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Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genes (ND1, ND2, COI, and tRNAs) were determined for 38 samples representing 15 taxa of tropidurid lizards from the Galapagos Islands and mainland South America. Phylogenetically informative characters (759 of 1,956) were analyzed under Bayesian, maximum likelihood, and parsimony frameworks. This study supports the hypothesis that tropidurid lizards dispersed to the Galapagos on at least two separate occasions. One dispersal event involved an eastern Galapagos clade (Microlophus habelii and M. bivittatus, on Marchena and San Cristobal islands, respectively) the sister taxon of which is M. occipitalis from coastal Ecuador and Peru; the closest mainland relative of the western Galapagos clade was not unambiguously identified. The wide-ranging M. albemarlensis is revealed to be a complex of weakly divergent lineages that is paraphyletic with respect to the insular species M. duncanensis, M. grayii, and M. pacificus.  相似文献   

Varanid lizards have been maintained in zoological parks for more than a century, yet few studies to date have attempted to pinpoint significant health issues affecting their management or areas of captive husbandry that are in need of improvement. In an effort to identify and better understand some of the husbandry‐related challenges and health issues specifically affecting varanids in zoos, this study examined mortality in 16 species maintained at the Bronx Zoo between 1968 and 2009. Out of 108 records reviewed, complete necropsy reports were available for 85 individuals. Infection‐related processes including bacterial (15.3%), protozoal (12.9%), nematode (9.4%), and fungal (3.5%) infections accounted for the greatest number of deaths (47.1%). Noninfectious diseases including female reproductive disorders (7.1%), neoplasia (7.1%), gout (10.8%), and hemipenal prolapse (1.3%) accounted for 29.4% of deaths. Multiple disease agents were responsible for 5.9% of deaths, and a cause for death could not be determined for 17.7% of individuals. Reproductive complications accounted for 11.5% of female deaths, but were identified in 23.1% of females. Although not necessarily the cause for death, gout was present in 18.8% of individuals. Differences in mortality between species, genders, and origin (captive‐bred vs. wild‐caught) were also evaluated. The results of this study corroborate earlier findings that identify bacterial infections, neoplasia, female reproductive disorders, gout, and endoparasitism as major sources of mortality in captive varanids. In light of these results, we discuss potential etiologies and offer recommendations for improving captive management practices in zoos. Zoo Biol. 32:152–162, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A cinéradiographic analysis of the feeding movements in Varanus bengalensis produced the following results. The mouth is opened by raising the head (upper jaw) rather than by lowering the lower jaw. Starting from the resting position, the muzzle unit is elevated around 9 degrees relative to the rest of the skull during jaw opening; the quadrate swings anteriorly around 21 degrees. During jaw closure, the snout is depressed around 15 degrees relative to the rest of the skull, hence 6 degrees beyond the resting position. The quadrate swings backwards around 27 degrees. Amphikinesis is interpreted as allowing a stronger posterior recurvature of the maxillary teeth in Varanus. This increases the holding effect of the teeth without increasing their length, an adaptation of Varanus to capture relatively large prey. The formation of plicidentine (dentine infolding) in the teeth of Varanus increases the surface of attachment of the teeth on the supporting bone. Moreover, the dentine lamellae take up tensile and compressive stresses along their long axes upon axial or vertical loading of the teeth. The slope of pleurodonty is modelled so as to minimalize shear stress on the surface of ankylosis upon axial or vertical loading of the teeth.  相似文献   

At 35°C, the standard and maximal metabolic rates for neonates of four species of goannas (Varanus brevicauda, V. eremius, V. tristis and V. gouldii) are consistently higher than predicted by intraspecific equations for adults. However, this is difficult to demonstrate statistically. The consequence of this is that the data for neonates probably should be excluded from the data used to establish intraspecific allometric regression equations for adults. From an interspecific perspective, neonate V. mertensi have a lower standard (0.16 ml O2 g−1 per h) and maximal (1.18 ml g−1 per h) metabolic rate than neonate V. brevicauda (0.22 ml g−1 per h), V. eremius (0.28 and 2.94 ml g−1 per h, respectively), V. tristis (0.33 and 3.43 ml g−1 per h) and V. gouldii (0.29 and 5.24 ml g−1 per h) at 35°C. Such interspecies differences need to be accounted for in interspecific allometric analysis.  相似文献   

