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Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide is composed of at least two components, glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) and galactoxylomannans (GalXM). Although GXM has been extensively studied, little is known about the location of GalXM in the C. neoformans capsule, in part because there are no serological reagents specific to this antigen. To circumvent the poor immunogenicity of GalXM, this antigen was conjugated to protective antigen from Bacillus anthracis as a protein carrier. The resulting conjugate elicited antibodies that reacted with GalXM in mice and yielded an immune serum that proved useful for studying GalXM in the polysaccharide capsule. In acapsular cells, immune serum localized GalXM to the cell wall. In capsulated cells, immune serum localized GalXM to discrete pockets near the capsule edge. GalXM was abundant on the nascent capsules of budding daughter cells. The constituent sugars of GalXM were found in vesicle fractions consistent with vesicular transport for this polysaccharide. In addition, we generated a single-chain fraction variable fragment antibody with specificity to oxidized carbohydrates that also produced punctate immunofluorescence on encapsulated cells that partially colocalized with GalXM. The results are interpreted to mean that GalXM is a transient component of the polysaccharide capsule of mature cells during the process of secretion. Hence, the function of GalXM appears to be more consistent with that of an exopolysaccharide than a structural component of the cryptococcal capsule.  相似文献   

The capsule is generally considered one of the more powerful virulence factors of microorganisms, driving research in the field of microbial pathogenesis and in the development of vaccines. Cryptococcus neoformans is unique among the most common human fungal pathogens in that it possesses a complex polysaccharide capsule. This review focuses on the Cryptococcus neoformans capsule from the viewpoint of fungal pathogenesis, and the effective immune response target of the capsule’s main component, glucuronoxylomannan.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrated the anti-chemotaetic activity of the capsular polysaccharides (CPSs) isolated from each of the heavily (H)- and weakly (W)-encapsulated strains of Cryptococcus neoformans in vitro. The capacity for activation of the alternative complement pathway (ACP) of cells of the two C. neoformans strains in fresh human sera was comparable to that of zymosan (insoluble control), whereas the capacity for generation of the chemotactic factor (CF) of the cells of the two strains in fresh murine sera was markedly lower in the order H- < W-strain than that of zymosan. Conversely, the capacities for ACP activation and CF generation of the CPSs were extremely lower than those of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, soluble control). When zymosan-activated murine serum was incubated with CPS, both CPSs inhibited CF activity dose dependently. When zymosan-activated serum was incubated with heat-killed cells of each strain of C. neoformans, H and W, the CF activity of the treated sera decreased significantly, suggesting that CPS per se did not affect the neutrophils directly, but CPS absorbed CF. On the other hand, both CPSs were shown to possess the O-acetyl groups in their molecules by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The de-O-acetylation of both CPSs increased the capacity for ACP activation to a level similar to that of LPS, and the de-O-acetylated CPS of both strains exhibited a lower ability to inhibit CF than did native CPS. Collectively, these results suggest that the anti-chemotactic activity of CPS accounts for its ability to absorb the CF which was mostly generated at the sites around the cell wall of whole cells via the ACP, thus suppressing the inflammatory response by preventing dispersal of CF to the extracellular space; and also that the O-acetyl group is partly, if any, involved in the mechanism for incompetence in ACP activation as well as the inhibition of CF.  相似文献   

The role of capsular polysaccharides (CPS) of Cryptococcus neoformans in phagocytosis by murine alveolar macrophages was investigated in four strains of C. neoformans serotype A, YC-11, YC-5, YC-27 and YC-13. Phagocytosis rates increased markedly after adding 10% mouse serum, compared to fetal calf serum. The reverse relation between capsular thickness of C. neoformans and phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages was observed except in YC-27, which had thin capsules and high virulence. The phagocytosis rate in mice serum was 17.3% in YC-11 (capsule thickness 2.8-3.5 μm), 39.8% in YC-5 (capsule size 0.8-1.5 μm), 20.3% in YC-27 (capsule size 0.6-1.1 μm), and 62.8% in YC-13 (capsule not detected microscopically). The CPS of YC-11, YC-5, and YC-27 analyzed by gel-filtration using CL-2B showed high molecular fractions near the void volume. However, the CPS of YC-13 showed only low molecular fractions. The widely eluted CPS of YC-11 was separated into 3 fractions and each fraction was added in the phagocytosis assay of YC-13. Phagocytosis was markedly suppressed particularly by the addition of a higher molecular fraction. These results suggest that phagocytosis of C. neoformans by alveolar macrophages is influenced by the molecular sizes of the CPS.  相似文献   

