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Fetal neurografts containing the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) can restore the circadian locomotor and drinking rhythm of SCN-lesioned (SCNX) rat and hamster. This functional outcome finally proves that the endogenous biological clock autonomously resides in the SCN. Observations on the cellular requirements of the “new” SCN for restoration of the arrhythmic SCNX animals have led to some new insights and confirmed findings from other studies. A critical mass of SCN neurons appeared necessary for functional effects, whereas the temporal profile of reinstatement of rhythm correlated with the delayed maturation of the grafted SCN. Cytoarchitectoni-cally, the grafted SCN does not seem to develop normally for all anatomical aspects. Complementary clusters of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide(VIP)-and vasopressin(VP)ergic neurons are formed, but somatostatin(SOM)ergic neurons do not always “join” this group, as is normally seen in situ. Nevertheless, these new SCNs can restore the ablated functions. As the period length of restored rhythms tends to vary, it might be that the grafted SCN underwent an altered or impaired maturation that resulted in a different setting of its clock mechanism. A prominent role of VIPergic neurons seems indicated by their presence in all functional grafts, but, although they may be required, these cells do not appear to be a sufficient condition for restoration of rhythm. Many grafts exhibit the presence of VIPergic cells without counteracting the arrhythmia, whereas VP- and SOMergic SCN neurons are usually present as well. Findings with VP-deficient Brattleboro rat grafts indicated that VP is not the primary obligatory signal of circadian activity. It is argued that perhaps the role of SOMergic neurons in the clock function of the (grafted) SCN has been insufficiently considered. However, one should keep in mind that the peptides of the various types of SCN neurons may function only as cofactors, mutually modulating molecular or bioelectrical cellular activities within the nucleus or the message of the main transmitter γ-aminobutyric acid.  相似文献   

Sensory systems must be able to extract features of a stimulus to detect and represent properties of the world. Because sensory signals are constantly changing, a critical aspect of this transformation relates to the timing of signals and the ability to filter those signals to select dynamic properties, such as visual motion. At first assessment, one might think that the primary biophysical properties that construct a temporal filter would be dynamic mechanisms such as molecular concentration or membrane electrical properties. However, in the current issue of PLOS Biology, Baden et al. identify a mechanism of temporal filtering in the zebrafish and goldfish retina that is not dynamic but is in fact a structural building block—the physical size of a synapse itself. The authors observe that small, bipolar cell synaptic terminals are fast and highly adaptive, whereas large ones are slower and adapt less. Using a computational model, they conclude that the volume of the synaptic terminal influences the calcium concentration and the number of available vesicles. These results indicate that the size of the presynaptic terminal is an independent control for the dynamics of a synapse and may reveal aspects of synaptic function that can be inferred from anatomical structure.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The integrity of the innermost, pigment epithelial layer of the retina is crucial for the photoreceptor survival and for maintaining the...  相似文献   

Storage triacylglycerols (TAG) and membrane phospholipids share common precursors, i.e. phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol, in the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition to providing a biophysically rather inert storage pool for fatty acids, TAG synthesis plays an important role to buffer excess fatty acids (FA). The inability to incorporate exogenous oleic acid into TAG in a yeast mutant lacking the acyltransferases Lro1p, Dga1p, Are1p, and Are2p contributing to TAG synthesis results in dysregulation of lipid synthesis, massive proliferation of intracellular membranes, and ultimately cell death. Carboxypeptidase Y trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the vacuole is severely impaired, but the unfolded protein response is only moderately up-regulated, and dispensable for membrane proliferation, upon exposure to oleic acid. FA-induced toxicity is specific to oleic acid and much less pronounced with palmitoleic acid and is not detectable with the saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acid. Palmitic acid supplementation partially suppresses oleic acid-induced lipotoxicity and restores carboxypeptidase Y trafficking to the vacuole. These data show the following: (i) FA uptake is not regulated by the cellular lipid requirements; (ii) TAG synthesis functions as a crucial intracellular buffer for detoxifying excess unsaturated fatty acids; (iii) membrane lipid synthesis and proliferation are responsive to and controlled by a balanced fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Infection of mammalian cells by picornaviruses results in the nucleocytoplasmic redistribution of certain host cell proteins. These viruses interfere with import-export pathways, allowing for the cytoplasmic accumulation of nuclear proteins that are then available to function in viral processes. We recently described the cytoplasmic relocalization of cellular splicing factor SRp20 during poliovirus infection. SRp20 is an important internal ribosome entry site (IRES) trans-acting factor (ITAF) for poliovirus IRES-mediated translation; however, it is not known whether other picornaviruses utilize SRp20 as an ITAF and direct its cytoplasmic relocalization. Also, the mechanism by which poliovirus directs the accumulation of SRp20 in the cytoplasm of the infected cell is currently unknown. Work described in this report demonstrated that infection by another picornavirus (coxsackievirus B3) causes SRp20 to relocalize from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of HeLa cells, similar to poliovirus infection; however, SRp20 is relocalized to a somewhat lesser extent in the cytoplasm of HeLa cells during infection by yet another picornavirus (human rhinovirus 16). We show that expression of poliovirus 2A proteinase is sufficient to cause the nucleocytoplasmic redistribution of SRp20. Following expression of poliovirus 2A proteinase in HeLa cells, we detect cleavage of specific nuclear pore proteins known to be cleaved during poliovirus infection. We also find that expression of human rhinovirus 16 2A proteinase alone can cause efficient cytoplasmic relocalization of SRp20, despite the lower levels of SRp20 relocalization observed during rhinovirus infection compared to poliovirus. Taken together, these results further define the mechanism of SRp20 cellular redistribution during picornavirus infections, and they provide additional insight into some of the differences observed between human rhinovirus and other enterovirus infections.  相似文献   

