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基因工程或称重组DNA技术是70年代初发展起来的一门技术,由于它有广阔的理论和应用前景,进展极为迅速,现已广泛应用于药品、农业、工业各方面。在医学方面,基因治疗是人们极为关注的领域,因为人类的遗传疾病有2000种以上,但却没有有效的治疗方法。遗传疾病的根本原因是基因有了缺陷。基因治疗就是在机体中,将有缺陷的基因换上正常的基因,并使之适当表达,或者说,将正常基因插入机体中来纠正遗传缺陷。基因治疗可以分为两类,一是体细胞基因  相似文献   

引言基因治疗,(GeneTherapy),是指在基因水平对人类遗传疾病进行治疗。具体地说,基因治疗是利用基因转移或基因调控的手段,将正常基因转入疾病患者机体细胞中,取代突变基因,表达所缺乏的基因产物,或者通过关闭或降低 异常表达的基因等途径,达到治疗某些人类疾病的方法。目前的科学发展水平还只能在体细胞水平上对单基因遗传病进行基因治疗,随着科学的发展将会有越来越多的疾病能用此法进行根治。  相似文献   

基因治疗研究现状与发展态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因治疗是指将人的正常基因或有治疗作用的基因通过一定方式导入人体靶细胞以纠正基因的缺陷或者发挥治疗作用,从而达到治疗疾病目的的生物医学技术。在临床应用中.基因治疗通常有体内疗法和体外疗法两种。体内疗法包括肌内注射、静脉注射、器官内灌输、皮下包埋等.其优点是将外源基因导入受体体内有关的器官组织和细胞内,简便易行,但其缺点是基因转染率较低。  相似文献   

梁迎春  程龙  叶棋浓 《生物技术通讯》2012,23(3):436-439,460
肿瘤是严重影响人类身体健康的重大疾病之一,肿瘤的发生发展是一个复杂的涉及到众多基因的过程,肿瘤的基因治疗也已经成为肿瘤治疗的研究热点之一。目前,肿瘤基因治疗的策略主要包括以下几个方面:基因沉默治疗、抑癌基因治疗、免疫基因治疗、自杀基因疗法、抑制肿瘤血管生成基因治疗、肿瘤多药耐药基因治疗、抗端粒酶疗法和多基因联合疗法等。我们简要地对上述策略及相关研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

一项将基因导入人体的前期试验已显示出鼓舞人心的结果.一名四岁的女孩患有危及生命的免疫系统缺损症.经过含有转移基因的白血细胞治疗之后,情况有所好转. 这项研究是由国家卫生研究院(NIH,位于马里兰的Bethesda)的Kenneth Culver博士领导进行的,它标志着在研究的转移基因治疗源于缺陷基因的遗传疾病的道路上又前进了一步. 在此实验中,基因疗法的对象是一名不能抵抗普通的感染,有时必须生活在塑料球(球内供应纯化空气)中的女孩.经此治疗.这位女孩的血液中第一次出现正常数量的T细胞.  相似文献   

肖浦豪  张波  陈永昌 《生命科学》2020,32(7):669-675
基因编辑技术的开创性进展使得利用CRISPR技术建立猴模型并开展病变基因校正成为目前基因治疗研究领域的热点。非人灵长类与人类在进化关系上最为接近,在模型构建、疾病机制研究以及药物研发方面优势突出。随着基因修饰技术在非人灵长类上的逐步应用,目前已经构建出多种与临床患者病症高度吻合的疾病模型,为开展遗传疾病的基因治疗打下了坚实基础。然而,目前基因递送和基因修复系统面临巨大挑战,能否安全、高效、精确地修复致病基因是基因治疗临床转化的关键问题,现将综述基于猴模型开展基因治疗研究的前景及挑战。  相似文献   

目前,肿瘤的标准治疗包括手术、放射疗法、化学疗法、温热疗法和生物/免疫疗法。溶瘤病毒治疗,即利用病毒的复制能力,选择性感染和破坏肿瘤细胞,同时保留正常细胞和组织,是肿瘤生物/免疫治疗的一个新疗法。基因治疗一直是肿瘤生物治疗的重要策略,利用基因工程策略在溶瘤病毒载体上插入抗癌基因,将病毒治疗与基因治疗有机结合,成为具有很强杀伤作用的基因–病毒治疗手段。近年来,以溶瘤痘病毒为载体的肿瘤基因治疗受到较多关注,通过基因工程策略对痘病毒进行改造是提高其抗肿瘤作用的重要策略。目前,用于基因工程改造的溶瘤痘病毒主要有Wyeth株、WR(Western Reverse)株、Lister株、Copenhagen株和天坛株。该文就目前对痘病毒进行基因工程改造的常见形式以及经基因工程改造的痘病毒用于治疗肿瘤的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

