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Chymotrypsin can be determined with an NADH-coupled assay. Hydrolysis of the substrate benzoyltyrosine ethyl ester is monitored by coupling the liberation of ethanol to the production of NADH and determining the NADH spectrophotometrically or fluorometrically. Nanogram quantities of chymotrypsin can be determined in milliliter volumes. With these microfluorescence methods this assay can be performed in a final volume of less than a nanoliter, allowing determination of femtogram quantities of chymotrypsin, the amount present in an individual zymogen granule.  相似文献   

The glucose transport activity of rat epididymal fat cells was reconstituted into egg lecithin liposomes with a high degree of reproducibility. The activity was solubilized with 20 mm sodium cholate in Buffer B (10 mm Tris-HCl, pH 7.5). After elimination of small molecules by gel filtration, the transport activity was incorporated into egg lecithin liposomes (Sigma, Type IX-E, homogeneously dispersed into Buffer B) by sonication (5 s), freezing (?70°C), thawing, and a second sonication (5 s). The sonication was done in a 16.8-mm polystyrene test tube (Sarstedt, 55-468) placed in a cup horn (from Heat Systems Ultrasonics) connected to a Branson's sonicator (W-185) at setting No. 3 (70 W of output). The optimum sample size was 80 μl, and the optimum clearance between the test tube and the sonicator horn was 2–3 mm. The concentration of egg lecithin at the reconstitution step was 25 mg/ml, and that of the microsomal protein was approximately 0.3–0.5 mg/ml. The glucose transport activity of reconstituted liposomes was assayed by incubating the latter with a mixture of d-[3H]glucose and l-[14C]glucose. The incubation was terminated by the addition of HgCl2, and the reaction mixture was filtered with a Millipore filter (GSWP). The difference in the rates of uptake of d-glucose and l-glucose was regarded as representing the carrier-mediated glucose transport activity. The results of the assay indicated that the glucose transport activity could be reconstituted in a highly reproducible manner. The reconstituted activity was proportional, within a limit of experimental error, to the amount of protein used for reconstitution and was almost completely blocked by cytochalasin B, phloretin, or HgCl2. However, a small amount of d-glucose was found to bind with the egg lecithin preparation.  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous peptide mapping of polypeptides contained in a mixture is presented. The polypeptides were first separated by conventional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The strip of gel containing these unstained polypeptide bands was subsequently embedded perpendicular to the direction of electrophoresis in the stacking gel of a second gel. The proteolytic enzymes, loaded on top of the second gel, were brought in contact with the substrates through moving boundary electrophoresis. The peptides thus generated were then resolved by electrophoresis in a gradient gel. A polychromatic silver staining method added an extra dimension to the identification and characterization of the peptides in the maps obtained in that specific peptides got specific colors. Moreover, the sensitivity of this method was illustrated by the demonstration that original quantities in the submicrogram range of nonradioactive proteins (exemplified here by the structural proteins of densonucleosis virus) largely sufficed for satisfactory maps. Other advantages of this procedure over current methods included (i) the elimination of the purification step (and consequently virtually no loss or contamination), (ii) that only the strict minimum of material (necessary for the ultimate visualization of the maps) had to be used, (iii) that no special two-dimensional electrophoresis equipment was needed, and (iv) the consistency, speed, and simplicity of the method.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan was purified from a rat chondrosarcoma and antiserum prepared. An enzyme-linked immunoassay was designed using this serum. The assay detected rat and murine, but not chick, high-molecular-weight cartilage proteoglycan. It did not detect noncartilage proteoglycan nor the low-molecular-weight proteoglycans found in cartilage. As little as 100 ng/ml of rat cartilage proteoglycan could be detected.  相似文献   

This research studied the role of the medial preoptic area and adjacent cell populations in androgen control of scent marking and sexual behavior in male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Experiment 1 replicated previous research showing that implants of testosterone propionate in or near the medial preoptic area reinstate marking behavior in castrates. Implant sites near the diagonal band of Broca or in the posterior part of the medial preoptic area, near the anterior hypothalamus, are more effective than other sites. Experiment 2 showed that medial preoptic area lesions permanently impair sexual behavior despite testosterone stimulation. Experiments 2–4 showed that lesions in or near the medial preoptic area can also disrupt scent marking; however, this behavior gradually recovered in many lesioned males, especially if they received testosterone. The data suggest that both scent marking and sexual behavior are controlled by androgens acting on cells in or near the medial preoptic area, but the cell populations involved in these two behaviors are probably not the same.  相似文献   

The embryonic precursors of the avian slow (type I and III) and fast (type II) fibers can be distinguished from each other early in muscle formation (stage 28, V. Hamburger and H. L. Hamilton, J. Morphol, 88, 49-92, 1951) on the basis of the differential sensitivity of their myosin ATPases. To test the neural dependence of fiber type differentiation, the source of motor innervation was eliminated by excision of the brachial neural tube at stages 16-18 before muscles are innervated. Removal of the brachial neural tube did not affect the number of primary myotubes in a sample muscle of the forelimb (ulnimetacarpalis dorsalis, UMD) up until stage 36. Myosin ATPase staining at a variety of pHs revealed the typical patterns of fiber types in muscles of neural-tube free embryos in stages 35-37. These muscles included the anterior latissimus dorsi, brachialis, and UMD which showed presumptive type III staining (type IIIEMB), the pronator superficialis and flexor carpi ulnaris which showed embryonic type II staining (type IIEMB), and the triceps brachii muscles which showed characteristic arrangements of both type IEMB and type IIEMB fibers. The normal patterns of type IEMB and type IIEMB myotubes were also seen in muscles containing a heterogeneous mixture of fiber types such as the biceps brachii, extensor metacarpi radialis, and adductor indicis muscles, although the intensity of acid-stable ATPase staining of the type IEMB myotubes in these muscles was lower than in innervated muscles. It is concluded that the earliest differentiation of muscle fiber types is independent of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide, a widely used inhibitor of protein synthesis, stimulates glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes. The effects of cycloheximide were compared to those of norepinephrine. Both agents, cycloheximide and norepinephrine, produced slight increases in the levels of cyclic AMP (30% increases) which were blocked by propranolol. Interestingly, it was found that the metabolic actions of norepinephrine and cycloheximide (stimulation of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis) were only slightly diminished by the β adrenergic antagonist propranolol but abolished by the selective α1 adrenergic antagonist prazosin. The ability of cycloheximide to inhibit protein synthesis was not affected by either prazosin or propranolol. It is concluded that the stimulation of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis by cycloheximide in rat hepatocytes, is an effect of the antibiotic independent of its ability to inhibit protein synthesis and that is mediated through activation of α1 adrenoceptors. The adrenergic activity of cycloheximide should be considered when this drug is used as an inhibitor of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

