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1. The impact of changes in submerged macrophyte abundance on fish-zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions was studied in eighteen large-scale (100 m2) enclosures in a shallow eutrophic take. The submerged macrophytes comprised Potamategon pectinatus L., P. pusillus L. and Callitriche hermaphroditica L. while the fish fry stock comprised three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus acuteatus L., and roach, Rutilus rutilus L. 2. In the absence of macrophytes zooplankton biomass was low and dominated by cyclopoid copepods regardless of fish density, while the phytoplankton biovolume was high (up to 38 mm31) and dominated by small pennate diatoms and chlorococcales. When the lake volume infested by submerged macrophytes (PVI) exceeded 15–20% and the fish density was below a catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 10 (approx. 2 fry m?2), planktonic cladoceran biomass was high and dominated by relatively large-sized specimens, while the phytoplankton biovolume was low and dominated by small fast-growing flagellates. At higher fish densities, zooplankton biomass and average biomass of cladocerans decreased and a shift to cyclopoids occurred, while phytoplankton biovolume increased markedly and became dominated by cyanophytes and dinoflagellates. 3. Stepwise multiple linear regressions on log-transformed data revealed that the biomass of Daphnia, Bosmina, Ceriodaphmia and Chydorus were all significantly positively related to PVI and negatively to the abundance of fish or PVI x fish. The average individual biomass of cladocerans was negatively related to fish, but unrelated to PVI. Calculated zooplankton grazing pressure on phytoplankton was positively related to PVI and negatively to PVI x fish. Accordingly the phytoplankton biovolume was negatively related to PVI and to PVI x zooplankton biomass. Cyanophytes and chryptophytes (% of biomass) were positively and Chlorococcales and diatoms negatively related to PVI, while cyanophytes and Chlorococcales were negatively related to PVI x zooplankton biomass. In contrast diatoms and cryptophytes were positively related to the zooplankton biomass or PVI x zooplankton. 4. The results suggest that fish predation has less impact on the zooplankton community in the more structured environment of macrophyte beds, particularly when the PVI exceeds 15–20%. They further suggest that the refuge capacity of macrophytes decreases markedly with increasing fish density (in our study above approximately 10 CPUE). Provided that the density of planktivorous fish is not high, even small improvements in submerged macrophyte abundance may have a substantial positive impact on the zooplankton, leading to a lower phytoplankton biovolume and higher water transparency. However, at high fish densities the refuge effect seems low and no major zooplankton mediated effects of enhanced growth of macrophytes are to be expected.  相似文献   

