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Summary The function of the PAS-positive pars intermedia cells in fish has been connected with control of background adaptation and of plasma calcium levels. Since background reflectivity and illumination influence calcium metabolism in S. mossambicus, we have tested the hypothesis that the effects of background reflectivity on the PAS-positive cells are mediated by changes in plasma calcium. However, total plasma calcium does not correlate with the activity of the PAS-positive cells as estimated by morphometrical criteria. Transfer of S. mossambicus to a white background leads to a drop in plasma calcium, and a marked reduction of the activity of the PAS-positive cells. Adaptation to low-calcium freshwater, on a neutral background, has the same effect on plasma calcium but has no effect on the PAS-positive cells. The characteristic structural features of highly active PAS-positive cells in fish from a black background are not due to the slight hypocalcemia that occurs in these fish, since addition of calcium to the water in concentrations that fully prevent the drop in plasma calcium does not suppress the PAS-positive cells. These findings make it very unlikely that these cells produce a hypercalcemie factor in S. mossambicus.  相似文献   

Summary Although exposure to acid water (pH 3.5) induces severe and prolonged reduction in plasma osmolarity and total plasma calcium concentration in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and goldfish (Carassius auratus), the responses of the hypophyseal cells are clearly different. In tilapia, the size of the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary gland is enlarged as a result of the increase in size and number of prolactin cells. The pars intermedia PAS-positive (PIPAS) cells are not noticeably changed. Conversely, in goldfish, prolactin cells are unaffected, whereas the number of enlarged PIPAS cells increases markedly. Stimulation of prolactin secretion may be responsible for the partial restoration of plasma osmolarity and calcium levels observed in tilapia after two weeks exposure to acid water. Prolactin cells apparently play a role in the adaptation to acid stress by counteracting osmoregulatory disturbances. Goldfish show no restoration of plasma osmolarity during the course of the experiment. Plasma calcium levels tend to increase. Although prolactin may have an osmoregulatory function in goldfish under steady state conditions, goldfish prolactin cells do not seem to participate in the physiological adaptation to environmental changes that disturb water and ion homeostasis. The function of PIPAS cells in tilapia remains unclear and is apparently unconnected with ion regulation. The observations on these cells in goldfish are consistent with the hypercalcemic activity suggested for them.  相似文献   

Summary The pars intermedia of Sarotherodon mossambicus (Tilapia mossambica) contains two cell types which can be differentiated at both the light and electron microscopic level. The predominant cell type is lead haematoxyline positive, and has been shown to be the MSH producing cell type by means of immunocytochemical staining at the ultrastructural level. The changes in cellular and nuclear volume, as well as the results of stereological measurements on the cytoplasmic organelles, show that the activity of MSH cells is high on a black background and low on a white background or in total darkness. In blinded fish under a normal day-night regime the activity of the MSH cell is as high as that in black adapted fish, whereas the activity is low when the blinded fish are kept in total darkness. From the observed differences in activity of the MSH cells between the experimental groups, it is concluded that the MSH cells are not activated by the absence of reflected light, but by a high ratio between direct and reflected light. A second light-sensitive organ, supposedly the pineal gland, is also involved in the background response of the MSH producing cells.  相似文献   

Fine structural alterations were investigated in cells of the pars intermedia of the pituitary of mice treated for four weeks with (a) a sodium deficient diet, (b) a sodium deficient diet mixed with propranolol (renin-inhibitor), (c) a sodium deficient diet combined with propranolol and amino-glutethimide (corticosterone 18-hydroxylase inhibitor), and (d) a sodium deficient diet combined with propranolol, aminoglutethimide and dexamethasone. The number of secretory granules decreased from 5.0/mum2 in the normal control of 2.4/mum2 in all four experimental groups suggesting that the cells in treated groups had reached an equilibrium in the production and release of secretory granules during the chronic treatments. The number of immature Golgi granules per unit Golgi area was 0.91 in the control, while this value rose to 3.29 (3.62 fold of the control), 4.37 (4.8 fold), 4.94 (5.43 fold) and 5.16 (5.67 fold) respectively in the four experimental groups. In these groups a good correlation was observed between the number of immature granules and the percent volume of rough endoplasmic reticulum (r=0.985, p less than 0.01). The present study suggests that the pars intermedia contains an unidentified pituitary factor (or factors) essential for aldosterone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Résumé Nos observations démontrent l'existence de deux types de cellules glandulaires dans la pars intermedia de l'hypophyse du rat: des cellules propres, à M.S.H., dont les grains de sécrétion sont détruits par la fixation osmiée et relativement bien conservés par la fixation au glutaraldéhyde; des cellules à petits grains denses, osmio-résistants, qui s'apparentent morphologiquement aux éléments corticotropes de l'antéhypophyse. L'existence bien connue d'A.C.T.H. ou, plus précisément, d'un facteur A.C.T.H.-like dans le lobe neuro-intermédiaire nous fait considérer comme très vraisemblable la nature corticotrope de ce deuxième type cellulaire de la pars intermedia.
On the existence of cells of the Corticotrophic type in the intermediate lobe of the rat hypophysisAn electronmicroscopic study
Summary Two types of glandular cells have been shown to occur in the intermediate lobe of the rat hypophysis: 1) M.S.H. producing cells whose secretory granules are destroyed by osmium fixation and relatively well preserved by glutaraldehyde fixation, 2) cells with small dense osmium resistant granules being morphologically similar to the corticotrophic cells of the anterior lobe. The well known occurrence of A.C.T.H. or, more precisely, of an A.C.T.H.-like factor in the neuro-intermediate lobe makes the corticotrophic nature of this second cell type very likely.
Travail dédié à la mémoire de Nicole Granboulan.  相似文献   

