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Telomeres distinguish chromosome ends from double-strand breaks (DSBs) and prevent chromosome fusion. However, telomeres can also interfere with DNA repair, as shown by a deficiency in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and an increase in large deletions at telomeric DSBs. The sensitivity of telomeric regions to DSBs is important in the cellular response to ionizing radiation and oncogene-induced replication stress, either by preventing cell division in normal cells, or by promoting chromosome instability in cancer cells. We have previously proposed that the telomeric protein TRF2 causes the sensitivity of telomeric regions to DSBs, either through its inhibition of ATM, or by promoting the processing of DSBs as though they are telomeres, which is independent of ATM. Our current study addresses the mechanism responsible for the deficiency in repair of DSBs near telomeres by combining assays for large deletions, NHEJ, small deletions, and gross chromosome rearrangements (GCRs) to compare the types of events resulting from DSBs at interstitial and telomeric DSBs. Our results confirm the sensitivity of telomeric regions to DSBs by demonstrating that the frequency of GCRs is greatly increased at DSBs near telomeres and that the role of ATM in DSB repair is very different at interstitial and telomeric DSBs. Unlike at interstitial DSBs, a deficiency in ATM decreases NHEJ and small deletions at telomeric DSBs, while it increases large deletions. These results strongly suggest that ATM is functional near telomeres and is involved in end protection at telomeric DSBs, but is not required for the extensive resection at telomeric DSBs. The results support our model in which the deficiency in DSB repair near telomeres is a result of ATM-independent processing of DSBs as though they are telomeres, leading to extensive resection, telomere loss, and GCRs involving alternative NHEJ.  相似文献   

The nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway is essential for the preservation of genome integrity, as it efficiently repairs DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Previous biochemical and genetic investigations have indicated that, despite the importance of this pathway, the entire complement of genes regulating NHEJ remains unknown. To address this, we employed a plasmid-based NHEJ DNA repair screen in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using 369 putative nonessential DNA repair-related components as queries. Among the newly identified genes associated with NHEJ deficiency upon disruption are two spindle assembly checkpoint kinases, Bub1 and Bub2. Both observation of resulting phenotypes and chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that Bub1 and -2, either alone or in combination with cell cycle regulators, are recruited near the DSB, where phosphorylated Rad53 or H2A accumulates. Large-scale proteomic analysis of Bub kinases phosphorylated in response to DNA damage identified previously unknown kinase substrates on Tel1 S/T-Q sites. Moreover, Bub1 NHEJ function appears to be conserved in mammalian cells. 53BP1, which influences DSB repair by NHEJ, colocalizes with human BUB1 and is recruited to the break sites. Thus, while Bub is not a core component of NHEJ machinery, our data support its dual role in mitotic exit and promotion of NHEJ repair in yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

The resection of DNA double strand breaks initiates homologous recombination (HR) and is critical for genomic stability. Using direct measurement of resection in human cells and reconstituted assays of resection with purified proteins in vitro, we show that DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), a classic nonhomologous end joining factor, antagonizes double strand break resection by blocking the recruitment of resection enzymes such as exonuclease 1 (Exo1). Autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs promotes DNA-PKcs dissociation and consequently Exo1 binding. Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase activity can compensate for DNA-PKcs autophosphorylation and promote resection under conditions where DNA-PKcs catalytic activity is inhibited. The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex further stimulates resection in the presence of Ku and DNA-PKcs by recruiting Exo1 and enhancing DNA-PKcs autophosphorylation, and it also inhibits DNA ligase IV/XRCC4-mediated end rejoining. This work suggests that, in addition to its key role in nonhomologous end joining, DNA-PKcs also acts in concert with MRN and ataxia telangiectasia-mutated to regulate resection and thus DNA repair pathway choice.  相似文献   

