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Gassericin A, produced by Lactobacillus gasseri LA39, is a hydrophobic circular bacteriocin. The DNA region surrounding the gassericin A structural gene, gaaA, was sequenced, and seven open reading frames (ORFs) of 3.5 kbp (gaaBCADITE) were found with possible functions in gassericin A production, secretion, and immunity. The deduced products of the five consecutive ORFs gaaADITE have homology to those of genes involved in butyrivibriocin AR10 production, although the genetic arrangements are different in the two circular bacteriocin genes. GaaI is a small, positively charged hydrophobic peptide of 53 amino acids containing a putative transmembrane segment. Heterologous expression and homologous expression of GaaI in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 and L. gasseri JCM1131T, respectively, were studied. GaaI-expressing strains exhibited at least sevenfold-higher resistance to gassericin A than corresponding control strains, indicating that gaaI encodes an immunity peptide for gassericin A. Comparison of GaaI to peptides with similar characteristics found in the circular bacteriocin gene loci is discussed.Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides that act primarily against related bacterial species. The classification of bacteriocins remains controversial. Here, we use the classification of Maqueda et al. (30): class I (lantibiotics); class II (nonlantibiotics) with subclasses IIa (antilisteral pediocin-like bacteriocins), IIb (two-peptide bacteriocins), and IIc (leaderless bacteriocins); class III (large heat-labile bacteriocins); and class IV (circular bacteriocins linked at the N- and C-terminal amino acids).Nine class IV circular bacteriocins have been reported to date. They can be further divided into two major groups by using their primary structures, biochemical characteristics, and genetic arrangements. One group is the family of enterocin AS-48 (32), the first circular bacteriocin described (in 1994), which includes circularin A (25) and uberolysin (40). The other group is the family of gassericin A (19, 21), the second bacteriocin found (in 1998), which includes acidocin B (28), reutericin 6 (with a primary structure 100% identical to that of gassericin A) (22, 23), butyrivibriocin AR10 (17), and carnocyclin A, from Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307 (33). The lantibiotic-like subtilosin A produced by Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis strain 168 (24) is an orphan member of the class IV bacteriocins. The gassericin A family of bacteriocins have been isolated from various bacterial species in several countries, suggesting the bacteriocin genes may be associated with transferable genetic elements.The bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bacteriocin-producing LAB strains isolated from foods are promising food preservative candidates, and strains of human origin are expected to be probiotics that could help to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in food and the human intestine. Lactobacillus gasseri belongs to the Lactobacillus acidophilus group of LAB, which are natural inhabitants of the human intestinal tract (35), and many L. gasseri strains have been shown to produce bacteriocins (16, 20). Gassericin A was produced by L. gasseri LA39 isolated from the feces of a human infant; it has bactericidal activity against the food-borne pathogens Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus (16). Recently, using proteose peptone, some strains of L. gasseri containing LA39 were successfully cultured in reconstituted skim milk and cheese whey, where L. gasseri LA39 produced gassericin A; these low-cost, safe media could be used to improve the safety of biopreservation (1). Gassericin A has been purified and characterized, and its structural gene (gaaA) has been cloned and sequenced (21, 22). Determination of the complete chemical structure of gassericin A showed that the bacteriocin belongs to class IV and consists of 58 amino acid residues linked at the N and C termini (19). Little is known about the mechanisms of secretion and circularization of gassericin A and immunity to the circular bacteriocin.Here, we sequenced six genes surrounding gaaA thought to be related to production of and immunity to gassericin A and examined the homologous and heterologous expression of a small hydrophobic peptide, GaaI; we found that gaaI is an immunity gene providing protection against gassericin A.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus acidophilus TK8912 produces an antibacterial substance, designated acidocin 8912, which is active against strains of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus. Of all conditions tested, the production of acidocin 8912 was maximum at 30°C in MRS broth. Acidocin 8912 was stable to heat treatment (120°C for 20min), but completely inactivated by protease treatment. Curing a plasmid pLA103 resulted in the loss of both acidocin 8912 production (Acd+) and host immunity (Acdr). A plasmid-cured strain, TK1–4 (Acd- Acd8), was transformed to Acd+Acdr with the pLA103 plasmid. These results provided the first direct evidence in lactobacilli for involvement of this plasmid in bacteriocin production and immunity.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus acidophilus 88 produced a bacteriocin, designated lactacin F, that demonstrated inhibitory activity toward L. acidophilus 6032, L. lactis 970, L. helveticus 87, L. bulgaricus 1489, L. leichmanii 4797, L. fermentum 1750, and Streptococcus faecalis 19433. Production of lactacin F was pH dependent and could be maximized in MRS broth cultures maintained at pH 7.0. Lactacin F was heat stable and sensitive to ficin, proteinase K, trypsin, and Bacillus subtilis protease. L. acidophilus 88 harbored plasmids of 4 and 27 megadaltons. Variants of L. acidophilus 88 which were deficient in lactacin F production (Laf) and lactacin F immunity (Laf) retained the two resident plasmids. A Laf Laf derivative, L. acidophilus 89, was used as a recipient in agar surface mating experiments with L. acidophilus 88 (Laf Laf). Two types of Laf Laf transconjugants were recovered. One type (T-E) had acquired two plasmids of 68 (pPM68) and 52 (pPM52) megadaltons that were not detected in either the conjugal donor or the other type of Laf Laf transconjugants (T-89). Laf and Laf were unstable in the plasmid-bearing transconjugant. Plasmid analysis of Laf Laf variants revealed that pPM52 and pPM68 were cured with loss of Laf and Laf. Bacteriocin production and immunity phenotypes were genetically stable in Laf Laf transconjugants not harboring pPM52 and pPM68, suggesting chromosomal integration of the transferred determinants. The data demonstrated intragenic conjugation in L. acidophilus and provided direct evidence for involvement of transient plasmid determinants in Laf and Laf.  相似文献   

