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Little is known about the direction and specificity of protein adsorption to solid surfaces, a knowledge that is of great importance in many biotechnological applications. To resolve the direction in which a protein with known structure and surface potentials binds to negatively charged silica nanoparticles, fluorescent probes were attached to different areas on the surface of the protein human carbonic anhydrase II. By this approach it was clearly demonstrated that the adsorption of the native protein is specific to limited regions at the surface of the N-terminal domain of the protein. Furthermore, the adsorption direction is strongly pH-dependent. At pH 6.3, a histidine-rich area around position 10 is the dominating adsorption region. At higher pH values, when the histidines in this area are deprotonated, the protein is also adsorbed by a region close to position 37, which contains several lysines and arginines. Clearly the adsorption is directed by positively charged areas on the protein surface toward the negatively charged silica surface at conditions when specific binding occurs.  相似文献   

Co-chaperonin protein 10 (cpn10, GroES in Escherichia coli) is a ring-shaped heptameric protein that facilitates substrate folding when in complex with cpn60 (GroEL in E. coli). The cpn10 from the hyperthermophilic, ancient bacterium Aquifex aeolicus (Aacpn10) has a 25-residue C-terminal extension in each monomer not found in any other cpn10 protein. Earlier in vitro work has shown that this tail is not needed for heptamer assembly or protein function. Without the tail, however, the heptamers (Aacpn10del-25) readily aggregate into fibrillar stacked rings. To explain this phenomenon, we performed binding experiments with a peptide construct of the tail to establish its specificity for Aacpn10del-25 and used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the GroEL-Aacpn10-ADP complex at an 8-Å resolution. We found that the GroEL-Aacpn10 structure is similar to the GroEL-GroES structure at this resolution, suggesting that Aacpn10 has molecular interactions with cpn60 similar to other cpn10s. The cryo-electron microscopy density map does not directly reveal the density of the Aacpn10 25-residue tail. However, the 3D statistical variance coefficient map computed from multiple 3D reconstructions with randomly selected particle images suggests that the tail is located at the Aacpn10 monomer-monomer interface and extends toward the cis-ring apical domain of GroEL. The tail at this location does not block the formation of a functional co-chaperonin/chaperonin complex but limits self-aggregation into linear fibrils at high temperatures. In addition, the 3D variance coefficient map identifies several regions inside the GroEL-Aacpn10 complex that have flexible conformations. This observation is in full agreement with the structural properties of an effective chaperonin.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the thermodynamic determinants of binding between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides is crucial to the development of rational strategies for designing ligands for these important domains. Recently we engineered a single-chain chimeric protein by fusing the α-spectrin Src homology region 3 (SH3) domain to the decapeptide APSYSPPPPP (p41). This chimera mimics the structural and energetic features of the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. Here we show that analysing the unfolding thermodynamics of single-point mutants of this chimeric fusion protein constitutes a very useful approach to deciphering the thermodynamics of SH3-ligand interactions. To this end, we investigated the contribution of each proline residue of the ligand sequence to the SH3-peptide interaction by producing six single Pro-Ala mutants of the chimeric protein and analysing their unfolding thermodynamics by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Structural analyses of the mutant chimeras by circular dichroism, fluorescence and NMR together with NMR-relaxation measurements indicate conformational flexibility at the binding interface, which is strongly affected by the different Pro-Ala mutations. An analysis of the DSC thermograms on the basis of a three-state unfolding model has allowed us to distinguish and separate the thermodynamic magnitudes of the interaction at the binding interface. The model assumes equilibrium between the “unbound” and “bound” states at the SH3-peptide binding interface. The resulting thermodynamic magnitudes classify the different proline residues according to their importance in the interaction as P2∼P7∼P10 > P9∼P6 > P8, which agrees well with Lim's model for the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. In addition, the thermodynamic signature of the interaction is the same as that usually found for this type of binding, with a strong enthalpy-entropy compensation for all the mutants. This compensation appears to derive from an increase in conformational flexibility concomitant to the weakening of the interactions at the binding interface. We conclude that our approach, based on DSC and site-directed mutagenesis analysis of chimeric fusion proteins, may serve as a suitable tool to analyse the energetics of weak biomolecular interactions such as those involving SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Ono Y  Hayashi C  Doi N  Tagami M  Sorimachi H 《FEBS letters》2008,582(5):691-698
p94/calpain 3, a skeletal muscle-specific member of calpain protease family, is characterized by apparent Ca(2+)-independence during exhaustive autolysis and concomitant proteolysis of non-self substrates. The purpose of our study was to comprehensively profile the structural basis of p94 enabling activation in the cytosol without an extra Ca(2+). Ca(2+)-dependent p94 mutants were screened using "p94-trapping", which is an application of yeast genetic reporter system called "proteinase-trapping". Several amino acids were revealed as critical for apparent Ca(2+)-independent p94 activity. These results highlight the importance of conserved amino acids in domain IIb as well as in the p94-specific IS2 region.  相似文献   