Hargeby  A.  Andersson  G.  Blindow  I.  Johansson  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):83-90
In Lake Krankesjön, southern Sweden, sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) and a stonewort (Chara tomentosa L.) expanded spatially during the second half of the 1980's after more than a decade of phytoplankton blooms and sparse submerged vegetation. During the expansion of submerged plants the number of resting and breeding waterfowl increased. The increase was significant for herbivorous birds such as coot (Fulica atra L.) and mute swan (Cygnus olor (Gmelin)), but also for omnivorous dabbling ducks. The shift from phytoplankton to submerged macrophytes caused structural changes on higher trophic levels, and an altered trophic web developed. The density of planktonic Cladocera decreased, which is suggested to be a result of decreased phytoplankton productivity and biomass as nutrient levels dropped. The benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage changed from low diversity and biomass dominated by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta on bare sediment, to high diversity and biomass characterized by plant-associated forms like snails and isopods in areas covered by macrovegetation. The mean size of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) increased, probably as a result of higher availability of macroinvertebrates in the vegetation. The perch reached a mean size where the species is known to shift to a fish diet, permitting an increased top down effect on the ecosystem. The results support the idea that shallow eutrophic lakes can shift between two states, each one stabilized by feed-back mechanisms including both biotic and abiotic factors. Shifts between these states are suggested to be a possible explanation for observed drastic changes in abundance of waterfowl in shallow eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,86(1):25-29
Waterfowl exclusion cages were set up in Sentiz Lake, an eutrophic shallow lake in León (NW of Spain) in order to determine the role of waterfowl herbivory on macrophyte biomass and species composition. Total macrophyte biomass was high during the study (250 g DW m−2 in summer). The macrophyte community was mainly formed by Myriophyllum alterniflorum (95% cover), Ceratophyllum demersum (5%) and Potamogeton gramineus (<0.5%). High densities of co-occurring coots (Fulica atra; 24 ind/ha) and ducks (Anas penelope, A. strepera and A. platyrhynchos; 18 ind/ha) did not have a significant effect on macrophyte biomass in the lake. There were no statistical differences between total biomass inside and outside the exclosures, although plant biomass reached a higher value inside the cages than in the lake. Biomass species composition was significantly different inside and outside exclosures; C. demersum was more abundant in the cages than in the lake. P. gramineus, almost absent in the lake, became co-dominant with M. alterniflorum in some exclosures. The detailed study of M. alterniflorum flower buds in summer showed significant herbivory by coots. Flower bud abundance was lower in the lake (35% lower in June; 85% lower in July) than under waterfowl exclusion. The effect of waterfowl on macrophyte biomass in Mediterranean wetlands seems to be negligible as compared to effects identified in northern European lakes. Apart from an important role in dispersal, waterfowl in Mediterranean areas have a strong qualitative effect on the structure of plant communities by selecting most palatable species or their reproductive structures.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study was carried out to investigate the possible aetiology of squamous cell carcinomas which occur in a population of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) from Lough Aderry in south-east Ireland. A total of 1343 rudd were sampled from Lough Aderry and 2 nearby small lakes in spring, summer, autumn, and winter over 2 yr, 1986 to 1988. Fish were weighed, measured, sexed, aged, and examined for lesions. Water quality parameters and natural radioactivity were assessed as possible influencing factors in the disease. The prevalence of squamous cell carcinoma was 6.1% overall, with no significant difference between the lakes, seasons or years. Both male and female fish were affected, of ages from 1+ to 5+ yr. No fish of 6+ or 7+ yr was found with tumours, indicating that the neoplasm caused premature death. The female:male sex ratio of rudd with tumours was higher than that of healthy rudd overall, suggesting that males are more susceptible to the neoplasm. Of the parasites observed, Posthodiplostomum cuticola was common, but rarely found in rudd with tumours. Sphaerospora sp.was also common, but not in sufficient densities for statistical inference, and Argulus sp. was present on 7 fish. No viral particles were found. Natural radiation levels in the vicinity of the lakes were low. The lakes sampled are in an agricultural catchment, and the waters were eutrophic. While rudd are tolerant, it is likely that environmental conditions were stressful at least some of the time, with possible consequences for the immunocompetence of the rudd. The aetiology of the carcinoma is still unknown, but the possibilities of carcinogenic compounds resulting from the high nutrient levels, or of carcinogenic algal toxins produced during algal blooms, should be examined.  相似文献   

沉水植物重建对富营养水体氮磷营养水平的影响   总被引:89,自引:8,他引:89  
利用富营养浅水湖泊(武汉东湖)中所建立的大型实验围隔系统,研究了沉水植物对水体N、P营养水平的影响.结果表明,沉水植物重建后N、P营养水平显著降低.在研究期间,水生植物围隔总N和总P水平均显著低于对照围隔和大湖水体,而且水生植物围隔的总P含量一般维持在0.1mg·L^-1左右。季节性波动远低于对照围隔和大湖水体.水生植物围隔水体中氨态氮和亚硝态氮含量较低.而硝态氮含量与对照围隔和和大湖水体差别不大.由此可见。恢复以沉水植物为主的水生植被,可以有效地降低N、P营养循环速度,控制浮游植物过度增长,是重建富营养湖泊生态系统的重要措施.  相似文献   

A total of 180 individuals of Scardinius erythrophthalmus from Srebarna Lake, north-east Bulgaria, were examined for helminth parasites during spring, summer and autumn of 2005-2006 (30 specimens per season). Helminth parasites were recorded in 166 individuals (92.2%). Ten helminth species were found: trematodes--metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum cuticola, Diplostomum chromatophorum and D. spathaceum; monogeneans--Dactylogyrus difformis, D. difformoides and Diplozoon scardinii; cestodes--metacestodes of Paradilepis scolecina; nematodes--larvae of Spiroxys contortus and Rhabdochona denudata and adults of Schulmanela petruschewskii. Significant seasonal differences in the mean abundance were recorded for D. difformis, D. difformoides and D. scardinii. Significant seasonal differences in prevalence were recorded for P. cuticola, D. difformis, D. difformoides and D. scardinii. Dominant species in the component communities were P. cuticola, D. difformis and D. difformoides. The species composition of the component community essentially differs from that in the adjacent Danube River; a possible reason is the specific hydrobiological situation of the lake, characterized by a low density of benthic molluscs and crustaceans.  相似文献   

