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Salmon eggs are common in Japanese sushi and other seafood products; however, certain fish eggs are used as counterfeit salmon eggs which are found in foods and processed products. This study develops a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for DNA extraction, filtration (FT) and dilution (DL) protocols from a single salmon egg with good DNA quality for real-time PCR amplification. The DNA amount, DNA quality, and real-time PCR performance for different dilutions and different lengths of PCR amplicons were evaluated and compared with the common Qiagen tissue kit (QTK) and Chelex-100-based (CX) protocols. The extracted DNA from a single salmon egg using the FT or DL protocol can be applied in phylogenic research, food authentication and post-marketing monitoring of genetically modified (GM) food products.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of multiple templates using common primers is used in a wide variety of molecular biological techniques. However, abundant templates sometimes obscure the amplification of minor species containing the same primer sequences. To overcome this challenge, we used oligoribonucleotides (ORNs) to inhibit amplification of undesired template sequences without affecting amplification of control sequences lacking complementarity to the ORNs. ORNs were effective at very low concentrations, with IC50 values for ORN-mediated suppression on the order of 10 nM. DNA polymerases that retain 3′–5′ exonuclease activity, such as KOD and Pfu polymerases, but not those that retain 5′–3′ exonuclease activity, such as Taq polymerase, could be used for ORN-mediated suppression. ORN interference-PCR (ORNi-PCR) technology should be a useful tool for both molecular biology research and clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

人类白细胞抗原(Human Leukocyte Antigen,HLA)基因复合物位于6p21.3,有220多个不同的功能基因,是人类基因组最复杂的遗传多态系统。HLA等位基因的变异在医学、法医学、人类学等领域具有重要的意义。自从1964年以来,HLA分型一直采用经典的微量淋巴细胞毒实验,但该方法是血清学水平的分,不能识别很多特异性的等位基因,而且高质量的抗体也不易获得。从20世纪90年代起,在国家自然科学基金的资助下,首先开展HLAⅡ类位点基因分研究及大规模群体多态性调查,所获得的中国主要民族基因数据已应用于多个领域。相比之下,HLAⅠ类基因数量更丰富,包含了A、B、C、E、F、G和假基因H、J、K、L等10个位点;基因分子结构更复杂,更具多态性。因此,HLAⅠ类DNA分型比HLAⅡ类分型及行多困难。直至目前中国人群HLA-A基因座基因多态性和分布频率的研究尚未充分进行。而任何DNA标记用于遗传分析、法医鉴定等领域之前,必须先进行群体调查,建立不同民族基因数据库,这是不可逾越的基础工作。鉴于此,采用灵敏而非同位素污染的PCR-SSOP基因分型技术,对165个汉族和162个维吾尔族个体的HLA-A基因座多态性进行调查。结果在汉族群体中发现22种等位基因,频率最高的是HLA-A*1101(19.7%),其次是*201(12.72%);在维族群体中发现22种等位基因,频率最高的是*2407(17.90%),等位基因*0101、*0201和*3301的频率均大于10%;HLA-A*0203、*0205、*0302、*2403和*3302仅在汉族群体中检出;HLA-A*0205、*0211、*2301、*2502、*68012和*6802仅在维族群体中检出。按照Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律检验,两个民族各等位基因型频率的预期值与实际观察值相吻合(P>0.05),证明了所获得汉族、维吾尔族HLA-A位点基因频率具有可靠性;同时也表明各等位基因的遗传特征符合符合孟德尔规律。经计算机统计分析,汉族群体HLA-A基因座杂合度(Heterozygosity,H)、个体识别率(Discrimination Power,DP)和非父排排率(Proba-bility of Paternity Exclusion,EPP)分别为0.9029、0.9776和0.8592;维族群体H、DP和EEP分别为0.9063、0.9379和0.7885。和其他遗传标记(如VNTR、STR、SNP)的单一位点相比,HLA-A具有高度的杂合率、个体识别率和非父排除率。因此,HLA-A等位基因在法医个体识别、亲权鉴定、基因诊断、人类学等领域具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