An investigation of N-terminal pro-opiocortin peptides in the rat pituitary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracts of neurointermediate lobe (NIL) and anterior lobe (AL) of the rat pituitary, and material released from perfused rat pars distalis (PD) and pars intermedia (PI) cells were gel chromatographed and monitored using three antisera, each recognizing different regions of the non-corticotropin (ACTH)-lipotropin (LPH) portion of pro-opiocortin (POC). Two peaks (termed N-POC I) which emerged close to the elution position of rat beta-LPH were detected. The first peak was reduced significantly in the PI. Two smaller N-POC fragments which eluted near beta-endorphin were detected only in extracts and secretions of intermediate lobe tissue. One peak cross-reacted in the gamma 3-melanotropin (MSH) assay (N-POC III) whereas the other peak possessed amino (N)-terminal N-POC immunoreactivity (N-POC II). The results demonstrated differences in the distribution and nature of N-POC peptides released and extracted from the PD and PI of the rat pituitary, and suggest that the enzymic processing of N-POC is different in the two pituitary lobes.  相似文献   

Summary Castrated adult male hamsters and castrated adult female rats were injected with either 0.2 g (hamsters) or 0.5 g (rats) of 3H-dihydrotestosterone (107 Ci/mmole)/100 grams body weight and killed 11/2 h later. The pituitary glands were removed and processed for both autoradiography and immunocytochemistry (hamster) or only autoradiography (rats). Localization of the androgen was found in 10–15% of the cells of the pars distalis in both species. Only cells that stained for luteinizing hormone (LH) in the hamster's pars distalis concentrated the androgen. Also cells in both the pars intermedia and pars nervosa (1–5%) concentrated the androgen in both species. Although the number of cells that concentrated the androgen in the pars intermedia and pars nervosa was small, this finding may be related to recent physiologic data that suggest that the gonadal steroids may play a role in regulating water retention and natriuresis.This study was supported by USPHS Research Career Development Award KO4NS0000164 (P.J. Sheridan) and USPHS Grants No. 1 RO1 NS12933, P30 HD10202 and HD 10914  相似文献   

Summary The PAS-positive or PIPAS cells in the pars intermedia of goldfish are activated after reduction of the pH of the ambient freshwater from 7.5 to 3.5. The cells increase in number and exhibit a five-fold increase in cell volume. Granular endoplasmic reticulum occupies most of the cytoplasm. Goldfish PIPAS cells (also termed calciumsensitive cells) are thought to have a hypercalcemic function. Therefore, their activation in acid water may be caused by the severe drop in plasma calcium concentration following exposure of the fish to low water pH. However, activation of the PIPAS cells in response to acidification of the water is not prevented when the calcium concentration of the water is increased to levels that result in hypercalcemia instead of hypocalcemia. Activation of the PIPAS cells occurs also in fish exposed to acidified freshwater enriched with NaCl to an osmolarity similar to that of the blood. This prevents the reduction in plasma osmolarity and Na+ and Cl- concentrations that follow exposure of goldfish to acidified normal freshwater. Our observations do not support the hypothesis that the PIPAS cells in goldfish produce a hypercalcemic hormone, or indeed any hormone involved in calcium metabolism or osmoregulation. The cells may be implicated in acid-base regulation (a characteristic of many types of fish when exposed to acidified water) but the evidence is indirect.  相似文献   

