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In the autumn of 2004, a typhoon caused a catastrophic flood of the Miyagawa River in Japan. Based upon snorkeling surveys conducted every autumn from 2005 to 2009, we monitored the post flood fluctuation of the local fish assemblages at nine sites of both the main stream and subsidiary streams of the river. Results revealed that species richness significantly increased from 2005 to 2009. In addition, the fish densities of eight species significantly increased over the same period, whereas the density of one species decreased, and that of eight others remained unchanged. Categorization based on Euclidean distance revealed five main clusters from the nine sites. Among these sites, fish assemblages within subsidiary streams were stable as they remained within the same clusters while those in the main stream were dynamically variable through time as they changed cluster membership. In addition, the Euclidean distance between two arbitrary fish assemblages was positively correlated with environmental distance (the Euclidean distance calculated based on river width, depth, velocity and pebble size), time distance, and spatial distance along the river. In conclusion, the fish assemblages were dynamically and regularly altered and varied in the five years after the flood, except for those in the subsidiary streams, and such variation was related to environmental, temporal and spatial variation.  相似文献   

We examined abundances of fishes by ecological categories for variation with time (years) and longitudinal river distance (km) in the Wabash River, a large US Midwestern river. An ordination resulted in significant correlations with time for an axis that represented increases in surface-feeding invertivores and species that prefer sand substrates. We found increased abundances of planktivores and species with high tolerance to silt in downstream river sites. We found significant changes in abundance for the majority of ecological categories in comparisons of upstream–downstream locations. There was a general decrease in abundances of taxa in ecological categories that tend to inhabit upstream reaches: species that prefer rubble substrates, inhabit fast, and moderate current velocity habitats, and that have low silt tolerance with time. These abundance changes suggest that the upstream river experienced increased sedimentation during 1974–1998. The use of ecological categories provided information for likely habitat changes, such as increased sedimentation, that were not apparent in previous taxonomic analyses. We suggest that combinations of anthropogenic impacts including hydrologic alterations and agricultural activities in the Wabash River resulted in ecosystem changes and subsequent changes in abundance of fishes by ecological categories.  相似文献   

陈兵  孟雪晨  张东  储玲  严云志 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5730-5745
确定鱼类群落的空间格局是保护和管理河流鱼类多样性的基础。尽管河流鱼类分类群(基于物种组成)的纵向梯度格局已得到大量报道,但其功能群(基于功能特征)的空间格局研究较少。以皖南山区新安江为研究流域,沿其"正源-下游"梯度共设置27个调查样点,分别于2017年5月和10月完成2次调查取样,着重研究了鱼类分类群和功能群结构的纵向梯度格局及其形成机制。共采集鱼类44种,可分为5个运动功能群和4个营养功能群,构成14个"营养-运动"复合功能群。双因素交互相似性分析结果显示,鱼类分类群和功能群均随河流级别显著变化,但两者均无显著的季节变化;根据相似性百分比分析,由1级至3级河流,数量优势物种和功能群的空间变化主要呈嵌套格局,而由3级至5级河流其变化主要呈周转格局。方差分解结果显示,局域栖息地、陆地景观和支流空间位置3类解释变量对分类群和功能群空间变化的解释率分别为33.6%和38.5%,其中,分类群受局域栖息地和支流空间位置变量的显著影响,而功能群受局域栖息地和陆地景观变量的显著影响。研究表明,沿着新安江的"上游-下游"纵向梯度,鱼类分类群和功能群的空间格局基本一致,但两者的形成机制不同:分类群的纵向梯度变化受环境过滤和扩散过程的联合影响,而功能群则主要受环境过滤影响。  相似文献   

Biological diversity can be divided into: alpha (α, local), beta (β, difference in assemblage composition among locals), and gamma (γ, total diversity). We assessed the partitioning of taxonomic diversity of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and of functional feeding groups (FFG) in neotropical savanna (southeastern Brazilian cerrado) streams. To do so, we considered three diversity components: stream site (α), among stream sites (β1), and among hydrologic units (β2). We also evaluated the association of EPT genera composition with heterogeneity in land use, instream physical habitat structure, and instream water quality variables. The percentage of EPT taxonomic α diversity (20.7%) was smaller than the β1 and β2 diversity percentages (53.1% and 26.2%, respectively). The percentage of EPT FFG collector-gatherer α diversity (26.5%) was smaller than that of β1 diversity (55.8%) and higher than the β2 (17.7%) diversity. The collector-gatherer FFG was predominant and had the greatest β diversity percentage among stream sites (β1, 55.8%). Our findings support the need for implementing regional scale conservation strategies in the cerrado biome, which has been degraded by anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Árva  Diána  Tóth  Mónika  Mozsár  Attila  Specziár  András 《Hydrobiologia》2017,787(1):353-373