The histopathology and ultrastructure of a skin neoplasm in rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) are described and the neoplasm is diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. In the early stage, tumour cells appear singly or in clusters close to the epidermis; then tumour cells are seen in the dermis as epithelial pearls/nests, cords or sheets with central keratin; and with further development of the neoplasm, tumour cells appear as large sheets and masses, enclosing extensive keratinous formations and foci of necrotic cells, infiltrating deeper into the dermis and penetrating the muscle layers. Increasing vascularity and inflammation are associated with all stages of progression. In some cases metastases are observed in the viscera. Electron microscopic examination shows that the neoplastic cells are joined by desmosomes; the cytoplasm contains abundant mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The neoplasm was successfully transmitted experimentally to healthy rudd when tumour cells were inoculated subcutaneously. Eight of 19 surviving test fish developed tumour growth at the site of tumour cell injection and/or in a corresponding site on the opposite of the body. One of these 8 fish, which developed a neoplasm, also showed a microscopic internal tumour in the viscera. One of the 19 test fish showed a microscopic tumour in the spleen, even though no skin tumour was visible in this fish. No tumours were found in control fish. In contrast, intraperitoneal injection of tumour cells into healthy rudd did not result in transmission of the neoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Microspectrophotometric and electroretinographic investigation of photoreceptor spectral sensitivity in the rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus has revealed four spectral classes of cone with peak sensitivity in the ultra-violet, violet, green and red regions of the spectrum. These peak sensitivities were found to vary seasonally, and in response to artificial illumination, as a result of a change in the ratio of A1 to A2-based visual pigment in the cells. Short daylengths favoured the A2 pigment whereas long daylengths favoured the A1 analogue. Both the ultra-violet and violet-sensitive pigments have not previously been reported for the rudd. Evidence is presented supporting the hypothesis that the ultra-violet class of cells is not present in older fish.Abbreviation rvi response versus intensity (curve)  相似文献   

Resuspension in a shallow eutrophic lake   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
The frequency and the importance of wind-induced resuspension were studied in the shallow, eutrophic Lake Arresø, Denmark (41 km2, mean depth 3 m). During storm events in autumn 1988 lake water samples were collected every 2–8 hours by an automatic sampler at a mid-lake station. The concentration of suspended solids and Tot-P was found to increase markedly. During storms up to 2 cm of the superficial sediment was resuspended, and the concentration of resuspended solids in the water column rose to 140 mg l–1. The resuspended particles had a relatively high settling velocity and on average, a relatively short residence time in the water column of 7 hours.A model which describes the concentration of resuspended solids as a function of wind velocity and of settling velocity of the resuspended particles is presented. Using additional wind velocity data from a nearby meteorological station, the model has been used to calculate the frequency of resuspension events and concentration of resuspended solids for the period from May to November 1988.These calculations show that resuspension occurred about 50% of the time. Average flux of suspended solids from the sediment to the water was 300 g m–2 d–1 and during 50% of the time lake water concentration of suspended solids was more than 32 mg l–1. A relationship between concentration of suspended solids and Secchi-depth is presented. Because of resuspension, Secchi-depth in Lake Arresø is reduced to 0.5 m.Resuspension also had a marked effect on Tot-P concentration in the lake water, and P input to the lake water being totally dominated by resuspension events.  相似文献   

Radix swinhoei (H. Adams) is a freshwater snail commonly found in shallow regions of Lake Taihu. This research estimated, based on experiments, the consumption rates of R. swinhoei on three young submerged plants (Vallisneria spiralis, Hydrilla verticillata and Potamogeton malaianus) and its rates of nutrient release. Results showed that the snails consumed V. spiralis at the highest rate (23.34 mg g−1 d−1), P. malaianus at a lower rate (11.97 mg g−1 d−1), and H. verticillata at the lowest rate (7.04 mg g−1 d−1). The consumption rates on V. spiralis varied significantly, with snail size, ranging from 13.63 mg g−1 d−1 for large-size snails to 143.42 mg g−1 d−1 for small-size ones.The average nutrient release rates of snails grazing on different macrophytes were 45.93 μg PO4-P and 0.58 mg NH4-N g−1 d−1. The food species had a significant effect on NH4-N release rates but not on PO4-P. However, the snail size had a significant effect on PO4-P release rates and not on NH4-N. The present study indicates that through selective grazing and nutrient release, snails may impose a significant impact on the macrophyte community, which should be considered in managing the macrophytes of a lake.  相似文献   

