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A three-year mycological investigation of the Kékes North forest reserve in the Mátra mountains. Hungary proved the richness of the area in lignicolous macrofungi. Diversity of macrofungi was in close correlation with the developmental phases of the forest as well as with the amount of dead wood of different quality (diameter, stage of decomposition, etc.).  相似文献   

Ecological conditions and phytoplankton succession in two shallow hypertrophic lakes (Langer See and Melangsee) and a dimictic, eutrophic lake (Scharmützelsee) in a lake chain in Eastern Germany were analyzed from 1999 to 2001 in order to find situations of phytoplankton steady state assemblages and variables controlling the phytoplankton composition according to Reynolds et al. (2002). Long term background data from 1993 to 2001 suggest steady state conditions in shallow lakes, whereas the deep lake exhibited irregular fluctuations between various phytoplankton stages. Since the phytoplankton composition in the shallow lakes was similar in all the 3 years, it was highly predictable. Steady state conditions dominated by different species of Oscillatoriales were detected during the summer period 1999 and 2000 in Langer See and in Melangsee (see Mischke & Nixdorf, this volume). This dominant assemblage found in both lakes (group S 1 acc. to Reynolds et al., 2002): Planktothrix agardhii (Gom.) Anagn. et Kom., Limnothrix redekei (Van Goor) Meffert, Pseudanabaena (Lauterb.) is typical in turbid mixed layers with highly light deficient conditions, but it is also regularly dominant in the dimictic lake Scharmützelsee as observed in 1999 and 2001 (Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemm.) Kom. The Nostocales Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolz.) Seenayya et Subba Raju and Aphanizomenon gracile (Lemmerm.) Lemmerm. were important in the shallow lakes as well as in lake Scharmützelsee. Nevertheless, the occurrence of filamentous cyanobacteria in the dimictic lake was not regular and an unpredictable change in phytoplankton development was observed in 2000. It is discussed, whether this phenomenon of regular succession in shallow hypertrophic lakes is caused by adaptation to a resilient and an extreme environment or by the pool of species that can live or survive in that environment. This was checked through comparison of the depth of the mixed layer, the mean daily irradiance within this layer and the nutrient resources. Although the nutrient resources in both types of lake are near threshold levels, indicating growth inhibition by dissolved nutrients (DIP, DIN, TIC, DSi), the under water light supply seems to be the key factor favoring the dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria belonging to the functional group S 1.  相似文献   

A core recovered in the North German Basin at the locality of Eulenflucht in the Süntel Mountains, 30 km SE of Hannover, Germany, is interpreted in terms of Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian sequence stratigraphy of this basin. Thirteen different facies are recognized which record the evolution of an outer ramp into a restricted hypersaline lagoon. Changes in grain size, variations in the amount of components, fluctuations of the matrix content and of the microscopic texture, as well as vertical lithofacies stacking patterns, were integrated to define small-scale sequences. Medium-scale sequences were identified by changes in facies combinations of the constituent small-scale sequences. Large-scale sequences were differentiated by facies proportion statistics in the distinct medium-scale sequences. This allows the complete sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian succession to be interpreted. The stable carbon isotopic composition of bulk samples enables a correlation with chemostratigraphic records found elsewhere. This result is supported by an ostracod biostratigraphy that allows a chronostratigraphic assignment of the succession. The large-scale sequences were controlled by climate and local tectonic movements. It is proposed that a long-term shallowing trend during the Kimmeridgian time was induced by regional uplift.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper presents results of stratigraphical, sedimentological and micropalaeontological investigations of an olistolith from the Büd?skút area in the Bükk Mts (NW Hungary). The olistolith consists of Norian sub- and peritidal platform carbonates (Büd?skút lime-stone). During early diagenesis dissolution cavities originated which where filled by ostracodal mudstones. Other cavities first were wallpapered by evinospongial crusts and later filled either by ostracodal mudstones or by brick-red haematitic material (weathered bauxite). The evinospongial crusts show stromatolite-like structures and their forming therefore is supposed to be organically (microbially) induced. During the Early up to the Late Jurassic the host rock was dissected by neptunian dykes. The internal sediment's faunal content reveals that the dykes formed during the (?) Hettangian/Sinemurian and the Toarcian— Oxfordian age. A comparison of the Büd?skút limestone neptunian dyke internal sediments with the Bükk parautochthonous and the Szarvasko-Mónosbél nappe complex sedimentary columns shows no similarities. Therefore the Büd?skút olistolith is interpreted as an exotic body within the Bükk Mts.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of zooplankton in shallow lakes is negatively related to macrophyte density. However, the abundance of their food along density gradients of macrophytes is unknown. A common but untested assumption is that food quantity and quality for pelagic zooplankton is poor in the littoral zone owing to the deleterious influence of macrophytes on phytoplankton. 2. We tested this assumption with a combination of a field survey and laboratory experiments. We collected seston samples from the littoral and pelagic zones of four shallow temperate lakes and related food quantity (phytoplankton biovolume) and quality to macrophyte abundance (per cent volume infested). Seston food quality was assessed in three ways: N/C and P/C ratios, polyunsaturated fatty acid content and phytoplankton community composition. In the laboratory, we measured the growth and reproduction of Daphnia pulicaria on diets consisting of seston from the littoral and pelagic zones in one lake. 3. In our four study lakes, food quantity was not significantly influenced by macrophyte abundance, and food quality was generally high. Laboratory experiments showed increased juvenile growth, but no significant change in D. pulicaria reproduction, when feeding on littoral resources compared to pelagic resources. 4. Our results suggest that there is no nutritional cost to pelagic zooplankton inhabiting the littoral zone. Therefore, it is likely that other factors (e.g. predation, abiotic factors) are involved in determining zooplankton habitat use.  相似文献   