杨若南  徐萍  王玥  李伟  许丽 《生命科学》2024,(1):111-121
基因治疗是指通过在基因水平上操纵或修饰细胞内基因的表达来治疗疾病的一种生物医学手段。近年来,基因治疗技术逐渐成熟,产业化加速,不断有重磅产品获批,已成为生物医药领域继小分子、大分子之后的一条新热门赛道。本文从基础研究、临床研究和产品获批等方面对2023年基因治疗的态势进行了分析,结果发现治疗及递送新技术的不断涌现及疾病生物学研究的深入,推动基因治疗发展进入快车道,适应证范围不断拓展,临床潜力不断获得验证,产品加速上市。2023年,基因替代治疗、基因编辑治疗和RNA治疗等基因疗法先后迎来多款突破性新产品上市,递送技术的开发和优化取得重要进展,同时基因治疗领域潜在的安全风险和有效性仍需进一步的长期跟踪研究;基因治疗的可及性也有待多渠道来进一步提高。最后,本文也对基因治疗领域的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

美研究人员用基因疗法治疗老鼠贫血获进展关键词:基因治疗,贫血症最近·美国芝加哥大学医学中心((上l锦go。n-‘的研究小组用基因疗法治疗鼠类贫血症导、;得进展。该研究小组的研究人员通过腺病毒将人促红细胞生成素(hEPO)基因导人刚出生幼鼠和免疫缺失老...  相似文献   

Gene transfer into mammalian somatic cells in vivo.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Direct gene transfer into mammalian somatic tissues in vivo is a developing technology with potential application for human gene therapy. During the past 2 years, extensive progress and numerous breakthroughs have been made in this area of research. Genetically engineered retroviral vectors have been used successfully to infect live animals, effecting foreign gene expression in liver, blood vessels, and mammary tissues. Recombinant adenovirus and herpes simplex virus vectors have been utilized effectively for in vivo gene transfer into lung and brain tissues, respectively. Direct injection or particle bombardment of DNA has been demonstrated to provide a physical means for in situ gene transfer, while carrier-mediated DNA delivery techniques have been extended to target specific organs for gene expression. These technological developments in conjunction with the initiation of the NIH human gene therapy trials have marked a milestone in developing new medical treatments for various genetic diseases and cancer. Various in vivo gene transfer techniques should also provide new tools for basic research in molecular and developmental genetics.  相似文献   

Many devastating human diseases are caused by mutations in a single gene that prevent a somatic cell from carrying out its essential functions, or by genetic changes acquired as a result of infectious disease or in the course of cell transformation. Targeted gene therapies have emerged as potential strategies for treatment of such diseases. These therapies depend upon rare-cutting endonucleases to cleave at specific sites in or near disease genes. Targeted gene correction provides a template for homology-directed repair, enabling the cell's own repair pathways to erase the mutation and replace it with the correct sequence. Targeted gene disruption ablates the disease gene, disabling its function. Gene targeting can also promote other kinds of genome engineering, including mutation, insertion, or gene deletion. Targeted gene therapies present significant advantages compared to approaches to gene therapy that depend upon delivery of stably expressing transgenes. Recent progress has been fueled by advances in nuclease discovery and design, and by new strategies that maximize efficiency of targeting and minimize off-target damage. Future progress will build on deeper mechanistic understanding of critical factors and pathways.  相似文献   

Advances in molecular biology and recombinant DNA technologies have contributed to our understanding of the molecular basis of many diseases. Now the possibility of gene transfer into normal cells to produce a gene product of therapeutic potential, or into diseased cells to correct the pathologic alteration, promises to revolutionize medical practice. In contemporary medicine, many therapeutic strategies focus on the link between a biochemical deficiency and the ensuing disorder. The treatment of noninfectious disease is often based on replacement therapy; medication is given to compensate for biochemical defects and to prevent or reverse the progression of disease. Although conventional therapies seldom alter the fundamental cause of a disease, gene therapy potentially could correct, at a molecular level, the genetic abnormalities contributing to its pathogenesis. Treatment directed at specific molecular alterations associated with the development of neurologic disease provides expectations of more effective and less toxic therapy. The development of gene therapy for nervous system tumors has progressed rapidly and may be prototypical in the development of therapies for inherited and acquired disorders of the nervous system. We describe possible strategies for using gene therapy to treat nervous system disorders, and we review recent advances in gene therapy for nervous system tumors.  相似文献   