The health status of rudd ( Scardinius erythrophthalmus hesperidicus H.) in Lake Vrana, the largest Croatian karstic lake, was evaluated. Studies comprising parasitological, haematological and bacteriological surveys were conducted over a 2-year period. Parasitological examination revealed a light infestation of 27% of the examined fish, mostly Dactylogyrus and Ichthyophthirius species. Haematological studies showed that haematocrit values were lower than the physiological limit. A haematocrit coefficient of correlation in all research periods was higher than 15%, indicating that the majority of fish in the study were susceptible to the development of bacterial and other diseases. Indeed, a diverse array of bacteria were isolated from rudd, mainly Flavobacterium spp. and Aeromonas spp., but also some specific fish pathogens, notably Pasteurella piscicida, Yersinia ruckeri , and Edwardsiella ictaluri , were identified. Under stress conditions, detected bacterial species can give rise to disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Six scientists from five European countries each examined 29 sets of scales from rudd of known age. The material contained 174 scales from both fast and slow growing fish and, with the exception of one participant, the scientists missed the first annulus when it was formed close to the scale centre. Sixty-eight scales were misread in this way, but only 12 were incorrectly aged because of confusion between true and false annuli. Comparisons of back-calculated lengths with observed lengths at each age were used to identify which false annuli had been incorrectly identified as true annuli, and vice-versa. The results confirmed the necessity of having information from other sources, e.g. seasonal length-frequency distributions of 0-group fish, to support the subjective interpretation of the scales.  相似文献   

The haemoglobins and globins of the roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) and the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) have been studied by starch gel electrophoresis. At all stages of development studied, the roach and rudd haemoglobins give a similar electrophoretic pattern, the young fish of about 2 cm standard length possessing three separate haemoglobins, of which two bands only persist in the adult. The evolutionary significance of multiple haemoglobins in fishes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Roberts  Ellen  Kroker  Jens  Körner  Sabine  Nicklisch  Andreas 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):525-530
Hydrobiologia - The development of periphyton on artificial substrate exposed for 1, 2 or 2–20 weeks was followed during two subsequent vegetation periods (2000 and 2001) in shallow Lake...  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments showed that, of zooplanktivorous roach, rudd and perch, in the absence of any environmental structure roach were the most efficient feeders, but high densities of simulated submerged marcrophytes elevated perch to this position; rudd matched the performances of perch and roach only at intermediate structure densities. These changes in efficiency rankings with increased structure were the result of overall decreases in the performances of roach and rudd. Simulated water lilies and emergent reeds had their own influences on consumption rate. These effects were largely mediated through relationships between structure density and swimming speed; roach and rudd, not perch, showed reduced swimming speeds in the more structured environments. Observations of the routine behaviour of the fish suggest that their assessment of predation risk may be an important factor in determining their activity level and hence foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Rudd, roach and their hybrids from an interbreeding population at Norwich were examined electrophoretically for seven enzymes; an examination of pharyngeal teeth supplemented the data. The rudd were compared to rudd from Lake Trawsfynydd, Wales, a lake free from roach. No differences were observed between the rudd from the two localities and no evidence was found of introgression within the fish from Norwich.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In liver and muscle the concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) are highest in fish maintained at low temperature and fed mealworms. These effects are more pronounced in roach than in rudd.
  • 2.2. In the liver alanine, glycine and glutamate are the dominant FAA but proline increases in mealworm-fed animals.
  • 3.3. In muscle, histidine and glycine dominate, except that a mealworm diet leads to an increase in the concentration of proline and to a concomitant decrease in the concentration of glycine.
  • 4.4. Starvation leads to a reduction of total FAA content but to relative increases of lysine and histidine. These two FAA can serve as indicators of the general state of nutrition of roach and rudd.
  • 5.5. The molar ratio [gly]/[his] is strongly correlated with temperature, decreasing with an increase in the temperature to which the animals had been exposed prior to capture.
  • 6.6. The patterns of free and bound amino acids diverge more widely in these species than in mammals which reflects the greater dependence of the FAA pools of fish on intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
  • 7.7. The concentrations of histidine in the FAA pools of muscle and in food proteins are strongly correlated.

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