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The m-AAA protease is a conserved hetero-oligomeric complex in the inner membrane of mitochondria. Recent evidence suggests a compartmentalization of the contiguous mitochondrial inner membrane into an inner boundary membrane (IBM) and a cristae membrane (CM). However, little is known about the functional differences of these subdomains. We have analyzed the localizations of the m-AAA protease and its substrate cytochrome c peroxidase (Ccp1) within yeast mitochondria using live cell fluorescence microscopy and quantitative immunoelectron microscopy. We find that the m-AAA protease is preferentially localized in the IBM. Likewise, the membrane-anchored precursor form of Ccp1 accumulates in the IBM of mitochondria lacking a functional m-AAA protease. Only upon proteolytic cleavage the mature form mCcp1 moves into the cristae space. These findings suggest that protein quality control and proteolytic activation exerted by the m-AAA protease take place preferentially in the IBM pointing to significant functional differences between the IBM and the CM.  相似文献   

Sorting of mitochondrial inner membrane proteins is a complex process in which translocons and proteases function in a concerted way. Many inner membrane proteins insert into the membrane via the TIM23 translocon, and some are then further acted upon by the mitochondrial m-AAA protease, a molecular motor capable of dislocating proteins from the inner membrane. This raises the possibility that the threshold hydrophobicity for the retention of transmembrane segments in the inner membrane is different depending on whether they belong to membrane proteins that are m-AAA protease substrates or not. Here, using model transmembrane segments engineered into m-AAA protease-dependent proteins, we show that the threshold hydrophobicity for membrane retention measured in yeast cells in the absence of a functional m-AAA protease is markedly lower than that measured in its presence. Whether a given hydrophobic segment in a mitochondrial inner membrane protein will ultimately form a transmembrane helix may therefore depend on whether or not it will be exposed to the pulling force exerted by the m-AAA protease during biogenesis.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of proteins by small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) is reversible and highly evolutionarily conserved from yeasts to humans. Unlike ubiquitination with a well-established role in protein degradation, sumoylation may alter protein function, activity, stability and subcellular localization. Members of SUMO-specific protease (SENP) family, capable of SUMO removal, are involved in the reversed conjugation process. Although SUMO-specific proteases are known to reverse sumoylation in many well-defined systems, their importance in mammalian development and pathogenesis remains largely elusive. In patients with neurodegenerative diseases, aberrant accumulation of SUMO-conjugated proteins has been widely described. Several aggregation-prone proteins modulated by SUMO have been implicated in neurodegeneration, but there is no evidence supporting a direct involvement of SUMO modification enzymes in human diseases. Here we show that mice with neural-specific disruption of SENP2 develop movement difficulties which ultimately results in paralysis. The disruption induces neurodegeneration where mitochondrial dynamics is dysregulated. SENP2 regulates Drp1 sumoylation and stability critical for mitochondrial morphogenesis in an isoform-specific manner. Although dispensable for development of neural cell types, this regulatory mechanism is necessary for their survival. Our findings provide a causal link of SUMO modification enzymes to apoptosis of neural cells, suggesting a new pathogenic mechanism for neurodegeneration. Exploring the protective effect of SENP2 on neuronal cell death may uncover important preventive and therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Factor C, a serine protease zymogen involved in innate immune responses in horseshoe crabs, is known to be autocatalytically activated on the surface of bacterial lipopolysaccharides, but the molecular mechanism of this activation remains unknown. In this study, we show that wild-type factor C expressed in HEK293S cells exhibits a lipopolysaccharide-induced activity equivalent to that of native factor C. Analysis of the N-terminal addition, deletion, or substitution mutants shows that the N-terminal Arg residue and the distance between the N terminus and the tripartite of lipopolysaccharide-binding site are essential factors for autocatalytic activation, and that the positive charge of the N terminus may interact with an acidic amino acid(s) of the molecule to convert the zymogen into an active form. Chemical cross-linking experiments indicate that the N terminus is required to form a complex of the factor C molecules in a sufficiently close vicinity to be chemically cross-linked on the surface of lipopolysaccharides. We propose a molecular mechanism of the autocatalytic activation of the protease zymogen on lipopolysaccharides functioning as a platform to induce specific protein-protein interaction between the factor C molecules.  相似文献   

