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The function of dystrophin Dp71 in neuronal cells remains to be established. Previously, we revealed the involvement of this protein in both nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neuronal differentiation and cell adhesion by isolation and characterization of PC12 neuronal cells with depleted levels of Dp71. In this work, a novel phenotype of Dp71-knockdown cells was characterized, which is their delayed growth rate. Cell cycle analyses revealed an altered behavior of Dp71-depleted cells, which consists of a delay in G0/G1 transition and an increase in apoptosis during nocodazole-induced mitotic arrest. Dp71 associates with lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan, proteins involved in aspects of the cell division cycle; therefore, we compared the distribution of Dp71 with that of lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan in PC12 cells at mitosis and cytokinesis by means of immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy analysis. All of these three proteins exhibited a similar immunostaining pattern, localized at mitotic spindle, cleavage furrow, and midbody. It is noteworthy that a drastic decreased staining in mitotic spindle, cleavage furrow, and midbody was observed for both lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan in Dp71-depleted cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated the interaction of Dp71 with lamin B1 in PC12 cells by immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays, and importantly, we revealed that knockdown of Dp71 expression caused a marked reduction in lamin B1 levels and altered localization of the nuclear envelope protein emerin. Our data indicate that Dp71 is a component of the mitotic spindle and cytokinesis multi-protein apparatuses that might modulate the cell division cycle by affecting lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan levels.  相似文献   

We have shown that the splicing isoform of Dp71 (Dp71d) localizes to the nucleus of PC12 cells, an established cell line derived from a rat pheochromocytoma; however, the mechanisms governing its nuclear localization are unknown. As protein phosphorylation modulates the nuclear import of proteins, and as Dp71d presents several potential sites for phosphorylation, we analyzed whether Dp71d is phosphorylated in PC12 cells and the role of phosphorylation on its nuclear localization. We demonstrated that Dp71d is phosphorylated under basal conditions at serine and threonine residues by endogenous protein kinases. Dp71d phosphorylation was activated by 2-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA), but this effect was blocked by EGTA. Supporting the role of intracellular calcium on Dp71d phosphorylation, we observed that the stimulation of calcium influx by cell depolarization increased Dp71d phosphorylation, and that the calcium-calmodulin inhibitor N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7) blocked such induction. The blocking action of bisindolylmaleimide I (Bis I), a specific inhibitor for Ca2+/diacylglicerol-dependent protein kinase (PKC), on Dp71d phosphorylation suggested the participation of PKC in this event. In addition, transfection experiments with Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) expression vectors as well as the use of KN-62, a CaMKII-specific inhibitor, demonstrated that CaMKII is also involved in Dp71d phosphorylation. Stimulation of Dp71d phosphorylation by cell depolarization and/or the overexpression of CaMKII favored the Dp71d nuclear accumulation. Overall, our results indicate that CAMKII-mediated Dp71d phosphorylation modulates its nuclear localization.  相似文献   

In this study, we delineated the molecular mechanisms that modulate Dp71 expression during neuronal differentiation, using the N1E‐115 cell line. We demonstrated that Dp71 expression is up‐regulated in response to cAMP‐mediated neuronal differentiation of these cells, and that this induction is controlled at promoter level. Functional deletion analysis of the Dp71 promoter revealed that a 5′‐flanking 159‐bp DNA fragment that contains Sp1 and AP2 binding sites is necessary and sufficient for basal expression of this TATA‐less promoter, as well as for its induction during neuronal differentiation. Electrophoretic mobility shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that Sp1 and AP2α bind to their respective DNA elements within the Dp71 basal promoter. Overall, mutagenesis assays on the Sp1 and AP2 binding sites, over‐expression of Sp1 and AP2α, as well as knock‐down experiments on Sp1 and AP2α gene expression established that Dp71 basal expression is controlled by the combined action of Sp1 and AP2α, which act as activator and repressor, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrated that induction of Dp71 expression in differentiated cells is the result of the maintenance of positive regulation exerted by Sp1, as well as of the loss of AP2α binding, which ultimately releases the promoter from repression.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of Dp71 isoforms alternatively spliced for exon 71 and/or 78 was examined. The cDNA sequence of each variant was fused to the C-terminus of the green fluorescent protein and the constructs were transfected transiently in the cell lines HeLa, C2C12 and N1E-115. The subcellular distribution of the fused proteins was determined by confocal microscope analysis. The Dp71 isoform lacking the amino acids encoded by exons 71 and 78 was found exclusively in the cytoplasm whereas the variants containing the amino acids encoded by exon 71 and/or exon 78 show a predominant nuclear localization. The nuclear localization of Dp71 provides a new clue towards the establishment of its cellular function.  相似文献   