Previous studies of genes involved in the production of sakacin P by Lactobacillus sakei Lb674 revealed the presence of an inducible promoter downstream of the known spp gene clusters. We show here that this promoter drives the expression of an operon consisting of a bacteriocin gene (sppQ), a cognate immunity gene (spiQ), another gene with an unknown function (orf4), and a pseudoimmunity gene containing a frameshift mutation (orf5). The leader peptide of the new one-peptide bacteriocin sakacin Q contains consensus elements that are typical for so-called “double-glycine” leader peptides. The mature bacteriocin shows weak similarity to the BrcA peptide of the two-peptide bacteriocin brochocin C. Sakacin Q has an antimicrobial spectrum that differs from that of sakacin P, thus expanding the antimicrobial properties of the producer strain. The genes encoding sakacin Q and its cognate immunity protein showed strong translational coupling, which was investigated in detail by analyzing the properties of a series of β-glucuronidase fusions. Our results provide experimental evidence that production of the bacteriocin and production of the cognate immunity protein are tightly coregulated at the translational level.  相似文献   

Carnocyclin A is a circular bacteriocin produced by Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307. The carnocyclin A gene cluster cclBITCDAEFGH had been previously reported, and it was shown that transformation of C. maltaromaticum UAL26 with cclBITCDA resulted in immunity to, and low production of, carnocyclin A. Here, we demonstrate that full production of carnocyclin A in UAL26 transformants could be achieved when cclBITCDA was complemented with a second plasmid that contains cclEFGH. CclEFGH is a multicomponent ABC transporter that has similarity to As-48EFGH which is involved in the production of enterocin AS-48. Transformation of UAL26 containing cclBITCDA with deletion derivatives of cclEFGH did not increase the production of carnocyclin A, confirming the involvement of CclEFGH in bacteriocin production. Transformants of UAL26 containing cclEFGH showed a slight decrease in sensitivity to carnocyclin A, indicating that CclEFGH might also play a role in immunity.  相似文献   

