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We have examined the molecular interactions of avian neural crest cells with fibronectin and laminin in vitro during their initial migration from the neural tube. A 105-kDa proteolytic fragment of fibronectin encompassing the defined cell-binding domain (65 kDa) promoted migration of neural crest cells to the same extent as the intact molecule. Neural crest cell migration on both intact fibronectin and the 105-kDa fragment was reversibly inhibited by RGD-containing peptides. The 11.5-kDa fragment containing the RGDS cell attachment site was also able to support migration, whereas a 50-kDa fragment corresponding to the adjacent N-terminal portion of the defined cell-binding domain was unfavorable for neural crest cell movement. In addition to the putative "cell-binding domain," neural crest cells were able to migrate on a 31-kDa fragment corresponding to the C-terminal heparin-binding (II) region of fibronectin, and were inhibited in their migration by exogenous heparin, but not by RGDS peptides. Heparin potentiated the inhibitory effect of RGDS peptides on intact fibronectin, but not on the 105-kDa fragment. On substrates of purified laminin, the extent of avian neural crest cell migration was maximal at relatively low substrate concentrations and was reduced at higher concentrations. The efficiency of laminin as a migratory substrate was enhanced when the glycoprotein occurred complexed with nidogen. Moreover, coupling of the laminin-nidogen complex to collagen type IV or the low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan further increased cell dispersion, whereas isolated nidogen or the proteoglycan alone were unable to stimulate migration and collagen type IV was a significantly less efficient migratory substrate than laminin-nidogen. Neural crest cell migration on laminin-nidogen was not affected by RGDS nor by YIGSR-containing peptides, but was reduced by 35% after addition of heparin. The predominant motility-promoting activity of laminin was localized to the E8 domain, possessing heparin-binding activity distinct from that of the N-terminal E3 domain. Migration on the E8 fragment was reduced by greater than 70% after addition of heparin. The E1' fragment supported a minimal degree of migration that was RGD-sensitive and heparin-insensitive, whereas the primary heparin-binding E3 fragment and the cell-adhesive P1 fragment were entirely nonpermissive for cell movement.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are highly migratory cells that give rise to many derivatives including peripheral ganglia, craniofacial structures and melanocytes. Neural crest cells migrate along defined pathways to their target sites, interacting with each other and their environment as they migrate. Cell adhesion molecules are critical during this process. In this review we discuss the expression and function of cell adhesion molecules during the process of neural crest migration, in particular cadherins, integrins, members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules, and the proteolytic enzymes that cleave these cell adhesion molecules. The expression and function of these cell adhesion molecules and proteases are compared across neural crest emigrating from different axial levels, and across different species of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Once specified to become neural crest (NC), cells occupying the dorsal portion of the neural tube disrupt their cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts, acquire motile properties, and embark upon an extensive migration through the embryo to reach their ultimate phenotype-specific sites. The understanding of how this movement is regulated is still rather fragmentary due to the complexity of the cellular and molecular interactions involved. An additional intricate aspect of the regulation of NC cell movement is that the timings, modes and patterns of NC cell migration are intimately associated with the concomitant phenotypic diversification that cells undergo during their migratory phase and the fact that these changes modulate the way that moving cells interact with their microenvironment. To date, two interplaying mechanisms appear central for the guidance of the migrating NC cells through the embryo: one involves secreted signalling molecules acting through their cognate protein kinase/phosphatase-type receptors and the other is contributed by the multivalent interactions of the cells with their surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). The latter ones seem fundamental in light of the central morphogenetic role played by the intracellular signals transduced through the cytoskeleton upon integrin ligation, and the convergence of these signalling cascades with those triggered by cadherins, survival/growth factor receptors, gap junctional communications, and stretch-activated calcium channels. The elucidation of the importance of the ECM during NC cell movement is presently favoured by the augmenting knowledge about the macromolecular structure of the specific ECM assembled during NC development and the functional assaying of its individual constituents via molecular and genetic manipulations. Collectively, these data propose that NC cell migration may be governed by time- and space-dependent alterations in the expression of inhibitory ECM components; the relative ratio of permissive versus non-permissive ECM components; and the supramolecular assembly of permissive ECM components. Six multidomain ECM constituents encoded by a corresponding number of genes appear to date the master ECM molecules in the control of NC cell movement. These are fibronectin, laminin isoforms 1 and 8, aggrecan, and PG-M/version isoforms V0 and V1. This review revisits a number of original observations in amphibian and avian embryos and discusses them in light of more recent experimental data to explain how the interaction of moving NC cells with these ECM components may be coordinated to guide cells toward their final sites during the process of organogenesis.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase labeling for fibronectin was used to study the early events of cephalic neural crest cell migration in avian embryos. Prior to crest cell appearance, fibronectin was associated with the basement membranes of all tissues. The loose mesenchymal cells were also surrounded by this glycoprotein. The crest cell individualization phase included a transient rounding up and a rapid increase in cell number in a very limited space. Whereas the neural tube basement membrane was not formed dorsally at the site of emergence of crest cells, it was partially fused laterally with the ectoderm basement membrane apparently preventing immediate crest cell emigration. Further increase in cell number occurred concomitantly with their penetration between the two developing basement membranes of the neural tube and the ectoderm. The localization of migrating crest cells is apparently greatly influenced by local interactions between the ectoderm and the neural tube, whose morphogenesis differs considerably at each axial level: at the mesencephalic-rhombencephalic levels, crest cells rapidly reached a cell-free space that was mostly devoid of fibronectin. Further migration occurred laterally in that space while pioneer crest cells became surrounded by fibronectin in their environment. Crest cells progressed as a confluent multicellular layer with an apparent velocity of 70 μm/hr. At the prosencephalic and median rhombencephalic levels, crest cells accumulated between the fibronectin-rich basement membranes of the ectoderm and the neural tube. Pioneer crest cells were arrested at the site of attachment of the ectoderm and the neural tube basement membranes (i.e., optic vesicles and otic placodes). Crest cells resumed their migration when more space became available during the constriction of the optic vesicles and the invagination of the otic placodes.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are remarkable in their extensive and stereotypic patterns of migration. The pathways of neural crest migration have been documented by cell marking techniques, including interspecific neural tube grafts, immunocytochemistry and Dil-labelling. In the trunk, neural crest cells migrate dorsally under the skin or ventrally through the somites, where they move in a segmental fashion through the rostral half of each sclerotome. The segmental migration of neural crest cells appears to be prescribed by the somites, perhaps by an inhibitory cue from the caudal half. Within the rostral sclerotome, neural crest cells fill the available space except for a region around the notochord, suggesting the notochord may inhibit neural crest cells in its vicinity. In the cranial region, antibody perturbation experiments suggest that multiple cell-matrix interactions are required for proper in vivo migration of neural crest cells. Neural crest cells utilize integrin receptors to bind to a number of extracellular matrix molecules. Substrate selective inhibition of neural crest cell attachment in vitro by integrin antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides has demonstrated that they possess at least three integrins, one being an α1β1 integrin which functions in the absence of divalent cations. Thus, neural crest cells utilize complex sets of interactions which may differ at different axial levels.  相似文献   