We have previously presented a general cost-accuracy relationship for a broad class of kinetic proofreading mechanisms. In this paper we present a general matrix method, based upon classical enzyme kinetics, for the derivation of the constraint relation that characterizes specific proofreading mechanisms. For purpose of illustration we present the method in the context of a conventional Michaelis-Menten mechanism with side reactions. We then explore optimization of the general cost function under a variety of different constraints that may exist for such a mechanism. In this way we are able to contrast different perspectives on the optimization of enzyme design.  相似文献   

A colorimetric method for the determination of γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) is presented. The procedure is based on the following results. (a) Gla is quantitatively converted into a proline derivative by reaction with acetaldehyde. (b) This derivative is spectrophotometrically detected by the secondary amine reagent: nitroprusside and acetaldehyde in alkaline medium. Under the reported conditions, Beer's law is obeyed for concentrations of Gla varying from 0.5 to 5 × 10?4m. The method has been used to determine the Gla content in urine samples.  相似文献   

A simple method was developed for the preparation of acrylamide derivatives containing thioglycosides. The synthetic scheme involves the preparation of an O-acetylated 1-thiosugar via a pseudothiourea derivative, the controlled addition of the thiosugar to N,N′-bismethyleneacrylamide to form a monoaddition product in which one of the acrylamide groups remains unchanged, and finally de-O-acetylation. Similar reaction schemes using bisacrylamido derivatives of 1,2-diaminoethane and 1,6-diaminohexane lead to analogous compounds with longer aglycon chain lengths. The thioglycoside derivatives of acrylamide thus prepared could be copolymerized with acrylamide to form polymers or gels containing thioglycosides as ligands. These gels were successfully used as affinity materials for the purification of peanut lectin and in cell-adhesion studies.  相似文献   

The use of Hoechst dye 33258 for the fluorometric quantitation of single-stranded DNA was investigated for the purpose of developing a simple nonradiometric method of quantitating DNA in fractions collected during the analysis of DNA damage by the method of alkaline elution. The sensitivity of the assay allowed amounts of single-stranded DNA as small as 100 ng to be quantitated reliably. The requirement of a near-neutral pH necessitated that alkaline samples be buffered in order to perform DNA quantitation. However, that the addition of a predetermined volume of buffered dye solution to each sample is the only manipulation required prior to fluorescence measurement makes this procedure the simplest yet described for quantitating DNA collected during alkaline elution.  相似文献   

Isolated rat pancreatic acini were employed to demonstrate that the exocrine pancreas can metabolize [14C]-arachidonic acid by way of the lipoxygenase pathway as well as the cyclooxygenase pathway. Analysis by high performance liquid chromtography delineated a monohydroxy acid, presumably 12-L-hydroxy-5,8–10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) as the major lipoxygenase product. The formation of this hydroxy arachidonic derivative was stimulated by the calcium ionophore ionomycin. Stimulation of lipoxygenase pathway by ionomycin was confirmed by thin layer chromatography. In addition, 6-keto-PGF, PGF, and PGE2 were identified; and ionomycin, carbamylcholine, and caerulein enhanced the formation of these metabolites of the cyclooxygenase pathway. Ionomycin induced stimulation of HETE formation was inhibited by ETYA and nordihydroguaiaretic acid, but spontaneous and evoked enzyme secretion was unaffected. Thus, although ionomycin, a pancreatic secretagogue, stimulates the lipoxygenase pathway, the precise role of these arachidonate metabolites in the physiology of the exocrine pancreas is still obscure.  相似文献   

The highly sensitive silver-stain procedure for the detection of proteins in polyacrylamide gels has been revised and simplified using a single-step silver ion reduction after suitable treatment of proteins with bifunctional aldehyde. Washing steps were eliminated and excellent reproducibility of results was achieved. Sensitivity obtained using this procedure was at least equal to that obtained with the original one. Use of the present silver-staining methods has been extended to the quantitative analysis of immunoprecipitates on agarose gels, with a good increase of sensitivity and excellent increase of resolution when compared to the Coomassie blue stain.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and quantitative radioimmunoassay for specific translation products was developed using Escherichia coli cells grown in 96-well microtiter plates. A simple and inexpensive apparatus that facilitates the simultaneous transfer of all 96 detergent-lysed cultures to nitrocellulose within 30 s is described. Following this quantitative transfer, selected proteins are screened using specific antisera and 125I-Protein A. The technique works with either cytoplasmic or membrane proteins. As little as a two- to threefold increase of a gene product over normal levels can easily be detected.  相似文献   

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