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Maintenance of membrane fluidity is of crucial importance in ectotherms experiencing thermal changes. This maintenance has in ectotherms most often been indicated using indirect measures of biochemical changes of phospholipid membranes, which is then assumed to modulate the physico-chemical properties of the membrane. Here, we measure bending rigidity characterizing the membrane flexibility of re-constituted membrane vesicles to provide a more direct link between membrane physical characteristics and low temperature tolerance. Bending rigidity of lipid bilayers was measured in vitro using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles formed from phospholipid extracts of the springtail, Folsomia candida. The bending rigidity of these membranes decreased when exposed to 0.4 vol% ethanol (0.23 mM/L). Springtails exposed to ethanol for 24 h significantly increased their cold shock tolerance. Thus, by chemically inducing decreased membrane rigidity, we have shown a direct link between the physico-chemical properties of the membranes and the capacity to tolerate low temperature in a chill-susceptible arthropod.  相似文献   

Maintenance of membrane fluidity is of crucial importance in ectotherms experiencing thermal changes. This maintenance has in ectotherms most often been indicated using indirect measures of biochemical changes of phospholipid membranes, which is then assumed to modulate the physico-chemical properties of the membrane. Here, we measure bending rigidity characterizing the membrane flexibility of re-constituted membrane vesicles to provide a more direct link between membrane physical characteristics and low temperature tolerance. Bending rigidity of lipid bilayers was measured in vitro using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles formed from phospholipid extracts of the springtail, Folsomia candida. The bending rigidity of these membranes decreased when exposed to 0.4 vol% ethanol (0.23 mM/L). Springtails exposed to ethanol for 24 h significantly increased their cold shock tolerance. Thus, by chemically inducing decreased membrane rigidity, we have shown a direct link between the physico-chemical properties of the membranes and the capacity to tolerate low temperature in a chill-susceptible arthropod.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Oxygen consumption was determined for ninety-three taxa of desert-inhabiting arthropods of various life stages over the temperature range 10–40C. Regression analysis of O2 consumed/individual/h on the mean dry weight of individual adult insects yielded a slope of 0.70 ( r = 0.87) while the same analysis for non-insect arthropods gave a slope of 0.74 ( r - 0.87).
2. Average Q10 for all insects was 2.16 ± 0.66 over the 10–40C temperature range. Q10was not significantly different among orders of arthropods at each 10 temperature interval but decreased significantly with an increase in temperature.
3. Per cent water content ranged from a mean of 60% for Coleoptera to 78% for Lepidoptera larvae and indicated the necessity of using dry weight values in analyses of the relationship between size and oxygen consumption rates.
4. Models are supplied for each taxon to calculate the minimum energy for basic metabolism of field populations per unit time and area.  相似文献   

Styrofoam boxes are thought to provide protection for natural enemies by buffering changes in ambient temperature during shipment. Boxes (40×24×13 cm L/W/H; wall thickness 1.8 cm) from a commercial insectary, equipped with temperature loggers, were shipped back to the insectary where they were packed and returned by courier. Internal box temperature and ambient fluctuated in a synchronized manner, differing by <3°C and remaining above 20°C for most of the shipping period. Under controlled conditions, internal box temperature was not effectively regulated by a frozen gel pack, even when boxes were encased in cardboard. Styrofoam boxes of the type and size tested should be refrigerated during shipment.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for food, fuel and fibre promotes the intensification of land-use, particularly in areas favourable for agricultural production. In less-favourable areas, more wildlife-friendly farming systems are often either abandoned or under pressure of conversion, e.g. for bioenergy production. This raises the question, to which extent areas of different agronomic potential contribute to regional biodiversity. To approach this question on a regional scale, we established our study within a region where sites of high and low agronomic potential (AP) alternate on a small spatial scale. We selected 13 high-AP and 13 low-AP grasslands to quantify the contribution of these classes to the regional diversity of four epigeic arthropod taxa (ants, springtails, functional groups of ground beetles, and spiders). The regional diversity (γ) was partitioned into species richness per site (α-diversity), diversity among sites within one class (βwithin-diversity), and diversity between the two classes (βbetween-diversity). The β-diversity generally accounted for the largest share of the γ-diversity, with patterns of diversity components being highly taxon- and class-specific. Carnivorous carabids had a higher α-diversity at high-AP sites. Ants, springtails, and cursorial spiders had a higher βwithin-diversity in low-AP grasslands. Low-AP sites also harboured many more species that occurred exclusively in one grassland class. We conclude that grasslands that may be unfavourable for agricultural production contributed more to regional diversity of epigeic arthropods than favourable grasslands. We therefore suggest that future agricultural schemes should promote arthropod biodiversity by specifically targeting agri-environment schemes or other wildlife-friendly farming approaches to areas of low agronomic potential, since this bears the greatest potential to preserve a comparatively high species turnover (β-diversity) and in consequence high regional diversity.  相似文献   