Metnase (or SETMAR) arose from a chimeric fusion of the Hsmar1 transposase downstream of a protein methylase in anthropoid primates. Although the Metnase transposase domain has been largely conserved, its catalytic motif (DDN) differs from the DDD motif of related transposases, which may be important for its role as a DNA repair factor and its enzymatic activities. Here, we show that substitution of DDN610 with either DDD610 or DDE610 significantly reduced in vivo functions of Metnase in NHEJ repair and accelerated restart of replication forks. We next tested whether the DDD or DDE mutants cleave single-strand extensions and flaps in partial duplex DNA and pseudo-Tyr structures that mimic stalled replication forks. Neither substrate is cleaved by the DDD or DDE mutant, under the conditions where wild-type Metnase effectively cleaves ssDNA overhangs. We then characterized the ssDNA-binding activity of the Metnase transposase domain and found that the catalytic domain binds ssDNA but not dsDNA, whereas dsDNA binding activity resides in the helix-turn-helix DNA binding domain. Substitution of Asn-610 with either Asp or Glu within the transposase domain significantly reduces ssDNA binding activity. Collectively, our results suggest that a single mutation DDN610 → DDD610, which restores the ancestral catalytic site, results in loss of function in Metnase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Telomeres are required to prevent end-to-end chromosome fusions. End-to-end fusions of metaphase chromosomes are observed in mammalian cells with dysfunctional telomeres due to diminished function of telomere-associated proteins and in cells experiencing extensive attrition of telomeric DNA. However, the molecular nature of these fusions and the mechanism by which they occur have not been elucidated. RESULTS: We document that telomere fusions resulting from inhibition of the telomere-protective factor TRF2 are generated by DNA ligase IV-dependent nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). NHEJ gives rise to covalent ligation of the C strand of one telomere to the G strand of another. Breakage of the resulting dicentric chromosomes results in nonreciprocal translocations, a hallmark of human cancer. Telomere NHEJ took place before and after DNA replication, and both sister telomeres participated in the reaction. Telomere fusions were accompanied by active degradation of the 3' telomeric overhangs. CONCLUSIONS: The main threat to dysfunctional mammalian telomeres is degradation of the 3' overhang and subsequent telomere end-joining by DNA ligase IV. The involvement of NHEJ in telomere fusions is paradoxical since the NHEJ factors Ku70/80 and DNA-PKcs are present at telomeres and protect chromosome ends from fusion.  相似文献   

Advancements in somatic cell gene targeting have been slow due to the finite lifespan of somatic cells and the overall inefficiency of homologous recombination. The rate of homologous recombination is determined by mechanisms of DNA repair, and by the balance between homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). A plasmid-to-plasmid, extra chromosomal recombination system was used to study the effects of the manipulation of molecules involved in NHEJ (Mre11, Ku70/80, and p53) on HR/NHEJ ratios. In addition, the effect of telomerase expression, cell synchrony, and DNA nuclear delivery was examined. While a mutant Mre11 and an anti-Ku aptamer did not significantly affect the rate of NHEJ or HR, transient expression of a p53 mutant increased overall HR/NHEJ by 2.5 fold. However, expression of the mutant p53 resulted in increased aneuploidy of the cultured cells. Additionally, we found no relationship between telomerase expression and changes in HR/NHEJ. In contrast, cell synchrony by thymidine incorporation did not induce chromosomal abnormalities, and increased the ratio of HR/NHEJ 5-fold by reducing the overall rate of NHEJ. Overall our results show that attempts at reducing NHEJ by use of Mre11 or anti-Ku aptamers were unsuccessful. Cell synchrony via thymidine incorporation, however, does increase the ratio of HR/NHEJ and this indicates that this approach may be of use to facilitate targeting in somatic cells by reducing the numbers of colonies that need to be analyzed before a HR is identified.  相似文献   

