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R. Baas 《Plant and Soil》1990,124(2):187-193
An experiment was set up in order to study 1) the relationship between net P uptake and dry matter production in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants and 2) the effects of isolated rhizosphere bacteria and fungi on net P uptake and growth of P. major ssp. pleiosperma. A similar relationship between net P uptake and dry matter production was found for both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, although the regression lines differed in intercept.Compared to non-inoculated treatments, inoculation with bacteria slightly decreased dry matter production and P uptake of P. major, whereas inoculation with fungi or bacteria + fungi showed no effect. The results are discussed in terms of competition for available P and host photosynthates between host plant and rhizosphere microorganisms.  相似文献   

Relations between cytokinin concentrations and effects of P and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection were investigated in Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma Pilger. Both mycorrhizal infection by Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe and P addition increased the shoot to root ratio, specific leaf area (SLA), and P concentrations of shoot and roots, and decreased the percentage of dry matter in the shoot during the experiment. In general, P concentration in the shoot and roots of each treatment correlated positively with the shoot to root ratio and specific leaf area, and negatively with the percentage of dry matter in the shoot. Cytokinin concentrations in the tissue of shoots and roots were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Concentrations of zeatin and zeatin-ribosides in the free base and nucleotide fractions had increased more after P addition than in the case of mycorrhizal infection in both shoot and roots, whereas the P concentrations had increased less. It is suggested that zeatin and zeatin-ribosides are not the primary growth-substances involved in mediating VAM effects.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to study physiological effects of vesicular-arbuseular mycorrhizal infection on Plantago major L., ssp. pleiosperma (Pilger). In the first experiment, infection by the Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe increased growth, shoot to root ratio, P concentrations in both shoot and roots and total uptake of P per plant. The percentages of dry matter in both shoot and roots were lower in mycorrhizal plants.
In the second experiment different P treatments were applied to both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal P. major plants to separate any effects of mycorrhizal infection from increased uptake of P. In addition to the effects found in the first experiment, mycorrhizal, P, and mycorrhizal x P interaction effects were found on root respiration rate and the concentration of soluble sugars in the roots. No clear effects on total dry weight, N and starch concentrations in shoot and roots and sugar concentraion in the shoot were found. Irrespective of the mycorrhizal treatment, increased P concentration in the shoot correlated with an increased shoot to root ratio and root respiration rate, and a decreased percentage dry matter and sugar concentration in the roots. However, the root respiration rate and the P concentration in the roots of mycorrhizal plants were enhanced more than expected from the increased P concentrations in the shoots of these plants.  相似文献   

The growth response ofCalopogonium caeruleum, a leguminous covercrop in plantation agriculture, to inoculation with two vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi was investigated in five phosphorus (P)-deficient soils supplied with various levels of rock phosphate. Significant shoot yield increases over the uninoculated controls were obtained in most sterilised or unsterilised soils at all applied P levels, although the inoculant VAM fungi differed in their effectiveness in the soils used. Responses in mycorrhizal root infections, P and nitrogen (N) concentrations in tops and plant nodulation varied. The results are discussed in relation to the edaphic environment of the mycorrhizal association.  相似文献   

To study possible adaptive mechanisms inbred lines from three populations of Plantago major from sites that were found to differ in P availability were compared. In a pot experiment the growth and P uptake either in the presence or absence of Glomus fasciculatum was determined. Under these P-limited conditions it was shown by partitioning the relative growth rate (RGR, in mg g-1 day-1) in the components root weight ratio (RWR, in groots gplant -1), specific P uptake rate (SPUR, in mol P groots -1 day-1), and P-efficiency (PEFF, in mg mol P-1), that the increase in RGR of mycorrhizal infected plants was related to an increase in SPUR, and a decrease in RWR and PEFF. P. major ssp. major had a lower RGR (related to a lower PEFF and SPUR) and a higher RWR than P. major ssp. pleiosperma. In a second experiment three inbred lines were compared upon P depletion in a nutrient solution. The P. major ssp. major line had a lower RGR and higher RWR, and a higher accumulation of P in the roots than the P. major ssp. pleiosperma lines under optimal growing conditions. There were no differences among the inbred lines in the relative contribution of inorganic P to the total P concentration in the shoot. The results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the habitats of the investigated P. major populations.  相似文献   