The possible role of a 140-kD cell surface complex in neural crest adhesion and migration was examined using a monoclonal antibody JG22, first described by Greve and Gottlieb (1982, J. Cell. Biochem. 18:221-229). The addition of JG22 to neural crest cells in vitro caused a rapid change in morphology of cells plated on either fibronectin or laminin substrates. The cells became round and phase bright, often detaching from the dish or forming aggregates of rounded cells. Other tissues such as somites, notochords, and neural tubes were unaffected by the antibody in vitro even though the JG22 antigen is detectable in embryonic tissue sections on the surface of the myotome, neural tube, and notochord. The effects of the JG22 on neural crest migration in vivo were examined by a new perturbation approach in which both the antibody and the hybridoma cells were microinjected onto neural crest pathways. Hybridoma cells were labeled with a fluorescent cell marker that is nondeleterious and that is preserved after fixation and tissue sectioning. The JG22 antibody and hybridoma cells caused a marked reduction in cranial neural crest migration, a build-up of neural crest cells within the lumen of the neural tube, and some migration along aberrant pathways. Neural crest migration in the trunk was affected to a much lesser extent. In both cranial and trunk regions, a cell free zone of one or more cell diameters was generally observed between neural crest cells and the JG22 hybridoma cells. Two other monoclonal antibodies, 1-B and 1-N, were used as controls. Both 1-B and 1-N bind to bands of the 140-kD complex precipitated by JG22. Neither control antibody affected neural crest adhesion in vitro or neural crest migration in situ. This suggests that the observed alterations in neural crest migration are due to a functional block of the 140-kD complex.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a remarkable, dynamic group of cells that travel long distances in the embryo to reach their target sites. They are responsible for the formation of craniofacial bones and cartilage, neurons and glia in the peripheral nervous system, and pigment cells. Live imaging of NCCs as they traverse the embryo has been critical to increasing our knowledge of their biology. NCCs exhibit multiple behaviors and communicate with each other and their environment along each step of their journey. Imaging combined with molecular manipulations has led to insights into the mechanisms controlling these behaviors. In this review, we highlight studies that have used live imaging to provide novel insight into NCC migration and discuss how continued use of such techniques can advance our understanding of NCC biology.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate extensively and interact with numerous tissues and extracellular matrix components during their movement. Cell marking techniques have shown that neural crest cells in the trunk of the avian embryo migrate through the anterior, but not posterior, half of each sclerotome and avoid the region around the notochord. A possible mechanism to account for this migratory pattern is that neural crest cells may be inhibited from entering the posterior sclerotome and the perinotochordal space. Thus, interactions with other tissue may prescribe the pattern of neural crest cell migration in the trunk. In contrast, interactions between neural crest cells and the extracellular matrix may mediate the primary interactions controlling neural crest cells migration in the head region. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells originate as part of the postotic caudal rhombencephalic neural crest stream. Ectomesenchymal cells in this stream migrate to the circumpharyngeal ridge and then into the caudal pharyngeal arches where they condense to form first a sheath and then the smooth muscle tunics of the persisting pharyngeal arch arteries. A subset of the cells continue migrating into the cardiac outflow tract where they will condense to form the aorticopulmonary septum. Cell signaling, extracellular matrix and cell-cell contacts are all critical for the initial migration, pauses, continued migration, and condensation of these cells. This review elucidates what is currently known about these factors.  相似文献   

The migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) is known to be a key process in the development of a number of vascular lesions, although the precise mechanisms involved have still to be elucidated. In the present study, the production of endogenous fibronectins by VSMC migrating across intact and matrix-metalloproteinase-degraded collagen type I has been explored. Cellular fibronectin seems to play a role in the enhanced migration seen when VSMC are exposed to degraded collagen and platelet-derived growth factor-BB. VSMC were found to synthesize both exon IIIA-containing fibronectin (which predominated) and exon IIIB-containing fibronectin. When these cells were exposed to substrates consisting of recombinant exon IIIA- or exon IIIB-containing fibronectin, rates of migration were not elevated above those seen with undegraded collagen. Endogenous fibronectin production may thus be necessary, but not sufficient, for VSMC migration over degraded collagenous substrates.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells originate as part of the postotic caudal rhombencephalic neural crest stream. Ectomesenchymal cells in this stream migrate to the circumpharyngeal ridge and then into the caudal pharyngeal arches where they condense to form first a sheath and then the smooth muscle tunics of the persisting pharyngeal arch arteries. A subset of the cells continues migrating into the cardiac outflow tract where they will condense to form the aorticopulmonary septum. Cell signaling, extracellular matrix and cell-cell contacts are all critical for the initial migration, pauses, continued migration and condensation of these cells. This Review elucidates what is currently known about these factors.Key words: cardiac neural crest, migration, signaling, matrix, pharyngeal arches, rhombencephalic streams  相似文献   

This Review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.Key words: neural crest, cell migration, extracellular matrix, cell adhesion, Wnt, planar cell polarity  相似文献   

In this review, we describe the results of recent experiments designed to investigate various aspects of neural crest cell lineage and migration. We have analyzed the lineage of individual premigratory neural crest cells by injecting a fluorescent lineage tracer dye, lysinated fluorescein dextran, into cells within the dorsal neural tube. Individual clones contained cells that were located in very diverse sites consistent with their being sensory neurons, prepigment cells, Schwann cells, adrenergic cells, and neural tube cells. These results suggest that some neural crest cells in the trunk and cranial regions are multipotent prior to their emigration from the neural tube. The environment through which neural crest cells move influences both the pattern and direction of their migration. We have shown that the sclerotomal portion of the somites are responsible for the rostrocaudal pattern of trunk neural crest cell movement, whereas the neural tube appears to govern the dorsoventral position of neural crest-derived ganglia. In addition, the notochord inhibits the movement of neural crest cells. In order to understand necessary cell-matrix interactions in neural crest migration, we have performed perturbation experiments, in which antibodies directed against cell surface or extracellular matrix molecules were introduced along neural crest pathways. We find that integrins, fibronectin, laminin, and tenascin all play some role in cranial neural crest emigration. Thus, multiple factors may be involved in controlling neural crest cell migration, and different factors may be important for migration in different regions of the embryo.  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Role of morphogens in neural crest cell determination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The neural crest is a transient, migratory cell population found in all vertebrate embryos that generate a diverse range of cell and tissue derivatives including, but not limited, to the neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system, smooth muscle, connective tissue, melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage, and bone. Over the past few years, many studies have provided tremendous insights into understanding the mechanisms regulating the induction and migration of neural crest cell development. This review highlights the surprising and perhaps unexpected roles for morphogens in these distinct processes. A comparison of studies performed in several different vertebrates emphasizes the requirement for coordination between multiple signaling pathways in the induction and migration of neural crest cells in the developing embryo.  相似文献   