We studied the localization of polypeptides immunochemically related to subunits of cold-shock 310-kD protein from winter rye (Secale cerealeL.) in mitochondria and submitochondrial structures of winter wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) seedlings. Polypeptides were separated by SDS-PAGE and probed with the antibody against 310-kD protein from rye seedlings. Wheat mitochondria contained the following polypeptides cross-reacting with this antibody: 66, 60, 55, and 23 kD in the inner membrane; 60 and 58 kD in the outer membrane; and 66 and 55 kD in the matrix.  相似文献   

目的:p66Shc在线粒体内积累和HtrA2/Omi的功能缺陷都能导致线粒体损伤,诱导细胞凋亡.探讨在线粒体中HtrA2对p66Shc的调控作用.方法:构建p66Shc和成熟型HtrA2的真核表达质粒,共转染HEK293T细胞,免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测p66Shc蛋白;构建原核表达质粒,大肠杆菌纯化蛋白,体外切割实验,SDS-PAGE分离后考马斯亮蓝染色检测;提取HtrA2功能缺陷小鼠( mnd2)大脑组织的线粒体,检测线粒体内p66Shc的蛋白水平.结果:细胞实验和体外实验证明HtrA2可以切割p66Shc,且在mnd2小鼠大脑中,线粒体内p66Shc的蛋白水平明显升高(P<0.05).结论:p66Shc是HtrA2的直接底物,且HtrA2参与调节线粒体中p66Shc的蛋白水平,揭示了HtrA2发挥神经保护功能新的可能机制.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Pestivirus within the Flaviviridae family. Pivotal for processing of a large portion of the viral polyprotein is a serine protease activity within nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) that also harbors helicase and NTPase activities essential for RNA replication. In CSFV-infected cells, NS3 appears as two forms, a fully processed NS3 of 80 kDa and the precursor molecule NS2-3 of 120 kDa. Here we report the identification and mapping of additional autocatalytic intramolecular cleavages. One cleavable peptide bond occurs between Leu1781 and Met1782, giving rise to a helicase subunit of 55 kDa and, depending on the substrate, a NS2-3 fragment of 78 kDa (NS2-3p) or a NS3 protease subunit of 26 kDa (NS3p). In trans-cleavage assays using NS4-5 as a substrate, NS3p acts as a fully functional protease that is able to process the polyprotein. NS3p comprises the minimal essential protease, as deletion of Leu1781 results in inactivation. A second intramolecular cleavage was mapped to the Leu1748/Lys1749 peptide bond that yields a proteolytically inactive NS3 fragment. Deletion of either of the cleavage site residues resulted in a loss of RNA infectivity, indicating the functional importance of amino acid identity at the respective positions. Our data suggest that internal cleavage within the NS3 moiety is a common process that further extends the functional repertoires of the multifunctional NS2-3 or NS3 and represents another level of the complex polyprotein processing of Flaviviridae.  相似文献   

Autocatalytic sets of proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

 为深入探讨溶葡球菌酶前体加工转化为成熟的溶葡球菌酶的机制,本文通过条件控制分别从Staphylococcus simulans的培养液中获得了溶葡球菌酶前体和它的加工蛋白酶,并分别通过HPLC和Affi-Gel 501亲和层析对它们进行了纯化,根据聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和凝胶等电聚焦电泳,表明二者已基本上达到均一的程度。在此基础上,又进行了溶葡球菌酶前体的体外加工转化实验。  相似文献   

