds. This study aimed to analyse the performances and management of such multi-breed dairy cattle herds. These herds were composed of two types of dairy breeds: ‘specialist’ (Holstein) and ‘generalist’ (e.g. Montbeliarde, Simmental, etc.). Based on recorded milk data in southern French region, we performed ANOVA: (i) to compare the performances of dairy herds according to breed-type composition: multi-breed, single specialist breed or single generalist breed and (ii) to test the difference of milk performances of specialist and generalist breed cows (n = 10 682) per multi-breed dairy herd within a sample of 22 farms. The sampled farmers were also interviewed to characterise herd management through multivariate analysis. Multi-breed dairy herds had a better trade-off among milk yield, milk fat and protein contents, herd reproduction and concentrate-conversion efficiency than single-breed herds. Conversely, they did not offer advantages in terms of milk prices and udder health. Compared to specialist dairy herds, they produce less milk with the same concentrate-conversion efficiency but have better reproductive performances. Compared to generalist dairy herds, they produce more milk with better concentrate-conversion efficiency but have worse reproductive performances. Within herds, specialist and generalist breed cows significantly differed in milk performances, showing their complementarity. The former produced more milk for a longer lactation length while the latter produced milk with higher protein and fat contents and had a slightly longer lactation rank. Our results also focus on the farmers’ management of multi-breed dairy herds underlying herd performances. Three strategies of management were identified and structured along two main axes. The first differentiates farmers according to their animal-selection practices in relation with their objectives of production: adapting animal to produce milk with low-feeding inputs v. focussing on milk yield trait to intensify milk production. The second refers to the purpose farmers give to multi-breed dairy herds: milk v. milk/meat production. These initial insights on the performances and management of multi-breed dairy herds contribute to better understanding the functioning of ruminant livestock systems based on individual variability.  相似文献   

The Norwegian dairy goat industry has largely succeeded in controlling caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE), caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) and paratuberculosis through a voluntary disease eradication programme called Healthier Goats (HG). The aim of this study was to apply an on-farm welfare assessment protocol to assess the effects of HG on goat welfare. A total of 30 dairy goat farms were visited, of which 15 had completed disease eradication and 15 had not yet started. Three trained observers assessed the welfare on 10 farms each. The welfare assessment protocol comprised both resource-based and animal-based welfare measures, including a preliminary version of qualitative behavioural assessments with five prefixed terms. A total of 20 goats in each herd were randomly selected for observations of human–animal interactions and physical health. The latter included registering abnormalities of eyes, nostrils, ears, skin, lymph nodes, joints, udder, claws and body condition score. For individual-level data, robust clustered logistic regression analyses with farm as cluster variable were conducted to assess the association with disease eradication. Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were used for comparisons of herd-level data between the two groups. Goats with swollen joints (indicative of CAE) and enlarged lymph nodes (indicative of CLA) were registered on 53% and 93% of the non-HG farms, respectively, but on none of the HG farms. The only other health variables with significantly lower levels in HG herds were skin lesions (P=0.008) and damaged ears due to torn out ear tags (P<0.001). Goats on HG farms showed less fear of unknown humans (P=0.013), and the qualitative behavioural assessments indicated that the animals in these herds were calmer than in non-HG herds. Significantly more space and lower gas concentrations reflected the upgrading of buildings usually done on HG farms. In conclusion, HG has resulted in some welfare improvements beyond the elimination of infectious diseases. The protocol was considered a useful tool to evaluate the welfare consequences of a disease eradication programme. However, larger sample sizes would increase the reliability of prevalence estimates for less common conditions and increase the power to detect differences between the groups. Despite the obvious link between disease and suffering, this aspect is rarely taken into account in the evaluation of disease control programmes. We therefore propose that welfare assessment protocols should be applied to evaluate the merits of disease control or eradication programmes in terms of animal welfare.  相似文献   