Multiplex PCR methods are attractive to clinical laboratories wanting to broaden their detection of respiratory viral pathogens in clinical specimens. However, multiplexed assays must be well optimized to retain or improve upon the analytic sensitivity of their singleplex counterparts. In this experiment, the lower limit of detection (LOD) of singleplex real-time PCR assays targeting respiratory viruses is compared to an equivalent panel on a multiplex PCR platform, the GenMark eSensor RVP. LODs were measured for each singleplex real-time PCR assay and expressed as the lowest copy number detected 95–100% of the time, depending on the assay. The GenMark eSensor RVP LODs were obtained by converting the TCID50/mL concentrations reported in the package insert to copies/μL using qPCR. Analytical sensitivity between the two methods varied from 1.2–1280.8 copies/μL (0.08–3.11 log differences) for all 12 assays compared. Assays targeting influenza A/H3N2, influenza A/H1N1pdm09, influenza B, and human parainfluenza 1 and 2 were most comparable (1.2–8.4 copies/μL, <1 log difference). Largest differences in LOD were demonstrated for assays targeting adenovirus group E, respiratory syncytial virus subtype A, and a generic assay for all influenza A viruses regardless of subtype (319.4–1280.8 copies/μL, 2.50–3.11 log difference). The multiplex PCR platform, the GenMark eSensor RVP, demonstrated improved analytical sensitivity for detecting influenza A/H3 viruses, influenza B virus, human parainfluenza virus 2, and human rhinovirus (1.6–94.8 copies/μL, 0.20–1.98 logs). Broader detection of influenza A/H3 viruses was demonstrated by the GenMark eSensor RVP. The relationship between TCID50/mL concentrations and the corresponding copy number related to various ATCC cultures is also reported.  相似文献   

A set of PCR primers targeting 16S rRNA gene sequences was designed, and PCR parameters were optimized to develop a robust and reliable protocol for selective amplification of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA genes. The method was capable of discriminating E. coli from other enteric bacteria, including its closest relative, Shigella. Selective amplification of E. coli occurred only when the annealing temperature in the PCR was elevated to 72°C, which is 10°C higher than the optimum for the primers. Sensitivity was retained by modifying the length of steps in the PCR, by increasing the number of cycles, and most importantly by optimizing the MgCl2 concentration. The PCR protocol developed can be completed in less then 2 h and, by using Southern hybridization, has a detection limit of ca. 10 genomic equivalents per reaction. The method was demonstrated to be effective for detecting E. coli DNA in heterogeneous DNA samples, such as those extracted from soil.  相似文献   

We developed a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay targeting the rRNA internal transcribed spacer region of the hard clam pathogen QPX. The qPCR assay was more sensitive than was histology in detecting clams with light QPX infections. QPX was detected in 4 of 43 sediment samples but in none of 40 seawater samples.The thraustochytrid called QPX (for quahog parasite unknown) has caused high mortalities in hatchery-reared and wild hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria, also known as quahogs) from Prince Edward Island (Canada) to Virginia (United States) since the late 1950s (17, 22, 25, 29). In the summer of 2002, QPX infections appeared in the previously healthy Raritan Bay (off the coast of Staten Island in New York) M. mercenaria population, causing significant clam mortality and closure of the fishery (6). Management of hard clam populations affected by QPX disease is hampered by an incomplete understanding of factors controlling the occurrence and severity of QPX infections. Environmental factors, such as salinity and temperature, appear to be important (22), as do clam population density and the planting of seed from nonlocal sources (7). More quantitative information about the occurrence and progression of QPX disease in relation to these and other variables would support better prediction of, and response to, QPX outbreaks. QPX is thought to be an opportunistic pathogen (4, 7, 11), capable of growing outside its host. However, there is very little known about substrates that might support QPX organisms outside of hard clams (4). The abilities to detect and enumerate QPX cells in potential reservoirs would allow the dynamics of the QPX organism in the environment to be related to the occurrence of QPX disease, offering new insight into fundamental questions about the natural transmission mechanisms of the infection.The 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) primer pair QPX-F and QPX-R2 can be used in a standard PCR assay to detect the presence of QPX DNA in clam tissue samples (26). Unfortunately, the products are too long (∼650 bp), and often include too much primer dimer, for use in a SYBR green real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay. The low sequence variability in rRNA genes made it difficult to design other primers specific for QPX 18S rDNA. Instead, we used our previously reported rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (including ITS1, the 5.8S rRNA gene, and ITS2) sequences for QPX isolates from Massachusetts and New York (20) to develop a qPCR assay targeting the more variable ITS region (1).  相似文献   