Prohibitins comprise a protein family in eukaryotic cells with potential roles in senescence and tumor suppression. Phb1p and Phb2p, members of the prohibitin family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have been implicated in the regulation of the replicative life span of the cells and in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. The functional activities of these proteins, however, have not been elucidated. We demonstrate here that prohibitins regulate the turnover of membrane proteins by the m-AAA protease, a conserved ATP-dependent protease in the inner membrane of mitochondria. The m-AAA protease is composed of the homologous subunits Yta10p (Afg3p) and Yta12p (Rca1p). Deletion of PHB1 or PHB2 impairs growth of Deltayta10 or Deltayta12 cells but does not affect cell growth in the presence of the m-AAA protease. A prohibitin complex with a native molecular mass of approximately 2 MDa containing Phb1p and Phb2p forms a supercomplex with the m-AAA protease. Proteolysis of nonassembled inner membrane proteins by the m-AAA protease is accelerated in mitochondria lacking Phb1p or Phb2p, indicating a negative regulatory effect of prohibitins on m-AAA protease activity. These results functionally link members of two conserved protein families in eukaryotes to the degradation of membrane proteins in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Autocatalytic processing of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase is the key enzyme in glutathione metabolism, and we previously presented evidence suggesting that it belongs to the N-terminal nucleophile hydrolase superfamily. Enzymatically active gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, which consists of one large subunit and one small subunit, is generated from an inactive common precursor through post-translational proteolytic processing. The processing mechanism for gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase of Escherichia coli K-12 has been analyzed by means of in vitro studies using purified precursors. Here we show that the processing of a precursor of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase is an intramolecular autocatalytic event and that the catalytic nucleophile for the processing reaction is the oxygen atom of the side chain of Thr-391 (N-terminal residue of the small (beta) subunit), which is also the nucleophile for the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

Autocatalytic sets of proteins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article investigates the possibility that the emergence of reflexively autocatalytic sets of peptides and polypeptides may be an essentially inevitable collective property of any sufficiently complex set of polypeptides. The central idea is based on the connectivity properties of random directed graphs. In the set of amino acid monomer and polymer species up to some maximum length, M, the number of possible polypeptides is large, but, for specifiable "legitimate" end condensation, cleavage and transpeptidation exchange reactions, the number of potential reactions by which the possible polypeptides can interconvert is very much larger. A directed graph in which arrows from smaller fragments to larger condensation products depict potential synthesis reactions, while arrows from the larger peptide to the smaller fragments depict the reverse cleavage reactions, comprises the reaction graph for such a system. Polypeptide protoenzymes are able to catalyze such reactions. The distribution of catalytic capacities in peptide space is a fundamental problem in its own right, and in its bearing on the existence of autocatalytic sets of proteins. Using an initial idealized hypothesis that an arbitrary polypeptide has a fixed a priori probability of catalyzing any arbitrary legitimate reaction to assign to each polypeptide those reactions, if any, which it catalyzes, the probability that the set of polypeptides up to length M contains a reflexively autocatalytic subset can be calculated and is a percolation problem on such reaction graphs. Because, as M increases, the ratio of reactions among the possible polypeptides to polypeptides rises rapidly, the existence of such autocatalytic subsets is assured for any fixed probability of catalysis. The main conclusions of this analysis appear independent of the idealizations of the initial model, introduce a novel kind of parallel selection for peptides catalyzing connected sequences of reactions, depend upon a new kind of minimal critical complexity whose properties are definable, and suggest that the emergence of self replicating systems may be a self organizing collective property of critically complex protein systems in prebiotic evolution. Similar principles may apply to the emergence of a primitive connected metabolism. Recombinant DNA procedures, cloning random DNA coding sequences into expression vectors, afford a direct avenue to test the distribution of catalytic capacities in peptide space, may provide a new means to select or screen for peptides with useful properties, and may ultimately lead toward the actual construction of autocatalytic peptide sets.  相似文献   