Anita Kiss 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):89-98
Spatial and temporal distribution, abundance and habitat preferences of ostracod assemblages were studied in various habitats of Lake Fehér in Hungary. Of the 20 species Fabaeformiscandona hyalina and Cypridopsis hartwigi are new to Hungary. Significant spatial differences were recorded in the composition and abundance of the Ostracoda assemblages in the different habitats. The most diverse and abundant assemblages were found in the reed-belt, however, the mean abundance of the species differed in the different macrophyte communities of the reed-belt. The species richness and abundance were considerably lower in disturbed sites than in the other habitats. Most of the 20 species showed distinct habitat preferences and ecological tolerances. Especially the presence and coverage of the vegetation and the dissolved oxygen content influenced the distribution and abundance of the species.  相似文献   

Károly Schöll 《Biologia》2009,64(5):951-958
Gemenc floodplain lies between river kilometres km 1503 and 1469 of the Danube River; it is a part of the Danube-Dráva National Park in Hungary. The floodplain is one of the largest in Europe with an 18,000 hectares (Natura 2000) area, and various characteristic side arms and backwaters which lie completely in the floodplain. The area needs hydrological revitalization because of the sinking of the river bed caused by the regulation of the main arm at the end of the 19th century. For this revitalization an exhaustive knowledge of the hydrobiological relationships among the different water bodies is required. The aims of this study were to explore connections among the hydrological events, physico-chemical parameters of the water bodies and the diversity of the planktonic rotifer assemblages. From 2002 to 2004, 56 planktonic and 15 tychoplanktonic rotifer taxa were found in the area. The diversity of rotifer assemblages was generally higher in the parapotamal water bodies than in the main arm and in the plesio/paleo-potamal water bodies, which could be explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The diversity, dominance, and evenness of the assemblages were correlated with water flow and water temperature. The most important factors influencing the diversity patterns were the occurrence of flow (retention time) as a disturbance, connectivity with the main arm, and habitat diversity of the given water body. Most of these factors are determined by the water level fluctuation of the main arm.  相似文献   

