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While most adult Lepidoptera use flower nectar as their primary food source, butterflies in the genus Heliconius have evolved the novel ability to acquire amino acids from consuming pollen. Heliconius butterflies collect pollen on their proboscis, moisten the pollen with saliva, and use a combination of mechanical disruption and chemical degradation to release free amino acids that are subsequently re-ingested in the saliva. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of this complex pollen feeding adaptation. Here we report an initial shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva from Heliconius melpomene. Results from liquid-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry confidently identified 31 salivary proteins, most of which contained predicted signal peptides, consistent with extracellular secretion. Further bioinformatic annotation of these salivary proteins indicated the presence of four distinct functional classes: proteolysis (10 proteins), carbohydrate hydrolysis (5), immunity (6), and “housekeeping” (4). Additionally, six proteins could not be functionally annotated beyond containing a predicted signal sequence. The presence of several salivary proteases is consistent with previous demonstrations that Heliconius saliva has proteolytic capacity. It is likely that these proteins play a key role in generating free amino acids during pollen digestion. The identification of proteins functioning in carbohydrate hydrolysis is consistent with Heliconius butterflies consuming nectar, like other lepidopterans, as well as pollen. Immune-related proteins in saliva are also expected, given that ingestion of pathogens is a likely route to infection. The few “housekeeping” proteins are likely not true salivary proteins and reflect a modest level of contamination that occurred during saliva collection. Among the unannotated proteins were two sets of paralogs, each seemingly the result of a relatively recent tandem duplication. These results offer a first glimpse into the molecular foundation of Heliconius pollen feeding and provide a substantial advance towards comprehensively understanding this striking evolutionary novelty.  相似文献   

Four ‘doubtful species’ are listed in catalogues of the genus Heliconius. All are non–existent: (1) H. Carolina (Herbst) is a forgery made from trimmed fragments of at least three butterflies, the two identifiable ones both beingH. erato; (2) H.cinereo–fuscus (Goeze) is a faded specimen of H.ricini; (3) H.arcuatus (Goeze) is so inadequately described that its identity cannot be determined, although it is apparently some species of heliconiine or ithomiine;(4)H.euclea (Godart) is the valid senior name of an ithomiid in the genus Hypothyris.  相似文献   

The immature stages of the butterfly Magneuptychia libye (L.) are described, and their morphology is compared with other Neotropical Satyrinae.  相似文献   

The process of adaptive radiation and convergence, usually regarded as a feature of macro-evolution, can be seen in the mimetic colour patterns of the butterflies within the confines of the South American genus Heliconius. This can be shown by dividing the genus into subgroups on the basis of adult, pupal and larval morphology: the theory that the mimicry between species results solely from close systematic relationships is thereby refuted, as members of the same morphological group can display widely divergent mimetic patterns, and conversely mutual mimics may belong to several different morphological groups. Various forms of parallel and convergent evolution are thought to account for the present pattern of mimicry, the process is known to start even before full speciation has taken place. A new subgenus (Neruda) is created to contain three atypical members of the genus.  相似文献   

Abstract As in most animals, male butterflies are generally the more proactive sex with respect to seeking out mating opportunities. In most cases, males conduct their search sometime between mid-morning and mid-afternoon, but a few species are active only before dawn or after sunset. These crepuscular species offer a good opportunity to study how males deal with markedly different visual and thermal conditions. Here, I present data from a 5-month behavioural study of male Melanitis leda (Nymphalidae) at a mate-encounter site in tropical Australia. Males of this species defended perching locations along a forest edge in a similar manner to other diurnally active territorial nymphalids. They generally arrived at these sites after sunset and arrived earlier on evenings that darkened earlier. Actively mate-locating males were only seen at the site during a 25−35 min evening period, during which ambient light levels ranged between 50 and 2600 lux. Only 27% of marked territory residents were recorded again at their location of capture, but fidelity in this 'resighted' group ranged up to 23 days. A sample of males, captured under ambient temperatures of 24.0−27.2°C, maintained a mean thoracic excess of 8.25 ± 0.73°C, but did not appear to 'shiver' in the manner of other crepuscular species. Males courted conspecific females and one mating was observed. This species is an excellent candidate for further research into the evolution of mating tactics in crepuscular butterflies.  相似文献   