Laccase is an important virulence factor for the human pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans. In this review, we examine the structural, biological and genetic features of the enzyme and its role in the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis. Laccase is expressed in C. neoformans as a cell wall enzyme that possesses a broad spectrum of activity oxidizing both polyphenolic compounds and iron. Two paralogs, CNLAC1 and CNLAC2, are present in the fungus, of which the first one expresses the dominant enzyme activity under glucose starvation conditions. Regulation of the enzyme is in response to various environmental signals including nutrient starvation, the presence of multivalent cations and temperature stress, and is mediated through multiple signal transduction pathways. Study of the function and regulation of this important virulence factor has led to further understanding of mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis and the regulation of stress response in the host cell environment.  相似文献   

Laccase is an important virulence factor for the human pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans. In this review, we examine the structural, biological and genetic features of the enzyme and its role in the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis. Laccase is expressed in C. neoformans as a cell wall enzyme that possesses a broad spectrum of activity oxidizing both polyphenolic compounds and iron. Two paralogs, CNLAC1 and CNLAC2, are present in the fungus, of which the first one expresses the dominant enzyme activity under glucose starvation conditions. Regulation of the enzyme is in response to various environmental signals including nutrient starvation, the presence of multivalent cations and temperature stress, and is mediated through multiple signal transduction pathways. Study of the function and regulation of this important virulence factor has led to further understanding of mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis and the regulation of stress response in the host cell environment.  相似文献   

In recent years several groups have shown that isotype switching from IgM to IgG to IgA can affect the affinity and specificity of antibodies sharing identical variable (V) regions. However, whether the same applies to IgE is unknown. In this study we compared the fine specificity of V region-identical IgE and IgA to Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide and found that these differed in specificity from each other. The IgE and IgA paratopes were probed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with 15N-labeled peptide mimetics of cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen (Ag). IgE was found to cleave the peptide at a much faster rate than V region-identical IgG subclasses and IgA, consistent with an altered paratope. Both IgE and IgA were opsonic for C. neoformans and protected against infection in mice. In summary, V-region expression in the context of the ϵ constant (C) region results in specificity changes that are greater than observed for comparable IgG subclasses. These results raise the possibility that expression of certain V regions in the context of α and ϵ C regions affects their function and contributes to the special properties of those isotypes.  相似文献   

Why are we interested in understanding the mode of reproduction being used by the fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii? Empirical evidence has finally supported the long-held assumption that, by increasing the rate of adaptive evolution, sex increases the chances of long-term survival. Understanding the ability of pathogenic organisms to adapt to diagnostic and treatment regimes is also important in the fight against the diseases caused by these organisms. This review looks at the different approaches used to identify population structure in C. neoformans and C. gattii. These are sexual species; however, recombination in natural populations has only recently been found. We highlight the importance of population selection and the value of both indirect molecular analysis and direct biological evidence for sexual recombination, when looking for the mode of reproduction in these fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

The effects of capsular polysaccharides, galactoxylomannan (GalXM) and glucuronoxylomannan (GXM), from acapsular (GXM negative) and encapsulate strains of Cryptococcus neoformans were investigated in RAW 264.7 and peritoneal macrophages. Here, we demonstrate that GalXM and GXM induced different cytokines profiles in RAW 264.7 macrophages. GalXM induced production of TNF-alpha, NO and iNOS expression, while GXM predominantly induced TGF-beta secretion. Both GalXM and GXM induced early morphological changes identified as autophagy and late macrophages apoptosis mediated by Fas/FasL interaction, a previously unidentified mechanism of virulence. GalXM was more potent than GXM at induction of Fas/FasL expression and apoptosis on macrophages in vitro and in vivo. These findings uncover a mechanism by which capsular polysaccharides from C. neoformans might compromise host immune responses.  相似文献   

Urease is an enzyme considered one of the main virulence factors in Cryptococcus neoformans. Quantitative differences in urease production between C. neoformans and the new species Cryptococcus gattii have not been so far documented. Using a standardized method, 25 isolates of C. neoformans and 19 of C. gattii were seeded in Christensen urea broth medium for urease activity detection. Approximately, the 50% of activity of one unit of commercial jack beans urease (A550=0.215) was considered as a reference to classified the Cryptococcus in two cathegories, low (A550<0.215) or high (A550=or>0.215) urease producers. After 72 hours of incubation, 76% of C. neoformans and 15.8% of C. gattii strains were high urease producers (p=0.016). Based on these results, the species C. neoformans appeared as the highest urease producer. Other virulence factors should also be investigated to explain C. gattii pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Melanogenesis in Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Melanogenesis in Cryptococcus neoformans begins with the oxidation of dihydroxyphenylalanine by the enzyme phenol oxidase. The succeeding steps are very rapid. Two intermediates, dopachrome and 5,6-dihydroxyindole, have been isolated and characterized by high performance liquid chromatography. A pathway of melanin formation in C. neoformans is proposed, based on the presence of these intermediates.  相似文献   

