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Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide spectrum of infections in humans, ranging from superficial cutaneous infections, infections in the circum-oral region, to life-threatening bacteremia. It was recently demonstrated that Gram-positive organisms such as S. aureus liberate membrane-derived vesicles (MVs), which analogously to outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) of Gram-negative bacteria can play a role in delivering virulence factors to host cells. In the present study we have shown that cholesterol-dependent fusion of S. aureus MVs with the plasma membrane represents a route for delivery of a key virulence factor, α-toxin (α-hemolysin; Hla) to human cells. Most S. aureus strains produce this 33-kDa pore-forming protein, which can lyse a wide range of human cells, and induce apoptosis in T-lymphocytes. Our results revealed a tight association of biologically active α-toxin with membrane-derived vesicles isolated from S. aureus strain 8325-4. Concomitantly, α-toxin contributed to HeLa cell cytotoxicity of MVs, and was the main vesicle-associated protein responsible for erythrocyte lysis. In contrast, MVs obtained from an isogenic hla mutant were significantly attenuated with regards to both causing lysis of erythrocytes and death of HeLa cells. This is to our knowledge the first recognition of an S. aureus MV-associated factor contributing to host cell cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Bacterial cyclic glucans are glucose polymers that concentrate within the periplasm of alpha-proteobacteria. These molecules are necessary to maintain the homeostasis of the cell envelope by contributing to the osmolarity of Gram negative bacteria. Here, we demonstrate that Brucella β 1,2 cyclic glucans are potent activators of human and mouse dendritic cells. Dendritic cells activation by Brucella β 1,2 cyclic glucans requires TLR4, MyD88 and TRIF, but not CD14. The Brucella cyclic glucans showed neither toxicity nor immunogenicity compared to LPS and triggered antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses in vivo. These cyclic glucans also enhanced antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses including cross-presentation by different human DC subsets. Brucella β 1,2 cyclic glucans increased the memory CD4+ T cell responses of blood mononuclear cells exposed to recombinant fusion proteins composed of anti-CD40 antibody and antigens from both hepatitis C virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Thus cyclic glucans represent a new class of adjuvants, which might contribute to the development of effective antimicrobial therapies.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes a broad range of life-threatening diseases in humans. This bacterium produces a large number of extracellular virulence factors that are closely associated with specific diseases which are controlled by quorum sensing. In this study, we show that azithromycin was active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains with MICs ranged from 32 to 64 μg/mL. Azithromycin at subinhibitory concentration, markedly reduced the production of α-hemolysin at (1/16MIC, 1/8MIC) and biofilm formation at (1/16MIC, 1/8MIC), respectively. The results indicated that sub-inhibitory concentrations of azithromycin decreased the production of α-hemolysin and biofilm formation in MRSA in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, azithromycin may be useful in the treatment of α-hemolysin producing and biofilm formation MRSA infections.  相似文献   

Satellite cells are quiescent cells located under the basal lamina of skeletal muscle fibers that contribute to muscle growth, maintenance, repair, and regeneration. Mouse satellite cells have been shown to be muscle stem cells that are able to regenerate muscle fibers and self-renew. As human skeletal muscle is also able to regenerate following injury, we assume that the human satellite cell is, like its murine equivalent, a muscle stem cell. In this review, we compare human and mouse satellite cells and highlight their similarities and differences. We discuss gaps in our knowledge of human satellite cells, compared with that of mouse satellite cells, and suggest ways in which we may advance studies on human satellite cells, particularly by finding new markers and attempting to re-create the human satellite cell niche in vitro. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:941–955, 2010)  相似文献   

O-GlcNAcylation (addition of N-acetyl-glucosamine on serine or threonine residues) is a post-translational modification that regulates stability, activity or localization of cytosolic and nuclear proteins. O-linked N-acetylgluocosmaine transferase (OGT) uses UDP-GlcNAc, produced in the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway to O-GlcNacylate proteins. Removal of O-GlcNAc from proteins is catalyzed by the β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase (OGA). Recent evidences suggest that O-GlcNAcylation may affect the growth of cancer cells. However, the consequences of O-GlcNAcylation on anti-cancer therapy have not been evaluated. In this work, we studied the effects of O-GlcNAcylation on tamoxifen-induced cell death in the breast cancer-derived MCF-7 cells. Treatments that increase O-GlcNAcylation (PUGNAc and/or glucosoamine) protected MCF-7 cells from death induced by tamoxifen. In contrast, inhibition of OGT expression by siRNA potentiated the effect of tamoxifen on cell death. Since the PI-3 kinase/Akt pathway is a major regulator of cell survival, we used BRET to evaluate the effect of PUGNAc+glucosamine on PIP3 production. We observed that these treatments stimulated PIP3 production in MCF-7 cells. This effect was associated with an increase in Akt phosphorylation. However, the PI-3 kinase inhibitor LY294002, which abolished the effect of PUGNAc+glucosamine on Akt phosphorylation, did not impair the protective effects of PUGNAc+glucosamine against tamoxifen-induced cell death. These results suggest that the protective effects of O-GlcNAcylation are independent of the PI-3 kinase/Akt pathway. As tamoxifen sensitivity depends on the estrogen receptor (ERα) expression level, we evaluated the effect of PUGNAc+glucosamine on the expression of this receptor. We observed that O-GlcNAcylation-inducing treatment significantly reduced the expression of ERα mRNA and protein, suggesting a potential mechanism for the decreased tamoxifen sensitivity induced by these treatments. Therefore, our results suggest that inhibition of O-GlcNAcylation may constitute an interesting approach to improve the sensitivity of breast cancer to anti-estrogen therapy.  相似文献   