With the aims (1) to test whether the different natural occurrence of twoPlantago species in grasslands is explained by a different preference of the species for nitrate or ammonium; (2) to test whether the different occurrence is explained by differences in the flexibility of the species towards changes in the nitrogen form; (3) to find suitable parameters as a tool to study ammonium and nitrate utilization of these species at the natural sites in grasslands, plants ofPlantago lanceolata andP. major ssp.major were grown with an abundant supply of nitrate, ammonium or nitrate+ammonium as the nitrogen source (0.5 mM). The combination of ammonium and nitrate gave a slightly higher final plant weight than nitrate or ammonium alone. Ammonium lowered the shoot to root ratio inP. major. Uptake of nitrate per g root was faster than that of ammonium, but from the mixed source ammonium and nitrate were taken up at the same rate. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was present in both shoot and roots of plants receiving nitrate. When ammonium was applied in addition to nitrate, NRA of the shoot was not affected, but in the root the activity decreased. Thus, a larger proportion of total NRA was present in the shoot than with nitrate alone. In vitro glutamate dehydrogenase activity (GDHA) was enhanced by ammonium, both in the shoot and in the roots.In vitro glutamine synthetase activity (GSA) was highest in roots of plants receiving ammonium. Both GDHA and GSA were higher inP. lanceolata than inP. major. The concentration of ammonium in the roots increased with ammonium, but it did not accumulate in the shoot. The concentration of amino acids in the roots was also enhanced by ammonium. Protein concentration was not affected by the form of nitrogen. Nitrate accumulated in both the shoot and the roots of nitrate grown plants. When nitrate in the solution was replaced by ammonium, the nitrate concentration in the roots decreased rapidly. It also decreased in the shoot, but slowly. It is concluded that the nitrogen metabolism of the twoPlantago species shows a similar response to a change in the form of the nitrogen source, and that differences in natural occurrence of these species are not related to a differential adaptation of nitrogen metabolism towards the nitrogen form. Suitable parameters for establishing the nitrogen source in the field are thein vivo NRA, nitrate concentrations in tissues and xylem exudate, and the fraction of total reduced nitrogen in the roots that is in the soluble form, and to some extent thein vitro GDHA and GSA of the roots. Grassland Species Research Group. Publ. no 118.  相似文献   

Summary The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus,Glomus versiforme increased significantly the growth ofAsparagus officinalis under controlled conditions using Turface as the growth medium. The growth responses, including increases in root fresh weight, numbers of shoots, shoot dry weight, and shoot height follow a pattern similar to other mycorrhizal systems. Indigenous VAM fungi appeared to have negative effects on average shoot fresh and dry weight, number of shoots per pot and average shoot height on one year oldA. officinalis seedlings obtained from the field and grown under controlled conditions. These results may be due either to the high levels of soluble phosphate present in the soil or the ineffectiveness of the particular indigenous fungi as mycorrhizal fungi in asparagus. Indigenous mycorrhizal fungi overwinter in asparagus root crown as vesicles and as external and internal hyphae. Soil obtained from the same fields as the one year old crowns was a good source of mycorrhizal inoculum for sterile seedlings.  相似文献   

Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex] were grown in nonsterile acid (pH. 5.2) infertile Wynnville silt loam (Glossic Fragiudult) in a glasshouse. The effects of P fertilization and lime were determined by inoculation with two VAM-fungi (VAMF): Glomus fasciculatum (Gf) and Glomus etunicatum (Ge). An important factor affected by the interaction between applied lime (soil acidity), applied P, and VAMF inoculation was the soil Al. Five application rates of P as KH2PO4 and three rates of lime were tested. Potassium was equalized with KCl (muriate of potash). P-efficiency (g seed/mg P kg-1 soil) by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) was maximal at 20 mg P kg-1 soil at all lime and VAMF treatments. VAMF inoculation increased plant survival and protected the soybeans from leaf scorch, thereby substituting for the effects of lime and P. The Ge inoculum was superior in ameliorating leaf scorch in the nonlimed soil. The Gf inoculum required more lime and P than the Ge inoculum to increase seed yield relative to the noninoculated controls containing only native VAMF. Both inocula increased root Al uptake and extractable soil Al in the acid soil without apparent adverse effects on root or shoot. The ability of the VAMF inocula to enhance the efficiency of applied P and decrease seed Cl concentration was increased by lime. Seed yield (Y) was negatively related to seed Cl concentration (X) where Y=aX-b. Both VAMF inoculation and lime application reduced this negative relationship and may have increased the tolerance to both Cl and soil Al.  相似文献   

Run-Jin Liu 《Mycorrhiza》1995,5(4):293-297
The development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF): Glomus mosseae (Nicol and Gerd.) Gerdemann and Trappe, Glomus versiforme (Karsten) Berch, Sclerocystis sinuosa Gerdemann and Bakhi and Verticillium dahliae and the effects of the VAMF on the verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L.) were studied with paper pots, black plastic tubes and clay pots under natural growth conditions. All of the tested VAMF were able to infect all the cotton varieties used in the present experiment and typical vesicles and arbuscules were formed in the cortical cells of the cotton roots after inoculation. The cap cells, meristem, differentiating and elongating zones of the root tip were found to be colonized by the VAMF. In the case of most V. dahliae infection, the colonization occurred mostly from the root tip up to 2 cm. VAMF and V. dahliae mutually reduced their percentage of infection when inoculated simultaneously. VAMF inoculation reduced the numbers of germinable microsclerotia in the soil of the mycorrhizosphere, while the quantity of VAM fungal spores in the soil was not influenced by infection of with V. dahliae. The % of arbuscule colonization in roots was negatively correlated with the disease grades, while the numbers of vesicles in roots were not. These results suggest that certain vital competition and antagonistic reactions exist between VAMF and V. dahliae. VAMF reduced the incidence and disease indices of verticillium wilt of cotton during the whole growth phase. It is evident that cotton seedling growth was promoted, flowering was advanced, the numbers of flowers and bolls were increased, and this resulted in an increase in the yield of seed cotton. Among the VAMF species, Glomus versiforme was the most effective, and Sclerocystis sinuosa was inferior. So far as the author is aware, such an effect of VAMF on the increase of cotton wilt tolerance/resistance is reported here far the first time.  相似文献   

以采煤沉陷区柠条为宿主植物,研究接种丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,简称AM菌)对柠条生长和根际土壤的改良效应。结果表明:8月份接种AM菌比不接菌柠条的株高、冠幅和地径显著增加了29.11%,29.83%和14.81%,9月份接菌区柠条的根长、平均直径、根表面积和根体积分别比对照区增加了151.0%,34.2%,116.0%和129.3%。接种AM菌增强柠条的抗逆性,接菌区的柠条叶片可溶性糖含量和过氧化氢酶活性分别比对照区增加了13.4%和111.1%。8月份接种AM菌改善了土壤的生物理化性质,接菌区有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾比对照区分别增加7.06g/kg,140.0 mg/kg,1.82 mg/kg和16.72mg/kg,接种AM菌显著增加了根际土壤中真菌、放线菌、细菌数量和酸性磷酸酶活性。总之,接种AM菌促进采煤沉陷区柠条的生长和土壤的改良。  相似文献   

Summary Development of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus in association with soybean was determined in a greenhouse soil mix by chitin assay. Samples were sieved to eliminate hexosamine-containing contaminants. This preparation reduced the interference caused by extraneous soil substances and permitted quantitative measurement of extraradical VAM fungal mycelium in the soil mix by colorimetric assay. Recovery of added chitin, used as an internal standard, was greater in the soil mix than in an inert medium indicating that some hexosamine was stabalized from chemical degradation by other soil components.  相似文献   