To study the penetration of protein from the blood into and through the pars intermedia of anurans, the electron-dense tracer, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), was injected into the vascular system of the frog, Rana pipiens. Pinocytotic vesicles were seen along plasma membranes of the stellate cells abutting the pericapillary spaces between the pars intermedia and pars nervosa. The HRP was seen within both the pericapillary spaces and these pinocytotic vesicles. In addition, the HRP was very prominent in the extracellular spaces between adjacent stellate and/or MSH cells and around nerve endings and thus, appeared to move from the vascular spaces and into the interior of the pars intermedia. Therefore, the poorly vascularized pars intermedia may have such a route for transfer of materials throughout the gland.  相似文献   

Summary The sites of production of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) are studied by the immunoglobulin-peroxidase bridge technique, using antisera prepared against synthetic porcine 1–24 and 17–39 ACTH, and bovine MSH on the rat adenohypophysis. Presence of ACTH all over the pars intermedia (PI) is indicated by staining with antisera p 1–24 and p 17-3-9 ACTH. There are darkly stained ACTH cells in the PI and pars tuberalis (PT), similar to those in the pars distalis (PD). With higher dilutions of the ACTH antiserum, staining intensity disappears or reduces markedly in majority of the PI cells, whereas, the ACTH cells in the PI, PD and PT do not vary much in their staining intensity. Therefore, it is concluded that majority of the PI glandular cells (light glandular and dark cells) contain less corticotropin than the ACTH cells. From these observations, it seems to me that the major amount of corticotropin is supplied by the ACTH cells of the PD, PI and PT, and less by the light glandular and dark cells of the PI. The antiserum is ineffective after absorption, so the staining reaction appears to be specific for p 1–24 and b 17–39 ACTH.Presence of MSH all over the PI is indicated by staining with antisera to bovine MSH. Majority of the PI cells are highly stained even with higher dilution of the antiserum. The unstained cells in the PI seem to be ACTH cells and/or marginal cuboidal cells. The antiserum was ineffective after absorption, so the staining reaction appears to be specific for b MSH.Control over the PD corticotropin through the median eminence portal circulation and the PI and PT control through nervous system is also discussed.This study was supported by MRC of Canada Grant nos. MA-3759, and MA-5160.The author gratefully wishes to thank Drs. P. Desaulles and W. Rittel (CIBA, Basle, Switzerland) for the synthetic p 1–24 ACTH and b MSH, Dr. R. F. Phifer for p 17–39 ACTH, and Dr. S. S. Spicer for providing samples of rabbit anti-porcine 17–39 ACTH and anti-human ACTH sera, Drs. George Sétáló and Paul Nakane for their valuable advice. He also acknowledges the help of Mr. Shankar Nayak to prepare the antisera and the skilful technical assistance of Miss. Elise Poiré.  相似文献   

Summary In the mouse, the rostral zone of the pars intermedia is almost exclusively composed of typical corticotrophic cells. They are located around and even within the neural stalk, at the level of transition between stalk and neural lobe. In the rat, the corticotrophic cells of the rostral zone are found in scattered islets among the MSH producing cells, and also in the neural lobe. In both the rat and mouse, these cells are in direct contact with various types of nerve terminals. Synaptoid contacts with aminergic and neurosecretory nerve fibers are observed. Furthermore they are also closely related to the hypophysial portal vessels. Following adrenalectomy, the cells located in the neurohypophysis always react more intensely than tose in the rostral zone. The functional significance of these corticotrophic cells which are subject to both humoral and neural regulation remains as yet hypothetical. Their participation in neurogenic stress response seems probable.  相似文献   

