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The role of the mesophyll in stomatal responses to light and CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomatal responses to light and CO2 were investigated using isolated epidermes of Tradescantia pallida , Vicia faba and Pisum sativum . Stomata in leaves of T. pallida and P. sativum responded to light and CO2, but those from V. faba did not. Stomata in isolated epidermes of all three species could be opened on KCl solutions, but they showed no response to light or CO2. However, when isolated epidermes of T. pallida and P. sativum were placed on an exposed mesophyll from a leaf of the same species or a different species, they regained responsiveness to light and CO2. Stomatal responses in these epidermes were similar to those in leaves in that they responded rapidly and reversibly to changes in light and CO2. Epidermes from V. faba did not respond to light or CO2 when placed on mesophyll from any of the three species. Experiments with single optic fibres suggest that stomata were being regulated via signals from the mesophyll produced in response to light and CO2 rather than being sensitized to light and CO2 by the mesophyll. The data suggest that most of the stomatal response to CO2 and light occurs in response to a signal generated by the mesophyll.  相似文献   

A new mechanism for stomatal responses to humidity and temperature is proposed. Unlike previously-proposed mechanisms, which rely on liquid water transport to create water potential gradients within the leaf, the new mechanism assumes that water transport to the guard cells is primarily through the vapour phase. Under steady-state conditions, guard cells are assumed to be in near-equilibrium with the water vapour in the air near the bottom of the stomatal pore. As the water potential of this air varies with changing air humidity and leaf temperature, the resultant changes in guard cell water potential produce stomatal movements. A simple, closed-form, mathematical model based on this idea is derived. The new model is parameterized for a previously published set of data and is shown to fit the data as well as or better than existing models. The model contains mathematical elements that are consistent with previously-proposed mechanistic models based on liquid flow as well as empirical models based on relative humidity. As such, it provides a mechanistic explanation for the realm of validity for each of these approaches.  相似文献   

Calcium signalling in early embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of development in most species studied is triggered by one of the largest and longest calcium transients known to us. It is the most studied and best understood aspect of the calcium signals that accompany and control development. Its properties and mechanisms demonstrate what embryos are capable of and thus how the less-understood calcium signals later in development may be generated. The downstream targets of the fertilization calcium signal have also been identified, providing some pointers to the probable targets of calcium signals further on in the process of development.In one species or another, the fertilization calcium signal involves all the known calcium-releasing second messengers and many of the known calcium-signalling mechanisms. These calcium signals also usually take the form of a propagating calcium wave or waves. Fertilization causes the cell cycle to resume, and therefore fertilization signals are cell-cycle signals. In some early embryonic cell cycles, calcium signals also control the progress through each cell cycle, controlling mitosis.Studies of these early embryonic calcium-signalling mechanisms provide a background to the calcium-signalling events discussed in the articles in this issue.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a well-established messenger molecule that participates in a wide range of signalling pathways. The objective of the work reported here was to investigate the extent to which phosphorylated long-chain sphingoid bases, such as sphingosine-1-phosphate and phytosphingosine-1-phosphate (phytoS1P) are used in plant cell signalling. To do this, we manipulated Arabidopsis genes capable of metabolizing these messenger molecules. We show that Sphingosine kinase1 (SPHK1) encodes an enzyme that phosphorylates sphingosine, phytosphingosine and other sphingoid long-chain bases. The stomata of SPHK1-KD Arabidopsis plants were less sensitive, whereas the stomata of SPHK1-OE plants were more sensitive, than wild type to ABA. The rate of germination of SPHK1-KD was enhanced, whereas the converse was true for SPHK1-OE seed. Reducing expression of either the putative Arabidopsis S1P phosphatase (SPPASE) or the DPL1 gene, which encodes an enzyme with S1P lyase activity, individually, had no effect on guard-cell ABA signalling; however, stomatal responses to ABA in SPPASEDPL1 RNAi plants were compromised. Reducing the expression of DPL1 had no effect on germination; however, germination of SPPASE RNAi seeds was more sensitive to applied ABA. We also found evidence that expression of SPHK1 and SPPASE were coordinately regulated, and discuss how this might contribute to robustness in guard-cell signalling. In summary, our data establish SPHK1 as a component in two separate plant signalling systems, opening the possibility that phosphorylated long-chain sphingoid bases such as S1P and phytoS1P are ubiquitous messengers in plants.  相似文献   

