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We characterized 38 microsatellite loci in the European blackbird, Turdus merula. Thirty-seven loci were identified by testing 242 loci that had been originally isolated in other avian species. One additional locus was isolated from a European blackbird genomic library. All loci were characterized in 20-29 blackbirds from a population in the Czech Republic and displayed between two and 16 alleles, with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.04 to 1.00. Thirty-seven loci could be assigned a chromosome location in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome based on sequence homology.  相似文献   

One-hundred and two unique loci were isolated from a microsatellite-enriched black-billed magpie Pica pica genomic library. Sixteen of these new loci, along with 148 existing microsatellite passerine loci, were tested for polymorphism in four unrelated black-billed magpies. We identified a total of 43 unique polymorphic loci (10 and 33 respectively) that we characterized in 24 unrelated individuals from a population in Guadix, Spain. The putative chromosomal locations of loci polymorphic in black-billed magpie were assigned based on the location of their orthologues in the assembled zebra finch and chicken genomes.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of 25 microsatellite loci isolated from the macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus). Thirteen loci were arranged into four multiplex sets for future genetic studies of macaroni penguin populations. All 25 loci were tested separately in each of four other penguin species [Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae), chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica), gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) and king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus)]. Between eight and 12 loci were polymorphic per species. These loci are expected to be useful for studies of population genetic structure in a range of penguin species.  相似文献   

We characterized 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered Mauritius parakeet (Psittacula eques). Loci were isolated from a Mauritius parakeet genomic library that had been enriched separately for eight different repeat motifs. Loci were characterized in up to 43 putatively unrelated Mauritius parakeets from a single population inhabiting the Black River Gorges National Park, Mauritius. Each locus displayed between three and nine alleles, with the observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.39 and 0.96. All loci were tested in 10 other parrot species. Despite testing few individuals, between seven and 21 loci were polymorphic in each of seven species tested.  相似文献   

We have characterized 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the hihi Notiomystis cincta. Loci were identified by testing loci originally isolated in other avian species and by isolating new microsatellites from a hihi genomic library. These loci were characterized in unrelated hihi from a single population on Tiritiri Matangi Island (n = 98). Each locus displayed between two and 10 alleles, and observed heterozygosities ranged between 0.29 and 0.91. Nineteen of the 20 polymorphic loci could be assigned a chromosome location in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata genome based on sequence homology.  相似文献   

We isolated 25 dinucleotide microsatellite loci from the greater long‐tailed hamster (Tscherskia triton) populations in North China. We developed the amplification conditions of polymerase chain reaction for producing high‐resolution genetic markers for each locus. We found 10 microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic in 90 individual hamsters from three areas of North China, and the number of alleles in each locus varied from three to 11. These markers are potential tools for studying the genetic variation of the natural populations of this species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐one polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the genome of the prehensile‐tailed skink (Corucia zebrata). The markers were screened using a set of 16 individuals from the collection of the Philadelphia Zoo. The corresponding characterization indicated significant levels of heterozygosity and information potential for use in future studies. These markers will be a valuable tool in analysing the paternal contributions in twin birth questions and for population genetic studies in wild populations.  相似文献   

We have characterized a set of 106 microsatellite markers in 26-127 individual blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), and assigned their location on the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and on the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome on the basis of sequence homology. Thirty-one markers are newly designed from zebra finch EST (expressed sequence tags) sequences, 22 markers were developed by others from EST sequences using different methods and the remaining 53 loci were previously designed or modified passerine markers. The 106 microsatellite markers are distributed over 26 and 24 chromosomes in the zebra finch and in the chicken genome respectively and the number of alleles varies between 2 and 49. Eight loci deviate significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and show a high frequency of null alleles, and three pairs of markers located in the same chromosome appear to be in linkage disequilibrium. With the exception of these few loci, the polymorphic microsatellite markers presented here provide a useful genome-wide resource for population and evolutionary genetic studies of the blue tit, in addition to their potential utility in other passerine birds.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci were developed for the Baja California spiny‐tailed iguana Ctenosaura hemilopha, using an enriched genomic DNA library. In the Cerralvo Island population, seven loci were polymorphic and presented moderate levels of variation. Number of alleles ranged from two to eight (average 4.43), and observed heterozygosity from 0.150 to 0.857 (average 0.492). Polymorphism was detected at six loci on C. hemilopha individuals from the southern Baja California Peninsula. These markers will be useful to study familiar relationships and behaviour on the Cerralvo Island population.  相似文献   

Polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in order to determine paternity in a captive population of the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. Primer sets from 93 published passerine microsatellite sequences were tested for cross‐species amplification. Thirteen loci were found to be polymorphic, of which, eight displayed null alleles and one locus (Ase50) was found to be Z‐chromosome linked.  相似文献   

We characterized 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Four loci were isolated from house sparrow genomic libraries and 10 loci were identified by testing 100 loci that had been originally isolated in other passerine species. Loci were characterized in 37–54 unrelated sparrows from British and Norwegian populations. Each locus displayed between two and 31 alleles, with the observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.30 and 0.91.  相似文献   

