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With an increasing demand for forest-based products, there is a growing interest in introducing fast-growing non-native tree species in forest management. Such introductions often have unknown consequences for native forest biodiversity. In this study, we examine epiphytic lichen species richness and species composition on the trunks of non-native Pinus contorta and compare these to the native Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies in managed boreal forests in northern Sweden across a chronosequence of age classes. Overall, we recorded a total of 66,209 lichen occurrences belonging to 57 species in the 96 studied forest stands. We found no difference in species richness of lichens between stands of P. contorta and P. sylvestris, but stands of P. abies had higher total species richness. However, species richness of lichens in stands of P. abies decreased with increasing stand age, while no such age effect was detected for P. contorta and P. sylvestris. Lichen species composition progressively diverged with increasing stand age, and in 30-year-old stands all three tree species showed species-specific assemblages. Epiphytic lichen assemblages in stands of 30-year-old P. contorta were influenced by greater basal area, canopy closure, and average diameter at breast height, P. abies stands by higher branch density and canopy closure, and stands of P. sylvestris by greater bark crevice depth. Differences in lichen species richness and composition were mainly explained by canopy closure and habitat availability, and the greater canopy closure in mature P. abies stands promoted the colonization and growth of calicioid lichen species. Our results indicate that the non-native P. contorta have similar species richness as the native P. sylvestris. The main difference in lichen species richness and composition is between P. abies and Pinus spp. in managed forests of boreal Sweden.  相似文献   

The paper describes the structure and the developmental trends of old-growth Pinus sylvestris stands in the Wigry National Park, in north-eastern Poland. The stands represent a transitional zone between deciduous forests of Central Europe and boreal, coniferous forests of north-eastern Europe. Besides P. sylvestris, the most important tree species are Picea abies and Quercus robur. Among the subcanopy species, Corylus avellana and Sorbus aucuparia occur most frequently. On the basis of the data from 6 permanent sample plots (total size: 1.90 ha), several parameters and stand indices are analysed including species composition of the canopy and the regeneration, diameter distribution, age structure of main tree species, and the relationship between canopy and spatial dispersion of woody regeneration. The most striking feature of the stands studied is the almost complete absence of natural regeneration of P. sylvestris. This seems to be in contradiction with the apparently natural origin of this species in the stands, and a common occurrence of natural disturbances resulting in openings and gaps in forest canopy. The main tree species replacing P. sylvestris in the canopy are P. abies and Q. robur. Also increasing are some broad-leaved species typical of high fertility sites: Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Ulmus glabra, and Fraxinus excelsior. A shrub C. avellana occurs extensively competing with tree species and delaying tree replacement processes. While no direct data on the changes in the site conditions can be provided and the recovery hypothesis appears to be the most straightforward explanation of the changes in P. sylvestris stands, the possible role of the allogenic changes in environmental conditions (climate warming, nitrogen deposition) is also discussed.  相似文献   

Seed banks are of vital importance for local plant persistence and recruitment, for maintaining both plant and genetic diversity and for habitat restoration. Yet, seed-bank dynamics, particularly on the long term and in deciduous forests, remain poorly understood. Additionally, information on compositional seed-bank differences under contrasting tree canopies remains scarce.This study aims at quantifying long-term seed-bank dynamics by sampling vegetation and seed banks along a four-stage successional chronosequence (40, 80, 120 and 250 years) using 12 10 m×10 m plots per forest stand age–class under fully developed oak–hornbeam and beech canopies.Seed banks were remarkably abundant and diverse. Species richness and seed density declined steeply with forest stand age, regardless of canopy species. Seed-bank composition differed significantly with stand age, yet also with tree species. Most likely, tree species-dependent ecosystem engineer effects on light availability and possibly also litter quality affect the seed bank through the vegetation. Compositional differences between seed banks from stands with a different canopy diminished with increasing stand age, possibly due to a gradual loss of species with a less persistent seed bank.Long-term seed-bank dynamics in deciduous forests seem to consist predominantly of a unidirectional and predictable depletion of the seed bank as long as large disturbances, which would allow seed-bank replenishment of early-successional species, are lacking. Furthermore, forest seed-banks appear to converge upon a characteristic seed bank in the later stages of forest development, irrespective of canopy composition, driven by seed-bank depletion and limited input from the herb layer.  相似文献   