Skin barrier disruption and dermal inflammation are key phenotypes of atopic dermatitis (AD). Staphylococcus aureus secretes extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are involved in AD pathogenesis. Here, we evaluated the role of EVs-associated α-hemolysin derived from S. aureus in AD pathogenesis. α-hemolysin production from S. aureus was detected using western blot analyses. The cytotoxic activity of α-hemolysin on HaCaT keratinocytes was evaluated by measuring cell viability after treating cells with soluble and EVs-associated α-hemolysin. To determine the type of cell death, HaCaT keratinocytes were stained with annexin V and 7-AAD. The in vivo effects of α-hemolysin were evaluated by application of soluble and EV-associated α-hemolysin on the mouse skin. The present study showed that increased α-hemolysin was produced by S. aureus colonized on AD patients compared to healthy subjects. α-hemolysin production was also related to AD severity. In addition, EV-associated α-hemolysin was more cytotoxic to HaCaT keratinocytes than soluble α-hemolysin, and α-hemolysin-negative EVs did not induce keratinocyte death. EV-associated α-hemolysin induced necrosis, but soluble α-hemolysin induced apoptosis of keratinocytes. In vivo, skin barrier disruption and epidermal hyperplasia were induced by soluble and EV-associated α-hemolysin. However, AD-like dermal inflammation was only caused by EV-associated α-hemolysin. Moreover, neither skin barrier disruption nor AD-like skin inflammation was induced by α-hemolysin-negative EVs. Taken together, α-Hemolysin secreted from S. aureus, particularly the EV-associated form, induces both skin barrier disruption and AD-like skin inflammation, suggesting that EV-associated α-hemolysin is a novel diagnostic and therapeutic target for the control of AD.  相似文献   

We investigated the production of hyaluronan (HA) and its effect on cell motility in cells expressing the v-src mutants. Transformation of 3Y1 by v-src virtually activated HA secretion, whereas G2A v-src, a nonmyristoylated form of v-src defective in cell transformation, had no effect. In cells expressing the temperature-sensitive mutant of v-Src, HA secretion was temperature dependent. In addition, HA as small as 1 nM, on the other side, activated cell motility in a tumor-specific manner. HA treatment strongly activated the motility of v-Src-transformed 3Y1, whereas it showed no effect on 3Y1- and 3Y1-expressing G2A v-src. HA-dependent cell locomotion was strongly blocked by either expression of dominant-negative Ras or treatment with a Ras farnesyltransferase inhibitor. Similarly, both the MEK1 inhibitor and the kinase inhibitor clearly inhibited HA-dependent cell locomotion. In contrast, cells transformed with an active MEK1 did not respond to the HA. Finally, an anti-CD44-neutralizing antibody could block the activation of cell motility by HA as well as the HA-dependent phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt. Taken together, these results suggest that simultaneous activation of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway by the HA-CD44 interaction is required for the activation of HA-dependent cell locomotion in v-Src-transformed cells.  相似文献   



Dengue displays a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations that may vary from asymptomatic to severe and even fatal features. Plasma leakage/hemorrhages can be caused by a cytokine storm induced by monocytes and dendritic cells during dengue virus (DENV) replication. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are innate immune cells and in response to virus exposure secrete IFN-α and express membrane TRAIL (mTRAIL). We aimed to characterize pDC activation in dengue patients and their function under DENV-2 stimulation in vitro.