The mutated recombinant Gaussia luciferase (hgGLase) having the hinge sequence with a reactive cysteine residue at the carboxyl terminal region was purified from Escherichia coli cells by nickel-chelate affinity chromatography and hydrophobic chromatography. The biotinylated hgGLase (Biotin-hgGLase) was prepared by chemical conjugation with a maleimide activated biotin and apply to bioluminescent immunoassay. In the streptavidin and biotin complex system using Biotin-hgGLase, the measurable range of α-fetoprotein as a model analyte was 0.02–100 ng/ml with the coefficient of variation between 2.5% and 5.2%. The sensitivity of Biotin-hgGLase was similar to that by using the detection system of aequorin, alkaline phosophatase and horseradish peroxidase as a label enzyme.  相似文献   

A highly active inhibitor of the binding of estrone and estradiol-17β to rat alpha-fetoprotein is demonstrated for the first time in embryo, immature and adult rat sera as well as in fetal and adult human sera. The competitive character and the narrow specificity of this inhibition effect is shown. The major compound responsible for this activity is isolated by successive column Sephadex LH20 and thin layer chromatography : it is characterized as a nonpolar, nonphenolic, dialysable and thermostable substance, unreactive towards anti-estrone and anti-estradiol-17β anti-bodies. The possible biological role of an endogenous non-estrogen ligand of rodent fetoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   

A rat liver cDNA library was prepared from total polyribosomal poly(A)+ RNA extracted from phenobarbital-treated animals. A cDNA clone coding for a phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 (PB P-450) was identified by differential colony hybridization to cDNAs synthesized from liver poly(A)+RNAs isolated from phenobarbital-treated rats for positive selection and cDNAs from either untreated rats or beta-naphthoflavone-treated rats as negative controls, followed by hybrid-selected translation and analysis of the translation products by immunoprecipitation. As the cloning and screening strategies involve no prior enrichment for specific mRNAs, they also permit the identification of sequences coding for phenobarbital-induced proteins other than cytochromes P-450. This relatively straightforward approach is generally applicable to the molecular cloning of sequences coding for other inducible cytochromes P-450. Nucleic acid sequencing data indicated that the cloned PB P-450 cDNA codes for a cytochrome P-450 variant [designated P-450e(U.C.)] that is very similar, but not identical, to P-450e. Sequence analysis of the section of cDNA specifying the 3'-non-coding region of the mRNA revealed that it lacked the usual poly(A) addition site signal sequence but contained three inverted repeat structures. Solution hybridization analysis demonstrated that PB P-450 mRNA is increased 20-fold by phenobarbital treatment and decreased 3-fold by beta-naphthoflavone treatment.  相似文献   

