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This article reviews recent studies on physiological inducers of the acrosome reaction in starfish. Upon encountering the jelly coat of eggs, starfish sperm undergo the acrosome reaction in response to a cooperation of three jelly components: a sulfated glycoprotein named acrosome reaction-inducing substance (ARIS), a group of steroidal saponins named Co-ARIS, and an oligopeptide presumably having an activity to increase the intracellular pH of sperm. ARIS induces the acrosome reaction in high Ca2+ or high pH sea water. In normal sea water, both ARIS and Co-ARIS are required for the induction. In addition to ARIS and Co-ARIS, a third jelly component, the oligopeptide, is necessary to mimic the full capacity of the jelly coat to induce the acrosome reaction. ARIS and Co-ARIS cooperatively increase the intracellular Ca2+ by stimulating Ca2+ channels, while the oligopeptide increases the intracellular pH by stimulating Na+/H+ exchange systems. When sperm meet the eggs, both changes are simultaneously achieved in them and thus they undergo the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The ability of human follicular fluid (hFF), retrieved from women undergoing IVF to induce the acrosome reaction (AR) in human sperm has been documented by several laboratories. However, the nature of the active factors in the hFF and the physiological meaning of the AR induction are highly controversial. We performed a three step purification scheme for hFF and all the fractions were screened for the AR-inducing activity. AR activity was associated with a protein fraction of Mr > 180 kD that on further analysis under PAGE was found to be composed by subunits of apparent Mr 50,000 and 29,000. The N-terminal sequences of these bands showed a 100% homology with the heavy and light chains of human lgG. A polyclonal antibody raised against the purified protein and anti-human lgG were both able to suppress the acrosome reactioninducing activity of crude hFF. However, neither normal human serum nor a purified preparation of human lgG were able to mimic the AR-inducing activity of hFF. We concluded that the AR-inducing activity of hFF is, at least in part, due to the presence of antisperm antibodies. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to minimize the percentage of false-negative results in the zona-free sperm penetration assay (SPA), a wide range of substances and/or physical agents capable of inducing the acrosome reaction (AR) have been incorporated in the incubation medium. These agents can also be used for treatment of severe male infertility using the technique of sperm microinjection under the zona pellucida (SMUZ). In the present review, the percentages of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa induced by several physiological, biochemical or physical agents published in the literature are compared in order to find the most efficient method(s) of inducing the AR In human sperm as a previous requirement for optimizing the technique of SMUZ. A working estimate of the level of efficiency of a given AR inducer is calculated by adding up its range score in each of three different arrangements from the highest to the lowest value of percentages of AR and differences in percentages of AR and penetration indexes between treated and control groups in SPA. The agents able to induce the AR by nonphysiological (electropermeabilization, lysophosphatidyl choline, and freezing-thawing) have better positions in this hierarchical system than those ones which require the active participation of sperm membrane receptors or second messenger systems (progesterone, zona pellucida, and stimulators of protein kinase A). Electropermeabilization appears to be the most efficient AR inducer. However, more possibilities need to be explored to enhance the relatively low percentages of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa shown by infertile men. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how trypsin inhibitors affect the guinea pig sperm acrosome reaction in vitro. Using spermatozoa pretreated with lysophosphatidyl choline, we found that both naturally occurring high molecular weight and the smaller synthetic trypsin inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine (PAB) delayed the onset of the acrosome reaction as monitored by light microscopy. Examination with electron microscopy revealed that acrosomal matrix dispersal rather than membrane fusion was affected. Despite the morphologic delay in acrosomal content release, PAB unexpectedly permitted 96% of soluble acrosomal antigen to be released into the supernatant. In addition, total acrosin release in the presence of PAB was 74% of control, with the vast majority as latent rather than active enzyme. A morphologically intact but membrane-free target of acrosomal matrix (AM), which is sensitive to trypsin inhibitor, was partially purified using Triton-x-100 at pH 5.2. AM remained morphologically stable at pH 5.2; however, shift up to pH 7 resulted in rapid dissolution within several minutes as monitored by light and electron microscopy and light scattering. Trypsin inhibitor prevented dispersion of AM at pH 7. The results suggest that, during the acrosome reaction, one distinct region of the acrosomal contents disperses after membrane vesiculation in a pH and trypsin inhibitor-insensitive fashion while a pH sensitive trypsin-like activity (acrosin?) disperses another discrete region of acrosomal matrix.