The focus of this review is on how plants respond to combinations of multiple air pollutants. Global pollution trends, plant physiological responses and ecological perspectives in natural and agricultural systems are all discussed. In particular, we highlight the importance of studying sequential or simultaneous exposure of plants to pollutants, rather than exposure to individual pollutants in isolation, and explore how these responses may interfere with the way plants interact with their biotic community. Air pollutants can alter the normal physiology and metabolic functioning of plants. Here we describe how the phenotypic and molecular changes in response to multiple pollutants can differ compared to those elicited by single pollutants, and how different responses have been observed between plants in the field and in controlled laboratory conditions and between trees and crop plants. From an ecological perspective, we discuss how air pollution can result in greater susceptibility to biotic stressors and in direct or indirect effects on interactions with organisms that occupy higher trophic levels. Finally, we provide an overview of the potential uses of plants to mitigate air pollution, exploring the feasibility for pollution removal via the processes of bio‐accumulation and phytoremediation. We conclude by proposing some new directions for future research in the field.  相似文献   

Stomatal responses to leaf temperature (Tl) and to the mole fractions of water vapour in the ambient air (wa) and the leaf intercellular air spaces (wi) were determined in darkness to remove the potential effects of changes in photosynthesis and intercellular CO2 concentration. Both the steady‐state and kinetic responses of stomatal conductance (gs) to wa in darkness were found to be indistinguishable from those in the light. gs showed a steep response to the difference (Δw) between wa and wi when wa was varied. The response was much less steep when wi was varied. Although stomatal apertures responded steeply to Tl when Δw was held constant at 17 mmol mol?1, the response was much less steep when Δw was held constant at about zero. Similar results were obtained in the light for Δw = 15 mmol mol?1 and Δw ≈ 0 mmol mol?1. These results are discussed in the context of mechanisms for the stomatal response to humidity.  相似文献   

Calcium ions as second messengers in guard cell signal transduction   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Ca2+ is a ubiquitous second messenger in plant cell signalling. In this review we consider the role of Ca2+-based signal transduction in stomatal guard cells focusing on three important areas: (1) the regulation of guard cell turgor relations and the control of gene expression in guard cells, (2) the control of specificity in Ca2+ signalling, (3) emerging technologies and new approaches for studying intracellular signalling. Stomatal apertures alter in response to a wide array of environmental stimuli as a result of changes in guard cell turgor. For example, the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) stimulates a reduction in stomatal aperture through a decrease in guard cell turgor. Furthermore, guard cells have been shown to be competent to relay an ABA signal from its site of perception to the nucleus. An increase in the concentration of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]1) is central to the mechanisms underlying ABA-induced changes in guard cell turgor. We describe a possible model of Ca2+-based ABA signal transduction during stomatal closure and discuss recent evidence which suggests that Ca2+ is also involved in ABA nuclear signal transduction. Many other environmental stimuli which affect stomatal apertures, in addition to ABA, induce an increase in guard cell [Ca2+]1) This raises questions regarding how increases in [Ca2+]1) can be a common component in the signal transduction pathways by which stimuli cause both stomatal opening and closure. We discuss several mechanisms of increasing the amount of information contained within the Ca2+ signal, including encoding information in a stimulus-specific Ca2+ signal or Ca2+ signature', the concept of the ‘physiological address’ of the cell, and the use of other second messengers. We conclude by addressing the emerging technologies and new approaches which can be used in conjunction with guard cells to dissect further the molecular mechanisms of Ca2+-mediated signalling in plants.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which stomata respond to red light and CO2 are unknown, but much of the current literature assumes that these mechanisms reside wholly within the guard cells. However, responses of guard cells in isolated epidermes are typically much smaller than those in leaves, and there are several lines of evidence in the literature suggesting that the mesophyll is necessary for these responses in leaves. This paper advances the opinion that although guard cells may have small direct responses to red light and CO2, most of the stomatal response to these factors in leaves is caused by an unknown signal that originates in the mesophyll.  相似文献   