Many devastating human diseases are caused by mutations in a single gene that prevent a somatic cell from carrying out its essential functions, or by genetic changes acquired as a result of infectious disease or in the course of cell transformation. Targeted gene therapies have emerged as potential strategies for treatment of such diseases. These therapies depend upon rare-cutting endonucleases to cleave at specific sites in or near disease genes. Targeted gene correction provides a template for homology-directed repair, enabling the cell’s own repair pathways to erase the mutation and replace it with the correct sequence. Targeted gene disruption ablates the disease gene, disabling its function. Gene targeting can also promote other kinds of genome engineering, including mutation, insertion, or gene deletion. Targeted gene therapies present significant advantages compared to approaches to gene therapy that depend upon delivery of stably expressing transgenes. Recent progress has been fueled by advances in nuclease discovery and design, and by new strategies that maximize efficiency of targeting and minimize off-target damage. Future progress will build on deeper mechanistic understanding of critical factors and pathways.  相似文献   

生物制药的现状和未来(二):发展趋势与希望   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
随着基因组和蛋白质组研究的深入,越来越多的与人类疾病发展相关的靶标被确定,使得我们能够研发更精确的药物来防治这些疾病。这意味着生物制药将有更多机会获得突破性进展,最终将使更多更好的生物技术药物被批准上市。综述了生物制药发展的几个趋势,主要有:(1)哺乳动物细胞表达的产品将在相当长的时间内占统治地位;(2)治疗性抗体将会是生物制药领域第二次创新高潮;(3)越来越多分子量大、结构复杂的功能蛋白将被开发成生物技术药物,尤其是用于治疗遗传性疾病的药物;(4)对已批准上市的生物技术药物的化学修饰尤其是PEG化以改善药物性能;(5)通过某些药物的定点突变获得第二代新生物技术药物,如胰岛素、EPO和t-PA的突变体;(6)组织工程、细胞治疗和基因治疗充满了机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

With recent advances in genetic engineering, tumor biology, and immunology, gene therapy has been recognized as a promising new treatment option for various cancers, including prostate cancer. Several clinical trials of prostate cancer gene therapy, using therapeutic genes which include suicide genes, immunomodulatory genes, tumor suppressor genes, and anti-oncogenes, are under way and preliminary reports have emerged. Although gene therapy for prostate cancer is still at an early stage and requires additional technological breakthroughs, new insights obtained from recent clinical trials indicate a promising potential for prostate cancer gene therapy. In this report, general concepts, current progress, and future prospects in prostate cancer gene therapy are summarized.  相似文献   

基因治疗的发展现状、问题和展望   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
邓洪新  田聆  魏于全 《生命科学》2005,17(3):196-199
基因治疗是一种新的治疗手段,可以治疗多种疾病,包括癌症、遗传性疾病、感染性疾病、心血管疾病和自身免疫性疾病。癌症基因治疗是基因治疗的主要应用领域。过去几年里,全球基因治疗临床试验取得了很大的进步。实际上,基因治疗也遇到了很多困难。未来,基因治疗的主要目标是发展安全和高效的基因导入系统,它们能将外源遗传物质靶向性地导入到特异的细胞。本文主要综述基因治疗所取得的突出进展、所遇到的困难和发展前景。  相似文献   

Novarino G  Akizu N  Gleeson JG 《Cell》2011,147(1):70-79
Soon, the genetic basis of most human Mendelian diseases will be solved. The next challenge will be to leverage this information to uncover basic mechanisms of disease and develop new therapies. To understand how this transformation is already beginning to unfold, we focus on the ciliopathies, a class of multi-organ diseases caused by disruption of the primary cilium. Through a convergence of data involving mutant gene discovery, proteomics, and cell biology, more than a dozen phenotypically distinguishable conditions are now united as ciliopathies. Sitting at the interface between simple and complex genetic conditions, these diseases provide clues to the future direction of human genetics.  相似文献   

基因治疗是一种新的治疗手段,可用于癌症、遗传性疾病、感染性疾病、心血管疾病和自身免疫性疾病等的治疗。癌症基因治疗是基因治疗的主要应用领域。过去几年里,全球基因治疗临床试验取得了很大的进步,也遇到了很多困难。未来基因治疗的主要目标是发展安全和高效的基因导入系统,它们能将外源遗传物质靶向性地导入特异的细胞。简要综述了基因治疗研究和应用的进展、困难及其发展前景。  相似文献   

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has become an effective therapy to treat coronary artery diseases. However, one of the major drawbacks of PCI is the occurrence of restenosis in 8 to 40% of all treated patients. The GENetic Determinants of Restenosis (GENDER) project was designed to study the association between genetic polymorphisims and clinical restenosis. The discovery of genetic variants associated to the occurrence of restenosis after PCI may provide a more tailored therapy and may serve as rationale for new antirestenotic therapies. So far, several candidate gene approaches had already been performed in the GENDER samples but a Genome Wide Association Scan (GWAS) was still lacking. Here, we present preliminary results from the GWAS we are currently carrying out in the GENDER population. (Neth Heart J 2009;17:262–4.)  相似文献   

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