The standard model for the migration of the monarch butterfly in western North America has hitherto been movement in the autumn to overwintering sites in coastal California, followed by a return inland by most individuals in the spring. This model is based largely on observational and limited tagging and recovery data. In this paper we test the model by plotting many years of museum and collection records on a monthly basis on a map of the region. Our plots suggest a movement of Oregon, Washington and other north-western populations of summer butterflies to California in the autumn, but movement of more north-easterly populations (e.g. from Idaho and Montana) along two pathways through Nevada, Utah and Arizona to Mexico. The more westerly of these two pathways may follow the Colorado River south as indicated by museum records and seasonal temperature data. The eastern pathway may enter northern Utah along the western scarp of the Wasatch Mountains and run south through Utah and Arizona. Further analysis of distributions suggests that monarch butterflies in the American West occur primarily along rivers, and there are observations indicating that autumn migrants often follow riparian corridors. More data are needed to test our new model; we suggest the nature of the data required.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 491–500.  相似文献   

James Mallet 《Oecologia》1986,68(2):210-217
Summary Heliconius butterflies have been found to have low rates of dispersal in previous mark-recapture studies, and this lack of movement is due home-range behavior. An experiment on Heliconius erato was designed to investigate movement from the site of pupal eclosion. It was found that most of the movement occurs before the first capture of an individual in a mark-recapture study. After incorporating this early movement, the dispersal parameter, , is estimated to be at least 296 m (±30 m jackknifed standard error), and the neighborhood population size, N, is about 50–150 individuals. These estimates of and N are more than 2 and 5 times larger, respectively, than estimates based on standard mark-recapture data, though they are small compared with estimates from other butterfly species. Severe limitations of using dispersal experiments to estimate gene flow and neighborhood size are discussed. Genetic data from color pattern loci in hybrid zones and from electrophoresis suggest that, if anything, the estimates of and N that I have obtained are still too low. Genetic and dispersal data together show that kin selection is an unlikely mechanism for the evolution of warning color and other supposed altruisms in Heliconius, unless occasional genetic drift is also involved.  相似文献   

The colour patterns of Heliconius butterflies are composed from a relatively simple set of pattern elements whose homologues are recognizable throughout the genus. Although Heliconius colour patterns look quite different from those of most nymphalids, these pattern elements are seen to derive from the generalized nymphalid groundplan. The differences arise primarily from the loss or positional shift of certain pattern elements, a high degree of fusion between individual pattern elements, and, in the forewing, asymmetries of the pattern elements relative to the wing-cell midline. The scheme of homologies we present is consistent with what is currently known about the comparative morphology and developmental physiology of colour pattern formation in Lepidoptera, and provides a framework for the interpretation of developmental, evolutionary and genetic studies in Heliconius.  相似文献   

Peña, C., Nylin, S., Freitas, A. V. L. & Wahlberg, N. (2010). Biogeographic history of the butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).—Zoologica Scripta, 39, 243–258. The diverse butterfly subtribe Euptychiina was thought to be restricted to the Americas. However, there is mounting evidence for the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina being part of Euptychiina and thus a disjunct distribution between it (in eastern Asia) and its sister taxon (in eastern North America). Such a disjunct distribution in both eastern Asia and eastern North America has never been reported for any butterfly taxon. We used 4447 bp of DNA sequences from one mitochondrial gene and four nuclear genes for 102 Euptychiina taxa to obtain a phylogenetic hypothesis of the subtribe, estimate dates of origin and diversification for major clades and perform a biogeographic analysis. Euptychiina originated 31 Ma in South America. Early Euptychiina dispersed from North to South America via the temporary connection known as GAARlandia during Eocene–Oligocene times. The current disjunct distribution of the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina is the result of a northbound dispersal of a lineage from South America into eastern Asia via North America. The common ancestor of Palaeonympha and its sister taxon Megisto inhabited the continuous forest belt across North Asia and North America, which was connected by Beringia. The closure of this connection caused the split between Palaeonympha and Megisto around 13 Ma and the severe extinctions in western North America because of the climatic changes of the Late Miocene (from 13.5 Ma onwards) resulted in the classic ‘eastern Asia and eastern North America’ disjunct distribution.  相似文献   