We present a fast, reliable and inexpensive restriction-free cloning method for seamless DNA insertion into any plasmid without sequence limitation. Exponential megapriming PCR (EMP) cloning requires two consecutive PCR steps and can be carried out in one day. We show that EMP cloning has a higher efficiency than restriction-free (RF) cloning, especially for long inserts above 2.5 kb. EMP further enables simultaneous cloning of multiple inserts.  相似文献   

The identification and quantification of Heterosigma akashiwo cysts in sediments by light microscopy can be difficult due to the small size and morphology of the cysts, which are often indistinguishable from those of other types of algae. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) based assays represent a potentially efficient method for quantifying the abundance of H. akashiwo cysts, although standard curves must be based on cyst DNA rather than on vegetative cell DNA due to differences in gene copy number and DNA extraction yield between these two cell types. Furthermore, qPCR on sediment samples can be complicated by the presence of extracellular DNA debris. To solve these problems, we constructed a cyst-based standard curve and developed a simple method for removing DNA debris from sediment samples. This cyst-based standard curve was compared with a standard curve based on vegetative cells, as vegetative cells may have twice the gene copy number of cysts. To remove DNA debris from the sediment, we developed a simple method involving dilution with distilled water and heating at 75°C. A total of 18 sediment samples were used to evaluate this method. Cyst abundance determined using the qPCR assay without DNA debris removal yielded results up to 51-fold greater than with direct counting. By contrast, a highly significant correlation was observed between cyst abundance determined by direct counting and the qPCR assay in conjunction with DNA debris removal (r2 = 0.72, slope = 1.07, p < 0.001). Therefore, this improved qPCR method should be a powerful tool for the accurate quantification of H. akashiwo cysts in sediment samples.  相似文献   

目的:建立一种检测马尔尼菲青霉菌的实时荧光定量PCR的方法。方法:针对马尔尼菲青霉菌5.8S rRNA设计特异性PCR引物,采用核酸荧光染料SYBR GreenⅠ进行实时荧光定量PCR检测,探讨该方法的灵敏度和特异性,并进行临床样品检测验证。结果:该方法的特异性较好,与该菌属内的其他细菌间无交叉反应;灵敏度可检测出10个细胞/mL全血,在检测范围内线性良好,相关系数R2=0.981。临床样品检测和传统的培养方法结果完全相符。结论:该方法特异性好,灵敏度高,操作简单,检测时间短;临床样品检测具有很好的准确性,从本研究的结果显示实时荧光定量PCR方法在检测马尔尼菲青霉菌中的应用可以大大缩短临床的诊断时间,提高临床诊断的准确度和效率。  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts in clinical samples are increasingly being used to diagnose human cryptosporidiosis, but a parallel approach for detecting and identifying Cryptosporidium oocyst contamination in surface water sources has yet to be established for current drinking water quality monitoring practices. It has been proposed that Cryptosporidium qPCR-based assays could be used as viable alternatives to current microscopic-based detection methods to quantify levels of oocysts in drinking water sources; however, data on specificity, analytical sensitivity, and the ability to accurately quantify low levels of oocysts are limited. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive evaluation of TaqMan-based qPCR assays, which were developed for either clinical or environmental investigations, for detecting Cryptosporidium oocyst contamination in water. Ten different qPCR assays, six previously published and four developed in this study were analyzed for specificity and analytical sensitivity. Specificity varied between all ten assays, and in one particular assay, which targeted the Cryptosporidium 18S rRNA gene, successfully detected all Cryptosporidium spp. tested, but also cross-amplified T. gondii, fungi, algae, and dinoflagellates. When evaluating the analytical sensitivity of these qPCR assays, results showed that eight of the assays could reliably detect ten flow-sorted oocysts in reagent water or environmental matrix. This study revealed that while a qPCR-based detection assay can be useful for detecting and differentiating different Cryptosporidium species in environmental samples, it cannot accurately measure low levels of oocysts that are typically found in drinking water sources.  相似文献   