The locations of the genetic determinants for enterocin L50 (EntL50A and EntL50B), enterocin Q (EntQ), and enterocin P (EntP) in the multiple bacteriocin producer Enterococcus faecium strain L50 were determined. These bacteriocin genes occur at different locations; entL50AB (encoding EntL50A and EntL50B) are on the 50-kb plasmid pCIZ1, entqA (encoding EntQ) is on the 7.4-kb plasmid pCIZ2, and entP (encoding EntP) is on the chromosome. The complete nucleotide sequence of pCIZ2 was determined to be 7,383 bp long and contains 10 putative open reading frames (ORFs) organized in three distinct regions. The first region contains three ORFs: entqA preceded by two divergently oriented genes, entqB and entqC. EntqB shows high levels of similarity to bacterial ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, while EntqC displays no significant similarity to any known protein. The second region encompasses four ORFs (orf4 to orf7), and ORF4 and ORF5 display high levels of similarity to mobilization proteins from E. faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. In addition, features resembling a transfer origin region (oriT) were found in the promoter area of orf4. The third region contains three ORFs (orf8 to orf10), and ORF8 and ORF9 exhibit similarity to the replication initiator protein RepE from E. faecalis and to RepB proteins, respectively. To clarify the minimum requirement for EntQ synthesis, we subcloned and heterologously expressed a 2,371-bp fragment from pCIZ2 that encompasses only the entqA, entqB, and entqC genes in Lactobacillus sakei, and we demonstrated that this fragment is sufficient for EntQ production. Moreover, we also obtained experimental results indicating that EntqB is involved in ABC transporter-mediated EntQ secretion, while EntqC confers immunity to this bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Type II restriction-modification systems are ubiquitous in prokaryotes. Some of them are present in naturally occurring plasmids, which may facilitate the spread of these systems in bacterial populations by horizontal gene transfer. However, little is known about the routes of their dissemination. As a model to study this, we have chosen an Escherichia coli natural plasmid pEC156 that carries the EcoVIII restriction modification system. The presence of this system as well as the cis-acting cer site involved in resolution of plasmid multimers determines the stable maintenance of pEC156 not only in Escherichia coli but also in other enterobacteria. We have shown that due to the presence of oriT-type F and oriT-type R64 loci it is possible to mobilize pEC156 by conjugative plasmids (F and R64, respectively). The highest mobilization frequency was observed when pEC156-derivatives were transferred between Escherichia coli strains, Enterobacter cloacae and Citrobacter freundii representing coliform bacteria. We found that a pEC156-derivative with a functional EcoVIII restriction-modification system was mobilized in enterobacteria at a frequency lower than a plasmid lacking this system. In addition, we found that bacteria that possess the EcoVIII restriction-modification system can efficiently release plasmid content to the environment. We have shown that E. coli cells can be naturally transformed with pEC156-derivatives, however, with low efficiency. The transformation protocol employed neither involved chemical agents (e.g. CaCl2) nor temperature shift which could induce plasmid DNA uptake.  相似文献   

