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Water permeability of the plasma membrane of a Characean internodalcell decreased with an increase in the osmotic pressure of theoutside of the cell, suggesting that the equivalent pore radiusof the water-filled pores becomes smaller with an increase inthe osmotic pressure. In contrast, the apparent membrane resistancedid not increase with an increase in the external osmotic pressure.These facts suggest that ions pass through the membrane mainlyvia pores other than those for bulk water flow. (Received October 22, 1986; Accepted May 22, 1987)  相似文献   

At high external pH, the Chara membrane is known to switch toa new state in which the membrane potential is highly negative;it has been characterized as a passive diffusion potential forH+ (or 0H). DCCD is shown to inhibit the increased conductanceand the highly negative membrane potential associated with thisstate. DCCD also inhibits the plasmalemma H+-ATPase, as wellas cytoplasmic streaming. The alkaline state of the membraneis shown to involve a decreased permeability to K+; this enhancesthe selectivity for H+ (or OH) which results from theincreased permeability to H+ (or OH). Altering the cytoplasmicpH affects the membrane potential at both neutral and alkalinepH. It can also affect the ability of the cell to make the transitionto the alkaline state.  相似文献   

The effects of various inhibitors on the membrane potential, resistance, and K+ permeability of Chara corallina were measured, providing evidence that there is an electrogenic pump in the membrane. It was found that: (a) 5.0 μm carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone depolarizes the membrane potential and increases the membrane resistance. This inhibition is faster in the dark than in the light but the extent of inhibition is the same in both cases. (b) Fifty μm dicyclohexylcarbodiimide increases the resistance and the K+ permeability and depolarizes the membrane to a diffusion potential mainly controlled by K+. (c) Forty μm diethylstilbestrol and 0.1 mm 2,4-dinitrophenol increase the resistance and depolarize the potential to a value given by the Goldman diffusion equation. (d) Both 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and darkness (at pH 6) cause the membrane resistance to increase but neither has a large effect on the potential. 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-Dimethylurea increases K+ permeability while darkness decreases it.  相似文献   

Effects of pH on the membrane potential and electrical resistanceof Nitella were investigated in a bathing medium with or withoutcalcium. The membrane potential became more negative as theexternal pH was raised, at a faster rate in the presence ofcalcium than in its absence. The value then achieved by thepotential could be reversed by restoring the original pH whilstin a Ca-free medium the cell remained ‘hyperpolarized’.Tenfold changes of the external concentration of potassium broughtabout larger modifications of the membrane potential when thepH of the solution was high and calcium concentration low. Theelectrical resistance was lowest in alkaline and calcium-freesolutions. We conclude that calcium prevents the mediation ofsome changes in the membrane structure by lowering the concentrationof external H+ ions, and that the permeability of Nitella topotassium increases with rising pH.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in Chara corallina was measured (from [14C]stribution)as a function of external pH (pH0)and temperature. With pH0near 7, pHc at 25?C is 7.80; pHcincreases by 0.005 pH units?C–1 temperature decrease, i.e. pHc at 5 ?C is 7.90. WithpH? near 5.5, the increase in pHc with decreasing temperatureis 0.015 units ?C–1 between 25 and 15?C, but 0.005 units?C–1 between 15 and 5?C. This implies a more precise regulationof pHc with variations in pHo at 5 or 15 ?C compared with 25?C. The observed dp Hc/dT is generally smaller than the –0.017units ?C–1 needed to maintain a constant H+/OH–1,or a constant fractional ionization of histidine in protein,with variation in temperature. It is closer to that needed tomaintain the fractional ionization of phosphorylated compoundsor of CO2–HCO3 The value of dpHc/dT has importantimplications for several regulatory aspects of cell metabolism.These include (all as a function of temperature) the rates ofenzyme reactions, the H+ at the plasmalemma(and hence the energy available for cotransport processes),and the mechanism for pHc regulation by the control of bidirectionalH+ fluxes at the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Yao X  Bisson MA 《Plant physiology》1993,103(1):197-203
Chara buckellii G.O.A., a salt-tolerant alga, has a less negative membrane potential (Em) when cultured in saline medium (artificial Waldsea water) than when cultured in freshwater. The cell hyperpolarizes and membrane conductance (Gm) decreases when the external medium is changed from Waldsea control solution (WCS), a high-salt medium, to low-salt medium containing sufficient sorbitol to generate the same osmotic potential as WCS. Banding pattern and proton flux experiments show that C. buckellii has higher passive proton influx in the alkaline band in high-salt medium than in low-salt medium. Decrease of the passive proton influx by darkness or low external pH dramatically hyperpolarizes the membrane and decreases the conductance. The pH dependence curves of Em and Gm also indicate the existence of high passive proton conductance (GH) in C. buckellii. Ion substitution experiments show that Em and Gm of saltwater cells are not dependent on K+, Na+, Cl-, or SO42+. Mg2+ also affects Em and Gm, but its effect is probably on GH. We conclude that GH is the most important cause of the membrane depolarization and conductance increase in the saltwater alga C. buckellii.  相似文献   