A low-cost, low-maintenance system for soilless production of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus spores and inoculum was developed and adapted for production of acidophilic and basophilic isolates. Corn (Zea mays) plants were grown with Glomus etunicatum, G. mosseae or Gigaspora margarita in sand automatically irrigated with modified Hoagland's solution. Sand particle size, irrigation frequency, P concentration, and buffer constituents were adjusted to maximize spore production. Modified half-strength Hoagland's solution buffered with 4-morpholine ethane-sulfonic acid (MES) automatically applied 5 times/day resulted in production of 235 G. etunicatum spores/g dry wt. of medium (341000 spores/pot) and 44 G. margarita spores/g dry wt. of medium (64800 spores/pot). For six basophilic isolates of G. mosseae, CaCO3 was incorporated into the sand and pots were supplied with the same nutrient solution as for acidophilic isolates. The increased pH from 6.1±0.2 to 7.2±0.2 resulted in spore production ranging from 70 to 145 spores/g dry wt. (102000–210000 spores/pot). Spore production by all isolates grown in the soilless sand system at Beltsville has exceeded that of traditional soil mixtures by 32–362% in 8–12 weeks.  相似文献   

Glomus aggregatum was culture onZea mays in sand. Fiberglass screen layers wrapped around the sand medium effectively provided a framework for sporocarp formation, and facilitated the subsequent harvest of the sporocarps.  相似文献   

Summary Inoculation of lettuce, onion and clover with VA mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus mosseae) increased plant yields and phosphate uptake in three soils that had been depleted in phosphate. From two soils in which the labile pool of phosphate had been labelled with32P, the specific activity of plant phosphate was the same whether the plants were mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal. In a third soil (Sonning) the specific activity was lower in lettuce and clover when the plants were mycorrhizal. When the experiment was repeated with the same soil under conditions that gave lower growth rates, the specific activity was the same in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. The lower specific activity in lettuce and clover in the first experiment is atributed to greater release of slowly exchanging phosphate (which is not in equilibrium with the added32P), caused by the high uptake of phosphate by the mycorrhizal plants. When they occur, lower specific activities in mycorrhizal plants may therefore not necessarily indicate a solubilizing effect of the mycorrhiza on soil phosphate.  相似文献   

Colonization of the roots of beans, alfalfa, onions, red clover, corn, and four barley cultivars (Bonanza, Klondike, Gateway 63, and Olli) by Glomus dimorphicum Boyetchko and Tewari, a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus isolated from a barley field in Alberta, Canada, was studied under greenhouse conditions. Infection levels were low in all four barley cultivars but were higher in beans, alfalfa, and onions and were highest in red clover and corn roots. The infection patterns of G. dimorphicum varied among all the hosts. Coiling of intracellular hyphae occurred in corn, alfalfa, and red clover roots. Appreciable numbers of intraradical vesicles were found only in red clover and bean roots, while arbuscules formed in all hosts except barley. It was concluded that the pattern of root colonization by G. dimorphicum is influenced by the host genome and that the fungal morphology in the roots is variable and, thus, not diagnostic for the mycorrhizal species.  相似文献   