Little is known about the soil seed bank and the influence of plant communities on the interaction between the seed bank and aboveground vegetation in the Hyrcanian temperate deciduous forest. We surveyed species composition and diversity of the persistent soil seed bank and the aboveground vegetation in six community types in old-growth Hyrcanian Box tree (Buxus hyrcana) stands in northern Iran. Fifty-two species with an average of 3,808 seeds/spores m−2 germinated; forbs accounted for 64% of the seed bank flora. Thirty-four species in the aboveground vegetation were not presented in the seed bank, 32 species in the seed bank were not found in the vegetation, and 20 species were in both. The dominant tree species were Diospyros lotus and Alnus subcordata with an average of 17 and 4.6 seeds m−2, respectively. Our results suggest that (1) vernal geophytes and shade-tolerant perennials are not incorporated in the seed bank, (2) early successional species are well represented in the seed bank, (3) plant community type has significant impacts on seed bank densities, and seed bank richness and diversity were significantly related to presence/absence of Box tree in the aboveground vegetation. The persistent seed bank contained species that potentially have a negative impact on the regeneration of forests, thus forest managers should retain old-growth Hyrcanian Box tree stands to conserve disturbance-sensitive indicator forest species.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of smaller-scale studies on the effects of forest management on plant diversity. However, studies comparing plant species diversity in forests with different management types and intensity, extending over different regions and forest stages, and including detailed information on site conditions are missing. We studied vascular plants on 1500 20 m × 20 m forest plots in three regions of Germany (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin). In all regions, our study plots comprised different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests, which resulted from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, site conditions, and levels of management-related disturbances. We analyzed how overall richness and richness of different plant functional groups (trees, shrubs, herbs, herbaceous species typically growing in forests and herbaceous light-demanding species) responded to the different management types. On average, plant species richness was 13% higher in age-class than in unmanaged forests, and did not differ between deciduous age-class and selection forests. In age-class forests of the Schwäbische Alb and Hainich-Dün, coniferous stands had higher species richness than deciduous stands. Among age-class forests, older stands with large quantities of standing biomass were slightly poorer in shrub and light-demanding herb species than younger stands. Among deciduous forests, the richness of herbaceous forest species was generally lower in unmanaged than in managed forests, and it was even 20% lower in unmanaged than in selection forests in Hainich-Dün. Overall, these findings show that disturbances by management generally increase plant species richness. This suggests that total plant species richness is not suited as an indicator for the conservation status of forests, but rather indicates disturbances.  相似文献   

Invasions by alien plants significantly affect native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. We conducted a 5-year field experiment to investigate potential effects of the annual invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera on both the native above-ground vegetation and the soil seed bank in a deciduous forest in Switzerland. Eight years after the establishment of I. glandulifera, we set up plots in patches invaded by the alien plant, in plots from which the invasive plant had been manually removed and in plots which were not yet colonized by the invasive plant. We examined plant species richness, diversity and plant species composition in the above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank in all plots one year and five years after the initiation of the experiment. The 36 plots (3 plot types × 6 replicates × 2 sites) were equally distributed over two forest sites. Neither the native above-ground vegetation nor the soil seed bank was influenced by the presence of I. glandulifera one year after the start of the field experiment. After five years, however, plant species richness of both the above-ground vegetation and the soil seed bank was reduced by 25% and 30%, respectively, in plots invaded by the alien plant compared to plots from which I. glandulifera had been removed or uninvaded plots. Furthermore, plots invaded by the alien plant had a lower total seedling density (reduction by 60%) and an altered plant species composition in the soil seed bank compared to control plots. Our field experiment indicates that negative effects of the annual invasive plant on the native above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank of deciduous forests become visible with a delay of several years.  相似文献   