Environmental heterogeneity plays a determinant role in structuring taxonomic and functional composition of local assemblages via various interacting processes as synthesized in the metacommunity theory. In this study, we evaluate the relative roles of local environmental and landscape filters, spatial constraints and seasonality in organization of assemblages of Chironomidae (Diptera), a diverse aquatic insect group with winged adults, in an extremely heterogeneous wetland system, Kis-Balaton, Hungary. As expected, local environmental variables explained a substantial proportion of assemblage variance mainly along sediment structure, macrophyte coverage, and decomposing plant matter gradients. Considering the narrow spatial range of the study area, pure spatial influence was unexpectedly strong, likely because of the dispersal limitation related to tall terrestrial vegetation patches and mass effect related to the uneven distribution and area of certain microhabitats and their species pools. However, landscape- and season-related variability proved to be low or negligible. Taxonomic and functional feeding guild (FFG)-based approaches revealed the same main trends in assemblage data; however, FFGs seemed to track environmental changes more tightly. We argue for the common use of taxonomic and functional-based approaches and advise the improvement of species optima and tolerance spectra databases to expand bioassessment power.


The Arauca River harbors a considerable fish biodiversity, yet it remains poorly sampled and the knowledge about its fish communities is incomplete. We studied the taxonomic and functional composition and diversity of catfish assemblages in one lotic and one lentic habitat of a segment of this floodplain during one hydrological cycle, from August 2014 to August 2015, comprising six samplings using gillnets, and identified the relationships between catfish traits and the environment based on five limnological variables. The functional structure was studied through 11 morphological measures and the species diets. We identified 31 catfish species and nine trophic groups. There were significant differences in species composition and diversity between habitats and months, but the functional structure of the catfishes was only determined by the temporal variability. The functional structure of the catfish assemblages was ordered by morphological traits related to locomotion, habitat use, and trophic ecology and these traits were correlated with the limnological variables, supporting the existence of environmental filters. Integrating the taxonomic and functional perspectives can provide a more complete picture of the ecological patterns of freshwater fish assemblages in the Neotropics and can help us predict how these assemblages might change in response to anthropogenic alterations of the environment.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - In this paper, we investigated composition and trait turnover among fish assemblages in reservoirs distributed across major Brazilian basins, in order to contrast taxonomic and...  相似文献   

