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To explore the nature of cell lineage modifications that have occurred during evolution, the gonadal cell lineages of the nematode Panagrellus redivivus have been determined and compared to the known gonadal lineages of Caenorhabditis elegans (J. Kimble and D. Hirsh, 1979, Develop. Biol.70, 396–417). Essentially invariant lineages generate the 143 somatic cells of the male gonad and at least 326 somatic cells of the female gonad of P. redivivus. The basic program of gonadogenesis is strikingly similar among both sexes of both species. For example, the early division patterns of the somatic gonad precursors Z1 and Z4 are almost identical. Later division patterns are more divergent and, in a few cases, generate structures that are species specific. In general, similar cell types are produced after similar patterns of cell divisions. Differences among the Z1 and Z4 cell lineages appear to reflect phylogenetic modifications of a common developmental program. The nature of these differences suggests that the evolution of cell lineages involves four distinct classes of alterations: switches in the fate of a cell to that normally associated with another cell; reversals in the polarity of the lineage generated by a blast cell; alterations in the number of rounds of cell division; and an “altered segregation” of developmental potential, so that a potential normally associated with one cell instead becomes associated with its sister. A number of cell deaths occur during gonadogenesis in P. redivivus. The death of Z4.pp, a cell that controls the development of the posterior ovary in C. elegans, probably prevents the development of a posterior ovary in P. redivivus and hence is responsible for the gross difference in the morphologies of the gonads of the P. redivivus female and the C. elegans hermaphrodite. As exemplified by the death of Z4.pp, an alteration in the fate of a “regulatory cell” could facilitate rapid and/or discontinuous evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The ancestry of the cells in the hermaphrodite and male gonadal somatic structures of C. elegans has been traced from the two gonadal somatic progenitor cells (Z1 and Z4) that are present in the newly hatched larvae of both sexes. The lineages of Z1 and Z4 are essentially invariant. In hermaphrodites, they give rise to a symmetrical group of structures consisting of 143 cells, and in males, they give rise to an asymmetrical group of structures consisting of 56 cells. The male gonad can be distinguished from the hermaphrodite gonad soon after the first division of Z1 and Z4. However, the development of Z1 and Z4 in hermaphrodites shares several features in common with their development in males suggesting that the two programs are controlled by similar mechanisms. In the hermaphrodite lineage, a variability in the positions of two cells is correlated with a variability in the lineages of four cells. This variability suggests that cell-cell interaction may play a more significant role in organisms that develop by invariant lineages than has hitherto been considered. None of the somatic structures (e.g., uterus, spermatheca, vas deferens) develops as a clone of a single cell. Instead, cells that arise early in the Z1–Z4 lineage generally contribute descendants to more than one structure, and individual structures consist of descendants of more than one lineage.  相似文献   

Specialized cells of the somatic gonad primordium of nematodes play important roles in the final form and function of the mature gonad. Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites are somatic females that have a two-armed, U-shaped gonad that connects to the vulva at the midbody. The outgrowth of each gonad arm from the somatic gonad primordium is led by two female distal tip cells (fDTCs), while the anchor cell (AC) remains stationary and central to coordinate uterine and vulval development. The bHLH protein HLH-2 and its dimerization partners LIN-32 and HLH-12 had previously been shown to be required for fDTC specification. Here, we show that ectopic expression of both HLH-12 and LIN-32 in cells with AC potential transiently transforms them into fDTC-like cells. Furthermore, hlh-12 was known to be required for the fDTCs to sustain gonad arm outgrowth. Here, we show that ectopic expression of HLH-12 in the normally stationary AC causes displacement from its normal position and that displacement likely results from activation of the leader program of fDTCs because it requires genes necessary for gonad arm outgrowth. Thus, HLH-12 is both necessary and sufficient to promote gonadal regulatory cell migration. As differences in female gonadal morphology of different nematode species reflect differences in the fate or migratory properties of the fDTCs or of the AC, we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in the expression of hlh-12 may underlie the evolution of such morphological diversity. However, we were unable to identify an hlh-12 ortholog outside of Caenorhabditis. Instead, by performing a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all Class II bHLH proteins in multiple nematode species, we found that hlh-12 evolved within the Caenorhabditis clade, possibly by duplicative transposition of hlh-10. Our analysis suggests that control of gene regulatory hierarchies for gonadogenesis can be remarkably plastic during evolution without adverse phenotypic consequence.  相似文献   