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P) has previously been shown to rapidly increase free intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2−]i), and subsequently to initiate the acrosome reaction (AR) in capacitated human sperm. The present study used cytochemical analysis of the AR, and spectrofluorometric determination of sperm [Ca2−]i and intracellular pH (pHi) in Na+-containing and Na+-deficient bicarbonate/CO2-buffered media to investigate the role of Na+ in these P-initiated changes. We found that P failed to initiate the AR in Na+-deficient medium, and that the initial rise in [Ca2+]i following P (1 μg/ml) stimulation was similar for both media; however, the [Ca2+]i in the Na+-deficient medium regressed more rapidly and plateaued at a significantly lower [Ca2+]i. Moreover, the differences in plateau [Ca2+]i were directly related to the percentage of acrosome reactions, suggesting that the plateau phase is not due to [Ca2+]i, but rather to the release of intracellular fura-2 into the medium during the AR. These [Ca2+]i and AR results are in contrast to those reported previously by others for human sperm and suggest that a Na+-dependent mechanism is important in the P-initiated human sperm AR. Such a Na+ requirement may reflect the involvement of this ion in pHi regulation, as capacitated sperm that were incubated in a Na+-deficient medium for ≥ 30 min displayed a significantly lower pHi. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The substrates carbobenzyloxyserylleucylamide, carbobenzyloxyglycylleucylamide and carbobenzyloxyglycylphenylalanylamide were used as potential competitive inhibitors of endogenous metalloendoprotease activity. When the acrosome reaction was elicited by a potential physiological stimulus, human follicular fluid, each of the substrates (1-1.5 mM) inhibited exocytosis. Carbobenzyloxyserylleucylamide also inhibited the acrosome reaction when exocytosis was stimulated using the calcium ionophore ionomycin, but carbobenzyloxyglycylleucylamide was not inhibitory and carbobenzyloxyglycylphenylalanylamide actually enhanced exocytosis under these conditions. Experiments using the fluorescent indicator fura-2 revealed that the increase in intracellular, free calcium stimulated by follicular fluid in human spermatozoa was depressed by carbobenzyloxyglycylphenylalanylamide but not by carbobenzyloxyserylleucylamide. The peptide carbobenzyloxyglycylglycylamide, which is not a substrate for metalloendoproteases, had no effect on the acrosome reaction, whether stimulated by follicular fluid or ionomycin. While the results with carbobenzyloxyserylleucylamide suggest a possible involvement of a metalloendoprotease in the human sperm acrosome reaction, our other results demonstrate that these carbobenzyloxy peptides have complex effects on the process of exocytosis in human spermatozoa, and suggest caution in interpretation of data obtained using such peptides on intact cells.  相似文献   

The analogue of the second messenger cAMP, dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP), was shown to induce the human sperm acrosome reaction to the same extent as calcium ionophore A23187, providing preliminary evidence for the involvement of the adenylate cydase system in the acrosome reaction (AR) of human spermatozoa. Using the human synchronous acrosome reaction system, proteinase inhibitors were tested for their effect on the dbcAMP-induced human sperm acrosome reaction. The proteinase inhibitor 4′-acctamidophenyl4-guanidinoben-zoate (AGB), an inhibitor of proacrosin activation and of acrosin, when added at either the onset of incubation or to capacitated spermatozoa, 5 min prior to stimulation by dbcAMP, significantly (P < 0.01) inhibited the acrosome reaction at final concentrations of 1 × 10?4 M to 1 × 10?6 M in comparison to dbcAMP treatment alone. At concentrations less than 1 × 10?6 M, no significant inhibitory effect was seen. Similarly, para-aminobenzamidine (pAB), also an inhibitor of proacrosin activation and of acrosin, significantly (P < 0.01) inhibited the dbcAMP-induced acrosome reaction at final concentrations of 1 × 10-4 M to I × 10-6 M when added at either the onset of incubation or to capacitated spermatozoa, 5 min prior to stimulation by dbcAMP, in comparison to stimulation by dbcAMP alone. However, at concentrations less than 1 × 10?6 M, no significant (P > 0.05) inhibitory effect was seen. These results indicate that a serine proteinase, most likely acrosin, has a role in the human sperm acrosome reaction and suggest that the enzyme functions after the involvement of the adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Human sperm were incubated in vitro in serum or the defined medium TMPA and were periodically assessed for acrosome reactions using two new methods of assay. The first method, FITC-RCA labeling, was previously shown to be valid for estimating the percentage of normal acrosome reactions of human sperm. The second method, a triple staining technique, is shown in this study to give results comparable to those obtained with FITC-RCA labeling. The percentage of acrosome-reacted sperm was determined at 0, 2.5, 5, and 7 hr of incubation. In both media, some sperm had reacted by 2.5 hr; a maximum percentage of reactions occurred between 5 and 7 hr. The maximum percentage never exceeded 20–25%, which represents only one-third of the live sperm, ie, those potentially able to undergo normal acrosome reactions. It will be important in future studies to determine if this low-peak percentage is due to the fact that: (1) Commonly used culture media are suboptimal or (2) only about 25% of the sperm in a human ejaculate are capable of undergoing normal acrosome reactions.  相似文献   