Thirty‐eight populations of woodlice (Oniscus asellus, Porcellio scaber) and millipedes (Julus scandinavius) from 28 differently metal‐polluted field sites were analysed for their 70‐kDa stress protein (hsp70) level. Although ANOVA revealed significant dependence of the hsp70 level on the concentrations of water‐soluble lead, cadmium and zinc and the soil pH, each of these parameters accounted for at most 18% of the intersite variability of the stress protein level only. A multivariate model based on multiple regression analysis explained more than 96% of hsp70 variance and revealed both the pollution history of a site (strong metal contamination for more than 70 years) and invertebrate species identity to act as the most important parameters. The model accounted for the observation that most of the populations from long‐term polluted sites exhibited comparatively low stress protein levels in response to their own (contaminated) habitats. In contrast, isopods (O. asellus) from a control site were not able to maintain a low hsp70 level when they were exposed to either an artificial metal cocktail or soil taken from one of the contaminated field sites. They did not acclimatize to the exposure conditions within 3 months. We propose that selection of insensitive phenotypes in long‐term polluted soils has taken place so as to minimize the stress protein level which, in turn, is indicative of high intracellular protein integrity. Long‐term selection for a high hsp70 level to compensate for adverse metal impact was not observed, which suggests that such a strategy may trade off against other fitness consequences. In this context, insensitivity to metal stress involved increased selectivity in food choice and reduced variability in stress response. Multiple regression models showed species‐specificity in those abiotic factors which determined (1) high hsp70 levels in sensitive populations as well as (2) low hsp70 levels in insensitive ones. Therefore, abiotic factors can be assigned to act as the main components of selection: lead and cadmium for J. scandinavius and O. asellus, zinc for P. scaber.  相似文献   

Naturalists as early as Darwin observed terrestrial basking in green turtles (Chelonia mydas), but the distribution and environmental influences of this behaviour are poorly understood. Here, we examined 6 years of daily basking surveys in Hawaii and compared them with the phenology of local sea surface temperatures (SST). Data and models indicated basking peaks when SST is coolest, and we found this timeline consistent with bone stress markings. Next, we assessed the decadal SST profiles for the 11 global green turtle populations. Basking generally occurs when winter SST falls below 23°C. From 1990 to 2014, the SST for these populations warmed an average 0.04°C yr−1 (range 0.01–0.09°C yr−1); roughly three times the observed global average over this period. Owing to projected future warming at basking sites, we estimated terrestrial basking in green turtles may cease globally by 2100. To predict and manage for future climate change, we encourage a more detailed understanding for how climate influences organismal biology.  相似文献   

Endosome-lysosome fusion at low temperature   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on an initial study (Dunn, W. A., Hubbard, A. L., and Aronson, Jr., N. N. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 5971-5978), low temperature is often used to selectively inhibit fusion between endosomes and lysosomes. Here we have tried to characterize the nature of this inhibition. In addition to endocytic contents markers, we have used a covalent membrane marker to measure the interaction between endosomes and lysosomes over extended periods of time at low temperature. Mouse macrophage cells (P388D1) and human skin fibroblasts were enzymatically labeled with radioactive galactose to provide a covalent marker for plasma-membrane glycoconjugates. Subsequent endocytic membrane traffic for 24 h at 16 degrees C resulted in a significant transfer of membrane marker, as well as of endocytic contents marker, to high density lysosomes, as observed by subcellular fractionation. The kinetics of this transfer have been analyzed for macrophages using the membrane marker, horseradish peroxidase as fluid-phase, and iodinated acetyl low density lipoprotein as receptor-mediated endocytic contents marker. Transfer to lysosomes occurred only about 6 h after application of the respective marker at 16 degrees C. When transfer to lysosomes was initiated by 15 min preincubation at 37 degrees C, subsequent cooling to 16 degrees C did not inhibit ongoing transfer which continued with the same kinetics as when observed after the lag phase. These results show that low temperature delays an unidentified pre-fusion step, but does not inhibit endosome-lysosome fusion as such.  相似文献   