Gonadal somatic cells are the main players in gonad development and are important for sex determination and germ cell development. Here, using a time-series single-cell RNA sequencing(scRNA-seq) strategy, we analyzed fetal germ cells(FGCs) and gonadal somatic cells in human embryos and fetuses. Clustering analysis of testes and ovaries revealed several novel cell subsets,including POU5F1+SPARC+FGCs and KRT19+somatic cells. Furthermore, our data indicated that the bone morphogenetic protein(BMP) ...  相似文献   

The gon-2 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes a TRPM cation channel required for gonadal cell divisions. In this article, we demonstrate that the gonadogenesis defects of gon-2 loss-of-function mutants (including a null allele) can be suppressed by gain-of-function mutations in the gem-1 (gon-2 extragenic modifier) locus. gem-1 encodes a multipass transmembrane protein that is similar to SLC16 family monocarboxylate transporters. Inactivation of gem-1 enhances the gonadogenesis defects of gon-2 hypomorphic mutations, suggesting that these two genes probably act in parallel to promote gonadal cell divisions. GEM-1GFP is expressed within the gonadal precursor cells and localizes to the plasma membrane. Therefore, we propose that GEM-1 acts in parallel to the GON-2 channel to promote cation uptake within the developing gonad.  相似文献   

In mouse embryos at mid-gestation, primordial germ cells (PGCs) undergo licensing to become gametogenesis-competent cells (GCCs), gaining the capacity for meiotic initiation and sexual differentiation. GCCs then initiate either oogenesis or spermatogenesis in response to gonadal cues. Germ cell licensing has been considered to be a cell-autonomous and gonad-independent event, based on observations that some PGCs, having migrated not to the gonad but to the adrenal gland, nonetheless enter meiosis in a time frame parallel to ovarian germ cells -- and do so regardless of the sex of the embryo. Here we test the hypothesis that germ cell licensing is cell-autonomous by examining the fate of PGCs in Gata4 conditional mutant (Gata4 cKO) mouse embryos. Gata4, which is expressed only in somatic cells, is known to be required for genital ridge initiation. PGCs in Gata4 cKO mutants migrated to the area where the genital ridge, the precursor of the gonad, would ordinarily be formed. However, these germ cells did not undergo licensing and instead retained characteristics of PGCs. Our results indicate that licensing is not purely cell-autonomous but is induced by the somatic genital ridge.  相似文献   

The postembryonic nongonadal cell lineages of the nematode Panagrellus redivivus are described and compared with those of Caenorhabditis elegans. The newly hatched larvae of P. redivivus females and males and C. elegans hermaphrodites and males are very similar. An almost identical set of blast cells divides postembryonically in P. redivivus and C. elegans to produce similar changes in the neuronal, muscular, hypodermal, and digestive systems. Most of these cell lineages are invariant; however, there is substantial variability in the number of cell divisions in the relatively extensive lineages of the lateral hypodermis of P. redivivus. Typically, in P. redivivus females, 55 blast cells generate 635 surviving progeny and 29 cell deaths; in P. redivivus males, 59 blast cells generate 758 surviving progeny and 35 cell deaths. The lineages generating the cells of the male tails of P. redivivus and C. elegans are almost identical; thus, the grossly different characteristics of these structures must reflect differences in the morphogenesis of cells equivalent in lineage history. Laser ablation experiments demonstrate that the gonad induces vulva development and that cell-cell interactions are important in specifying the fates of hypodermal precursor cells. The lateral hypodermal lineages provide striking examples of the apparent construction of complex lineages from modular sublineages; one simple pattern of cell divisions and cell fates occurs 70 times in the P. redivivus female. The differences in cell lineage between P. redivivus and C. elegans are relatively minor, and many appear to have involved two types of evolutionary change: the replacement of sublineages, and the modification of sublineages by the four classes of lineage transformations previously proposed based on a comparison of P. redivivus and C. elegans gonadal cell lineages (Sternberg and Horvitz, 1981). These types of differences suggest that the genetic programming of cell lineage includes instructions specifying where and when a particular sublineage is utilized, and other instructions specifying the nature of that sublineage.  相似文献   