Abundance and body size of zooplanktonic organisms, testate amoebae, rotifers, cladocerans and copepods from the littoral and pelagic regions of three lakes were analyzed in February and August 2000. The lakes belong to three different river systems (Baía, Ivinhema and Paraná rivers) of the upper River Paraná floodplain. It was expected that average body size was different in space (regions of the lake and limnological characteristics) and time (summer and winter) because the variation of depth, pH, oxygen dissolved, chlorophyll-a and water temperature of each lake. Zooplankton community was represented by 119 species. Sorensen's coefficient showed that the three communities were similar. Larger organisms were found in the lakes' pelagic region, and seasonally larger individuals were registered in the winter and smaller individuals in the summer. The relationship between body size and density was slight, positively significant. The body size frequency distribution was bi-modal. ANOVA results showed a significant influence of the interaction of the littoral and pelagic regions, lakes, and seasons in the body size of zooplankton organisms. Spatial and temporal changes of the community size structure of zooplanktonic assemblages were related to the food resource (microbial-loop or herbivore chain), species habitat preference and life strategies (growth and reproduction).  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes takes place when pH of rainwater is less than 4.5 and the catchments lie on sensitive geology. Both conditions are met for most lakes in Bohemia and Slovakia. Since 1978 we have studied mountain lakes in the Sumava and in the High Tatra Mountains. In Šumava the three lakes under study are of glacial origin. The catchments are small, with steep sides covered by spruce. The bedrocks are biotite-rich paragneiss, together with gneiss, quartzite and granite. In summer 1936 surface pH was 5.7–6.9 in the Lake Čertovo and 6.9–7.0 in the Lake Černé. Now the pH values are 4.3–4.8 in the two lakes and in the Lake Prášilské as well. Old reports on zooplankton are from the years 1871, 1892–96, 1935–37, 1947 and 1960. Since 1979 we have not found any planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Černé and Čertovo. Lake Prášilské is inhabited by Daphnia longispina and Cyclops abyssorum. In July 1989 the pH values were 4.4, 4.7 and 4.7, concentrations of labile monomeric Al were 0.83, 0.68 and 0.24 mg l-1 in the lakes Čertovo, Černé and Prašilské, respectively. High levels of toxic Al compounds might be responsible for the extinction of planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Čertovo and Černé. All the three lakes are void of fish at present. In the High Tatra Mts. we examined more than 40 lakes above timberline in altitudes 1612–2145 m. They are all clearwater, naturally fishless lakes. The bedrock is granite. Owing to different levels of calcium the lakes are now in different stages of acidification. According to recent changes in the zooplankton they can be divided into three groups: (1) Species composition of planktonic Crustacea has not changed. (2) Planktonic Crustacea were present until 1973 but are absent now. (3) From the original species of Crustacea only Chydorus sphaericus is present. The three groups are well separated along the gradients of calcium, ANC and pH. They can be identified with the Henriksen's bicarbonate (our group 1), intermediate (our group 2) and acid (our group 3) lakes. We suppose that in the process of acidification the lakes of the group (2) have been shifted from oligotrophy to ultraoligotrophy.  相似文献   

Pterothrissus gissu is a rare albulid fish that is distributed in deep water off Japan. This fish is known to pass through a leptocephalus larval stage, but only metamorphosed (after reaching the fully grown stage) specimens have been available. In this study, the premetamorphosis (before fully grown stage) leptocephalus larva of P. gissu is first described from 45 specimens (117.2–194.5 mm SL) collected by a pelagic otter trawl in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region of the western North Pacific in May 1995. Premetamorphosis leptocephalus larvae are characterized by having poorly developed fin rays except for the caudal fin, a translucent body, branched melanophores beneath the eye, and punctuate melanophores on the dorsal edge of the gut from the throat to the anus. Previously fully grown leptocephali were estimated to reach about 130 mm SL based on the size distributions of metamorphosing specimens. However, the present specimens show that fully grown leptocephali of P. gissu exceed 180 mm SL. Received: March 21, 2001 / Revised: March 19, 2002 / Accepted: April 15, 2002  相似文献   

Meijer  M. -L.  de Haan  M. W.  Breukelaar  A. W.  Buiteveld  H. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):303-315
Experimental reduction of the fish stock in two shallow lakes in The Netherlands shows that such a biomanipulation can lead to a substantial increase in transparency, which is caused not only by a decrease in algal biomass, but also by a decrease in resuspended sediment and detritus. A model was developed to describe transparency in relation to chlorophyll-a and inorganic, suspended solids (resuspended sediment). With the use of this model it is shown that more than 50% of the turbidity in these shallow lakes before biomanipulation was determined by the sediment resuspension, mainly caused by benthivorous fish. Another analysis reveals that the concentration of inorganic suspended solids and the biomass of benthivorous fish are positively correlated, and that even in the absence of algae a benthivorous fish biomass of 600 kg ha−1 can reduce the Secchi depth to 0.4 m in shallow lakes. In addition, it is argued that algal biomass is also indirectly reduced by removal of benthivorous fish. Reduction of benthivorous fish is necessary to get macrophytes and macrophytes seem to be necessary to keep the algal biomass low in nutrient-rich shallow lakes. It is concluded that the impact of benthivorous fish on the turbidity can be large, especially in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Lars Leonardson 《Oecologia》1984,63(3):398-404
Summary Phytoplankton net carbon uptake and nitrogen fixation were studied in two shallow, eutrophic lakes in South Sweden. Ranges of diurnal net carbon uptake were estimated by subtracting 24-h respiration rates corresponding to 5–20% of P max, respectively, from daytime carbon uptake values. total nitrogen requirement of the phytoplankton assemblage was determined from the diurnal net carbon uptake, assuming a phytoplankton C:N ratio of 9.5:1. Nitrogen supplied by nitrogen fixation only occasionally corresponded to the demands of the total phytoplankton assemblage. When heterocystous algae made up a substantial proportion (10%) of the total phytoplankton biomass, nitrogen fixation could meet the requirements of heterocystous blue-green algae on c. 50% of the sampling occasions. Nitrogen deficiencies in heterocystous algae were most probably balanced by the simultaneous or sequential assimilation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. It was concluded that uptake of ammonium or nitrate, regenerated from lake seston and sediment, is the main process by which growth of phytoplankton is maintained during summer in the lake ecosystems studied.  相似文献   