In age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells are believed to be detrimentally affected. It is thought that zinc may play a part in this process. In the past, therefore, zinc supplementation has been suggested as a treatment for AMD. Experimental data shown here confound this view by indicating that whereas low amounts of zinc do protect RPE cells in culture from stress-induced effects, greater amounts of zinc have the opposite influence. These effects are partly dependent upon the health status of the cells. Experimental data presented herein also show that zinc-induced death of RPE cells can, however, be attenuated by compounds such as antioxidants (-tocopherol, trolox, and metipranolol), or cellular energy substrates (pyruvate and oxaloacetate). It is therefore concluded that a combination of zinc and antioxidants or energy substrates rather that zinc alone should provide a safer and more effective way to treat a disease such as AMD.  相似文献   

For several decades the physical mechanism underlying discrete dark noise of photoreceptors in the eye has remained highly controversial and poorly understood. It is known that the Arrhenius equation, which is based on the Boltzmann distribution for thermal activation, can model only a part (e.g. half of the activation energy) of the retinal dark noise experimentally observed for vertebrate rod and cone pigments. Using the Hinshelwood distribution instead of the Boltzmann distribution in the Arrhenius equation has been proposed as a solution to the problem. Here, we show that the using the Hinshelwood distribution does not solve the problem completely. As the discrete components of noise are indistinguishable in shape and duration from those produced by real photon induced photo-isomerization, the retinal discrete dark noise is most likely due to ‘internal photons’ inside cells and not due to thermal activation of visual pigments. Indeed, all living cells exhibit spontaneous ultraweak photon emission (UPE), mainly in the optical wavelength range, i.e., 350–700 nm. We show here that the retinal discrete dark noise has a similar rate as UPE and therefore dark noise is most likely due to spontaneous cellular UPE and not due to thermal activation.  相似文献   


Adaptor properties of linear hairpin helices have been examined. The analysis suggests that neither right nor left handed hairpin helices can simultaneously read a comma free messenger and align aminoacyl residues for peptide condensation. Comparison of these studies with the model of the present day peptidyl transfer intermediate suggests that the “L” shaped folding of the present day tRNAs may be a prerequisite for adaptor function. Therefore, the three-dimensional organization of the ancestral adaptor molecule must have had structural features similar to its present day counterpart.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in the formation of specific neuronal networks are the central problem to be studied in the developmental neurobiology. This review article concerns the modes of growth of retinal axons toward their targets in lower vertebrates. Basing on the cellular mechanisms in target searching by retinal axons, the related molecular mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A method for embedding and sectioning retinal wholemounts is described. It employs a hydrophilic embedding agent, LR White, and coverslips inert to standard embedding resins. This simple technique, which has worked successfully on both enzymatically and autoradiographically labelled material, provides a means by which retinal wholemounts can be cut nearly parallel to the plane of the retinal layers. Previously prepared retinal whole-mounts can also be successfully embedded and sectioned more than a year later by the method described.  相似文献   

Vojta L  Soll J  Bölter B 《FEBS letters》2007,581(14):2621-2624
The chloroplast inner envelope translocon subunit Tic110 is imported via a soluble stromal translocation intermediate. In this study an in-organellar import system is established which allows for an accumulation of this intermediate in order to analyze its requirements for reexport. All results demonstrate that the re-export of Tic110 from the soluble intermediate stage into the inner envelope requires ATP hydrolysis, which cannot be replaced by other NTPs. Furthermore, the molecular chaperone Hsp93 seems prominently involved in the reexport pathway of Tic110, because other stromal intermediates like that of the oxygen evolving complex subunit OE33 (iOE33) en route to the thylakoid lumen interacts preferentially with Hsp70.  相似文献   

‘Requirements for human cardiomyocytes'', jointly drafted and agreed upon by experts from the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research, is the first guideline for human cardiomyocytes in China. This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, test regulations, instructions for use, labelling requirements, packing requirements, storage requirements, transportation requirements and waste disposal requirements for human cardiomyocytes, which is designed to normalize and standardize human cardiomyocyte research and production. It was originally released by the China Society for Cell Biology on 9 January 2021. We hope that the publication of this guideline will promote institutional establishment, acceptance and execution of proper protocols, and accelerate the international standardization of human cardiomyocytes for applications.  相似文献   

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