Methods & Findings

Flow cytometry analysis (FCA) revealed that pDCs of mild dengue patients exhibit significantly higher frequencies of mTRAIL compared to severe cases or healthy controls. Plasma levels of IFN-α and soluble TRAIL are increased in mild compared to severe dengue patients, positively correlating with pDC activation. FCA experiments showed that in vitro exposure to DENV-2 induced mTRAIL expression on pDC. Furthermore, three dimension microscopy highlighted that TRAIL was relocalized from intracellular compartment to plasma membrane. Chloroquine treatment inhibited DENV-2-induced mTRAIL relocalization and IFN-α production by pDC. Endosomal viral degradation blockade by chloroquine allowed viral antigens detection inside pDCs. All those data are in favor of endocytosis pathway activation by DENV-2 in pDC. Coculture of pDC/DENV-2-infected monocytes revealed a dramatic decrease of antigen detection by FCA. This viral antigens reduction in monocytes was also observed after exogenous IFN-α treatment. Thus, pDC effect on viral load reduction was mainly dependent on IFN-α production


This investigation characterizes, during DENV-2 infection, activation of pDCs in vivo and their antiviral role in vitro. Thus, we propose TRAIL-expressing pDCs may have an important role in the outcome of disease.  相似文献   

Gel-based proteomics is a powerful approach to study the physiology of Staphylococcus aureus under various growth restricting conditions. We analyzed 679 protein spots from a reference 2-dimensional gel of cytosolic proteins of S. aureus COL by mass spectrometry resulting in 521 different proteins. 4,692 time dependent protein synthesis profiles were generated by exposing S. aureus to nine infection-related stress and starvation stimuli (H2O2, diamide, paraquat, NO, fermentation, nitrate respiration, heat shock, puromycin, mupirocin). These expression profiles are stored in an online resource called Aureolib (http://www.aureolib.de). Moreover, information on target genes of 75 regulators and regulatory elements were included in the database. Cross-comparisons of this extensive data collection of protein synthesis profiles using the tools implemented in Aureolib lead to the identification of stress and starvation specific marker proteins. Altogether, 226 protein synthesis profiles showed induction ratios of 2.5-fold or higher under at least one of the tested conditions with 157 protein synthesis profiles specifically induced in response to a single stimulus. The respective proteins might serve as marker proteins for the corresponding stimulus. By contrast, proteins whose synthesis was increased or repressed in response to more than four stimuli are rather exceptional. The only protein that was induced by six stimuli is the universal stress protein SACOL1759. Most strikingly, cluster analyses of synthesis profiles of proteins differentially synthesized under at least one condition revealed only in rare cases a grouping that correlated with known regulon structures. The most prominent examples are the GapR, Rex, and CtsR regulon. In contrast, protein synthesis profiles of proteins belonging to the CodY and σB regulon are widely distributed. In summary, Aureolib is by far the most comprehensive protein expression database for S. aureus and provides an essential tool to decipher more complex adaptation processes in S. aureus during host pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

The α-hemolysin, encoded by the hla gene, is a major virulence factor in S. aureus infections. Changes in key amino acid residues of α-hemolysin can result in reduction, or even loss, of toxicity. The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of the hla gene sequence and the relationship of hla variants to the clonal background of S. aureus isolates. A total of 47 clinical isolates from China were used in this study, supplemented with in silico analysis of 318 well-characterized whole genome sequences from globally distributed isolates. A total of 28 hla genotypes were found, including three unique to isolates from China, 20 found only in the global genomes and five found in both. The hla genotype generally correlated with the clonal background, particularly the multilocus sequence type, but was not related to geographic origin, host source or methicillin-resistance phenotype. In addition, the hla gene showed greater diversity than the seven loci utilized in the MLST scheme for S. aureus. Our investigation has provided genetic data which may be useful for future studies of toxicity, immunogenicity and vaccine development.  相似文献   



Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic fungal infection that affects skin and subcutaneous tissue. Lesions can be classified in tumorous, verrucous, cicatricial and plaque type. The cellular immune response in the severe form of the disease seems to correlate with a Th2 pattern of cytokines. The humoral immune response also seems to play a role. We intended to explore the populations of regulatory T cells and the Th17 pattern.


Twenty-three biopsies of verrucous form were obtained from patients with clinical, culture and histopathological diagnostic of chromoblastomycosis, without treatment. It was performed an immunohistochemistry method to detect Foxp3, CD25, TGF-β, IL-6, IL-17 and IL-23.

Principal findings

IL-17 was the only cytokine with high expression in CBM when compared to normal skin. The expression of Treg cells, TGF- β, IL-6 and IL-23 were similar to normal skin.


The constitution of a local immune response with high expression of IL-17 and low expression of other cytokines could be at least in part, an attempt to help the immune system against fungal infection. On the other hand, high levels of local immune response mediated by Th17 profile could overcome the role of Treg cells. The inefficient immunomodulation as a consequence of the unbalance by Treg/Th17 cells seems to corroborate with the less effective immune response against fungi.  相似文献   