Abstract. Remaining deciduous forests in the Fennoscandian boreal landscape have high ecological value, and are considered as key components of the forest landscape as well as remnants of a former natural forest type. To improve our understanding of the formation of deciduous forests, we studied past disturbance regimes and vegetation dynamics in three deciduous forests in boreal Sweden using dendro‐ecology, pollen analysis and charcoal analysis. We identified three stages in the development of the studied stands. Firstly, the coniferous period (pre 1800), a long‐lasting period characterized by frequent fires, livestock grazing and extensive agriculture during which Pinus sylvestris was dominant. Secondly, the transformation period (1800 ‐ 1900), when logging removed most pines from the sites while fire and grazing continued. At the time of the last fire, the sites lacked a local seed source of pines, resulting in a post‐fire succession dominated by deciduous species with the capacity to disperse over long distances. Thirdly, the deciduous period (1900 ‐ present), with little or no disturbance from fire, grazing or logging. Thus, the present deciduous stands have their origins in a complex interaction between changes in fire regime, extensive land use patterns and logging, contrary to earlier simplified explanations. We conclude that the complexity of historical patterns of land use, vegetation dynamics and disturbance should be acknowledged in the future when selecting areas for nature conservation and developing models for ecologically oriented forestry.  相似文献   

To investigate long-term effects of land use on the soil seed bank, we compared the abundance/density, species richness, life form distribution, and species composition of seeds stored in the soil of four 15–20 yr-old second-growth stands, two old-growth stands, and two previously selectively-logged stands in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Surface soil (10 cm deep, 4.7 cm diameter) was collected at 10 m intervals along three 120–160 m long transects in each stand (44–48 soil cores, 22–24 combined seed bank samples per site). Seed density was highest but variable in second-growth stands (8331–14535 seeds/m2), low and homogeneous in old-growth stands (2258–2659 seeds/m2), and intermediate and highly variable in selectively-logged stands (1165–6854 seeds/m2), which also had contrasting logging intensities. Species richness was strongly dependent on seed density, but showed less variation. Life form distribution did not differ statistically among or within land-use categories. In each stand, herbs-forbs, shrubs, and vines dominated the seed bank (> 75% of the species richness and abundance), whereas trees were a minor component (< 20% of the species richness and < 5% of the abundance) and were predominandy early successional. Shrubs and vines were most abundant in second-growth stands where regrowth vegetation was repeatedly cut before abandonment, whereas grasses and sedges were most abundant in the only forest stand that was completely surrounded by pastures. In terms of species composition, old-growth stands were more similar to selectively-logged stands than to second-growth stands, but across stands, selectively-logged forests were most distinct from the other two forest types. An inventory of the standing woody vegetation in each site showed little representation of the woody taxa found in the seed bank. We discuss these results in the context of the main factors that have been postulated to influence the abundance, life form, and species composition of tropical forest seed banks, and explore the role of the latter during intermediate phases of tropical forest succession and regeneration.  相似文献   

We describe diurnal habitat used by red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) in two representative forests of Haute Ardenne. We captured 17 calves and 13 adults and fitted them with VHF transmitters (ear tags or collars). Each animal was radio-tracked at least once per week during the daylight hours and relocated by triangulation. To determine habitat use, we used compositional analysis. We defined use for each animal as the proportion of relocations in each vegetation association. Each relocation was weighed according to its accuracy (i.e., based on the confidence ellipse computation). We defined availability as the proportion in the area of each vegetation association within its home range (i.e., minimum convex polygon). Red deer calves preferred edges in open areas (e.g., clear-cuts) during their first 3 months of life. Adults used open coniferous [e.g., natural regeneration of spruce (Picea abies)] stands and edges between coniferous stands and other vegetation associations. Closed coniferous stands were preferred during winter and deer usually used the edges of habitat patches rather than the core areas, except in winter for coniferous stands. The deciduous stands [e.g., old growth stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica)] were usually avoided, except in winter when the edges of deciduous stands were used. The availability of coniferous stands and edges partly determined the size of the diurnal home ranges.  相似文献   