DNA methylation in mammals has been shown to play many important roles in diverse biological phenomena. Several methods have been developed for the measurement of region-specific levels of DNA methylation. We sought a technique that could be used to quantitatively evaluate multiple independent loci in several tissues in a quick and cost-effective manner. Recently, a few quantitative techniques have been developed by employing the use of real-time PCR, though they require the additional step of sodium bisulfite conversion. Here we evaluate a technique that involves the digestion of non-sodium bisulfite-treated genomic DNA using methylation-sensitive and methylation-dependent restriction enzymes followed by real-time PCR. The utility of this method is tested by analyzing seventeen genomic regions of known tissue-specific levels of DNA methylation including three imprinted genes. We find that this approach generates rapid, reproducible and accurate results (range= ±5%) without the additional time required for bisulfite conversion. This approach is also adaptable for use with smaller amounts of starting material. We propose this method as a rapid, quantitative method for the analysis of DNA methylation at single sites or within small regions of DNA.   相似文献   

To accurately evaluate gene expression levels and obtain more accurate quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) data, normalization relative to reliable reference gene(s) is required. Drosophila suzukii, is an invasive fruit pest native to East Asia, and recently invaded Europe and North America, the stability of its reference genes have not been previously investigated. In this study, ten candidate reference genes (RPL18, RPS3, AK, EF-1β, TBP, NADH, HSP22, GAPDH, Actin, α-Tubulin), were evaluated for their suitability as normalization genes under different biotic (developmental stage, tissue and population), and abiotic (photoperiod, temperature) conditions. The three statistical approaches (geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper) and one web-based comprehensive tool (RefFinder) were used to normalize analysis of the ten candidate reference genes identified α-Tubulin, TBP and AK as the most stable candidates, while HSP22 and Actin showed the lowest expression stability. We used three most stable genes (α-Tubulin, TBP and AK) and one unstably expressed gene to analyze the expression of P-glycoprotein in abamectin-resistant and sensitive strains, and the results were similar to reference genes α-Tubulin, TBP and AK, which show good stability, while the result of HSP22 has a certain bias. The three validated reference genes can be widely used for quantification of target gene expression with qRT-PCR technology in D.suzukii.  相似文献   

Strain identification in situ is an important factor in the monitoring of microorganisms used in the field. In this study, we demonstrated the use of sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers to detect genomic DNA from Trichoderma harzianum 2413 from soil. Two primers (SCAR A1/SCAR A1c) were tested against DNA of 27 isolates of Trichoderma spp. and amplified a 990-bp fragment from T. atroviride 11 and a 1.5-kb fragment from T. harzianum 2413, using an annealing temperature of 68°C. These fragments showed no significant homology to any sequence deposited in the databases. The primer pair, BR1 and BR2, was designed to the 1.5-kb fragment amplified from T. harzianum 2413, generating a SCAR marker. To test the specificity of these primers, experiments were conducted using the DNA from 27 Trichoderma spp. strains and 22 field soil samples obtained from four different countries. PCR results showed that BR1 and BR2 amplified an 837-bp fragment unique to T. harzianum 2413. Assays in which total DNA was extracted from sterile and nonsterile soil samples, inoculated with spore or mycelium combinations of Trichoderma spp. strains, indicated that the BR1 and BR2 primers could specifically detect T. harzianum 2413 in a pool of mixed DNA. No other soil-microorganisms containing these sequences were amplified using these primers. To test whether the 837-bp SCAR marker of T. harzianum 2413 could be used in real-time PCR experiments, new primers (Q2413f and Q2413r) conjugated with a TaqMan fluorogenic probe were designed. Real-time PCR assays were applied using DNA from sterile and nonsterile soil samples inoculated with a known quantity of spores of Trichoderma spp. strains.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare a real-time PCR assay, with a conventional culture/PCR method, to detect S. aureus, mecA and Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) genes in animals and retail meat, using a two-step selective enrichment protocol. A total of 234 samples were examined (77 animal nasal swabs, 112 retail raw meat, and 45 deli meat). The multiplex real-time PCR targeted the genes: nuc (identification of S. aureus), mecA (associated with methicillin resistance) and PVL (virulence factor), and the primary and secondary enrichment samples were assessed. The conventional culture/PCR method included the two-step selective enrichment, selective plating, biochemical testing, and multiplex PCR for confirmation. The conventional culture/PCR method recovered 95/234 positive S. aureus samples. Application of real-time PCR on samples following primary and secondary enrichment detected S. aureus in 111/234 and 120/234 samples respectively. For detection of S. aureus, the kappa statistic was 0.68–0.88 (from substantial to almost perfect agreement) and 0.29–0.77 (from fair to substantial agreement) for primary and secondary enrichments, using real-time PCR. For detection of mecA gene, the kappa statistic was 0–0.49 (from no agreement beyond that expected by chance to moderate agreement) for primary and secondary enrichment samples. Two pork samples were mecA gene positive by all methods. The real-time PCR assay detected the mecA gene in samples that were negative for S. aureus, but positive for Staphylococcus spp. The PVL gene was not detected in any sample by the conventional culture/PCR method or the real-time PCR assay. Among S. aureus isolated by conventional culture/PCR method, the sequence type ST398, and multi-drug resistant strains were found in animals and raw meat samples. The real-time PCR assay may be recommended as a rapid method for detection of S. aureus and the mecA gene, with further confirmation of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) using the standard culture method.  相似文献   

The pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens, which is endemic in China and other parts of Asia, is a major pest of rice and causes significant yield loss in this host plant. Very few studies have addressed gene expression in S. inferens. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) is currently the most accurate and sensitive method for gene expression analysis. In qRT-PCR, data are normalized using reference genes, which help control for internal differences and reduce error between samples. In this study, seven candidate reference genes, 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA), elongation factor 1 (EF1), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), ribosomal protein S13 (RPS13), ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20), tubulin (TUB), and β-actin (ACTB) were evaluated for their suitability in normalizing gene expression under different experimental conditions. The results indicated that three genes (RPS13, RPS20, and EF1) were optimal for normalizing gene expression in different insect tissues (head, epidermis, fat body, foregut, midgut, hindgut, Malpighian tubules, haemocytes, and salivary glands). 18S rRNA, EF1, and GAPDH were best for normalizing expression with respect to developmental stages and sex (egg masses; first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth instar larvae; male and female pupae; and one-day-old male and female adults). 18S rRNA, RPS20, and TUB were optimal for fifth instars exposed to different temperatures (−8, −6, −4, −2, 0, and 27°C). To validate this recommendation, the expression profile of a target gene heat shock protein 83 gene (hsp83) was investigated, and results showed the selection was necessary and effective. In conclusion, this study describes reference gene sets that can be used to accurately measure gene expression in S. inferens.  相似文献   

目的:宏基因组技术作为一种不依赖于微生物纯培养的新方法,在挖掘新基因方面具有极大的潜力。本研究旨在建立一种从土壤中高效获取卤醇脱卤酶新基因的策略。方法:通过对现有DNA提取方法进行改进,同时结合富集培养途径以提高土壤宏基因组DNA质量和特异性;在此基础上,应用T-Coffee及CDEHOP程序设计特异引物并对目的基因进行扩增,同时采用正交法设计优化扩增条件,以提高获得卤醇脱卤酶基因的效率。结果:应用改进法提取的DNA质量较改进前有大幅度提高,其D260nm/D280nm及D260nm/D230nm值均大于1.8,且可以不经纯化直接用于PCR和相关酶切实验;PCR扩增目标基因的特异性增强,其中用经富集培养后所得DNA为模板扩增目标基因的特异性最强,TA克隆测序阳性结果比例最高。结论:富集培养和高质量DNA的获得有助于基于宏基因组途径获取新基因。  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) has been previously applied to estimate transgene copy number in transgenic plants. However, the results can be erroneous owing to inaccurate estimation of PCR efficiency. Here, a novel qPCR approach, named standard addition qPCR (SAQPCR), was devised to accurately determine transgene copy number without the necessity of obtaining PCR efficiency data. The procedures and the mathematical basis for the approach are described. A recombinant plasmid harboring both the internal reference gene and the integrated target gene was constructed to serve as the standard DNA. It was found that addition of suitable amounts of standard DNA to test samples did not affect PCR efficiency, and the guidance for selection of suitable cycle numbers for analysis was established. Samples from six individual T0 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were analyzed by SAQPCR, and the results confirmed by Southern blot analysis. The approach produced accurate results and required only small amounts of plant tissue. It can be generally applied to analysis of different plants and transgenes. In addition, it can also be applied to zygosity analysis.  相似文献   

