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Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against schistosomula of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni was demonstrated using antisera from mice plus peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). PEC were divided into plastic-adherent (96% macrophages, 4% lymphocytes) and nonadherent (92% lymphocytes, 8% macrophages) cell populations. Four criteria of ADCC were used, including minimal and maximal cell attachment, and death of and uptake of trypan blue by schistosomula. Using cells from normal mice and antisera from schistosome-infected mice, macrophages adhered to, damaged the tegument and underlying structures of, and killed schistosomula when observed following 18 hr incubation. In homologous systems, the results were similar when outbred CD-1 and inbred BALB/c mice were compared, except that potency of antisera from the latter mice decreased after 6–7 weeks postinfection, whereas the opposite was true for the former strain of mice. Nonadherent cells also exhibited ADCC against schistosomula, but the potency was considerably lower than that of adherent cells. These complement-independent ADCC reactions were stage-specific for the schistosomulum in that no reactions occurred with adult worms.  相似文献   

A simple, inexpensive, and highly effective technique for the Cryopreservation of schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni is outlined by experiments designed to clarify the role of each of the steps involved. The technique consists of incubating schistosomula in 10% (vv) ethanediol for 10 min at 37 C followed by 5 min at 0 C and for a further 10 min in 35% (vv) ethanediol at 0 C. The schistosomular suspension is then aliquotted in 20-μl drops onto 40 × 5.5-mm glass slivers prepared from standard microscope coverslips, each drop being spread out to cover an area of approximately 15 × 4 mm. These glass slivers are then dropped directly into liquid nitrogen giving a cooling rate of approximately 5000 C min?1. Survival is further improved if the schistosomula are at least 90 min old before Cryopreservation and if the frozen organisms are thawed in culture medium prewarmed to +42 C. Levels of survival obtained with this technique are consistently high: 44 to 60% as assessed by motility. From 400 ± 11 cryopreserved schistosomula injected intramuscularly into eight mice, a mean of 54.5 ± 16.3 adult worms were recovered representing an infection level of 13.7%, and which in turn represents 47.4% of the unfrozen control level.  相似文献   

Shah J. and Ramasamy R. 1982. Surface antigens on cercariae, schistosomula and adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni. International Journal for Parasitology12: 451–461. The surface protein antigens of Schistosoma mansoni were radiolabelled by lactoperoxidase catalysed I125-iodination and analysed by immune-precipitation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results showed that regularly labelled surface antigens of mol. wts >150,000, 78,000, 45,000 and 22,000 were present on adult worms. Common surface antigens were observed on the cercariae, schistosomula and adult worms. It is suggested that surface antigens released from living adult worms can sensitise a host to react against the invading schistosomula of a secondary infection. However, the failure to vaccinate mice using material containing adult worm surface antigens suggests that the induction of protective immunity is a complex phenomenon.  相似文献   

The tegument, or body wall, of schistosomes is the primary tissue for host interaction and site targeted schistosome vaccination. However, many aspects of the cell biology, particularly differentiation and maintenance, remain uncharacterised. A leading vaccine candidate, Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin 2 has proven efficacy in experimental models, but its function, precise subcellular location in the tegument and role in tegument biology is not well understood. A primary question is whether this molecule is a true surface molecule, that is, whether it appears within the apical membrane of the tegument. Hitherto, the target sequence for antibody localisation studies had not been available for advanced subcellular localisation studies, such as immuno-electron microscopy, due to aldehyde sensitivity. To circumvent this problem, we adapted the methods of high pressure freezing and cryosubstitution with uranyl acetate for immuno-electron microscopy. The tri-dimensional structure of tegument membranes was resolved using electron tomography. Immunolocalisation of Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin 2 demonstrates that the molecule is localised to tegument membrane compartments, but predominantly within internal structures associated with surface invaginations and internal vesicles. Surprisingly, no label was found at the virtual surface of the parasite. The significance of this localisation pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Growth and maturation of the Puerto Rico strain of Schistosoma mansoni in mice and the Ghana strain of Schistosoma haematobium in hamsters were compared beginning 19 days after infection. In S. mansoni, optimum development was determined, with copulation first observed on Day 25, egg shell protein formation observed on Day 28, and oviposition occurring on Day 30. In infections of S. haematobium, copulation first occurred on Day 29. Egg shell proteins were first formed on Day 45, and egg production occurred on Day 60. Examination of unisexual and bisexual infections showed that maturation of the vitellaria can be more easily assessed by autofluorescence of the protein globules than by the traditional diazonium salt stains. Autofluorescence of living worms with mature vitellaria allows subsequent examination by electron microscopy, and therefore permits evaluation at a subcellular level.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural damage induced by complement in vitro on the schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni was studied using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The sequence of events which leads to the killing of the schistosomula is as follows: (a) the lytic activity starts at the anterior end of the schistosomula; (b) lesions progress simultaneously in two distinct directions: from the anterior to the posterior end, and from the outer membrane to the muscle layer; (c) “bubbles” appear around parasite which might correspond to increased membrane permeability; (d) the lytic activity of the late complement components occur in the syncytium; (e) the schistosomula lose their tegument completely, exposing the muscle layer. These findings and our previous work suggest that the activation of the alternate pathway and late complement components is sufficient, without antibodies or cells, to kill schistosomula in vitro.  相似文献   