The ionic regulation of the haemolymph of larvae of Aeshna cyanea (Müller) was studied by means of two types of experiments. In the first the change in internal ionic composition was followed as a function of the time spent in a given experimental medium. These experiments led to the conclusion that: 1. the haemolymph composition does not change when larvae are starved in tap water for 10 days; 2. the haemolymph ionic concentrations (Na and Cl) have initial marked increase when the animals are kept in hypertonic media of diluted sea water; after 80 hours however, both concentrations stay constant. In a second series of experiments the internal ionic concentration was compared to a series of different concentrations of external media. From this, the relation between the internal and external ionic concentration was elaborated : in hypotonic media the internal Na and Cl concentrations stay constant, in hypertonic media there is a parallelism between the increase of the external concentration and haemolymph concentration, the internal Na concentration being always slightly hypertonic, the Cl concentration markedly hypotonic. Finally, when larvae are placed in glass distilled water, the internal Na and Cl concentrations begin to decrease after 60 hours.  相似文献   

  • 1 We measured the abundance and biomass of filter‐feeding microcrustacean zooplankton and calculated their grazing impact on phytoplankton biomass during summer in five shallow, mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes. For three of the lakes data exist both from years with dense submerged vegetation and low turbidity (the clearwater state), as well as from years characterised by sparse vegetation and high turbidity (the turbid state). In the other two lakes data are available only for clearwater conditions.
  • 2 In all lakes conditions of dense vegetation and clear water coincided with a low abundance of crustacean plankton during summer. In the three lakes that shifted, the calculated biovolume ingested by crustacean plankton (filtering rate) was 3–11 times lower during clearwater conditions compared with turbid conditions. Because phytoplankton biomass was lower during clearwater conditions, however, daily grazing pressure from microcrustacea (expressed as percentage of phytoplankton biomass) did not differ between states. In three of the five lakes, grazers were estimated to take less than 10% of the phytoplankton biomass per day, indicating filtration by zooplankton was not the most important mechanism to maintain clearwater conditions.
  • 3 High densities of Cladocera were found in three of the lakes within dense stands of Charophyta. However, these samples were dominated by plant‐associated taxa that even during the night were rarely found outside the vegetation. This indicates that plant‐associated zooplankton has no major influence on the maintenance of water clarity outside the vegetation.
  • 4 Spring peak abundance of Cladocera was observed in three of the lakes. In two of these, where seasonal development was studied in both the clearwater and the turbid state, spring peaks were lower during the clearwater state.
  • 5 Predation, low food availability or a combination of both may explain the low zooplankton densities. Phytoplankton may be limited by low phosphorus availability in the lakes dominated by Charophyta. Our results indicate that the importance of zooplankton grazing may have minor importance for the maintenance of the clearwater state in lakes with dense, well‐established submerged vegetation.