Cell death can be divided into the anti-inflammatory process of apoptosis and the pro-inflammatory process of necrosis. Necrosis, as apoptosis, is a regulated form of cell death, and Poly-(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and Receptor-Interacting Protein (RIP) 1/3 are major mediators. We previously showed that absence or inhibition of PARP-1 protects mice from nephritis, however only the male mice. We therefore hypothesized that there is an inherent difference in the cell death program between the sexes. We show here that in an immune-mediated nephritis model, female mice show increased apoptosis compared to male mice. Treatment of the male mice with estrogens induced apoptosis to levels similar to that in female mice and inhibited necrosis. Although PARP-1 was activated in both male and female mice, PARP-1 inhibition reduced necrosis only in the male mice. We also show that deletion of RIP-3 did not have a sex bias. We demonstrate here that male and female mice are prone to different types of cell death. Our data also suggest that estrogens and PARP-1 are two of the mediators of the sex-bias in cell death. We therefore propose that targeting cell death based on sex will lead to tailored and better treatments for each gender.  相似文献   

Even though GPCR signaling in human platelets is directly involved in hemostasis and thrombus formation, the sequence of events by which G protein activation leads to αIIbβ3 integrin activation (inside-out signaling) is not clearly defined. We previously demonstrated that a conformationally sensitive domain of one G protein, i.e.13 switch region 1 (Gα13SR1), can directly participate in the platelet inside-out signaling process. Interestingly however, the dependence on Gα13SR1 signaling was limited to PAR1 receptors, and did not involve signaling through other important platelet GPCRs. Based on the limited scope of this involvement, and the known importance of G13 in hemostasis and thrombosis, the present study examined whether signaling through another switch region of G13, i.e.13 switch region 2 (Gα13SR2) may represent a more global mechanism of platelet activation. Using multiple experimental approaches, our results demonstrate that Gα13SR2 forms a bi-molecular complex with the head domain of talin and thereby promotes β3 integrin activation. Moreover, additional studies provided evidence that Gα13SR2 is not constitutively associated with talin in unactivated platelets, but becomes bound to talin in response to elevated intraplatelet calcium levels. Collectively, these findings provide evidence for a novel paradigm of inside-out signaling in platelets, whereby β3 integrin activation involves the direct binding of the talin head domain to the switch region 2 sequence of the Gα13 subunit.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment polymorphisms were used to order the alpha A-crystallin locus (Crya-1) relative to other genes in mouse t-chromatin and to investigate the relatedness of alpha-A-crystallin sequences among different t-haplotypes. Analysis of DNA from t-recombinant mice mapped Crya-1 to the K end of the H-2 complex and within the distal inverted region characteristic of t-haplotypes. Hybridization with Crya-1 cDNA revealed three distinct phenotypic groups among the 17 different t-haplotypes studied. A majority (9 of 17) of the t-haplotypes were classified into a novel group (Crya-1t) characterized by restriction fragments apparently unique to t-chromosomes and therefore thought to contain alpha A-crystallin sequences descended from the original t-chromosome. A second group of t-haplotypes had restriction fragment patterns indistinguishable from those observed among many common inbred strains of mice of the Crya-1a type, and a third restriction fragment pattern, observed only in the tw121 haplotype, was indistinguishable from the fragment pattern for C3H/DiSn (Crya-1b) and several other inbred strains of mice. Thus, with respect to sequences around the Crya-1 locus, different t-haplotypes show restriction fragment polymorphisms, some of which are comparable to those found in wild-type chromosomes and provide further evidence for genetic heterogeneity in DNA from the distal region of t-haplotypes.  相似文献   

Experimental studies regarding coronary embryogenesis suggest that the endocardium is a source of endothelial cells for the myocardial networks. As this was not previously documented in human embryos, we aimed to study whether or not endothelial tip cells could be correlated with endocardial-dependent mechanisms of sprouting angiogenesis. Six human embryos (43–56 days) were obtained and processed in accordance with ethical regulations; immunohistochemistry was performed for CD105 (endoglin), CD31, CD34, α-smooth muscle actin, desmin and vimentin antibodies. Primitive main vessels were found deriving from both the sinus venosus and aorta, and were sought to be the primordia of the venous and arterial ends of cardiac microcirculation. Subepicardial vessels were found branching into the outer ventricular myocardium, with a pattern of recruiting α-SMA+/desmin+ vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes. Endothelial sprouts were guided by CD31+/CD34+/CD105+/vimentin+ endothelial tip cells. Within the inner myocardium, we found endothelial networks rooted from endocardium, guided by filopodia-projecting CD31+/CD34+/CD105+/ vimentin+ endocardial tip cells. The myocardial microcirculatory bed in the atria was mostly originated from endocardium, as well. Nevertheless, endocardial tip cells were also found in cardiac cushions, but they were not related to cushion endothelial networks. A general anatomical pattern of cardiac microvascular embryogenesis was thus hypothesized; the arterial and venous ends being linked, respectively, to the aorta and sinus venosus. Further elongation of the vessels may be related to the epicardium and subepicardial stroma and the intramyocardial network, depending on either endothelial and endocardial filopodia-guided tip cells in ventricles, or mostly on endocardium, in atria.  相似文献   

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