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Huang X  Wolfe RA 《Biometrics》2002,58(3):510-520
To account for the correlation between failure and censoring, we propose a new frailty model for clustered data. In this model, the risk to be censored is affected by the risk of failure. This model allows flexibility in the direction and degree of dependence between failure and censoring. It includes the traditional frailty model as a special case. It allows censoring by some causes to be analyzed as informative while treating censoring by other causes as noninformative. It can also analyze data for competing risks. To fit the model, the EM algorithm is used with Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations in the E-steps. Simulation studies and analysis of data for kidney disease patients are provided. Consequences of incorrectly assuming noninformative censoring are investigated.  相似文献   

Hsieh JJ  Ding AA  Wang W 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):719-729
Summary Recurrent events data are commonly seen in longitudinal follow‐up studies. Dependent censoring often occurs due to death or exclusion from the study related to the disease process. In this article, we assume flexible marginal regression models on the recurrence process and the dependent censoring time without specifying their dependence structure. The proposed model generalizes the approach by Ghosh and Lin (2003, Biometrics 59, 877–885). The technique of artificial censoring provides a way to maintain the homogeneity of the hypothetical error variables under dependent censoring. Here we propose to apply this technique to two Gehan‐type statistics. One considers only order information for pairs whereas the other utilizes additional information of observed censoring times available for recurrence data. A model‐checking procedure is also proposed to assess the adequacy of the fitted model. The proposed estimators have good asymptotic properties. Their finite‐sample performances are examined via simulations. Finally, the proposed methods are applied to analyze the AIDS linked to the intravenous experiences cohort data.  相似文献   

Most statistical methods for censored survival data assume there is no dependence between the lifetime and censoring mechanisms, an assumption which is often doubtful in practice. In this paper we study a parametric model which allows for dependence in terms of a parameter delta and a bias function B(t, theta). We propose a sensitivity analysis on the estimate of the parameter of interest for small values of delta. This parameter measures the dependence between the lifetime and the censoring mechanisms. Its size can be interpreted in terms of a correlation coefficient between the two mechanisms. A medical example suggests that even a small degree of dependence between the failure and censoring processes can have a noticeable effect on the analysis.  相似文献   

Jiang H  Fine JP  Chappell R 《Biometrics》2005,61(2):567-575
Studies of chronic life-threatening diseases often involve both mortality and morbidity. In observational studies, the data may also be subject to administrative left truncation and right censoring. Because mortality and morbidity may be correlated and mortality may censor morbidity, the Lynden-Bell estimator for left-truncated and right-censored data may be biased for estimating the marginal survival function of the non-terminal event. We propose a semiparametric estimator for this survival function based on a joint model for the two time-to-event variables, which utilizes the gamma frailty specification in the region of the observable data. First, we develop a novel estimator for the gamma frailty parameter under left truncation. Using this estimator, we then derive a closed-form estimator for the marginal distribution of the non-terminal event. The large sample properties of the estimators are established via asymptotic theory. The methodology performs well with moderate sample sizes, both in simulations and in an analysis of data from a diabetes registry.  相似文献   

Ghosh D  Lin DY 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):877-885
Dependent censoring occurs in longitudinal studies of recurrent events when the censoring time depends on the potentially unobserved recurrent event times. To perform regression analysis in this setting, we propose a semiparametric joint model that formulates the marginal distributions of the recurrent event process and dependent censoring time through scale-change models, while leaving the distributional form and dependence structure unspecified. We derive consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for the regression parameters. We also develop graphical and numerical methods for assessing the adequacy of the proposed model. The finite-sample behavior of the new inference procedures is evaluated through simulation studies. An application to recurrent hospitalization data taken from a study of intravenous drug users is provided.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Heitjan DF 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1260-1268
Right- and interval-censored data are common special cases of coarsened data (Heitjan and Rubin, 1991, Annals of Statistics19, 2244-2253). As with missing data, standard statistical methods that ignore the random nature of the coarsening mechanism may lead to incorrect inferences. We extend a simple sensitivity analysis tool, the index of local sensitivity to nonignorability (Troxel, Ma, and Heitjan, 2004, Statistica Sinica14, 1221-1237), to the evaluation of nonignorability of the coarsening process in the general coarse-data model. By converting this index into a simple graphical display one can easily assess the sensitivity of key inferences to nonignorable coarsening. We illustrate the validity of the method with a simulated example, and apply it to right-censored data from an observational study of cardiac transplantation and to interval-censored data on time to detectable viral load from a clinical trial in HIV disease.  相似文献   