A clone containing the D p gene was used to transform L cells. The Dp product expressed was identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoreis and flow cytometry. The Dp product expressed by the L cells was recognized by DP-specific flow cytometry. The Dp product expressed by the L cells was recognized by Dp-specific but not Kp-specific killer T cells. This killing was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific for Dp but not Kp or Kk antigens. Similarly, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) killer T cells from B 10.P mice were able to kill LCMV-infected L12a cells, but not LCMV-infected Ltk+. Again only Dp monoclonal antibodies could inhibit this killing.  相似文献   

The function of dystrophin Dp71 in neuronal cells remains unknown. To approach this issue, we have selected the PC12 neuronal cell line. These cells express both a Dp71f cytoplasmic variant and a Dp71d nuclear isoform. In this study, we demonstrated by electron and confocal microscopy analyses of in situ nuclear matrices and Western blotting evaluation of cell extracts that Dp71d associates with the nuclear matrix. Interestingly, this binding is modulated during NGF-induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells with a twofold increment in the differentiated cells, compared to control cells. Also, distribution of Dp71d along the periphery of the nuclear matrix observed in the undifferentiated cells is replaced by intense fluorescent foci localized in the center of the nucleoskeletal structure. In summary, we revealed that Dp71d is a dynamic component of nuclear matrix that might participate in the nuclear modeling occurring during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the absence or altered structure of Dp71, a C-terminal dystrophin gene encoded protein, is responsible for mental alterations observed in about 30% of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. Most of these patients have premature translational termination or point mutations at the C-terminal domain of this gene. In brain, Dp71 is the major protein product of the dystrophin gene. To determine the function of Dp71 isoforms in this organ, it is important to document their presence and intracellular localization in brain cells. Extracts from cultured hippocampal neurons and forebrain astrocytes and 5F3 and Dys 2 monoclonal antibodies were thus used for western blots. In these conditions, two Dp71 isoforms spliced or not at exon 78 were detected in both cells (Dp71f and Dp71d, respectively). By immunocytochemistry, we mapped Dp71f and Dp71d in the Golgi complex (GC) and in neuronal nuclei. Only Dp71d was found in cytoplasmic neurofilaments. In astrocytes, these isoforms were detected in the GC. These cell localization data suggest that these Dp71 isoforms may have different functions in the same cell or organelle, as well as in the two different cells analyzed.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1998,441(2):337-341
The Dp71 dystrophin isoform has recently been shown to localize to actin filament bundles in early myogenesis. We have identified an actin binding motif within Dp71 that is not found in other dystrophin isoforms. Actin overlay assays and transfection of COS-7 cells with fusion proteins of wild type and mutated Flag epitope-tagged Dp71 demonstrate that this motif is necessary and sufficient to direct localization of Dp71 to actin stress fibers. Furthermore, this localization is independent of alternative splicing which alters the C-terminus of the protein. The identification of an actin binding site suggests Dp71 may function to anchor membrane receptors to the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

To determine the role of Dp71 in neuronal cells, we generated PC12 cell lines in which Dp71 protein levels were controlled by stable transfection with either antisense or sense constructs. Cells expressing the antisense Dp71 RNA (antisense-Dp71 cells) contained reduced amounts of the two endogenous Dp71 isoforms. Antisense-Dp71 cells exhibited a marked suppression of neurite outgrowth upon the induction with NGF or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Early responses to NGF-induced neuronal differentiation, such as the cessation of cell division and the activation of ERK1/2 proteins, were normal in the antisense-Dp71 cells. On contrary, the induction of MAP2, a late differentiation marker, was disturbed in these cells. Additionally, the deficiency of Dp71 correlated with an altered expression of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) members alpha and beta dystrobrevins. Our results indicate that normal expression of Dp71 is essential for neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells and constitute the first direct evidence implicating Dp71 in a neuronal function.  相似文献   