The allometry of weapons and other conspicuous structures has long fascinated biologists. Recently, a debate has arisen about the roles of sexual and natural selection in driving the allometry of structures, with some authors suggesting that positive allometry is exclusively the result of sexual selection. Although some studies, often focusing on weapons, support this hypothesis, others have shown that many naturally selected structures also exhibit positive allometry. We study the allometry of the cranial horns in 14 species of horned lizards (Phrynosoma). These horns are purely defensive weapons and so are under natural, as opposed to sexual, selection. In almost all cases, the length of these horns is positively allometric through ontogeny (intraspecifically) and through evolution (interspecifically). Our findings demonstrate that positive allometry can be the product of natural selection, suggesting that the function of structures may dictate allometry and not the type of selection. For example, it is possible that weapons tend to be positively allometric. Our findings also suggest that longer horns may arise through the prolongation of horn growth, and that the horns that are most effective at defense from predators attacking a lizard from above are integrated with one another. Finally, we find that species with unusual horn morphologies have diverged from other species in their horn allometries, indicating that the evolution of morphological diversity can be mediated through the evolution of allometry.  相似文献   

Early terrestrial ecosystems record a fascinating transition in the history of life. Animals and plants had previously lived only in the oceans, but, starting approximately 470 million years ago, began to colonize the previously barren continents. This paper provides an introduction to this period in life??s history, first presenting background information, before focusing on one animal group, the arthropods. It gives examples of the organisms living in early terrestrial communities and then outlines a suite of adaptations necessary for survival in harsh terrestrial environments. Emphasis is placed on the role of uncertainty in science; this is an integral part of the scientific process, yet is often seized upon by god-of-the-gaps creationist arguments. We hope to illustrate the importance of both uncertainty and scientists?? freedom to express doubt while a consensus is being built.  相似文献   

The neurocranial osteology of the giant monitor lizard Varanus (Megalania) prisca Owen, 1859 is described in detail for the first time. Optimization of neurocranial characters onto phylogenetic topologies for varanoids, including Lanthanotus, Heloderma, and Varanus species nests V. prisca within an Indo‐Australian clade of Varanus on the basis of characters of the otic capsule. A sister‐taxon relationship between V. prisca and Varanus komodoensis Ouwens, 1912 is proposed based on apomorphies of the crista prootica, fenestra vestibuli, occipital recess, and supraoccipital. These results support a monophyletic clade of giant monitors among Indo‐Australian species, and unambiguously synonymize Megalania with Varanus at both generic and subgeneric levels. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 445–457.  相似文献   

The morphology and function of the tongue and hyoid apparatus in Varanus were examined by anatomical and experimental techniques. Morphological features unique to Varanus include a highly protrusible tongue that has lost a roughened dorsal surface, an exceptionally strong and mobile hyobranchial apparatus, a well-defined joint between the ceratohyal and anterior process, and a series of distinct muscles inserting at the anterior hyobranchial region. Varanus is also unusual among lizards in a number of feeding behaviors; it ingests prey entirely by inertial feeding, as the tongue does not participate in food transport. Further specializations include an increased reliance on hyobranchial movements in drinking and pharyngeal packing and compression. The long, narrow tongue is most likely related to the mechanics of tongue protrusion; the increased amount, strength, and complexity of hyobranchial movement is related to the fact that the hyobranchium in Varanus replaces the tongue in many functions. Previous hypotheses for the origin of these adaptations are discussed, and the difficulties of attributing these specializations to any specific scenario of adaptation or constraint are emphasized.  相似文献   