Three tropical forage legumes, Stylosanthes capitata, Pueraria phaseoloides and Centrosema macrocarpum, and one grass, Brachiaria dictyoneura, were grown in a sterile phosphate deficient soil amended with soluble or rock phosphate at rates ranging from 0 to 400 mg kg-1 soil. The effects of inoculation with Glomus manihotis on mycorrhizal infection and plant growth were assessed. Early growth and nodulation of P. phaseoloides in soil with and without rock phosphate fertilizer were also determined. In the legumes, mycorrhizal infection was high at all P levels and sources, except for a significant decrease of infection in S. capitata at high levels of superphosphate. Plant growth was significantly increased by phosphate fertilizer and mycorrhizal inoculation. Mycorrhizal responses were more pronounced at low P levels with both P sources. In B. dictyoneura mycorrhizal infection was decreased with increasing additions of P. No effects of mycorrhizal inoculation (except with no added P) were observed. Growth and nodulation of P. phaseoloides were greatly stimulated by mycorrhizal inoculation.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] plants were grown in growth chambers at 20, 25 and 30°C in a low P Typic Argiudoll (3.65 µg P g–1 soil, pH 8.3) inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus intraradices, and Glomus macrocarpum to determine effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) species on plant growth and mineral nutrient uptake. Sorghum root colonization by VAMF and plant responses to Glomus species were temperature dependent. G. macrocarpum colonized sorghum roots best and enhanced plant growth and mineral uptake considerably more than the other VAMF species, especially at 30°C. G. fasciculatum enhanced shoot growth at 20 and 25°C, and mineral uptake only at 20°C. G. intraradices depressed shoot growth and mineral uptake at 30°C. G. macrocarpum enhanced shoot P, K, and Zn at all temperatures, and Fe at 25 and 30°C above that which could be accounted for by increased biomass. Sorghum plant growth responses to colonization by VAMF species may need to be evaluated at different temperatures to optimize beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Alize) plants were grown in a calcareous soil in pots divided by 30-m nylon nets into three compartments, the central one for root growth and the outer ones for hyphal growth. Sterle soil was inoculated with either (1) rhizosphere microorganisms other than vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi, (2) rhizosphere microorganisms together with a VAM fungus [Glomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerdemann and Trappel], or (3) with a gamma-irradiated inoculum as control. Plants were grown under controlled-climate conditions and harvested after 3 or 6 weeks. VAM plants had higher shootroot ratios than non-VAM plants. After 6 weeks, the concentrations of P, Zn and Cu in roots and shoots had significantly increased with VAM colonization, whereas Mn concentrations had significantly decreased. Root exudates were collected on agar sheets placed on the interface between root and hyphal compartments. Six-week-old VAM and non-VAM plants had similar root exudate compositions of 72–73% reducing sugars, 17–18% phenolics, 7% organic acids and 3% amino acids. In another experiment in which root exudates were collected on agar sheets with or without antibiotics, the amounts of amino acids and carbohydrates recovered were similar in VAM and non-VAM plants. However, threeto sixfold higher amounts of carbohydrates, amino acids and phenolics were recovered when antibiotics were added to the agar sheets. Thus, the high microbial activity in the rhizosphere and on the rhizoplane limits the exudates recovered from roots.  相似文献   

On the basis of preliminary experiments, some Crotalaria species from Senegal were investigated to determine (1) their susceptibility to Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita compared to a sensitive host (tomato), (2) their mycorrhizal and rhizobial responses, and (3) the effect of their cultivation on the mycorrhizal soil infectivity. The nematode invasion rates on Crotalaria spp. ranked from 0.17 to 7.17% and from 0.58 to 5.25%, respectively, for M. incognita and M. javanica, vs. 97% and 77% on tomato. Moreover, the inoculated J2 which invaded tomatoes developed into adult females, while those on Crotalaria spp. rarely developed beyond the third stage, confirming that all Crotalaria spp. evaluated are non hosts or poor hosts. In two other experiments, Crotalaria spp. were inoculated with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices). Mycorrhization was generally well developed among Crotalaria species, and mycorrhizal colonization enhanced mainly phosphorus content of shoot tissues and always significant plant growth. Inoculation with both rhizobial isolates and Glomus intraradices enhanced growth and nodule formation on some Crotalaria species. The data recorded in both experiments showed, for the first time, that Crotalaria spp. are highly mycorrhiza dependent, some of them reaching more than 90% mycorrhizal dependency. Among Crotalaria species, twelve were used in two different experiments. A significant correlation was obtained between their mycorrhizal dependencies calculated on the shoot dry mass recorded in each experiment. Crotalaria spp. could be used as pre-crops for providing green manure while at the same time decreasing the level of detrimental nematodes and increasing the level of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

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