After hatching, the germ line progenitor cells in C. elegans begin to divide mitotically; later, some of the germ line cells enter meiosis and differentiate into gametes. In the adult, mitotic germ cells, or stem cells, are found at one end (the distal end) and meiotic cells occupy the rest of the elongate gonad. Removal of two somatic gonadal cells, the distal tip cells, by laser microsurgery has a dramatic effect on germ cell development. In either sex, this operation leads to the arrest of mitosis and the initiation of meiosis in germ cells. The function of the distal tip cell in the intact animal appears to be the inhibition of meiosis (or stimulation of mitosis) in nearby germ cells. During development, this permits growth and, in the adult, it maintains the germ line stem cell population. A change in the position of the distal tip cell in the gonad at an early point in development is correlated with a change in the axial polarity of the germ line tissue. This suggests that the localization of the distal tip cell's inhibitory activity at the distal end of the gonad establishes the axial polarity of the germ line tissue in the intact animal.  相似文献   

In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the hermaphrodite gonad is a symmetrical structure, whereas the male gonad is asymmetric. Two cellular processes are critical for the generation of these sexually dimorphic gonadal shapes during early larval development. First, regulatory "leader" cells that control tube extension and gonadal shape are generated. Second, the somatic gonadal precursor cells migrate and become rearranged to establish the adult pattern. In this paper, we introduce sys-1, a gene required for early organization of the hermaphrodite, but not the male, gonad. The sys-1(q544) allele behaves genetically as a strong loss-of-function mutant and putative null. All hermaphrodites that are homozygous for sys-1(q544) possess a grossly malformed gonad and are sterile; in contrast, sys-1(q544) males exhibit much later and only partially penetrant gonadal defects. The sys-1(q544) hermaphrodites exhibit two striking early gonadal defects. First, the cell lineages of Z1 and Z4, the somatic gonadal progenitor cells, produce extra cells during L2, but the regulatory cells that control gonadal shape are not generated. Second, somatic gonadal precursor cells do not cluster centrally during late L2, and the somatic gonadal primordium typical of hermaphrodites is not established. In contrast, the early male gonadal lineage is asymmetric as normal, the somatic gonadal primordium typical of males is established correctly, and the male adult gonadal structures can be normal. We conclude that the primary role of sys-1 is to establish the shape and polarity of the hermaphrodite gonad.  相似文献   

In free-living nematodes, developmental processes like the formation of the vulva, can be studied at a cellular level. Cell lineage and ablation studies have been carried out in various nematode species and multiple changes in vulval patterning have been identified. In Pristionchus pacificus, vulva formation differs from Caenorhabditis elegans with respect to several autonomous and conditional aspects of cell fate specification. To understand the molecular basis of these evolutionary changes, we have performed a genetic analysis of vulva formation in P. pacificus. Here, we describe two mutants where the vulva is shifted posteriorly, affecting which precursor cells will form vulval tissue in P. pacificus. Mutant animals show a concomitant posterior displacement of the gonadal anchor cell, indicating that the gonad and the vulva are affected in a similar way. We show that mutations in the even-skipped homolog of nematodes, vab-7, cause these posterior displacements. In addition, cell ablation studies in the vab-7 mutant indicate that the altered position of the gonad not only changes the cell fate pattern but also the developmental competence of vulval precursor cells. Investigation of Cel-vab-7 mutant animals showed a similar but weaker vulva defective phenotype to the one described for Ppa-vab-7.  相似文献   