The participation of acrosin in mammalian sperm penetration through the zona pellucida has been amply debated. In this paper we report the immunolocalization—by silver enhanced immunogold technique using ACRO-8C10 monoclonal antibody to human acrosin—of proacrosin/acrosin on ejaculated rabbit spermatozoa incubated in vitro in a capacitating medium and on spermatozoa recovered from the perivitelline space. After incubation in a capacitating medium, four different patterns were observed: (1) no labeling on acrosome intact spermatozoa; (2) labeling on the rim of the head; (3) labeling on the whole acrosome area; and (4) no labeling on acrosome reacted spermatozoa. At the start of incubation, spermatozoa with pattern 1 were the most abundant, whereas at the end of the 32 h incubation period, patterns 2 and 3 were the most frequent. On the other hand, 625 perivitelline spermatozoa were recovered from 17 fertilized rabbit eggs, of which 26% were labeled with the anti-acrosin monoclonal antibody ACRO-8C10 in two different areas: (1) only on the equatorial region; and (2) only on the postacrosomal area. These results are consistent with the idea that proacrosin/acrosin remains associated to the acrosome reacted spermatozoa for long periods of time, and that proacrosin/acrosin associated to perivitelline spermatozoa could be responsible for the second penetration of fresh rabbit eggs by perivitelline spermatozoa. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸诱发人精子顶体反应及其受精能力   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Yuan YY  He CN  Shi QX 《生理学报》1998,50(3):326-332
本文的目的是为了探讨γ-氨基丁酸是否可激发人精子顶体反应,受主其可能的作用方式。实验采用金霉素荧光染色法,胞内游离C62+测定和精子穿透去透明带仓鼠卵试验,分别评价GABA诱发人精子AR及其穿卵能力。结果表明;GABA可诱发人获能精子发生AR,且随精子获得进程而显著增加,并存在明显的量效关系,该作用可被P4加强。  相似文献   

Mammalian sperm undergo discharge of a single, anterior secretory granule following their attachment to the zona pellucida surrounding the oocyte. This secretory discharge is known for historical reasons as the acrosome reaction. It fulfils a number of purposes and without it, sperm are unable to penetrate the zona pellucida and fuse with the oocyte. In this review, we focus on the role of the acrosome reaction in the development of fusion competence in sperm. Any naturally occurring membrane fusion has two major sequential steps: a docking or adhesion step, in which two membranes adhere, and a fusion step, in which their lipid bilayers are destabilized and merged and a cellular compartment is either created or destroyed. Recent evidence suggests that there is an important role for oocyte integrins and sperm-bound disintegrins in mammalian sperm/oocyte adhesion and fusion. The fusion mechanism employed by sperm remains poorly understood, however, and circumstantial evidence suggests it is more complex than the interaction between a single protein species and its target. Sperm/oocyte fusion is probably the most accessible eukaryotic model for intercellular fusion currently available, partly because it is temporally separated from gene expression. Elucidation of the mechanism of sperm/oocyte fusion may throw light on the mechanism of other intercellular fusions such as myoblast fusion, and the evolutionary relationship of intercellular membrane fusion to intracellular membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Assessment of the human sperm acrosome reaction using concanavalin A lectin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for assessment of the human sperm acrosome reaction is reported using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated Concanavalin A (ConA). The technique involved labelling prefixed spermatozoa, where only those spermatozoa that showed a complete loss of the acrosome bound FITC-ConA to the acrosomal region. Competitive sugar binding studies demonstrated that binding of ConA lectin to the acrosomal area of human spermatozoa was inhibited in the presence of 0.2 M D-mannose. Staining with the supravital stain Hoechst 33258 (H258) concomitantly with FITC-ConA allowed determination of only those spermatozoa that had undergone a true and not degenerative acrosomal loss. Incubation of human spermatozoa with 0, 1, 5, and 25 microM calcium ionophore, A23187, for 60 min demonstrated that changes in acrosomal status due to the different treatment protocols may be determined by the dual-staining method. Electron microscopy studies revealed that gold-conjugated ConA bound specifically to the surface of the inner acrosomal membrane of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa. A significant correlation (r = +.97) between transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FITC-ConA labelling methods of acrosomal status assessment was achieved. The simple ConA labelling procedure reported here therefore provides a reliable method for quantitation of the physiological acrosome reaction