The rodent retina is perhaps the most accessible mammalian system in which to investigate neurovascular interplay within the central nervous system (CNS). It is increasingly being recognized that several neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis present elements of vascular compromise. In addition, the most prominent causes of blindness in pediatric and working age populations (retinopathy of prematurity and diabetic retinopathy, respectively) are characterized by vascular degeneration and failure of physiological vascular regrowth. The aim of this technical paper is to provide a detailed protocol to study CNS vascular regeneration in the retina. The method can be employed to elucidate molecular mechanisms that lead to failure of vascular growth after ischemic injury. In addition, potential therapeutic modalities to accelerate and restore healthy vascular plexuses can be explored. Findings obtained using the described approach may provide therapeutic avenues for ischemic retinopathies such as that of diabetes or prematurity and possibly benefit other vascular disorders of the CNS.  相似文献   

We have adopted the PC12 cell line as in vitro cell model for studying Dp71 function in neuronal cells. These cells express a cytoplasmic (Dp71f) and a nuclear (Dp71d) isoform of Dp71 as well as various dystrophin-associated proteins (DAPs). In this study, we revealed by confocal microscopy analysis and Western blotting evaluation of cell fractions the presence of different DAPs (β-dystroglycan, β-dystrobrevin, ε-sarcoglycan and γ1-syntrophin) in the nucleus of PC12 cells. Furthermore, we established by immunoprecipitation assays that Dp71d and the DAPs form a dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) in the nucleus. Interestingly, depletion of Dp71 by antisense treatment (antisense-Dp71 cells) provoked a drastic reduction of nuclear DAPs, which indicates that Dp71d is critical for DAPs stability within the nucleus. Although Up71, the utrophin gene product homologous to Dp71, exhibited increased expression in the antisense-Dp71 cells, its scarce nuclear levels makes unlikely that could compensate for Dp71 nuclear deficiency.  相似文献   

Dystrophin Dp71 is expressed in all tissues, with the exception of skeletal muscle, and is the main Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene product in brain. As full-length dystrophin does in skeletal muscle, Dp71 associates with dystroglycans, sarcoglycans, dystrobrevins, syntrophins, and accessory proteins to form the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) in non-muscle tissues. Although it has been nearly 20 years since the discovery of Dp71, its study has become relevant only recently due to its direct involvement with the two main DMD non-muscular phenotypes: cognitive impairment and abnormal retinal physiology. In this review, we describe the historical background of Dp71 and the experimental models developed for its study. Additionally, we present and discuss the experimental evidence supporting the participation of Dp71 in different cellular processes, including cell adhesion, water homeostasis, cell division, and nuclear architecture. The functional diversity of Dp71 is attributed to the formation of Dp71-containing DAPC in numerous cell types and different subcellular compartments, including in plasma membrane and nucleus, as well as to the capability of Dp71-containing DAPC to work as the scaffold for proper clustering and anchoring of structural and signaling proteins to the plasma membrane and of nuclear envelope proteins to the inner nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

Utrophin is a component of the platelet membrane cytoskeleton and participates in cytoskeletal reorganization (Earnest, J. P., Santos, G. F., Zuerbig, S., and Fox, J. E. B. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 27259-27265). Although platelets do not contain dystrophin, the identification of smaller C-terminal isoforms of dystrophin, including Dp71, which are expressed in a wide range of nonmuscle tissues and cell lines, has not been investigated. In this report, we have identified Dp71 protein variants of 55-60 kDa (designated Dp71Delta(110)) in the membrane cytoskeleton of human platelets. Both Dp71Delta(110) and utrophin sediment from lysed platelets along with the high speed detergent-insoluble pellet, which contains components of the membrane cytoskeleton. Like the membrane cytoskeletal proteins vinculin and spectrin, Dp71Delta(110) and utrophin redistributed from the high speed detergent-insoluble pellet to the integrin-rich low speed pellet of thrombin-stimulated platelets. Immunoelectron microscopy provided further evidence that Dp71Delta(110) was localized to the submembranous cytoskeleton. In addition to Dp71Delta(110), platelets contained several components of the dystrophin-associated protein complex, including beta-dystroglycan and syntrophin. To better understand the potential function of Dp71Delta(110), collagen adhesion assays were performed on platelets isolated from wild-type or Dp71-deficient (mdx(3cv)) mice. Adhesion to collagen in response to thrombin was significantly decreased in platelets isolated from mdx(3cv) mice, compared with wild-type platelets. Collectively, our results provide evidence that Dp71Delta(110) is a component of the platelet membrane cytoskeleton, is involved in cytoskeletal reorganization and/or signaling, and plays a role in thrombin-mediated platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