Uptake of ingested microparticles into small intestinal tissues and on to secondary organs has moved from being an anecdotal phenomenon to a recognised and quantifiable process, which is relevant to risk assessment of accidental exposure, treatment of multi-organ dysfunction syndrome and therapeutic uses of encapsulated drug or vaccine delivery. This review puts in context with the literature the findings of a morphological study of microparticle uptake, using two approaches.The first is a rat in vivo in situ model, appropriate to a study rooted in the exposure of human populations to microparticles. Latex microspheres 2 μm in diameter are the principal particle type used, although others are also investigated. Most data are based on microscopy, but analysis of macerated bulk tissue is also useful. Uptake occurs at early time points after a single dose and is shown to take place almost entirely at villous rather than Peyer's patch sites: however, multiple feeding and therefore a longer time-span produces a higher proportion of particles associated with Peyer's patches, albeit for very small total uptake at those later time points. Uptake is less affected by species, fasting and immunological competence than by age and reproductive status.The second approach uses in vitro methods to confirm the role of intercellular junctions in particle uptake. Particle-associated tight junction opening, in a Caco-2 monolayer, is reflected in changes in transepithelial resistance and particle uptake across the epithelial monolayer: Tight junction opening and particle uptake are both increased further by external irradiation, ethanol and sub-epithelial macrophages, but reduced by exposure to ice. An M cell model has looser tight junctions than Caco-2 cells, but a similar level of particle uptake. These results, along with the changes seen in junctional proteins after particle addition, confirm the role of tight junctions in uptake but suggest that adhering junctions are also important.  相似文献   

Lorenzo Galluzzi 《BBA》2009,1787(5):402-413
Mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP) is commonly regarded as the “point-of-no-return” in the cascade of events that delineate the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. MMP leads to the functional impairment of mitochondria and to the release into the cytosol of toxic proteins that are normally confined within the mitochondrial intermembrane space. These include direct activators of caspases and caspase-independent effectors of the cell death program. MMP has been implicated in a plethora of pathophysiological settings. In particular, MMP contributes to both the immediate and delayed phases of cell loss that follow acute neuronal injury by ischemia/reperfusion or trauma. Although preventing MMP a priori would be the most desirable therapeutic choice, prophylactic interventions are rarely (if ever) achievable in the treatment of stroke and trauma patients. Conversely, interventions that block the post-mitochondrial phase of apoptosis (if administered within the first few hours after the accident) hold great promises for the development of novel neuroprotective strategies. In animal models of acute neuronal injury, the inhibition of caspases, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and other apoptotic effectors can confer significant neuroprotection. Our review recapitulates the results of these studies and proposes novel strategies of inhibiting post-mitochondrial apoptosis in neurons.  相似文献   

The total serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamins D (25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2) is currently used as an indicator of vitamins D status. Vitamins D insufficiency is claimed to be associated with multiple diseases, thus accurate and precise reference methods for the quantification of 25-hydroxyvitamins D are needed. Here we present a novel enzyme-assisted derivatisation method for the analysis of vitamins D metabolites in adult serum utilising 25-[26,26,26,27,27,27-2H6]hydroxyvitamin D3 as the internal standard. Extraction of 25-hydroxyvitamins D from serum is performed with acetonitrile, which is shown to be more efficient than ethanol. Cholesterol oxidase is used to oxidize the 3β-hydroxy group in the vitamins D metabolites followed by derivatisation of the newly formed 3-oxo group with Girard P reagent. 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 is shown to oxidize selectively the 3α-hydroxy group in the 3α-hydroxy epimer of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. Quantification is achieved by isotope-dilution liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Recovery experiments for 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 performed on adult human serum give recovery of 102–106%. Furthermore in addition to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and other uncharacterised dihydroxy metabolites, were detected in adult human serum.  相似文献   

The pathogen Helicobacter pylori, which infects half of the world's population, is a major risk factor for the development of gastric diseases including chronic gastritis and gastric cancer. Among H. pylori's virulence factors is the cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island (cagPAI), which encodes for a type IV secretion system (T4SS). The T4SS induces fast canonical nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling, a major factor increasing inflammation, supressing apoptotic cell death and thereby promoting the development of neoplasia. However, H. pylori's capability to mediate fast non-canonical NF-κB signaling is unresolved, despite a contribution of non-canonical NF-κB signaling to gastric cancer has been suggested.We analyzed signaling elements within non-canonical NF-κB in response to H.?pylori in epithelial cell lines by immunoprecipitation, immunoblot, electrophoretic mobility shift assay and RNA interference knockdown. In addition, tissue samples of H. pylori-infected patients were investigated by immunohistochemistry.Here, we provide evidence for a T4SS-dependent direct activation of non-canonical NF-κB signaling. We identified the lymphotoxin beta receptor (LTβR) to elicit the fast release of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK) from the receptor complex leading to non-canonical NF-κB signaling. Further, NIK expression was increased in human biopsies of H. pylori-associated gastritis. Thus, NIK could represent a novel target to reduce Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric inflammation and pathology.  相似文献   