The dwindling cost of DNA sequencing is driving transformative changes in various biological disciplines including medicine, thus resulting in an increased need for routine sequencing. Preparation of samples suitable for sequencing is the starting point of any practical application, but enrichment of the target sequence over background DNA is often laborious and of limited sensitivity thereby limiting the usefulness of sequencing. The present paper describes a new method, Probability directed Isolation of Nucleic acid Sequences (PINS), for enrichment of DNA, enabling the sequencing of a large DNA region surrounding a small known sequence. A 275,000 fold enrichment of a target DNA sample containing integrated human papilloma virus is demonstrated. Specifically, a sample containing 0.0028 copies of target sequence per ng of total DNA was enriched to 786 copies per ng. The starting concentration of 0.0028 target copies per ng corresponds to one copy of target in a background of 100,000 complete human genomes. The enriched sample was subsequently amplified using rapid genome walking and the resulting DNA sequence revealed not only the sequence of a the truncated virus, but also 1026 base pairs 5′ and 50 base pairs 3′ to the integration site in chromosome 8. The demonstrated enrichment method is extremely sensitive and selective and requires only minimal knowledge of the sequence to be enriched and will therefore enable sequencing where the target concentration relative to background is too low to allow the use of other sample preparation methods or where significant parts of the target sequence is unknown.  相似文献   

The Embrapa 5.1 genetically modified (GM) common bean was approved for commercialization in Brazil. Methods for the quantification of this new genetically modified organism (GMO) are necessary. The development of a suitable endogenous reference is essential for GMO quantification by real-time PCR. Based on this, a new taxon-specific endogenous reference quantification assay was developed for Phaseolus vulgaris L. Three genes encoding common bean proteins (phaseolin, arcelin, and lectin) were selected as candidates for endogenous reference. Primers targeting these candidate genes were designed and the detection was evaluated using the SYBR Green chemistry. The assay targeting lectin gene showed higher specificity than the remaining assays, and a hydrolysis probe was then designed. This assay showed high specificity for 50 common bean samples from two gene pools, Andean and Mesoamerican. For GM common bean varieties, the results were similar to those obtained for non-GM isogenic varieties with PCR efficiency values ranging from 92 to 101 %. Moreover, this assay presented a limit of detection of ten haploid genome copies. The primers and probe developed in this work are suitable to detect and quantify either GM or non-GM common bean.  相似文献   

A fluorogenic (TaqMan) PCR assay was developed to detect Ralstonia solanacearum strains. Two fluorogenic probes were utilized in a multiplex reaction; one broad-range probe (RS) detected all biovars of R. solanacearum, and a second more specific probe (B2) detected only biovar 2A. Amplification of the target was measured by the 5′ nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase on each probe, resulting in emission of fluorescence. TaqMan PCR was performed with DNA extracted from 42 R. solanacearum and genetically or serologically related strains to demonstrate the specificity of the assay. In pure cultures, detection of R. solanacearum to ≥102 cells ml−1 was achieved. Sensitivity decreased when TaqMan PCR was performed with inoculated potato tissue extracts, prepared by currently recommended extraction procedures. A third fluorogenic probe (COX), designed with the potato cytochrome oxidase gene sequence, was also developed for use as an internal PCR control and was shown to detect potato DNA in an RS-COX multiplex TaqMan PCR with infected potato tissue. The specificity and sensitivity of the assay, combined with high speed, robustness, reliability, and the possibility of automating the technique, offer potential advantages in routine indexing of potato tubers and other plant material for the presence of R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

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