Chemical agents for cell cycle synchronization have greatly facilitated the study of biochemical events driving cell cycle progression. G1, S and M phase inhibitors have been developed and used widely in cell cycle research. However, currently there are no effective G2 phase inhibitors and synchronization of cultured cells in G2 phase has been challenging. Recently, a selective CDK1 inhibitor, RO-3306, has been identified that reversibly arrests proliferating human cells at the G2/M phase border and provides a novel means for cell cycle synchronization. A single-step protocol using RO-3306 permits the synchronization of >95% of cycling cancer cells in G2 phase. RO-3306 arrested cells enter mitosis rapidly after release from the G2 block thus allowing for isolation of mitotic cells without microtubule poisons. RO-3306 represents a new molecular tool for studying CDK1 function in human cells.  相似文献   

Role of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in maintaining genomic integrity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Burma S  Chen BP  Chen DJ 《DNA Repair》2006,5(9-10):1042-1048
Of the various types of DNA damage that can occur within the mammalian cell, the DNA double strand break (DSB) is perhaps the most dangerous. DSBs are typically induced by intrinsic sources such as the by products of cellular metabolism or by extrinsic sources such as X-rays or gamma-rays and chemotherapeutic drugs. It is becoming increasing clear that an inability to respond properly to DSBs will lead to genomic instability and promote carcinogenesis. The mammalian cell, therefore, has in place several mechanisms that can respond rapidly to DSBs. In this review, we focus on the role of one such mechanism, the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway of DSB repair, in maintaining genome integrity and preventing carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that certain tyrphostins which block EGF-R phosphorylation in cell-free systems fail to do so in intact cells. Nevertheless, we found that this family of tyrphostins inhibits both EGF- and calf serum-induced cell growth and DNA synthesis [Osherov, N.A., Gazit, C., Gilon, and Levitzki, A. (1993). Selective inhibition of the EGF and HER2/Neu receptors by Tyrphostins.J. Biol. Chem.268, 11134–11142.] Now we show that these tyrphostins exert their inhibitory activity even when added at a time when the cells have already passed their restriction point and receptor activation is no longer necessary. AG555 and AG556 arrest 85% of the cells at late G1, whereas AG490 and AG494 cause cells to arrest at late G1 and during S phase. No arrest occurs during G2 or M phase. Further analysis revealed that these tyrphostins act by inhibiting the activation of the enzyme Cdk2 without affecting its levels or its intrinsic kinase activity. Furthermore, they do not alter the association of Cdk2 to cyclin E or cyclin A or to the inhibitory proteins p21 and p27. These compounds also have no effect on the activating phosphorylation of Cdk2 by Cdk2 activating kinase (CAK) and no effect on the catalytic domain of cdc25 phosphatase. These compounds lead to the accumulation of phosphorylated Cdk2 on tyrosine 15 which is most probably the cause for its inhibition leading to cell cycle arrest at G1/S. A structure–activity relationship study defines a very precise pharmacophore, suggesting a unique molecular target not yet identified and which is most probably involved in the regulation of the tyrosine-phosphorylated state of Cdk2. These compounds represent a new class of cell proliferation blockers whose target is Cdk2 activation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of c-MYC has been considered as a potential therapy for lymphoma treatment. We explored a lentiviral vector-mediated small interfering RNA (siRNA) expression vector to stably reduce c-MYC expression in B cell line Jijoye cells and investigated the effects of c-MYC downregulation on cell growth, cell cycle, and apoptosis in vitro. The expression of c-MYC mRNA and protein levels were inhibited significantly by c-MYC siRNA. The c-MYC downregulation resulted in the inhibition of cell proliferation and cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase, which was associated with decreased expression of cyclin B and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) and increased expression of CDK inhibitor p21 proteins. In addition, downregulation of c-MYC induced cell apoptosis characterized by DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activation. Taken together, these results suggest that lentiviral vector-mediated siRNA for c-MYC may be a promising approach for targeting c-MYC in the treatment of Burkitt lymphoma.  相似文献   

The G1m(1) and G1m(2) allotype distribution was analyzed in a population sample from 11 Albanian towns of Calabria. The unusually high frequency of the G1m(1) marker already observed in Calabria as well as the presence of the Gm(2) phenotype were shown. The Calabrian and Albanian populations were similar, but significantly different from other Italian populations.  相似文献   