Lichens are a key component of forest biodiversity. However, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to several management types, extending over different regions and forest stages and including information on site conditions is missing for temperate European forests. In three German regions (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin), the so-called Biodiversity Exploratories, we studied lichen species richness in 631 forest plots of 400 m2 comprising different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests resulting from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, and site conditions, typical for large parts of temperate Europe. We analyzed how lichen species richness responds to management and habitat variables (standing biomass, cover of deadwood, cover of rocks). We found strong regional differences with highest lichen species richness in the Schwäbische Alb, probably driven by regional differences in former air pollution, and in precipitation and habitat variables. Overall, unmanaged forests harbored 22% more threatened lichen species than managed age-class forests. In general, total, corticolous, and threatened lichen species richness did not differ among management types of deciduous forests. However, in the Schwäbische-Alb region, deciduous forests had 61% more lichen species than coniferous forests and they had 279% more threatened and 76% more corticolous lichen species. Old deciduous age classes were richer in corticolous lichen species than young ones, while old coniferous age-classes were poorer than young ones. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of stand continuity for conservation. To increase total and threatened lichen species richness we suggest (1) conserving unmanaged forests, (2) promoting silvicultural methods assuring stand continuity, (3) conserving old trees in managed forests, (4) promoting stands of native deciduous tree species instead of coniferous plantations, and (5) increasing the amount of deadwood in forests.  相似文献   

Question: What is the importance of the seed bank in the maintenance of the restoration potential of a 60‐year‐old abandoned calcareous grassland overgrown by Pinus trees? Location: ‘Les Pairées’, province of Luxembourg, Belgium. Methods: The seed bank and the above‐ground vegetation were surveyed in three adjacent stands, previously forming a unique calcareous grassland: a 60‐year‐old Pinus forest, a four‐year‐old clear‐cutting and a typical calcareous grassland. Floristic diversity was compared among stands and between vegetation and seed bank. Results: The species richness of the vegetation and the seed bank was significantly lower in the Pinus forest. More floristic similarities were found between the clear‐cutting and the calcareous grassland. Seed bank was essentially transient, dominated by annual species. Its correspondence with the above‐ground vegetation was weak. Conclusion: Very few calcareous grassland species have persisted in the Pinus stand. Four years after clear‐cutting, the stand was nearing restoration towards a calcareous grassland. Seed longevity in the soil was not the most explicative factor. Dispersal of propagules from adjacent sources was also important.  相似文献   

This data paper reports spectral reflectance and transmittance data of leaves from 21 terrestrial vascular plant species (seven herbaceous, and 14 broadleaf and long-needle coniferous tree species) and of shoots from one short-needle coniferous tree species. The reflectance spectra of branches of one tree species, of the trunks of 12 tree species and ground surface of one deciduous broad-leaf forest are also reported. Optical measurements and leaf samplings were made at five sites on Honshu Island, Japan, which are typical vegetation types in East Asia, i.e., grassland, paddy field, and deciduous broad-leaf or coniferous forests. The collection and measurements were conducted for main species in each site. To include other common vegetation types in East Asia, such as evergreen broad-leaf or coniferous forests, the sample collection and the measurements were conducted at gardens and an experimental forest. Leaves of ten deciduous species were measured at different phenological stages from leaf expansion to senescence since those species shows significant seasonal changes in spectral reflectance and transmittance of leaves. Leaves at different position in a canopy (e.g., sunlit versus shaded leaves) were also measured for eight of 21 species. The spectral reflectance and transmittance from both adaxial and abaxial sides of the all leaves or needles, expect Picea abies needles. The measurements of the leaves were conducted with a spectroradiometer attached via an optical fiber to an integrating sphere. Two types of integrating spheres were used: a model LI-1800-12 (Li-Cor) and an RTS-3ZC integrating sphere (Analytical Spectral Devices). A leaf clip accessory was also used instead of an integrating sphere for measuring the leaves of two species. All data were measured within the 350–2,500-nm spectral range with 1-nm steps between measurements but the data obtained by LI-1800 is unavailable in 1,650–1,740, 1,890–1,950, and 2,050–2,500 nm because of a large amount of noise. These data are used as input parameters in a radiative transfer model designed to estimate the leaf area index from radiation reflected from a canopy surface.  相似文献   