Owzar K  Jung SH  Sen PK 《Biometrics》2007,63(4):1089-1098
A challenging and crucial issue in clinical studies in cancer involving gene microarray experiments is the discovery, among a large number of genes, of a relatively small panel of genes whose elements are associated with a relevant clinical outcome variable such as time-to-death or time-to-recurrence of disease. A semiparametric approach, using dependence functions known as copulas, is considered to quantify and estimate the pairwise association between the outcome and each gene expression. These time-to-event type endpoints are typically subject to censoring as not all events are realized at the time of the analysis. Furthermore, given that the total number of genes is typically large, it is imperative to control a relevant error rate in any gene discovery procedure. The proposed method addresses the two aforementioned issues by direct incorporation of the censoring mechanism and by appropriate statistical adjustment for multiplicity. The performance of the proposed method is studied through simulation and illustrated with an application using a case study in lung cancer.  相似文献   

AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) randomized trial 021 compared the effect of bactrim versus aerosolized pentamidine (AP) as prophylaxis therapy for pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in AIDS patients. Although patients randomized to the bactrim arm experienced a significant delay in time to PCP, the survival experience in the two arms was not significantly different (p = .32). In this paper, we present evidence that bactrim therapy improves survival but that the standard intent-to-treat comparison failed to detect this survival advantage because a large fraction of the subjects either crossed over to the other therapy or stopped therapy altogether. We obtain our evidence of a beneficial bactrim effect on survival by artificially regarding the subjects as dependently censored at the first time the subject either stops or switches therapy; we then analyze the data with the inverse probability of censoring weighted Kaplan-Meier and Cox partial likelihood estimators of Robins (1993, Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 24-33) that adjust for dependent censoring by utilizing data collected on time-dependent prognostic factors.  相似文献   

Datta S  Satten GA  Datta S 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):841-847
In this paper, we present new nonparametric estimators of the stage-occupation probabilities in the three-stage irreversible illness-death model. These estimators use a fractional risk set and a reweighting approach and are valid under stage-dependent censoring. Using a simulated data set, we compare the behavior of our estimators with previously proposed estimators. We also apply our estimators to data on time to Pneumocystis pneumonia and death obtained from an AIDS cohort study.  相似文献   

AimThe aim of the present study is to evaluate and quantify the bias of competing risks in an Italian oncologic cohort comparing results from different statistical analysis methods.BackgroundCompeting risks are very common in randomized clinical trials and observational studies, in particular oncology and radiotherapy ones, and their inappropriate management causes results distortions widely present in clinical scientific articles.Materials and methodsThis is a single-institution phase II trial including 41 patients affected by prostate cancer and undergoing radiotherapy (IMRT-SIB) at the University Hospital of Udine.Different outcomes were considered: late toxicities, relapse, death.Death in the absence of relapse or late toxicity was considered as a competing event.ResultsThe Kaplan Meier method, compared to cumulative incidence function method, overestimated the probability of the event of interest (toxicity and biochemical relapse) and of the competing event (death without toxicity/relapse) by 9.36%. The log-rank test, compared to Gray's test, overestimated the probability of the event of interest by 5.26%.The Hazard Ratio's and cause specific hazard's Cox regression are not directly comparable to subdistribution hazard's Fine and Gray's modified Cox regression; nonetheless, the FG model, the best choice for prognostic studies with competing risks, found significant associations not emerging with Cox regression.ConclusionsThis study confirms that using inappropriate statistical methods produces a 10% overestimation in results, as described in the literature, and highlights the importance of taking into account the competing risks bias.  相似文献   