The distribution of G1m(1), G1m(2) and G3m(5) allotypes was studied in 700 unrelated individuals from Aragon (North-East Spain). The Gm haplotype frequencies were similar to those reported in French areas next to Aragon.  相似文献   

The vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase), a multisubunit proton pump, has come into focus as an attractive target in cancer invasion. However, little is known about the role of V-ATPase in cell death, and especially the underlying mechanisms remain mostly unknown. We used the myxobacterial macrolide archazolid B, a potent inhibitor of the V-ATPase, as an experimental drug as well as a chemical tool to decipher V-ATPase-related cell death signaling. We found that archazolid induced apoptosis in highly invasive tumor cells at nanomolar concentrations which was executed by the mitochondrial pathway. Prior to apoptosis induction archazolid led to the activation of a cellular stress response including activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) and autophagy. Autophagy, which was demonstrated by degradation of p62 or fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes, was induced at low concentrations of archazolid that not yet increase pH in lysosomes. HIF1α was induced due to energy stress shown by a decline of the ATP level and followed by a shutdown of energy-consuming processes. As silencing HIF1α increases apoptosis, the cellular stress response was suggested to be a survival mechanism. We conclude that archazolid leads to energy stress which activates adaptive mechanisms like autophagy mediated by HIF1α and finally leads to apoptosis. We propose V-ATPase as a promising drugable target in cancer therapy caught up at the interplay of apoptosis, autophagy, and cellular/metabolic stress.  相似文献   