Carnocyclin A is a circular bacteriocin of 60 amino acids produced by Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307. A region of 12 kb that contained the structural gene for carnocyclin A, cclA, was sequenced using a fosmid library, and 10 genes were identified that could be responsible for carnocyclin A production and immunity. Five of those genes, cclBITCD, were found upstream of cclA: one encodes a protein containing a conserved ATP-binding domain and four encode proteins with putative membrane-spanning domains. CclC shows homology with a family of membrane proteins that contain the domain of unknown function 95 (DUF95). Downstream of cclA four additional genes, cclEFGH, were identified that show similarity to the last four genes, as-48EFGH, of the enterocin AS-48 bacteriocin gene cluster. CclFGH shows sequence homology with As-48FGH. Transformation of C. maltaromaticum UAL26 with cclBITCDA resulted in production of carnocyclin A, indicating that these genes form the minimal requirement for the secretion of fully matured bacteriocin. cclI encodes for a small hydrophobic protein with a high pI, which are characteristic features of known immunity proteins for other circular bacteriocins. Indeed, cloning of cclI behind a constitutive promoter in UAL26 resulted in immunity although the level of resistance was lower than that of UAL26 containing cclBITCDA, indicating that CclI alone is not enough to confer full immunity to carnocyclin A.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin production in many Gram-positive bacteria is controlled by a two-component regulatory system that is composed of the sensor protein and the response regulator. In this work, methods of computer analysis were used to describe the locus of genes responsible for the synthesis of class II bacteriocins in theStreptococcus equi genome. Potential regulatory sites (direct repeats) recognized by a DNA-binding protein of the corresponding two-component system were predicted.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to formulate a culture medium of lower cost than conventional laboratory media, in order to simultaneously obtain high amounts of both biomass and bacteriocin of vaginal Lactobacillus salivarius CRL 1328. The growth assays under different culture conditions were performed by using a 28?2 central composite experimental design, with a central point and sixteen additional points. The factors taken into consideration were glucose, lactose, yeast extract, tryptone, ammonium citrate, sodium acetate, MgSO4 and MnSO4. The simultaneous presence of a carbon source (mainly glucose), a nitrogen source (mainly yeast extract) and salts (mainly MnSO4, MgSO4 and sodium acetate) allowed the highest cell biomass and bacteriocin levels to be reached in the experimental design. Through the application of the desirability function, several optimal medium compositions to achieve efficient production of biomass and bacteriocin were predicted. The optimized growth media allow a cost reduction of around 25 to 40% compared with conventional broths. The results obtained represent an advance in the search of the most suitable strategies for the production of bioactive compounds for pharmaceutical products to prevent or treat female urogenital infections.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin B231 produced by Lactobacillus pentosus, isolated from an artisanal raw cow’s milk protected designation of origin Portuguese cheese, is a small protein with an apparent relative mass of about 5 kDa and active against a large number of Listeria monocytogenes wild-type strains, Listeria ivanovii and Listeria innocua. Bacteriocin B231 production is highly dependent on the type of the culture media used for growth of Lact. pentosus B231. Replacement of glucose with maltose yielded the highest bacteriocin production from eight different carbon sources. Similar results were recorded in the presence of combination of glucose and maltose or galactose. Production of bacteriocin B231 reached maximal levels of 800 AU/ml during the stationary phase of growth of Lact. pentosus B231 in MRS broth at 30 °C. Bacteriocin B231 (in cell-free supernatant) was sensitive to treatment with trypsin and proteinase K, but not affected by the thermal treatment in range of 55–121 °C, or freezing (?20 °C). Bacteriocin production and inhibitory spectrum were evaluated. Gene encoding plantaricin S has been detected in the genomic DNA. Virulence potential and safety of Lact. pentosus B231 were assessed by PCR targeted the genes gelE, hyl, asa1, esp, cylA, efaA, ace, vanA, vanB, hdc1, hdc2, tdc and odc. The Lact. pentosus B231 strains harbored plantaricin S gene, while the occurrence of virulence, antibiotic resistance and biogenic amine genes was limited to cytolysin, hyaluronidase, aggregation substance, adhesion of collagen protein, gelatinase, tyrosine decarboxylase and vancomycin B genes.  相似文献   

