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In this essay, I observe that data is valuable not only for what it is, but also for what it will become: that is, that data is a form of potential. I explore two aspects of this by drawing two comparisons with other forms of potential: ova and genes. First, building on ethnographic fieldwork with environmental scientists and technicians in the Brazilian Amazon, I compare data processing with ova donation in the United Kingdom in order to explore how data processing might be considered a form of reproductive labour. I then turn to emergent big data infrastructures in the environmental sciences, and compare the environmental sciences with genomics, in order to gesture towards some critical questions that need to be asked of such open data initiatives. I end with a reflection on comparison as a privileged means of drawing out the forms understood to be latent within data.  相似文献   

Cutaneous malignant melanoma is occurring in epidemic proportions in the United States. To provide a profile of persons at risk and the epidemiologic features of malignant melanoma, we reviewed the records of 325 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma seen at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center between 1973 and 1983. Most patients had fair skin, brown or blonde hair, blue or green eyes, and had difficulty in suntanning. The majority of melanomas (72%) developed in preexisting nevi. In women, melanomas were most common on the extremities, and in men they occurred most frequently on the trunk, head or neck. The most frequently noted depth of invasion was Clark''s level IV. At diagnosis, most of the patients (77%) were at stage I. We conclude that malignant melanoma constitutes a major disease problem in the western United States that is largely preventable with appropriate physician and patient education.  相似文献   

系统发育谱生成软件(Phylogenetie Profile Generator,PPG)采用Microsoft Visual Basic和Perl两种语言编写,将枸建系统发育谱所涉及的全部过程进行集成,用户只需提供原始的蛋白或核酸序列,软件即可生成所需的系统发育谱,并提供文本和XML两种形式的输出结果。软件具有Windows和Limix两个版本,可提供免费下载。软件下载地址:http://life.cnu.edu.cn/kexueyjshow.php?id=56  相似文献   



Previous research has shown that environments with features that encourage walking are associated with increased physical activity. Existing methods to assess the built environment using geographical information systems (GIS) data, direct audit or large surveys of the residents face constraints, such as data availability and comparability, when used to study communities in countries in diverse parts of the world. The aim of this study was to develop a method to evaluate features of the built environment of communities using a standard set of photos. In this report we describe the method of photo collection, photo analysis instrument development and inter-rater reliability of the instrument.

Methods/Principal Findings

A minimum of 5 photos were taken per community in 86 communities in 5 countries according to a standard set of instructions from a designated central point of each community by researchers at each site. A standard pro forma derived from reviewing existing instruments to assess the built environment was developed and used to score the characteristics of each community. Photo sets from each community were assessed independently by three observers in the central research office according to the pro forma and the inter-rater reliability was compared by intra-class correlation (ICC). Overall 87% (53 of 60) items had an ICC of ≥0.70, 7% (4 of 60) had an ICC between 0.60 and 0.70 and 5% (3 of 60) items had an ICC ≤0.50.


Analysis of photos using a standardized protocol as described in this study offers a means to obtain reliable and reproducible information on the built environment in communities in very diverse locations around the world. The collection of the photographic data required minimal training and the analysis demonstrated high reliability for the majority of items of interest.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether aluminum exposure may cause alterations of cytochrome P 4503A4 by measuring the urinary excretion of 6β-hydroxycortisol as biomarker. There is a positive correlation between urinary 6β-hydroxycortisol and aluminum excretion (p < 0.05). The correlations between occupational duration, smoking habits, and age were also evaluated. The increased excretion of the biomarker suggests that this element may induce formation of cytochrome P 450 in exposed individuals.  相似文献   

A lectotype series is designated for Gigantolaelaps gilmorei Fonseca, 1939 in the Acari Collection of the Instituto Butantan in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This laelapid mite species has a widespread geographical distribution. We report a close association with Oryzomys russatus (Wagner) in southeastern Brazil and Argentina, the most southerly part of its range. In Paraguay, the primary host is O. nitidus (Thomas).  相似文献   

Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres - Syntheses under shock in nitrogen bubbled samples of the water – formamide – bicarbonate – sodium hydroxide system at...  相似文献   

In the past decade, podocyte research has been greatly aided by the development of powerful new molecular, cellular and animal tools, leading to elucidation of an increasing number of proteins involved in podocyte function and identification of mutated genes in hereditary glomerulopathies. Accumulating evidence indicates that podocyte disorders may not only underlie these hereditary glomerulopathies but also play crucial role in a broad spectrum of acquired glomerular diseases. Genetic susceptibility, environmental influence and systemic responses are all involved in the mediation of the pathogenesis of podocytopathies. Injured podocytes may predisopose to further injury of other podocytes and other adjacent/distant renal cells in a vicious cycle, leading to inexorable progression of glomerular injury. The classic view is that podocytes have a limited ability to proliferate in the normal mature kidney. However, recent research in rodents has provided suggestive evidence for podocyte regeneration resulting from differentiation of progenitor cells within Bowman's capsule.  相似文献   

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