The Processing of a 57-kDa Precursor Peptide to Subunits of Rice Glutelin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The processing of a 57-kDa peptide into 37- and 22-kDa subunitsof glutelin, a major storage protein of rice, was confirmedby the immunological compatibility between the precursor andglutelin subunits. The 57-kDa peptide reacted with the antiseraraised against purified 37-kDa and 22-kDa subunits of glutelin.The processing was further confirmed by alteration of an invivo protein synthesis by monensin, a sodium ionophore whichinhibits the intracellular transport of secretory and membraneproteins. Infusion of monensin into developing rice grains resultedin suppressed formation of mature glutelin subunits with concomitantaccumulation of the 57-kDa peptide. The present results indicatethat both subunits of rice glutelin were produced by post-translationalcleavage of the 57-kDa peptide. (Received July 9, 1986; Accepted October 1, 1986)  相似文献   

高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(high molecular weight glutenin subunit,HMW-GS)是小麦种子贮藏蛋白的主要成分,其组成、含量和结构直接影响小麦面粉面筋的弹展性,决定着小麦的加工品质。本文主要对小麦HMW-GS的序列、结构和亚基之间组合形式做了详细的综述,并较系统地讨论了HMW-GS的结构和组成、特点等与面粉的加工品质之间的关系以及如何从定性和定量两方面来影响面粉的加工品质。  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS ACS/CODH CODH/ACS) from Moorella thermoacetica catalyzes the synthesis of acetyl-CoA from CO, CoA, and a methyl group of a corrinoid-iron-sulfur protein (CoFeSP). A time lag prior to the onset of acetyl-CoA production, varying from 4 to 20 min, was observed in assay solutions lacking the low-potential electron-transfer agent methyl viologen (MV). No lag was observed when MV was included in the assay. The length of the lag depended on the concentrations of CO and ACS, with shorter lags found for higher [ACS] and sub-saturating [CO]. Lag length also depended on CoFeSP. Rate profiles of acetyl-CoA synthesis, including the lag phase, were numerically simulated assuming an autocatalytic mechanism. A similar reaction profile was monitored by UV-vis spectrophotometry, allowing the redox status of the CoFeSP to be evaluated during this process. At early stages in the lag phase, Co2+FeSP reduced to Co+FeSP, and this was rapidly methylated to afford CH3-Co3+FeSP. During steady-state synthesis of acetyl-CoA, CoFeSP was predominately in the CH3-Co3+FeSP state. As the synthesis rate declined and eventually ceased, the Co+FeSP state predominated. Three activation reductive reactions may be involved, including reduction of the A- and C-clusters within ACS and the reduction of the cobamide of CoFeSP. The B-, C-, and D-clusters in the subunit appear to be electronically isolated from the A-cluster in the connected subunit, consistent with the ~70 Å distance separating these clusters, suggesting the need for an in vivo reductant that activates ACS and/or CoFeSP.Abbreviations ACS acetyl-CoA synthase, also known as CODH (carbon monoxide dehydrogenase) or CODH/ACS or ACS/CODH - CH3-Co3+FeSP, Co2+FeSP, and Co+FeSP corrinoid-iron-sulfur protein with the cobalamin in the methylated 3+, unmethylated 2+, and unmethylated 1+ states - CoA coenzyme A - DTT dithiothreitol - H-THF or THF tetrahydrofolic acid or tetrahydrofolate - MT methyl transferase - MV methyl viologen  相似文献   