The biokinetics of cell growth of Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE 471 and bacteriocin production by this strain were investigated as a function of the temperatures (28 to 44°C) and pH values (pH 4.2 to 6.4) that are characteristic of a sourdough fermentation process. The influence of temperature and pH on microbial behavior is described by using a successfully validated predictive model.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis DPC4275 is a bacteriocin-producing transconjugant of the industrial starter strain DPC4268. Strain DPC4275 was generated through conjugal transfer by mating DPC4268 with L. lactis MG1363 containing the 60-kb plasmid pMRC01, which encodes the genetic determinants for the lantibiotic lacticin 3147 and for a phage resistance mechanism of the abortive infection type. The many significant applications of this strain prompted a genetic analysis of its apparently unstable bacteriocin-producing phenotype. Increased levels of lacticin 3147 produced by DPC4275 were associated with the appearance of an 80-kb plasmid, designated pMRC02, which was derived from DNA originating from pMRC01 (60 kb) and a resident DPC4268 proteinase plasmid, pMT60 (60 kb). Indeed, pMRC02 was shown to be derived from the insertion of a 17-kb fragment of pMRC01, encompassing the lacticin 3147 operon, into pMT60. The presence of pMRC02 at a high copy number was found to correlate with increased levels of lacticin 3147 in DPC4275 compared to the wild-type containing pMRC01. Subsequent transfer of pMRC02 into the plasmid-free strain MG1363 by electroporation allowed a direct phenotypic comparison with pMRC01, also studied in the MG1363 background. Plasmid pMRC02 displayed phage resistance similar to that by pMRC01, although it was less potent, as demonstrated by a larger plaque size for phage c2 infection of MG1363(pMRC02). While this locus is flanked by IS946 elements, the sequencing of pMT60-pMRC01 junction sites established that this event was unlikely to be insertion sequence mediated and most probably occurred by homologous recombination followed by deletion of most of pMRC01. This was not a random occurrence, as nine other transconjugants investigated were found to have the same junction sites. Such derivatives of commercial strains producing increased levels of bacteriocin could be exploited as protection cultures for food applications.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus curvatus LTH 1174, a strain originating in fermented sausage, produces the antilisterial bacteriocin curvacin A. Its biokinetics of cell growth and bacteriocin production as a function of various concentrations of salt (sodium chloride) were investigated in vitro during laboratory fermentations using modified MRS medium. A model was set up to describe the effects of different NaCl concentrations on microbial behavior. Both cell growth and bacteriocin activity were affected by changes in the salt concentration. Sodium chloride clearly slowed down the growth of L. curvatus LTH 1174, but more importantly, it had a detrimental effect on specific curvacin A production (kB) and hence on overall bacteriocin activity. Even a low salt concentration (2%, wt/vol) decreased bacteriocin production, while growth was unaffected at this concentration. The inhibitory effect of NaCl was mainly due to its role as an aw-lowering agent. Further, it was clear that salt interfered with bacteriocin induction. Additionally, when 6% (wt/vol) sodium chloride was added, the minimum biomass concentration necessary to start the production of curvacin A (XB) was 0.90 g (cell dry mass) per liter. Addition of the cell-free culture supernatant or a protein solution as a source of induction factor resulted in a decrease in XB, an increase in kB, and hence an increase in the maximum attainable bacteriocin activity.  相似文献   

Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clones are widely used for retrieving genomic DNA sequences for gene targeting. In this study, low-copy-number plasmids pBAC-FB, pBAC-FC, and pBAC-DE, which carry the F plasmid replicon, were generated from pBACe3.6. pBAC-FB was successfully used to retrieve a sequence of a BAC that was resistant to retrieval by a high-copy-number plasmid via λ Red-mediated recombineering (gap-repair cloning). This plasmid was also used to retrieve two other genes from BAC, indicating its general usability retrieving genes from BAC. The retrieved genes were manipulated in generating targeting vectors for gene knockouts by recombineering. The functionality of the targeting vector was further validated in a targeting experiment with C57BL/6 embryonic stem cells. The low-copy-number plasmid pBAC-FB is a plasmid of choice to retrieve toxic DNA sequences from BACs and to manipulate them to generate gene-targeting constructs by recombineering.  相似文献   



The antibacterial activity of bacteriophages has been described rather well. However, knowledge about the direct interactions of bacteriophages with mammalian organisms and their other, i.e. non-antibacterial, activities in mammalian systems is quite scarce. It must be emphasised that bacteriophages are natural parasites of bacteria, which in turn are parasites or symbionts of mammals (including humans). Bacteriophages are constantly present in mammalian bodies and the environment in great amounts. On the other hand, the perspective of the possible use of bacteriophage preparations for antibacterial therapies in cancer patients generates a substantial need to investigate the effects of phages on cancer processes.


In these studies the migration of human and mouse melanoma on fibronectin was inhibited by purified T4 and HAP1 bacteriophage preparations. The migration of human melanoma was also inhibited by the HAP1 phage preparation on matrigel. No response of either melanoma cell line to lipopolysaccharide was observed. Therefore the effect of the phage preparations cannot be attributed to lipopolysaccharide. No differences in the effects of T4 and HAP1 on melanoma migration were observed.