Diatom assemblages were analysed in the surface sediments of 44 alkaline lakes in south-western Ontario, Canada, and combined with a pre-existing 58 south-eastern Ontario lake set: (1) to determine if shallow, polymictic Ontario lakes contain different diatom assemblages from deeper, dimictic lakes, and if so, which environmental variables most influence assemblages; (2) to improve the existing transfer functions; (3) to construct and compare transfer functions separately for dimictic, deep lakes and for polymictic, shallow lakes. Polymictic and dimictic lakes covered a similar nutrient range (spring total phosphorus (TP)=4–54 g/l, spring total nitrogen (TN)=200–927 g/l; n=101) and spring pH levels (7.6–9; n=101). However, polymictic lakes were shallower (median mean depth = 2.9 m vs. 7.3 m in dimictic lakes). Benthic diatoms (average 60% relative abundance) dominated the polymictic lakes, whereas planktonic diatoms (average 60%) dominated dimictic lakes. A Canonical Correspondence Analyses with forward selection (p < 0.05, 999 Monte Carlo permutations) identified TP, alkalinity, watershed to volume ratios and lake depth as the most important measured environmental variables influencing diatom distribution in both polymictic and dimictic lakes. Additionally, pH was identified as an important variable in polymictic lakes, whereas TN was also forward selected in the dimictic lakes. Adding more lakes to the original southern Ontario calibration set improved the TN transfer function (r2 jack=0.42, root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP)jack=0.11 [log g TN/l]), although there was a high systematic error in the revised model (r2 residual = 0.48). However, the strongest TP model was derived from the polymictic lakes (r2 boot =0.44, RMSEPboot=0.20 [log g TP/l]), which was the smallest lake set (n=30) with the lowest number of diatom species. The stronger TP model from the polymictic lakes may be partly due to the relatively low macrophyte cover in our polymictic lakes, which may lead to stronger benthic–pelagic coupling than in lakes with large macrophyte populations. Additionally, our study suggests that the Chrysophyceae cyst:diatom frustule ratio may be useful for indicating trends in TP levels of 35 g/l in alkaline lakes that are dimictic, but is not necessarily indicative of trophic state changes in shallow, polymictic lakes. Our study demonstrates that it may be important to construct separate diatom-based nutrient transfer functions for polymictic and dimictic lakes.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition that viruses are ubiquitous components of aquatic ecosystems, the number of studies on viral abundance and the ecological role of viruses in sediments is scarce. In this investigation, the interactions between viruses and bacteria were studied in the oxygenated silty sediment layer of a mesotrophic oxbow lake. A long-term study (13 months) and a diel study revealed that viruses are a numerically important and dynamic component of the microbial community. The abundance and decay rates ranged from 4.3 x 10(9) to 7.2 x 10(9) particles ml of wet sediment(-1) and from undetectable to 22.2 x 10(7) particles ml(-1) h(-1), respectively, and on average the values were 2 orders of magnitude higher than the values for the overlying water. In contrast to our expectations, viruses did not contribute significantly to the bacterial mortality in the sediment, since on average only 6% (range, 0 to 25%) of the bacterial secondary production was controlled by viruses. The low impact of viruses on the bacterial community may be associated with the quantitatively low viral burden that benthic bacteria have to cope with compared to the viral burden with which bacterial assemblages in the water column are confronted. The virus-to-bacterium ratio of the sediment varied between 0.9 and 3.2, compared to a range of 5.0 to 12.4 obtained for the water column. We speculate that despite high numbers of potential hosts, the possibility of encountering a host cell is limited by the physical conditions in the sediment, which is therefore not a favorable environment for viral proliferation. Our data suggest that viruses do not play an important role in the processing and transfer of bacterial carbon in the oxygenated sediment layer of the environment investigated.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1978,8(4):231-236
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was demonstrated in intact brains of larvae from the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis using 2-(2′-benzothiazolyl)-5-stryl-3-(4′-phthalhydrazidyl) tetrazolium chloride (BSPT). With tryptamine as the substrate, MAO specific activity was restricted to mitochondria within perineurial cells. The basic BSPT methodology was modified by the substitution of 2% dimethylsulfoxide for dimethylformamide in the incubation medium. This yielded increased permeability of the brain to the incubation medium, presumably by disrupting the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. A discussion of possible reasons for the previous inability to demonstrate insect neuronal MAO activity is presented.  相似文献   


Floodplain lakes are good metacommunity systems to study the environmental and spatial processes structuring local assemblages. They are more connected during high-water periods and are more isolated during low-water periods. We evaluated the effects of lake spatial patterning and water and sediment conditions on Unionida species assemblages. Moran Eigenvector Maps were used to generate spatial variables representing spatial patterns at different scales. We sampled 35 lakes from the Pantanal floodplain, Brazil. To understand the effects of environmental and spatial variables, we performed Redundancy Analyses and variation partitioning to separate environmental and spatial pattern effects. Environmental variables explained almost twice the variation in the Pantanal mussel assemblages than did spatial variables. Unionida species presence was driven mainly by variations in sediment coarse sand and silt contents. The weak spatial patterns observed may be related to increased connectivity between lakes during floods, which facilitates mussel host fish dispersal. Mussel abundances were driven mainly by organic matter availability, but varied between species. Changes in lake connectivity can affect the regional sediment dynamics and affect mussel assemblages.


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