Dimension reduction methods have been proposed for regression analysis with predictors of high dimension, but have not received much attention on the problems with censored data. In this article, we present an iterative imputed spline approach based on principal Hessian directions (PHD) for censored survival data in order to reduce the dimension of predictors without requiring a prespecified parametric model. Our proposal is to replace the right-censored survival time with its conditional expectation for adjusting the censoring effect by using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and an adaptive polynomial spline regression in the residual imputation. A sparse estimation strategy is incorporated in our approach to enhance the interpretation of variable selection. This approach can be implemented in not only PHD, but also other methods developed for estimating the central mean subspace. Simulation studies with right-censored data are conducted for the imputed spline approach to PHD (IS-PHD) in comparison with two methods of sliced inverse regression, minimum average variance estimation, and naive PHD in ignorance of censoring. The results demonstrate that the proposed IS-PHD method is particularly useful for survival time responses approximating symmetric or bending structures. Illustrative applications to two real data sets are also presented.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an HIV vaccine to prevent infection is likely to depend on the genetic variation of the exposing virus. This paper addresses the problem of using data on the HIV sequences that infect vaccine efficacy trial participants to (1) test for vaccine efficacy more powerfully than procedures that ignore the sequence data and (2) evaluate the dependence of vaccine efficacy on the divergence of infecting HIV strains from the HIV strain that is contained in the vaccine. Because hundreds of amino acid sites in each HIV genome are sequenced, it is natural to treat the genetic divergence as a continuous mark variable that accompanies each failure (infection) time. Problems (1) and (2) can then be approached by testing whether the ratio of the mark-specific hazard functions for the vaccine and placebo groups is unity or independent of the mark. We develop nonparametric and semiparametric tests for these null hypotheses and nonparametric techniques for estimating the mark-specific relative risks. The asymptotic properties of the procedures are established. In addition, the methods are studied in simulations and are applied to HIV genetic sequence data collected in the first HIV vaccine efficacy trial.  相似文献   

The nonparametric transformation model makes no parametric assumptions on the forms of the transformation function and the error distribution. This model is appealing in its flexibility for modeling censored survival data. Current approaches for estimation of the regression parameters involve maximizing discontinuous objective functions, which are numerically infeasible to implement with multiple covariates. Based on the partial rank (PR) estimator (Khan and Tamer, 2004), we propose a smoothed PR estimator which maximizes a smooth approximation of the PR objective function. The estimator is shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the PR estimator but is much easier to compute when there are multiple covariates. We further propose using the weighted bootstrap, which is more stable than the usual sandwich technique with smoothing parameters, for estimating the standard error. The estimator is evaluated via simulation studies and illustrated with the Veterans Administration lung cancer data set.  相似文献   

In the study of multiple failure time data with recurrent clinical endpoints, the classical independent censoring assumption in survival analysis can be violated when the evolution of the recurrent events is correlated with a censoring mechanism such as death. Moreover, in some situations, a cure fraction appears in the data because a tangible proportion of the study population benefits from treatment and becomes recurrence free and insusceptible to death related to the disease. A bivariate joint frailty mixture cure model is proposed to allow for dependent censoring and cure fraction in recurrent event data. The latency part of the model consists of two intensity functions for the hazard rates of recurrent events and death, wherein a bivariate frailty is introduced by means of the generalized linear mixed model methodology to adjust for dependent censoring. The model allows covariates and frailties in both the incidence and the latency parts, and it further accounts for the possibility of cure after each recurrence. It includes the joint frailty model and other related models as special cases. An expectation-maximization (EM)-type algorithm is developed to provide residual maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters. Through simulation studies, the performance of the model is investigated under different magnitudes of dependent censoring and cure rate. The model is applied to data sets from two colorectal cancer studies to illustrate its practical value.  相似文献   

To quantify the ability of a marker to predict the onset of a clinical outcome in the future, time‐dependent estimators of sensitivity, specificity, and ROC curve have been proposed accounting for censoring of the outcome. In this paper, we review these estimators, recall their assumptions about the censoring mechanism and highlight their relationships and properties. A simulation study shows that marker‐dependent censoring can lead to important biases for the ROC estimators not adapted to this case. A slight modification of the inverse probability of censoring weighting estimators proposed by Uno et al. (2007) and Hung and Chiang (2010a) performs as well as the nearest neighbor estimator of Heagerty et al. (2000) in the simulation study and has interesting practical properties. Finally, the estimators were used to evaluate abilities of a marker combining age and a cognitive test to predict dementia in the elderly. Data were obtained from the French PAQUID cohort. The censoring appears clearly marker‐dependent leading to appreciable differences between ROC curves estimated with the different methods.  相似文献   

Li Z 《Biometrics》1999,55(1):277-283
A method of interim monitoring is described for survival trials in which the proportional hazards assumption may not hold. This method extends the test statistics based on the cumulative weighted difference in the Kaplan-Meier estimates (Pepe and Fleming, 1989, Biometrics 45, 497-507) to the sequential setting. Therefore, it provides a useful alternative to the group sequential linear rank tests. With an appropriate weight function, the test statistic itself provides an estimator for the cumulative weighted difference in survival probabilities, which is an interpretable measure for the treatment difference, especially when the proportional hazards model fails. The method is illustrated based on the design of a real trial. The operating characteristics are studied through a small simulation.  相似文献   

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