Abstract. An Ohm's law analogy is frequently employed to calculate parameters of leaf gas exchange. For example, resistance to water vapour loss is calculated as the quotient of vapour pressure difference (VPD) and vapour loss by transpiration. In the present research, this electrical analogy was extended. Steady-state transpiration as a function of VPD, assayed in leaflets of Vicia faba using gas exchange techniques, was compared with steady-state K+ current magnitude as a function of voltage in isolated guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba, assayed using the patch clamping technique in the whole cell configuration. An electrophysiological model originally developed to explain the kinetics of current changes following step changes in voltage across a cell membrane was used to fit the kinetics of transpiration changes following step changes in VPD applied to leaflets of Vicia faba. Following step increases in VPD, transpiration exhibited an initial increase, reflecting the increased driving force for water loss and, for large step increases in VPD, a transient decrease in stomatal resistance. Transpiration subsequently declined, reflecting stomatal closure. By analogy to electrophysiological responses, it is hypothesized that the humidity parameter that is sensed by guard cells is VPD. Two models based on epidermal water relations were also applied to transpiration kinetics. In the first model, the transient increase in transpiration following a step increase in VPD was attributed partially to an increase in the Physical driving force (VPD) and partially to a transient decrease in stomatal resistance resulting from reduced epidermal backpressure. In the second model, the transient decrease in stomatal resistance was attributed to a direct response of the guard cells to VPD. Both models based on water relations gave good fits of the data, emphasizing the need for further study regarding the metabolic nature of the guard cell response to humidity.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) are key signalling molecules produced in response to various stimuli and involved in a diverse range of plant signal transduction processes. Nitric oxide and H(2)O(2) have been identified as essential components of the complex signalling network inducing stomatal closure in response to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). A close inter-relationship exists between ABA and the spatial and temporal production and action of both NO and H(2)O(2) in guard cells. This study shows that, in Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells, ABA-mediated NO generation is in fact dependent on ABA-induced H(2)O(2) production. Stomatal closure induced by H(2)O(2) is inhibited by the removal of NO with NO scavenger, and both ABA and H(2)O(2) stimulate guard cell NO synthesis. Conversely, NO-induced stomatal closure does not require H(2)O(2) synthesis nor does NO treatment induce H(2)O(2) production in guard cells. Tungstate inhibition of the NO-generating enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) attenuates NO production in response to nitrite in vitro and in response to H(2)O(2) and ABA in vivo. Genetic data demonstrate that NR is the major source of NO in guard cells in response to ABA-mediated H(2)O(2) synthesis. In the NR double mutant nia1, nia2 both ABA and H(2)O(2) fail to induce NO production or stomatal closure, but in the nitric oxide synthase deficient Atnos1 mutant, responses to H(2)O(2) are not impaired. Importantly, we show that in the NADPH oxidase deficient double mutant atrbohD/F, NO synthesis and stomatal closure to ABA are severely reduced, indicating that endogenous H(2)O(2) production induced by ABA is required for NO synthesis. In summary, our physiological and genetic data demonstrate a strong inter-relationship between ABA, endogenous H(2)O(2) and NO-induced stomatal closure.  相似文献   

Ethylene is a plant hormone that regulates many aspects of growth and development. Despite the well-known association between ethylene and stress signalling, its effects on stomatal movements are largely unexplored. Here, genetic and physiological data are provided that position ethylene into the Arabidopsis guard cell signalling network, and demonstrate a functional link between ethylene and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). In wild-type leaves, ethylene induces stomatal closure that is dependent on H(2)O(2) production in guard cells, generated by the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen (NADPH) oxidase AtrbohF. Ethylene-induced closure is inhibited by the ethylene antagonists 1-MCP and silver. The ethylene receptor mutants etr1-1 and etr1-3 are insensitive to ethylene in terms of stomatal closure and H(2)O(2) production. Stomata of the ethylene signalling ein2-1 and arr2 mutants do not close in response to either ethylene or H(2)O(2) but do generate H(2)O(2) following ethylene challenge. Thus, the data indicate that ethylene and H(2)O(2) signalling in guard cells are mediated by ETR1 via EIN2 and ARR2-dependent pathway(s), and identify AtrbohF as a key mediator of stomatal responses to ethylene.  相似文献   

Stomatal opening and closing are driven by ion fluxes that cause changes in guard cell turgor and volume. This process is, in turn, regulated by environmental and hormonal signals, including light and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). Here, we present genetic evidence that expression of PHO1 in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana is required for full stomatal responses to ABA. PHO1 is involved in the export of phosphate into the root xylem vessels and, as a result, the pho1 mutant is characterized by low shoot phosphate levels. In leaves, PHO1 was found expressed in guard cells and up‐regulated following treatment with ABA. The pho1 mutant was unaffected in production of reactive oxygen species following ABA treatment, and in stomatal movements in response to light cues, high extracellular calcium, auxin, and fusicoccin. However, stomatal movements in response to ABA treatment were severely impaired, both in terms of induction of closure and inhibition of opening. Micro‐grafting a pho1 shoot scion onto wild‐type rootstock resulted in plants with normal shoot growth and phosphate content, but failed to restore normal stomatal response to ABA treatment. PHO1 knockdown using RNA interference specifically in guard cells of wild‐type plants caused a reduced stomatal response to ABA. In agreement, specific expression of PHO1 in guard cells of pho1 plants complemented the mutant guard cell phenotype and re‐established ABA sensitivity, although full functional complementation was dependent on shoot phosphate sufficiency. Together, these data reveal an important role for phosphate and the action of PHO1 in the stomatal response to ABA.  相似文献   