of a population of human spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Using size- uniform mixtures of di-, tetra-, octa- and decasaccharides obtained from the depolymerization of heparin with heparinase, we have studied the activity that these low molecular weight heparin fragments may have on the acrosome reaction and sperm nuclei decondensation processess. Swelling of human spermatozoa nuclei was stimulated by heparin and their fragments and was dependent on the incubation time and directly correlated with the size of the fragment tested. Disaccharides were unable to increase the number of swollen nuclei. At short times (2-8 hrs) decasaccharides were the most active substances tested, including heparin. Only heparin and the tetra- and decasaccharides showed a significant increase in the number of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa, both fragments were more active than heparin at 2 hour incubation. Hexa- and octasaccharides induced a slight increase in the number of acrosome reacted spermatozoa and disaccharides were ineffective. The presence in animal systems of oligosaccharides derived from macromolecules and having specific biochemical properties, remembers the recent discovery of to those mediated by oligosaccharins in plants may exist in animals.  相似文献   

Mammalian sperm do not respond to inducers of the acrosome reaction immediately after ejaculation. They become responsive after they are removed from seminal plasma and incubated in an appropriate medium. We tested the effects of seminal plasma on the development of acrosomal responsiveness. Washed human sperm incubated 24 hr in vitro with 10% (v/v) seminal plasma did not complete an acrosome reaction when exposed to human follicular fluid, progesterone, or ionomycin. Seminal plasma did not reduce sperm viability or motility. Electron microscopy of sperm incubated 24 hr with 5% seminal plasma and then treated with progesterone revealed no sign of membrane fusion or other changes that are associated with the acrosome reaction. During a 12-hr incubation, seminal plasma was 50% effective at inhibiting the acrosomal response to progesterone when diluted 821 ± 112 foid (mean ±SD, n = 3). Sperm that were incubated with seminal plasma for 24 hr and then washed free of the seminal plasma became acrosomally responsive over the following 24 hr, at a rate similar to that of sperm not incubated with seminal plasma in vitro. When sperm were incubated 6 hr without seminal plasma and then seminal plasma was added, the sperm population transiently became more responsive to progesterone, and then became unresponsive. During incubation in vitro, the ability of sperm to have an augmented response to a mixture of seminal plasma plus progesterone developed slightly earlier and more rapidly than ability to respond to progesterone alone. When sperm were incubated 24 hr without seminal plasma, a few acrosome reacted in response to the addition of seminal plasma alone. Therefore, depending on how it is applied, seminal plasma can prevent or reverse the development of acrosomal responsiveness, and it can enhance or induce the acrosome reaction. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine whether laminin (Ln), an extracellular matrix protein, induces the intracellular events that may be involved in producing the acrosome reaction in human sperm. To this end, we evaluated the effect of Ln on tyrosine phosphorylation, intracellular calcium concentration, proteasome activity, and phosphorylation in human sperm. Aliquots of highly motile sperm selected with a Percoll gradient, were incubated with different concentrations of Ln (0-20 μg/ml) for different periods (0-18 h). The percentage of viable acrosome-reacted sperm was evaluated using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled Pisum sativum agglutinin and Hoechst 33258 DNA dye. Tyrosine phosphorylation was evaluated by Western blot analysis. The chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome was evaluated with a fluorogenic peptide, and intracellular calcium concentration was measured with fura-2. The results indicate that Ln stimulated the acrosome reaction of human sperm in a dose-dependent manner. This increase was drastically inhibited in the presence of herbimycin A, SU6656, and epoxomicin. In addition, Ln increased proteasome activity and phosphorylation; both events were inhibited by herbimycin A and SU6656. Finally, Ln induced an increase in intracellular calcium concentration, which was inhibited by SU6656 and epoxomicin. These results suggest that Ln is able to induce the acrosome reaction. This effect may be mediated by Src kinase and the proteasome, with the consequent induction of a calcium influx.  相似文献   

Methods for evaluating the acrosomal status of mammalian sperm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A full understanding of the acrosome reaction is central to understanding sperm function. Acrosomal status can be determined on living, motile sperm in only a few mammalian species. For other species, many light microscopic methods have been developed, including colored stains for bright-field microscopy, and probes for fluorescence microscopy. We review the existing methods and the criteria that should be considered in the choice of an assay.  相似文献   