Summary Colour change in the eel resulted in marked ultrastructural changes in the pre-dominating (Type II) secretory cells of the pars intermedia of the pituitary. The effects on these cells of transferring eels from white to black backgrounds for periods of up to 56 days were: a) hypertrophy of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, which increased from 12 to 35% of the cytoplasmic volume; b) loss of secretory granules which decreased from 38 to 5% of the cytoplasmic volume; c) development of a system of fine (25–35 nm) tubules located especially at the secretory poles of the cells but also found in the region of the Golgi apparatus. The tubules were seen to connect with the plasma membrane, with the limiting membrane of the secretory granules, and in one instance to connect a granule with the plasma membrane. After glutaraldehyde fixation at pH 5, electron dense material similar to that found in the secretory granules was observed in the lumen of many of the tubules.The changes that occurred in black background eels are taken to indicate that the Type II cells of the pars intermedia are responsible for MSH secretion, particularly since these changes were reversed by returning eels to white backgrounds. The cytoplasmic tubules found in Type II cells may indicate a process for MSH release which does not involve granule extrusion, but rather direct transport of material from the Golgi apparatus to the cell membrane.The electron microscope facilities used in this investigation were funded by the Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary Hormone release from the pars intermedia is under inhibitory control of the hypothalamus. Control may be mediated via dopaminergic fibers which directly contact secretory cells. Administration of reserpine in vivo to adult male rats for four consecutive days results in major alternations in pars intermedia cytology. Cells show expanded areas and whorls of rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as extensive Golgi zones with numerous dense granules. Some nerve fibers exhibit alterations in vesicle content, while others retain a more normal appearance. Freeze-fracture of glands from reserpine-treated animals provides evidence for exocytosis of granules, although such phenomena are not observed in thin sections. The ultrastructural findings suggest that reserpine alters the content of local inhibitory neurotransmitters in the pars intermedia, leading to unrestrained hormone release, followed by renewed granule synthesis.My thanks to Ms. Judi DeLongo for skillful technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The development of the nerve supply of the pituitary pars intermedia (PI) of C3H mice was studied by electron microscopy. Nerve fibres and terminal structures, most probably adrenergic, first appear in the newborn. The adult innervation pattern is achieved by the end of the first postnatal week.In the adult animal two types of nerve terminals were distinguished; type A (peptidergic or neurosecretory) and type B (adrenergic). The peptidergic fibres were scarce and exhibited no synapse-like contacts. It is suggested that they are of secondary importance in a direct nervous hypothalamic control of PI function. Type B terminals were found throughout the PI. They formed synapse-like contacts with the glandular cells, indicating that the primary innervation is exerted by adrenergic neurons.An autonomous differentiation of the glandular cells and in the adult a combined direct nervous and neurohumoral control of PI function is suggested.This investigation was supported by grant No B 2180-026 from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs Ulla Wennerberg is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary Two cell types can be distinguished in the pars intermedia of Klauberina: (1) Glandular cells, which form a single-layered columnar epithelium on the vascular septum which divides the pars nervosa from the pars intermedia. (2) Marginal cells which form a flattened epithelium over the glandular cells and line the hypophysial cleft. Occasional projections from the marginal cells extend between the glandular cells to contact the basement membrane of the vascular septum, and occasional projections of the vascular septum extend across the glandular epithelium to reach the marginal epithelium. Both cell types are AF negative. The granules of the glandular cells are strongly PAS positive, and acidophilic in response to Mallory's trichrome stain. In electron micrographs, the glandular cells contain large quantities of secretory granules. In one class of cells, they range from 2,000 to 2,500 Å in diameter, in the other, from 4,000 to 5,000 Å. Electron-dense granules 1,000 to 1,500 Å in diameter occur in the cytoplasm of the marginal cells in the region of contact with the vascular septum. Hence more than one active principle may be produced by the pars intermedia.No nerve endings of any kind are present in the pars intermedia. Therefore, synaptic contact of neurons with the secretory cells seems not to be necessary for the regulation of their secretory activity as appears to be the case in other vertebrate groups. It is suggested that regulatory factors are secreted in the pars nervosa and transported to the pars intermedia via the vascular septum.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina.This investigation was supported in part by a Public Health Service fellowship 1 FZ HD 32, 949-01 REP from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The authors wish to thank Professor H. Heller for his encouragement and kind cooperation during this study and Professor H. D. Dellmann for providing the facilities of his department. They are indebted to the officers and men of the Naval Ordinance Test Station, Pasadena and San Clemente Island, California, for their help in obtaining animals for this investigation.  相似文献   

We previously reported daily variations in the mitotic activity of the endocrine cells in the pars intermedia of 21- and 28-day-old male mice. Since cellular proliferation might be affected by factors such as sex and age, we undertook the present experiments to study the mitotic activity of the pars intermedia from 14-, 28-, and 150-day-old female mice. Inbred C3H/S mice, grouped according to age, were housed under standard conditions (12h each of light and dark [LD 12:12]) for periodicity analysis and were killed in lots of 5-11 animals every 4h over a single 24h cycle, with each mouse receiving 2 μg/g of colchicine 4h before decapitation. Pituitaries were excised, extracted, fixed in buffered formaldehyde, embedded in celloidin-paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. We counted the total number of nuclei to estimate the total number of cells monitored and then calculated the mitotic index (metaphases/1000 nuclei). Differences were analyzed for statistical significance by the Student t test. While the 14-day-old animals manifested no significant changes in mitotic activity during the 24h cycle, the 28- and 150-day-old mice showed higher mitotic indices during the period of darkness. The average mitotic activity over the entire cycle, however, was higher in the two groups of younger animals than in the 150-day-old mice. Moreover, the averages for the 28-day-old females were higher than the corresponding values previously reported by us for male mice of the same age. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 751-756, 2000)  相似文献   