ATM-dependent initiation of the radiation-induced G2/M checkpoint arrest is well established. Recent results have shown that the majority of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in G2 phase are repaired by DNA nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), while ∼15% of DSBs are slowly repaired by homologous recombination. Here, we evaluate how the G2/M checkpoint is maintained in irradiated G2 cells, in light of our current understanding of G2 phase DSB repair. We show that ATM-dependent resection at a subset of DSBs leads to ATR-dependent Chk1 activation. ATR-Seckel syndrome cells, which fail to efficiently activate Chk1, and small interfering RNA (siRNA) Chk1-treated cells show premature mitotic entry. Thus, Chk1 significantly contributes to maintaining checkpoint arrest. Second, sustained ATM signaling to Chk2 contributes, particularly when NHEJ is impaired by XLF deficiency. We also show that cells lacking the mediator proteins 53BP1 and MDC1 initially arrest following radiation doses greater than 3 Gy but are subsequently released prematurely. Thus, 53BP1−/− and MDC1−/− cells manifest a checkpoint defect at high doses. This failure to maintain arrest is due to diminished Chk1 activation and a decreased ability to sustain ATM-Chk2 signaling. The combined repair and checkpoint defects conferred by 53BP1 and MDC1 deficiency act synergistically to enhance chromosome breakage.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) activate the DNA damage response (DDR), a coordinated process that functions to enhance survival and maintain genomic stability. The DDR includes pathways of DSB repair and a signal transduction response that activates apoptosis and cell cycle checkpoint arrest and influences DSB repair (15). DNA nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) represent the major DSB repair mechanisms, NHEJ being the major mechanism in G0/G1, while both processes function in G2 (9, 32). Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) are related phosphoinositol 3-kinase-like kinases (PIKKs) that regulate the DNA damage signaling response. ATM is activated by DSBs, while ATR is activated at single-strand (ss) regions of DNA via a process that involves ATRIP-replication protein A (RPA)-ssDNA association. Ionizing radiation (IR) induces DSBs, base damage, and ss nicks. Since neither base damage nor ss nicks activate ATR, IR-induced signaling in the G1 and G2 phases is predominantly ATM dependent (3, 29). In S phase, ATR can be activated by both endogenous and exogenously induced lesions following replication fork stalling/collapse (8).Recent work has shown that in G2 phase, DSBs can undergo resection via an ATM-dependent process generating ssDNA regions that can activate ATR following RPA association (11). ATR activation at resected DSBs is coupled to loss of ATM activation (11). Although ATM and ATR share overlapping substrates, there is specificity in their signaling to the transducer kinases; ATM uniquely phosphorylates Chk2, while ATR phosphorylates Chk1. Phosphorylation of either Chk1 or Chk2 causes their activation. Critical targets of Chk1/Chk2 are the Cdc25 phosphatases, which regulate the cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), including Cdk1, the regulator of mitotic entry (18). Collectively, these studies suggest that two components of ATM-dependent signaling to the G2/M checkpoint machinery can occur: ATM-Chk2 signaling at unresected DSBs and ATM-ATR-Chk1 signaling at resected DSBs.Although much is known about the mechanism leading to G2/M checkpoint activation, few studies have addressed how arrest is maintained and how release coordinates with the status of DSB repair. We examine here the maintenance of checkpoint arrest during the immediate phase of DSB repair. We do not address the issue of checkpoint adaptation, a distinct phenomenon which occurs after prolonged checkpoint arrest (22). Further, we focus on the process maintaining arrest in irradiated G2-phase cells and do not consider how arrest is maintained in irradiated S-phase cells that progress into G2 phase. (Previous studies have shown that while G2/M arrest is ATM dependent at early times post-IR, at later times it becomes ATR dependent as S-phase cells progress into G2 phase [2, 33].) To focus on mechanisms maintaining ATM-dependent signaling in G2-phase cells, we use aphidicolin (APH) to prevent S-phase cells from progressing into G2 during analysis. We, thus, examine checkpoint maintenance in cells irradiated in G2 phase and do not evaluate arrest regulated by ATR following replication fork stalling. The basis for our work stems from two recent advances. First, we evaluate the impact of ATM-mediated ATR activation in the light of recent findings that resection occurs in G2 phase (11). Second, we consider the finding that NHEJ represents the major DSB repair mechanism in G2 and that a 15 to 20% subset of DSBs, representing those that are rejoined with slow kinetics in an ATM-dependent manner, undergo resection and repair by HR (3, 25). Thus, contrary to the notion that HR represents the major DSB repair pathway in G2 phase, it repairs only 15 to 20% of X- or gamma-ray-induced DSBs and represents the slow component of DSB repair in G2 phase. Given these findings, several potential models for how checkpoint arrest is maintained in G2 can be envisaged. A simple model is that the initial signal generated by IR is maintained for a defined time to allow for DSB repair. Such a model appears to explain the kinetics of checkpoint signaling in fission yeast after moderate IR (17). In mammalian cells, the duration of arrest depends on dose and DSB repair capacity (6). Thus, it is possible that the status of ongoing repair is communicated to the checkpoint machinery to coordinate timely release with the process of DSB repair. Here, we consider the impact of resection leading to ATM-ATR-Chk1 signaling versus ATM-Chk2 signaling from nonresected DSBs and how they interplay to maintain rather than initiate checkpoint arrest.Mediator proteins, including 53BP1 and MDC1, assemble at DSBs in an ATM-dependent manner, but their roles in the DDR are unclear. Cells lacking 53BP1 or MDC1 are proficient in checkpoint initiation after moderate IR doses, leading to the suggestion that these proteins are required for amplification of the ATM signal after exposure to low doses but are dispensable after high doses, when a robust signal is generated, even in their absence (7, 16, 28, 31). Despite their apparent subtle role in ATM signaling, cells lacking these mediator proteins display significant genomic instability (19). We thus also examine whether the mediator proteins contribute to the maintenance of checkpoint arrest.We identify two ATM-dependent processes that contribute to the maintenance of checkpoint arrest in G2-phase cells: (i) ATR-Chk1 activation at resected DSBs and (ii) a process that involves sustained signaling from ATM to Chk2 at unrepaired DSBs. Further, we show that 53BP1 and MDC1 are required for maintaining checkpoint arrest, even following exposure to high radiation doses due to roles in ATR-Chk1 activation and sustained ATM-Chk2 signaling, and that this contributes to their elevated genomic instability.  相似文献   

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