  • 1 The structure of local populations of a monophagous butterfly, the bog fritillary Proclossiana eunomia, was studied in a complex of suitable habitat patches separated by spruce plantations or fertilized pasture.
  • 2 An unexpected high level of adult movements between habitat patches was detected by a mark—release—recapture technique. Local populations were connected by adult movements across unsuitable habitats, leading to a meta-population structure.
  • 3 This evidence of the metapopulation structure of a specialist butterfly challenges the supposed relationship between habitat specialization and closed, isolated populations.
  • 4 Males and females of P.eunomia exhibited different spatial behaviours; females were more likely to emigrate and dispersed further than males. These differences in spatial behaviour are related to the mating system.

Heliconius charithonia is a widespread species which, unlike many Heliconius, is non-mimetic and shows little racial differentiation. Only one form, 'peruvianus', which occurs in the dry forest habitats of western Ecuador and Peru, has a distinct and clearly mimetic colour pattern. Here it was shown that H. peruvianus was distinct from H. charithonia bassleri at allozyme loci (D = 0.25 over 22 loci). This differentiation was ten times greater than that between H. charithonia sampled from Ecuador and the Caribbean (D = 0.027) and was consistent with analysis of mitochondrial sequence data (3.4-4% sequence divergence between H. peruvianus and H. charithonia). One individual with a H. peruvianus colour pattern and allozyme genotype was collected in an area where H. charithonia was known to be common, demonstrating that contact between the taxa occurs in western Ecuador. Furthermore, the allozyme genotype of another individual was heterozygous for four of five diagnostic loci and was most likely an F1 hybrid between H. charithonia and H. peruvianus. These data imply that H. charithonia and H. peruvianus are distinct species which hybridize occasionally. This species pair show many similarities with H. erato and H. himera, which are similarly differentiated genetically and also show ecological and colour pattern differences. These species fulfil some of the predictions of both allopatric refugium and parapatric adaptationist models of speciation in the neotropics, suggesting that elements of both hypotheses may be true.  相似文献   