Flippases are key regulators of membrane asymmetry and secretory mechanisms. Vesicular polysaccharide secretion is essential for the pathogenic mechanisms of Cryptococcus neoformans. On the basis of the observations that flippases are required for polysaccharide secretion in plants and the putative Apt1 flippase is required for cryptococcal virulence, we analyzed the role of this enzyme in polysaccharide release by C. neoformans, using a previously characterized apt1Δ mutant. Mutant and wild-type (WT) cells shared important phenotypic characteristics, including capsule morphology and dimensions, glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) composition, molecular size, and serological properties. The apt1Δ mutant, however, produced extracellular vesicles (EVs) with a lower GXM content and different size distribution in comparison with those of WT cells. Our data also suggested a defective intracellular GXM synthesis in mutant cells, in addition to changes in the architecture of the Golgi apparatus. These findings were correlated with diminished GXM production during in vitro growth, macrophage infection, and lung colonization. This phenotype was associated with decreased survival of the mutant in the lungs of infected mice, reduced induction of interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine levels, and inefficacy in colonization of the brain. Taken together, our results indicate that the lack of APT1 caused defects in both GXM synthesis and vesicular export to the extracellular milieu by C. neoformans via processes that are apparently related to the pathogenic mechanisms used by this fungus during animal infection.  相似文献   

The pathogenic species of Cryptococcus, C. neoformans and C. bacillisporus, utilized creatinine as a source of nitrogen but not of carbon. Chromatographic and autoradiographic studies suggest that creatinine metabolism in both species involves a single step resulting in the production of methylhydantoin and ammonia. The enzyme responsible for this step, creatinine deiminase, was produced by the cells only in the presence of creatinine in both species. The synthesis of creatinine deiminase was repressed by ammonia in C. neoformans, but not in C. bacillisporus. A possible explanation for this variation, based on the ecological differences between the two species, is discussed. A novel method for measuring creatinine deiminase activity is also described.  相似文献   

Protein O mannosylation is initiated in the endoplasmic reticulum by protein O-mannosyltransferases (Pmt proteins) and plays an important role in the secretion, localization, and function of many proteins, as well as in cell wall integrity and morphogenesis in fungi. Three Pmt proteins, each belonging to one of the three respective Pmt subfamilies, are encoded in the genome of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Disruption of the C. neoformans PMT4 gene resulted in abnormal growth morphology and defective cell separation. Transmission electron microscopy revealed defective cell wall septum degradation during mother-daughter cell separation in the pmt4 mutant compared to wild-type cells. The pmt4 mutant also demonstrated sensitivity to elevated temperature, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and amphotericin B, suggesting cell wall defects. Further analysis of cell wall protein composition revealed a cell wall proteome defect in the pmt4 mutant, as well as a global decrease in protein mannosylation. Heterologous expression of C. neoformans PMT4 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pmt1pmt4 mutant strain functionally complemented the deficient Pmt activity. Furthermore, Pmt4 activity in C. neoformans was required for full virulence in two murine models of disseminated cryptococcal infection. Taken together, these results indicate a central role for Pmt4-mediated protein O mannosylation in growth, cell wall integrity, and virulence of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Micromorphology of Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Fine details of the internal and external morphology of Cryptococcus neoformans as seen in ultrathin sections are described and illustrated with electron micrographs. The capsule characteristic of this species contained microfibrils (30 to 40 A in diameter) that appeared to radiate from the cell wall and to coil and intertwine in various directions. These thin, uniformly structured, electron-dense filaments are believed to represent complex polysaccharide molecules. The internal morphology of C. neoformans was in many ways similar to that of yeasts studied by other authors. The cell was uninucleate with a single nucleolus. The nuclear envelope, a pair of unit membranes interrupted by pores, was typical of that found in eucaryotic organisms. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, vacuoles, storage granules, and ribosomes were consistent features of the cytoplasm. In addition, C. neoformans presented membranous organelles derived from the plasma membrane and comparable to bacterial mesosomes and mitochondria of an annulate type.  相似文献   

胡阳  姜楠  黄怡文  朱旭东 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):62-69
microRNAs (miRNAs)在植物和动物中大量存在,但是否在真菌中存在一直是个未解之谜.本研究组在担子菌新型隐球酵母Cryptococcus neoformans中发现了miRNA.两个miRNA,miR1和miR2,长度分别是22nt和18nt,前体是70nt,和动物miRNA相近.通过报告基因,证实miRl/2具有沉默功能.真菌miRNA的发现为研究其进化、功能等提供有用知识.  相似文献   

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