The number of organically managed cattle (OMC) within the European Union has increased tremendously in the last decade. However, there are still some concerns about animals under this farming system meeting their dietary requirements for milk production. The aim of this study was to compare the metabolic adaptations to the onset of lactation in three different herds, one conventional and two organic ones. Twenty-two conventionally managed cattle (CMC) and 20 from each organic farm were sampled throughout the periparturient period. These samplings were grouped into four different stages: (i) far-off dry, (ii) close-up dry, (iii) fresh and (iv) peak of lactation and compared among them. In addition, the results of periparturient animals were also compared within each management type with a control group (animals between the 4th and 5th months of pregnancy). Metabolic profiles were used to assess the health status of the herds, along with the quantification of the acute phase proteins haptoglobin and serum amyloid A, insulin and the calculation of different surrogate indices of insulin sensitivity. Generalised linear mixed models with repeated measurements were used to study the effect of the stage, management type or their interaction on the serum variables studied. The prevalence of subclinical ketosis was higher in OMC, although they showed better insulin sensitivity, a lower degree of inflammation and less liver injury, without a higher risk of macromineral deficiencies. Therefore, attention should be paid on organic farms to the nutritional management of cows around the time of calving in order to prevent the harmful consequences of excessive negative energy balance. Moreover, it must be taken into account that most of the common practices used to treat this condition in CMC are not allowed on a systematic basis in OMC.  相似文献   

In the dairy industry, the dry period has been identified as an area for potential reduction in antibiotic use, as part of a one health approach to preserve antibiotic medicines for human health. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of dry cow treatment on somatic cell count (SCC), intramammary infection (IMI) and milk yield on five commercial Irish dairy herds. A total of 842 cows across five spring calving dairy herds with a monthly bulk tank SCC of < 200 000 cells/mL were recruited for this study. At dry-off, cows which had not exceeded 200 000 cells/mL in the previous lactation were assigned one of two dry-off treatments: internal teat seal (ITS) alone (Lo_TS) or antibiotic plus ITS (Lo_AB + TS). Cows which exceeded 200 000 cells/mL in the previous lactation were treated with antibiotic plus ITS and included in the analysis as a separate group (Hi_AB + TS). Test-day SCC and lactation milk yield records were provided by the herd owners. Quarter milk samples were collected at dry-off, after calving and at mid-lactation for bacteriological culture and quarter SCC analysis. Cow level SCC was available for 789 cows and was log-transformed for the purpose of analysis. Overall, the log SCC of the cows in the Lo_TS group was significantly higher than the cows in Lo_AB + TS group and not statistically different to the cows in the Hi_AB + TS group in the subsequent lactation. However, the response to treatment differed according to the herd studied; the log SCC of the cows in the Lo_TS group in Herds 3, 4 and 5 was not statistically different to the cows in Lo_AB + TS group, whereas in the other two herds, the log SCC was significantly higher in the Lo_TS when compared to the Lo_AB + TS group. There was a significant interaction between dry-off group and herds on SCC and odds of infection in the subsequent lactation. The results of this study suggest that the herd prevalence of IMI may be useful in decision-making regarding the treatment of cows with ITS alone at dry-off to mitigate its impact on udder health.  相似文献   

Mammary development and regression were measured in goats in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Measurements were made during the first and second cycles of pregnancy, lactation and involution. In primiparous goats, and exponential pattern of growth was evident during gestation and for the first 2 weeks of lactation. Parenchyma volume correlated significantly with milk yield across goats during early lactation, and across stage of lactation within goats. Milking was discontinued in Week 26 of the first lactation. Involution was characterized by an initial accumulation of fluid (over 2 days) followed by reabsorption; parenchyma volume did not decrease significantly until the 3rd week of involution, which was also the time at which these goats were mated to start their second gestation. Their udders still contained significant quantities of fluid (40-60% of the gross volume), but parenchyma volume was also greater (by 4.7-fold) than in goats beginning their first gestation. By Week 15 of gestation there was no longer a parity difference in parenchyma; the udders of first-gestation goats had grown significantly, but those of second-gestation goats had not. Conversely, between gestation Week 15 and lactation Week 2 mammary growth was significantly more rapid in the second cycle, such that the udder was larger at the start of the second lactation.  相似文献   

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