Summary Previous morphometric or biochemical investigations have yielded different data on the distribution of free and membrane-bound ribosomes in midgut cells of Aedes aegypti. In the present paper ribosomal distribution has been morphometrically analysed to determine whether different mosquito strains, different food and different narcosis used in these previous studies, and/or methodological errors, could account for the different results.Most of the cellular parameters in the stomach epithelium of female A. aegypti, strain Rockefeller, and their changes during blood digestion, are comparable to those measured for another Aedes strain (Segemaganga, Hecker and Rudin 1979), and are generally similar to those of Anopheles stephensi (Hecker 1978). Proteolytic activity against casein is similar for both Aedes strains with a maximum activity being registered around 30 h after a blood meal. During digestion of human serum there is no increase in the ratio of membranebound to free ribosomes, and no significant increase in the surface area of the rough endoplasmic reticulum or of the number of bound or free ribosomes. Proteolytic activity is distinctly lower than during blood digestion. Immobilization of mosquitoes prior to dissection by ether narcosis or by shaking in a test tube has no significant influence on cellular parameters in females fed on sugar solution and investigated 3days after emergence.It is concluded that the differences in ribosomal parameters previously obtained by morphometrical (Hecker and Rudin 1979) and biochemical (Gander et al. 1980) methods, can only partly be explained by the selection of different food for the mosquitoes, and must also have been caused by methodological inadequacies.
Zusammenfassung Frühere morphometrische und biochemische Untersuchungen erbrachten teilweise unterschiedliche Resultate betreffend Verteilung freier und membrangebundener Ribosomen in Mitteldarmzellen von Aedes aegypti. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde morphometrisch untersucht, ob diese Unterschiede bedingt waren durch die Verwendung verschiedener Mückenstämme, unterschiedlichen Futters und verschiedener Narkosemethoden durch die beiden Arbeitsgruppen, oder ob methodische Einflüsse dafür verantwortlich waren.Die meisten Zellparameter im Magenepithel von A. aegypti, Stamm Rockefeller, wie auch ihre Änderungen während der Verdauung eines Blutmahls, entsprachen den für einen andern Aedes-Stamm (Segemaganga, Hecker und Rudin 1979) gemessenen Werten und stimmten im allgemeinen mit denjenigen für Anopheles stephensi (Hecker 1978) überein. Die proteolytische Aktivität gegen Casein war bei beiden Stämmen gleich mit einem Aktivitäts-Maximum um 30h nach Blutmahl. Bei der Verdauung von menschlichem Serum konnte keine Zunahme des Verhältnisses von membrangebundenen zu freien Ribosomen, keine signifikante Oberflächenvergrößerung des rauhen endoplasmatischen Retikulums und keine signifikante Erhöhung der Zahl gebundener und freier Ribosomen gemessen werden. Die Proteaseaktivität war deutlich schwächer als während der Verdauung von Blut. Betäubung der Mücken vor der Sektion mit Aether oder durch Schütteln in Reagenzgläsern ergab im Vergleich keinen signifikanten Einfluß auf die Zellparameter von Zuckerwasser-gefütterten Weibchen, die drei Tage nach dem Schlüpfen untersucht wurden.Unterschiede in den Ribosomenparametern, die mit morphometrischen Methoden (Hecker und Rudin 1979) einerseits und biochemischen (Gander et al. 1980) andererseits untersucht wurden, konnten nur teilweise durch die Wahl unterschiedlichen Futters für die Mücken durch die beiden Arbeitsgruppen erklärt werden. Es müssen zusätzlich methodische Einflüsse für diese Unterschiede verantwortlich sein.

Phenotypic plasticity may enable organisms to maximize their fitness in seasonally variable environments. However, in butterflies, seasonal polyphenism is often striking but functionally obscure. This paper addresses the possible adaptive significance of phenotypic variation in the tropical butterfly Hypolimnas bolina (L.) (Nymphalidae). Plasticity in body size and wing coloration can be elicited in this species under laboratory conditions, however it is not known how this plasticity is expressed in the wild. Moreover, adult H. bolina spend the winter dry season in a reproductive diapause, which allows certain predictions regarding the occurrence of seasonal plasticity. Based on consideration of the requirements of diapausing and directly developing individuals, we predicted that if seasonal plasticity in phenotype were adaptive, then overwintering individuals should be larger and darker than their directly developing counterparts. This prediction was largely - although not entirely - fulfilled. Dry season butterflies were duller and darker than their wet season counterparts (this plasticity was superimposed on a genetic colour polymorphism), however size plasticity varied geographically. Dry season adults were consistently larger than wet season adults in the tropical north, but not in the south. We use these findings to discuss the possible adaptive significance of seasonal variation in the colour and size of this tropical butterfly.  相似文献   

Hypolimnas misippus, a sexually dimorphic, nymphalid butterfly with a very variable female, was sampled for 41 consecutive months, along with its supposed model, Danaus chrysippus (Danaidae), at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Hypolimnas larvae collected in the field were reared to compare their range of variation with that of the wild adult population. Some breeding data are presented. Although I show that the colour variations in Danaus and Hypolimnas are remarkably similar, the frequency rankings of the analogous forms within each species differ markedly in the long term. Moreover, 24% of Hypolimnas are transitional forms which are poor mimics. As the range of variation at Dar es Salaam is similar to that reported from Ghana, where the “model” is of quite different appearance, I conclude that mimetic resemblance is not of over-riding importance to its maintenance and perpetuation. The continuous variation in both fore- and hindwing coloration in the field is reflected in reared broods which fail to segregate into discontinuous phenotypes so that H, misippus is not truly polymorphic at Dar es Salaam. Females with transitional forewings have white on their hindwings more often than do the two extreme phenotypes, misippus and inaria. Transitional or white winged females are abundant only at times of high population density, whereas inaria larvae seem to have an advantage in crowded conditions. The extreme rarity of association between the inaria forewing and white hindwing suggests disruptive selection, the former being associated with the conditions of K selection and the latter with r selection. The calculation of selection coefficients supports this interpretation. Phenotypic diversity is greatest at high population density when the proportion of poor mimics is also maximal. At these times, apostatic selection may be important. At low density, diversity is minimal. Recent evidence concerning the efficiency of D. chrysippus as a model is discussed. The origin of colour variation in H. misippus probably owed much to mimicry but other selective forces such as apostatic selection or perhaps sexual selection are now of greater importance in maintaining it.  相似文献   