The germ cell lineage is first recognized as a population of mitotically proliferating primordial germ cells that migrate toward the gonadal ridge. Shortly after arriving at the gonadal ridge, the germ cells begin to initiate a commitment to gamete production in the developing gonad. The mechanisms controlling this transition are poorly understood. We recently reported that a mouse germ cell nuclear antigen 1 (GCNA1) is initially detected in both male and female germ cells as they reach the gonad at 11.5 days postcoitum (dpc). GCNA1 is continually expressed in germ cells through all stages of gametogenesis until the diplotene/dictyate stage of meiosis I. Since GCNA1 expression commences soon after primordial germ cells arrive at the gonadal ridge, we wanted to determine whether the gonadal environment was essential for induction of GCNA1 expression. By examining GCNA1 expression in germ cells that migrate ectopically into the adrenal gland, we determined that both the gonadal and adrenal gland environments allow GCNA1 expression. We also examined GCNA1 expression in Ftz-F1 null mice, which are born lacking gonads and adrenal glands. During embryonic development in the Ftz-F1 null mice, the gonad and most germ cells undergo apoptotic degeneration at about 12.5 dpc. While most of the germ cells undergo apoptosis without expressing GCNA1, a few surviving germs cells, especially outside the involuting gonad clearly express GCNA1. Thus, although the Ftz-F1 gene is essential for gonadal and adrenal development, induction of GCNA1 expression in germ cells does not require Ftz-F1 gene products. The finding that germ cell GCNA1 expression is not restricted to the gonadal environment and is not dependent on the Ftz-F1 gene products suggests that GCNA1 expression may be initiated in the germ cell lineage by autonomous means. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:154–158, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The gonad contains two major cell lineages, germline and somatic cells. Little is known, however, about the somatic gonadal cell lineage in vertebrates. Using fate mapping studies and ablation experiments in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes), we determined that somatic gonadal precursors arise from the most posterior part of the sdf-1a expression domain in the lateral plate mesoderm at the early segmentation stage; this region has the properties of a gonadal field. Somatic gonadal precursors in this field, which continuously express sdf-1a, move anteriorly and medially to the prospective gonadal area by convergent movement. By the stage at which these somatic gonadal precursors have become located adjacent to the embryonic body, the precursors no longer replace the surrounding lateral plate mesoderm, becoming spatially organized into two distinct populations. We further show that, prior to reaching the prospective gonadal area, these populations can be distinguished by expression of either ftz-f1 or sox9b. These results clearly indicate that different populations of gonadal precursors are present before the formation of a single gonadal primordium, shedding new light on the developmental processes of somatic gonadal cell and subsequent sex differentiation.  相似文献   



X-linked alpha thalassemia, mental retardation syndrome in humans is a rare recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ATRX gene. The disease is characterised by severe mental retardation, mild alpha-thalassemia, microcephaly, short stature, facial, skeletal, genital and gonadal abnormalities.


We examined the expression of ATRX and ATRY during early development and gonadogenesis in two distantly related mammals: the tammar wallaby (a marsupial) and the mouse (a eutherian). This is the first examination of ATRX and ATRY in the developing mammalian gonad and fetus. ATRX and ATRY were strongly expressed in the developing male and female gonad respectively, of both species. In testes, ATRY expression was detected in the Sertoli cells, germ cells and some interstitial cells. In the developing ovaries, ATRX was initially restricted to the germ cells, but was present in the granulosa cells of mature ovaries from the primary follicle stage onwards and in the corpus luteum. ATRX mRNA expression was also examined outside the gonad in both mouse and tammar wallaby whole embryos. ATRX was detected in the developing limbs, craniofacial elements, neural tissues, tail and phallus. These sites correspond with developmental deficiencies displayed by ATR-X patients.


There is a complex expression pattern throughout development in both mammals, consistent with many of the observed ATR-X syndrome phenotypes in humans. The distribution of ATRX mRNA and protein in the gonads was highly conserved between the tammar and the mouse. The expression profile within the germ cells and somatic cells strikingly overlaps with that of DMRT1, suggesting a possible link between these two genes in gonadal development. Taken together, these data suggest that ATRX has a critical and conserved role in normal development of the testis and ovary in both the somatic and germ cells, and that its broad roles in early mammalian development and gonadal function have remained unchanged for over 148 million years of mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