The conversion of natural lands in urban areas is exponentially increasing worldwide, causing a major decline in biodiversity. Environmental alterations caused by urbanization, such as land conversion and isolation of natural patches, favour tolerant and generalist species, causing both species loss and replacement. In addition, selective pressure is exerted on particular functional traits, driving a functional homogenization or turnover of biotic communities. We sampled ground arthropods within the municipality of Turin (NW-Italy), wherein an isolated and a connected control subplot were repeatedly sampled at 15 stations distributed along a gradient of increasing urbanization. Such a nested sampling design allowed us to investigate the taxonomic and the functional responses of carabids and spiders to both the urbanization level and patch isolation. First, we highlighted the dominant role played by species homogenization (nestedness) in explaining both taxonomic and functional variation in both groups of arthropods. Secondly, we showed that urbanization causes simultaneously functional homogenization and replacement in both carabid and spider assemblages, whereas patch isolation influences carabid species composition and homogenizes and shifts spider taxonomic and functional composition. Lastly, by relating community-weighted means of body length, dispersal capacity and trophic strategy to the urbanization and isolation gradients, we demonstrated that urbanization alters the trophic structure of both taxonomic groups and increases the average dispersal capacity of spiders. On the other hand, patch isolation affected the functional composition of spiders only, reducing the body size and increasing dispersal capacity and the proportion of web-builder species. Our results demonstrate that both urbanization and patch isolation alter species composition by causing functional and taxonomic homogenization. In addition, they exert a strong filtering effect on community functional traits, increasing the proportion of phytophagous species in carabids, and increasing dispersal capacity and web-builders occurrence in spiders, while reducing spider body size.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of variation in species composition of flea assemblages on small mammals across different habitats of Slovakia and compared flea species composition within and across host species among habitats. We asked (1) how variable the composition of flea assemblages is among different populations of the same host occurring in different habitats and (2) whether the composition of flea assemblages in a habitat is affected either by species composition of hosts or by environmental affinities of this habitat. Between-habitat similarity in flea species composition increased with an increase in the similarity in host species composition. Species richness of flea assemblages of a host species correlated positively with mean number of cohabitating host species but not with the number of habitats occupied by a host species. Results of the ordination of flea collections from each individual host demonstrated that the first five principal components explained most of the variance in species composition of flea assemblages. The segregation between rodent and insectivore flea assemblages was easily discerned from the ordination diagram when flea assemblages were plotted according to their hosts. When flea assemblages were plotted according to their habitat affinities, the distinction of habitats based on variation in flea composition was not as clear. The results of ANOVA of each principal component showed the significant effect of both host species and habitat type. The variation in each principal component was explained better by the factor of host species compared with the factor of habitat type. Multidimensional scaling of flea assemblages within host species across habitats demonstrated that among-habitat variation in flea composition was manifested differently in different hosts.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to measure natural spatial variability in the biodiversity of fauna inhabiting kelp holdfasts in northeastern New Zealand at several spatial scales: from meters up to hundreds of kilometers. We wished to test the hypothesis that multivariate variation and biodiversity would vary significantly at different spatial scales in different ways for the major phyla in the holdfast community (Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca and Bryozoa). Biodiversity was considered in terms of richness, total abundance, structural composition (as measured by the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure) and taxonomic breadth for each major phylum and for the assemblage as a whole. We also examined the effect of taxonomic resolution on multivariate patterns. Species richness and total abundance increased with increases in holdfast volume. Multivariate variation was greatest at the smallest spatial scale for all phyla, but different phyla showed different patterns of multivariate variation at different spatial scales. Variations among locations at the largest spatial scale were primarily due to differences in the composition and richness of bryozoans and molluscs. Location effects became less and less distinct with decreases in taxonomic resolution. There were very few significant differences in richness or abundance for holdfasts of a given volume, taxonomic breadth did not vary significantly across locations, nor did the proportional abundances of phyla. These consistencies across large spatial scales in the absence of environmental impacts and results from other studies suggest that holdfast communities in New Zealand systems would provide a useful model assemblage against which future impacts may be detected as changes in proportions of component phyla. In addition, high variability detected at small and large scales at the species level, especially for bryozoans and molluscs, suggest that these communities may also provide unique opportunities for studying and understanding sources and functions of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence points to a linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (B-EF). Global drivers, such as warming and nutrient enrichment, can alter species richness and composition of aquatic fungal assemblages associated with leaf-litter decomposition, a key ecosystem process in headwater streams. However, effects of biodiversity changes on ecosystem functions might be countered by the presumed high functional redundancy of fungal species. Here, we examined how environmental variables and leaf-litter traits (based on leaf chemistry) affect taxonomic and functional α- and β-diversity of fungal decomposers. We analysed taxonomic diversity (DNA-fingerprinting profiles) and functional diversity (community-level physiological profiles) of fungal communities in four leaf-litter species from four subregions differing in stream-water characteristics and riparian vegetation. We hypothesized that increasing stream-water temperature and nutrients would alter taxonomic diversity more than functional diversity due to the functional redundancy among aquatic fungi. Contrary to our expectations, fungal taxonomic diversity varied little with stream-water characteristics across subregions, and instead taxon replacement occurred. Overall taxonomic β-diversity was fourfold higher than functional diversity, suggesting a high degree of functional redundancy among aquatic fungi. Elevated temperature appeared to boost assemblage uniqueness by increasing β-diversity while the increase in nutrient concentrations appeared to homogenize fungal assemblages. Functional richness showed a negative relationship with temperature. Nonetheless, a positive relationship between leaf-litter decomposition and functional richness suggests higher carbon use efficiency of fungal communities in cold waters.  相似文献   

Cytological variation in Texas Gaillardias   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

1. Host plant phenotypic traits affect the structure of the associated consumer community and mediate species interactions. Intraspecific variation in host traits is well documented, although a functional understanding of variable traits that drive herbivore community response is lacking. We address this gap by modelling the trait-environment relationship using insect traits and host plant traits in a multilevel model. 2. We compare herbivore assemblages from the canopy of the phenotypically variable tree Metrosideros polymorpha on Hawai‘i Island. Multiple distinct varieties of M. polymorpha frequently co-occur, with variation in morphological traits. Using this system, we identify host and insect traits that underlie patterns of herbivore abundance and quantify the strength of host-insect trait interactions. 3. This work examines plant-insect interactions at a community scale, across 36 herbivore species in three orders. We find that co-occurring trees of varying phenotype support distinct communities. Leaf traits, including specific leaf area, trichome presence, and leaf nutrients, explain 46% of variation in insect communities. We find that feeding guild and nymphal life history are correlated with host plant traits, and we show that model predictions are improved by including the host and insect trait interaction. 4. This study demonstrates how insect herbivores traits influence community response to morphologically variable hosts. Environmental heterogeneity indirectly affected herbivore community structure via intraspecific variation in host plants, providing an important source of variation for maintaining diversity in the broader community.  相似文献   

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