Effect of sperm diluents on the acrosome reaction in canine sperm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study we investigated the influence of sperm diluting media and temperature on the incidence of the acrosome reaction in dog sperm. Ejaculates were collected from 5 dogs, diluted with six different media and then incubated at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Fluorescein isothiocynate conjugated peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) and ethidium homodimer as a vital stain were used in combination to determine the acrosomal status of viable spermatozoa, the technique was validated using electron microscopy. The outer acrosomal membrane of dog spermatozoa was shown to be the specific binding site for FITC-PNA. After 6 h of incubation, ejaculates diluted in media with a high Ca2+ concentration showed a significantly higher percentage (means +/- SD) of acrosome reacted spermatozoa [64 +/- 7 and 58 +/- 9 in sperm capacitation medium with (SP-TALP-1) and without BSA (SP-TALP-2), respectively] than those diluted in media with a low Ca2+ concentration [36 +/- 5, 39 +/- 4, 18 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 4 in Canine Capacitation Medium (CCM), Egg Yolk Tris dog semen extender (EXT-1), Modified Egg Yolk Tris extender (EXT-2) and Modified CCM (MCCM), respectively]. The increase in the percentage of acrosome reaction (AR) was slower at 20 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. In addition, the percentage of viable acrosome reacted spermatozoa increased significantly from 19 +/- 5 and 22 +/- 3 in non-bound sperm to 27 +/- 4 and 30 +/- 6 in zona pellucida bound sperm (diluted in EXT-2 and MCCM, respectively). We conclude that the composition of the spermatozoa diluent has a marked effect on the incidence of the acrosome reaction. Therefore, both the media used to dilute dog sperm and the temperature at which the spermatozoa are handled are important factors to consider when processing spermatozoa for artificial insemination, IVF procedures or preservation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the spontaneous acrosome reaction in ram spermatozoa has been compared with that induced by the ionophore, A23187. The spontaneous event was dependent on incubation for 4 h, on the temperature, and on dilution. Apart from the more rapid occurrence of the ionophore-induced event, the mean diameter and distribution of vesicle size was also different. The ionophore-induced vesicles were larger, more irregular, and heterogeneous in size compared with those occurring in the spontaneous acrosome reaction (average diameter 84 nm vs. 60 nm in the spontaneous acrosome reaction). These observations are interpreted in relation to capacitation.  相似文献   

A human follicular fluid (HFF) fraction prepared by Sephadex G-75 column chromatography has been previously shown by this laboratory to initiate the human sperm acrosome reaction (AR) in vitro. In the present report, the apparent molecular weight (MW) of this AR activity determined by a longer G-75 column than was used in the previous work was 50,000 ± 5,106. The G-75 Sephadex void volume fractions of some but not all HFF samples were also found to contain some AR-initiating activity. The occasional void volume activity was less potent than that of the 50,000 MW fraction and was not studied further. Further characterization of the 50,000 MW fraction was carried out. A time-course study demonstrated that maximum AR were obtained within 5 min following the addition of the 50,000 MW fraction. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by silver staining revealed that the 50,000 MW fraction was still a relatively crude preparation. Treatment of the 50,000 MW fraction with chloroform:methanol did not extract the AR-initiating activity into the lipid phase. The AR-initiating activity of the untreated 50,000 MW fraction was precipitated when it was boiled, but the activity was partially resistant to boiling after overnight incubation. Treatment of the 50,000 MW fraction with pronase E or with several glycosaminoglycan hydrolases did not destroy the activity. Pronase treatment resulted in a higher amount of boiling-resistant AR-initiating activity. The AR-initiating activity of the untreated 50,000 MW fraction was partially dialyzable, but the activity of an undialyzed fraction did not pass through an ultrafiltration membrane with a 10,000 MW cut-off. However, treatment of the 50,000 MW fraction with protease, peptide:N-glycosidase F, and to a lesser extent chondroitinase ABC yielded an active lower MW activity which could pass through such an ultrafiltration membrane. The lower MW activity released by peptide:N-glycosidase F eluted in the included volume (5,000–1,000) of a Sephadex G-25 column. Neutral hexose but not protein or peptide was detected in the G-25 peak of AR-initiating activity. These results suggest that the AR-initiating activity present in the 50,000 MW fraction of HFF: (1) is present either as two different AR factors (a high-MW factor and a low-MW, noncovalently bound factor) or as a single factor responsible for both the nondialyzable and dialyzable AR-initiating activities (the latter being enzymatically released from the former), and (2) may be at least partially associated with N-linked oligosaccharides of a glycoprotein or proteoglycan.  相似文献   

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