Boreal coniferous forests are characterized by fairly open canopies where understory vegetation is an important component of ecosystem C and N cycling. We used an ecophysiological approach to study the effects of N additions on uptake and partitioning of C and N in two dominant understory shrubs: deciduous Vaccinium myrtillus in a Picea abies stand and evergreen Vaccinium vitis-idaea in a Pinus sylvestris stand in northern Sweden. N was added to these stands for 16 and 8 years, respectively, at rates of 0, 12.5, and 50 kg N ha?1 year?1. N addition at the highest rate increased foliar N and chlorophyll concentrations in both understory species. Canopy cover of P. abies also increased, decreasing light availability and leaf mass per area of V. myrtillus. Among leaves of either shrub, foliar N content did not explain variation in light-saturated CO2 exchange rates. Instead photosynthetic capacity varied with stomatal conductance possibly reflecting plant hydraulic properties and within-site variation in water availability. Moreover, likely due to increased shading under P. abies and due to water limitations in the sandy soil under P. sylvestris, individuals of the two shrubs did not increase their biomass or shift their allocation between above- and belowground parts in response to N additions. Altogether, our results indicate that the understory shrubs in these systems show little response to N additions in terms of photosynthetic physiology or growth and that changes in their performance are mostly associated with responses of the tree canopy.  相似文献   

A.K. Cajander's forest site type classification system is based on definition of plant communities typical to certain climatical and edaphical site conditions, but the structure and composition of the tree stands in Finland are considered sensitive to random variation and are therefore not used as primary classification criteria. The system has often received criticism, usually that the effects of the tree stand and successional stage of the stand have been underestimated. Most of the present-day forest stands in Finland represent young successional stages and are subjected to intensive management. This should result in an additional difficulty in the application of the forest site types in the field.The present study is based on three independent data sets representing forests on mineral soil in southern part of Finland. TWINSPAN classification, DCA ordination and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) techniques were applied in successive stages of the data analysis. It was found that the definition of the intermediately fertile, mesic site types was clearly confused by the effects of the tree species and age of the stand. The analyses also revealed that the succession pathways on mesic forest sites are largely determined by the tree species composition. In stands dominated by Pinus sylvestris, the succession follows the competitive hierarchy model, whereas in stands dominated by Picea abies, severe shading of the tree canopy governs the development of understorey vegetation.Abbreviations CCA Canonical correspondence Analysis - DCA Detrended correspondence Analysis - TWINSPAN Two-way indicator species analysis  相似文献   

Seed banks contribute to forest regeneration after disturbance, but less is known about fern spore banks, particularly in a paleotropical context. We sampled the buried seed and fern spore bank in Mabira Forest, a 300 km2 forest in central Uganda, to explore the effect of time since disturbance. Soil cores (5 cm depth) were taken from 39 plots across three different classes of ‘recovery’: (1) not disturbed since 1950; (2) logged between 1950 and 1980; and (3) cleared for agriculture between 1970 and 1990 but reforested since. Plant emergence was monitored in a glasshouse. We predicted that the seed bank would reflect time since disturbance, with more pioneer species in recently disturbed stands, and that the fern spore bank would reflect stand age less closely due to greater dispersal capacity. We recorded a median 752 seeds per square meter, most of which were trees; the most abundant species was the invasive tree Broussonetia papyrifera. The fern spore bank was twice as dense, but 95 percent of fern spores were of one species, Christella parasitica. Tree seed density was significantly affected by time since disturbance with fewer seeds in the older stands. Herb seed density, fern spore density, and species richness for all groups were not significantly affected by time since disturbance. Neither seed bank nor fern spore bank closely resembled the aboveground vegetation. We compared our results to existing literature on seed banks in tropical forests, finding that our densities are relatively high for African forests, but low compared to the Neotropics and Australia.  相似文献   