Bone vascular canals occur irregularly in tetrapods; however, the reason why a species has or lacks bone canals remains poorly understood. Basically, this feature could depend on phylogenetic history, or result from diverse causes, especially cortical accretion rate. The Varanidae, a monophyletic clade that includes species with impressive size differences but similar morphologies, is an excellent model for this question. Cortical vascularization was studied in 20 monitor species, on three bones (femur, fibula, and tibia) that differ in their shaft diameters, and in the absolute growth speed of their diaphyseal cortices. In all species smaller than 398 mm SVL (133-397 mm in sample), bone cortices lack vascular canals, whereas all larger species (460-1,170 mm in sample) display canals. The size 398-460 mm SVL is thus a threshold for the appearance of the canals. The distribution of vascular and avascular bone tissues among species does not precisely reflect phylogenetic relationships. When present, vascular canals always occur in the femur and tibia, but are less frequent, sparser, and thinner in the fibula. Vascular density increases linearly with specific size but decreases exponentially during individual growth. In most species, canal orientation varies between individuals and is diverse in a single section. No clear relationship exists between canal orientation and vascular density. These results suggest that: a) the occurrence and density of bone vascular canals are basically dependant on specific size, not phylogenetic relationships; b) vascular density reflects the absolute growth rates of bone cortices; c) the orientation of vascular canals is a variable feature independent of phylogeny or growth rate.  相似文献   

Varanid lizards, which vary considerably in body mass both interspecifically and intraspecifically, are generally considered to be morphologically similar. However, significant and non-isometric variation in the relative appendage dimensions for 17 species of Western Australian goannas suggest that these lizards are not morphologically conservative. The first and second canonical variates clearly distinguish the two subgeneral Odatria and Varanus, and species are generally sexually dimorphic. The morphological variation observed among these 17 species of goanna is associated with foraging mode and ecology. However, no single or small group of morphological dimensions discriminates phylogenetic groups, sexes, or ecological groups, and body size is an important component in these analyses. J. Morphol. 233:127–152, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mendyk RW 《Zoo biology》2012,31(3):374-389
Captivity provides many opportunities for studying the reproductive biology of varanid lizards (Family: Varanidae; genus: Varanus). This article presents reproductive data for 12 varanid species maintained in captivity at the Bronx Zoo between 1977 and 2010. Five species, V. prasinus, V. beccarii, V. melinus, V. mertensi, and V. ornatus have successfully reproduced at the zoo, for which clutch, incubation, and hatchling data are presented, and compared with previously published values. Clutch, incubation, and hatchling measurements typically fell within the known ranges for each species, or represent minor range extensions. V. mertensi was the only species that reproduced seasonally (χ(2) = 9.061, P = 0.029). Five species multiclutched; individual V. mertensi and V. prasinus females produced as many as four clutches per year. The shortest intervals between successive clutches observed for V. kordensis (61 days), V. melinus (77 days), V. mertensi (51 days), and V. prasinus (68 days) represent the shortest known values for each species. Relative clutch mass (RCM) ranged from 0.187 to 0.437. A mean RCM of 0.370 ± 0.092 for V. prasinus is substantially higher than previously published values for the species. These results illustrate that when maintained under favorable conditions in captivity, some varanids are capable of remarkably high fecundities, rapid reproductive turnover rates, and sizeable maternal investments. Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations were made on wild and captive sand monitors in Australia. Threat and defensive postures are described for V. gouldii and reference is made to V. varius and V. spenceri; such behaviour is compared to other species within the family Varanidae. With captive V. gouldii, one case of cannibalism occurred when space was restricted.  相似文献   