Trichomes reduce herbivore attack on plants by physically and/or chemically inhibiting movement or other activities. Despite evidence that herbivores are negatively affected by trichomes there also reports of insect counter-adaptations that circumvent the plants defense. This paper reports on a study that investigated the likely mechanisms employed by larvae of the nymphalid butterfly, Heliconius charithonia (L.), that allow it to feed on a host that is presumably protected by hooked trichomes (Passiflora lobata (Killip) Hutch). Evidence were gathered using data from direct observations of larval movement and behavior, faeces analysis, scanning electron microscopy of plant surface and experimental analysis of larval movement on plants with and without trichomes (manually removed). The latter involved a comparison with a non specialist congener, Heliconius pachinus Salvin. Observations showed that H. charithonia larvae are capable of freeing themselves from entrapment on trichome tips by physical force. Moreover, wandering larvae lay silk mats on the trichomes and remove their tips by biting. In fact, trichome tips were found in the faeces. Experimental removal of trichomes aided in the movement of the non specialist but had no noticeable effect on the specialist larvae. These results support the suggestion that trichomes are capable of deterring a non specialist herbivore (H. pachinus). The precise mechanisms that allow the success of H. charithonia are not known, but I suggest that a blend of behavioral as well as physical resistance mechanisms is involved. Future studies should ascertain whether larval integument provides physical resistance to trichomes.  相似文献   

Mate locating behavior of Anartia jatrophaewas studied near Ochopee, Collier County, Florida. Males were individually marked, and focal animal samples were used to determine activity, residency, and interactions with other butterflies. We recaptured more than half of 53 marked males within the study area on subsequent days. Marked males restricted non-feeding activity to roughly circular areas typically less than 15 m in diameter. Males showed considerable site fidelity and chased both conspecifics and a variety of other insects. Typically, encountered individuals flew away, and the resident peacock male returned to perch near his previous perch. Encounters with conspecific males averaged 38 sec, three times longer than with other insects. Such site fidelity combined with aggressive interactions indicates territorial behavior. When male density more than doubled, site fidelity decreased, resident turnover increased, and areas that had not been defended at lower density were defended. Without exception, defended sites contained the larval host, Bacopa monnieri.In butterfly mating systems, defense of host plants appears to be much less common than defense of natural features such as landmarks.  相似文献   

This study examines the pattern of opsin nucleotide and amino acid substitution among mimetic species 'rings' of Heliconius butterflies that are characterized by divergent wing colour patterns. A long wavelength opsin gene, OPS1 , was sequenced from each of seven species of Heliconius and one species of Dryas (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). A parsimony analysis of OPS1 nucleotide and amino acid sequences resulted in a phylogeny that was consistent with that presented by Brower & Egan in 1997, which was based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II as well as nuclear wingless genes. Nodes in the OPS1 phylogeny were well supported by bootstrap analysis and decay indices. An analysis of specific sites within the gene indicates that the accumulation of amino acid substitutions has occurred independently of the morphological diversification of Heliconius wing colour patterns. Amino acid substitutions were examined with respect to their location within the opsin protein and their possible interactions with the chromophore and the G-protein. Of the 15 amino acid substitutions identified among the eight species, one nonconservative replacement (A226Q) was identified in a position that may be involved in binding with the G-protein.  相似文献   

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