products of the dystrophin gene range from the 427-kDa full-length dystrophin to the 70.8-kDa Dp71. Dp427 is expressed in skeletal muscle, where it links the actin cytoskeleton with the extracellular matrix via a complex of dystrophin-associated proteins (DAPs). Dystrophin deficiency disrupts the DAP complex and causes muscular dystrophy in humans and the mdx mouse. Dp71, the major nonmuscle product, consists of the COOH-terminal part of dystrophin, including the binding site for the DAP complex but lacks binding sites for microfilaments. Dp71 transgene (Dp71tg) expressed in mdx muscle restores the DAP complex but does not prevent muscle degeneration. In wild-type (WT) mouse muscle, Dp71tg causes a mild muscular dystrophy. In this study, we tested, using isolated extensor digitorum longus muscles, whether Dp71tg exerts acute influences on force generation and sarcolemmal stress resistance. In WT muscles, there was no effect on isometric twitch and tetanic force generation, but with a cytomegalovirus promotor-driven transgene, contraction with stretch led to sarcolemmal ruptures and irreversible loss of tension. In MDX muscle, Dp71tg reduced twitch and tetanic tension but did not aggravate sarcolemmal fragility. The adverse effects of Dp71 in muscle are probably due to its competition with dystrophin and utrophin (in MDX muscle) for binding to the DAP complex.  相似文献   

PC12 cells express different Dp71 isoforms originated from alternative splicing; one of them, Dp71ab lacks exons 71 and 78. To gain insight into the function of Dp71 isoforms we identified dystrophin associated proteins (DAPs) that associate in vivo with Dp71ab during nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation of PC12 cells. DAPs expression was analyzed by RT-PCR, Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence, showing the presence of each mRNA and protein corresponding to alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, and epsilon-sarcoglycans as well as zeta-sarcoglycan mRNA. Western blot analysis also revealed the expression of beta-dystroglycan, alpha1-syntrophin, alpha1-, and beta-dystrobrevins. We have established that Dp71ab forms a complex with beta-dystroglycan, alpha1-syntrophin, beta-dystrobrevin, and alpha-, beta- and gamma-sarcoglycans in undifferentiated PC12 cells. In differentiated PC12 cells, the complex composition changes since Dp71ab associates only with beta-dystroglycan, alpha1-syntrophin, beta-dystrobrevin, and delta-sarcoglycan. Interestingly, neuronal nitric oxide synthase associates with the Dp71ab/DAPs complex during NGF treatment, raising the possibility that Dp71ab may be involved in signal transduction events during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Integrin-linked kinase (ILK), as a multi-functional regulator, has been associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR). In this study, we investigated whether inhibition of ILK could result in therapeutic effects. Diabetes mellitus’s rats were induced by streptozotocin (STZ) injection. After 1 weeks induction, rats were injected intraperitoneally daily with ILK inhibitor, QLT0267, at 5 mg/kg. Then, the rats were examined by 4, 8, and 12 weeks after first STZ injection. We found that QLT0267 treatment could not only lower ILK level in retina at as early as 3 weeks after the onset of diabetes but also attenuate retina permeability, which was measured by Evan’s blue. Maximum effect was found in 11 weeks treatment. Meanwhile, QLT0267 did not disturbed blood glucose concentration. Furthermore, QLT0267 inhibited Akt (Ser473) activation and reduced expression of HIF1α and VEGF which were evaluated by western blot, real time PCR, and immunohistochemistry. We conclude that ILK may be a new target for DR.  相似文献   

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