Effects of external pH (pHo) on the cytoplasmic pH (pHc) ofChara corallina have been measured with the weak acid 5, 5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO) following standardized pretreatment of cells insolutions at pHo 4.5, 6.3 and 8.3. Irrespective of pHc duringpretreatment, pHo responded to pHo during the experimental periodsof 150–180 min or (in one experiment) 90–110 min.There were increases or decreases of about 0.5 in pHo when cellswere transferred from pHo 4.5 to 8.3 or vice versa. In the darkpHc was 0.2–0.3 units lower than the corresponding valuein the light. The results are discussed in relation to the factorsinvolved in the regulation of pHc in C. corallina, which maybegin to break down below about pHo4.5, as indicated by relativelylarge decreases in pHc at low pHo. Key words: Chara corallina, Cytoplasmic pH, External pH, DMO  相似文献   

The assumption of a single exponential change for the voltageresponse caused by a square current of subthreshold intensityis not necessarily an adequate explanation of the situationin the Chara membrane. By improving the speed of electronicsfor current clamping and the accuracy of data simulation, itwas found that an additional process, which can be generallysimulated with another exponential function, was superimposedon the voltage response. Such an additional exponential processmay be partly atributed to the response of the tonoplast, ifthe internal potential measuring microelectrode is in the vacuole.However, this additional process still remained in the voltageresponse of the plasmalemma of the Chara internode when thetonoplast and a large amount of endoplasm were removed by internalperfusion with an glycol ether diaminetetraacetic acid solution.The additional exponential component arose from the change ofthe electromotive force of the single membrane during applicationof the test current pulse. The increase of the conductance of the plasmalemma alone waslarge during excitation, while that of the elecrostatic capacitancewas negligible. On the other hand, the conductance and capacitancewhich reflect an additional exponential ionic process duringthe test pulse both increased greatly around the peak of excitation.This rise is the main reason for an apparent large increaseof membrane capacitance which was deduced from a simple approximationof the membrane with a single time constant model. (Received January 6, 1982; Accepted June 23, 1982)  相似文献   

In Nitella oscillations of membrane potential with periods ofabout 15 min and of about 1 h can be observed. The comparisonof the related changes in resistance and in potential showsthat the 1-h oscillation controls a carrier-type transporter,probably an electrogenic pump with a stoichiometry of 1 H+/1ATP. The control loop related to the 1-h oscillation can bestimulated by internal pH as changed by butyrate or procaine.IV-curve studies show that the 15-min oscillation modulatesthe conductivity of a K+ -channel. No way has been found toinfluence the spontaneously occurring 15-min oscillation whichprobably is generated in the chioroplasts. The oscillationsseem to provide a means of exerting a selective influence onone transporter. Correspondence to: Institut für Angewandte Physik, NeueUniversität, Haus N61A, D-2300 Kiel, F.R.G. Key words: H+-pump, IV-curves, Nitella, oscillations, pH-regulation, potassium channel, stoichiometry  相似文献   

Effects of cytoplasmic Ca2+ on the electrical properties ofthe plasma membrane were investigated in tonoplast-free cellsof Chara australis that had been internally perfused with media,containing either 1 mM ATP to fuel the electrogenic pump orhexokinase and glucose to deplete the ATP and stop the pump. In the presence of ATP, cytoplasmic Ca2+ up to 2.5?10–5M did not affect the membrane potential (about -190 mV), butmembrane resistance decreased uniformly with increasing [Ca2+]i.In the absence of ATP, the membrane potential, which was onlyabout -110 mV, was depolarized further by raising [Ca2+]i from1.4?10–6 to 2.5?10–5 M. Membrane resistance, whichwas nearly the twofold that of ATP-provided cells, decreasedmarkedly with an increase in [Ca2+]i from zero to 1.38?10–6M, but showed no change for further increases. Internodal cellsof Nitellopsis obtusa were more sensitive to intracellular Ca2+with respect to membrane potential than were those of Charaaustralis, reconfirming the results obtained by Mimura and Tazawa(1983). The effect of cytoplasmic Ca2+ on the ATP-dependent H+ effluxwas measured. No marked difference in H+ effluxes was detectedbetween zero and 2.5?10–5 M [Ca2+]i; but, at 10–4M the ATP-dependent H+ efflux was almost zero. Ca2+ efflux experimentswere done to investigate dependencies on [Ca2+]i and [ATP]i.The efflux was about 1 pmol cm–2 s–1 at all [Ca2+]iconcentrations tested (1.38?10–6, 2.5?10–5, 10–4M).This value is much higher than the influx reported by Hayamaet al. (1979), and this efflux was independent of [ATP]i. Thepossibility of a Ca2+-extruding pump is discussed. 1 Present address: Botanisches Institut der Universit?t Bonn,Venusbergweg 22, 5300 Bonn, F.R.G. (Received September 22, 1984; Accepted February 19, 1985)  相似文献   