Clegg J. A. and Smithers S. R., 1972. The effect of immune rhesus monkey serum on schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni during cultivation in vitro. International journal for Parasitology2: 79–98. The sera of rhesus monkeys hyperimmunized by 2–4 exposures to S. mansoni cercariae contain an antibody lethal to schistosomula cultivated in vitro. The antibody (IgG) is dependent on labile factors in fresh monkey serum. It can be absorbed by adult worms cultivated in vitro and it is not the antibody responsible for CHR or COP reactions. A titre of lethal antibody sufficient to kill all schistosomula in vitro is maintained for 2–3 months following challenge: it then falls to a moderate level which may be retained for several years. After inactivation, hyperimmune serum inhibits the growth of cultured schistosomula but does not kill them. Following a small primary infection rhesus serum develops a marked growth-inhibiting property and a low titre of lethal antibody at about 4 months, i.e. the time when resistance to reinfection can first be reliably demonstrated.  相似文献   

A membrane-associated component found in Schistosoma mansoni agglutinates untreated mouse and rat erythrocytes and seems to be a host-independent worm membrane receptor. Its possible role in the host-parasite adaptation mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

An apparatus was used to determine whether glucose enters adult Schistosoma mansoni through the oral sucker or the integumental surfaces. The results confirm the view that the integument is the primary site of glucose absorption in S. mansoni. Incubation of the parasites in 5-hydroxytryptamine (prior to insertion into the apparatus) depleted glycogen stores and increased glucose uptake. The demonstration of integumental uptake of glucose by female worms is consistent with the hypothesis that in copula the male schistosome provides glucose to the female.  相似文献   

Cross-resistance in Schistosoma mansoni and Fasciola hepatica infections were studied in mice. A primary infection of S. mansoni, 7 to 28 days old, did not stimulate a significant level of resistance to heterologous challenge with F. hepatica. In contrast, in older S. mansoni infections (54–65 days old) there was a significant level of resistance to a challenge with F. hepatica. The F. hepatica worm burden was reduced by 34.0 to 72.5% in separate experiments. Challenge infection with F. hepatica did not influence the number of S. mansoni in primary infections. No heterologous resistance to S. mansoni was found in mice with 7- and 23-day-old F. hepatica infections. However, primary infections with F. hepatica, 28, 32, 42, and 50 days old, conferred significant resistance to a heterologous challenge with S. mansoni. The established schistosome worm burden was reduced by 41.5 to 50.4%. In no case was the primary F. hepatica burden reciprocally influenced by challenge infection with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

We here describe the cloning and characterization of the Schistosoma mansoni Annexin 2, previously identified in the tegument by proteomic studies, and as an up-regulated gene in schistosomulum stage by microarray data. In silico analysis predicts a conserved core containing four repeat domains of Annexin (ANX) and a variable N-terminal region similar to that described for mammalian isoforms. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis determined that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is significantly up-regulated in the transition from free-living cercaria to schistosomulum and adult worm parasitic stages. Immunolocalization experiments and tegument membrane preparations confirmed Annexin 2 as a protein mainly localized in the tegument of schistosomula and adult worms. Furthermore, it binds to the tegument surface membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. These results suggest that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is closely associated to the tegument arrangement, being a potential target for immune intervention.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B (UVB, 280-315 nm) radiation is detrimental to both of larvae of the digenetic trematode Schistosoma mansoni and its snail intermediate host, Biomphalaria glabrata. We explored effects of UVB on three aspects of the interaction between host and parasite: survival of infected snails, innate susceptibility and resistance of snails to infection, and acquired resistance induced by irradiated miracidia. Snails infected for 1 week showed significantly lower survival than uninfected snails following irradiation with a range of UVB intensities. In contrast to known immunomodulatory effects in vertebrates, an effect of UVB on susceptibility or resistance of snails to infection could not be conclusively demonstrated. Finally, exposure of susceptible snails to UVB-irradiated miracidia failed to induce resistance to a subsequent challenge with nonirradiated miracidia, a result similar to that reported previously with ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid procedure for the transfer of schistosomes into the mesenteric veins of hamsters is described. Recovery of worms was equally high (67%) for schistosomes grown in the hamster and for those grown in the mouse, while it was only slightly lower for rat worms (63%). Survival of recipient hamsters was 80%. The transfer procedure did not seem to affect the normal development of worms and led to a rapid recovery of rat worms with resumption of their egg-laying capacity. The potential usefulness of the method is outlined, with special emphasis on its recommended use for schistosome genetics.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata and Bulinus globosus were infected with Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium, respectively, and the effect of different illumination conditions at 25 C on cercarial output was observed for 4 days. In both species, a dark period of 10–14 hr on Day 2 of the observation period resulted in an emergence pattern on Day 3 similar to the regular pattern recorded for Day 1. Total cercarial output on Day 3 was within 30% of the control (Day 1) output. A dark period of between 0 and 8 hr resulted in suppression of cercarial emergence and in abolishment of the regular hourly emergence pattern on Day 3. A dark period of 16–20 hr resulted in an emergence pattern with two peaks, the first occurred at Hour 1, and the other at Hour 5 of the subsequent light period. Interjection of a 1-hr dark period during the light period of Day 3, following short (2–8 hr) exposure to dark on the preceding day, produced an increase in cercarial shedding of S. mansoni immediately after restitution of the light conditions. On the other hand, in S. haematobium, cercarial output was stimulated during the interposed dark period itself.  相似文献   

Neutral lipids were detected histochemically in mother and daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni cultured in vitro. These lipids progressively increased with prolonged culture. There was little phospholipid and no fatty acid, esterases, or lipases found in sporocysts by the methods employed. Mother and daughter sporocysts incorporated labeled acetate from the culture medium but no further information was obtained on the complex lipid-synthesizing capabilities of these organisms.  相似文献   

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