Allergy prevalence has increased worldwide over the last 25 years along with industrialization and westernized lifestyles. Indoor allergens are primarily responsible for the sensitization and development of atopic diseases. The main indoor allergens are known to be derived from various arthropods which account for up to 80% of the kingdom Animalia. The two classes of arthropods are Insecta, which includes cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ants and silverfishes, and Arachnida, which includes mites, spiders, ticks, and scorpions and are the main sources of the allergens. Excreted materials, cast-overs from skin-molting, and dead debris are sources of allergens that can sensitize genetically predisposed individuals and elicit allergic disorders. The use of molecular biology techniques has contributed to the identification and characterization of an ever-increasing number of allergens. However, key determinants and allergen properties that drive allergic responses are poorly understood. The biological characterization of allergens will provide an understanding of the pathogenesis of allergic diseases and contribute to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Cyanogenesis in plants and arthropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyanogenic glucosides are phytoanticipins known to be present in more than 2500 plant species. They are regarded as having an important role in plant defense against herbivores due to bitter taste and release of toxic hydrogen cyanide upon tissue disruption, but recent investigations demonstrate additional roles as storage compounds of reduced nitrogen and sugar that may be mobilized when demanded for use in primary metabolism. Some specialized herbivores, especially insects, preferentially feed on cyanogenic plants. Such herbivores have acquired the ability to metabolize cyanogenic glucosides or to sequester them for use in their own defense against predators. A few species of arthropods (within diplopods, chilopods and insects) are able to de novo biosynthesize cyanogenic glucosides and some are able to sequester cyanogenic glucosides from their food plant as well. This applies to larvae of Zygaena (Zygaenidae). The ratio and content of cyanogenic glucosides is tightly regulated in Zygaena filipendulae, and these compounds play several important roles in addition to defense in the life cycle of Zygaena. The transfer of a nuptial gift of cyanogenic glucosides during mating of Zygaena has been demonstrated as well as the involvement of hydrogen cyanide in male attraction and nitrogen metabolism. As more plant and arthropod species are examined, it is likely that cyanogenic glucosides are found to be more widespread than formerly thought and that cyanogenic glucosides are intricately involved in many key processes in the life cycle of plants and arthropods.  相似文献   

弱光下长期亚适温和短期低温对黄瓜生长及光合作用的影响   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
弱光下长期亚适温(T1)和短期低温(T2)对黄瓜幼苗的生长及光合作用有重要影响,表现为生长速度、Pn、CE、AQY、ФPSⅡ等均显著降低,最大光化学效率PsⅡ(Fv/Fm)也有所下降.两个处理相比,T1的Pn、CE、AQY降低幅度较小,但恢复速度慢;而T2降低幅度大,但短期内即可恢复正常.Fv/Fm和ФPSⅡ则是T1降低幅度小且恢复快;而T2降低幅度大,恢复速度也较慢.处理后T1的Chla、Chlb和Car含量均显著增加,而T2的含量则明显降低,T1、T2的Chla/b均显著下降.随着恢复时间的延长,Tl的色素含量多有下降趋势。T2逐渐增加,恢复3d时,含量均高于CK,而Chla/b在恢复期间没有显著变化,仍明显低于CK。  相似文献   

节肢动物门是动物界中最大的1个门。按新的分类系统,本门分三叶虫亚门(已灭绝)、螯肢亚门、甲壳亚门、六足亚门和多足亚门等5亚门。六足亚门相当于以前分类系统中的昆虫纲(广义的), 是最重要的一类节肢动物;此亚门分原尾纲、弹尾纲、双尾纲和昆虫纲(狭义的)等4纲;昆虫纲分3亚纲30目,包括了前昆虫纲“有翅亚纲”中的各目。为便于读者了解新、旧系统的异同,文中列举前人的代表性系统加以对照。同时,对学术界关于节肢动物的起源和演化的一些新观点予以必要的说明,对现时流行的“泛节肢动物”、“泛甲壳动物”等概念作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

A cooling chamber for microfluorometric measurement is described, which allows to cool under a microscope a biological sample till 77 K and to measure it with an objective of a numerical aperture 0.6. From first experiments with BAO (5)-stained Tradescantia pollen it can be concluded, that experiments in this range of temperature open new aspects regarding the interpretation of microfluorometric phenomena.  相似文献   

Effects of low temperature on photosynthesis   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  

Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an attractive reverse-genetics tool for studying gene function in plants. We showed that silencing of a phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene is maintained throughout TRV-PDS-inoculated tomato plants as well as in their flowers and fruit and is enhanced by low temperature (15 degrees C) and low humidity (30%). RT-PCR analysis of the PDS gene revealed a dramatic reduction in the level of PDS mRNA in leaves, flowers and fruits. Silencing of PDS results in the accumulation of phytoene, the desaturase substrate. In addition, the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll in the leaves of PDS-silenced plants was reduced by more than 90%. We also silenced the LeEIN2 gene by infecting seedlings, and this suppressed fruit ripenning. We conclude that this VIGS approach should facilitate large-scale functional analysis of genes involved in the development and ripening of tomato.  相似文献   

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