The small, arboreal goanna, Varanus caudolineatus, has a field metabolic rate of approximately 0.46 mL CO2 g−1 hr−1 and a daily water intake requirement of approximately 31.6 mL kg−1 day−1 measured during the summer. V. caudolineatus held in a controlled-temperature environment of 35°C have lower metabolic (0.25 mL CO2 g−1 hr−1) and water flux (24.9 mL H2O kg−1d−1) rates than those in the field. Body water content was approximately 80% for V. caudolineatus.  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of a satellite DNA family was examined in lizards from the genus Darevskia(family Lacertidae). Comparison of tandem units of repeated DNA (satDNA), CLsat, in all species from the genus Darevskiahas shown that their variability is largely explained by single-nucleotide substitutions, which form about 50 diagnostic positions underlying classification of the family into three subfamilies. Maximum differences between the subfamilies reached 25%. At this level of tandem unit divergence in the subfamilies, no cross-hybridization between them was observed (at 65°C). The individual variability within one subfamily within the species was on average 5% while the variability between species consensuses within a subfamily was 10%. The presence of highly conserved regions in all monomers and some features of their organization show that satellites of all Darevskia species belong to one satDNA family. The organization of unit sequences of satellites CLsat and Agi160 also detected by us in another lizard genus, Lacerta s. str. was compared. Similarity that was found between these satellites suggests their relatedness and common origin. A possible pathway of evolution of these two satDNA families is proposed. The distribution and content of CLsat repeat subfamilies in all species of the genus was examined by Southern hybridization. Seven species had mainly CLsatI (83 to 96%); three species, approximately equal amounts of CLsatI and CLsatIII (the admixture of CLsatII was 2–5%); and five species, a combination of all three subfamilies in highly varying proportions. Based on these results as well as on zoogeographic views on the taxonomy and phylogeny of theDarevskia species, hypotheses on the evolution of molecular-genetic relationships within this genus are advanced.  相似文献   

Biogeographical distributional patterns of cetaceans reflect dispersal events and colonization of the oceans from their ancestral area in the ancient Sea of Tethys ~53 Ma. Likewise, they reveal several vicariance events throughout the evolutionary history of this group. However, our understanding of how these processes took place and what biogeographical scenarios occurred among the different groups of cetaceans through time is limited. Consequently, this work focuses on explaining the distributional patterns of the well‐known North Pacific toothed mysticetes, Aetiocetidae, through the power of retrodiction offered by track analysis (panbiogeography) and cladistic biogeography, using the approach of evolutionary biogeography. Our results show that the distributional patterns of Aetiocetidae explain their endemism in the North Pacific, as well as indicating that their hypothetical ancestor probably colonized the Pacific from the Atlantic Ocean by a dispersal event (founder effect) via the Central American Seaway. Furthermore, their biogeographical history shows that the adaptive radiation (cladogenesis) of Aetiocetidae is result of peripatric speciation followed by sympatric speciation within a heterogeneous environment. Finally, the biogeographical framework of Aetiocetidae further supports the relevant role that the Pacific Ocean has played in the evolution of Oligocene cetaceans as a geographical area that promoted endemism, dispersal and colonization. At more local scales, environmental conditions further promoted increased diversity and disparity amongst Mysticeti.  相似文献   

In ecomorphological and ecophysiological studies, locomotor performance is often considered to be an intermediate step between the form of an organism and its environment. We examined this premise by measuring morphology, physiology and circular track endurance in the closely related group of Australian varanid lizards. Body size, body mass and relative body proportions were poor indicators of endurance. Body mass was not correlated with endurance and size-free lower forelimb length had only a weak relationship with endurance. Instead, maximal metabolic rate was positively correlated with endurance capacity in varanids. A comparison of varanids with other groups of lizards supported this result as varanids showed both elevated maximal metabolic rate and elevated endurance scores when compared with similar sized non-varanid lizards. There was support for a strong association between endurance with foraging mode and climate. Varanid species with higher endurance tended to be widely foraging and from xeric climates, while sit-and-wait and mesic species showed reduced endurance.   © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 664–676.  相似文献   

Aim This goal of this paper is to present an up‐to‐date, accurate check‐list and distribution of the monitor lizards on the African continent. No such list of their distribution has been attempted since Robert F. Mertens' (1942) treatise (Abhandlungen Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 462 , 465 , 466 ). Location The localities included herein are all countries on the African continent, and adjacent islands, with a list of Varanus known to Yemen and Saudi Arabian Republics included for clarity. One fossil Varanus rusingensis is included, as it is the first, and only described, fossil African Varanus known. Methods Locality records were reviewed from literature sources, museum voucher specimens, personal comments, field observations and photographic records. Results A summation of 3,268 locality records are included herein from the methods listed, with maps depicting these records. Main conclusions From the locality records listed herein, it is evident that the Nile monitor (V. niloticus) has the widest distribution, and that the Yemen monitor (V. yemenensis) has the most restricted distribution; paradoxically, both features may be indicative of their relic habitation on the African continent.  相似文献   

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