The pituitary pars intermedia of Camelus dromedarius is well developed and completely surrounds the pars nervosa. Two major groups of cells are present: endocrine (ec) and glial-like cells (glc). The ec group is composed of three morphologically distinct cell types. Type I, or polyhedral light cells (LC-I) and type II, or polyhedral dark cells (DC-II), have secretory granules of heterogeneous electron density whose size ranges from 170 to 300 nm. Type III cells are elongated with homogeneous electron-dense secretory granules of 80–200 nm. The glc make up an organized network, form follicles in the centrolobular zones and are positive for vimentin and S-100β immunolabelling. The nerve fibres penetrating the lobe are numerous, and can be classified into two types according to the membrane bound vesicles found in their endings (ne). Ultrastructural quantitative analysis revealed significant variations in PI elements between winter and summer seasons (F = 8.014, p = 0.006). DC-II cells characterized by developed biosynthetic machinery and a large pool of secretory granules storage are increased with the ne in winter. However, LC-I cells showing frequent cytoplasmic degranulation are predominant with glc in summer. Thus, important cellular remodelling occurs in the dromedary PI that may depend upon, or perhaps anticipate, external living conditions.  相似文献   

We previously reported daily variations in the mitotic activity of the endocrine cells in the pars intermedia of 21- and 28-day-old male mice. Since cellular proliferation might be affected by factors such as sex and age, we undertook the present experiments to study the mitotic activity of the pars intermedia from 14-, 28-, and 150-day-old female mice. Inbred C3H/S mice, grouped according to age, were housed under standard conditions (12h each of light and dark [LD 12:12]) for periodicity analysis and were killed in lots of 5–11 animals every 4h over a single 24h cycle, with each mouse receiving 2 μg/g of colchicine 4h before decapitation. Pituitaries were excised, extracted, fixed in buffered formaldehyde, embedded in celloidin-paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. We counted the total number of nuclei to estimate the total number of cells monitored and then calculated the mitotic index (metaphases/1000 nuclei). Differences were analyzed for statistical significance by the Student t test. While the 14-day-old animals manifested no significant changes in mitotic activity during the 24h cycle, the 28- and 150-day-old mice showed higher mitotic indices during the period of darkness. The average mitotic activity over the entire cycle, however, was higher in the two groups of younger animals than in the 150-day-old mice. Moreover, the averages for the 28-day-old females were higher than the corresponding values previously reported by us for male mice of the same age. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 751–756, 2000)  相似文献   

Summary Light microscopy of coronal sections of the sheep pars intermedia revealed a compact, incompletely lobulated V-shaped region about 15–20 cells thick, situated between the pars distalis and the pars nervosa. A prominent hypophysial cleft and follicles containing a colloid-like substance were seen.Using electron microscopy, five cell types could be distinguished: pars intermedia glandular cells, pars distalis-like glandular cells, interstitial cells, follicular cells and cleft lining cells. The polyhedral to pear-shaped pars intermedia glandular cells predominated. They contained dense-cored, membrane-bound granules near the Golgi complex, and larger, irregular vesicles with finely granular contents of varying electron density throughout the remaining cytoplasm; exocytotic release of granules was occasionally observed. Smaller numbers of cells resembling those seen in the pars distalis were scattered throughout the pars intermedia. Interstitial cells usually possessed elongated cytoplasmic processes which extended between the glandular cells, and were characterized by deeply indented nuclei, elaborate junctional complexes and an absence of cytoplasmic granules. Cells lining the follicles resembled the interstitial cells. The major cells bordering the hypophysial cleft were triangular in section and bore irregular microvilli on their free surface. The pars intermedia appeared to be less vascular than the remainder of the hypophysis and only occasional fenestrated capillaries were seen. Nerve profiles were rare.  相似文献   

Summary Cytological changes in the pars intermedia of the goldfish were investigated after adding calcium to deionized water (DW). In fish maintained in DW, the PAS-positive cells are highly stimulated in comparison to cells of fish kept in fresh water (FW). In DW supplemented with calcium at the same concentration as in FW (2 mM/l), the hyperactivity of the PAS-positive cells is prevented. When calcium ions are added 60 h before the animals are sacrificed, the PAS positive cells start to show signs of regression and their granules are stored: the release of the granular material appears to be suppressed by calcium. In the goldfish, the PAS-positive cells, homologous to a similar cell type in the eel, react only very weakly with the PAS technique. The name calcium-sensitive cells appears to be more appropriate in the goldfish for this particular cell type, secreting an unknown factor. This factor, different from the prolactin produced in the rostral pars distalis of the hypophysis, might be an equivalent of a hypercalcin.  相似文献   

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