In Vitro Processing of Aleurain,a Barley Vacuolar Thiol Protease   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Aleurain, originally described from its cDNA as a thiol protease [Rogers, J.C., Dean, D., and Heck, G.R. (1985). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 6512-6516], is characterized here as a glycoprotein that is targeted to a distinct vacuolar compartment in aleurone cells. Monospecific antibodies to a bacterial trpE-aleurain fusion protein were used to show that aleurain is made as a 42-kilodalton (kD) proenzyme (proaleurain) that is proteolytically processed in a post-Golgi compartment in two steps to form a 32-kD protein. The first processing step is the discrete loss of 9 kD from proaleurain to yield a 33-kD intermediate that is further processed by the gradual loss of 1 kD resulting in mature 32-kD aleurain. Using proaleurain secreted from Xenopus oocytes as a substrate, we established an in vitro system using aleurone cell extracts that correctly processes proaleurain to a stable protein that is indistinguishable from native barley aleurain as judged by partial digestion with staphylococcal V8 protease. Proaleurain is not capable of self-cleavage in the absence of aleurone cell extracts and mature aleurain appears not to participate in processing in vitro.  相似文献   

高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)是小麦胚乳中一种具有多态性的蛋白质组分,在面团中它们可以通过相互之间或与低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMw-Gs)之间形成二硫键来组成麦谷蛋白多聚体。由于其在小麦面粉加工所需的粘性和弹力方面具有极其重要的作用,过去几十年间在小麦加工品质相关蛋白研究方面的工作大多数集中在高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基上。近几年在高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基及其编码基因的鉴定、基因的遗传变异以及不同变异在小麦加工品质中的作用方面进行了大量研究。本文对近几年在HMW-GS领域的研究进展进行综述并且重点讨论HMW-GS的变异及其对小麦品质育种的重要意义。  相似文献   

The glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid (GL-7-ACA) acylase of Pseudomonas sp. strain GK16 is an (αβ)2 heterotetramer of two nonidentical subunits. These subunits are derived from nascent polypeptides that are cleaved proteolytically between Gly198 and Ser199 after the nascent polypeptides have been translocated into the periplasm. The activation mechanism of the GL-7-ACA acylase has been analyzed by both in vivo and in vitro expression studies, site-directed mutagenesis, in vitro renaturation of inactive enzyme precursors, and enzyme reconstitution. An active enzyme complex was found in the cytoplasm when its translocation into the periplasm was suppressed. In addition, the in vitro-expressed GL-7-ACA acylase was processed into α and β subunits, and the inactive enzyme aggregate of the precursor was also processed and became active during the renaturation step. Mutation of Ser199 to Cys199 and enzyme reconstitution allowed us to identify the secondary processing site that resides in the α subunit and to show that Ser199 of the β subunit is essential for these two sequential processing steps. Mass spectrometry clearly indicated that the secondary processing occurs at Gly189-Asp190. All of the data suggest that the enzyme is activated through a two-step autocatalytic process upon folding: the first step is an intramolecular cleavage of the precursor between Gly198 and Ser199 for generation of the α subunit, containing the spacer peptide, and the β subunit; the second is an intermolecular event, which is catalyzed by the N-terminal Ser (Ser199) of the β subunit and results in a further cleavage and the removal of the spacer peptide (Asp190 to Gly198).  相似文献   

目前, 小分子肽多需要进行融合表达,虽然有GST标签等表达体系,但是表达产物切割时仍留有多余氨基酸,影响小分子肽的功能;SUMO蛋白酶对SUMO融合表达系统表达的重组蛋白进行切割时没有多余氨基酸残留,因此成为蛋白切割工具的热点。利用基因工程技术构建重组His-Ulp1/pET3c/BL21(DE3)工程菌株,用摇瓶优化表达条件,摸索高密度发酵工艺和不同层析纯化工艺条件。结果表明,经1.0mmol/L的IPTG 30℃诱导表达6h,表达效果最好。罐发酵后菌体SDSPAGE分析表达量可达24.39%,通过CM Sepharose Fast Flow阳离子交换一步层析可获得纯度大于98%的SUMO蛋白酶,每升发酵液可获得355mg的SUMO蛋白酶纯品。Western blot分析表明,UlP1能与6×His抗体产生免疫反应。为日后大规模产业化生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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