We believe that these observations are of importance for any further attempts to use bacteriophage preparations in antibacterial treatment. The risk of antibiotic-resistant hospital infections strongly affects cancer patients and these results suggest the possibility of beneficial phage treatment. We also believe that they will contribute to the general understanding of bacteriophage biology, as bacteriophages, extremely ubiquitous entities, are in permanent contact with human organisms.  相似文献   

A 5.8-kb fragment of the large conjugative plasmid pAW63 from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD73 containing all the information for autonomous replication was cloned and sequenced. By deletion analysis, the pAW63 replicon was reduced to a 4.1-kb fragment harboring four open reading frames (ORFs). Rep63A (513 amino acids [aa]), encoded by the largest ORF, displayed strong similarity (40% identity) to the replication proteins from plasmids pAMbeta1, pIP501, and pSM19035, indicating that the pAW63 replicon belongs to the pAMbeta1 family of gram-positive theta-replicating plasmids. This was confirmed by the facts that no single-stranded DNA replication intermediates could be detected and that replication was found to be dependent on host-gene-encoded DNA polymerase I. An 85-bp region downstream of Rep63A was also shown to have strong similarity to the origins of replication of pAMbeta1 and pIP501, and it is suggested that this region contains the bona fide pAW63 ori. The protein encoded by the second large ORF, Rep63B (308 aa), was shown to display similarity to RepB (34% identity over 281 aa) and PrgP (32% identity over 310 aa), involved in copy control of the Enterococcus faecalis plasmids pAD1 and pCF10, respectively. No significant similarity to known proteins or DNA sequences could be detected for the two smallest ORFs. However, the location, size, hydrophilicity, and orientation of ORF6 (107 codons) were analogous to those features of the putative genes repC and prgO, which encode stability functions on plasmids pAD1 and pCF10, respectively. The cloned replicon of plasmid pAW63 was stably maintained in Bacillus subtilis and B. thuringiensis and displayed incompatibility with the native pAW63. Hybridization experiments using the cloned replicon as a probe showed that pAW63 has similarity to large plasmids from other B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strains and to a strain of B. thuringiensis subsp. alesti.  相似文献   

We determined the sequence and genetic organization of plasmid pIP823, which contains the dfrD gene; dfrD confers high-level trimethoprim resistance to Listeria monocytogenes BM4293 by synthesis of dihydrofolate reductase type S2. pIP823 possessed all the features of the pUB110/pC194 plasmid family, whose members replicate by the rolling-circle mechanism. The rep gene encoded a protein identical to RepU, the protein required for initiation of the replication of plasmids pTB913 from a thermophilic Bacillus sp. and pUB110 from Staphylococcus aureus. The mob gene encoded a protein with a high degree of amino acid identity with the Mob proteins involved in conjugative mobilization and interplasmidic recombination of pTB913 and pUB110. The host range of pIP823 was broad and included L. monocytogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, S. aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. In all these species, pIP823 replicated by generating single-stranded DNA and was stable. Conjugative mobilization of pIP823 was obtained by self-transferable plasmids between L. monocytogenes and E. faecalis, between L. monocytogenes and E. coli, and between strains of E. coli, and by the streptococcal conjugative transposon Tn1545 from L. monocytogenes to E. faecalis, and from L. monocytogenes and E. faecalis to E. coli. These data indicate that the gene flux observed in nature from gram-positive to gram-negative bacteria can occur by conjugative mobilization. Our results suggest that dissemination of trimethoprim resistance in Listeria spp. and acquisition of other antibiotic resistance determinants in this species can be anticipated.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics have shown that 5% of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 genes are of probable proteobacterial origin. To investigate the role of interphylum conjugation in cyanobacterial gene acquisition, we tested the ability of a set of prototype proteobacterial conjugative plasmids (RP4, pKM101, R388, R64, and F) to transfer DNA from Escherichia coli to S. elongatus. A series of BioBrick-compatible, mobilizable shuttle vectors was developed. These vectors were based on the putative origin of replication of the Synechococcus resident plasmid pANL. Not only broad-host-range plasmids, such as RP4 and R388, but also narrower-host-range plasmids, such as pKM101, all encoding MPFT-type IV secretion systems, were able to transfer plasmid DNA from E. coli to S. elongatus by conjugation. Neither MPFF nor MPFI could be used as interphylum DNA delivery agents. Reciprocally, pANL-derived cointegrates could be introduced in E. coli by electroporation, where they conferred a functional phenotype. These results suggest the existence of potentially ample channels of gene flow between proteobacteria and cyanobacteria and point to MPFT-based interphylum conjugation as a potential mechanism to explain the proteobacterial origin of a majority of S. elongatus xenologous genes.  相似文献   

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