The Influence of H+ on the Membrane Potential and Ion Fluxes of Nitella   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
The resting membrane potential of the Nitella cell is relatively insensitive to [K]o, but behaves like a hydrogen electrode. K+ and Cl- effluxes from the cell were measured continuously, while the membrane potential was changed either by means of a negative feedback circuit or by external pH changes. The experiments indicate that PK and PCl are independent of pH but are a function of membrane potential. Slope ion conductances, GK, GCl, and GNa were calculated from efflux measurements, and their sum was found to be negligible compared to membrane conductance. The possibility that a boundary potential change might be responsible for the membrane potential change was considered but was ruled out by the fact that the peak of the action potential remained at a constant level regardless of pH changes in the external solution. The conductance for H+ was estimated by measuring the membrane current change during an external pH change while the membrane potential was clamped at K+ equilibrium potential. In the range of external pH 5 to 6, H+ chord conductance was substantially equal to the membrane conductance. However, the [H]i measured by various methods was not such as would be predicted from the [H]o and the membrane potential using the Nernst equation. In artificial pond water containing DNP, the resting membrane potential decreased; this suggested that some energy-consuming mechanism maintains the membrane potential at the resting level. It is probable that there is a H+ extrusion mechanism in the Nitella cell, because the potential difference between the resting potential and the H+ equilibrium potential is always maintained notwithstanding a continuous H+ inward current which should result from the potential difference.  相似文献   

The efflux of Cl at the plasma membrane of Chara wasstudied in relation to two treatments known to affect the flux:that of removal of external Cl and of light. It is shownthat although removal of external Cl results in a rapidreduction in Cl efflux (consistent with a direct effectof external Cl on the transport system) the magnitudeof this reduction in the dark is greater than the measured darkinflux. Therefore, in the dark at least, it is proposed that1:1 exchange diffusion cannot account for the trans-stimulationof efflux by external Cl. Light induces an inhibition of efflux and a concomitant stimulationof Cl influx at 20 °C, but at 10 °C the responsesto light of the two fluxes can be separated temporally. It istherefore suggested that the fluxes are not reciprocally dependenton the same factor which mediates in the light response. Furtherconsiderations show that it is unlikely that the cytoplasmicCl concentration mediates in the light response of eitherflux, but that changes in cytoplasmic pH may do so.  相似文献   

The action of mono- (FNB) or difluorodinitrobenzene (DFNB) onion permeability is mainly attributed to its interactionwithamino groups of the membrane by dinitrophenylation. Nitella cells were dimtrophenylated at pH 7.3 and the membranepotential and electrical resistance were then measured in acidicor basic solutions. No matter what the pH value was, FNB andDFNB induced a depolarization of the membrane potential andcaused a diminution of resistance. However these effects ofFNB and DFNB were more drastic at alkaline pH and in the presenceof a weak concentration of potassium. Neither the addition of0.1 mM calcium nor the substitution of chlorides by nitratesmodified the DFNB effect. These results are compatible withthe assumption that the DFNB binding to the membrane leads toan augmentation of the negative charges of the membrane bringingabout an increased cation conductance and a modification ofthe affinity of a K+/H+exchange pump. The transient responseof the membrane potential at the time of dinitrophenylationwas used to roughly estimate the total density of amino groupsof the membrane of Nitella.  相似文献   



Endocrine resistance in breast cancer is associated with enhanced metastatic potential and poor clinical outcome, presenting a significant therapeutic challenge. We have established several endocrine insensitive breast cancer lines by shRNA induced depletion of estrogen receptor (ER) by transfection of MCF-7 cells which all exhibit enhanced expression profile of mesenchymal markers with reduction of epithelial markers, indicating an epithelial to mesenchymal transition. In this study we describe their behaviour in response to change in extracellular pH, an important factor controlling cell motility and metastasis.