Interactions between the somatic gonad and the germ line influence the amplification, maintenance, and differentiation of germ cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the distal tip cell/germline interaction promotes a mitotic fate and/or inhibits meiosis through GLP-1/Notch signaling. However, GLP-1-mediated signaling alone is not sufficient for a wild-type level of germline proliferation. Here, we provide evidence that specific cells of the somatic gonadal sheath lineage influence amplification, differentiation, and the potential for tumorigenesis of the germ line. First, an interaction between the distal-most pair of sheath cells and the proliferation zone of the germ line is required for larval germline amplification. Second, we show that insufficient larval germline amplification retards gonad elongation and thus delays meiotic entry. Third, a more severe delay in meiotic entry, as is exhibited in certain mutant backgrounds, inappropriately juxtaposes undifferentiated germ cells with cells of the proximal sheath lineage, leading to the formation of a proximal germline tumor derived from undifferentiated germ cells. Tumors derived from dedifferentiated germ cells, however, respond to the proximal interaction differently depending on the mutant background. Our study underscores the importance of strict developmental coordination between neighboring tissues. We discuss these results in the context of mechanisms that may underlie tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The single gonad anlage in the first-instar larva of Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has a form of a solid cylinder enclosed by a basal lamina, covered by the peritoneal sheath. The basal lamina lies on the gonad envelope made of a layer of flat somatic cells that surrounds a group of dozen or so germ cells and some inner somatic cells. In the second-instar, the gonad anlage is larger and divided into 2 parts connected with a band of somatic cells. Within this cellular band, the lumen of the future gonadal ducts (lateral oviducts or seminal ducts) appear. As a consequence of numerous mitoses, the gonad grows and splits into 2 parts. Each part will form one ovariole in the female or one testicular follicle in the male. In the third-instar larva, the gonocytes are gathered into several groups that are isolated by thin extensions of the somatic cells. Each part of the freshly divided gonad is connected to a tube of a developing gonadal duct. The tube joins the 2 parts of the gonad and extends towards the end of the abdomen. At the end of the third instar, the mitoses of the gonocytes do not end with complete cytokinesis; as a result, they form clusters of cells connected by the intercellular bridges. The fusomal material that fills up the individual bridges joins into one structure, forming the polyfusome.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism requires the integration of positional information in the embryo with the sex determination pathway. Homeotic genes are a major source of positional information responsible for patterning along the anterior-posterior axis in embryonic development, and are likely to play a critical role in sexual dimorphism. Here, we investigate the role of homeotic genes in the sexually dimorphic development of the gonad in Drosophila. We have found that Abdominal-B (ABD-B) is expressed in a sexually dimorphic manner in the embryonic gonad. Furthermore, Abd-B is necessary and sufficient for specification of a sexually dimorphic cell type, the male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs). In Abd-B mutants, the msSGPs are not specified and male gonads now resemble female gonads with respect to these cells. Ectopic expression of Abd-B is sufficient to induce formation of extra msSGPs in additional segments of the embryo. Abd-B works together with abdominal-A to pattern the non-sexually dimorphic somatic gonad in both sexes, while Abd-B alone specifies the msSGPs. Our results indicate that Abd-B acts at multiple levels to regulate gonad development and that Abd-B class homeotic genes are conserved factors in establishing gonad sexual dimorphism in diverse species.  相似文献   

Stem cells in Hydra represent one of the phylogenetically most ancient stem cell systems and, therefore, provide information for reconstructing the early history of stem cell control mechanisms. Hydra's interstitial stem cells are multipotent and differentiate into both somatic cell types and germ line cells. Although it is well accepted that cells of the interstitial cell lineage are migratory, the in vivo migratory potential of multipotent interstitial stem cells has never been explored. Combining in vivo tracing of genetically labeled interstitial stem cells and tissue transplantation, we show that in contrast to precursor cells, multipotent interstitial stem cells are stationary. Only when exposed to tissue depleted of the interstitial cell lineage, interstitial stem cells start to migrate and to repopulate emptied stem cell niches. We conclude that multipotent interstitial stem cells in Hydra are static and that microenvironmental cues including signals derived from the interstitial cell lineage or from niche cells can trigger a shift in collective stem cell behavior to start migration.  相似文献   

G Seydoux  T Schedl  I Greenwald 《Cell》1990,61(6):939-951
In each gonadal arm of wild-type C. elegans hermaphrodites, the somatic distal tip cell (DTC) maintains distal germline nuclei in mitosis, while proximal nuclei enter meiosis. We have identified two conditions under which a proximal somatic cell, the anchor cell (AC), inappropriately maintains proximal germline nuclei in mitosis: when defined somatic gonadal cells have been ablated in wild type, and in lin-12 null mutants. Laser ablations and mosaic analysis indicate that somatic gonadal cells neighboring the AC normally require lin-12 activity to prevent the inappropriate AC-germline interaction. The AC-germline interaction, like the DTC-germline interaction, requires glp-1 activity. In one model, we propose that the AC sends an intercellular signal intended to interact with the lin-12 product in somatic gonadal cells; when lin-12 activity is absent, the signal interacts instead with the related glp-1 product in germline. Our data illustrate the importance of mechanisms that prevent inappropriate interactions during development.  相似文献   

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