Cells of the neural crest participate in a major class of cell migratory events during embryonic development. From indirect evidence, it has been suggested that fibronectin (FN) might be involved in these events. We have directly tested the role of FN in neural crest cell adhesion and migration using several in vitro model systems. Avian trunk neural crest cells adhered readily to purified plasma FN substrates and to extracellular matrices containing cellular FN. Their adhesion was inhibited by antibodies to a cell-binding fragment of FN. In contrast, these cells did not adhere to glass, type I collagen, or to bovine serum albumin in the absence of FN. Neural crest cell adhesion to laminin (LN) was significantly less than to FN; however, culturing of crest cells under conditions producing an epithelioid phenotype resulted in cells that could bind equally as well to LN as to FN. The migration of neural crest cells appeared to depend on both the substrate and the extent of cell interactions. Cells migrated substantially more rapidly on FN than on LN or type I collagen substrates; if provided a choice between stripes of FN and glass or LN, cells migrated preferentially on the FN. Migration was inhibited by antibodies against the cell-binding region of FN, and the inhibition could be reversed by a subsequent addition of exogenous FN. However, the migration on FN was random and displayed little persistence of direction unless cells were at high densities that permitted frequent contacts. The in vitro rate of migration of cells on FN-containing matrices was 50 microns/h, similar to their migration rates along the narrow regions of FN-containing extracellular matrix in migratory pathways in vivo. These results indicate that FN is important for neural crest cell adhesion and migration and that the high cell densities of neural crest cells in the transient, narrow migratory pathways found in the embryo are necessary for effective directional migration.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells follow a common ventral migratory pathway but are distributed into two distinct locations to form discrete sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia along the vertebrate axis. Although fluorescent cell labeling and time‐lapse studies have recorded complex trunk neural crest cell migratory behaviors, the signals that underlie this dynamic patterning remain unclear. The absence of molecular information has led to a number of mechanistic hypotheses for trunk neural crest cell migration. Here, we review recent data in support of three distinct mechanisms of trunk neural crest cell migration and develop and simulate a computational model based on chemotactic signaling. We show that by integrating the timing and spatial location of multiple chemotactic signals, trunk neural crest cells may be accurately positioned into two distinct targets that correspond to the sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. In doing so, we honor the contributions of Wilhelm His to his identification of the neural crest and extend the observations of His and others to better understand a complex question in neural crest cell biology.  相似文献   

Summary The initial migration of neural crest (NC) cells into cell-free space was studied by transmission electron microscopy at trunk levels of fowl embryos, some of which were fixed in the presence of ruthenium red. Migrating NC cells occurred in zones which contained fewer ruthenium-red stained 15–40 nm diameter granules than other regions. The ruthenium-red stained granules were linked by similarly stained thin ( 3 nm diameter) microfibrils. The granules resemble proteoglycan and the microfibrils may be hyaluronate. NC cells contacted thicker ( 10 nm diameter) fibrils and interstitial bodies, which did not require ruthenium red for visualization. Cytoplasmic microfilaments were sometimes aligned at the point of contact with the extracellular fibrils, which may be fibronectin and collagen.Phase-contrast time-lapse videotaping and scanning electron microscopy showed that NC cells of the fowl embryo in vitro migrated earlier and more extensively on glass coated with fibronectin-rich fibrous material and adsorbed fibronectin molecules than on glass coated with collagen type I (fibres and adsorbed molecules). NC cells became completely enmeshed in fibronectin-rich fibres, but generally remained on the surface of collagen-fibre gels. When given a choice, NC cells strongly preferred fibronectin coatings to plain glass, and plain glass to dried collagen gels. NC cells showed a slight preference for plain glass over glass to which collagen was adsorbed. Addition to the culture medium of hyaluronate (initial conc. 20 mg/ml), chondroitin (5 mg/ml) and fully sulphated chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate (up to 10 mg/ml) did not drastically alter NC cell migration on fibronectin-rich fibrous substrates. However, partially desulphated chondroitin sulphate (5mg/ml) strongly retarded the migration of NC cells.The in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that fibronectin may dictate the pathways of NC cell migration by acting as a highly preferred physical substrate. However, the utilization of these pathways may be reduced by the presence of proteoglycans bearing undersulphated chondroitin sulphate.Abbreviations NC neural crest - ECM extracellular material - GAG glycosaminoglycan - FN fibronectin - CIG cold insoluble globulin - TEM transmission electron microscopy - SEM scanning electron microscopy - DMEM-H HEPES buffered Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS foetal calf serum - CEE chick embryo extract - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Of all the model organisms used to study human development, rodents such as mice most accurately reflect human craniofacial development. Collective advances in mouse embryology and mouse genetics continue to shape our understanding of neural crest cell development and by extrapolation the etiology of human congenital head and facial birth defects. The aim of this review is to highlight the considerable progress being made in our understanding of cranial neural crest cell patterning in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

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