Morphological changes associated with cell exposure to extracellular alkaline pH were assessed by live cell microscopy and the effect of various ion pumps on this behavior was investigated by pretreatment with chemical inhibitors. The activity and expression profile of key signaling molecules was assessed by western blotting. Cell motility and invasion were examined by scratch and under-agarose assays respectively. Total matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and specifically of MMP2/9 was assessed in conditioned medium in response to brief alkaline pH exposure.


Exposure of ER –ve but not ER +ve breast cancer cells to extracellular alkaline pH resulted in cell shrinkage and spherical appearance (termed contractolation); this was reversed by returning the pH back to 7.4. Contractolation was blocked by targeting the Na+/K+ and Na+/H+ pumps with specific chemical inhibitors. The activity and expression profile of key signaling molecules critical for cell adhesion were modulated by the exposure to alkaline pH. Brief exposure to alkaline pH enhanced MMP2/9 activity and the invasive potential of ER –ve cells in response to serum components and epithelial growth factor stimulation without affecting unhindered motility.


Endocrine resistant breast cancer cells behave very differently to estrogen responsive cells in alkaline pH, with enhanced invasive potential; these studies emphasise the crucial influence of extracellular pH and caution against indiscriminate application of alkalinising drug therapy.  相似文献   

The diffusion symmetry developed by the alkaline and aeid bandsof Chara corallina was studied. The alkaline system developeda diffusion pattern which could not be fitted to the equationfor a continuous point-source efflux. However, good correlationwas obtained between experimental data and the diffusion equationfor a hollow sphere. The calculated OH- efflux values, obtainedusing the equation of a continuous spherical-surface source,were checked against the influx values of H14 obtained under the same experimental conditions. IndividualOH– band efflux values ranged from 0.07 to 5.95 pmol s–1and total cell fluxes of 25 pmol cm–2 s–1 for OH-and H were obtained (in the presence of 0.5 mM NaHCO3). The acid system developed a cylindrical diffusion pattern, butthis could not be fitted to a mathematical equation. Numericalanalysis will have to be employed to obtain values of H+ efflux.  相似文献   

Chara australis was the subject of voltage-clamp experimentsin which external calcium, magnesium, and hydrogen were varied.The voltage clamp was applied across the combined plasmalemma,cytoplasm, and tonoplast of internodal cells. Calcium is necessaryin the batching medium for transient currents to occur duringa depolarizing voltage clamp. Magnesium cannot replace calciumas mediator in this function. Lowering the medium pH appearsto affect more than one variable in the membrane system. Weargue that more than one ion is responsible for the transientcurrent; large increases in membrane current of sodium, potassium,and chloride occur.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to elucidate the effect of metabolic inhibition on the membrane potential and ion conductance of rat astrocytes. The metabolic inhibitors investigated were dinitrophenol (DNP), carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone (FCCP), cyanide, and oligomycin.2. Primary cultures of astroglial cells from newborn rat cerebral cortex were cultivated for 13–20 days on chamber slides. The effect of metabolic inhibitors on the cellular ATP concentration was estimated from the decrease in peak chemiluminescence from the luciferin/luciferase reaction. The membrane potential and ion conductances were measured from whole-cell recordings with the patch-clamp technique.3. After 2.0 min of incubation ATP decreased from the control level to 43%with cyanide (2 mM), 58% with DNP (1 mM), 47% with FCCP (1 M), and 69% with oligomycin (10 M).4. Under normal conditions V was –74.4±1.0 mV. DNP and FCCP both caused a rapid and reversible depolarization equivalent to a shift in the I/V curve of 8.2±1.3 and 19.7±3.8 mV, respectively. DNP decreased the slope conductance (g) by 22.1% but FCCP had no significant effect on g. In contrast, neither oligomycin nor cyanide had any significant effect on the I/V curve.5. Tetraethylammonium (TEA; 10 mM) depolarized the cells by 7.1±2.0 mV but had no significant effect on g. In the presence of TEA, DNP caused a depolarization of 52.8±3.5 mV and increased g by 45.5±9.6%. The action of FCCP was not affected by the presence of TEA.6. Perfusion of the astrocytes with a Cl free solution inhibited the action of DNP and FCCP. Thus the depolarization was only 4.2±1.5mV in DNP and 3.7±0.3 mV in FCCP, which were significantly smaller effects than in the presence of a high intracellular [Cl].7. Block of tentative KATP channels with tolbutamide (1 mM) or Cl channels with Zn2+ (1 mM) did not inhibit the depolarization caused by DNP or FCCP.8. In conclusion, DNP and FCCP have specific effects on the plasmalemma in rat astrocytes which may be due to opening of Cl channels. This effect was not seen with cyanide or oligomycin and should be considered as a possible complication when DNP and FCCP are used for metabolic inhibition.  相似文献   

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