The static fluid mosaic model of biological membranes has been progressively complemented by a dynamic membrane model that includes phospholipid reordering in domains that are proposed to extend from nanometers to microns. Kinetic models for lipolytic enzymes have only been developed for homogeneous lipid phases. In this work, we develop a generalization of the well-known surface dilution kinetic theory to cases where, in a same lipid phase, both domain and nondomain phases coexist. Our model also allows understanding the changes in enzymatic activity due to a decrease of free substrate concentration when domains are induced by peptides. This lipid reordering and domain dynamics can affect the activity of lipolytic enzymes, and can provide a simple explanation for how basic peptides, with a strong direct interaction with acidic phospholipids (such as beta-amyloid peptide), may cause a complex modulation of the activities of many important enzymes in lipid signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) plays an essential role in energy transfer within the cell. In the form of NAD, adenine participates in multiple redox reactions. Phosphorylation and ATP-hydrolysis reactions have key roles in signal transduction and regulation of many proteins, especially enzymes. In each cell, proteins with many different functions use adenine and its derivatives as ligands; adenine, of course, is present in DNA and RNA. We show that an adenine binding motif, which differs according to the backbone chain direction of a loop that binds adenine (and in one variant by the participation of an aspartate side-chain), is common to many proteins; it was found from an analysis of all adenylate-containing protein structures from the Protein Data Bank. Indeed, 224 protein-ligand complexes (86 different proteins) from a total of 645 protein structure files bind ATP, CoA, NAD, NADP, FAD, or other adenine-containing ligands, and use the same structural elements to recognize adenine, regardless of whether the ligand is a coenzyme, cofactor, substrate, or an allosteric effector. The common adenine-binding motif shown in this study is simple to construct. It uses only (1) backbone polar interactions that are not dependent on the protein sequence or particular properties of amino acid side-chains, and (2) nonspecific hydrophobic interactions. This is probably why so many different proteins with different functions use this motif to bind an adenylate-containing ligand. The adenylate-binding motif reported is present in "ancient proteins" common to all living organisms, suggesting that adenine-containing ligands and the common motif for binding them were exploited very early in evolution. The geometry of adenine binding by this motif mimics almost exactly the geometry of adenine base-pairing seen in DNA and RNA.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease, and its prevalence is increasing with age. A wealth of genetic evidence indicates that the endo-lysosomal system is a major pathway driving PD pathogenesis with a growing number of genes encoding endo-lysosomal proteins identified as risk factors for PD, making it a promising target for therapeutic intervention. However, detailed knowledge and understanding of the molecular mechanisms linking these genes to the disease are available for only a handful of them (e.g. LRRK2, GBA1, VPS35). Taking on the challenge of studying poorly characterized genes and proteins can be daunting, due to the limited availability of tools and knowledge from previous literature. This review aims at providing a valuable source of molecular and cellular insights into the biology of lesser-studied PD-linked endo-lysosomal genes, to help and encourage researchers in filling the knowledge gap around these less popular genetic players. Specific endo-lysosomal pathways discussed range from endocytosis, sorting, and vesicular trafficking to the regulation of membrane lipids of these membrane-bound organelles and the specific enzymatic activities they contain. We also provide perspectives on future challenges that the community needs to tackle and propose approaches to move forward in our understanding of these poorly studied endo-lysosomal genes. This will help harness their potential in designing innovative and efficient treatments to ultimately re-establish neuronal homeostasis in PD but also other diseases involving endo-lysosomal dysfunction.  相似文献   

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