Seed bank formation and 7 years of vegetation dynamics were studied on permanent plots of a dry sandy pasture, Cynodonti-Festucetum pseudovinae. A stand overgrazed by domestic geese and a reference stand void of overgrazing were compared. Apart from this both stands were accidentally grazed by cattle. Vegetation of the overgrazed stand was significantly more species-rich, especially in summer annuals. The reference was dominated with perennials and winter annuals. Composition and dominance changed considerably at both stands but only composition became more alike. Declining species richness and increasing dominance of perennials was found in the overgrazed stand. The reference stand became dominated with the dwarf-shrub Thymus degenianus. Species richness of the overgrazed stand showed greater seasonal and year-to-year variation than that of the reference. No temporal change of nutrient availability was found and neither was a difference detected between the stands.Greenhouse germination revealed more dense and more species-rich seed bank in the overgrazed stand. Its established vegetation and soil seed bank were also more alike. Higher species richness of the overgrazed stand can be associated with intensive propagule dispersal of geese, as indicated by dense seed banks of zoochorous hygrophytes delivered from neighbouring wetlands. Relatively high representation of persistent seed bank records suggests that, except for some sensitive perennials, the studied community is adapted to recurrent disturbances. Community regeneration seems to be limited by slow spread of perennial graminoids.  相似文献   

The floristic composition and species diversity of the germinable soil seed bank were studied in three different habitats (desert salinized land, desert wadi, and reclaimed land) in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Moreover, the degree of similarity between the seed bank and the above-ground vegetation was determined. The seed bank was studied in 40 stands representing the three habitats. Ten soil samples (each 25 × 20 cm and 5 cm depth) were randomly taken per stand. The seed bank was investigated by the seedling emergence method. Some 61 species belonging to 21 families and 54 genera were identified in the germinable seed bank. The recorded species include 43 annuals and 18 perennials. Ordination of stands by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) indicates that the stands of the three habitats are markedly distinguishable and show a clear pattern of segregation on the ordination planes. This indicates variations in the species composition among habitats. The results also demonstrate significant associations between the floristic composition of the seed bank and edaphic factors such as CaCO3, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and soil texture. The reclaimed land has the highest values of species richness, Shannon-index of diversity and the density of the germinable seed bank followed by the habitats of desert wadi and desert salinized land. Motyka’s similarity index between the seed bank and the above-ground vegetation is significantly higher in reclaimed land (75.1%) compared to desert wadi (38.4%) and desert salinized land (36.5%).  相似文献   

Neottia cordata is an orchid species that exclusively occurs in Picea abies subsp. abies and Pinus sylvestris stands and forms its southernmost distribution limits in Greece. Over the last decade, it has been recorded in numerous sites, in which it forms small colonies, both in terms of population and area. This research re-evaluates the threat status of Neottia cordata based on updated chorological and population data; it also checks the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 Network as far as its conservation is concerned by applying the MaxEnt model. The recently collected data justify the classification of N. cordata as "Vulnerable". The most significant variables that affect its distribution were found to be the vegetation type and the precipitation of the warmest quarter. The results of the MaxEnt model suggest that: (i) the Natura 2000 Network is characterised by areas of higher habitat suitability values when compared to the areas that fall outside this network; and, (ii) Picea abies subsp. abies forests are more suitable for its conservation than those of Pinus sylvestris. It is concluded that the most appropriate management measure for the species conservation is the maintenance of the tree layer canopy closed.  相似文献   


Fine roots (<2 mm) are very dynamic and play a key role in forest ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling and accumulation. We reviewed root biomass data of three main European tree species European beech, (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), in order to identify the differences between species, and within and between vegetation zones, and to show the relationships between root biomass and the climatic, site and stand factors. The collected literature consisted of data from 36 beech, 71 spruce and 43 pine stands. The mean fine root biomass of beech was 389 g m?2, and that of spruce and pine 297 g m?2 and 277 g m?2, respectively. Data from pine stands supported the hypothesis that root biomass is higher in the temperate than in the boreal zone. The results indicated that the root biomass of deciduous trees is higher than that of conifers. The correlations between root biomass and site fertility characteristics seemed to be species specific. There was no correlation between soil acidity and root biomass. Beech fine root biomass decreased with stand age whereas pine root biomass increased with stand age. Fine root biomass at tree level correlated better than stand level root biomass with stand characteristics. The results showed that there exists a strong relationship between the fine root biomass and the above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

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