The European crow (Corvus corone) occurs in two subspecies (or species) with distinct plumage coloration: the black carrion crow (C. c. corone) and the grey and black hooded crow (C. c. cornix). We tested 42 passerine microsatellite loci for amplification in the European crow and identified 20 loci that were both polymorphic and easy to score. In 50 individuals sampled in the Danish part of the species’ pan‐European hybrid zone, the number of alleles ranged between two and 21. One locus deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and had a high estimated null allele frequency. These 20 loci were highly successful in amplifying polymorphic products also in other crow populations and in another Corvidae species, the rook (Corvus frugilegus).  相似文献   

Artibeus jamaicensis is one of the most common bat species in the neotropics, with a well‐defined polygynous social structure in caves. In order to study behaviour and to examine patterns of paternity and relatedness between different harem groups, we developed 14 microsatellite loci from two different enriched genomic libraries. We screened 125 individuals from two different bat colonies and found that polymorphism ranged from five to 13 alleles. Heterozygosity ranged from 63 to 95%. The primers amplified across 14 bat species, indicating their potential utility for population‐level studies in several closely related bat species.  相似文献   

The lance‐tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) is a lek‐breeding bird from Central America in which males court females with complex cooperative displays. To resolve detailed patterns of paternity in the wild, we isolated and characterized 12 novel microsatellite loci in this species. Eleven of these loci were polymorphic (five to 14 alleles), with observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.36 to 0.87 (N = 574 individuals). We tested for linkage disequilibrium using randomized subsamples of adults to control for known family structure among long‐lived and sedentary individuals. These loci will be valuable in resolving paternity among many candidate fathers in this species.  相似文献   

We isolated a total of 22 microsatellite loci from two Haliaeetus species: the Madagascar fish‐eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) and the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Five loci were monomorphic in both the Madagascar fish‐eagle (n = 24–43) and the bald eagle (n = 2–8) but were found to be polymorphic in other Haliaeetus species. Haliaeetus loci have proved useful for investigating gene flow in Haliaeetus and Aquila eagles. Ten loci were polymorphic in the critically endangered Madagascar fish‐eagle and will be used to investigate the genetic population structure and mating system in this species.  相似文献   

From a partial genomic library enriched for GATA short tandem repeats, we developed 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the green‐backed tit (Parus monticolus). We characterized these loci by genotyping 30 adult individuals with unknown relationship. The number of alleles ranged from four to 17 per locus (mean = 9.3 alleles) and the observed heterozygosity for each locus ranged from 0.633 to 0.933 (mean = 0.789). All loci conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectations. Four of 66 possible pairwise comparisons between loci showed significant gametic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

We isolated 45 new Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) microsatellite loci. These were tested for polymorphism in 42 Kentish plovers breeding in the Çukurova Delta, Turkey. Thirty‐six of the 45 loci were polymorphic with observed heterozygosity varying between 0.22 and 0.93. Genotypes of individuals of known sex indicated that two loci were sex‐linked (Calex‐26 is located on the Z chromosome and Calex‐31 on the W chromosome). Additionally, we tested all loci for amplification in four other species of Charadridae (Kittlitz's plover, Madagascar plover, three‐banded plover and white‐fronted plover). On average 34 loci amplified per species (range 29–36).  相似文献   

Cooperative behaviors are promoted by kin selection if the costs to the actor are smaller than the fitness benefits to the recipient, weighted by the coefficient of relatedness. In primates, cooperation occurs primarily among female dyads. Due to male dispersal before sexual maturity in many primate species, however, it is unknown whether there are sufficient opportunities for selective tolerance and occasional coalitionary support for kin selection to favor male nepotistic support. We studied the effect of the presence of male kin on correlates of male reproductive success (residence time, duration of high dominance rank) in non‐natal male long‐tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). We found that “related” (i.e., related at the half‐sibling level or higher) males in a group have a significantly higher probability to remain in the non‐natal group compared to males without relatives. Moreover, males stayed longer in a group when a relative was present at group entry or joined the same group within 3 months upon arrival. Males with co‐residing relatives also maintained a high rank for longer than those without. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a potential nepotistic effect on residence and rank maintenance among non‐natal males in a social system without long‐term alliances.  相似文献   

Coregonine fish represent the most successful evolutionary lineage of salmonids with Coregonus as the most speciose salmonid genus inhabiting numerous postglacial lakes across the northern hemisphere. We isolated and characterized 31 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Coregonus clupeaformis with an average number of 5.3 alleles per locus (range three to eight) and an overall expected heterozygosity of 0.74 ± 0.11. Two loci revealed significant linkage associations through analyses of mapping families. Six additional salmonid taxa assessed for cross‐species amplification revealed between 18 and 26 positive amplifications and between two and 12 polymorphic loci per species.  相似文献   

We have identified 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the barn owl (Tyto alba), five from testing published owl loci and 10 from testing non‐owl loci, including loci known to be of high utility in passerines and shorebirds. All 15 loci were sequenced in barn owl, and new primer sets were designed for eight loci. The 15 polymorphic loci displayed two to 26 alleles in 56–58 barn owls. When tested in 10 other owl species (n = 1–6 individuals), between four and nine loci were polymorphic per species. These loci are suitable for studies of population structure and parentage in owls.  相似文献   

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