There is much interest in the transduction pathways by which abscisic acid (ABA) regulates stomatal movements (ABA-turgor signalling) and by which this phytohormone regulates the pattern of gene expression in plant cells (ABA-nuclear signalling). A number of second messengers have been identified in both the ABA-turgor and ABA-nuclear signalling pathways. A major challenge is to understand the architecture of ABA-signalling pathways and to determine how the ABA signal is coupled to the appropriate response. We have investigated whether separate Ca2+-dependent and -independent ABA-signalling pathways are present in guard cells. Our data suggest that increases in [Ca2+]i are a common component of the guard cell ABA-turgor and ABA-nuclear signalling pathways. The effects of Ca2+ antagonists on ABA-induced stomatal closure and the ABA-responsive CDeT6-19 gene promoter suggest that Ca2+ is involved in both ABA-turgor signalling and ABA-nuclear signalling in guard cells. However, the sensitivity of these pathways to alterations in the external calcium concentration differ, suggesting that the ABA-nuclear and ABA-turgor signalling pathways are not completely convergent. Our data suggest that whilst Ca2+-independent signalling elements are present in the guard cell, they do not form a completely separate Ca2+-independent ABA-signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Enhancement of NMDA-mediated responses by cyanide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of cyanide on NMDA-activated ion current and MK801 binding was studied in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. In microfluorometric analysis using fura-2, removal of extracellular Mg2+ resulted in a five-fold increase in NMDA-induced peak of [Ca2+]i. One mM NaCN enhanced the peak NMDA responses in the presence, but not in the absence of extracellular Mg2+. Cyanide enhanced the immediate rise in [Ca2+]i produced by NMDA, followed over a 1–5 min period by a gradual increase of [Ca2+]i. Similar results were obtained in whole-cell patch clamp recordings from hippocampal neurons. One mM KCN enhanced the NMDA-activated current in the presence, but not in the absence of extracellular Mg2+. This effect was independent of cyanide-mediated metabolic inhibition since the recording pipette contained ATP (2 mM). In binding assays NaCN (1 mM) increased the binding affinity of [3H]MK-801 to rat forebrain membranes in the presence of Mg2+, whereas in the absence of Mg2+, NaCN did not influence binding. These results indicate that cyanide enhances NMDA-mediated Ca2+ influx and inward current by interacting with the Mg2+ block of the NMDA receptor. The effect of cyanide can be explained by an initial interaction with the Mg2+ block of the NMDA receptor/ionophore which appears to be energy-independent, followed by a gradual increase in Ca2+ influx resulting from cellular energy reserve depletion.Abbreviations NMDA N-Methyl-D-Aspartate - EAA excitatory amino acid - MK-801 (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d] cyclohept-5,10-imine maleate  相似文献   

Stomatal responses to humidity in isolated epidermes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of guard cells to hydrate and dehydrate from the surrounding air was investigated using isolated epidermes of Tradescantia pallida and Vicia faba . Stomata were found to respond to the water vapour pressure on the outside and inside of the epidermis, but the response was more sensitive to the inside vapour pressure, and occurred in the presence or absence of living, turgid epidermal cells. Experiments using helium–oxygen air showed that guard cells hydrated and dehydrated entirely from water vapour, suggesting that there was no significant transfer of water from the epidermal tissue to the guard cells. The stomatal aperture achieved at any given vapour pressure was shown to be consistent with water potential equilibrium between the guard cells and the air near the bottom of the stomatal pore, and water vapour exchange through the external cuticle appeared to be unimportant for the responses. Although stomatal responses to humidity in isolated epidermes are the result of water potential equilibrium between the guard cells and the air near the bottom of the stomatal pore, stomatal responses to humidity in leaves are unlikely to be the result of a similar equilibrium.  相似文献   

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